HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-2-11, Page 1THE BRUSS Post Publishing House Authorized an second olss. malt, Post Chloe Department, Ottawa Wednesday, February 11th, 1953 $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. S. ala The Young Women's Guild of Melville Presbyterian Church Are holding a Bake ,and Candy Sale A miscellaneous counter and tea,. In the Brussels Public Library Sat., Feb. 14th.at 3 p. m. E'REE'-TO `ALL -FARMERS A N D *HEIR N: AM I L I E -S Come early... there's a good time for everyone cce Oft Hai/ 004440"te,/e Brussels Town Hall on Wednesday, Feb. 18th at2.30_7and 9.30p; m. "ODDITIES iN FARMING" "WHAT'S NEW IN JOHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT" W. J. PERRIE John Deere healer Brussels, Ont. 1.18tR.ARY- NATES - 'The Library Board held its an - mod meeting on Monday night, Feb 2, Rev. A, Laine presiding, Puling the past year 178 mem. hums were,registevod, and the sir. dilation of hooks was 4.612, besides the 060 magazines that were taken crit. Many old books were ddsoarded during the year, leaving 2206 on harnld. The new books, added to the ' lihrary have been much a(planeoia1ted. Plants were disbursed tan' , further improvements in 1968. Mite atfi:cers for Ole dooming year 'are a5 follows t Chairman Rev. A. Lane 'Secretary Miss H. Downing Treasurer R. Bowman Librar'nm Mrs. W. S. Scot! The Library merits the tnember- ehiip a'f emery adult and juvenile reader On town and the surrounding country, -'HE UNITED CHURCH - On Sunday, Feb. Sth. the theme of. worship in the baiited Church was, 'Forgiveness". The minister continued a study begun. • an, the Sire ceding Sunday, emphasizing the mind and practice of .Jesus on this n11 Important Christian chamaoteris- tdC. 71h•e choir sang the anthem, "Mist. My Soulo Will -Neap", by 1lrgrmond and Ackley. CARD OF THANKS I would like 00 thank my many friends fqr their visits, also send' lug cards, treats and ficnvers during my long stay 'in the hospital. Roy McFarlane. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank all. those who sent me cards, treats and ca.nie to visit me during my Stay in .the Wing - ham. Hospital and since I name home. It was much appreciated. Shirley Stephenson. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends a.nd neighbours for .the kindness extend, add to us during, our recent bereave- ment- Special thanks ,to Rev, Mr. Stilton, to those who acted as pall- bearers :and to those wero loans • t, t FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE The February meeting of the BRUSSELS COMMtmrre TO HAVE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE chi 'Thursday e n1 g Fcebreery 1611, Mr. L. A. Buckley of 'Waterloo, Fiend representative of the Chamber of Commerce addressed; -a . large gathering of interested citicana of Brudsels 1n the Library: The spctrlcer was introduced 3» Mr, Walton Todd, manager of the local Bank of Commeaae. Mr. 13uekley's subject was. •"A Chamber , of O.onunerce and its Duties." The advsntanges of such 80 organization were well pointed out. Its• dhief aims wero, a closer relattionship betnveen village, towi, and farm, and a !teener interest in ,community improvement. He em- phasized that nothing ,stands stilt lo•clay. You either go forward, n,r :ec hehind, and the way yougu is dr;',ermined by the efforts put forth, Desttructive cr'iticlkrns have held bark �,wne Wares, but :1t>: esnlstneu what co'tid not be done yesterday can be dorm today. Today industry Ls decentralizing,- and a town must want industry if it expecte to get its share of it, in ell' ing Mr. Barkley said that the Chamber of Oemmeroe was tL,+ :seat important organization in any commundlty,, and that good indust ries would pay their awn way. After a nue-1'l?''gin and answer period. It 'was unanhnously agreed to form a Chamber of Commerce in T3Iwjsseiis. Mr. Bob Walker, Mr. Geo. Mc- Ontchowl. Mr. Clare Long, and Mrs Albert Wood 1t ere' nominated to bring M. a slate of Officers for D. proval at the next meeting. A, by law committee approved were Alf i W. Todd, Mr, H. Thomas and 'Mr, C. ICreu•ter, A vote oP thanks was given the. speaker by Mo, H. Stratton on be- half of thiole present. The meetin.: was then adjourned. The next mc:.ting