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The Brussels Post, 1953-3-11, Page 8
4 USED CARS 1952 Chev, Styline Deluxe Sedan Radio, Air Cond. $2075.00 1952 Chev, Styline Sedan Ra,dio, Air Cond. 1975.00 1951 Olds. 88 Hydra. Radio and Sun -visor 2375.00 1951 'Chev. Power Glide Heater, Sun -visor 1850.00 J948 Chev. Sedan, Radio Sun -visor 1195.00 1175.00 194$ Chev. Coach 1946 Dodge Sedan 1075.00 1946 Hudson Sedan 750.00 USED TRUCKS 1 Chev. Sedan Deiivery $1550. 1949 G.M.C. Pick-up $875. 1946 Fargo 2 ton with racks 400.00 1946 Ford 3 ton Stake 400.00 1948 Thames Panel $250. RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and 'Oldsmobile Sapertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. ;*;"'*'1;7,7.77M Baby -Chicks, Pullets and Cockerels Started Pullets° SUSSEX - SUSSEX x RED RED x ROCK — ROCK x LEGHORN Free delivery anywhere. Phone your order to Coveney's Chick Hatchery Mitchell, Ont. BOX 57 PHONE 'V Nagesmotionommisiiiimmigstagnr- THE BRUSSELS POST WOOD'S Phone 24 Brussels, Out Spring Toggery Y"•�OL"»lrw,rar, .,^.�,.x�glor+!*iFr1,'ra'' Ladies Shorties and Coate the New Shades and Fabrics Children's Spring Coats and Coat Sets Jackets, Suits and Coats for Spring. Brussels Farm Equipment We have a full line of Massey -Harris Tractors, Implements and Parts. Now is the time to order your Requirements - for Spring Needs. A. M. FIRBY & SONS Massey -Harris Dealers Phone 55 Brussels, Cnt. Wednesday, March 111h, 19{,8 DRY COWS �• :; ;~ s�'ilea a fe`e+ PN, it siltileyJnr-u—half aeoll half!s Brussels Creamery PHONE 22 BRUSSRLSi , commeammoncemice parents to another job. School be- gins. at Nine oiclock and ccntinues throutgh to Uhree-thirty, with one Dour for lunch and games at noon. 11 All the children, except four, come etg+ht mile's by bus all year. % Interesting Experiences 1 had qme startling experhnce on Illy first day (here three y,+ars ego, 1 when a tall boy of seventeen entered . the schoolroom with the other children as the boll rang I had I noticed him out outside earlier, but thought he was the bus driver. it .turned out that he was a boy woo had been retarded beca:ise of a serious spinal injury and was .a Grade Seven. He was a very Eke. 1 able pupil and at present I- taking a ,business course in S.,rlt Ste Marie, having passed r.is Grade Light successfully last year. • On another occasion, T held class- es in any kitchen and living ':coin as we could not heat the school room above fifty degrees , because of a bitter westerly wind off Lake Superior. Moose, bear, heal. er and other forms of wild life are c minion sights here. 'Nue children are. rich In nature experiences and many of them are real woodsmen. We belong to the Audubon Society and. needless to say, the children take an active interest in their club wct!rities, as we have endless scurees •xf studs all salon/rid us 'Phis district Is bless- ed with numerous waterfalls, Indian trails and scenic spots. Not tar from our Scholl is an old Indian cem- ete'hy where members of the ojtbway tribes and factors and their wives from the Hudson Bay Post ars buried. J.cnees the river, within sight of dile school, is the original ocation of the Hudson Bay Post, first built in 1780. The frame building w,as recently torn down, much to the dissapointment of those who apppeclalted its significance. After living here tot three years, I ams stilled thrilled by the beauty of the North and shall be perfectly con- tent to spend the rest of my rte. here. Taken , from T,he Fiducational Courier. BRUSSELS MOTORS HURON COUNTY'S FOREMOST CAR DEALERS A number of 1951 Cher, Coaches and Sedans and Pontiac Priced to Clear a t, 81695. 1052 Podtiaa Styline Coaah 1862 ©hey. deluxe Styline Ooagb, tally equipped. 1951 ()her. deluxe Fleetllne Sedan • 1961 Ohev. deluxe Styline Sadao 71181 Deem deluxe Sedan. 1950 Oher. deluxe Styline Ooach. 1949 Chew. Coach. 1948 Chev Sedan. 1941 Chew. Sedan. 1937 Chevrolet Coach.. TRUCKS 1953 Dodge %-ton Plok-up, eeoing below Nit,- 1948 itt,-1948 Mercury Pick-up. YOUR FRIENDLY CITIES SERVICE ` DEALER 24 Hour Towim,, Service Phone 73u Brussels, Oat $7211 Slee VitdarlOwnift THE PROUDEST NAME 11 DIAMONDS i2,`l_ls mnrt hans lhie Veaoddablel dsome aerch in d _ �_ i%� IltrYm .