HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-3-11, Page 1Post Publishing House THE, BRUSSELS POST Wednesaa r, March 11th, 1953 $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. 5« Authorized u second class mail, Post Ottape Department. Walt ▪ WHY • PAY MORE IN 2-20 oz. Tins Plums • • • •''•• 12c 2-28 oz. Tins Pumpkin . • • • • • ' • .. • 39c 1-1 lb. Tin Cocoa • • " 59c 1-1 lb. Our Own Blend Tea • • • • 49c - COMPARE OUR PRICES DONATES FLOOD RELIEF FUND The Students' Council of the W ingham District High School het,' donated fifty dollars to the Flood Relief Fund of Huron County. This gift was possible through the large unmber of admissions to the School Conceit on Feb. 19th and 20th. it is regretted that the seating at the concert was so crowded, and that some who wished to see it could not get M. Next year the students plan on ai concert for Area evenings in- stead of two, and hope that they will have ars large and appreciative audience as they did this year. GREWAR'S Weston's Bread and Cakes — Fresh Every Day — MONEY TO THE UNITED CHURCH "The Reel Issue", was the sermon subject Is the IInited Church on Sunday, March 1. The real issue between Jesus and his acousers, — uuseefishly ' helping men Le their highest and best or selfiehiy mans. pupating mem to secure and men- ials their own ,privlege. The anthem 'We Would ,Seen Jesus" was sung by the chcdr; with termer solo by Lawrie Cueing and obligate duet by Mils. M. Dennis and Isobel. NOTICE The Majestic Women's institute meeting will be held in the Dramas Library on Thursday, March 12th at 2 p. m. sharp. The Christie Brown dr Co. Ltd., are going to show a film called "Pettey on the Ritz". They will also serve some biscuits $ the lunoheon. Also on Wed,. March 25th at 2.30 p. m., the J. M. Schnelder-Co., are showing a film called /Dutch Treat." They will be serving cold meats at the lunch- eon. All ladies in the community are itwited to attend both, these meetings.p re/tM INIRSIIICE THE PRE$BYTBRIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Church Brussel Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship United Church - oF CANADA ' 141lnleter, Rev. ,Andrew Lane Morning Worship — 11 o'clock H. E. Wellwood, Ontario Temp. Federation Chasreh School .— 12 o'clock. "Great ills the Lord. and greatly to be pnalsedl" Churchof England Parlih cf Brussel Rev. A. Norman Ellis, M. A. ' 4th Sunday Yia Lent, Mar, 1, SI. John's Chert, oIUsaaM"' 8.30 a. In. 11011 Communion 11 a.m. Molting Prayer "The Lite 'end Work of St. Patrietr. Sunshay School. Wed, 8 p.m. LentenService Itt. David's Ours*. Hadley* 2;30 p.m. lamming Prayer C. K. N. X. BROADCAST A further bnoadcaSt by pupils of Mr. L, D, Thomson, in grades VI anti VII piarno, will be heard over C. K. N. X. an Sunday afternoon at 3.15. There will also be vocal solos; eosins. with a brilliant plan duet. SUCCESSFUL IN EXAMINATIONS At the winter Examination Centre , of the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto, held in Stratford to -4t Saturday. Marion Hemingway was successful, in passing Grade 1rU piano, pass, ,and Mary Dennis, Grade VIII pianlo ,with honors. UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. - aer- reline Brussels Auxiliary of tan W. s. M. S. of The United Church mot at the home,of Mrs. Alex Armstrong on March. 