will be held at, Thursday, Feb. 19th, :It. 8 p. n1. in the library. All farmers of the community are cordially invited tl attend this meeting. Frinddh4,p Circle was head in the cars. i parlour ne the United Church on i Tsabeela. Simpson end George. Wed. evtenling, 'Feb. 4th, The meet ( ins opened with the singing of the CARD OF THANKS I Theme hymn. "Blest be the Tie thiat Bands." followed by prayer by Mrs. 1C. Tye'rmani MID ; their .cards, boxes: of fruit and other I The Scripture. passage was read `acts of l tndMess during my stay to 1 l'y 6127, Harlon Waltiaon. Rahe Sec- JAMESTOWN the Wi bran: Hospital and ain 1 reit try Maas P. Baker and bhs THE •PRtil•YTtR1AN of D4. Hast t Sunshine elp!ttt t by ' Nicholson dew spewing a the t N Special thanks o the I wish to express any sincere tlhanks, to my many friends for e ng i n n: Mrs. Henderson. ese'Nce alt tibe ,home Dive. • Mrs. Wm, t noises 1 and Oki,. ft Of Z'irtiig6ram Ge�iteral Hos- report, [ CHNIICH IN CANADA _ • I tew days at the 10434 of heT-sata, ' in Qts t a MOM* ChrNls !Tack, sand Mrs, Nicholson, i 1 St T 1 Google A F. & A ` bire.:,la�ek Nicholson had the mise �rl.' ' ,1%-�� i fortune tb (jail and break her foot, one day last week. le a. ea. Suaday &boot Mhlstar, Rev. W. H. T. fruitsa .A eery successful outturn party veae held an Friday evening at SM. No.• 4, Grey. After lunch there was 111 s• m Naming W� • Abated Church OP CANADA ' • l8hII.tsr, Rev. Andra," . Lane Morning Worship - 1S o'clock "Friends of Jesus" Ohm'ch Sohooi --- 12 o'clock. "Praise ye title Lord'. foo' it is good etc snug praises unite our God," Churchof England Parish et I•ru sts Rev. A. Norman tills, M.' A. Qutnlguaagesdma Sunday Feb. 15011, 19'53 as. Mush Ohara*, L 4UI 2.30 p m. Healy Comumuniotn 11 a. tn. Morning Prayer 'The Bishop's Lenten Polatoral' Sunday School. at, Davldh 4hwieh. Noah,* 2.20 p, m. Waning Prayed' V.30 a, m. %Indy Communion Bt. lisorpera Charstl, Wallet! 720 p. en. II/wining 'Prayer a daSige, ' REGENT T1-"ILATRE I CAPITOL L!J 1 i rCTOWEL Mrs, ,T. Wheeler. gave e real ret 4 1,Ia, ,cm's - A. F. . M. Ladle;' '.etuxiliary_ of Canadian Lt0'iom, Rebekah Lodge, Ladies' •1 •Aid of Me3vill'e"'Church,. Women's InniLitute, adso Billy,,and Bobby ilium: for their efficient • Atnietlaneo Ser. vice. R. C. rox Seafortb,.Ont. NOW PLANING- e Feb. 12.- 13 - 14 Technicolor Set Uncle Sam's airborne fire fight- ers battle forest flames with hereto daring. The smoke 'Jumpers, •Rlch• and Wlldmadk and Constance Smith are pitted against nature's ,savage fury. See - "RED SKIES OF MONTANA" Feb. 18 - 17 - 18 This Is a dramatic movie filled with suspense. Van Johnson ' and Dorothy McGuire make a bargain in love whloh pays lifetime dlvld- ennds in the story of "THE INVITATION" Feb. 19. 26.21 A historical novel. In flaming Technicolor, of the early uprising In U. S. Adventure, romance and excitement are brought to you by Dale Robertson and Ann Francis, in "LYDIA BAILEY" COMING -- "LITTLE EGYPT" A vei+v :pleasing solo Was rendered by Most R. nether, The topic "Pennell Rnangelism in. Quebec," wesw given Mrs. Wm. 141itlei' .The roll call "Hato can my head save my heels" was answered by abont'iteeentteen members. Dlscusiston, on dam fora guest aprnker, the disposal of oalr afghan* and the ,pnrehaee of a loud speaker and :ear phone mechanism for the ' chnl'eth ,took up most of the business THEATREperiod. I Dpring the evening the ladles 2 shows nlphtiy 740 - 9,15 P. M. � quilted tt small quilt, the top of Matlne. Saturday 2 p. . t whin!) wait donated by Mrs. Wm. Frans. After the singing of hymn • No. 40 the meeting cloned with the bene- diction. Th. 11n101 rommittec' were Mrs. C. Bryans. Mrs, G. Bridge, Mrs T. Clientele end Mrs, 'FTendersgn, Friday - Saturday "THE TREASURE OF •• LOST CANYON" Chills and thrills lead you to a lost cave where a young boy discovers riches behind Devil's Falls. Dad - Bring your Boys Share in the adventure. NNW Mon. - Tues. Feb. 16 - 1f Suspense - Adventure - Danger "THE ATOMIC CITY" A Spy thriller full of action, TUESDAY FOTO-SITE OFFER $100.