HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-4-8, Page 1THE BRUSSELS
Post Publishing House .AJnthprized as se+mntl clads mil, Post Office Department, Otwwee.
Wednesday, April 8th, 1953
$2.00 per year - $2.50 U. 64 kg
Mr, and T. S. and Mrs, Armstrong
1Relaltivets egad friends we: a sae-
ceased .to learn oat Friday, March
25th, of Uhe death of Thomas Sidney
Armstrong, Tesoaito, intt weer. doub-
ly shocked on Sundaly, Metals 20th
to learn that Ws wife, Ke in, had
passed away naso, both suf(ering
from heart oceditions. Signe' a sou
of rtihe late James asci Wee Arne
tiwoi'g, Bru 1sels, Ontario was bort
it Huron County, received lith early
education tat Baelesoiis, her at-
tending Hamilton Normal School.
11e had been with the a;c stinting
deaff of lithe C, N. R. for t. v.r 30
ears, .havto8, ,been posted et Horne.
paysae, Capre,ot and North Bay, prior
fo coming tc Toronto 10 years ago
Mr. and Mrr, Armstrong ever , Won•
rens in the hown of H,irc'pnyne,
wisere they aided in argantrl: the
eehool and churdh.' They were
members of Fairlawn United
'Camels Toronto, and he was
seember of Calpreol Masonic Lodge.
Pour ebildnen •— ,Stewart of
Hamilton; William, Montreal,
Audrey (Mrd. B, ,e>,. Fisher), Sudbury
anal roan of Toronto,] recti, the
fuss of their parade, The many
floral tributes also spoken word
sthowed how this quiet Christian
Maple were teed and respected in
the communities in Milch they had
Tames A. Armelemg, Springfield
Joseph Arri4trong, Toronto; Mrs.
G. R. Someseillo, Acton; and Mrs.
J. N. Short and Mies M9 r Adm -
strong of Toronto, are brothers
and sisters of the lane M,', Arm-
r'trong. fill
The funeral service was ball on
'Monday, Tiaaoh 30th at ". o'clock,
from the Trill Funeral Horses, 2704
Yonge St, Tbronto, Interment in
Westminster Memorial Park.
C. R Bennett, Passel
Arcolo, Sash — Another plone^r
in the person of Corneltn.t Robin.
con Benndtt, 81, was railed .Home ou
Saturday, March 7th atter a long
Mamie He died in the Bros, Mier
Despite', Areola.
He carne to the Arcola district
with the parents in 1887 where his
father hand elder brother eotnostead-
ed. He wee born at Onondaga, e.
small Tillage near Brantford. Ont.
He married Miss Margaret David.
son, Bruesele Ont., who celebrated
with him their Golden 11 edging,
01111. Together trey buil' one of
the finest farms In the settlement
tvo mile, west of where Areses now
stands. During a real estate boots
,they sold this Beam and wen to For I
get where Mr. Bennett ran a garage. '
In /the flu epidemic 1918-19 be drove I
-tbe Doctor over the countryside,
many times neither one of them
having slept for several dere. a1 -
Melville Chum
y Brussels
Mla'ater, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton
10 a. m, Sunday School
71 a. m. Morning Woe:3W.
United Church
fNlnleter, Rev. Andr.W Lane
Divine Worship — 11 o'clock
Ire Sacrament of
The Lord's Sipe
Church' School -- 12 o'nlork
' bo tit in. reanentbrai564
Of Me."
Mill.0119414■•••1401101,, moo
Churchof England
' PsrMh of Brume% ,
Rev. A. 'NMean OMR, M. A.
tat Sunday Atter Baster.
April 12th; 1953.
8t. John's Church, Brussels -
11 a: m, Morning Prayer
Sunday Sobool
St. Davlld's Church, Henfryn-
! 50 p. tit, Evening Prayed
Sunday Sobool
though this Partly were critical ill
With the Ph! Mr. Bennett did not
mike ft 1t1rnellf end went anywhere
be could be Of eerviee•
(1( a jovial dtaeeeitton, a kindly
father staid t mebalnd, an uadlseuted
'good nejglu0lour" to everyo,ue
On leaving Forget be hr,u}ht 'a
,farm near Stoughton where they
farmed until tj a feet of ;1940, when
be returned to the Areola did :let to
tape over tete original 1887 Bennett
hmme;dtlearl 'wOi1dh had rounded nut
ipto quite a largo fern,
Lealving their son, Gordon. on the
term they bought a home in town
five yearn ago and have lived a re•
tired life since.
