HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-4-15, Page 5.eeteutan; Juane Canteen and Aline FOR PALE r MARIt.YN " f4Etlf+tNAN IS , , rkf$1 ill read. "Table Setter,:" Helen A bunds 't, rTglemeekly to tfeelt; fi MARRIED iN 'LOVC?I.Y'. 1 Dobeen iced "Original .peeeritieds.' ruaaltitY of es114p1p,1ietMesee, end"*.f;HIJ�RCH celeSMON /I ' 1 ,1 esen dells iced,: "'Party ae ser ' ' adf b4c> 10,c ptractNtalett n ,r i ad•eef 'rtf"tkt 'e a I<?1'q) ttr'' le L (e ''ra ee filtOcWereaeteleldeilF ,wpel now • ` ro• ''‘oe. :deice ewal8 4liseweeped., ]lies, t'P;odden ''IFei °1 r y h end read- .roe � a rr 3 How 1 >!a'y. R^dbd 7 e''t t i teleroduettell afiol feleilde end r; •w• . WAL TUN 9ih April n setng o< sire W. Sl• rias held ii dlileiOhurt+h ba8eigetit till 26 1 aeµ mott.eTr1 l KeJseaitisU. t �ntt ,,f11.041,1* tie �i►aettq;° r erne vere fn'aida fatier '1 taluk offer ing oil April lOte. Sire, eleMidluaat lend Mrs. Lora were `epieotettett of delegates tie the, Prete 11'yteriel 1st t•orillh St6Cleurele (;oder. icr of Ap'il 21st, hiss. Rrt.l at' r'. torted that 2 ., i'oseiteago ees r tiers' Leg made for the bale. Tht studs wi"riod was in ctfarl"e of Mr's. Joh+ 'McDonald. 'Phe, .Caster elhen✓eoffer'tne (meet 'beg' wins theld In tine church base- minttt on _April 10th, The nceselent 'the meeting opened *Rh hymn 112 she meeeinr opened with hymn 112. Scripture needing was read by Mrs. (butts, Prayer by Mrs, ieltz Mc- Donald, e Donald, Mnt. ,lbhnston w'1comed tie ladies from Monarieff eiel Deti,n Societies. Karen and Mont Mach. re from Mencrieitf sang a d':et, Mrs, McMichael gees a reeding an I Mrs. Paid and Dere. Travis sane ;i duet Mr•s. Holme-' introduced the ascot. speaker Met Rev. Llvingste e of Wim throe who spoke 'on Easter, Mrs. It Rryana on behalf of the Society te'amked Mrs. Livines'lon frit her wothvnhile message. The meeting eiosed with prayer. 'Lunch was s,r• red by the Atih of Morris genes. The April meet ing of the .Walt le M. S. grout. was held ar the hose ,ef Mrs, T. Dundee on Wedsteeday ravening, April 9th. with _0 1.resent. The president sir:, :t. Penmlett was In dharge of tar me•-t- leg,wihtch opened by singing "What a 'Friend w:. tsave in Jest;', after vhioh all repeated ',lee Lore a Pray er. Tihe scripture rrdading was read responsively from the hymra:y The. 7reas, Mn,eF. Kirkby reported that the proceeds of the bazaar held In Nash amounted 119:60, Tbc Sec, rr-pOrt waw given by Mr:. I'rn • Patberwn. During the Imeine's period Red Crusta layettes wee• handed out. Mrs. P. Holmen ge:e an interesting 'topic on "Wit f he. Neve in God." The meetin „ closed ty singing "All the way My Saviour Leads Me,' and the Mizpat Ilene - diction. Mes. Silos J, 1.netr+1 con- ducted several contests after which leech was steered be the hostess anu Che foldowi'.tg emelt commit se Mrs E. Stevens, lefts. H. Brown, etre Tine f.nd i1tis, J Clark The neyt meeting will be held at 'the home of etre E. $'ravens, Misses Mary Dennie and pork ohnsiton were in Seaforth last Sun day. singing In First Presbyterise Church, rns'ttng wee closed by the. singing ,1f hymen No. 196 and the repeating FOR SALE - of the bcned'etion In unison. .A very Beaver Oasts and Barb•ott'mixed, •tc's6y lunch was served bat* Mrs, T James Knight Phai1 4dr25 C'arrist n.id Mrs. Henderso3. { ace em .tea b9 ar- lee I osl• orfs ldtt- sfseb Star, edea riser tall sad re. it+etk this eeky, tr 1 1 THE BRUSSEA3 POST 1' eeln? lleitly', 'ADM *$ 2i, 1tart 7,Zezel TO, HE IE ogY •.