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Are you registered for Foto•Nito? Wed. - Thurs. Feb, 18 - 19 2 Big Hits 2 "SMUGGLER'S ISLAND', plan "TARGET UNKNOWN,' Note •- Target Unknown 720-10.11 Smuggler's island 9 p. m. CLOTHING DRIVE HOLLAND FLOOD VICTIMS A local clothing drive, Spontemred by the L'1ania Club, is boing 0001 ducted this week. Anyone nav1ng clean, serviceable articles of elotn lug for toll ages, is asked to leave them at the Town Hall ora Saturday, Feb. 14tH. Members of the Lions Club w111 be there to receive littera, if you wis„ u11 0C10s nicked nate at Y010' holOte 1 please call G. label at 40r9 Brussels, The weed is great and your co.oper- :uliott will be appreciated, N. FORBES OF WINNIPEG DIE'S. NATIVE OF GREY Word was received here of the sudden death on Saturday, in Win - !peg, Men. of Norman Forbes, 60, purchasing. agent for the western division of the T. Eaton 00. He was u formed' resident of this town and wast bonn on can. S. Grey town shNp, the .son of Sohn and Anne; (McFarlane)' Forbes. On finlishiug I+uhlic 711(1 high school, hebecome a painter by trades He, lived in Win- nipeg for about 35 years, before Ilia death. ,His wife, the former T'ei i . Raelter elf 13rnsse1e, survives, also i two sons, TCenhvebh, of Winnipeg. William, Toronto, .and a sister :bass. Daniel (Sarah) Ferguson, Vl11inninpeg. The funeral wa+1 to be Held in Winnipeg. The annual Sports Day of are Brussels branch of the Canadian Legion will be held tbs year on Coronation Day, June 2nd. Re- serve this date and watch for future announcenl'l.nts concerning tl,r Sports Day which: will be bigger nd better than ever. rr. n w rTs/ F' ill/11T1 • a • EUCHRE and DANCE In the Cranbrook Community Centre: Friday, Feb. 13, Euchre at 8.30 p. me, Dance following - Wllbee's Orchestra Door Prizes - Spot and Elimination Dances Lucky Draw for a pair of satin basket -weave Cushions Lunch Counter - Admission 50 Sponsored by Junior Club Girls Everybody Welcome SKATING PARTY At Brussels Arena on. Tuesday, Feb. 17th from 8 to 10 p. m, Sponsored by the United Church Young People's Union ADMISSION 35c and 25c LUNCH AFTER AT THE CHURCH' Annual Pancake Supper. St. John's Anglican Church Shrove Tuesday," Feb. 17th Menu - Pancakes with syrup, sandwiches, pie, pickles and tea.. Supper served from 5.30 to 8 Admission 60c and 35c -' - -- .alar. St. John's Anglican Church SKATING PARTY Will be held in the Brussels Arena.on • Tuesday, Feb. 24th from 8 to 10 p. m, LUNCH AFTER AT THE CHURCH ADMISSION 35c and 25e Proceeds In aid of St. John's Scout Group and Youth Club. Mr, and Mrs. 7.. 1) Thompson were in Toronto and attended the .3rd Haydn Creation -snug by the ,nrthens Society of 100 veiceis. ,. * a Ins. Con. Evans, Mrs. R. W. 130113 hem -r. 'Wm, .7• Turnbull, Lloyd `1,17toeim' and leo. VGesenberr at- tended the Cninrin Agricultural ("onwe1tinn held in Toronto lest w e1r. The lathe fork in the Tee Follies utter the t'onventian. SSI SALE PEARSON'S Annual February Sale February 5th to :4th SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LADIES SHOES 20% Off Ladies Heel Huggar and Murray Shoes. 100 pair Ladies Dress Shoes .............. Reg• $6.95 to $10.50 Sale $3.98.. 60 pair Ladies Dress Shoes Reg. $4.95 to $6.95 Sale $1.98 150 pair Ladies Slippers and Sport Shoes Sandals and Loafers and Osfoeds - -- -.'. -' -• SPECIAL SALE PRICE 98 Children's Shoes all Kinds and Colour SPECIAL SALE PRICE 20% Off (Children Snowboots and Skates 51 gavage, 15 Denier 1st grade Ladies Nylons Special Sale Price $1.011 Ladies For -trammed Velvet Overshoes Special $2.791.0 20% Off All Ladies Snow Boots and Skates - Trade in Allowances. -"-". MEN'S Several Pair of Second Hand Skates $1.50, 1 Pair Sine 9 - $4.08..- 20% Off All Men's Snowboots and Skates - Trade in Allowances 50 Pair Men's Dress Oxfords Black and Brown Reg. $8.95 to$14.1 ifp - ' Sale Price $7.98. 48 pair Men's Dress Shoes, Black and Brown Reg. $6.95 to $8.95 Sale Price $4.91t, Reg. $3.50 to $4.131 Sale Price $2.69 or 2 for $5.0e. Reg. $4.95 to $6.95 Sale $3.66 - Men's Dress Shirts, White and Coloured Men's Sport Shirts all Colours 20% OFF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS Scott -McHale Shoes Stetson Hats Forsyth Shirts Arrow Shirts Scarves. Sweaters Pyjamas Braces Belts Socks Ties Jewellery Gloves Caps Come in and look over Special Bargains in Shoes for es5e'yon you are under no obligation to boy Brussels. Ont. Prone l