HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-4-8, Page 2' TABLE TALKS alate Andrews With the new maple syrup crop just about due ---I hope, I hope, 1 hope -a few hints about the other half of one of the world's most delicious combina- ▪ tions might not be amiss. I refer to pancakes of course -as if you hadn't guessed! e 6 ...... 6 Check your procedure on the following points - they're all highly important, • Measure ingredients carefully. If You use a prepared mix, meas- ure it Into the mixing bowl but do not sift or pack, N Add liquid and stir only until the flour is moistened, Small lumps in the batter will come out in the baking, * Grease the griddle only light- ly. If the griddle is properly sea- soned, pancakes will not stick. • Test griddle for correct tem- perature. When a drop of water will bounce for a second before evaporating, the griddle is just hot enough. • For even cooking and uni- form -sized cakes, pour the pan - sake batter from a measuring e.up.rather than spooning it onto the griddle. To make a 41/2 -inch sake, use I/4 cup of medium -thick batter for each cake. • Bake on one side until bubbles begin to break and edges become cry. Turn only once. e Serve while hot. Covering the lakes and letting thein stand may make them soggy. 9 d d Use one of the many good pan. rake mixes from your grocer's :helves, or try these ever -so -good !our -milk pancakes, raised buck - wheats, oatmeal griddle cakes, tnd cottage -cheese pancakes. * SOUR -MILE: PANCAKES 21 Cups Sifted Flour 1 Teaspoon Soda t/z Teasppon Salt 1 Tablespoon Sugar (optional) 2 Cups Sour Milk 1 Egg, Beaten 1 Tablespoon Melted Shortening 1. Mix and sift dry ingredients. 2. Add milk slowly, then beat- en egg. Stir until flour is moist- ened: 3, Stir in melted shortening. (May be omitted) 4. Bake on a very lightly greased, hot griddle. Basic Variations: 1. Use 1 cup of flour and 1 rh cups of corn meal. 2. Use 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of graham flour. $aekstage Barkers -Puppies and -. 000ches belonging to Broadway stars wait for the final curtain when their masters will take them home. Spaniel -sitter for he evening is understudy Jim- nie Komack, who is seen study - ng lines for the show "New Faces." 3. Use brown sugar or molasses in place of sugar. 4. Use buttermilk in plate of sour milk. 5, Use sour cream to replace a part of the sour milk. " " d Apple -Sausage Pancakes, Fold aht cup of cooked, .drained pork sausage meat and ifs cup of finely chopped apple into one recipe of pancake batter before baking. Serve with. hot syrup. Asparagus Roll -Ups, Place sev- eral spears of cooked asparagus across the center of each baked pancake and roll. Pour hot cheese sauce over the pancake rolls. Garnish with a strip of pimento and serve immediately, Rice -Cheese Pancakes. Fold 1 cup of cooked rice and IA eup of grated Canadian cheese into one recipe of pancake batter. Good with a spicy tomato sauce, Chicken or Turkey Roll -Ups. Spread baked pancakes with chopped- cooked chicken or tur- key and roll. Serve with hot cran- berry sauce or Biot mushroom sauce. Corn Pancakes. Fold 1 cup of drained whole -kernel corn into one recipe of pancake batter. Serve with hot sausage gravy. Rarebit Pancakes. Fold 3 table- spoons each of chopped onion, chopped pimento, and chopped green pepper into one recipe of pancake batter before baking. Serve with, hot cheese sauce, gar- nished with paprika. Salmon Pancakes. Mix 1 tea- spoon of Worcestershire sauce with 1 cup of flaked salmon and fold into one recipe of pancake batter before baking. Serve with creamed eggs or mushroom sauce. Bacon Pancakes. Fold 1 cup of chopped cooked bacon into one recipe of pancake batter before baking. Serve with marmalade or hot sirup. } ,} 9 RAISED BUCKWHEAT CAKES 1 Cup Milk ', Package Yeast 34 Teaspoon Salt 11/ Cups Buckwheat Flour 1 Tablespoon Molasses 1. Scald milk; cool. Add yeast; let stand 5 minutes. 2. Add salt and buckwheat flour, beating until smooth. Add molasses. Let rise at least 2 hours overnight. 3. Bake on a lightly greased, hot griddle. OATMEAL GRIDDLE CAKES 1 Egg 2 Tablespoons Molasses 2 Cups Cream 1 Cup Quick -Cooking Oatmeal 1 Tablespoon Melted Shortening 1 Cup Sifted Flour 3 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1 Teaspoon Salt 1. Combine egg, molasses and cream. Stir in oatmeal. Let stand 5 minutes. 2. Add shortening. (May be omitted.) 3. Sift flour, baking powder, and salt together. Blend into oat- meal mixture. 