The Brussels Post, 1953-4-15, Page 3Moonlight Makes some Folks Giddy In'a''recent ebifelt !'ase irwas said, that a, man changed his character saomlaiatelr. When : the moon was high, 2'or years scien- tists havue, beery making, ltiscover- les about the influence of moon- light on men and, worsen, and some doctors believe that the moon, across a distance of 238,- 000 miles can°'.itffeet .the'vifal fluids In the cavities of the hu. man brain and spine, i• e,:.,•t.. At a Chester inquest some fears ageea worllaf wltneee'fie- dared that when the` moon' is full it has a tendency to make some women giddy; It was seg. gested that a woman who receiv- ed fatal injuries when she fell' while horse -riding might have conte under the -moon's influence, A doctor made the strange dis- covery that more babies are born at the time of full moon than at any other time. He investigated 25,000 cases. It is also known that when the moon is shining, human emotions are at their highest point. Lovers know that well enough! A sea captain contends that moonlight can t w i'st a man's face out of shape if it shines on him while he sleeps. It is know,n. that in the Nest Indies a Negro has sometimesee sen in the morn, ing after sleeping out of doors in the moonlight to find one side of his face distorted. In one in- stance it took a man some months to recover from the effects of 'this "moonblow" as he called it, In some country districts of Britain you can still find old. people who declare that meat exposed to the moonlight quickly becomes putrid, while starch is turned into sugar crystals. There. is a sea-urchinliving in the Gulf of Suez which lays its eggs "by the moon." When the moon is full it spawns; when there is no moon it becomes inactive. • A farmer one morning found several of his calves dead; their bodies were much swollen and he sent for a veterinary surgeon, keeling sure that they must have eaten something poisonous. The surgeon, after examiningthe bodies, gave an extraordinary ex- planation: He • said that the brightness of the moon on the previous night had deceived•the cows at•3 a.m. into thinking 'that-, daylight _had ..come., They got up, had a good feed of dew -soaked grass, and then fed their 'calves. The milk caused fermentation and 'swelling and the calves 'died 1. Old Runner—Throwing his hat into the mayoralty Face in New York City is Bernarr MacFadden; 85 -year-old health culturist. He • made a bid to be c U,S, senator from Florida in 1940 and ran for 'the governorship of Florida on the Democratic ticket in .1948, but lost both times. He was also a candidate for President in 1936* Make Bedrooms More Attractive With Plaids Use These l57/ ori' +,Tcixta 13Y EDNA "MILES r7 ti;1E innovations in fashions). 9 ibtc;t Rraye, walls :f)0e "- follow .another and nrost'+:ofr,tl) m A.10. o, yrBlake tt bedroom look more itttraclive,.j ut'cut, do' :eta lllgpaetftdl task of bed=making, • e'!" z 7 News In blankets includes word of iegi,;=ara-blegd'blariket tri glen' tartans, This is the first such to hg ,pads of tVtcufliir the 'b19 ld€ll 'With 'wool and rayon,. The vlesre es reslstat t f o't�tQthsrdl 8lm}itlew, tuts down 'on shrinkage and is •tt"piijr`liitattng't3r diin3itlIfe skin's, the makers of this blanket bay. It's'a eoYgrlhg thavabofh llghf and Warm and It Is priced underlie, " cit. ss The clan tartans rare authentic Theca are 'twe' the Ramsay which is predominantly red and black ivilth whitersfitljI and the Sinclair Hunting, which is a Bark Freon 1 'r` ` The makers of this blanket haepeal a r? top a :,..w fitted. blanket, one with mitered corners �1 pji tee4. t�tc es too making easier end the final results ser 1t tli.1gdprr vld'es for greater sleeping corpfort,. vete* eu t1 sirs,- rssa In summer weight, it's made of 901:pai icentelOt n,, a per cent rayon and 5 per cent wool. It comes lnri atels,hip,:toieeel"t' full and twin -bed sizes. Both sizes are priced unelveEj6 According to tests reeve) ay concluded, you can improve .your flock's egg production, hatclea• bility, and growth by means of simple crosses of the standard breeds. • Crossbred pullets and strain- cross pullets averaged 10 to 12% more eggs than pure strains on. the average, Hatchability was 'improved 9% by crossbreeding, slightly by strain -crossing. Cross- breds gained weight 7% faster, strain crosses 4%, Mortality was reduced by crossbreeding and strain -crossing. * * • The 3 -year tests were made with 2- strains each of 4 dual- purpose bieeds — N e w Hamp- shire, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red and Austrolorp. Breeds were•crossed in all possible -cone binations, and the two strains within each breed were crossed. The tests showed that the odds favor any cross as likely to do better 'than the original breeds or strains. • e * 5 While breed crosses are a lit- tle- better -performing than strain crosses, Iowa State College poul- try breeder A. W. Nordskog says the strain crosses have at least one advantage. A breeder • who wants to improve productivity without inbreeding, and still pro- duce all white or all brown eggs, can do it by crossing 2 