HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-2-25, Page 1Post Publishing House WHY PAY MORE THE BRUSSELS authorized as emend clue Mal, Post Mee DeParteeelne GOMIS Wednesday, February 25th, 1953 •••• POST $2.00 per year e $2.50 U. S. igito 1 lb. Weiners • • • • • • • . , • • • • .• 1 Ib. Pkg. Sliced Bacon 3 Large Size Rinso • • • ••. • • • • • • • 5 Cakes Pure Castile , • • • • Open All Day Every Day 38c 53c $1.00 25c GREWAR'S Weston's Bread and Cakes Fresh Every Day. Store 'Closes 10 p. m. Saturday Nites PLAY4OFF GAME Intermediate D. Hockey At Brussels Arena on SATURDAY, FEB. 29th at 8.30 p. rn. Beigrave vs. Ethel SKATING. PARTY At Ethel Skating Rink on TUESDAY MAR. 8 at 8 0,clock Sponsored by the Ethel United Young People Lunch at ths church after. Everyone Welcome, PLAY "Abigail Goes Haywire" Presented by Y. P. U. of Cavan Church, Winthrop MONDAY, MARCH 9 at 8.30 p, m. Sponsored by Ethel United Y. P. S. Admission, Adults 40c Children 25o TENDERS WANTED. Tenders tor the spraying of Cattle for Warble Fly M the Township of Grey, will be received by the undersigned until one p. m. March 7th. State price per head per simaY. Lowest or any tender not nee. cessarily accepted. Edythe N. Cardiff, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for crushing and hauling 15,000 cubic yards or more of gravel for the Tosrnship of Grey. °rusher to be ,equipped with Ve sereen. A certified cheque for $300 must accompany eaob tender. Tenders to ce in by 2 p, March 7th. Lowest or one tondol not neccessarlly aceielited. Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk. vite-mmoweelrseamerel THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Mrs* Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Bunday School 11 a, m. Morning Worship United Church OF CANADA INInIster, Rev. Andrew Lane Worship - 11 o'clock "Penitence" March School 12 o'clock. "Eder into His gates With thenlesgiving and into 10.1 counts with praiee." wisinon.= Church of hagland Park* of Gresselle Rote A. Nonloto 1111a, M. A. Ond Sunday in Lent Memel lst, 1953 GO. enenee Geer** Geneliellnes 11 am. Italy Conamunion Sandliy Soho& Wed., March 4thi 8 p. m. Lenten Service St. Govhee Gears% Hent, 2.80 pen Platereal reatleal t. Deerilets Chore% Wellen 7.80 p. m. Event* Pear. RECITAL OVER C.K.N,X. A program ef Vocal and piano music, by Grade VIII and IX pupils of Mr. L. D. Thompson, will he ,broladcast over C.R.N.X. at 3.15 on Sunday afternoon. KEEP MAR, 27th DATE OPEN There will be a spring format dente in Brussele Town Hall, spon sewed by the G. p. and T committee 01 the 3. 0. 0. F., on Mar, 27e.b. WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB KIN KENO NUMBERS The following are the Kin Kene members from 'Feb. 18th to Feb. 24th. Feb. 13th B-6 Feb. 19th - N-36. Feb. 20th - 0.74. Feb. net - 0-54. Pelf. 2Ord - 1-17. Feb. 54th - NOTICE Applications for the positions of sprayman and helper or Morris township for the Warble Fly Cam- paign will be received up until 8 p. m., March 2. State wages me peeted. Geo. C. Mertin, Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS • 11. THOMAS HEADS REVIEW OF COASTAL, JOURNEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS GIVEN IN TALK Herold Thomas, was oblosea as President ,of the newly formed Member of Commerce evideft met in the Library on lerareday night 0f last week F. W. Todd pnesieed and W. U. Leath noted aa eeeretary. The slate of olificere ereparee by the nominating committee WIte pre. , sented by the thatrinan, Kebert Walker and was accepted, on mot. ton, as given. Tenders for the contract of supply ing, crushing and hauling approx. 