HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-2-11, Page 5' THE BRUSSELS POST
1951 Chev. Sedan Powe Glider
and.air cond, heater $18510,00
1948 Chev. Fleetline Coach
Radio and Sun -visor $1195.
1946 Hudson Sedan $750,
1951 Chev, Sedan D4ivery $1550.
1950 One -ton Fargo Staka
with racks $1050.'„
1949 G.M.C. Pack -up $875.
1949 Chev. 2 -ten with racks..,.
and platform $900.
1947 Studebaker,, Pick-up $400.
1946 Ford 3 -ton with racks $400.
1948 Thames Panel $250.
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile
Supertest Gas and Oil
Phone 56 Brussels. Ont.
Charles A. Simpson
'i'her•e,, passed sway in Clinton
on 'Rrednesday, )Teb,4tih 1953, Charles
A. Simpson In lUs 849h,y ac'.. He via,
j ,a sen Of the late Andreae and Marg-
ret (Stratllain) Simpson and was
born on the Ramify Tarn, list Pon. of
Grey, whore lie farmed for many
years. He is survived by We wife the
I !brans Mrs. Rods and a stgpeon Geo,
j Tosaniso a sister bire. Rdbert Scott,
Brussels, and a brother, J dt Sim-
i/Von, i/Von, Vancouver, The funeral ser-
v'ioe' was field Brom_ the Walker Fun.
era! Home Flridaly at 2130 orolook,
conducted by the Rey. W. H. T. Ful-
ton. Mr. Simpson' was a life long
member of the Presbyterian church.
: A large number of relatives and
friends gathered to pay their last.
respects: There were beautiful
floral tributes. Pallbearers•. was
Russel Bradelhaw, Gordon Holt, Alex
. McDona•1d, Geo. . NielsOlsfan, Win.
, %bag, Oswald Simpson,
' Burial It .oak place in Brussels
We are taking °entreats for Mal:
ing Barley for delivery to Wdnghym
Jahn Bnmstead & Son
Wingham, Ont.,
;VHITFMLD —.la loving mentors
Cif :our .dear Mother, Ruth Am-
elia. Whitfield. who Passed Feb.
Stir, 1952.
Many a reedy heartache,
Often a silent tear,
But always a hea:rutiful memory.
Of a Mother whom we loved so dear
Lcirltogly 'a'eanembored by lien
MrNICHOL in loving memory of
James McNichol with passed away
9 years, agor Feb. 17, 1944.
Memories are treasures- no one can
Doatrh is a 9reartacba nothing can
Some may ;forget you
But we will remember no matter
how long,
Sadly missed by wife and family
now you
Get your wood or logs cut fast and
economical. prices reasonable.
Mel. Jermyn Phone 5fr12 Biasses!
!Illus February Meeting of Qui
'United Churdh WdmeetAs Mlaslauai y
Society,, was held !at the parsonage,
The president Mrs, Lanae opened the
meeting with the, call to worship.
Bible reading was given by Mies
Jessie Straolwirn and Mrs. R. Downing
led in prayer.
Seeretasy ;and i'reasa4•er• reports
were read and adopted, Mies Hing—
,aeon gave a reacting entitled, ."The
copper belt ot'AfrJca." The study
period was taken by Mrs. Bell and
Miss Robinson. The theme being.
•"Eituoation and Literature in the
St:Imola of Africa". Mrs, Lane
closed the meeting with prayer. A
pleasant bait hour was 1pent : when
M'rs. Lange served - a mg:rot tea. A
Vote of thanks ' Was tendered Maya,
Lane, for hes 100 haspitality,
NOTICEA lot of'tanners like ...the Surge
Milker bemires it's hacked by
"Surge Service", •Ask the man who
owns one. 'Cala' Lovell McGulrn
Phone 993W Wingaram, Surge Deal-
er. �' ° TV;hie
For 1953, Chevrolet trucks offer
new performance, new stamina, new
safety and economy — and every
model is even stronger, sturdier,
more durable than those of past
The advended-: Loadmaster,
F'' Toicpienma'ster and Workmastet
engines in all models deliver more
t. power theft has everbefore been
available in Chevrolet 'trucks: This
big, husky, valve -in -head 'engine
with a new high -compression ratio
brings you finer performance, faster
atceleration, greater hill -climbing
ability and ,sujrstantially greater
gasoline mileage.