strains of one breed. He couldn't with crossbreds. a * 5 It's poor policy to overcrowd broilers in the brooder ,,house. One-half sq. ft. of floor space per bird is too little; 1 sq, ft, usually is too much. About ai sq. ft. is about right, according to a Dela- ware authority. * * r. Mortality was lower, weight more anti feed conversion better with the ,34 -ft. figure than when only it ft, was used. Production costs Were 221 a lb. for 92,000 birds with s/a sq. It per bird; 241 for 128,000 birds on t,s sq. ft. of floor. * e e Tests at a Delaware station showed that returns—per bird— averaged higher when floor- space al]owence was 1 sq. ft., but less --per house—than when 1-t sq. ',11. was allowed per bird. Sounds Into Words-tearivng to speak, • five-year-old Ronnie Mrabery hears his teacher's voice forming words through h' the ear- phones clammed nn'':his'head'He controls volume ofthe sound by turning the knobs under his hands. • In each Baso the • house had a .floor space of 6000 sq. ft. 5 5 5 Crowding(;z sq, ft. per bird) gave higher, per house when broiler prices were rela- tively high—from 30 to 321. But when prices were lower, a more liberal space allowance paid off. e a e Spree nobody, can f ertell ex- actly where the market price will end up for house'01 broil- ers ,just- being started, experts advise ,that, the -.safest bet is to allow• them about,e/a square foot of floor space per. bird. - ..e y e And, as this seems to bave de- veloped into -a strictly poultry column, this. week, here's what Harold Baldwin, writing in "Country Gentleman," has to say about -a high -corn ration for laying flocks. You, can get more eggs and grow a heavier bird with less feed if you put a high -efficiency ration . before your laying and breeding flocks. The same prin- ciples that save feed and cut costs in the Connecticut high - efficiency broiler • rations were applied to feeds for layers. e 5 * Ground yellow corn replaced all the ground oats and half the wheat middlings of a standard ration. This produced a dozen eggs on 6.67 lbs. of feed, while the standard ration took 7.69 lbs. r. ,e * Rhode Island Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks were used in the tests. Both breeds gained nearly 1 lb. per bird on the high - corn feed—on the standard ra- tion the Rocks, gained just 3/10 ib. and the Reds but 4/10 lb. An- other advanta'e was drier litter ., in,Abe- high -t ' peas. e., r '• Replacement , stock was heavier on the high -corn ration and took less feed to maturity than birds fed rations high in oats or millfeed products. There was no difference in egg size be-, tween the rations, UNDAY SCIIOOL LESSON BY REV R BARCLAY WARREN h.A. 13.D PAUI. BECOMES AQ :: MISSIOIARY Acts 11:25-26; 14:8-20 Memory Selection: Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us; we pray you In Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20. "When Saul was come to Jeru- salem, he assayed to' join Aline to the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, and be- lieved not that he was''a disciple. But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them hdw he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to Him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus." Acts -9:20,27. Barnabas did an- other important piece of work. when he went to Tereus and brought Saul to labour with' him in the church at Antioch. Here they worked together for a year, 'Then they took relief to Judea " where there was e famine. Teddy there are many agencies to rare for the needy. But the church .must not tenet her responsibll- New hi blankets is this first one made of blended Vicara fiber. elVeven bresuthentieiciaeete tameedt Is a perfect complement for .an Early American, room setting, Shown above is the Ramsay tartan, Itteltlelg;tgpa^edo mantle 'sett tied,,jaleck, with rt white stripe. This nkeE s1 a colliesInuill6Bineldir hutting, which is dark green. ity. When -appeals are nude for clothing• it is amazing, the abun- dance of fine' clothes which church members .will produce fr•oin . their cupboards. Worn? Very slightly, They are last year's styles and have been replaced. How different from the sacrifi- cial giving of the Macedonians. See 2 Corinthians. 80.-5. We have wandered a long way from the advice of John Wesley, "Make alI you can, save all you can, give all you cant" The Church at Antioch not on- ly cared for the poor but also sent out men to take : the .gospel to those who 'rad never heard. 