• MI hosed ind 'Waite to be remembered. In your family, !tgor there are those whose lite. !, work richly deer peerestuatlon with a r beautdtu1, enduring mgmumen>b Matt atatee eloquently; "We do.remember," 'WELLINGTON RONALD Listowel, Ont. Phone 406 ere creuii intre4Yetiolltee !Mar le, e �elo'er .•Ys Meade "At fdip•.Fi'atel,'T Joanne : Swift :et "Sed a •H.14 s Olt'." ,s, Ml*e, 'Howse '' react : AA; finel WPM.. '' •Meeting etiosed with "The (Veen • • CLASSIFIED E'D AD; i,.•',. BUSINESS TAKES UP RHE CHALLENGE There Is the .begineitsg In public taffetas in Canada. of what Kipling would deieribe ale ea ¶VIMSpee down the field" that betoken eonsiderateo Trod to Catada. • Canadian business men are talcIne an increasin}, interest in the coo. •munity g'oo,l not just beg busi- ness (ren, but little business ince •- i:vrt just the national community, bat . slit. local corrmundl The se1114nese ehatVeliarcterized meaty •busesses (ren at the turn ar -the century is now pretty welt en obslolette attitude. The oomp'exilies ei:K Interdependence of bustness to- day 'halve taught the heel leas man than he muse give •tltcmtirn to the -whole community "canoe" and not limit his eereern W only bis own paddle. .An example of this new Is trend ,s the .work of tee Ontario Chicibee • f commerce. Ti has recently present- ed to the Legislation a list of policy statements aid reeolutlone seekIng,a better community for n1:-- nt,t just for --business Thier subject ranged from health aeiii'iee's to Provincial parka, to •tclucaltfon, to en antiquities law to, Ivewent vendetta from rummies away with archeological relies. Nor were 'these eubmlestonr.' eon - tolled by either "beg business'• or big cities. They were, In tee male, loath -centime from '+(raw towns and small business mem. And, because they arose from the gratis mete all Per over Ontario, the Oatbinet ie coo riderinlg them gravelly, .reel:411g 1 !tint the voice of the Chamber Is net ,sectional buta' deinonworsti r, Small weeder that' nuereheretip In the Oubanlo Chamber of Commerce - membership composed of 13oadd of 'trade and Clamber of Commerce throughout the length cord breadth rot the province - small wanner that his membership doubled during the Lest year has now reached the pro- .ressive figura of 127, 1 With Canada going ahead at Its rree'ent accelerated pace; it Is en- reurauging Ito .note that lameness people realize that our future (rust he built on r bests of "`whales beet for everybody" and that busies'''. '1•en are de'.clbing time and, effort snake the a'ns'wers come nut right. ETHEL The fi!Iih meeting of Ethel Friend- ly Sissies met at the"home of Joanne Swett with, 1.2 members preseri;. -The meeting opened with the club song: The secretary read the, milutes et lire third and forte* meeting. Rol yell wale answered with, "Why T Like •to Entertain," Business was •discussed. rRcll call for Use sixth meeting is melange of material for reference tile. The home assign- rrcat Is make -cocoa and serve at :tome. Each anelmbcr 3 cookies to ti•e sixth 'netting which have been ;,,ode ' y b her. Mee. Goddea read Planning a Party.' Beatrlc• Aleq- : ',der read "Party Themes". Doris "ITS HERE" THE HANSON BRODJET Come In And SEE IT • • Low Cost, No Booms - Sprays Row Crop, . Field Crops, . Road Side, . Barns Cattle, Hen House. Use the Handi Jet to wash cars, trucks, tractors. A YEAR ROUND SPRAYER You 'Can Not Afford To Be Without It SEE US NOW ED. RICHARDS - ETHEL Your Sporting implement Dealer BUSINFSS CARDS C. A. Myers,, M. D., L. M. C. C. T ' srmus at. 