But that's only . the beginning.
You get all tae proved features and
advantages that have made Chevron
let trucks world-famous for their
ability to handle the roughest jobs
day after day at the loftiest over-all
cosi. to you!
Yet, even with. all these greater
advantages, 1953 -Chevrolet trucks
give re more for'yoplr moltlap;tlran
any other"creek?. o'f coiHPbrable
capacity and specifications: Drop in
at our shosvw rooirl and talk over your
trucking needs. Let us, sliavf4ou;
how much mord' you .get; for'lour
money with i553.; C1aevroler'trdcks,
why they
than ever
— power!
You get all the power you need with outstand-
ing valve -in -head economy from Chevrolet's
great new engines for 1953 — the 108 h.p. Load -
master, the 125 h.p. Torquemaster and the big
130 h.p. Worknraster — all with new high com-
pression ratios.
._ ...._ staying
— power!
Now, heavier, stronger, more durable frames
increase rigidity, add to ruggedness and stamina'
of all 1953 Chevrolet trucks. Long famous for
their ability to rake the roughest jobs day after
day. Chevrolet trucks are now brawnier and
sturdier than ever.
\i 11 braking
— power!'
In 1953, all Chevrolet trucks up to 1400 Series
models are equipped both front and rear with
big, powerful `Torque -Action" brakes which
make full use of truck momentum for greater
stopping power. Series 1100, 1500, 1700 and
1800 heavy-duty trucks use extra large "torque -
Action" brakes in front, "Twin-Action":'type in
rear, Both assure quick, smooth, safe atops —
provide greater stopping power, grea dura-
bility than before.
- t!<: = ecor,o i
The new and greater stamina 00 1953 0,hebrolet'
trucks, plus extra gasoline economyt'e1 th im-
proved valve-in•head engines, reduce4'_lwuliag8
costs per ton mile, brings you greater:pvCtilt
economy throughout the long life ;of iltltr
11' CT -153A
Riverside Motors Brussels, Ontario
Weduesdaiy, February 11b1u, 34:53
1 Morris Towssihjp Oouraoil Me•etiu
Feb. 2, 1963.
The Commit met In the Towson.
Hall or tae above date witils
the members present,
Tho ultimates 08 the last mee
ling' were read and adopted on
relation of Wm. Iliston and Belli
Parrott. -
Moved by Chas, Ooultes, seconded
by Bailie Parott that we joie tit
Association of Assessing Moors
— Oarrded
Moved by Wnr. alieton, seconded
by Bailie Parott — Be it resolved
that ler the purpose of certifying
employment by the Township of
Morris As 'permanent in accordance
with Paragraph (1) os .Part 11 Kits
First Sebedule, to the Unemploy-
ment Insurance Ant and of Special
orders made by the Unemployment
Insurance Commission there under
the following be .and they are here-
by autaroriized to Issue audit certi-
ficates — Geo. O. Martin.
— Garrled,
Moved by Chas. Coultes, seoanded
by Bailie Parrott that we engage
Geo. Hetherington as Warble Fly
Spgiy_Tnspetstor for 1953 at 90 cents
peit"`hour and 10 rents per nili6.
Mored by Sam Aldo'ek, sieonded
h3' IVIn. Elston that w. advertise for
sprayman and helper for 1:953 warble
fly spraying. Applications to he in
by March 2. — Carried J
Moved by Battle Pan•ntt. second-
ded by Wm. Elston that we advertise
for tenders to supply. erugh and
deliver approximately 10,009 yards
of gravel an Morris Township roads.
crusher to be equipped with w inrir
screen and certified cheque for
9"119 to accompany canh tender.
• — Carried.
Moved by Chas. Cmrltee, seconded 1
by Bailie Parrott that the road ac
onunts as Presented by the Road
rnperhrtendent be paid.
