HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-3-11, Page 5THE SRUSSF.iy POST
\vedrueeatty, Marcia Hill, 10$$ "1
Another milestone in implement engineering progress
In 1952, Massey -Harris took one of the longest
forward steps ever taken by a farm machinery manu-
facturer, toward the development of stronger, longer -
lived, better -performing, trouble-free machines for
power farming. Massey -Harris built the world's first
full scale farm machinery "Test Track", where M -H
tractors, combines and other farm machines are be-
ing tested, accurately and scientifically, for vibration,
fatigue, resistance to shock, resistance to water and
dust, stability on slopes, climbing power, traction in
mud, steering, torque, weight distribution.
Combined with practical field tests, these scientific
track tests conducted under controlled, comparable
conditions are providing Massey -Harris engineers
with the necessary knowledge to improve design, in-
crease durability, and improve the performance of
every M -H machine that runs on wheels.
Makers of high-quality farm implements since 1847
awa,aexe.maa somemAmRirn,ms.s✓nr..wcceux ,asci
IIWhen fellow Canadians lose their homes
and their hopes in disasters of fire or flood,
you have a part in the work of relief. Though
the victims be It thousand miles away, catastrophe
makes close neighbours of us all. Red Cross moves
swiftly to help the injured and homeless. With
supplies and equipment that you help provide, the
tragedy of ruin is eased. By helping the Canadian
Red Cross carry on its work of mercy you become
truly a part of the rescue team. Give generously
... keep your Red Cross strong.
support your
$5,310600 is needed this year!
Giles to your Red Cross era wisely riled, Each year Ibe accormtivg
is sribjecl lo wait by the Dominion Goverment
Clearing Miction Sale of Farm Stook
and Maelllnery ..at Lot 33, Con 10,
last Wawaniosit Twp, 4 miles South
and 4 mdtee West of Winghein on
Thursday, Maroli 24th at 13 30
CATTLE — 6 cows to freshen In
April. 1 black heifer, wtlii calf, 2
Muck 'heifore to freshen In Marr h,
4 black heiress, 2 yrs. old; 1 black
steer, 2 yr, old; 20 Poll Angus steers
ready for market, weight approx
11001 lbs; Roan oaw, freshened
Maiieh 1st Ho1s'te.o !heifer, fresh.
onied .in Feb. Red heifer, treahened
in Nov, 3 calves 6 months old.
Black registered Doll Angus Bull;
34ereford cow due in May; Holetelu
now duo In April; 2 red cows, tight
roan cow due time of sale; 14
e earning heifer.° and steers.
HORSES --- Grey mare and 1 brown
MACHINERY — McCormick.Deering
Tractor, ? yr, olds a W4 one way
disc; Woods eleotrio roller, 3 gr.
old; McCormick Deering Manure
Spreader, like etre; 3 Section ming
tooth harrows; 2 farrow McCormack,
Deering tractor plow; 3 yr. old side
rake harrows; MoCormice Deering
newer mower; walking plow; scut
fler; dump rake; wagon on rubber
with good hay rack; trailer with
rack. Cass Forage harvester; blow-
er, like crew; steel pasts Vega. T,6
Eaton orea,n eparatcim; roll woven
fence wire; roll bleb wire; lumber
baerel molasses; .louble harnees;
single harness; Alfalfa seed: col.
.rr,rn; 10 ton baled hay; 500 bus.
Clinton oats, suitable for seed; 500
bus, mixed grain; Electric fences
Mood condition; forks, sliovele
ebeinc and other articles,
Terms Cash
No reserve ,farm sold.
Mrs. Edward M; 3urney. neap.
(74. A%kr--Y )rtr)r_"
In the basement of Knox Presby-
terian Church, Wednesday night,
following a pot -luck snppur about
TO people ouJoyed an illustrated talk
on "Landscapinik your home and.
Ornamental Planting" by .1, Noble,
representing a. Strathroy nursey.
