HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-2-11, Page 7iHECaygd SPORTS COLUMN 4 cfmes?ritgsceaa • Russian publicists claim everything was invented in that eotintry,from the electric toaster to baseball, and most other sports, for that matter, And one which they haven't yet boasted of devising, but one to which they're entirely welcome, is the "fire the coach" system which, at that, does sound like a Russian conceit. Not long ago there filtered through the Iron Curtain, via i3erlin, where the curtain must be thin in Spots, stories of u Series of "investigations" that followed the pOlympic Games, and a series of dismissals. of trainers and athletes. Students of the decadent democratic version of this fire - the -coach process will be struck by the more stringent, Mus- covite variations, For the more drastic Russian regulations Likewise carry more drastic penalties, because in Soviet Russia, sports are tied directly into the scheme of Russian defense and Russian propaganda' they are affairs of State, and as such, are directly under the supervision not of a graduate manager ar hired coaching expert, but of the Russian Secret Pollee,. It may seem a trifle drastic, and in poor sporting spirit to even the most biased, anti -coach groups on this contin- ent, to complain of a hockey or football coach whose team fails to win all the time, or a track coach whose athletes don't capture every event. But the Itusslan system allows no such weaknesses. Either you're a winner, to the greater glory of the invincible state; or If a lose{', you're just a low-down traitor .who is disgracing his country, and should be shot at sunrise in the Red Square, as a lesson to all who can't go out and beat the rest of the world. "Soviet sportsmen" said a recent otlidal 'critique, "are proving the superiority of their country's government by their achievements." So when the cry of the comrades echoes out On the night air, "Fire the coach it's really the cryof the Secret Police; backed by a state where "win or else" is the sinister policy. No use the coach and his proteges trying, to still such voices by promises to do better at the next Olympics, or European championships. There is no next time. The coach,, and probably the losing athletes just go out of that business. Next stop, the salt mines, Or, if Uncle Joe happens to be in a merciful mood, the firing -squad. ' So let's give Russia a monopoly on the fire - the - coach system. It's a silly, and unfair and non -sporting idea to start with, and as such should fit smoothly into the Russian ideology. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 437 Yonge St., Toronto.. Calvert DISTILLERS LiMITED AMHERSThURG, ONTARIO FORT p5' ,Q SLX6lTC :Arrangements are practically ctlmpiete for the 1953 Canadian National Sportsmen's Show to be held in the Coliseum, Toronto, March 13 to 21 under the auspices of the Toronto Anglers' and Hun ters' Association in the interest Of conservation, it was announc- ed by Frank H. Kortright. a 4 e "Judging by the large number of commercial exhibitors who have taken space, the new acts and entertainment in our stage and water revue and the advance inquiries for tickets, the 1tJ53 show would surpass all our pre- vious etorts,v stated the presi- deittiofthe Toronto"Anglers' and 7fiunters' ASsociatioli. * 4 e "Profits from the Sportsmen's Show, as has been the case in the past, will be used to carry on a varied program to conserve our natural resources of forest, field and stream," he continued. * 4 a ' Since the first Sportsmen's Show was held in 1948, the Tor- onto Anglers' and Hunters' As- sociation has carried out an ex- tensive conservation *program and,at the same time,. has fin- anced a number of conservation 'projects undertaken by other or- ganizations. * 9 4 Among the highlights pt, the 1953 -Canadian National Sports- tC 'men's Show will be a boat. show, motor show, travel show, cot- tage show, conservation show and two dog shows. ]snl addition there will be bowling demonstra- tions and competitions, a sports demonstration area where all sports such as tennis, badminton, golf, boxing, fencing, archery and so 'forth will be demonstrated by experts and- champions, a demonstration casting pool, square dancing and other attrac- tions. P'S r p' Again jthis year tile' four doors of the Coliseum will house hun- dreds of commercial exhibit; in- cluding boats, cottages, ears, trailers, ultra -modern .television sets and the latest equipment for all sports, travel and camping. a 4 a During the eight days of the Sportsmen's Show a new and dif- ferent stage and water .revue will be presented 'twice daily in the arena of the 'Coliseum. .As producer of this review, General Manager Loyal M. Kelly, since the 1952 Show concluded, has been seeking outstanding acts and talent on both sides of the U.S.