3rd. Mrs, A. Lane pre- sided with Mrs. R. S. Hamilton. at the piano, - The call to worshvp"was given by Mrs. Lane, followed by the Scripture reading Mr. Hari ton. Mrs. A. Armstrong, Mns.. A. Lane Mrs. R. Downing, Mrs, W. William- son, and Miss F. McNaughton, re- presenting women of Africa led In prayer, for ,their own parblenlar needs. Mese 31 J. McLa.t•ehilm gave some facts about the training school building fnhd. Plans for the Easter Thank -Offering service were discussed. Mrs. Dent gave a short talk on temperance. The study. Medical Missions in Africa," was given In an interesting manner by Miss. Lame. Mrs. Downing and Mies Carrie McCrsoken, representing nurs- es alt the different stations andtbe society members asking questions about their work. The meeting closed with prayer by Mr3, Lane and all repeating tb.e Mizpah benedict• lon. - W.INGHAM KINSMEN CLUB KIN KENO NUMBERS Wed., March 4th — B-16 Tlturs.;"Marob.5th — N-34 Fri., March Gth — I-19 Sat•, March ltli -- G-53 • Mon.. Marsch 9th — B-5 Tues., Manch 10th — 0-69 CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE' • 2 shows nightly 7.80 — 9.30 p. aL Matinee Saturday 2 p. in. Thur. Fri. Sat. March 12 - 13 - 14 The comedy hit of the year ."MONKEY BUSINESS" with glamorous Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers. You'll be young again 'when yo,i see this. picture. Monday, Tuesday March 16 •• 17 "LURE OF THE WILDERNESS" starring Jean Peters; Jeffrey Banter Thrills and adventure In the Georgia - Swamplands. TUESDAY FOTO-NITS OFFER $140.00 Monday Attendance Card NiOM. Are you registered for Foto -Nits? Wed, Thur. Fol. Mar. 18 19 - 20 Those hilarious fun makers are back again. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis clown and sing their way through the funniest picture of the year. "THE STOOGE" bean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Polly Bergen. MORRIS TWP. COUNCIL Morriss Township Coltneaa, met in Township Hall on the above date with all the mtembers present. The minutes or the Iasi meeting wore road and Iadolpted on mutton of Bailie Parrott and Sash Alcock, Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded by Sam Alcotok that the tender of Goo. Radford to supply, crush, and npproxime'tely 10,009 cuing yards of gravel at 68 cents per yard be ac- cepted. — Canted. Moved by .Sam Alcock, seconded by Chats. Colltais that a rate of 15 Cents per animal per spray' be charged for warble fly Spraying. — Carried. Tlie applications of Fred Martin as sprayman et 85 cents per hour sand Donald Fraser as helper at 75 cents per hour were accepted by hallddt by the Couneii. Moved by Chas. Coulees, seconded by Wni. D15tan that the road bills as ,presented by the Road Superin tendent be Peed. — Carried. Moved by Chas. Collates, seconded by Bailise Parrott that fire Reeve and Clerk be a committee to draft a letter to the Seaforth High School District Board explainieig what we want in regard to as.ses6ment. — Carried, ' Moved by Chas. Canales, seconded by Bailie Parrott that the By -Laws on the Smith Drain he prepared and sent out end the first sitting of the Counit of Revision be 'held au Aprii Gth wt 10 a. m. — Carried. Moved by Wm. Elston, seconded by Bailie Parrott that the clerk write to W. S. Gibson that we wish to discoeltinate ottr insurance with anim.'— Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, second- ed by Sam Aloock that the, meeting edjourn to meet again on April 6 at 1, p. m: — Carried. The following accounts -were paid. Pass Smith, fox bountm ....... $2.0c. Dept. of Health, Insulin .... .29 1larold Emmerson moving sefe 6.00 Geo. Martin, Hydro for hall 6.07 131yt'h Standard, advt. 2 27 C. W. Hanna, relief, H. Whitehead- 4199 Nelson Higgints, unemployment stamps, Postage 40.00 Milo Casemare, wood for H. Whitehead 64.00 C. T. Davidson, Bonds for Tread. end Tax Od%tedtor ...... 34.50 0, R. Coutstes, attending Rural Man., meeting 25.00 Sam Alcock, helping move safe 7.50 Same Alcock, Good Roads Convention 25.00 Bailie, Parrott, Good Roads Convention 25.00 Witt. Elston, Good Roads Convention 25.00 Harvey Jahnatom, Good Roads Convention 25.00 Nelson Higgins, Good Roads Convention 25.00 Road Accounts .................. 