Miss Margaret Perris, coutrtouted a
solo during intermission, aeuomitaai.
rd by Mrs, W. M. elyndman, A
silver collection was :taken, .pro
reeds gong to the Ladies' Ald,
Mr. and Mrs, Jtm Cameroon and
Carol, Windsor visa+ed with friends
Friends of Mrs. Clam Stetfter re-
eret that she is again conrtued to
felinhon hospital ami hope slice mag
soon be home enjoying good health.
A very enjoyable and profitable
time was spent at the Unitai Church
Brussels on Wed. evening, Marrh 4,
when the ladies of the congr>titioa
end •hhe young ladies of the Junior
.1.uxtldary of the W. M. S. of Be,grave
wore guests of the Friendship Merest.
The guest speaker Miss Caller a rel:
sionary of the Sudan, Africa and
formerly ot. Wingham gaze an In.
teresting and inspiring talk o't her
evankelistdc work among the natives
She spoke of their crude ways of
living and dark pagan customs tbeir
witch doctors and the thrl',Il,.g es
perienees in eaneerting them to
Christianity. Miss Caller spoke a+
length of dh;e need for more mission.
pries. She showed as many souvenirs
which site had brought with her.
After the lecture. Mrs. C. Bryant
Presidenitt of the Circle thanked
Miss Caller on behalf or all the
ladies present tor eke much a;tprecr•
abed address, Mrs, Geo. Mehl? and
MTs, Oox fiuvoured with a vocal duet
accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Jahns•too,
a vocal solo by Miss Walsh a.rcoul-
itanied by Mra. G. Tohnaton and a
solo by Mrs. R.. Cduslns accnrnpauted
by Betty Cousins. A very enjoyable
contest wee c.ondueted, by Mrs. L.
Wheeler and a social time wee
spent wblior lunch was being served
by the capable eomutittee In charge.
Mrs. Thomas Strachan spent the
week -end in Toronto.
11!tglas Florence Buchanan left on
Saturday, to join Ward end Mrs
Buchamam, Detroit, to motor to
Meat. Wm. Moinni' and Mr and
Mrs. ,Tee, Aimstrcng attended the
05th artni.veraary of Mr. and Wire
Matthew A.rittlslitron;•. Seatortli n
Monday, March 9th,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer
Len,Amnstrossg, Bruseeds Phone 56-rS
Based Straw,
Lloyd Alcock
Phone 23r1i
1 whites enamel beaoh range with
reservoir, in good condition.
Mrs, High Siuith, Bluevale,
A bunch of pigs, 9 woaki old
lady's bicycle, nearly new, also man's
bicyele in. A.1 condition,
L, Querengosser Phone 2.3,14
1 Baan 36' x 56', Any person in•
tereets call
Phone 42r19 Geo. Blake
Dead and disabled farm entreats
wanted for prompt pick-up. Call
Percy Stephenson, Ethel, Perone
Brussels 85r-12 Collect.
Having milking troubles? Contact
Lovell McGuire your Surge- Milker
Dealer, Phone Wingham 59SW. \1'e 1
speciallize in milking cows.
Dead, disabled horses en cows
removed free of charge. For prompt
and efficient service phone
"STONES"' collect Ingersoll 21 or i
Brussels 72.
2 rows milking, due in summer,f1
McCormick -Deering Cream Soparat-
er, weigh scales, bag ttruck, wheel'
t".tor Young Phone 30r10
6 'tons of hay, 2 oil brooders,
1 coal brooder, 1 electric brooder,
Clinton Oats grown from registered
need. A few cords of wood. 1 corn
scuffler. 1 middle age horse.
Jack Wheeler Phone 12313
D03 Case Tractor (row crop) 1
year old, perfect condition Reason-
sale price $1,800. for quick sale.
Also one 2aow cultivator, hydraulic,
for this tractor, Price 5250. for the
cultivator. Contact Robert Boll In
dustries Limited, Seatorth.
A quarlttty of Dry Hard Body
Wood and Cedar, also a good
enpply of Blue and Black Antartr
cite Coal, Alberta and Briquettes.
Brussels Coal Yard
Picone 86x2 d. E. Brewer
DEADSTOCK relmoved from year
farm promptly for sanitary disposal
Telephone Collect: Brussels Wu
or Simian 664.