— Carried
Moved by Chas. Coultes. seconded
by Wm. Elston that the meeting ad -
jaunt. to meet again on March 2,
at 1. p. m. — Carried. i
Mrs. M. Kelly, damege to lands
crops, Kelly Drain $54.00
R. Craig damages to laands and
craps, Kelly Drain 69.00
L: Sootht damage to lands and
crops, Kelly Drain 63.00
J. C. trains, damage to lands
and crops, Kelly Drain 13.00
L. Cronyn damage to lards and
crops, Kelly Drain 50.00
I). Craigdamage to lands and
crops. Kelly Drain 16.00
.1soociatinn of Assessing
Officers 10.00
Ivan SfeArter, broom for hall 1.85
Hydro -Electric Power Com-
mission — Street lights in
Belgreve and Walton 195.00
Stun. World (Subs.) xfl.Ut
pas. Howes, Smith Drain 350.9,1
Geo. Martin• telephone calls 3.611
Gathers and Gallaher. Peacock
Drain 27,50
Village of Blyth. firs. R. Crane
rolief 63.35
A. H. Erskine. c'ollec'ting tax
Envier Drain 5.00
F. Oster. Grant on
Carter Drain
O. Haines, Grant on
Grnvier Drain
Tt Craig. Grant on
Gooier Drain
A. Nesbitt, Grant on
Gooier Drain
TC. Webster. Grant an
Govter Drain
111. GaIvier, Oran
Gorier ]grain, 114,00
J. Nesbitt, Grant cru
Gorier Drain ' 47.80
10 R. A. Mo111illaau, Grant on
all Gorier Drain 171,4
Dept. of Highs/aye, /aye, Grant on
Groviet• Dram
C. W. Hanna, render for
H. ywlulteilread 02.81
Saraw, elite 25,00
ilaifvey O. .Toiruston, Reeve.
Geo, G, Martin, Clerk.
23.75 I
The Yloung People's Union et the
. tinted Ohuroh met. in the Church
parlour on Sunday evening' with a
good attendance. The programme.
"What can we believe about Goth"
centred ,around a study of a number
•of .G1d' Testament characters wihe
Were definitely great men of God.
Thenext regular meeting will be
Sunday evening, Feb. 22 at 7.30. The
Union Is planning a skating party
for Tuesday. Feb. 17, should there
he ice.
Ajax is Canada's first industrial
city to be planned from the guasa
routes, up_ and in minute detail. The
idea wag conceived in 1949 and al -
reedy *glittering new community
of over 5,900 people with 21 factor
les employing 1,400 people lies
sprung to life. Slums are outlawed,
along with traffic congestion, land
speculation, and wildcat housing
selu mes. The story of Ajax Is told
1n the Toronto Star Weekly of Feb-
ruary 14, by staff writer Harold
Can -supply you with any kind a.
Grain, Corn and Hay and Pasture
seeds. These sered.s are all registered
and treated ready to sow, If you
toed any help in planning your needs
in Seeds or Fertilizers do not
hesitate to contact your Crop Ser-
vice dealer. Have you Clover Seeds
or Grain from Reg. Sued for sale? We
will buy or place, it tor you. Soil
samples will beanalayzed free. Asir
for prices on Seeds. Service is free
Phone 56r0 Geo Wesenburg
There are openings tor new mere-
hers in the Brussels Lions Boys and
Girls Band !Beginners for Else
junior band will bo wetenae, as well
as experienced players.
This is a wonderful opportunity
for children and teenagers who are
interested in music. Parents should
encourage their dhildren to beoome
members of this band that has
already won wide recognition.
'Ceder the capable leadership of
Mr- Robin son. members have aha
opportunity to get ira&ning and ex-
perience that will sive them plea-
sure for the resit of their lives
where over they may be.
Anyone wishing to join should
see Mr. A. C. Robinson at the Lab.
vary any Wednesday evening at
7.80 o'clock
w1Nc1-,AM MEMORIAL 51.5015
Always a tame stack In Chaieets4
Granites to Chose from
All modern machinery.
famous ler
277.41 1 Cemetery lettering a epectat'#pv
i Artistic Memorhnta
39.63 1 at very reasonable gimes*.
805.$1 I Phone 2513 — W neham, .oat.
Machine Shop Now
Open For business
In: Brussels
Lathe Work Acetylene Welding
Electric Welding
Professional service in each line. Suitable
equipment for all agricultural and indust-
rial repairs. Two men at your servke at
all times.
We sell and service the McCulloch, I. E.
L. and Disston Chain Saws.
Dealer for Dairi-Cool: Milk Coolers
Phone 56r1$ Brussels, Ont.