—Ca2nadian border. 'Some:- thing Sone=thing spectacular at this yearns Sportsmen's Show will be racing ostriches, never before seen any- where in Canada. 4 4 * During the last four days of Music In His Ear—An enchanted junior Japanese cups his ear fo catch every dote from the first music box he has ever seen. Ile noticed it while walking through a Tokyo department store gond opened the lid. His feeling of awe and wonder Is clearly stisibie in the wide-eyed expression on his two-year-old face, the Sportsmen's Show, MIareil.19, 19, 20 and 21 two dog shows will be held for the benefit of the Toronto Humane Society. Some of the most outstanding dogs in both. Canada and the United States will be on display during these two shows. * * * Officials in charge of provin- cial playdowns leading to the round-robin competition #or the Canadian curling championship, have announced dates for On- tario and Northern Ontario. * * * Play in the , British Consols competition" for the province of Quebec got underway et Quebec City January 28 and continued until- January 31st in conjunc- tion with the International Bon- spiel, At the same time winners for Nova Scotia were declared in a Consols competition that got underway in Lunenburg on Jan- uary 27 and concluded on Jan- uary 29. Winners at Quebec City and at Lunenburg will journey to Sud- bury for the Dominion competi- tion, which will be '"held March 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Eventual vic- tors in the Canada -wide contest will take possession of the Mac- donald's Brier Tankard, won last year by Manitoba's Billy Walsh. * i 9 4 4 4 Dates for Northern Ontario and Ontario are as follows: Playoff$ will be held at Kirk- land Lake among the three Nor- thern Ontario regional winners February' 16. • Playoffs among Ontario divi- sional winners will be held at Toronto Granite Club on Feb- ruary 12. Bogus Doctor Had. 10,000 Patients Under the tight -knit regime of ' the British National. Health Ser- vice it seems incredible that a professionally unqualified man' could pose as a doctor ... and get away with it. Yet when slant- eyed Kuong Li turned up in , Leeds claiming to have gained his degrees overseas, his creden- tials were apparently accepted without question. He was not registered with the General Medical Council, But he was appointed a $3500 -a -year house -surgeon at Leeds Infir- mary and for two years he ex- amined patients, practised skilled operations, including some on the brain, and duped all his colleagues. Million -to -one Chance The disclosure camt about only by a million -to -one chance — when a Canadian professor whom Kuong claimed to know came to England and said he had never heard of him. Kuong promptly 'vanished. His skill and knowledge, it is thought, may have' been picked up in a prisoner -of -war camp. And though his case should have been a stern and ample warn- ing, it proved incredibly easy re- cently for a coloured man to masquerade as a doctor in Glas- gow, glibly saying that he held Canadian degrees from McGill University. At one hospital he toured the wards, was entertained to lunch, and watched a delicate operation in the theatre (where, incident- ally, he coollypicked the sur- geon's pocket). Next day, he tried it again at the Western Inir- Mary . and was unmasked only when he casually claimed to be sitting in a few days' time for an exam which the surgeons know wouldn't be held for months! In Lancashire, a man visited a factory posing as a specialist from the local health authority" and conducted a mockery of a tubercular examination, el sev- eral young girls. In the Midlands, a man actually opened a consult- ing room and examined women patients. The case reached the ears of the police only when he engaged a new