HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-4-8, Page 5tit!' lion oof UIeb the the tree toed .end• the ark( ung. CoF one web wing vera with. Mrs• 74-6 on MIIORiAII,$ TO THE 'i EM HY A01 mankind wants to be remembered, In your family, top, there ere thane wbosie lite. work richly deserves peylpetuetlon with a beautiful, enduring momum t ezy that states eloquently: "We do remember," WELLINGTON RONALD Listowel, Ont. ::Phone 406 SPRING i9 HERE OrUer your Seed Grain now.We have Olrnion Oats ttreatot oft ' certified seed, ladt year, .home erowat, We can also supply Aheg- weitt Larairt Cllntoo, Beaver, Cart - ler and Ajax etc., in Reg: or Comm. ,'No. 1- Spring wheat or peas. Barley tray Montcalm n Reg, or Comm. No 1. Galore and Ba'rboff Comm, only, We have your Hay and restore Wino, Phizoma, Ranger, •Grimm, Alfalfa, Red, Alsike. Trefoil Sweet Clover, Timothy, Brom e. Orchard, r"scuee, etc. But order Soon. Alao have ready mixed Permanent Pasture Seeds. Also bare Refiecto Mail Box Names: See, phone or write 56r9 Geo. Wesertburg NOTICE TO CREDITORS' An personas having accounts e,aiuelt the Estate of JAMES EDWARD - MAXWELL late of ,the Village ,of. Lrussels in the Conray of T Iron, Retired Gentleman, who died: on or about the tenth day of March; 1953, are hereby notified to send 'to, the umdeinsigned on or before the Tenth clay of April, 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immed- iately anter Moe ..said tenth dayof April next,, the ateets of thefialia will be distributed between the Parties entitled :thereto having- re. gard only to olaims of wirtoh the Exedubor Shall then have notice, Messrs. Crawford and Hetherington Barristers and c., Brussel; , Ontario BUSINFSS CARDS - C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON " WIliain St Phone 4. Brresel., Ont. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate Univerdty of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Ttslahhase 46 — Brash. OM. JOHN E, LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. ..'.lasses tilted. Phone 791 Seaforth—Mi e& HOURS: 9 6. Wed. 9.1.30, Ada S Sat. 9 a.m. to R p.m. Walker Funeral Horne Day or Night Calls Telephone 65 No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral Home licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service Dales' Flowers Exclusiyely Q. A. Mann & Co. !'UNERn1. AND AMBULANCE SERVICE' Iioeneed• Funeral Director and Embdraar PHONE 36 or 86 — — BRU 'SArt ONO. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WlNGHAM and BRUSSEL" ATMUSSELS Taseday and Saturday all day — Office open every Airy. !'Bose 20x — Successor to IL D Rsi Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sum Life Ansae' Ca Canada Health and Aedieut Co. - Casualty General Insurance Cs. Phone 43x ' Rrrfttssi =sr. J. A. Monagahan, R. 0.. Optometrist, Lisrow , ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Obatnit Office 6 Iiimwel Clinic Building Heim: MOO a.m. to 6;00 p.m. daily; Closed wa ssai/ p.m, open eery Tuesday and Saturday Evening 71811 M 964 Oiler evenings by emolument MONO ISE Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Faro nnernes e Aecidaet-and Selman Agent for Great West Life Insmlsce Cr. Aar Office 90 — Rrusede, Ore. G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAbt At IUncardine Office Eveap Thee y. !hems %%gluim 770 A 6, ' Klacarira !R. Evenings by appointment. Lewis Rowland Or write to It, 'R, S Wets". (Ucensed For Huron County) we he bolted after Ismnenately SATI'SFACCION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASON/NU Per ements Phone 31 "The Brussels Posl"' slfall uric A1ldatmmiNow etc., write dr pbone Lew. Rowland THE BRUSSELS POST 'CLASSIFIED ADS, CRANBROOK .. Rev. W. M, Iiyndnran coi,ducted 'special Pre -Poo tier aervioel in the !gltc)ap. aro,;pteyerab. Pr]dayi� 0 that. "Q• 11t'�i JVIA'tit4`s;Nst viettri': oirrlr a11tf' post 04e tool of, orifmi ° .ti , 3act 4 49i3' •Ff3R BAU.lt ;::.x • I=rte k'idh . Trait., Whdtefiell and 'teeth, ',Pinnate 85r12 . Ed, Jewr• 1 'FOR SALE -- 7, Registered Polled Herefor I Du1d, ,two year old. • ll'red ,Sawyer Phoao 58r10 Brussels FOR SALE -- 1" Used 1`Usecl Electric Washer in perfect rnnilitfom.. Cheap;' (-rang Hardware Prion 17 Brussels FOR SALE -- Can now .take orders for wood for Suanmer delivery, hardwood or Soft- wood short cc 4 ft: long, Fred Sawyer Phon,j 5Sr1D ' FOR SALE — Cocksdvulht-C'liver ;0 Tr-1.