4. Bake on a lightly greased, hot griddle. COTTAGE CHEESE PANCAKES 1 Cup Sifted Flour IA Teaspoon Baking Powder '' Cup Sugar II Teaspoon Salt 6 Eggs, Well Beaten 2 Cups Cream Cottage Cheese 1. Sift flour, baking powder, sugar and salt together. 2. Add beaten eggs and cottage cheese. 3. Bake on a very lightly greased, hot griddle. r - 5, Lancelot+e 34. Snuggled CROSSWORD 9,Qhihdeofrt 37. 59. Agile PUZZLE 10. Arrow poison 41. turhIsh 11. ',Meet out decree 16. Kind of rubber 48, Grit 20. Rescunds 44, Opposite of ACA.OS9 - SOWN 11. Springs aweather 1, Animation1. Smnli 82. Jargon 45. Idle 4. First exnloslon 52, Vocal solo 47. Cereal seeds 2. Attention 25, Banish 50. The linden 8. Atheritan lake 8.0olf Inttruetor 27. Dig tree 19, Paddle 4. Apidlty 29 Stringed 81, Frozen water 18. Order of 9 Rain iustrument 82. Religious mammals , 0. Devoured 30. Volcano sister 7. Tablelands 81. Rea 02. Turn right 14. Titin 16. Soggoste 17. Crocked 18. Depiction of the beautiful ,18, Comes up 91. Mark of a wound 24. Soidhring necessity 20. Seeming eontradictlon 28. At no time 38. Tropical t,t ll;agtrd closely 56. Japanese 2s, 9tnp unin tehttottally 85,,Sebool u5signmerua 40. Vines 42. Sport 48. Tray 40, Pointed h111 II. Medielnal it, 04. 010kryinh 666, ottree of r eating 0.',��Bllnilard ntio1 alhell $WaYeri #, compass po46i 2' , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 '9 7 21 26 22 23 18 24 19 20 27 28 .' r! 29 30 31 52 36 38 84 f 1r 39 35 i$424; 4 '44 45 4o 41 42 48 . 43 •• BO 46 47 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 a 50 Answer Eise vhere on Th s P e 700,000,000 Get Malaria Every^ Year A white tablet not quite as big as an aspirin, tasteless and not expensive to Make-. that is Daraprim, most patent anti- malarial drug the world has yet been given, Every year 3 milkers people die from malaria; every year -some- thing like 700 million are in- fected, Now, taking a weekly dose of one Daraprim tablet, a person can go int° a district heavily infested with malaria and not develop the disease either then or after. That Is the ver- dict upon the new drug pro- nounced by scientists, Chloroquine was the best anti - Malarial drug until recently. Daraprim is at least 12 times as powerful But chloroquine .could not prevent attacks of relapsing malaria, For this form of the dis- ease a second drug had to be used. Daraprim does both jobs at the same time. In America, volunteers from a penitentiary were given Dara- prim after being exposed to bites from malaria -carrying mosqui- toes. Even up to a year after- wards 'no signs of malaria de- velopment were observed. In Africa, British research workers gave Daraprim to every Rerson in a malaria -ridden vil- lage. In two months the human population was cured. More re- markable still, the mosquitoes were ng longer carrying the ma- laria parasite. When 100 were collected in a net, not one was found to be carrying malaria! and this was in the rainy season when each mosquito would nor- mally have been carrying the parasite. One of the British workers tried deliberately to get malaria. He allowed himself to be bitten by infected mosquitoes. Ile walk- ed about in the evening, the most dangerous time for mosquito at- tack, without socks or boots. He slept night after night without a protecting net. He did not de- velop malaria -the daily dose of Daraprim allowed him todisre- gard all normal precautions with- out risk. High -Pitched Pinch - The long arm of the law has a super - voice in West Berlin. Seen above, a policeman is shouting to a traffic violator with the aid of his portable loudspeaker. Bird Navigators Scientific experiments carried on with homing pigeons and other birds show that the adults are the first •to find their way home over completely strange territory, says Dr. Gustav Krasner, German zoologist,' who has been lecturing on the sub- ject in American universities, Al] ' this refutes the many scientists who long doubted the ability 01 birds to fly directly home over unfamiliar areas. Ina cooperative experiment Dr. Kramer and Dr. J. G. Pratt took a group of seventeen pigeons to Bishopville, S. C., about 140 miles from Durham. This war• the first controlled winter experi- ment over a long distance. The oldest pigeon, released by himself, returned4o Durham in. four hours. Six others arrived home in five to seven horn's. The youngest birds were reluctant to take off, and some did not come home at all, Dr. Kramer demonstrated the homing ability of pigeons in an earlier experiment in Europe with a British colleague. In that experiment forty-one of forty- five pigeons returned home in six hours