The Brussels Post, 1953-4-1, Page 5THE BRUSSELS, POST Wrednesd1Y, AILMri1 1st, �;?i St SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5 Ly. Southampton 6.00 p.m. Ly. Palmerston 8.00 p.m. Port Elgin 6.10 p.ni. Moorefield 8.13 p.m. Turners f 6,21 p.m. Drayton 8,21 p.m. Paisley 6.35 p.ni, Goldstone 8,28 p.m. Pinkerton 6.45 p.m. Alma 8.36 p.m. C ill 6.50 p.m. Fergus 8.51 p.m. f 6,55 p.m. Elora 8.57 p.m. 7.03 p.m. Guelph 9.45 p.m. Stops West Toronto & Parkdale Ar. Toronto 11,00 p.m. ar wield alkerton Mildmay Clifford Ar, gerrlaton almerston 7.15 p.m. 7.30 p,m. 7.45 p.m. 8.00 p.m, )--dna atop Tickets reading and Listowel will bl honored onrthis traipad . COMPLETE INFORMATION PROM AGENTS CANADIAN NATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES • SPRING 15 HERE Order you; Seed Grain now We tare Clinton Oats (treated) oft certified seed, last year, home grown. We can also supply Abeg- weit, Lorain Clinton, Beaver, Cart- ier and Max etc., in Reg. or Comm. No. 1- Spring wheat or peas. Barley etly Monicaim in Reg. or Conti. No 1. Galore and Barboff Comm. only, WP have your Hay and Pasture seeds. Ladino, Phizoma, hanger, Grimm, Alfalfa, Red, Alsike, Trefoil Sweet Clover, Timothy. Brame, Orchard, T sours, etc. But order soon. Also have ready mixed Permanent Pasture Sy.eds, Alsu bare Reflecto Mall Box Names: See, phone or write 5619 Geo. Weseaburg NOTICE TO CREDITORS All porso ishawing accounts 1,galue4 the Estate of JAMES EDWARD M AXWPLL late of the Village of Lruasels in the County of Huron, Retired Gentleman, who dleil,on or about the tenth day of March, 1853 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned an or before the Tenth' day of April, 1053,, full particulars., of their claims in writing. Immed- iately after the ..said tenth day of April next„ the assets of the .'state will be distributed between the Parties. entitled thereto having re- gard only to claims 08 which the Executor shall Hien have notice. Messrs. Crawford and Hetherington Barristers and c., Brussel; Ontario BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers.. M. D.. L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Wiliam St Phone 4. Brussels, Out. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Thinker 46 - Brussels, Oat. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist " Eyes Examined Glasses lilted. Phone 791 Seaforth - Main Shag. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 pan • Walker Funeral 'Home Day or Night Calls Telepbosr a No Exfra Charge for Use of Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service Dales' Flowers Esclmiyely fl. A. Rana & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICis Licensed Femoral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 96 - - >lR1,fSLWLl. ONT. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM sad BRUS5Ei3 AT EIREEMI 3 Tuesday end Saturday all day - Ommct open every Phew Pha2011 -. Siscoessor to E. D. Ball Harvey W. Stephenson • Representative for Stn Life Auirane, Cs. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insarence Ce. Phone 43z - lei gals J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. 9pecWlzing In Eye Ex uninatfon and :the FIttlats elf 13121e e Office in Listowel Clinic Rai/ Hewes 9:00 a,m. to 6:00 p.m. daily, Ctosed Wednesday pa Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 749 le MINX Other evenings by appointment Rose In Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR Aii ANDS Automobile end Fire insurance Aeeidntt and Selena Asst for Great West iii Insists Co. Aar Office 96 -- Breasels, Oat. .owsinsese G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At k icardi ere `Of see Every Teem. Regie Wingbam 770 A 6, IClaatr,Ra >►'�. Evenings, by Appoletmesf. Lewis Rowland Ov write re It. IL 3 Wishes. (licensed For Vinton Comfy) via be bolls! after Immediately SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - PRICES REARONAILE Per Emesspronsosits Phone 31 "Tim Erassels Pine gni tieNy !tell isieliostks. ate., write or phone Lew. Rawllteli CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE -- A A 'team of illoi•sea. d,telc Cox P81054 '12r23 FOR SALE - i Walnrit Fern Stand. appy. to Mrs. B, O. Walker 1'"hone 65 FOR SALE - 2 Hclstehrs, springing, 10 surlcere. Jim Pesteld Phone 8311 FOR SALE - 50 bus. c" Galore Barley, grown from regic9,c,-ed send, Geo. Untie Phone 150.3 FOR SALE - 1 Belavlel milker, nearly now. 2 single units. I3arvey Dennis Plaine 2115 FOR SALE -- 80 bates el good quality mi :ed hay. Torrence Dundee, Walton, Phone Brussels 50r5. FOR SALE - Girl'.s sawing coat get, blue with velvet trim, good condition, slze 2, Phone Brusisels 3i1r6. FOR SALE - A girl's blue coat, size 11, good as nER'. Flsone 42)•18 John Alcock WANTED - Cat,tle to paelmre. For sale -• blood pelt, rising 5 years. Phone 551126, L. A. Hall FOR SALE - A girl'; navy all weather Coat, rlso a grey shortie coat, sizes 12 or 11, 1 pr. of biiack shoes, elro 7> ?- width and low heels, almost new. Airs. Wallace Agar Phone 11r7. NOTICE - I-Iaving n'8lidng troubles? Contact Lovell McGuire your Surge Mtlke; Dealer, Phone Wingham 533W. \\'e speciallize in milking cows, • , FOR SALE - A quantity of Beaver Oa', grown -from No, 1 Oommercial Se gid, last 3 ear. Also a quantity of Red Clover Seed and a quantity of Timothy Seed. Graham Work Phone 12315 FOR SALE - Dray started pullets - or dayolds - far prompt sitipm:en't. Get gond stock for )the good markeFt% Ask us for prices and particulars, let's have your order. Agent -Wet G. Bray, Ethel. WANTED - Applioatioies are invited . to f111 three n^acainoies in the Grey Twp School Area schools. Pardcuiars ran be obtained from the secretary or member of the school board, Carl Hsantinge'ay, Sec,-Treas., 12. It. Brussels, Phone 25x5. WANTED - Teaclier wanted for grads 3 and 4. Brussels Public cltool fur term commencing Sept. tat.Agpl:cations 'o be, in by April 10th. Stat,) salary expected, experience, inspector R. J.' Bowman, secretary Brussels Public Sohool, Brussels P. 0. FOR SALE - A 6 roots frame house on Turn - berry 5t., formerly the Pest pro- perty. Freshly papered and has hardwood floors. Priced for quick rale. A,P,ply to Ms. A. 3, Hooper, care of S Fliiott, R. R. 3 Listowel, Out. FOR SALE Mimed Grain for seed, 60% Ajax Oats, 40% Galore Barley, Potatoes stii;teeble for seed or table use, We will ,home a good Stt?pi9 Fertilizer on hand at all times, Stan. Alexander, Ethel, Phone Brussels 051113, of FOR SALE - Saleiritte:e - Six -room brto'c hours with modern conveniences in Gerrie newt be sad soon. If interested; ,see itlre louse and males an offer stad'Ing terms desired. Doh't mise this opportunity to get a cottitortable Biome at your own price, Clifford D. Walmslay Gerrie, Ont. TENDERS WANTED - For painting the Inside of MOS- erieff hall, Tenders takes till April Ibth. Please write Or phnbe Mrs. Grayson Richmond, Motiktun Ont., 'phone ,Atwood 83.-1.1, or Mrs, Lamins}' McTCav, Monittnn, Ont.. Phone Brussels 49r4, Lowes:, or env tender not necessarily aooept.oi. LIVESTOCK WANTED .-. Dead, dlsab ed horses a oowe removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "STONES" collect Ingersoll 21 or Brussels 73. FOR SALE - 2 sborey ntodorn brick Bonne with 2% acres of land. New holt house, New garage. Price right, Terms. Oar be plarchaeed with or without all of the land. Fred Lucas, P. 0. 13ox 170 Brussels Phone Brussels 42 or55. FOR SALE - A quaitily of Dry Hard Body Wood and Cedar, also a good supply of Blue and Black Amina. cite Goal, Alberta and Briquettes, Brussels Coal Yard Phone 86x2 J. 31. Brewer ATTENTION FARMER@ - DFIADSTOCE removed from your farm promptly for sanitary dfacoaal Telephone Collect: Brussels girl., or Elmira 564. CORDON YOUNG LIMITED FOR SALE -. 100 acre Farm good house and bank barn, 80 aures workable, decent bush annd woodlot. Priced at $4, 850.00. 100 wore Farm, good buildings. good ,location, near highway, Priced stt $8,600,00, 75 acre Farm all facilities, gooe house, steel driveshed, good barn, Priced at $9,000.00 100 acre Farm, brick hoose, large barn, Priced at $9,000,00. Brick house in village with all facilities. Cement house in Brussels with all facilities, arshousep'niall sizes and number of good s. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker Brussels, Ont, RLUEVA.LE Illuvealers 66 ; ffy mfwy hgkghrdh' The Young People's Union of the United Ohurch here held its Easter meeting on •Sunday evenly the 3isesident, ICennettt Johnston, pre- siding. Alan Nicholson • cnndaeted the program, wliidi oentrel on tht meaning of Easter. . Those taking Parts were Velma. Agar, Cavell, Rut tan, I{ennieth Johnston, Bett? R1G tr n:, Don. McLean and Bob Fraser. _flick McOtttohaon played a clarinet selection: Elizabeth McKinney, Susan Tea and Joyce Hoffman sang a number, and duets wore sung by Mrs. C. H. Hoffman and Ross Smith, Mrs. a,arl Jrhnston anti Mrs. 'W. .I. Peacock. Hold Quilting 'Phe Bittevale - Turnberry grout. of the Woman's Associlt!ou of Blveyale United Munch met at the home sol Mrs Frank Stamper for a. gnhltthg, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Watson, 1 acadena, Sask., are visits i,; rela- tives in this vicin8ty. Mrs. Watson i. the daughter of the late Hugh Johnston, formerly of Morris Town- ship. Personals Mr. and Mrs lames AbacLean, Brocebridge, with Airs. .1. .T. Sellers; Mr.. and Mrs Jacit Davies aur' baby, Toronto, with Mrs. Daviies' sister, Mrs Elmer Sellers; Mr. and Airs. Rarer•.• Mes• ;ser, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott, Mr. end Mrs: Wm. Blackmore and baby retu^ring to Toronto with them. SEE COLOR PHOTOS OF THE YOUNG EISENHOWER- Nlrret t.hs young Eisenhow'rs in The American Weekly wt"t this Sunday's, (Apni1 51 issue Detroit Sunday Times. See ,inclusive photos of Maine Eisenhower, lett wife Barbara, and tlneii• three children. Read wilily Jahn nal Barbara are re- luctant to luavo their children brought lip in flue White House. Get Sunday's Detroit Times. MEDICAL AID IN FAR NORTH • 'llbe DepatImenit of National Heal:h and Welfare operates 18 hospitals and "29 nursing station's to out of ire way spots for Wiens acre Eski- mqs, Jalnes Nicol, Star Weekly cor- respondent, writes of the spectacul- ar ,eervtees offered by the govern. mel5t In the wilds of Canada. Tho ureas Are readied by tamer and dog tease, by snowmobile, power boat or airpllane, depending on the 5.ason, tint etreunn stance and the we'tthec. p+wemcnl dramas aro masted through these missions of ni5rcy, 'Phis and. many other inte:'cellag stnr188 np• l;rnr 158 the Mar. 28 issue of the Tor' onto Rim Weekly, •-L11.- -yrf y}� ,"iSkv „kjaki,',4,agfinergod,,-41, :.ti✓/iiyr • MASSEY-HARRIS BUILDS WORLD'S FIRST TEST TRACK FOR POWER FARMING MACHINES Another milestone in implement engineering progress Iia 1952, Massey -Harris took one of the longest forward steps ever taken by a farm machinery manu- facturer, toward the development of stronger, longer- lived, better -performing, trouble-free machines for power farming. Massey -Harris built the vorld's first fill scale farm machinery "Test Track", where tractors, combines and other farm machines are be- ing tested, accurately and scientifically, for vibration, fatigue, resistance to shock, resistance to water and dust, stability on slopes, climbing power, traction in mud, steering, torque, weight distribution. Combined with practical field tests, these scientific track tests conducted under controlled, comparable conditions are providing Massey -Harris engineers with the necessary knowledge to improve design, in- crease durability, and improve the performance of every M -H machine that runs on wheels. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Makers of high-quality farm implements since 1847 shin 072" Vitiilarneak THE PROUDEST NAME Il DIAMONDS �tttt75 fs this vary smart bl,sodsoroa a andablel watch odcrn - de�en vc styling. 4 POIitn GUARANTEE , • PEpFECT 1R, POLOUR CUT RRILLIANOV ND FLAWLESS unnw /Lie oat EASY PAYMENT PLAN gym....,:. Fes: Cash Cash Cash Crash Cash Flare you any old gold around the house which could be turned into Cash. Bring it into our store, we will buy it, and pay you highest prices for same. Jeweller W. G, LEACH Brussels, nit. TY