HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-3-11, Page 3They Call Whiskers "Grass Belong Face" In the British island dotted about the South Pacific is spoken one of the strangest and most colourful languages in the world pidgin-Bngiisil. It has been .described as 'A dreadful .attempt to simplify English by turning things back to front" Instead of saying 'a word like "pocket." you have to describe it as "basket belong trousers," In this way "whiskers" have become "grass belong face;" and the sun "lamp belong Jesus,' A preacher in the British Solo- mon Islands has described how the translated the Lord's Prayer into pidgin. "Papa belong n1e., fella, stop on top; name belong you he tabu; Pidgin belong You ee come down along ground all same on top; Give me fella kai-kat (toed) enough along day; Forget 'im sin belong me fella, all same me tells forget 'im sin belong all together . ." Some years ago the South. Sen Islands had a scourge. of the dreaded hookworm. Doctors were sent out to rid them of the dis- ease, but the superstitious na- tives refused to take the medi- cine they were offered, At last a British doctor learned the lan- guage and tried to tell them about the disease and the "one good fella medicine" he had brought to mire them. By the time he had mastered pidgin he was able to tell an il- literate audience ofnatives cannibals, headhunters and all about the complicated life- eycle of the hoodworm: "You look alongdis fella fic- shure (picture). Two fella 'se- nake. You look: one fella he man- senake, one fella him mars se- nake (male and female snakes). Dis fella mazy, him be bad fella too much. Him he stop long inside boy; him he kai-kai blut (blood); him he makim too much smdll fella egg. Boy he . makin something along ground. Egg he come out. Dis egg he small fella too much . , , " Every time he recited his lec- ture the doctor reported that a "frightened sigh fluttered through the audience." By the time he reached the end of his speech the natives were only too glad to accept the medicine, with the result that the epidemic was very soon stamped out. What's Next? -Watching British blondes pass his cage in Lon- don's Zoo is the favourite pas- time of Winnie, the zoo's Syrian brown bear. Our photographer tried to arouse Winnie's interest in the birdie, but, as you can tee, he was busy watching something else, Cashmere Sweaters, Elegant Yet Practical civet flowers with . , ..., . 1' 11 deweled -centers are ap- pliqued an this pure white cashmere cardigan. Stems and leaves are embroidered. Little buds add a dainty note to the decoration which goes all around thesweater top. The, cardigan Is,shown with a pullover, also in pure cashmere. BY EDNA ,MI IES t1H14 etishlnpl'e d;vttalei,. lijc till#tit and 4$0111044 #4CIlrr %wally am be ,I'eg;ir',4itllt luxury. AI!tf vel, liketinny tint things, it's a seined, ktna r, range investment. ' It wears hesptifully, •rarely goes out et style end.always garries lits ewn air of distinction. 8 le, then, well worth the looney; This seasen, cashmere sweaters, by"'Hadley lave bsen given heads r tlowprs for edening wear. br, ypu Iike, you can add ydurown Winn) ng #era single wearing, The new cashmeres have tine detailing which includes: little ribbed collar's, crocheted edgings and turtleneck^tops. Some :have: wide scoop , necks £QJ' ,veningg wear and some are in whlltd,.red, or soft blue. Others appear •in" the classic blades, neutral beiges, and whites. The Hadley cash- meres are mothproofed in a proc- ess that makes them resist in- roads of salt water or even per- spiration, In choosing your cashmere, pick one that best suits, your way of life. If your choice happens tobe the classic pullover or cardigan, you can change It by using bright accessories, scarves, gay flowers, or new costume jewelry. • This delightful pure cashmere evening sweater has a new scoop neckline with crochet -trim and ribbed cuffs on the brief sleeves. It packs beauti- runy and can be a dancing -costume topper to go with a cocktail or evening skirt. The wide, lovely neckline makes a perfect frame for jewelry TIILFA.N FRONT _.., John'Rtueal. Just how good is the Leghorn - Rhode Island Red cross is some- thing often discussed by poultry raisers. Well, like a lot of other questions, the answer seems to be -it all depends. Will your market pay you full price for tinted eggs? If it will -and particularly if you have a good market for medium heavy hens -the White Leghorn -Rhode Island Red cross /nay be the bird for you, , 0 • 4. U`5, Department of Agricul- ture poultry breeders, who have tried hundreds of combinations of chickens in the past 20 years to fund something "better," be- lieve that they have what they've been looking for in this cross. It's made by breeding a White Leghorn cockerel to a Rhode Is- land Red hen. Of course, any old birds won't do, But recent tests demonstrate that birds from high -producing strains work very well. • 4, • Recently Dr. F. A. Hays crossed a medium weight, high -produc- ing strain df Leghorns on a strain of Rhode Island Reds averaging 240 eggs per bird..