+tor with sOutilltller lights, u and speed gear: motor z1 -a74 rS. ° 7Y!F'hextr a,4,i'i& pion J,Blair _McIntosh, Phone- Listowel 219-11. NOTICE — Having -milking troubles? Contact 'Lovell McGuire your Surge Milks.' Dealer, Phone Wingham 59SW. We epeelaliize in milking cows, LIVESTOCK WANTED -- Dead, disabled horses m cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "STONES" collect Ingersoll E1 or Brussels 72. FOR SALE — Sumnmei•-rani eggs — from April Bray pullets Hatenery has day olds sand started, prompt siipmeut lour favorite breed or cross Ask us for paaticutan's. Wm. t) Bray. Ethel. t:.� levt ;OtiYerjliel n edttinfg 1'n lXrc 16.1..;4. A:t�t; : ;Eelster vigito#sl lvldr Mr and Mrs. :;lien ba*siterear 'welile Mr: aud,Mrs, Itm Ritohte Mr, tiled Mrs, Murray Parton and daughters Sharon anti I,:nda, . Mr . iarnd Mrs, Mgrgat..f, arm ,Eros and ilougblder 'S Asan al:. of London, and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Cameron and Carol, Sarnia, David Perris, son, of Mr, and Mrs. John Perris bad tire misfortune to fall in the horn whtie pn11'n, hay :rcdn a Mow eistatntng a broken leg end is a ?anent !Jr Zisbowsl Hos l ital.' • \'Mord hats been received here of the death do Norfolk, Virgo, 3, or Mr. Clifford Kerrnaghan, lOi.t con. Engel passed away on Friday, ?tardh 27th, and her huusband died c f pneumonia, on Ss,turday, April 4, F'r.ur nephews, Archie, Malcolm, Ilob and 'ices Engel and .0 uetee, 311 s zAa ui)19.giS'1"' e* kK1r ft la; in this district, Mr, Clifford Kernagran, DA' tor, Grey, underwent n.n appen.lectomy in Ltetowef Hospital on Sunday t dgiot A good ,crowd gathered In !�! the Community Centre on Monday 1111 ❑fgha far the Play "Billy's Goat' t Presented by the 'Q. P. S. of Mol - ;Ale Church, Brussels, under the implies or the W. M, S. of Union Pnited Church, Sanwioher, coffee and soft drinks were sold at a booth 10 the basement by members of the W. M. 5, end Mission Band astir rnat, dv)ri Oti 00,1 4,0 ,�iTluekrny �lsvtile db4 f4 $944000Y.,'li`tl BELGRAVE Club "20" met at the gam a of Mr. ond Mrs. 'Cliff. Wa157. Thom evening wars spent plaering pragreesive crehre with priales going to Mrs, George Michie, James P1. Coultas, Mrs. Albert`Jitemen and Robert Granby. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong. Reta and Kenneth o: 'Phorndale with relatives in this dis- trict; Lloyd- :Anderson, Toronto, with Mr. one -Mre. Jack•Ard'erson; FO. and Mrs., ...Oita -nes Tnomas, +Newcastle, N- B,;' and Charles Procter, Burlington, with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Procter; Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Vincent and family, l.ondon c• 4th rela,Nv '. in this distrt _', Mr, and Mrs. Carmen Farrier an 1 fam- ily, Toronto, wih't Mr, awl Mrs. Nelson Hjggins;, Miss Mildre 1 Cook, London, wit.]: her ,piirents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cook; . James Ander, e n, O. A. C. Guelph, wlith his per- mits, Mr. and Mre. Earl Alderson; Misses Mildred Biggins and Flor since Cook in Waudhington; Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Smith, 501,10 Amy Smith and Ralph acCrea with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Harmer and Yam ilv and Mrs. A. Alien, F+il'a'rtoa' Mt, and Mrs Cecil Black and Char- ley, Britton with Mr. and Mr.-. Ed- f.,tr Wight -nen end family. Mr and airs. Ed. HaOtlin, Coderich, Mr, and Mrs. Ted Honking, Auburn, with Air, and Mit Earl Anderson :tits here Smith and James Lamont with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Spetran (;rand Bend; Miss Fairy Fallr, Fort Erie, with David Scott; Everett Gmeby, Toronto, with his parents. - Mr, and Mrs. Harry Grasbt , FOR SALE — A quantity of Beaver Oa3 grown from No. t Commercial Sold, last y ear. Also a quantity of Red Clover ; Seed and a quantity of Timothy Teed. (irelham Work • Phone 12Jlb WANTED — Applicartionis are invited to fill three 'vacancies to the Grey Twp School Area sohools. Parelculsrs can be obtained from the secretary or member of the school board, Carl Hemingway, Sec-Treas.. R. R. Brussels, Phone 35r5, WANTED Teacher wanted for grade. 