HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-3-18, Page 1• THE Post Publishing House Authorized as second class man, WednesdaY, March 18th, 1953 rota Office Department, Ottawa POST $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. 110; WINGHAM KINSMEN owe KIN KENO NUMBER* - WHY PAY MORE " • . 1-1 lb. Pkg. Sliced Bacon • • • • • • • • 53c 1 Wieners , •• 1-16 oz. Jar P -Nut Butter 3-1b. Margarine - • • .• • ••••• • 39c 32c $1.00 - COMPARE OUR PRICES - GREWAR'S Phone 5 THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE It was a wise man who said, "What is wanted is not more law but a better public opiMon." Of courae, it Ls onity a strong public opinion be. hind it that gives validity to any law. On the ether hand a law is, just the crystalization of public opiniou. The trouble Is that public Gelatin is too march at theamercy of slanted propaganda. So it is very import- ant that men In public office be on their guard against making irreapon- sible statements or giving snap verdicts. It is also importate. that the people of the towns and con- cessions refuse to let th.emzeives be imposed Bryon by any subversive propaganda The only sound baste for public opinion le facts -- all the factsw. Weigh the facts - make up your minds. That's the nrivilege tied that' a the responsibility of the citizens of a democracy. Such* an informed public opinion wW give stability to ,Our laws. - Advt • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and MTS. Enid D. Newman. Whitechuroh. wish to announce the engagement of . their daughter, Marilyn Grace to Donald J. Mae Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. James MacDonald of Bruseela,. The weed Ing to take Plaee the letter part of ' March. RECEPTION AND DANCE In Walton Hall on FRIDAY, MARCH 20th for Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Brynns Music by Smith's 'Orchestra Ladles Bring Lunch Collection et Dour Everybody Welcome vormerntaitoteMea THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Murals Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m.013nnday Belle0i 13 s. m. Morning --(fibraktp United Church OF CANADA rffinIster, Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worship - 11 o'clock ''Me Offetee-of the °rose' Mara School ••- 12 o'clock. Y, P. U. - 7 o'clock. Como and Worship ' 121111•11111,1.13---.•••••• Churchof England Parish cf Brussels Rev. A. Newnan, IEMs, M. A. • Fifth Sunday in Lent March 22l1d:1958 es. John's Onaren. OrumeM-- 11 a. in. Morning Prayer Sunday School It. Davits tletireli. Hades* 2.30 p.m. Evening Prayer Sundae Sehool Brussels GIRL GUIDE NOTICE - Morel' 211st will be the Drat Sat- urday enemoon meeting. This is to enable the girls from outside the village to join us in our training. We ars planing a Corenatfon programme which will entitle the girls to weae the Queen's Own Designed insignia for Girl Guides throughout the World. We are 8. aktng girls trou. a years old to 16 to )01iCO. US. We will be glad to have You. Enrollment at Library, Saturday, Maroh 14th. Mrs. W. G. Leach, Distrlat Com. miesioner, Girl Guides. EUCHRE PARTY HELD The Ladles' Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion held a successful Euchre Party in their homes cia Fri- day evening, March 13th, with 12 tablets. plaY. The -winners were Mrs, S. 2'ox and Ross Duncan, -Meth the consolation awards. going to Mrs, Rose Duncan eed Frank Shaw. The nest euchre party will be held 011 March. 