'Obis, 4. Or...k: oat. i•: DR. R. W. STEPHENS C.tiiiM9 tJiN>.I*? di Tlefests •'W AUC Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Cama Telephone SS No o Extra Chance for Use of Faces] Hama Mewed rimers! Director and Zimbabwe Twenty -tui Hour Ambulance !arvIsa D.i..e Plower, �Et -I 1,J, s •• ~n. A.:Kann do Co.• Lrrsrerad Ism wla1 DI d EJ ' ONO* Si or RI - - BRUISED% OMR. Harvey W. Stephenson RMlrirrandv. for Oh Ammo c.. Cxnada Heald, and Aer are Ca. ctrwralty General Ir..... amara 41if _ - • Chas. T. Davidson • INS1R'Aff FOR ALL • 1i NDS Aecident eel Schwa Armee for Great West Ufa Inaa'.ncs Cs. Mons Office 9dt -- Rr.auela, Olay. FOR BALE - Potatoes Pho p 51e4 nail Cardltl Bray Pulte ts. le productter t foe I UHur t. lt4eitic ea •�2 oh ills ! lglt! n ed 1 a ry' ur stUnmts'lall ml(mketA Ftictt,hore h ivanri 6"e ]rterllyie 1 Grape i 67 oe i Whitachure i Tnt :d1T9 theht�,itr,, , i stikdirt�T''" Ile ' 1' ir. ' •'`{fid` � c'Typoln a ;�. f !sr ''reed you .41 D heart Puy °tl A!► . lei Qe atir 1 ..ht; �� •tip, 'f palel lrail1 re's'.' ALg,• May 1- 2 Brussels. The bride is a daughter "• s, , cf Mr, ap M " Fred N chit e 'frt�eliters, Aa t, l set::a srie-Ittfiel M r c•, ° .s ti Bat, i rohe"bri echo • 1 `' /t. Mrs_. James Me/Donald, Brussel? AZ. l , A urrie emoialted ant! ilJj RT ;; I RAN ai, ,... , h6 A , '" I, t l s tt, Y" l;G.`1.. „ 1.•iiia p'orst 1A1iHFLD AT CRANBROOK e I '1 I €(lisp,. •and""'O Pet•t$at+.ewY;ovp'ns tw:l 1. Jlroi'incial dieners certifi;,te wee organ 'acatlompia:nlmont by Atrs irresated to",Grilre ^dg'a', •j„ tt, J 2ohsioton Chad]:, 1ynirp ewewrntsn g,.a 11 Gerrie Gorrie, and county honors certlfi- ; tie daughter in hai•rlage. Shy wore i cedes were resented to seven Norte a floor -length gown of White Chan- " FOR' SALE - Huron homemaking s11ub members, lily lace over eetini with a three. 4Cattle, nterage 800 lbs, at the Annual North Huron t•starteselen'gtb veli ''or illu Von net 1?bane 38o'1(i Joe CltitPc 50 tAchievement Day held at Oran - FOR SALE - 2 wheel trailer, geed tiros. apply to 0. -Pegelow Harness Shop, Brussels FOR SALE - • 4 tonsoe baled ]lay. Roland Marks Phnne 15r16 FOUND - License Plate .AjP293, owner can have same n:. iTIbe Brussels Poet. FOR SALE - 5 dnolaseam, 3. d ia0ee. Phone 52r1E 'Harold earklhi FOR SALE'- 358555 ft. Daum, apply to Rnwlankf Achilles Phe ir 13r3 FOR SALE - T,edy's dark red broadcloth sus size 20, Good as neve Price rnasanable, Enquire ee the Brussels.Post, FOR SALE - Irish Cobbler Patatoas, peter, for Feed or table use. Phone 31r16 Mrs, 0. Hall FOR SALE - 200 Susses x Hamp. Pullet:, 11 weeks old. 200 Hemp., 10 weeks o1d. Hugh Pearson Perone 11 FOR SALE - Potaoes suitable 'or domestiteuse es for seed. • ,ahs Ferrte .. Phoma 75-15 FOR SALE - 1 Registered Polled Heretorl Bull, two Yeee ofd•, Fred Sawyer Phoma S8r19 Brussels I•roak Community Centre o1 Thurs.Beauty roses with eladov lace. slay morning and 'afternonu, The ; 'Mies Betty Same Newman the rrogrant, ur'der the direction of bride's sister, wasmaid ,,f honor Mies Jean Steckle, htome emelt/slatvreni. bere-1 po frr Huron, drew an, attendance of.