'Mutely 10,000 cubic yards of gravel for Morris Township will be re- ceived by the undersigned up mite 2 20 p. m., March 2; crusher it be equipped with % inch screen. Cer. I titled cinema for $100 must ao. m • copany each teuder. Loweet or any tender not necess, arily accepted.- Geo. 0. Martin, Clerk. The officers are ; President. Harold 'Thomas; e I esineeside at, O. Kreuter; secretory -treasurer. i le.k, 'Dodd; directors, Miss. C. Dicirson, D. A. Ruin, S. W. Lowe, 1. S, Peardon, Jas. S. Armstrong. The byeamee were road be Mr. Todd and adopted. 'She new oresidenit was called forward and the meeting put in his charge. He thanked the gathering +tor the 'contestants. expressed In Making alarm president and asked for the ,ce-operation of the Wildw cunt neunietY. .Ctevin Kreuter, vMeepresident, spoke briefly and hoped tent there might be, ocmplete co-operation and nn abeenee of all friction. 'There was an attendee of about 315 people at the meeting. 'Phe next meeting Ito be held March 611 at 8.80 p. m. ht the Librare. At leo deeectors meeting which ;followed various committees were dimmed .and chairmen -chosen for earth; egricultere, J. S. Armstrong; chete. D. A. Raram; industrial, C. Kreuter; membership, Miss 0'. Dickson; retail merellante% W Lowe; coinmeretaa. Hugh Pearson, 4. membership drive is now under. way avid 'committees will be added to troan the members. signed. Objects and future plans are being eonsidered end will be discussed at the next meeting. Mrs. Henry Clark Mrs. Henry Clark, the farmer Mary McCallum, died in Clinton General Bonita' on Sunday where she had been a patient foe 10 days, She had been in failing health for 'some time. Mrs. Clark wais born in MCKii1101) !township on San. 24, 1376, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Janes McCallum. in February, 1908, ,she was' married to Henry Clark sad they resided in Gre' eswp. Mr. Clark died in Aliguet. 1045. Mee Clark was a metnber of Duff's l'eteed Church, Walton, Survivlue IS •onie eine James W. Clark, lot one, .eloneeesien 17, Grey eeimehip, with whom she made her home. Two brothers, William McCallum, Lon, don, and Noble McCallum, Walton, and four sister% Mrs. Janet Brough- ton, Mortktone Mrs. Fanny lengler Galt; hem. Elizabeth McNichol Wallton., and Miss Same. Mcflallum, Grey towneluip, also survives: Thera ' Is ane grandson, Bruce Clark, The funeral 'service was held at the home CAPITOL 'ILIsTowEt.03 the,r eon on Puescla.y aOte'rr,n at Duffle Unified Churrh officiated. In- terment in l3russels• cemetery. 2 shows nightly 7.30 9.20 p.m. • Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. THEATRE Thursday - Friday Feb. 27 - 28 "NEW MEXICO" starring Lew Ayres, Marilyn Maxwell SEE -20 men against 2000 Indians on the warpath. sEe - The avalance of fire -battle to the death. les ad• venture and thrills as never before.. Monday • Tuesday March 2 • 3 Get a laughing load of this. Every- body gets the business when -this • redhead goes to work - the boss - the butler -- the banker and pop. Yes It's Ann Sheridan and John Lund In "JUST CROSS THE STREET" TUESDAY FOTOSITE OFFER $100.00 Monday Attendance Card 114140. Are you registered for Foto -Meet Wednesday • Thursday March 4.5 "DIPLOMATIC COURIER" Tyrone Power, Batricla Neal, Stephen McNally. Suppoee you were sant to deliver e secret that would olow up half the eerth, Suddenly the succetis of yellt mission and your life Was In the hands of two teemen, and you had -to deolde which you wined kill. What Would You Do. ? • REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING -- FEB. 26 • 27 - 28 Audle Murphy and Faith Domergue bring you thls King Size Western In Technicolor. For action, sus- pense