31. IN MEMORIAM McQUARRIIO - In memory of a baying Father and Grandfather Welilliam Thomas, who passed away March 21st. 1949- 1.our presence Is ever near 11S, Y0111' love reMairts with 11S yot, You wore the kind of father, Tour loved CMOS' would never f,orge t. - Ever remembered by his family IN MEMORIAM McQUARRIE-In loving mainary ef my dear Husband, William Thomas MeQuarrie. who passed away, foie. years ago, March 21st, 1949, Gone is the face4I Rived so deer, Silent is .the voice ,loved to hear, Too fax aye for eight or Brine. But not toe far tot -thought to 'reach Sweet to remember him V,111 once was here And Walb though Itheerilt Is PM aS MAJESTIC womews INSTITUTE Tee majoatte Women's laslitete met altir iho March meeting In the balSVInletnit Klf the Library on, Thura- day, Magee 12th, Mrs, R. W. Staple elle presided and the roll -call 1555, "Some vedette manuPactured in Huron Countd". Mas. D. Oudmore gave the aeport for Ilile recent etichro party '-141nts. C. Davie also reported for the L.O,L, dance, Mrs, Stephenan. nonneed that lachlevemeet day would he held in ,Onanbrook on Tnuradee, April 9. Mrs. A. Lane, stated they 11 ere ,startin the course, "The Glu' Girl Entertains" in the Llbrate• on Tuesday openings and It would bo open to gints 'from •.he ages 12 to 26 Yearns,. On Wed., Mar. 25 at 2.36 pen. the J. M. Schneider Go„ are shetvieg a ;film called, "Dutch Treat." They will he seating cold meats at the luncheon. All the ladies nee wel- come at ithia Meeting, At Gera- meet- ing there will be the annual ex- change- et Otte fer the Sunshine Sisters. The date for (.1111 April meeting ban been set back one week and -Will be no Thursday, April atit at 2 p m. Mao. Nevoid Seel,. was an - painted to attend the Conferenen in Guelph on May t and S. airs. Deulglate Hcaninieway, Mise Beth T4OM^P1' and Mrs jas. S. Armallaing were ammiriled as a norni irting committee. A bake sale w111 Os held ,on April 4-th in the Library. The emparners, for 'tilts win be Mrs. G. Long, Mita. (4P41, Bea.. arre S. Wheel- er orel llfra. A. 13.1,mtbull. A (Vm- VIIF(.1001 fellowed on the llensees Hiatt School at whioh. time Mr T10.1 encleaeoured to Anseer numbee of questions. Mrs. Walter Kerr then contributed some piano .selection,s. Happy birthday was sting for a few of the members. Mr. Holden then delighted the lactlea with 7105. rn-osit interesting film. Put- ting on the Ritz.", He presentee each lady present wItn a box of epkies and donated rookies far the lunch. Mrs, George Evens voiced the annreclatIon or the Institute to both Mr. Holden and Mr. 0011:4111S. A.n announcement hem the extensiota services 1ild us of a lecture in esyerolegy. "We Gall Tit Hamm Nature," veal he held to Blaneyale Community Hall on kern 28191. It WAS decided to naive the convenor of Community Activitles be n mernther of the recently formed 'Chamber of Commerce and rellre- sera the Institute. The Sun,411111 call<-ctian was taken and the meet- ing - was closed with the "Qeeen." Lunen was atarred by Mrs,. F. W 'rood, Mss. .2 Speir, Mrs. H. Siteir Mee. qt. W. Stephens and Meg. Ltsliii Switzer. CARD OF THANKS I would like to eXgraSS a heart" warm thane you to all, those respan- a.lble for the party on my benalf. The gift will be cherished for mare years to coime AS it will be useful in my airforce career. Alex Keffer. CARD OF THANKS We, the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, wish to thank Mr Walden of the McCall -Frontage,: 011 Company andeMr. George Bridge, dear. Sour International Harvester agent, Lovingly remembered by lila wife. for the aeportunity of cateeng 1.1 their tree show rend dance Mrs. Vera Hastings, Pres. CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE AMP 2 shows nightly 7.90 -,- 8.30 D. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Wed. Thur. Fri. Mar. 18 - 19 - 20 You'll roar with laughter wh,'n yu.ti see Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis In "THE STOOGE" Saturday Only March 21 . "SMOKY" The wohderful story of a man ard his love for e horse, This picture should be seen by everyone. Fred MacMurray and Anne Baxter. • Monday, Tuesday March 23 - 24 Judy Garland,. Fred Astaire, Peto' Lawford In the swinglest musical of the year • "EASTER PARADE" TUESDAY FOTO-NIM OFFER $150.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. • Are you registered for Foto -Nita? Wed. 'Mr. Fri. Mach 25 35 • 27 Th ernazaing eye filling spectacle 'MILLION DOLLAR MERMAID' starring Esther WIlliame, Victor I Mature. See -Sky high watt' See -Swings In the Heavens See -The Raining writer curtain. Never before - never again such sights to see, REGENT TIrit..ATRE Seaforth, Ont, NOW PLAYING - Mar, 19 • 20 - 21 "HERE COMES THE KELSONS" I Motion. of Bolger and Ozzie Nelson Harrletl Nelson I ' (Ionise that 1 erk Hood School Supply be given The Nelson's are back again In this , permission to make a eurvey 01 gun i comedy, Rockl-ludson creates a plites required for 1953-54 sclioo) 1 sensation and upsets the whole , you% household. Everyone will ouloY thls motion of Conley and lleFarlane picture. 1 that the secretary hill the Tannanin --- . Council or 'Weed et interee• with. March 23 • 24 - 25 1 :held ilroin tlutees levy, "LOVE IS SETTER THAN EVER" Motion of Bolger and Conley that Elizabeth Taylor Larry Parks the secretary requests teleatiee ef This Is one of M.G.M.'s gayest cOm- 58000. for March saleable'. edy hits. See Liz fall In love wItl- Motion of Bolger end Itielfarlaie the man v•ho claims that he Is ciliary. 1155,1 the following Mile he paid. Tc to marriage. RADIO PROGRAM ENJOYED People listened with pleasure to elle programme of 'nude presented Cl'ar 0: K. 'N. X. On Sunday by pupils of L. D, Titompeon of Brnsaels. Piano solos were played by Jane Reno, Audrey Rackwell and Marion HemitaiwalY, Vocal solos by, Douglas Dunbar, Miss Margaret Perrli and Brian preeectii, the eloeing Another was a duet by Doris Johns'on and Audrey Hackwell,' PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. P. J. Gordon, of Sauli. Ste Marin Ont.. was a guest ta the home of Win, C. ICing tits week, also at Immo of Miss Beagle Moses, Mists Betty Irving 'spent ttn. syeek- nwd at line home of John Strachan. Rhe is an exchange teacher In Tor- r'leito from Saislcatoon, Sask, James and Wm. Moses meant Ben- tley 01 the home of Wm. MacDonald, Gerrie, where khzt met 'Pottier Mac- Donald of Paswegin. Seek., V1110 scan 5 merohant in Jamestown many a ears ago. WA IL TON 'rim (1151oh me !tine of the aeatiton IV, M. S. and W. A. group was held t thr' home of Mils. Noble McCallum on Wednesday evening, March 110, verb 23 latiles present. Ma preei. dent Mrs. R. Bennett ppened the mreti'ing with ,the hymn, Pas; Me Not 0 Gargle Savioo" atter -which a player was offered by Mrs. Waller F.readfoot. The scripture f -am 2nd Timothy. was read bY the pie isident Mrs. Frank' Walters read o peent entitIded, Platte Thlitea.." Mrs. Fern Patterson gave the secreitery'e report and the trees levee renor' was given bY Mrs. Flank Kirl,by. Durieo, tb he' ueri od 1' -nal aimarngemants were mane •7"1.1•• th. Mao:), to im held or ft:0 01(11 7,1 March. Mr". Neiren Mark' r'ev' se katereartine topic on, "Francis Jane rreehy." Th ni PP!. ii,.! eh,. 