'No wonder the people of this church were nicknamed Chris- tians. They were like Christ in that they cared for the spiritual and material needs of others. How fickle are people After the healing of the cripple they wanted to worship Paul and Bar- nabas. But when agitators from Antioch and Iconium had done their work they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city leav- ing him for dead. When grateful parents knelt at the feet of a medical missionary ,rl to worship her as a god she hast- ily cried out, "We are not gods. Worship the true God. Suppose that I wished to bestow a val- uable gift upon+ you and sent by the hand of one of my coolies; whom would you' thank, the coolie or myself." "We would thank you, of course; the coolie is your ser- vant, the parents replied, "And`so I am God's coolie, by whose hand God has been pleas- ed to send this gift of healing to your child, Give Him thanks." TOUGH LtrOK Morey Amsterdam tells the heart -breaking story of a golf pro who lost his job, and was pacing the streets in his skiked golf shoes, the only footwear he had left. He hadn't eaten a bite in three days, when suddenly' he looked down and saw an,•un- used meal ticket on the sidewalk, He stooped down to grab, it, but in his. excitement, accidentally ,excitement, on it with his spiked shoes''and" punched out every. meal in the ticket. ..r, / HHtits el i.HUfB ,ar s' w C5 r4oi>#Sacitti:_', For `Elie New Home When the builder is finished, the gardener is just ready to be- gin. Ile shouldn't br discouraged at the rough grading;, the litter of plaster and bricks that the bulldozer has barely covered ar- ound the .brand new home,, ,One can hardly believe what cavi be accomplished in gardening the first year. Of course we can't -grow trees, shrubs and perennial " vines overnight. But it is auras-. ing what can be done with an- nuals. The best plan is to get in , early whataver nursery stock and perennial flowers are available and ;financially possible. Then in between these use all sorts Of annuals which will soon look as if they had always been there, There are big, bushy' things like cosmos, dahlias, cannas, castor oil and spider plants, ornamental sunflowers rr helianthus, African marigolds and giant larkspur that can be used in the pi,ace of flowering shrubbery, Then there are quick - growing climbing plants, scarlet runner beans, morning glories, climbing nastur- tiums, sweet peas, hops and such for covering trellis or fence. And for solid beds, edging and what- not we have at least a hundred annual flowers from which to choose. Before any planting or lawn seeding is done, however, we must dig or cultivate thoroughly, rake as level and as line as pos- sible. It is also advisable, where available, to dig in some good manure or commercial fertilizer, and all 'the grass clippings, leaves or other vegetable refuse as available, Mix in Flowers Few vegetables look well am- ong flowers, but there area lot of flowers that not only dec- orate'a vegetable garden but are best grown there. Gladiolus, sweet . peas. and. others that are used for cutting or bouquets can be grown most easily and in quantity among the . vegetables, Plants with really wonderful blooms but plain fol- iage should go there. A more r°npleasing picture will result where •these flowers are grown along the edge of the vegetable plot or just in front, If they are very big they can go along the back fence. Usttally a pprize vegetable garden attracts visitors- just as lnticlt as tjte flower plats 50 if we want to make it really dressy we can select froze the Seed cat- alogue sole of the taller and bushier annual flcwer,t'and use these as hedges between the main divisions of vegetables. A great many experienced gar- deners now grow practically all their gladiolus in rows in the vegetable garden. Then, they are more easily cultivated and dust» ed, and in most parts of Canada it is very necessary to dust to ward off thrip. Take hour %'line Along about this` time some-' thing in the air makes one want to get outside with a spade or at least a rake and, work up the soil. It is a natural urge. The average gardener, however, does not need to worry, He is in- dined to rush planting rather than postpone it until too late. Or' course with the established things, or the perennials, like shrubbery, trees, peonies, del- phiniums, grass etc. one can start digging just as soon as the soil dries out. enough, But for the new crop of annuals which must be planted or sown each spring, it is best to wait until the weather shows signs or set- tling down and the hulk of the frosts are over for another sea- son, A far more serious mistake than being a bit late is to stop planting too soon. This applies es- pecially to those vegetables which can be sown any time from early April to late in June. By spread- ing out this work, we also spread out the harvest. MERRY MENAGERIE as (Dczte+,w "This nesting season gives me a pain in the neck!" HOW MUCH:DO WE` KNOW ABOUT CANCER? SCIENCE MUST FIND SECRETS OF HUMAN CELL BEFORE IT CAN FiND WAY TO CONQUER EDITOR'S NOTE: How much do we know about cancer? Here's the second of two dispatches in a progress report on the battle to find a way to 'stop the killer that takes the lives of a quarter of a million people every year itr America alone. * e e By RICHARD KLEINER NEA Staff Correspondent New York — (NEA) — Some- where, buried deep in the hu- man cell, is the secret that is the key to cancer. Until it is found, men, women and children will continue to die of the dis- ease. Science is attempting tr fined that secret. But it is handieapped, in its search because it knows very little about the operation of a normal eelI, Before it can Jewel what goes wrong in a cell, to