receptionist and told her that she, too, could be a cloctor in a matter of weeks. All these are signs that the number of bogus doctors in Bri- tain today may be dangerously large. Such cases, indeed, alTord a disturbing new development in the police dossiers. A faker from the Gold Coast, for instance; per- formed an operation on a baby, complete ,with an anaesthesist and a nurse. The law, however, got wind of him chiefly because he charged $68 for an operation which was an Utter failure. Put Off the Scent Then there Was a lorry -driver who deceived his dupes by don- ning full surgical regalia to per- form a tonsil operation, though tubes he claimed were radium tubes were ordinary :hypodermic. syringes. Another man assumed the name of a real doctor and acted, with remarkable skill, as a !Gettnt tenons in various parts of the country. When doctors looked up his qualifications, they were, of course looking up the record of the real doctor, and the im- postor's medieal knowledge and profossiotlal manner put then completely off the -scent. Ultimately he was charged with illegally obtaining dangerous drugs and getting credit by false Develops Cheaper Iron Lung—Prof. Hideo itokawa, of Tokyo University, opens the side door of the new "Duraimin Lung" which he invented. The device is built to sell for about one third of the price of iron lungs made on this side of the Pacific. Ouch—Slugged with a -left to. the head by Lester Felton, fighter Del Flanagan winces in pain during the third round. Felton won the bout in the fourth round by a technical knockout. pretences. Then the amazing truth came out. In ten years, working as an assistant to ' a series of unsuspecting medical employers, he had treated over 10,000 patients . , and had safely delivered no fewer than , fifty-two babies! Even in the great medical sanctum of Harley Street there is a man, his record well known to the authorities, who acts as a general consultant two days a week and claims to do ear and eye surgery. In actual fact, he was struck off the Medical Re- gister some twenty . years ago. My patients call me 'Doctor-, " he explains, "but 1 never use that name myself." And it appears that he is within the law. "TIMBER" There are a thousand and 'one everyday uses for' wood. 'So many, in 'fact, that the world is using more wood than it 'is growing. A hard wood like the oak may take longer than a century to mattife, to that those we use now will not be replaced for more than a ' hundred. years. Soft woods, on the other hand, can be replaced in,. 1.seenty , to thirty years, Even this, with our modern needs for building and pulping, is a ibitg time to wait, so forestry experts have been trying to speed up the process so that a tree can be ready ,for cutting in about tenteyears. One of the first steps in this direction was to cross -breed the trees. About a quarter of the ex- periments made have proved suc- cessful, which is a good meas- ure in this work. As is the case with -al -1 hybrids, animal or vegetable, there is a great increase in vigour when the erpss-breeding is successful. Cross -bred pines five and six years old are already twice as large as the average "pedigree" pines of the same age. But fast growth is only one of the advantages of cross -breed- ing, For some purposes wood without knots is necessary, so that sidebranches, must be dis- couraged. Pile Sufferers Get Quick Relief When the Ilei. burn and 1,010 04 muss keen* 30" "unite 01, night, &hoe sou almeet (Milo by tine—go to sty drug store mud get a Paelutg0 of 0404)lilt. See bow 1001 til* know -antic, anti/MOIR Ointment Pool* the fiery burning, rrlleir* Whines ,. goolhee halts. Tett get relief to one Mimi(,, by the ',Melt. Bee nnpilentlon ghee house et comfort. Get Len-01nl right nen• at oar drug bier,. Rootlets t0 keel/ you mems *evert! weep,. 