• 0 o r Several lots of cross - bred chicks were hatched at different times; brooded with straight Rhode Island chicks; put out pn range with the Reds, and then put in the laying house with the Reds, so that conditions would be identical all the day. 6 0 • The cross -bred pullets out - laved their mothers by about 10% -or two dozen eggs per year! * .They were. slightly smaller birds than the Reds. When they were full-grown, the cross -bred Bens weighed 5.66 pounds apiece, compared to 6,4 pounds for the Reds. They were mainly white feathered, with occasional red feathers. • 4 • They're meaty birds with good body type, but if you're selling them to wholesale buyers you may find them classified with .Leghorns because of their appear - e. CROSSWORD Shrill end thin 0.Siamese cote, 10.1Vervoua twitching . -• -. 11.nehola DOWN 17. Beneath 19. Bristle ry 1. Percolates, 22, Transmitted Stupidverso2. Boron - 24. SUrgieat lechlevous 3. Business reatme0t ]??elven aggreement, 20. Snore at base 4 . Wing ball vel War 6. Partite 20. Bitter vetch "erne 0. Suceeedina 29. Circular Pastan n¢aln art ndicatcr 7. ind of cheese 21, Unhappy PUZZLE ACROSS 1b 4. St ' 7. M 16. So 33, CI 14. here 16. Sea eagle 16. Assent 16. Caresses 20. Adjusted the Pitch 21 Emphasized 2S.Time {Cone 27. Devoured 28. Preceded 20. Contented Mannar181. Straight line intersecting R euro, 124. Matures 86, Eon el( 27. Murat 'Al 'Ventilate 40. Concave vessel 42. Ctulden into error 42. MU, 4eai work 12. Unit 49 Pees off in Vapor 23. p'emanlae 54. Steamship name. routes I600, Abet re(neat,) 07. Amniotic seed 08. Platen 09, Born 22. Sllkt,orra 22. Animal handler 36. Desserts 98, Buccaneer 414 Desiree ea - 43. Silk fablrle It Recipient of a gift 46. Extra part 47. Attitude 49, old mualcal note 60. Prom 61. Tropical bird 62. Olden timed ill AMU 6 iiill e. to a 111 cw ® . .tika UM ill eil NM ill r �i®®4,2ar} sags P..i ®ls 411 la III < � .i " MR 31111111M WI INUIrthil 4�n®)'xi Glee ®M MEMWINUMUIF WINdallIMMINA Answer l sewhere o 1 Th a Page • ance. Other buyers may pay top prices for them, because they're ideal in market weight. 4' a •" Their medium weight and high production makes them efficient birds as fax as feed is concerned, Sp far, their biggest drawback is their tinted eggs. If that problem can be met on the market, the Leghorn -Red cross may become an important production bird. oA * c And, by the way, some poultry- men tell me that there's still a good use for those old-fashioned. china nest - eggs. Remember? They use them to break hens of the egg -eating habit. Put some china eggs on the floor when you're housing pullets that may lay some floor eggs. The birds blunt their beaks on the china eggs only a few times before they lose interest. a • • Here's another idea from south of the border which might b'e worth some of, my readers con- siderating, You've got trees on your place -enough to put up several build- ings. But you can't get them sawed into lumber. It would cost you what they're worth to haul them to the nearest mill. What can you do about it? • a * Plenty, say a group of farmers in Medina County, Ohio. It was because they found themselves all facing this same problem that they decided they could de some- thing about it. 4. e * In January, 1948, they went to- gether and bought a portable sawmill, with the SCS district board signing the notes. Since then, their co-op mill'has sawed over -a million and a half board feet on snore than 200 farms. There are several non - portable mills operating in the area ac- cording to Harold D. Guither, writing in "Farm Journel." 4 C * Charge for sawing is now $20 a thousand, with a minimum ch trge of $50 per farm. This covers payments on the mill, wages for the operator and assis- tant, rental an truck and tractor•, repairs, and depreciation. * 4 i, All but,,$2,000 of the original $8,000 which the mill cost has now been paid off out of null earnings, Jahn Keiser, one of the co-operators, believes it would have been better to buy the trac- tor and truck along with the mill, because their rental payments now add up to mere than their value. 