set off the mushrooming growth that is a cancer, it must first learn more about enuttnr- cell functions, That's why the conquermg of cancer will take time. And money. Taking first things fitat, • scientists are currently devot- ing much work to increasing' their broad, general knowledge of the human ,cell. In this way they're, like radio repairmen, who can't attempt to fix a balky set until they first know how a radio operates. Much of the millions annually spent in cancer research it going for this vital, although prelim- inary, .work. Altogether the American Cancer Societe says, 1800 scientists are involved in trying' to solve the riddle of cancer. Last year, the expendi- tura for research by alt agencies amounted to more than 1:15,000- 000. N A 5 Another basic problem tot can• cer research is "the test.'Doc- tors and the man in the street alike are dreaming of a great day when there'll be a quick, dependable test, which writ de- tect beginning cancer like a chest X-ray discovers beginning tuber- culosis. Some tests have been an- nounced, but the results, while encouraging, have not yet been universally successful, These have used blood, ur'ihe and even skin electricity in their a11tenipts to diagnose cancer: But they've ,failed to live up to, the dreamy expectations forone reason—so far, no one'has found that cancer works a basic, treasurable "hangc itr any human body function, Those are the partol skirmishes in the eaneez• war. But the mein action, involving most of the time CANCER S0 -Million. Volt X -Radiation, a possible, new weapon against cancer, is controlled by' this' dough- nut -shaped tube being studied by. Dr. -E, E. Char-Iton, General Electric's : X-ray -boss. and money in cancer resealcli, is directed to the actual curing of the disease: Since the cause is not definite- ly known, scientists are attack- ing it from dozens of angles. They are attempting to, find a cure' chemically—a wonder drug that can destroy cancer like peni- cillin destroys flu, or an inhibitor that can control cancer like in- sulin controls diabetes, e e tr They are working. with sex hormones, the chemicals secreted by the sex glands, which seem to have some effect on cancer, In experiments, some hormones have been found to speed the growth of cancer, others to slow it down. These seem to have most hope in treating breast can- cer in women, and prostate can- cer in nuen. They are working with viruses, which have also shown tome laboratory results, in experimen- tal animals, viruses have attack- ed cancer tissue. So far, how- ever they also attack normal tissue, but perhaps 'a strain of virus can be developed which will be 'selective. Attempts at using these viruses on humans have not yet shown.many results. They aro working with new types of radiation, to increase 'the scope of this type of treai- ment, New radioactive materials, explores many from atomic piles, are be-, ing tested. Radioactive iodine seems to be of valise in treating cancer 'eV the thyroid; radio- active gold in cancer of the pros- tate; radioactive cobalt in cert. t tarn other inteenal cancer,e; radicle active phosphorus in akin can- cers. They are working with gas, particularly the dangerous poison gas, nitrogen mustard, Some tests, begun during World War II, have indicated this gas and certain of its derivatives near someday prove of value in treat- ing blood cancers. At present, certain nitrogen mustard com- pounds are in accepted use. 5 G 5 • Most people hope that, eventu- ally, one substance will be found which will cure all cancers. Sci- ence shares that hope. At the moment, in laboratories across , the country, countless chemicals are being tested. They bear strange, as yet un- familiar names, like amethop- terin, TEPA and urethane. Some - tithes they're just numbered. Researchers at the vast Sloan - tettering Institute have already tested some 10,000 different com- pounds. • A typical research ,project. showing how thoroughly science every possible avenue, is under way at Sloan-Kettering. All cells, like human beings must have, Mod, Theyneed chemicals to exist: Cancer cells have vora- cious appetites. If the chemicals which -cancer cells use eouid' be made poisonous or radioactive, they would kill the cell quickly. And it is possible to alter 'the make-up of these chemical foods to make them poisonous or radio- active. The problem, of course, is to find a substance that can- cer cells require and normal cells do not, At the moment, scientific re- searchers are exploring the nu- cleic acids, which they believe may be the chief staple oe a cell's menu. They are hopeful of finding that cancer cells and norma] cella differ in their need for nucleic acids. 1f they can de- tect that difference, perhaps they can poison the food needed by the cancer cells. Whether any of these varied assaults will be productive is t question time will decide Per- haps the ultimate control 01 'can- cer .will come from some unex- pected direction, as it so often has in science's past. Perhaps it will come as a result of sane c this. work. But one thing stems certain— come it will,