0nls 600. By careful breeding, pines can be produced almost devoid of branches. There are age-old enemies of the forest, such as drought, rust and weevil, which are being fought by the new trees. Thus a species has been de- veloped to combine the fast growth of one tree with the drought -resistant qualities of an- other, while others are being produced for their qualities of resistance to the weevil and rust. In Britain's Forestry Research Stations emphasis is on the fast- growing Corsican pine, beech, European larch, Scots pine, and Sitka spruce—rather than our native hardwoods. Otherpountries, too, are spe- cialising in the kinds of wood they most need. Swedish scien- tists are working on aspen for paper pulp. Denmark is concen- trating oncentrating on producing dwarf fruit trees for indoor growth. Australia and New Zealand are especially interested is import- ing foreign trees and acclimatis- ing them. Canada, a great pulp - producer, is, working on fast- growing poplars. Eventually, with the help of these hybrids, the world may produce two or three times its present volume of timber. M. 11. Jack Miner's Story In Danish Schools Jack Miner's family has just been advised that the new school books in the Country of Denmark include the story of Jack Miner, Canadian Naturalist, and his pioneer Conservation work with Bird Life which he started at his Kingsville Bird Sanctuary. The story is the one copied from the U.S. school books entitled "A Duck's Best 'Friend" which has' already been reprinted in the school books of Ethiopia and several other countries and Col- onies. • 1. Every child in these countries will learn of Jack Miner• and his home' town Kingsville. Whether there's 'a rainbow around your shoulder or not the odds` are almost' 2 to 1 your favorite color. is red. The odds are 7 to 1 your favorite hate in colors is yellow. If you are a man you lean a little towards blue—not the mood, the color. - HARNESS & CQ .ARS Farmers attention—Conselt your near. est Harntisa Shop about State Harness, Supplies, We 'sell our goods only thtough your local Slaco Loather.1 goods dealer, The •goods are right and so aro our prices. Wo manutat. tura in our factories: Harness Horse Cellars, Sweet Pods, Horse Blankets and Leather Travelling Goods. insist on Stage Brand Trade -Marked Goods and you get satisfaction, Made only by. SAMUEL TREES CO. LTD. — A2:,WWrite'flliggorton C91.ata5. lTogueoronto - .. lassifled Advertising. AOEN'r8 WANTED HONEST, reliable *sent* to sell ebloka roc a wall vitabllahed hatchery, Good ropimisatan. Royal Farm Hatchery, 51. dec0be, Ontario. TAILORING SALESMEN Sell Park - Fletcher taaored-to•htooeure elotbe*. Earn more money, Neer Personal clothestree. Full or apace Ilm*. High romtnleelon, popular prices, tremen4oue choice of cloth 0430910, Write lmmedlately ter free sample outfit, Intreathina and exal0uiv0 "archery, Paxk-Fletcher Clotho, Dept. w„ P. 0. Be, 106. Station N„ Men treat. seems 0 7TTF,e ABSOLUTELY pure, no eu040 added, freak fruit alleys; apple, Peach, German Prune and pear available in each. 30.30 80 lb. pall. f.o.b. 43141010011 npple0 No. 1 Fancy, 03.76 bu., f.n.b. Deer Part Farm, Box 698. Grirnby BALD/ 0111CIiS "05141,100" Canadian Approved Woke. I.Ive. lay and pay. They are the results of twenty -are years of ettrefal selection and breeding. They hew to be good, becau0e we pant the very beet kind of Chicks for our own [lecke—bis. vigorous, and early maturing. We Areae egg size and uniform- ity. Sawed Rocha, White Leghorn, Nesse , White Reek, Columbia Rock, New Hamooblre, hump x Reck Crossbreds, "loci" x Leghorn Crossbreds, New Ham x au00ex Crossbreds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co.oporuttve Pro, dueo Company. Limited. 434 Mein Street. Woodstook. Ontario. ORDER those Purina embryo -fed (Minn from Gilnlore'e. Fully 31 0 0. r 0 n Tee 4. 000lity cbieke from a real breeding 'Pro gramme. Attractive early pellet prices. Write for 4rlee* and 0ntal03100 "Which Came First." Gilmore's Poultry Breeding Farm. Barrie. Ontario. CANADIAN Approved Chucks. Barred Rocks. New Hampshire. New Hampahlro X Barred Rock, Columbia Rock X Now Hampshire. Three week old chloke always available. 310avy de), old. cockerels 16.09 per 100. Wrlto for price list and folder. 1Ane0ln Chicly Hatchery. 2 Race Street, St. Catharines. Ontario, TOTT must have special breeds and strains to matte the maximum out of egg Pro• duction today. The same thine applies for broilers. The breeds and sir010e suitable for layers. do not give you the maximum profit for broilers. 