and excitement don't miss seeing "THE DUEL AT SILVER'CREEK' MARCH 2 - 8 -4 Peter Lawford, Playboy and spend thrift oahnot keep yithIn his tnitllon dollar income. The executors ap' points Janet Leigh as hits lawyer. Together they being you the rom- antic story of "JUST THIS ONCE" MARCH 5 - 6 7 This hilarious story of army life In the South Is brought to you In Techloolor by William Lundlgan and Mitzi Gaynor. There Is full for all In this' comedy "DOWN AMONG THE • SHELTERING PALMS" COMING -- "CARBINE WILLIAMS" , Dr. Framer Hay and Mns. Hey. ea Listowel, Peevieed flue entortaiu Pant for membere and telhereote of aftelville ',Presbyterian Church Die eVedneeday night wheal they show ed colored movies of a trip through the Canadian Rockies; nostb along the western coast, and the, inside Pateelage to Alaska. The trip returned by way Of elle Columbia river route, (the old Oregon. nail) through the bad lands of South Dakota. A. large number of ilellren w”ri, delighted web the pictures. of ani. male in national parks, and thrtIled etith a circus film "Under the Big Top" Willa Meowed the treed film. Rev, W. 0. T. Fallon preeided during the evening end in bill' 0. during Dr, Hey to the grebe:Me ,emplained that be was Wing big films as a means of inereaeing the revenue of the Sbriner's Hos- pital for Crippled Children In Mon.- ,treal, and he receive(' a dentition for hie pet obarity. 'Km evening was a family ieght, arranged as a fellowmen of on "every member visitation" under- takers by the, congregation recently Institoted ,the Geoeral Anson biy of the churn, It consisted ot 10 teams of church members who set out on on afternoon and even- ing of visiting which linoluded every family on the roll of the church. Bath tamtl0' was invited to come to a supper in the church base - meat and over 200 mitdown to a generous mese During the interval between the slipper and the pictures, Mrs. W. 0. King entertained with selection.; on the organ in ,the auditorium of the church. The 'event „was Manned, by the Hermony Club of the eburoh • assis- ted by commtttees, from the Ladies' Aid Society and the Young Wo- men's Guild. FLOOD RELIEF "The Presbyterian, United and Anglican Churches are receiving offerines for British and Dutch Flood Relief. This fund will be open for a few weeks. for the convience of their own people. The need is great be generous. "KANSAS FARMER" TO PLAY FOR FLOOD RELIEF DANCE The "Kanteas. Farmer'. whir the Noll Siseees, will provide modern end old tyline mete for a dance ia.t Wroxeter 011 Friday. Feb. 2,7th -Proceeds from this dance, whist will be sponsored by the Howie, Lions Club will be for ovrosees flood relief fund., UNITED CHURCH W. A. The Woman's Association. of Brus- sels Unitrd Chureli met eit tibe home of Mes. Sohn Rowland on Tumidity afternoon with 23 members present. owl Airs. R. B. Cousins presiding. airs. W. D. Cardiff took the scrip- ture readeng, followed by prayer hy 'the president A committee com. posed of XIII. W. Oen, Mrs. Wal- ter Willeateson, and left's. 'F. W. Todd reported on the needs or the .parsonage. le, the subsequent dis• cession, aimangements were made for Mime repair, decorations, and mew turnithiegs. The gift Of 8tee tar a, quilt was acknowledged. ami eire. Herbert Manning VialD asked to prepare it for quiltIn.g. A dona- Moe of 510 was vatee 10 tore Can- adian "Mareb of Mmes." The following committees were appointed; flower committee, NUS Addie Cancleff, Mae, Beth Balmer Mrs. Thom& Miller; kitchen, Miss Margaret Robtnalon, Mee. Ram Row- land, Mrs. 