1 with "Safe in thr arm= and Mc Mianaia Breed. Jetta*. Misa Annie Gordan candect. PO ree.reaes and I a n ch WP7, Fell.ted by the hostess aiegiated 01 Mrs. R. Teoricitt, Mrs. N. Mary,. Mill Sh.anneon The lar! meetine. W1,11 1,1e1 (1,0 bon+. 11 Mrs. 'Terrence Dundee. The March meeting of the Gleaner MISSiOTI Band of Duff's United . 011111'611 WV; 31510 in the selioal more of the calmer on Sunday 'morning March 115t11. 'Phe call to worship nag follawed by tha hymu "Vallee!' Lord ZaS1.17." 'Mrs. N. Kirkby tout an intereisthing Ealsiter Story. atter which "Jesus Love the Little Children" wa, sung." Prayer wive offered by M. Achilles end "Tell Me the Steries at Teens" was SWIM Classes NV'S; then formed atter ndilob the meet thy (dosed with hemn 34 and the I IVTirprth Benediction. GREY BRUSSELS ,REBEKAH TO RECEIVE DEGREE OF CHIVALRY mm, Jetta Libtee, P. G. of Moraine Star Rebekah Lodge, Brussela, hay been ,reememended to receive the Degree of ,Ohivaley, This is tbe .laigheet honour bestowed bv the Rebekah order err orale of les mem- bers, She will receive the decor. ation during the june session of the Ricibekeh Alssembly In Toronto. This will be the second member of Morn Ing Stair Ledge to receive this Itonour, Mns. Lanra Wil,"-antson received the decoration laat year Morning Star Lodge recently held a epecial mooting when Mrs. L Williamson and tsr degree 555 15 onnferred 'the degree on two now members, Mrs. Susie Martin and Mrs. Edna Pearson. The 0.P. T. committee of the Brus- mils T. 0. 0. F. held Five Hundred and Encihro Parties In various homes. At the conclusion of playing the Meets travelled to the lodge where the lunch committee germt it deliciong lunch. Five hunch -'d win. mews noire Wes. Herr and Mrs. Alba/ Cat di ff coneolation , Jacl- Yuill and Meg. „Pia •Tiryans winnerg. Walter Kerr and Mrs PP, Ferguson; i ,.leolart. naiieolniaztigcmB111 Martin 1a.„I. • Mrs. William Davidson Tre Ref, W. H. T. Fulton, of Mil - Presbyterian Chtlreh, conducted. FPI'VICTIS At the Walker Funeral Dome, Tuesday for Mrs. Witilarn Dayidaon. Formerly Ida Beadt•haw mina died in Hiunittan. Pal:bearers were Russell Bradshaw, Ch Arica and George Damiderea, Thomas Ellia, Ft-ancle Duttoten, WU1un Hendarsor, THE UNITED CHURCH The Rre, H. E. Wellwood of Pith. - mend Hill, repretgenting the Oniavio Temperance Federation. 105, guest speaker in tre United Ch'irrh on Sunday. Mai ch 15th. The anthem was. "Some Day Hell mak,. it Plain." The 11,10.10 Trio. "Corse TTnto Me' Win 5l1n7 by leirs, M. Dennis, Mrs. D. laavisen. Mrs N. Hoover. Misims T SP 1),1 Dann's. Joyce Thome= and Agree, Lane. , STAGE SHOW TO BE PRESENTED HERE A show, presented by local talent. will be staged 05 the Brussels Tnysi Rail on, April 14t0i, 15th and 17th, • welder the atupicus of the East Huron i !Society, Wilton for further announcements. WINNFPq. 41" OPIDGE MOTORA ' FAMILY PARTY A ranar•liy crow -1 attended *be 1951 Tnearerl3enn1 R 4a-leeratien 111'- pla-y and Family Party. ancina,ired Dridge Motors, :and eninyed aic everting of fine entertainment. Priv. wb'n''rn were - asfterno-n, Joel; Evatea• 1i1itenitta- 0-i-on.- ant 'lr 18 virblr, TrOrri (Win*, rwpiiva the rafrigottator sold County Engineer les Wed., Atleinii nth 7-18 'Ennurs„ March 12th - Fri., March 13th - G-49 Sat, March 14th- N-3,* More, Murch 16th- 1-30 Tues., Maleh vital - 13.7 37 A Spring Formal Dance under auspices of C. P. and T. Comm. I. 0. 0. F. and Rebekah Lodge will be held In Brussels Town Hall on Friday, March 27th Music supplied by Johnny Day and his orchestra. - Dancing 10 to 1 p. m. Admission $1.00 Dress Optional 10/10110101•111=1.111.11111111M.111111211“.••=1., moreasalININAII EUCHRE and DANCE In the Cranbrook Community Centre Friday, March 20th Euchre at 8.30 p. Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Booth in the Hall Sponsored by East Huron Agricultural Society. Admission 50c and 25c Everybody Welcome s ATTENTION TRUCKERS Your attention is directed to R. S. 0. 1950, Chapter 167, Section Subsection 4, 5 and 6 re Load Limits during months of March and April; these sections will be strictly enforced on all County Roads. Peter D. Pattersen Grey School Board Meeting Grey Twp. School Board Meeting I, was held ora March 101115. 1 , Minutes were read and adopted on motion of Brown and Bolger. I On motion .of McFarlane and Brown, Jack Conley was aneeinted vice-thatlamain. Motion Conley and MeTrarlane that contracts of Mrs. Doreen RZni- , aid and Mrs. Wilda Baillie for care. taking of 1J. No. 4 and No 9 res- pectively, be accepted as bruary 1, 1983. 1 Motion of Bolger and Brawn that i we join the Ont. Trustees and Rate, I resets Assoc. and subsert.1-o In ti, Municipal World, ....... Joe Chapman, wood . ' Clinton Hydro March 26 • 27 - 28 Technicolor Ceell Illekinier, lobar "BRAVE WARRIOR Municipal World John Hall Christine Larsen The Redskins are an the aver path Celt TrusiateR and and drive tre settlers from their RatePaya .Assioc, homes, For action And suspense Mr, F. Strattrelnalf, repaira Don't Mlss This Picture With the to ton, Historicaf backgreund. 1311113We Coal Yard. wood .7,111 Ma, samplies COMING - 7111ine Traldwere; mallet "DECISION BEFORE DAWN" Arthur Hewitt, wend J. Carl HemillgWay, See:Treat. 598.00 142.47 21,03 12.00 10.0,, 5.05 80 Or 1199.09 R.75 1211 ne SPRING IS HERE DRESS UP THOSE WINDOWS THE WiNDOWS ARE THE EYES OF YOUR -HOME - SMARTEN THEM UP WITH NEW DRAPES FROM D. L. CHAPMAN'S The Largest Drapery House in Western Ontario WE CARRY ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN DRAPERY, CURTAINS CURTAIN GOODS FOR EVERY ROOM IN YOUR HOME EVERYTHING THAT IS SMART AND NEW IN BARK CLOTHS, BOUCHLEYS, PEBBLE CREPE,DAMASKS, SCREEN PRINTS, PRINTED SATINS IN ALL THE SMART NEW PATTERNS AND COLORS. FLORAL DESIGNS, ABSTRACTS, SCENICS AND KITCHEN DESIGNS. HUNDREDS 'OF PIECES TO PICK FROM. 36 TO 42' DRAPERIES $1.00 To $1.98 yd. 48" DRAPERIES $1.49 To $6.50 yard CUSTOM MADE DRAPES - MADE TO YOUR ORDER ANY STYLE YOU WISH TO CHOOSE. AT MOST MODERATE PRICES, MANY DIFFERENT MOD- ELS MADE L•P ON DISPLAY FOR YOU TO PICK - NEW STYLES AND SUGGESTIONS TO OFFER YOU EVEY WEEK. 50" Sa,teen Drapery Lining 98c to $1.65 yard UMW 'ALL PAPER SALE - 10 DAYS ONLY ROOM LOTS - REMNANTS AND ALL LAST ,SEASON PAPERS MUST BE CLEARED OUT , HALF PRICE ODD BORDERS TO CLEAR 3c Yard D. L, CHAPMAN MAIN ST. LISTOWL PHONE 71 15 1'