1S'o have special breeds for loyera and special breeds for broilers. Send for catalogue. It explains all. Also turkey poult0, rwarorart ontoc 2AT('UERIF.S LTD. FE1tGUS ONTARIO WE'VE been hatching chicks for proges- slve Dooltrykeevers for fears. Profitable markets demand early (hicks growing to tains ulcer. February-Mnreh ahieks, Pricer, ate. -- Itras Hatchery, 120 John N., Liam. 31100. (148057 AND CLEANING nave you anything need. dyeing or clean- ing? ivrue to ue for information. We are glad to gnome' your question. De. Portman 31. Parker's Dye Works, Limped, 701. Tense St. Toronto. FOR SALE , SNOWSHOES. All sizes and styles, Botta' HUMANE Snowshoe Hameln (Pat.) No more blistered toes 1 Folder. "Snowshoe - Ing in Comfort." on request. BATES' SNOWSHOES, Dept. W., Metagema, Ont. PREMIER Strawberry Plants 12.00 Per 100; 100 Blooming Size Gladiolus bulbs 31.25; Fres Litt. to, .1, lvitn11. Elora. Ontario. 70 isms ORNAMENT AND Novelty pottern0 51. Lawn char 90110,na 1 for 31. Catalogue free. Mosbro Pattern's. 44.W Victor. Mlmtco, Toronto 14, Ontario. CRESS BUNION SALVE — Por amazing relief. Tour Druggist sells CRESS. 701'03 0OOD1 510 Cord, sold tie charcoal. Send for 'Making and Selling Char- coal," $1.00. Gordon novae, Box .214, Cambridge A. Meas. AMAZING PLASTIC RATON TOWELS. 0' Ideal for Drying Dishes, Duetlog. Pol- ishing and all Household Cleaning 3010. Leaven 1310 Lint. SIX large Pastel Colored Towels — 81,26. B. & x., Box 141-W, Regina. MEDICAL GOOD RESOLUTION — Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG FIORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid TAPEWORMS, pinworms, 00000 serious disease.; could be your trouble! thou. sands helped. Free literature desorlbee condition' and remedy. write Mulveney'o -Ramesh. Limited. Dem w 5', Tnrnetn. ()Marin •- •; FEMINEX • One woman tells another. Take eminent "FEMINEX" to he1,, alleviate Dain, We- treess and pervoue tenalon aeaoerated with monthly Periods. $5.00 Pestnnld in. Plain wrapper - POST'S CHEMICALS 350 QUEEN' ST. EAST TORONTO POST'S. ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczem0000hea and beeping akin troubles Post's Ewalt* Salve will not disappoint you, Itching. waling,. burning eczema, acne. ringworm, pimples and foot eczema. will respond readily to the *tames* odorless ointment, regardless of 'how" stubborn ar hopeless they seam. - 1'RTCE $2.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Poet Free on Receipt of Price SSD QOeen St. E. Corner of Lngeo. '. Toronto .. "PEP UP-" Try C.C. 6 B. Toui0 Tablets for 1010 vitality and. general 4eh11ity, At Druggists one dollar or FEASEL AGENCY, 11134 - 33 Avenue, EDMONTON, ALTA, ASTHMA Now Asthma Relief In minutes or .yaw nieney back Ask 001r DruOglot ter an Asthmanefrin Set Mimed it lone lly guarantied SAFES Proust lour 110011S and CASH from VIRE mut 7111191,141.. We have a size n.nd type or Safe. or Cabinet. for tiny Mu, nose. (Veit ue or vein, fee sites. elr., In Dent. It.' J.6&J,TAVL"rwiE4 LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS' 140 Front 'St. 1:.. 'Toronto li0t&I:ROhed 1055 al" Oepow3'UNIT0ES F00 MEIN AND W091100 BE A HAIRDRESSER 401(4 CANADA'S 110ADINO 'SCRODS. Great OpPerhtntts' Learn ITo1$dreeel0g Pleailant. dignified preteeelOn. 0004 Nose*. Tb6usande of successful dfarv0l graduates America's Greatest System tlieetrated Catalegu0 Free Write or Cpll MARVEL HAIn3RESBING S0100000 300 01007 St. W,, Toronto Branobos; 44 King St., Hamilton 78 Rideau 8t., Ottawa MANE MONEY taut" Pictures of fh 6I. Green Elizabeth kiwi), priced for 041033 sato. Deets" hems buys one. Se11d for Illustrations. prloee. Belted Art, Toronto 118. MOTHERS! PRESERVE your 'Baby's shoos permanently with genuine bronzy Inge. Write for ire* deecriptive folder. Item, mart Products Co„ 3.0. Box 272, 6a1tere- aold, California. - COUBSE on Farming rovers everything In farming—ehNNicene, hone. Write far de. tails. C.O.D.'o accepted. COure° 00.00. 