Reliable man as 7ealer in Huron
County. Experience not nsoeasary,
A titre opportunity to step into old
profitable business where R.awlstgb
Products have been sold fur years.
Big profit's, Products turntobeJ on
credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept.
0.152-163. Montreal.
for licensed meahlanies to get ahead
in a ear .agency shop. Your ability
determines. your wage as the shop
is on a flat -rate baths with grony
and hospital insurance and a 43 -
flour -week. Apply to Bennett Motors
Limited, Listowel, Ontario.
100 acre term geed house and bank
barn, 80 Braves workablet decent
bush annd woodlot. Priced at $4.
100 cora Farm, good buildings,
good location, near highway, Priced
at $8;$00.00.
75 acre Farm all fealties, good
house, steel drivee1ted, good barn,
Priced at 59,000.00
100 acre Inarm, brink house, large
barn, Priced at 59,000.00.
Brick house In village with al!
to ditties,
Cement itOOse in Brussels with all
Parma all sties and number of good
J. C. tong, Real l6stabe ArhMer
Brussels, Ont.
BYLAW NO. 6 FOR 1053
A by-law to raise $100,000.00 to old
In the construction of tile, stone
or timber drains,
The Council of the Tawnehlp of
Grey, Pueauaaut oto The Tile Drains),
Aol, enacts gels follows:
1. That the Reeve may from time
to time. subject to ,the provisions
of this By-ialw, borrow on the credit
of the corporation ot the Municipal.
Ey •ouch sum not exceeding in bite
whole $100,000.00, sis may be de-
termined by the Council, and may
in manner hereinafter provided
easue debenbumes of the corporation
in such sums as the Connell mar
deem proper tor the amotunttao bor.
rowed, with coupons attached as
Lravided in section 4 of the said Act.
2. That, .subject to ,eetution 10 ot ,
The Tile Drainage Act, when the
Council is of opinion that the se-
plication of ,any person to borrow
money for the purpose of construct.
Ing a tile, stone or timber drain 1
Should be granted in whole or in
part. the Council may. by resolution,
direct the Reeve to issue debentures
as aforesaid and to barrow a sum
not exceeding the amount applied
for. and may lend the same to the
applicant on the completion of the
dratnge work.
3. A special Simnel rate shall be
imposed, levied and collected over
and above all other rates upon the
land in respect of which the money
Is borrowed, sufficient for the pay
menet of the principal and interest
as provided by the Act.
Passed the seventh day of Feb., 1958
C. E. Rowland, Reeve.
Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk.
Corporation of the Township of Grey
Take notice that the shave ;s a
true copy of a By-law passed by toe
Connell of the Township of Gray on
the seventh day of February, 1953
and all persons are required to take
notice that any one who desires to ,
apply to have the By -las'
or any part thereof quashed
must serve notice of his
anplleation upon the Head or Clerk
of this municipality within 20 dell
after the date of the last publication
of this notice, and must make his
replication to the Supreme Court of
Ontario within one month after the
said date. This notice was first
published on the Twenty -filth day o.
February, 1953, and the last pub
]!cation will 'be on the Eleventh day
of March, 1953.
Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk.
Clearing Auction Sale of farm stone.
and machinery at Lot 19, Oen. 11,
McKillop 1'4 miles north of Win-
throp 14, miles East on Wed+iesday,
March 18th at 1 p. m.
HORSES — Teams Clyde mares 7
and 8 yrs. old.
CATTLE — 5 young cows, due May
June and hay. Hereford cow, bred
Tan. 12, 6 Hereford and Durham
heifers rising; 2 yrs. old, far, bred
1st Nov.; 2 part Holstein he,lers,
rising 2 yes. old, bred in January.
1 pant Holstein heifer, rising 2 yr.
old; 1 Hereford heifer, rising q
year old; 5 calves rising 1 yr. old
Hereford calf, 3 months aid; 1 Good
Hereford Bull, ristm„ 2 yr. oid.