over 200 miles of en- tirely strange land. : If many similar American ex- periments have failed, Dr. Kra- mer believes it is because the birds have been kept compara- tive prisoners. He holds that the birds should be given plenty of freedom around the home left. Emperor I1,rohitn's barber disclosed, that Isis Majesty gets tv-n he'r a month, and keeps his coat on during 3110 opt'! ation. King Cheese -Male cheesecake was crowned this'year when Pddt Moore reigned as "King" of Palisade's Amusement. Park. He was awarded an electric merry-go-round "Oscar," In other years queens were ,selected but park authorities decided to givethe girls' a thrill this year and have -a king instead, Obviously im- preyed subjects: Robin Stewart, at left, and Pamela Reid, feel his muscles. Seated are: Ruda Michelle, at left, and-Sindy Moore. •.Plain Horse Sense.. by BOB ELLIS Memorable Document Under the date of March 14th, 1953, a Brief was submitted to the Ontario government, which ended with the following words: "Dairy farmers definitely want legislation banning vegetable oils being blended with any dairy product and a ban on the manufacture and sale of any such product marketed as an imitation of fluid milk, cheese, icecrearn, cream and concen- trated milk products." This memorabledocument was signed by the presidents of the Ontario Cheese Producers As- sociation, the - Ontario Cream Producers Association, the On- tario Concentrated Milk Produc- ers Association, the Ontario. Federation of Agriculture and the Ontario Whole Milk Produc- ers League. Immediately the question aris- es as to who authorized these gentlemen to ask for what amounts to an admission of dairy substitutes made from veget- able oils, as long as no milk or milk' products were used in their manufacture. We remember meeting after meeting, resolution after reso- lution calling for a ban of dairy substitutes made from veget- able oils. farmers were told by the presidents arid directors of their organizations to protest against the introduction of imi- tationsof ice-cream and cheese and whipping cream. Were they ever told to go and ask for the admission of these imitations? $64 Questions Could it be, possible that this Brief was written, to fit the legislation proposed by the gov- ernment?, • Could it be, possible that the farm leaders were asked not to demand more than would be granted? Could . it be possible that the farm leaders decided not to em- barrass the government and therefore not to stand up for the demands of the producers they represent? These and many. more are the questions farmers will want to ask their leaders. Tliey will want to ask why there were no replies to the dis- torted argumentation of the advertisements and radio an- nouncements sponsored by the so-called "Institute of Edible Oil Foods" which were misrepre- senting the situation; they will want to ask when the. Brief of March 18th actually was pre- sented to the government, whether it was conceived of in Huron Street or in Queens Park: whether there had been a previous brief and what the gov- ernment's reply had been to it. And finally they will want to ask their leaders why they had not called meetings to in- form the membership and find out the wishes of the members, What Future? How . much longer are Ontario farmers going to sit at home and squawk about the raw deal they are getting? It is. time that they. awoke to the necessity of look-, ing after the business end of their business. Important as production is, it is just as - if not more - important to have a market for' what you produce. The question whether imita- tions of dairy products, with, or without the addition of milk, are to be permitted, is Of far-reach- ing importance. It will deter- mine milk markets for all future. To replace butterfat with veg- etable oils is easy. To replace. the non -fatty solids of milk is a more difficult task, but it is be- fog -done in Britain and in U.S.A. The result might well be fmi- tations of dairy products made from vegetable oils with other synthetic solids added. Time for a Change Farm leaders should have stuck by their guns and .demand- ed a ban ' of all imitations of milk and milk products, except- ing margarine. Whether they could have got it or not, they should have tried. Individual farmers will for- feit the right to complain, if they do not go to the trouble of keep- ing themselves informed, of coming out to their meetings and Strange Ideas Folks Have About Washington Washington, like every ,other capital, is 'full Of rumOrs. More than that, it