� nylJmariateg 8,02%.41a^a emnwithnoidmaten;nr, hlat:t 9't glees1 ram nine hennenmktnp i end gloves, She parried a nese, av rs,nbs. _eine leaders and guests who ' of potential rink lieligtht roses. Miss ettended the afternoon program, Lois Kerr 'nee biedesmatel,,,wear tnereased the attendance ro about ; Mg am emLrdidc,red• blue "'t gown 200, 1 with matching hat and gloves one County Meats certificates, mark- f mailed colonial Hildegradr rase? Ing :the completion of six projects mark - The flower -girl, Betty; ApoCu• m catch, ware ,awarded to Evelyn I wore a trot], of yellow net. taffeta Simpson and Joan Adair of the i rend helda nosegay of yellow Stolisworth olub;,. June Oatners and I s:t1Ysttnihemu ms.' tit h5001eia" Oracle Lamont of the Eti1.11 club; MacDonald. ' lyth, brother of the beidegroom, us beat mean, and the ',shell were Mr. Murray ITuether, Erussele, anti Mr, Douglas New- nan, Wliitechnrdh. A reeeeticn t l leveed the eel e'tnonv at th r Urens- lwiok Hotel. Wingsiarn, Mr.a. New- man was gowned in dawn blue crepe wits Italian' late trim -eine end navy accessories, and' a nor sage of pink carnations, Mr,;•. Alat- Donatd wort.' a navy sheer gown Joyce Miller of the Majesti , club. Brussels; Jean 'Steles and Helen Knight et' the Crambrook elan Tu addition, 25 of the 90 girls present received ceetificetea Lor snceessfnl remllletion of two nrojeete. Clubs end olwb leaders tnkleir ) amt here 'Mirada}, were.; Blnevale elide' Mary Horton, Mrs J. H. Smith;" Craiibnaotr, Mr,. Genn Acether, Mpa 01vam Steftler: Ma, testiC, Miss Bistt(h Hemingyas, Miee with navy and white ac essonee Lena Miller; St. Helene, Mrs. Gerd easel Sorega of pink carnation, en MoPhemson' Mrs. James Curran; Tine couple leek JntPr on a wedding Belmor•e, Miss Mary Will, Mee dean IMP to the Leafed States. For Larris; Belgaave, Miss Dorothy 1hltttsmt, Miss Evelyn Leaver; Fordwich, Mrs. George Richards, Mrs. L. Simmer; .Molesworth, Mrs. Robert M4telrell, Miers Bernice Smith; Ethel Mre. E. M R,ehards, Mists Grana 'I+entaont. Commentrn ,s for Club exhibits '':n' b 'sere: Crartrook, Anne Steiner; Majtsatic, Leis ,Bone; Beln,ore Harte Harries; Ethel, Jean eraser. Demonstrators for club sk cs and eemonstretil1ts were Bluevab, Eleanor Smittl. beeee ''Hooffman, FOR SALE - Ci'wn,1'csek; e r"7Cni7ii e Ma;'eetic, 5 room cottage 2 plata bits, tolty 1oyce, ]Miller, Marion Hemingweyi Insulated. Full basement with cletert. i SL Heleu, Jaen Aitchetson, • Town Water apply to . Home • er niediiist "wtlro assisted Leo Gaynor Mill St„ BrnsseIs. Miss Stecke:e itI''b6ndueteee the day's progrbtrn were: idles Leslie Wall•, home.