171.46 Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk, BORN STEPtH'I:NSON — At Dr iv:gee's nursing home on March. 4th, to Me. and Mrs. Ross Stapheison Greif Township, a son. REGENl1' r 1-11..ATRE Saforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING— MARCH 12.13.14 John Lund and Scott Brady bring the story of the men who ride the rodeo circuit for action, adventure and a thousand thrills. Don't miss "BRONCO BUSTER" In Technicolor Mar. 16 - 17 - 18 Teoheicoter "PRIDE OF ST. LOUIS Dan Dailey Joanne Det; A delightful romantic cmncdy about big league baseball. See Dan Dailey In his funniest roll as Dizzy Dean. Mar. 19 - 20;- 21 "HERE COMES THE KELSONS" Ozzie Nelson Harriett Nelson The Nelson's are hack again In this comedy. Rock -Hudson creates s sensation and upsets the whole household. Everyone will enjoy this picture. COMING •--, "LOVE 10 BETTER THAN EVER" STAGE SHOW TO SE PRESENTED HERE A ,Show, presented by local talent. will she staged in the Brussels 'I',,wu Iifall on April 141tt, 181111 find 19th, cruder the asupic6s of the IPae,t Huron ,Atgstloulitasra01 Water- for further announoemonts, , LADIES' AUXILIARY MEET me Ladies' Auxiliary to the Vtir adieu Legion met tn,'tilteir rooms on Thursday evenidg, Ater..5 nt 8 p. Only a small representative of the 'members ^vnere .present, due to the inclejnent weather. A gift of ten (lotions was voted to be givean to ,the Flood Relief Fund. The secretary Was instructed to -extend an invitation to our past zone Commander, Miss 1) ifoyla of Stratford, who this year has been promoted to the position of Provincial Treas. of ttie Ont. Prey imclal Command, after serving our zone for seven years as Commander to attend our Birthday Party in April. Au invitation ws% extondcd to the Seaforth Auxiliary to ne guests et our Birthday Party trlso, A euchre Danly rs being held on Friday March .13th. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMEN'1 Mr. and Mals, Fred D. Newman Whitechurch wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Marilyn Grace to Donald J. Mac. Donald, son of Mi. and' Mrs. James 1lTacDonald of Brussels, 'I nye world ring to take place the letter part o•' March. Grey -.Twp, Council Meeting held on March 7,.h. Moved by Howard F. McNtvtgl t, seconded by Wm. E. Bishop that the minutes be adopted as read., — Carried. Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Wm. E. Bishop ihtat .Dona,, Mc- Donald be given .. the oot,trac. o:' V'arble Fly Spraying et 9c per head i per spray. — Carried. Moved by Howard F. McNaugh`, seconded by Hugh Smith that we give contract for gravel orushine and spreading to E. E. Seegmlller, Kitchener, at ,tete Price of '610 Per yd. Work to be done to the satis- faction of road supt. — Carrte'1. Moved by Hugh Smith, seconded by Wnt. D. Bishop that Court of Revision on Machan Drain he closed end that ;the by-law be passed and clerk advertise for tenders to be in by April 4th. — Carried. Moved by Wm. D. Bishop, second- ed by Howard' F. McNaught that Connell refund Interpol, 389.0 en 1952 payments to Grey Twee. School Board. — Carried. Moved by T -Toward F. McNaught, seconded by Haigh Smith that we approtm the proposed addition to the Seaforth High Soheol, as per plans and speetificaticns shown to un et the High Scheel Building, by the Board, — Carried. Moved by Howard. F. McNaught, seconded by Wm. E. Bishop that all approved accounts be oatd. — Carried. Moved by Hugh. Smith, seaonde4 by Wm. F. 131sbcr that we now ad• journ to me -et April 4th or at the call of the Reeve. Carrion. The Brussels Post, Advt. Tile Drainage 12 ,40 The Brussels past, Print Machan Drain By-laws 455.00 Imperial 011 Ltd. 14.84 Twp. of Dime, Gran+ and Surplus, North Gordon Drain 285.79 Edythe Cardiff, Clerk's Fees Meehan Drain 45.00 Grey TAIL Scheel Area Board 89 40 .Temes Riley. 