'Wesley Speerene coin. inunion, Mies Margaret Robin -eon, Mrs, Walter Reis% Mrs. Peter Me. Arthur... A social 'hour followed. Mrs. Met Rowland contributed a retulitg. "How To Kill A Meeting," tend Mrs. Andrew Lee0 teeponded with a ilar 'thought in herr reading. A lunch tollOwed and the hostessreceteed a Vote of thanks' moved by Mem Carrie MeCraeken, BRUSSELS STUDENT P-AYS Al CONVOCATION HALL, LONDON on q$undity evening last, the first of a series of reeites by ...e reneieg students of the Western Ontario Con.servatemy of Music wale held at ConeseeatiOn Hall. Weeteam tint• iversity, London. Miss Margaret Ferrite of Brussels, played a group of piano solos; on the progrele. ,Studente from Brentfol 0, needsor. London, Auburie Dashwood took part ee the program A calmeitY eudience was 1,1 attenclanse. Mists Perrie is a pupil of Mr. L. D. Thome- eon. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE The women et Brue,sele parecipae. •ed in the services of the World Day of PSayer when they met In St. Johns, Church on Friday aeternoon Mr e fleerge Davie represented Anglican congregation. elre, Andrew Lane. the Malted Church, end Nr,,. W. H. T. Fulton, Melville Presbyter- Mu Church, and each prealded for a part of the ,seevece. Special Prayers r.' Ire offered bY MM. Annie Morreer, Mrs. William MItehell. Miss Carrie leingstion, Mrs. Lorne leriebol, Mrs.. .1' a, Adams and Mre. east S. Arm stoong. Meat le, W. Sttphena gave • a brief address entples,sizing "the; privilege we enloy of Joining th,e I circle of 24 hours of clout:Mums ;prayer." Reports. of Ammer seo vie, bi India, Japan, the Wand ot I Koje. and South Africa allowed that their women had joined whole I heaetedly in the services,. In Chien i hopes ane dark, mass executions, and arrests ore rife, and indoctrints• ;Lien of blared is inareaseng. Thai eptaker dwelt at some length on conditions en South Africa since It I Ls a Briteat oolony. Mrs, R. B. Cous- ins sang a ;solo accomPainied be Mies Betty Carter at the console. • THE UNITED CHURCH On Sunday morning, Feb. 22, the Brussels Brownies and Girl Guide:, I their leaders attended public I worship in the Fated Church. The minister reminded them that tbel four' great emphases of the Guide -1 Brownie movement were religion. 'patelotiern, social welter., ante sem , culture. He drew attention to the likeness of thes,e emphases to Luke 2;52, Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in fever with Cod and man.' The anthem. "peel :Peens Care", woc rendered by tee choir. KEEP THURSDAY, MARCH 12th DATE OPEN The 19513 Refrigeration Disreay and Faintly Party spensored by Bridge, Motors your International Harvester Dealer will be held on' that date. Watch for further par titulars next -week. MORRIS Celebrates 90th Birthday Mr. and MM.11Elton Fraser of the 3rel line of Morris entertained In honour of Mrs. Fraser's father's 90Ith birthday on Wed.. Feb. 1,8th. Mr. Robert Shaw 11.1110 born where his roplartv Alex Shaw now resides. Mr. Shames entire life has, been spent in this locality. For 25 Yearn he was a merchant in Bievale Where he lived in retirement until 6 years ago When he and hia wife the late. Annie Fraser .book up residence with their clangleber Mrs. Fraser. Guest at a birthday dinner in - eluded Mr. Richard Jotheston, a cousin, Mrs, Arthur Shaw, Mts. J. H. Robertson, Mrs. J. Mestatrd, • Mrs. Robt, elecitofteo,n sesteren-law. Jetlenston end Mils. A. Sleeve have aim passed the 9032 milestone. Other guests were a daughter (Minitel Mrs, Fart Heeslip of Dunnville and Mies Emma eohneton; ot Morrie, A •soolal evening was enjoyed the guests vera Mr. mid Mrs. Jack Oox grandaughter of Grey, Mr. and Mrs - Frank Sheer, Mr, Ra(ph MAW, and Mrs, Alex Shaw, Mr. Cam. hiion. Mustard, Mr. Frage? Mustard, Mr, land Mrs: Jack Molter ant family, nieees and nephews of Mr. Sleeve, .