4, e • Calls for the mill are Increas- ing. In fact, requests have piled up as much as a year ahead. Co-' operators get first chance, but any farmer who follows good forestry practices can get on the list to have his tinhber sawed. O 4, w The Medina farmers say that there are two main points to re- member in making the co-op mill Idea work; hire a good operator, and know your lumber market before you start. t .4 4, A good sawyer will pay for himself in getting the last board out of a log, and in sawing the boards to a. uniform thickness and width, 20 that the lumber will grade high. * * e About half of the lumber. Guy and His Gals -The girls back home are always on his mind, according to Private Milton Reince. He has an eye -appealing pin- up collection on his bunker wall somewhere in Korea to remind him of them, The shot of Mitzi Gaynor makes the soldier's pinups total a record of five dozen. sawed by the Medina co-op mill is used on the farms where sawed. The rest is sawed to suit the buyer -a practice which nets them up to $15 a"thousand more than for ungraded lumber. * • • Keiser estimates that about three-fourths of t h e lumber sawed by the portable mill to date would never have been sal- vaged without it, t • 4' Even if you aren't planning to build, you may be passing up a chance for extra income by leav- ing mature trees stand when lum- ber prices are at a near -record high. TIGHTWAD! Lucius Beebe once checked his imposing, fur-Iined winter over- coat at a busy, brash Broadway night club. When he sought to retrieve it, the cheek girl couldn't find it in her over- crowded cubicle. Lucius stood around impatiently for a half- hour, and finally strode out into a snowstorm without it. The girl called after him, "Hey, you cheap skate! No tip?" SALLY'S 5ALLIES 'Your manager 11 C tens me that you ag Y ought to do be..ter tonight than you did on TV last tine." • The Juices of Spring The sap has begun to rise, and neither snow nor cold is going to stop it now. It has begun to work its way slowly up from the deep roots along the stems and trunks of bush and tree and out into the branchlets, where the tight - furled buds wait. You see it in the willows and the osiers, those redstenhmed cousins of the dog- wood, The weeping willows show it best, among the willows; they glow with an amber gleam, as though some golden fluid had be- gun to course their inner bark. See a weeper against a dark hill- side and it is a lively fountain, almost sunny, without a hint of leaf. Its twigs and willies have conte to life again. Along the river banks and in the :lowlands there is the new ruddy glow, rich red, of the osier bushes. Two months ago they were a dead redbrown, waiting out the winter. Now they have the lively color of a deep ruby. a color that suffuses the whole stem. It fs almost the color of the flowering dogwood leaf in Oc- tober. Tn May these bushes will put forth bright green leaves, and in June they will have in- conspicuous little yellowish -green flowers, and in September there will be lead -gray berries. But all this is yet to come, and the livening of the stems now is only a promise, a vivid promise there on the riverbank, 0 Sap rises in other trees and bushes, but less spectacularly. The sassafras begins to turn green on the twigs, still a dusty. half-hearted green. Sugar maples are in full flow up in the snowy woods.'Break a sumac stem and there is a faint ooze where a mouth ago there was no ooze at all. For the juices of spring have begun to quicken, to move, to make their way upward out of winter. -- Prom. Tile New Yorlc Times. A City Already Old' In Abraham's Day In the heart of the desert near Bagdad is a collection of ruins worn smooth by the constant rubbing of sand grains. They look insignificant, but are really some of the most important ruins of the world. Many of the assistants to Sir Leonard Wooley, who began ex- cavating there, said they were conscious Of an aura of evil, a feeling that countless pairs of eyes were watching them. The desert Arabs will not go near the place. They would re,- ther travel miles out of their way than follow any tracks that leads near to it. They call it The Mound of Pitch, a strange name for what was once the greatest city on earth - Ur of the Malden, city of magicians, sorcerers, and dealers in witchcraft. At one time every royal court in the East boasted at least one magician from Ur. The court magicians of Pharaoh, who odm- peted with Moses, were almost certainly Chaldeans, They were sanious and feared the world the world