Besides his wife and son he leaves
one daughter, (Tillie), Mrs. Goldje
Clark, Laura, Sisk. There are lean
Funlena6 service as from Arcot.
United ' Ohutl h, Monday, Marco
10th, Rev. A. H. Swanton officiat-
ing, Interment in the Arcola cern
14Pembers of Melville Late.; Aid
Society gaithered at the boron of Mrs,
Cr ctrge ldvans on Monday milt'. Mrs
les. S. Armstrong prceidt,i:;, •Tho
theme and roporte were fo11)woc, by
rite report of the Sunshine Conveu.r,
Mfrs. Robert Bennett who had sent
cr t ten hoxea of fruit and Dowel's
Pr slink members of the congregat-
ion. Several letters of thanks warn
Mrs. H. B Allen reported for the
committee lit chargee of malaise In,
1:`ovemesmts, that a new hardwood
floor had been laid in a bedreoni
ui d hail and ,2 °lathes closets and
.shading and finishing wt.•a com-
;I' eted. Voluntary work by severnl
members was acknowledges and a
- ote of thanks sent to ea.cn.
Several plans for raleirg stoney
'vere discussed but no defeats de
cision made.
A tea. towel shomor pro tuned n.
nice supply for lune church kitchen.
Following the close of the business
?,hiss Bessie Mases entertained with
a fine reading and a ladies' quartette
gang a number,
The nester, was misdated In sarv-
ir•g lunch by Mrs. Charles Davis,
Tics. Jacob mtsoher and Mies Bessie
Applications will be rero•ved br
the undersigrlsd `until 3 p, n+. on
Saturday, May 2nd, 1953 for the
i ositfon of Assessor for to, Town.
rile of Gree at a salary of $500.00
Per year,
Edythe M. Cardiff,
ATWOOD. — The marrthee Is an
trounced of Mrs. Lyle Hall Cardiff
f f Atwood to Mr. Harry "Bronson
Sicking, 6008 Park blvd., Plnellaa
Peak, Florida.. The mnrrfagn was
s•demnized on Monday, April 6. at
the Presbyterian manse, St. Peters
burg, Fla. '
2 shows nightly 7.50 - ESC p.
Matinee Saturday 2 p. m.
Thurs. Fel. Sat. April P - 10 - 1
Sall the seas of adventure with a
crew hunting for the wealth of half
a continent,
Gregory Peck = Ann !Myth 1n
Monday, Tuesday, • , Aprli 15 1n,
Heading for treasure and trouble-;-
a muntlnous crew and a, batt, of a-
managainet a',ahark - You cannot
forget •
starring' Yvonne DeCarlo Joon
• $186 OD
Monday Attendance Card wilt.
• Are you registered for , Feto.NItef.
Wednesday, Thursday Aprh 15•10
Flchard.Wldmadk - Marlys Mun•
-roe In
adult entertainment
For the first time the sorer r tells
a dtory about this kind of a woman:
they reach out In the lone t'Iess of
the night to a stranger payaing by.
Not recommended for anyone' under
18 years of age,
' 1'O STAY?"
tlh.e tollowling- rditortal, tak'n
from rine aaages . of one of Canada'•
Guest sad oldes14.neWspapers, the
i3owmaltville, Glint; "Camilla States-
man" is so titruoiy, mut a a
written herd for all members of the
' Canediau Batfdnieeters' Amoclation
to read and wale passed no to the
Brussels Post 'for publicatfuz. The
Editorial appearetd• In the Das. 11th,
1952, Issue Of "The Statesman:'
Are School Bands Here To Stny?
One of thie outstanding fei.uro, o'
I•tat--war 'education in the - sohoolr. of
rthis province has ee'en tli.,raeld
gt:awth of instrumental must Bands
.and string rousse are eprtng''ig up in
ail parts of Ontario. At ;ha Ilene
O'edtivel in 'Waterloo last year a
email communaly with a. popnlition
of 821 competed with a fire -59 -
Piece band and placed ,seensid' l'ntl'
see heard :Shits peep we lir:l never
beast much of Brussels, Ontario,
the Brussel,. Lions Club Boys. and
Girls ,Band Pu;r it. on the man,
Listowel, wlidoh we mentinnen "iu
a recent particle, has a $6 000 lustre -
mental program supported by 111
0oliood Board and Service Ciub; with
A especial instructor coming Ir frr'11
London. Sirorroe High Schnee run re
A County Board suet es ours, hne an
mammal budget of $1.000 for inerin-
mnental development and another
$1000 for promotion of tis vocal
aepartmentf All .the places mention-
ed are small, communities ref 1 pone
lotions of less than, 5000, wits• es•
caption of Simcoe. •
We are happy to note tti t' our
r ublio Scheele Board has approved
the purchase of a number of in
strumenee intended to help along the
mowing banit in: the Public Schools.