• The colebrant received many verde and inessitiges. of eoln,gratulat- ions among them a telegrani Me ,and Mm. Leslie M. Frost, Prem. dor Of Ontario. WINS FIRST AWARD 1. IN TORONTO COMPETITION Robert C. Kennedy, elder son of Mr. 'nexl Mns. R. W. KeineedY, was awarded fleet piece in hes eines at the Toronto I01wauts Mule Festival, Ile .compelted in the 10 yrs. and under elarinee socio class playing Liebesleid (Love's Sorrow) by Mei she. Robert Cant began ;playing the olarinet when the Bruesele Lime Club Boys and Girls Baud was or. ganized. He is else now studying the tenor ealcophione, "'see • EASTER TEA AND BAKE SALO Tbe mejeetie Worasafe Inet4t0011 ale heeding au Easter Tea and Bah. Sale in the Brussels I/WM 00 Seturday, April 4112. Keep OM date oven. KEEP THESE DATES OPEN A play and dance will be held On, Friday, March 6th and an 3laeter Dance on Wednesday, April 8th, is Cranbrook Community Centre. Web* to, further announcements. seee^-rsieeaeeemeoste* • THE HURON COUNTY OVERSEAS FLOOD RELIEF FUND. DANCE Brussels Town Hall on THURSDAY. MARCH 5th. Don. Robertson and The Ranch Boys Booth in the Hall Admission 75c Sponsored by L. 0. L. 774. PLAY and DANCE In Cranbrook Comnzunity Hall •.! Friday, March 6th at 8.30 p. m. "Abigail Goes•Haywire" Will be presented by the Y. P. L. of Cavan Church, Winthrop Dance following to the Music of Wilbee's Orchestra Lunch Booth will be provided. Admission 50c and 25c s Everbody Welcome Sponsored by the Hall Board CARD PARTY Euchre and Five Hundred in the Brussels Public Library Friday, Feb. 27th at 8.30 p. m. Everyone Welcome Admission 50c Proceeds for East Huron Agricultural Society. Sponsored by Majestic W. I. NOTICE • TO DOG OWNERS Every owner, possessor. or harbourer of a dog in the Village of Brussels, shall pay annually, on or before the 7th day of March, a license or tax. A penalty will be imposed on those who fall to pay such tax by the above date. The 1953 Tags are now available at the Clerk's office. G. R. Campbell, Clerk. SIXTH NNUMqVP,D FAIR Sponsored by Huron County Soil and 'Crop Improvement Association To be held In the CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, CLINTON FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 6th and 7th $50000 IN PRIZES - Special Educational Displays. Special Programmes, Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. Junior Seed Judging Competition, Saturday morning, All entries to be made at the Agricultural Office, Clinton, before Tuesday, March 3rd, 1953. Everybody Welcome Admission Free MIDDLESEX SEED FAIR Western Fair Grounds, London March 2, 3, 4 and 5, 1953 Largest Display Ever - Fine Programme - Ample Seating Feb. 26 -- Fineries for township, county and open closeout to be in to the Secretary, Room NO, Richmond Building. Mee. 3 - Behibits and displays pieced. 7 P. M. fair open. S 1'. AIL Speraclilig 'Minstrel and Variety Show, Mar. 5 - 2 P. M. - Cflthls1 greetings; Wm, P. Watson. Toronto:. Panel by W, H. Porter, London; Glencoe Pipe Band; W. 0. Junior Square Dance. 0 P. M. Lantlitha Girls' Choir. nil Q Mar. 4-u"11. 9.00 A. M. -Seed Jadeing tompetitions OPeaker T, 0, Bloheneen, Lowed* 2.00 P. 33. - Marla% Molunie. 'Parente, Den SOMA, Iona, 13. Whale, Lendfn, Lawrence Kerr, Chatham, Deux Halt Woodetolk, 8.00. P. 14, W. 0. Open Square DaMete Fiddler% eillIttatry Band, lWar. 5 - 1130 - W. ISmitet, 10, 11, Hooey, J. M. Bain, J. 3> Johnsolk, W. S. Carpenter, London, 21,5 4.00 P, M. Sala. 2.00 P. M. - Woman's Progratalne with Mary Carniiellad. 1doeriterteMrs, W. IR. 'Wellen ,Tr., Oakville. Petrie/a Releinele% .rlronao. • • 'S •