2 geese killed 12,4,0 Fox Bounty. 110.00 Edythe Cardiff, Marking fox 48.50 C. B. Rowland, To Bluersle with 'oar 2:24 Tasr(gh B. Smith, To SpaRnrth with ear ars Wm. E, Ptshop, To Good Ronde Convention Geo, A. Dunbar, Stamps Hugh P. Smith, Telephone Relief Rends 25.0'1 4 00 Tota 8.15 25,RR 371 07 $1087,81 TOdythe M. Cardiff, Clerk, MELVILLE W. M, S. HELD EXPENSE TEA Over 50 women of Me1- vtrUe Boeobyteptpn Church gathered in the eoI;aol room of ti:, tisane for 'Dila annual expense tea of the Women's Missionary Sudety. The ,tea wars, preceded by the regular meeting of the society whish was ;n cheau'ge of tote Pnosident, Airs. W. Ill. T.Fulbon 'w:;o opened with prayer. Mrs. 5, 0, Beektlr read the scripture lesson. Members responded to the roll call by quoting a verse from the Psalms. Diemen calls an the elak were repCrted. Mises Bessie Moses gave an In- teresting suanmary of leit':rs from thio missionaries in British Gutaou, ....Mrs. Gerald Gibson reviewed the second ehiaptler of the study Poco, "Africa - Contrasts, and elonflicts" in W3ifi0I1 the three parties sere described in details of aims and objedts. Stcce African affairs are so much to tine fore in our OUT - rent events, the study in partic e lariy interesting. ,\ short aulahi ography of an educated woman of South Africa gave 't graphic, pletur, of the life of the people, After the meeting closed a short program included n reading by Mrs. Fulton, o women's quartette, con- siOing of Mrs. Wesley Kerr, Mre. Gomm 'Fans, Mrs. N0,4enn Car- diff and Mr?. Jahn 'Work add piano enlectttnns by Mrs. W. C. King, Yellow daffodils and rel tu1l1ps lent their cheery :vier to brighten tl�e h . nient of the church and traf dare POW .erea te,. hall,= attractive.. The oommitten convrn• , ins the evenrI. Mrc..J. C. ria.",.. Mrs. W..W. Smith, end Mrs. D. 0 Matheson were a'..t'leed by Mrs Harvey Dennis, Mrs. Jahn Yuiil. Mrs. W. FI. T. Fulton and Mrs. John Work. KEEP THER= DATFw Ooe,.. — Easter Dance. Wed.. April 8611 Dance May 20th. Dance and Draw. May 29th in Cranbrook. Oornmunite Centre, Watch for Anther anaounoe• malts. DON'T MISS SPI& ON ICE. in the Wngha.m, Arena, Marsh 13 and 1,4 - Adults 75c, Children 10 years and under with adults admitted free. Come to the St. Patrick's Social at Walton United Church on Tuesday, March 17th Under the auspices of the Women's Association, A good programme is being prepared — short play Sotos and other numbers. Lunch will be served. Admission 40c and 20c EUCHRE and DANCE In the Cranbrook Community Centre Friday, March 20th Euchre at 8,30 p. w. Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Booth in the Hall Sponsored by East Hur©n Agricultural Society. Admission 50c and 25c Everybody Welcome ATTENTION TRUCKERS Your attention is directed to R. S. 0. 1950, Chapter 167, Section 3e,. °Subsection 4, 5 and 6 re Load Limits during months of March and April; these sections will be strictly enforced on all County Roads. ap..I; Peter D. Patterson' County, Engineer For Free Entertainment Come One to Come All The_Big1953 Internatiollal Refrigeration �- Display ands;°Family. Party at the Brussels Town Hall Thursday, arch 12, 1953 tBo There will be displayed on the floor several of 14 refrigerators and home freezers. The family entertainment films will be shown from 3 to 5 p. m. and 8 to 10 p. m., followed by Free Dancing to music of George Smith's Orchestra A 1953 model 8.2 cubic foot Refrigerator will be sold by ballot to the highest bidder. Be sure to receive your ballot at the display. For your convenience the doors to the exhibit will open at 2 and 7 p. m. There will be boor Prizes Sponsored 1y 'your local International Harvester dealer fridge Motors There will be a Iunch counter in the hall under auspices o Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion. the