3 and 4, Brussels Public School for term commencing Sept. 1,sL Applications to be in by April 104th. State salary expeoted, experience, 'innspector. R. J. Bownran,•secretary Brussels Public School, Brun'&els P. 0. FOR SALE — A 6 room frame house -oa Turn - berry SL, formerly the Beat. Pro- perty. Freshly panered and lino hardwood floors. Priced for quick rale. Apply to i4Irs. A. J. Hooper, care of S. Elliott, Ti. R. 3 Liatowedl, Ont. FOR SALE — Mixed Grain for seed, 60% :.!ax Oats, 40% Galore Barley, Potatoes suitable for seed or table Use. ole will hwv'e a good suoptg of Fertilizer on hand at nal times. Stan. .Alexander, Ethel. Phone Brussels 36r13. FOR SALE — Saicriificae — Six -room brick house with modern conveniences in. Gerrie nlltst be srdd soon. If interested. see :the house and make an offer t stating terms desired. Don't Anis, this opportuinity to get a comfortable hone at ymtr own price. Clifford D. Walmsley Gurria, Out, TENDERS WANTED — P or painting the inside of Mon• crieff Na11. Tenders tattoo 911 April 10th. Please write or phone Mrs. Grayson Richmond, lfonkton Out„ 'phone Attwood 8Le?T, or Mrs. Llnd1ns ,y MCKar, Monkton, Ont., Phone Brussels 4914. Lowest, or any tender not necessarily acoeptel. ATTENTION FARMERS — DEADSrPOCK removed from goer farm promptly for sanitary disposal Telephone Collect: Brussels Siris. or Elmira 664. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED , FOR SALE —• 100 acre harm good house and bank barn., 80 cores workable, decent bush annd woodlot. Priced at 34. 800.00. • 100 acre Farm, good buildings, good loostion, near highway, Prteed at $8,500,00. 75 `acre Pias:rm all Mcflittes, goo& house, steel drtveshed, good barn, Priced at 0,000,00 100 Nero Perm, brick house, large hart, Priced at $9,000.00. Brick house in village with all Picini/eta Cement house in Brussels with all facilities. Farms all sizes and number of good houses. J. C. Long, Real T3 tate Broker Brussels, Ont. Wednesdate, Almll 80, 19$$ .. �_� . �•�' c"'3 :ci- '+ ...>;���1,��,���l�fx�i"�,� (;iii!%r, / ;.:�� ..f,' -Z f ;ns •+ i•vc���tr ll.iF /l', �y/,� z, Y� �"��Y- • y, a, % x-�+•` •-'., �+„n X .,..tiK ' __l .i�k.�F: �t3 4:46 tiiiµ%L.,.'rV " a l's,, 4 a:v�Yn;it.-..t+ s:r.y,,,,+',,,�,,.•a-t: ..,d.,.... '�f +.••. .:.,w•7 $EY -HARRIS BUILDS WORLD'S FIRST TESTI TRACK FOR POWER FARMING MACHINES Another milestone in implement engineering progress In 1952, Massey -Harris took one of the, longest; forward steps ever taken by a farm machinery manu- facturer, toward the development of stronger, longer. lived, better -performing trouble-free machines for �wlower farming. Massey -Harris built the world's first w;tttl4,$ealtAF�i9'""Test Tr,ek'.','Pl?ere.` tractors, combines and other farm machines are lie - ins tested, accurately and scientifically, for vibration, 'fatigue, resistance to shock, resistance to water and dust, stability on slopes, climbing power, traction in mud, steering, torque, weight distribution. Combined with practical field tests these scientific track tests conducted under controlled, comparable 'eoliditions are providing Massey -Harris engineers with the necessary knowledge to improve design, In. eaae durability and improve the performance of every M -H machine that runs on wheels. •:tt i- a MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Makars of high-quality farm implements since 1847 iIE PROUDEST NAME 11, DIAMOND$ :. $2213 this smart bt+fs a Very d very b"hose $ .a porta'" watt aero y"Itylln$• ereOluV, PEpROT iS I L0R 1 0117 BRI W ND RAW U1su out EASY PAYMENT PLAN NIe.M.M.,Moix.votaamo, tot,. Cash' Cash Cash Cash Cush Have you any old gold around into Cash. Bring it into our store, we will prices for same. Jeweller the house which could be turned buy it, and pay you highest. W. G, LEACH Brussels, Ont.