•econ!omist -for Orford nerd No'rfollt; 'idles Rhea Simpson, 'home ecoreand13t for Ibrontenae rarens'llle and Lefede; ' Miss Florence Arnold, home reieethenniet: -ft- Kent. Esi ex, and Balla$ton. • Day's Program Registration iregain est 9.50 a. me a,nd the mc'-nin:g was devotee to indginlg competitions in hni"., eco• sondes saabjeets,'' (and to givIne of Teasloms for judging' pla.cetnents bT the oompetitcns, Tn the elternoon, eommrm'te were given by th • in- struetons oe club elehibits, which were arranged alottetd the Walla al ahs svuditorinnt at the Cranbrook "t'mmunitr -Centre; a psrids of caresses made by cluh'mamitere was •',',nducte'd: and certificates for ('11111 'echtevrmente were presented. A vote of Item flesh members and lradens to &nesse suhtret for Piitum+n, glub work. showed a, pre- . ftrenee for the prn'ere. 1"Rw'10 Wel: leretesed- and ,Well f3,roamel' over the, :Alternative .prnlelct, "Ste min; fiarmeitits.7, The same (reference lied been seems ,t Santora] twr de'vs Iretone, Miss ,.Steekle-noted, by lee 'Snuth Teuton. ebb' members nae club leaders. Reels of the 90 girls Melee' Tt•rt in the progrem Isere 'I•hurs'in, Was reined to exhibit i° 'beet sad n eoce'rd book' to in 'tee a class' of eetion dresses and a dela nt' ma• deria7s suitable tor spec1'1:1 pat- ' 'tern at-''tern to Sem' or It huitten nnri work a •htittoar:holet A lunch Tooth In .the Id ilten of tUP -Community. Centre was manned at the melon hour by menaber•i of the eerainbrgbir hall committee, under the dirAloll of Mrr, Stanley Can'p- he11. FOR SALE • fresh Fists - Trout. Whitefish and Perch. Theme 65r12 Ed. Jewe.1 FOR SALE - Oan ntow take omters for wood for Stemmer delivery. Hardwood or Sott- wood dhort or 4 It, long. Fred Sawyer Phony 58119 HONEY FOR SALE - Offertng balance of 1952 crop of clever honey tin 1 lb. pant- only 11.50, Wallace Ross' Apiaries SrestortIi, Ont, NOTICE - Having milking troubles, Contact Lovell McGuire your Surge Mike.' Dealer, Phone Weigh= 595W. We specialties in milking news. LIVESTOCK WANTED - 'Dead, • diilabied horses " ni eewa removed f'l'ee of charge 7"or'Arotppt 'arid" efficient seivice'. 'pboei' "' 1i9TON]11Sr' oollect Ingersoll if "or Breesele 12. WANTED - Applieaaions are twitted to fill three vacancies in the Grey Twp. School Area scAwols. Particulars can be obtained from the secretary or member of the eohnol board. Carl Hemingway, Sec,-Tneas„ R. R. Brunk e0s, Phone 2.555. ' FOR SALE. - Cooksltotbt-Oliver 70 Trnecnr with eiarcher Bettie anal speed getter motor and teres In extra good condition, J, Blair McIntosh., Ahem Listowel 249.11.. FOR SALE - r Sahnlficeex- Nle-rcom bitdt house with modern conveniences In:°Barrie Meet h'e,isntd noon. .lar tnterelite4•. see 'thin hone and Mabe an otter Mating terms desired, Don't SOS thin optlortunity to get a comfot'table. ]some its emir awn seeker. Clifford, D, Welmelee Gelled Ont. FFtEr1RRTcK T. i ioatal[:t'1'1.1 phri, tt.. R.' O enrol E. Homoth 1 Mrs. H Viola 1' n1 tt1i R.: O. Optometrests Chane 118 Hnriistoft• Ont. tracvelling the bride chose a navy crepe .dress with red ,and white trim and navy and red aeccs3orlee tih'e wore x corsage of Ted roses. :dr. and Mrs. MacDonald wt;l reside wear Brussels. CRANBROOK The Easte^ leveling of the •C, el, :;- of Katon Prestlyte,ied, Churn•:' was held an Wed AOrl1 V alt the home of Mrs- Mac ErgeS. 'The Easiter ser - 'vice from the Memel Glad Tidings was follower], tI wl,tth, slie r •Wren:det't Ales. W. M. Hindman, presiding. There was eisdaissiai on thi =apple allocation, the staritng'of a Mis.loe Band, and attending the eynodicar ht Wtngham or. April 211 219 :eel 23r,I. 