810,0,1 CO, 1218 North 'Worst Street, In- dianapolis, Indiana. EARN 3100.00 or moreper month ad- dressing envelopes !n Beare time at. home by bend or tyotowrlter, Send 01:00 for information and instructions, 2toneYe back guarantee. Helvereel Service, Dept, 24. P.O. Box 41, Somerville,' Winter Inn Branch, Maseacheeotte. WOOD by mail. Plans. Flnlamng mater- ial's. Write for price Ilei, Dept, W., The Pine Shop Ltd., 2220 '13enny Ave., Mon" trent 28. PATENTS AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of in. ventions and tu11 Information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Re3lstered-Patent Atter. toys, 273'Bank Street, Ottawa. F'EATI4IOSTONHAUGH & Company Pa- tent Sollcitora. Vet0bliahe0 1890, 360 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of Informs. tion on recuse". PERSONAL HANDWRITING analysis. Complete oho, aeter reading, Send twent3 lines. In Ink, unlined neper. Enclose 31,00. Bette John- stone, 49 Rosemount Ave.. - Weston: 11,00 TRIAL offer, Twenty -ave deluxe Derennal requirements. Latest Catalogue included. The Medico &genes, Bax 114, Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario. BOOBS 10003301 French COnd100, any Bahiants. Hugo search service. No Obli- gation. write your wantsto me now. John Williams, 106 - 306 street, Hoboken, N,,? F001. your Friends: We'll remit your letters from West Virginia, U.S.A., 22e, Russell Ferguson, noels Castle, weal V,*., U.S.A. LE'r u0 pennants, that troneured snap- shot. Sealed' in spending clear plastic. Cost 6c per square inch. Ralph Slide, 6 West 5rd 50, Cheater, Pa. QUIT CIGARETTES easily ae thousands of other, have done. MIS TOBACCO ELIMINATOR a seven day scientific treatment that Quickly ellminates all craving for tobacco. For free booklet write C, W. Ring Phnr- maca Ltd„ Box 073, London, Ontario. TIPSINESS PERSONALS SLIP ON THE ICE? Avoid den0arovs falls, wear tee Creeper Straps under any tnotwcar. - 31.00 Pest - paid. Material, Shawbridge, Quebec. RUGS NEW rugs made from your old ruga and woollens. Well, 1Or catalogue and price list. Dominion Rug Weaving Company, 2477 Dundee Street West, Toronto, Ont. RI:ES—Sharply reduced nee.. 9' 0 11'- 079.60 delivered; 69' x 99'-347.00 de- livered. Made of One rayon carpet yarns, in exquisite erloatll patterns, on wine and red background. Wtil ship C.O.D. Refund It not used. Fromly Textiles iaeg'd). 1067 Dundas W., Toronto. STAMPS 126 DIFFERENTtamps. Booklet Stamp Collecting. 126 'Hinges and perforation 0auga, 10c to approval ap011rent*. E. Emmy. 8.R. t. Victoria, B.C. POSTAGE STAMPS 31)R SALE < 30.000 different- etanl00 one rent. each. Better grade British Cotonlen half ratalague. SUMMERS, 41 Daly, Ottawa, Ontario. 1t'4 NTH!) WANTED: Palomino horses. Send fall particulars, crus and P1Pturss tat A. E.' Boum, 629 Queens Ave., London, Ontario. If Yo re TIRED ALL THE TINE Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired -but, heavy -beaded; and maybe bothered by_backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously, wrong, just a temporary toile -" condition Caused`" by .exce00 adds and wastes 71fk3ar tem Nme'to take Dodd's Kidney 1'; Dbdd'6 stimulate the kidney2, and s0 help restore their normal action of centering excossrntids Ind wastes. Then you feel better, sleep 60tter, work better. Gel Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with tie' red band at all druggists. You can depend ori 'Do:jii o, 52 IT RELIEVED IN A JIFFY or money back Very l'a'st use of sooQdng, cooling, liquid D.A.D. Prescription positively relieves raw red ftth—"carred by eczema, rashes, scalp =Ration, chafing—outer Itch troubles. Grease - .ors, stelnloeo. 41c trial bottle must eatlet of money. 1,44201t. Ask your druggist for D.D.D. IRESOMf'TION. - WHY YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE SODA e at you seam from acid Indigention, gas, - heartburn, scientists Bay baking soda can add to your upaot, destroy vitamins. taus* alkalosis, acid rebound. "After meals I had indignation and . 3004 pains, and i practically lived on belting soda," soYB Peter George, Lethbridge, Alta. Then I started 1010(ng Dr, Pterca'n Golden Medical Dleeovery end 'he pain want awe end 1 could eat and uniovhey meal* ngoin. Pined 00 ponnd0 and fell mach better,'" Thonoeod, who sugared oath distress, due To Ta organic (0100*, tried Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with amazing result* Over 31,000,000 bottled of *iia gree non.oleoholie medicine, with its 'wonderful etnimmiti0• 10033 aotlon bawl been sold. 30 date. And no wonder. Poet. talte0 regularly, It promotes mors normal etomeeb activity, tiros helping to digest food bettor ea you won't have gad, hoartburu, sour stoma& Eacond, with Morneeb nativity improved, you can eat the Goode you like without fear of attar-dtstreoa. .. 'Try it. Get Dr.. Mom's Golden Madinat biecnvery et your drugatot, toda3l ISSCTE 7 — 1913