.astruments privately owned, on
loan from the Town Band aril pur-
ebseed by Board now total 22 Last
uammed when the net: lmentel
course. was begun there viers two.
Instruction in brass, woodwin rine
strings• is beipg supplied at a small
fee and there Is an orchestra rc•
heareal ,every Wednesday tram 3.80
to 4,30 P. in,
If a .smff1cfemit number of new pu
pill are found another class for be-
ginners will be started in the New
Year. At t1,e High Seh•oot a string
group of some 12 or 15 strdents !s
expected to florin after Chet -turas
Pt will be rememoered the. price
to the war Belmont -111e ,pioneered Irl
the field of instrumental ml,sie fn
the schools and ,until recently had
fine town band. It Ps rather a pity
the latter could not be supported
etfficien,tly to ensure its eontInu-
Let, us hope that more a•ii more
citizen's of this progresei ., com-
munity will take an active part in
promoting the instrumental program
in our 'gohaole.
Band arm biers Sa stay, Fifty yenr ,
ago the s'c'hools in the Unite4 States
were where we are today. T."ok at
their terse school bands and
rardtuestnata anew! Detroit alone bat
some 450 Hart time music instruct-
crs'teasdhhig the girls and boyr how
to play an Instrument. Judging by
their sucoeet we are forced to the
inevitable conts'Ynlsion that Instru-
mentlal • music has a per ttanent
[lace on our school program.
Seaforth, Ont.
Geo..Montgomery ' Brenda. Marshall.
The terror of the Tomahawe is let
loose as the trqueis, tre most
dreaded of all savages go Me• wAF
• path,. There le, thunderini thrills.
along 400 miles, of frontier fury,,:
April 19 - 14 = 15 Technlcolor
(,tary;, Cowper Marl Alden
• Crary, Cooper, plays the role of Capt•
aln od the savage swamp fin. liters'
during the war of 1640 In F1orids.
For adventure suspense and drama
you must se, Distant Drum.
Aphil 16 . '17 - l$
Clark Gable Ava Gardiner
Here is Clark Gable at his ali•time
gest In the lusty trawling saga of
She Lone Stat State. Thle le a hist -
1 'I 1 full f ti
Grey Twp. Council
(trey Tow^i•nhip Ciouncil Meeting
ways Ol{d on April 4111.
Moved by 'Clifford 1;r, Dunbar. by Wm, i'3, 13ishap that the
t:dnu'ters be edepted as rend.
Moved by Hugh 5m10h, scrtonded
1:;+ Cheroot 11. Draathar that u•� adopt
the Herr Drain. deport and instruct
the Mork to prepare
the :by ]aw.
•— Carried
Moved bye Reward F. McNaught
secoaded hY Wm. p!. Bisldw•p the'. we
ssed0t4om the Lieut.-Gctyerms. for aid
'cal the Coe Drain, under th i Ald to
Drainage Act, — Carried.
Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded
1;} Clifford R. Dumber that Court of
!revision on the Cox Drain h: clove].
— Carried
Moved by Wm. E. Bishop,
seconded b>' Hugh Smith that 11ie
Clerk adverti's'e for tenders 01, the
Cox Drain. — Carried,
Moved be Howard F, McNaught,
,seconded by Clifford R, Dunbar that
we let the contract to Geo. Radford
for the Machan Drain, for the stun
of $1548,75 a'u per contract,
— Carried.
Moved by Howard F. Mslt'augbt,
.reeon:ded' by Clifford R. Duna'' that
(le Seaforth School Area by -la n
7 be finally poured. — Carried
Moved by Clifford R. 1)unhar,
seconded by BOuward F. McNattgh:
that we advt.nee the sum of 03000.00
to the Grey Township School Area.
— Carried.
Moved by Clifford R Dunbar,
1 -Bonded by Howard F Tf..\uu;`it
ti•at the Colltotor's Rol: for 1952 be
eecepted and the Collector be re-
lieved of further ,'esponraihi i ;+
Moved by Ht>_ah fruit, ,+Ccou'len
by Clifford R. Dunbar that lice ap-
dmove the building of four class-
rooms at the Listowel High. School.