over, Ur is the oldest known city in the world. It was ancient before the Bible was first written -be- fore Abraham was born. It was even ancient before the first pyramid was built. Archaeologists have proved *there was a tremendous flood in that part of the world. Its traces can be found everywhere in an eight -foot -deep deposit of clay. That clay was found all round Ur, but not within the city walls, While most of the known world was destroyed and desolate for centuries, Ur continued to de- velop. Sir Leonard Woolley's exca- vations have proved something else. The people of Ur were mighty men of the occult, but they were also mighty men in all forms of culture. One find was a solid gold dag- ger, studded with gems and rest- ing in a sheath of exquistely worked gold filigree. It could not be duplicated to -day, even with modern tools, yet it was fashion- ed two thousand years before Abraham was born. Plaques have been unearthed which show that the Chaldeans were fond of music, delighting in stringed instrument's and singing. Their soldiers wore copper arm- our, and has -reliefs of the type of chariot they favoured prove that they must have been the fastest and most mobile army on earth. Here, more than anywhere else on earth, excavations may yet give us valuable information of those mighty nations who were totally destroyed in the Flood, leaving no trace of their exist- ence. STARTED SMALL Yes, figures and facts can lie, For instance, if you were to draw conclusions from what follows you'd be on unsound ground, But here are the facts so this time you draw the conclusion: Benito Mussolini was paid $2 a day in Rome for playing an extra in Samuel Goldwyn's "The Eternal City"; Leon Trotsky made $8 a day (in 1915) when he played fn "Rasputin" at Tort Lee, New Jersey; the Duchess of Windsor, then known as Wallis Simpson, is reported to have drawn down $5 from extra work in many pictures in Hollywood, NOM SCHOOL LESSON B'J Rev. R Barclay Warren B A., B. D. Accountable. to God Mathew 25;31-46 Meiaory Selection; Verily I unto you, Inasmuch as yi Int done it unto one of the least these my brethren, ye have addict It onto one, Matthew 25;40. Daniel Webster said, '90 mos* solemn though 1s that of niy psi sonal accountability to Gu,. This life is not the end. It is the proving ground where we Reale* the decisions willoh determind where we will spend Eternity, Most people welcome the thong/xi that Nero, Hitler,' and Mussollnt will have to give an account ae themselves to God. We would: think that injustice ruled dot universe it these villains were net rewarded according to th deeds. But "every one of us shaP give account of himself to God. Re. 14:12, Jesus said, "Every idle word that leen shall speak, they shall give account thereof fn the day of judgment" Matt, 12:8. Paul writes of "the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; who will rendre to every man according to his deeds." Ro. 2:5,6. Jesus Christ, the Son ofmaatue,,, will be the judge. His judgment: will be fair. He knows man fee he lived as a man upon this earth, But since Ile is also the Son et God He will make no mistakes. Human judges sometimes err. Bu(: Jesus Christ will not. Is our life being used for God as it should be ! Or are outs talents being used selfishly,' "Whosoever will save his life shalt lose it: whosoever will lose hie life for my sake shall find it, Matt. 16:25. As we minister for others, hungry, sick, imprisoned„ -for Jesus' sake, we are realty ministering to Him. Those who have caught this truth count 1± all jay t0 spend -and be spent in the service of their Lord. They do itfor the pleasure derived now - and then there is, a crown await- ing. Let it be noted that in both parables of today's lesson the sin was one of omission rather than of commission. In our courts their emphasis is on the commission of wrong acts. In God's sight it is sin not to use our gifts and strength for Him. There is no appeal from this judgment. The wicked shall go away into everlasting punish- ment. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking Ei©�' �%t1®' :'©twin UMW WEI301Z]©0( DC7®©RIUGEWEIVAIIIP , ta nin EEL, 01131M. 413'::A;`;" ®®®©©4 21511111/0 VINEW W©® 'csfsMatlal, New Lumps for Old -Recharging cast-off fluorescent light tubes has become a thriving business for Bernard J, Patton. He fiat the de tubes to es in a machine, seen above and approximately pp Y 8(1 per cent of them come' out with 2000 hours added life In thein, Patton claims he does not understand why_ MITER WELL ILLS5.-Musras°mu OP most/ sew CHIMPS ON TN0 Loom!