is a funnel for rum- ors front all oven' the country-- of the oldest, most heavily beard- ed and venerable rumors in experience. Since oituens keep on seeking action on them, Government agencies have to keep on denying them, The latest to turn up •again,-. just the other day -was the ac- cusation that among the Smith- sonlan nstitution's most prized possessfons Was the skull of the famous Sioux chieftain, Sitting Bull, conqueror of. gen. George Custer, Dr. T. Dale Stewart, the Smithsonian's Curator of Physi- cal Anthropology, replied that the Institution had neverpos- sessed Sitting Bull's skull, but that his records showed that the chief was buried in Fort Yates, 'N. D., where his grave had been an object of veneration for years. Here. are some other 'peren- niallyy' tmscotchable ruioors: Stuffed Cat. Many Visitors to the Smithsonian seek the mount- ed remains of the tabby oat that allegedly "survived a drop from. the top of the Washington Monu- ment, only to be killed by a dog as it tried to make its gateway They have become more insist- ent recently, since a syndicated columnist revived 'the yarn and. stated as a fact that the animal. had a preferred place among the exhibits in the famed museum. It isn't so. Free Seeds. More than- a quar- ter of a century has passed since the Department of Agriculture gave out its last free seeds. Yet each year the department still receives several thousand such requests, many of them forward- ed by Congressmen. In an effort to save useless correspondence the department several years ago issued a humorous booklet about seeds entitled: "No! No! A Thou- sand Times No!" The result: a temporary spurt in the number of free.seeds requests." Stradivarius. Violins. Whoever of putting up the finances neces- sary to operate their business, which is still the largest busi- ness in the country. They will have to .change their habits of non -co-operation, and if necessary they will have. to change their leaders. -There must be some youngmen on the farms of Ontario, capable and willing to take the lead. 0 " 0 The write of this colun.n will be pleased to hear from fanners, or others interested in farm piobleins, at any tune. Criti- cisms, suggestions for subjects to be dealt with, knocks or boosts - all win be welcome Just ad. uress Bob Ellis, Bos, 1, 123 Eight- eenth St. Nwe Toronto, Ont. spread the rumor :that the Smith- sonian Institution would buy or. identify es genuine any violin Bearing a Stradivarius label has caused the institution more trouble than anything since the contro\Asst' over the original flying machine. The Smitllspnien,. - which has no violin made by An- tonics Stradivarius or by any ether classic violin maker, nor` any money to buy one, finally' prepared a. form letter Plead- ing: "Do notsend your violin. to the Smithsonian Institution." Every Book Published, The Library. of Congress constantly receives queries about obscure books pr pamphlets, prefaced: "I have been, told that yea have a copy of every book that has ever been published " * 0 ;' While the Library . of Congress has the largest ,collection of books in the United States, it has only those sent -pr bequeathed to it, and it does not keep or eata.- logue all the books or other pub- lications if receives, Free :stands. Someone spread the report that'the General Land Office had attractive islands that • it would give free, or for the pay- ment of $1, to anyone who asked, Correspondence, which is still. considerable, is now routed to the Bureau . of Land Manage- ment, Interior Department. But every U.S. island, except a few inaccessible rocks, is now instate or private hands. Moon Leases. Most fantastil of recent rumors is that. the Gov- ernment can grant a lease on the, moon. Since the Nineteen For- ties so many requests have been received for "moon leases" that the Department of Interior fin- ally prepared a standard reply, the gist of which is that it: Bureau of Land Management hat no authority to receive applica- tions for land on the moon be- cause we have never declared sovereignty over it. Front an ar- ticle by E. John Long in The Nett York Sunday Times. A psychologist at Corneli Uni- versity announced that he ha: trained five earthworms to gc through a T-shaped maze. CJusidedown -to Prevent Peeking 3 a ty n N a N a a v 3 a a • V 1 9 d d t/ 9 4 d ?! O dad v 7i v 4110 is but another name r for vvisdoo" SOCRATES rJ. H E HOUSE O P SEAGRAM. MEN WHO THIN14 OE TOMORROW J'J%ACTISE,MODEJIATI'ON TODAY JITTER J rrak. 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