'Nie' topic dor Maty will be dlvidee end three members wllehave part in The word "Obey- was °bonen for roll cafi-end Mrg. Clara Utestea' extended an tn,viisttion ,to meet at ler home, Several Current Even,e were read end "An Easter Message" wee read by Mrs. °Mae Engel. Miss Alice J. Forrest and Mr.' Fred Smalldon assisted in serving Innen at the close of the meeting, A Short. course "lour Food and emir Figure" will he held at Com - brook Comnn,nity Centre on Titers., .npril 16th frcm. S to 10 p. in. The Sunday School . will re -open next Sunday, April t9 at ten o'clock to the chart& basement. The Mission Bartel will holt; its' erste meetiis, on Friday arterneon April 24th, immediately atter school at 4 n'eloc0c hi ,the.,ba+semenr of the church. Rev, W., M Hyaldmam 1e in God- Erimih'hhis -wiek attending the, meet - leg of the Synod of Hami!tole and Lteedtan.of'tte Presbyterian Church 11 Oanrnda. The e'ee5tome opanai of nionday acre win ocn,4tiintp through Wednesday, Rye','. W. A. ' mild Mrs. Wi111ami elsdted with Mr, and Mrd Stuart .TIcNair, Rei', lite. Winians 15 ate tending Synod in God'erir:h. Miss Marlon Michel spent several days lest week In r,lst ssvel with her grandperentie Mr. 'tssud erreAtilt. Kritzer.' Mrs, Lloyd 'Minkel had -the (tis• tantune to brieek'a •belie in .her right hand Last reek, 'Whet stle-1 slipped 'Tillie coining up iihe' steps. ` ' lytr, • ands ]](iia, ` Beeley Mnl;acheru Galt, tresited -with Mr. and Mrs. Peter I1alcer. Mr, and MIS'. JIM' Mettle 5.54 Mar• fteeglt. .said Ts ;(Viii, T)etiroit eeten t save stat Jaye with, lit, and Mra. Anka RAILWAY E TABLE CHANGES SUNDAY w 1953 �!' �1. Z6tLL�. from CA /VA ®/A Al NA T INA L THE CLUB GIRLS ENTEFITAINS The fenth meeting of the Brussels ! ecru] Enterts.inlera was hell in the J.ibrary an 'i-uesday evening, Apt11 70. The meeting opened Witt' the Queen." The president Ruth Hen'- tngway eondeoted the busires: sess- ion anti the Secretary, Shuler' Mae - east read the minutes of the last meeting end called the It•11i . which was answered by "One ditty of a hoetese toward her guest." • '\fi,e,Lanie evoke en ta!ble•etic,uette !:d rules for serving said :dr'. Todd ri, nronletrated the ew•reot we; to eel a dinner table. For geese, work r girls set a 'table and Practice s. rang, The next meeting will be 21st April in stile Library, FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE MEETING Apr]: meeting of the Fraena :;liip Circle nae held in the Memel parlour of the Tinted Church on Vledn:estlay evening, Acpril 1851. The meeting was opened with the sing• lug of -the theme rrenn' "Blest be the Tie Ohat Tends' followed liy re. pealing or the Lord's Priver i4 truism. The role car, was answered le en Easter verse. Minutes of the lest meeting were read by the See. ]Hiss P. Bakes. The Trees, and Sus. shire report: were read and showed a.pleasing balance. IYuctng the beet - aces period plane were mad, and a t,mmitteee appointed for th 1 "Cor ¢ration Tea and Blake Sale," whlcb s to be held in the Ltbrar" oil Sat. Slay 0th. Freddie :leavens -cm favour- ed the ladies with a soli "Peter tlottontail' 'in his usual pleasing seamier. He vc's aernmpanted on the guitar by Mrs Dick Steven ;1.t. The A`r'1'EMTI6N FARMsRtlr;.-- DEA.DSTOCTC -relnldved ' from gear . farm promptly fbt( eanitat r dfe emat Telephone C:eileett Brussels Melt eir Elmira 504. GORDON' YOUNG LIMiTED eortmmoms W. O. Tp.ACH Brussels, Ont. •