— Carried
Moved by Howard F, McNaught
seconded by Clifford R. Dunbar that
v e grant Brussels Fair $400 for the
betterment 01 the fair, and It were
eery add 1-10 mild to •the rate for
this purpose — Carried.
Moveld by Wm. E. Bishop, that
we aptpoint. Geo. Wesenbttrg as Ass -
Pinar for 1952 at a salaryf $700.00
pee year, to be completed b' 10 day
et Sept.
Moved by Hugh Smith, sc- onded
by Clifford R. Dun,har that we call
far applications for Assessor at a
celery of $500.00 per year Said
application tv be in by •M'ty 21111.0'
3 p. m. — Carried.
Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded
by, Clifford. R. Dunbar Moet bylaw
No. 8, 1952 be ruwoinded.
— Carried.
Moved by Wm. E. Bishese second-
ed by 'Clifford R. Dunbar that all
approved accounts be paid.
' — Carried
Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded
by Clifford R. Dunbar that we du
now adieu= to meet May 3n1 or at
the call of the Reeve.
— Carried.
'11he following accounts war. paid:
Grey Twp. School Area
Adtnanae 38000,00
Andrew. Bremner, Spraying
Leafy Spurge 1902 27.67
Cleo, B•lalks, ,Spraying Leaty
Spurge 1952. 88,14
Idols Youu Pond F.G. 27282 20.100
Canadian Industries Ltd.,
Warbtcide 500 10
imperial 011 Ltd., Stove 011 14.65
The Municipal World
Supplies 41,51
'the Brussels Post, Advt.
By-Letw Tile Dtmins 12.60
'he`Brussels Poet, Print Coe• ,.
Drabs ByLawe - 55.0+1
liltehleittee Waterloo Recent •;Ade.
Machan Doan:, 5,50
S•natiord DenoorsHerald, Adrt.
llfdolnan Drain 4.90
nice' tfstowel Benner, Adit , • -•
ble Flt 1,$0
1`bert Gordon, Share Giant
Nlortlt Gordon Drain 63.39
Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk's.
• Peres Cox ,Drain 75.00
4'. 11. Rowland, Telephone
'Polls 6.8.
Wilbur Turnbull, Bat, Selene,
Postage and 133ko"hange, 57,00
C. R. Dunbar 'Trip te,Belgrlvo 1,96
Win, E, Bishop, Trip to Listowel
and Wtnialuahn 4.90
C. 17. Rolwland, Trip to
Wingham 2,80
lox Bounty 59.90
This year'e "•Variety Ttevu. Will
thrill you. The costume cnnui,lttee
Immo spent a great deal of Gm; ; and
effort In d`easing the she.... The
costumes, in both the children's fan•
i:.uy and the revue, are gni gel*,
:tiny tot in exquisite 'ballet out-
fits; JDM'elty costumes,. The re.
,ue will transport you to the South
E•fasi where lovely. native girls lull'
dance for you; - tw Spain, where a
nark eyed- ecnorita's twinkiits toes
sett' thne flounces of her spanlab
dress awhirl; In France, where
the g'irl's of Moulin Rouge, will make
you gasp. A11 this and much more,
::tigers, a dancing duo, comedians,
Precision dormers. and the masic'ot
the pipers, will delligh:t you if y"u
et -teed the 1953 "Variety Revue in
Ore Brusseas Town Hall ou April
141h, lath and 1.7011., This Revue
is under the auspices of tit. hast
Huron Agriculturey Society and the
proceeds for a Bigger and hallo.
Tmirssels Fall Fair.
The Message of Raster, was the
theme of worship in the Vetted
Chusdh on Sunday, April 5. The
Itesurrectiem is the heart one core
of the Christian Gospel at,u the
Christian Hosie, Se -mon aril song
stressed Ole great truth, "He Is
Risen," Mrs Adeline Camp 14'11 0.
Blyth slang the solo, "How Loi'oly
are Thy Dwellings" by S. Liddle.
The anthem, "Christ Brine Raised
from the Dead" by Simper, wa,
tendered by the choir wl`i sol,
lasts ,taken by Gordon Lens and
Sheila Porter.
The Saetamemnt of The Lord's
Popper will be observed on Sunday,
April 12.
1 here empress my ainceru thanks i
•I t1 friends and neighbours, and n12
who helped me when I was in '
Wingham General Hospital, els"
the nurses and Dr. Stephens. Their
many acts of kindness Trees mud.