IMPLEMENTS — 1950 Ford tractor
and plough 6 ft. Massey -Harris
binder. f, ft. Deering mower. 11
hoe seed dritll cultivetir
3 section harrows. Walking ulough;
stuffier 741, H. hay loader; rubber
tired dalton; hay rack; and shift
steel tire wagon and gravol box;
set bench sleighs and flat raek, four
wheel tauter with s,toek flat r,lcki
large ping ensile and wettgblag orate,;
set mclaeis: fanning nti t; root
piper; 3 thicken .shelters; Boli
fre'w ereaut Separator; Water trousit^
Cattle cWppere; wheel lusrrow; Malt'
ure boat; ,5 ton's mixed 1103', 40t
bus. mixed grain; eager kettle;
t5ap and spites, 'luou>er, cedar posts;
double ,hrvr'nleldg, collars, dorkii,
Shovels, chains and numerous other
No reserve Farm sold r,;,t,;,;
Terms Cash
Lorne Hulley. Prop,
Harold Jaokeon, Auctioneee
E, P. Chesney. Clerk.
Clearing Auction Sale of P,ie•el Stock
and Madhdnery at North 1, lot 22,
Can. 9 Morris Twp. VA miles North
of Walton and 2 miles west on
Thursday. March 19t11 at 1 P. M,
HORSES -- 1 team Clyde gelding.
11 and 12 yrs, old weighing 34 run,'•
CATTLE —» 1 ,00w, 7 yrs, old due
J1uiy' 51, 1 steer, rifting 2 yrs. old,
1 Heifer rising 1 yr. old.
POULTRY — 37 — 2 yr. 010 white
Leghorn hens.
MACHTN7RY — M. H. 7 it. binder
with truck end tongue; 6 ft. Deering
mower; 10 ft. dump rake. inter
Latiomal hay loader; 16 ft. r>lling
bay rack; 15 61. 'hay rack; Al. 1-I.
10 ft. ste>l roller; rultivalor; MAT.
seed drill; wagon sox and stock
rack: gravel box; grass wader;
? ft. srted box: 'nrnip drIP; pea
harvester for 5 ft. mower' wire
atr.-etcltens; walking plow; gang
plow: harrows; !Minton fanning
mill with selves; Oliver riding
plow: 2S ft. extensioh Iidder; 16 ft.
ladder; ernes -met : saw; 18 ratters
fm• 14 01. hndiding; Inmbpr: Set
sinrte harness and sett doable har
noes; horse (oilers; coal oil heater:
3rain hags- LBIoeoi disc; sc,,ffler;
sugar kettle; hay knife; 40 bags of,
pn•tatoe,s; tel.: 11 beds, 2 dresarst
sealers, chains; forks other nttic•'eS.
Terms Cash
Frank A. Kelly, Prop.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer
E. P. Chesney. Clerk, —
Penson:Ta; Mrs: Steele), Cook is n
patient in the Wingham General
Hospital, having undergone an op
oration; Charles Coultes, James An-
derson, George Cook, Clarence Han.
na and Martin Crosby attended the
Farmers' Night banquet by the
Lions Club at Blyth. Fraser Mc-
Denald. Paawegin, Seek, and Mr,
and Mrs, Mac Show, Ethel, with
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar WigJttmnn' and
At the regular progressive euchre
party in the C.ammundty Centre here
on Wed. evening Iast, prize., were
won by Mrs, Art Scott, Sense Wheel
er. Mrs. Gem Martin, end David
The Little Star Mission Band of
Melville Presbyterian hold their
meeting inthe basement of the
church on Sunday afternoon. The
meeting opened by singing hymn 795.
Mrs. G. Elliott read the scripture
lesson and :ed in prayer. Following
the offering, the roll call was ars•
veered by 17 members. Mts. Elliott
told a story to the juniors , tittle
:lire. Gihaon taught the seniors. The
meeting clased by singing "We're A
1,11tle Mission Band.
---YYdJfai/ '—
Machine Shop Now
Opei For Business
In Brussels
Lathe Work Acetylene Welding
Electric Welding
Professional service in each line.S itablg
equipment for all agricultural and Indust-
rial repairs. Two men at your service at
all times.
We sell and service the McCulloch, L E.
L. and Dlaston Chairs Saws.
Dealer for Dairi-Cool Milk Coolers
Phone 5601 Brussels, Ont. 1