--tet./ /ism i POINT GUARANTEE PE8FEOT IN IPOLOUR CU SRILLIATNOY AND FLAWLESS :\..00301.178 •i./ ii.P2 out EASY PAYMENT PLAN Cash Cash Cash Cash Cash 'Have you any old gold around the house which could be turned into Cash. Bring it into our store, • we will buy it, pricesfor same. G, LEAPH and pay you highest Jewellez ° Brussels, Ont, From Northern Ontario comes ,this word picture of A LITTLE WHITE .C,HOOL rn the Mission By Shirley R. Coleman Our little white school is in the Algoma District, unorganized terri- tory until January, 1952, when Mioh- ipdcoten Township was formed. The council is planning to take over botu this school, MLLbiplcoten Harbour School, and the Sir James -Diann Public 'Sohool In Wawa (James- town), 10 form a school area. As this change may be made in January, 1953, the future of our school is uncertain. Because of the low at- tendance, ten at this time, the pupils may be transported to Wawa, and this too presents a problem, The Mission is six miles from Wawa and Michlpicoten galls is eight miles beyond the Mission. This imams the` the Falls children who come eight miles by bus now, would be travel- ling fourteen to school over rather treacherous roads. Both my husband and 1 like the North ;very well and, as we are fond of huniting and fishing, we feel very much at home here. At the same time, having been raised in Southern Ontario, we i•d feel the brunt of the forty and fifty below temperatures of first nutter here, but have eine become somewhat acclimatized. The school is a white frame build- ing with living quarters attached The quarters consist of living -room dining -room and kitchen combined, bedroom and toilet. The schoolroom has an automatic oil furnace, fluor escentt lighting and running water, The presence of a piano, Mctdehtally, aids greatly in the presentation of the annual Oh.rtstmas concert. The library to fairly well stocked. Large winidowes on the west command picturesque view of Lake ;fiupertor: the junction of the MagiNe and 'fie Midhipicoten Rivers, and tho wooded `` hills to the north. The view if, ore Of 'unsurpassed beauty! The pupils are well adjusted friendly children who make teach..+l(t a pleasure rather than a, tack, l hate grades One ,Two, Five, Six and Nine In my first year here, I had Gra%tet One to Ten inclusive, As Mott 01 MO parents are construction "rorkere at the Great Lakes Company camp, the attendants t ictuater% making it rather eomplieated 10 keep the register and rr,cord cards accurate. Some children have attended as tow as six days. then moved on with their WANTED— A hanging lamp. with red shade, old muzzle loading guns with brass - trim and old organ. For Sale Spaniel Pups. M. A. Fraser Phone 17r19 at meal time. KITCHEN SINKS — White porcelain' enamel steel 25 x 92 right or left band drainboard; the always popular 16 x 20 single sink; also ledge type double bowl and double drainboatrd sinks and a one - pie-ce combination laundry tray and sink with eliding drainboard; bath- room sets. Oatalogue with install titian diagrams. Recessed bathtubs. See or write S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIITS, STRDDTSVILLH, ONTARIO." Separators sad Matinees. DU; Flavus, MOWN, spre Lime and Fertilizer Sowers, Spring -tooth Maim both wheel tractors iind crawlers, Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Mower., Hay Loaders, 'stalky Forage Blowers an Dernmer MILL. We also ase repair.. Ear Oliver Cockshatt Traders, Implement Dealers tar t lh,ee tenpiemente MORRIT1f & VYIZ aaiQ'k' myth, Clic McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHELLURRICATION, SHELL HOOSEHOLD ANO SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES Parts and AOea.eria., Austin Sales and Service Saarenteed repaint to all ,mikes of care nes trucks PHONE 77re BRUSSELS, O141. "ITS HERE" THE HANSON BRODJET Come In And SEE IT • • Low Cost, No Booms — Sprays Row Crop•, . Field Crops, . Road Side, . Barn"s Cattle, Hen House. Use the Handi Jef to wash cars, trucks, tractors. A YEAR ROUND SPRAYER You Can Not Afford To Be Without It SEE US NOW ED. RICHARDS — ETHEL Your Sporting Implement Dealer Support Your Hockey Team Arrival of New Spring Goods Sport Jackets Slacks. Men's Suits . Women's and Misses Suits Nylon Blouses Wind'breakers. Spring Top Coats Sweaters Spring Footwear THE ARCADE STORES Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Blyth, Ont. Brussels, OWL