Frank A. Kelly..
A Farce Comedy in Three Acts
will be presented
In Brussels Town Hall on
Monday, April 20th, at 8.30 p. rn.
Admission at reasonable prices
Under auspices of Melville Y. P. S.
An enjoyable evening is promised
to all who attend.
Rubber Boot Special any brand Gooderich, Kaufman, Dominion,
Gutta Percha or Miner Insoles included
Men's Heavy Red Sole Knee Boot $5,60
Men's Red or Black Sole short $8.95
Ladles Black knee boot $3.30
Boys heavy short boot, black $8.60
Children's heavy boot, black 52,60
Men's Thigh Heavy Red Sole Boot $8.50
Men's Hip Heavy Red Sole Boot 39.95
Men's Sportman's light laced Instep
Olive Drab or Black Hip Length $12.95
Men's Heavy or Light Boots In SISMAN'S, OREB'S, VALENTINE
Men's Cork Sole Work Boots $5.95, $8.96 and $8.95
Men's Leather or Composition Soles. Work Boots 53.95 to $8.95
Boys' Heavy Work Boots 54.50 to $4.93
Men's an Boys? Dress SCOTT-McHALE, Rltchle and many others
$14. to $21.50
Men's Dress Shoes Black or Brown all styles $5.95 to $12.00
Boys' Dress Shoes Black or Brown from $4.511 to •55.95
Men's SCOTT-MoHALE Shoes from
Smart New Styles for Easter in Ladies Shoes
Ladles/ Dress Shoes from $4.95 to $8.95
Ladles Sandals from 59.95 to 57.95
Blue and White Saddle Oxfords ,,.. $4.50 to $4.95
Ladles Niyons 15 Denier and 51 gauge 11.25
Ladles Short Anklets Guaranteed 90 days Nylon .
Large Assortment of Children's Shoes, All Colours and Stze*
Everything is guaranteed under reasonable care 4'r mone•' wail be
cheerfully refunded.
Stage Show
April:/14th April 16th April 17th
At 8.15 p. m. Sharp
Masic — Singing — Dancing — Comedy
Novel y Numbers -
Children's Fantasy - "The Wedding Of The Painted Doll"
Child — Ruth McTaggart Mother — Merril Newton Page Boy — David Kennedy
Trumpeters — Doris Johnston, Marlon Hemingway. Fairy Queen — Kathryn Leach.
Fairies — Mary Jean McBride, Lorna Bryans, Sally Galbraith, Nancy McWhlter, Dianne
Hastings, Bonnie Workman. -
aancIng Doll — Kathryn McTaggart; Music Box, Rochelle WIneberg; Teddy Bear, Ronald Lane; '
Clown, Jim Edgar; Jumping Jack, Wayne Johnston; Rag Doll Twins, Ruth Anne Johnson, Linde Jane
Johnson; Wooden Soldiers, Jack Galbraith, David Kreuter, Bob McBride, Jim Garniss; Preacher,
Rodger Todd; The Talking Dolls, Ann Fulton, Pamela Porter, Patsy Bryans, Joan DRvidsoJ8,
Joyce Devldibn; BInein Dole Joan Johnston; Mama Doll, Mae Myers; Mother, Elaine Wood;
Maid, Linda Todd; Painted Doll, Karen Coleman; Flower Glrl, Mamie Bronson;,. Train Bearer, Frank'.
8tretton; Bilidetnelds, Miirgaret Warwick, Lynn Gibson, Susan Martin, Barbara Turnbull, June
Warwick, Marlon Turnbull; Groom, Raymond Bronson; Soloist, Margaret Perrle.
' 'Senior Ravine Cast 1
Jean ,Jewett,, Barbara ,Alien, 'EmamSwarm. Edna Mae Mcintee Dianne' McNair, 'Agnes Lens,
Mary WlillaMarie Elliott., .
Audrey Davidson, Jane . Rana, Joan Thomas, Sheila Porter, Mary Agnes Higgins, Esther Smith,
Doris Pullman, Mary Lou McFarlane, Pieta Van Vilet, Doreen Lohg, Helen Johnston, '181tali
Ryan, Joyce Thomas, Esther Raymond, Bill King, Bob Cunningham, Stuart Nichol, Lauri*
Cousins, Dented Edgar.
Admission Adults 50c, Children 25c
$6210.40 Produced under the auspices of bast Huron Agricultural Society,
rdvnia M, Cardiff, awe, i For a nigger and getter Brussels Fall Fair.
'l.r ,ti: