HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-2-4, Page 7TIILFARN FRONT :jc The honey bee may have seen its best days as an ally of the alfalfa seed grower. A new pollinating machine was tried put successfully this year. on 16 farms in Minnesota and South Dakota. Farmers who used it were bug-eyed as they watch- ed two and three times the usual amount of seed pour from thein combines, "The Mechanical Bee' is the name that inventor Dale livis- tendahl, Worthington Co„ Minn., has given his machine. Here's how the rig works; Tri- angular rods in front of the ma- chine guide the alfalfa between 24 long vertical rollers, coated with foam rubber. As the plants go through, they are crushed just enough to "trip" the blossoms and expose '',e pollen. • • • Just behind the rollers is a steel - and - canvas "pollination chamber," There, a blast of warm air from a bottled gas heater dries the. sticky pollen and dusts in among the flowers. The machine may have some drawbacks. First of all, an alfalfa plant ordinarily continues to bloom for several weeks, and only 10% to 15% of the flowers are ready for "tripping" at any one time. So it will probably be necessary to go over a field sev- • eral times in order to trip most of the blossoms. Another possible drawback. Bees carry pollen from one plant to another, and cross-polinate the Lowers. However, we aren't sure that this machine spreads the pollen around enough to get good cross-pollination, When the flow- ers are "selfed" (fertilized with their own pollen), the seed that is produced usually grows into plants that make less seed and forage than those grown from crossed seed. Meanwhile, farmers claim that the machine really boosts seed yields. • • • "1 wish I had treated more," says Roy Eykamp of Kingsbury County, S. Dak.-the first farmer to use the "Mechanical Bee." He machine -pollinated only 50 of the 500 acres of Cossack alfalfa he grows for seed. On 10 of those 50 acres he averaged 600 pounds of seed per . acre -three times the yield he made on untreated alfalfa. "Bees don't work too well in our area," says Glenn Rietz, Brown County, S. Dak. "We ex- perimented with 80 hives this year, but those bees buzzed right past our alfalfa and Work- ed sweet clover and wild flow- ers instead, "Where we used this machine we got 62 pounds of clean seed to the acre, and this was on mar-. ginal land that cost us only $15 an acre. We didn't harvest the part of the field that wasn't treated, because it wouldn't have made 10 pounds to the acre. One 21/2 -acre field that we treated made 3P., pounds of 'Clean seed per acre."' Says Herbert Johnson, a Mur- ray County, Minn., premier seed producer 'l; .used only on a s1nal1, Atte-Ifield this year, but. I figure it inrreasctd my yields between 40% and 50%." Next year, he's going to try for seed on a first crop of Ran- ger. O • • In one Murray County test, 300 blossoms were marked with string, After tripping and pollin- ating by the machine, marked plants showed a 90% seed set. County Agent Arvid C. Hagen, says that more .of the marked blossoms hadseed hods oil them two days after they were treated, But here's the clincher on how the machine works; All of the farmers who used it this year hope to use it again in 1953. The first model pulled 'behind the tractor. But a newer model will be carried on the tractor hoist to keep down wheel dam- age to the alfalfa. Hvistendahl is continuing to improve the machine, and is president of the new "Mechani- cal Bee" Company that will lease machines to growers on a per- centage or seed royalty basis, • • • Looks like the theory that you shouldn't feed antibiotics to preg- nant gilts doesn't hold up any more. In some recent Purdue Univer- sity tests, the strongest, healthiest pigs were from gilts that got aureomycin along with their reg- ular ration, Dr. W. M, Beeson reports that aureomycin also boosted the size . of pigs at birth, and increased the percentage of vigorous pigs per litter. It also pays to feed antibiotics to both gilt -and pigs right on up to weaning. When Purdue ex- perimenters did this, the pigs were heavier at weaning, and stronger at eight weks of age. Feting all these findings to- gether, it now looks like anti- biotics pay just about any time, except after hogs reach 140 to 150 pounds. After that, they don't help much. Something else was brought to light by the tests: "Just having antibiotics in the feed" isn't enough. They do their best work when certain amounts are fed. For example, the researchers found that five milligrams per pound of total ration seemed to be a minimum of aureomycin and terramycin for pigs in dry lot,' At half this rate, growth was about the same as on rations without antibiotic. When the antibiotic was stepped up to 71 milligrams per potind of ration, gains jumped from 1.36 to 1.5 Founds per day. Pigs required 10 pouftds less protein supplement per 100 pounds of gain where antibiotics were fed. The tests turned up one draw- back to feeding antibiotics -car- casses of hogs that got them car- ried more fat. If you want the figures, there was a 7% difference. Pigs, that got antibiotics dressed out with 53% fat ( compared to lean), and those not getting antibiots had only 46% fat. In other feeding tests, the re- searchers found that there are ingredients besides antibiotics that will improve pig livability when added to the sow's ration. Adding grass juice, fish solubles, dried liver, and vitamin B12, in- creased birthweight more than antibiotics. We don't have all the answers yet to this business of feeding, but we're finding out more and more about how to make pork faster and cheaper. • MARRIED TWICE -EACH HUSBAND A BIGAMIST Gertrude Giersch, of Sydney, Australia, has twice gone through the wedding ceremony. Each time she has discovered, too late, that her "husband" was a biga- mist, She has just recently ob- tained an annulment from the second man. CROSSWORD 10. Silly 39, Irrigate CR OSSWORD 71, Ttlnrs 40. Turkish urku h 4r E°s e7 6,d 7.8, Goddess of earth 41.11as use for • 20.lintio . pat 21 Vigor ' s f8 Thoroughfare R 22, Rice paste (ab 2... Take a chair 49, Small piece ACROSS 3, wing 8. Colors of ground 1. Oceans 4. Splash 28, Small island 47. Genus of the 8. Ct'y ofa cat 9. 1311nd animal 20.11igh rank olive 9. Move 0. Rubber Bt. Llai 49. Tilt 19. 2'nolor 7. iioute 32. 1'3otilor 91, Goddo,o of 19. Danish money 8. Stair 34..11ecostly made dawn of ncenunt 9. tuesentc door- 38. Period of light 82. Soft it •Talc 14. Prong keeper87.wltofo 83, aleck liquid 19. Russian see. 10. I3nlled- 17. Ardor I8. Eons 90. Pay out 21, Adhesive 24. Ago Se. Legal action '87. Send out 18. Goddess of ,80.Peace, uaG out 89. Require. 86. Parts played 98, Notion 39.116 Lite vtotor 49. Number 48. white 14. Spaniels Pen - Mike 44. Carry 48. Chines9 money 49, Sesame 80. VIM 04. l4nrwe414.11 49.'Wr th 88. Musleat endin 27.7tcpose 88, Vegetable 89t Pan tall 'Weights 0. Mtnerni miring 0. Spike of Corn PUZZLE 4 rl IS S' 13 '. 7 e 0 to u tt. 14 17 Ie 21 24. 23' 2t. 17 30 29 31 3). 33 34 3Y 31 31 39 Answer Elsewhere on this Page New Fashion Touches -Frothy nylon touches to freshen the outlook of the perennial basic dress like the crisp whte scarf or the demure collar are appearing on accessory counters everywhere. Because they are nylon their fresh beauty requires little care. 74 JINMY SCJIOOL LESSON By Rev: R 'Barclay Warren S.A., B.D. • Jesus Teaches God's Grace Matthew 20: 1-16 Memory Selection: By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Eph. 2:8. Perhaps no parable of our Lord has been interpreted in so many different ways as the one ii to. day's lesson. In the business world today such things seldom, if ever, happen. Of course the em- ployer kept -his contract and paid those who were ,,,hired, in the morning according to the agree- ment. But what employer gives equal pay to those who were not hired until noon or even at 5 p.m, We must remember that this is a parable of the kingdom. of heaven. We should also- read the last four verses,. of the preceding chapter. Peter said, "Behold, we` have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have there- fore?" The parable is part of the reply, There is something of re- buke for those who feel that they have earned a reward for their labours for the kingdom. God is generous. Certainly some justifi- cation for this unusual generos- ity is seen in the fact that these who came later in the day came as soon as they were called. Some apply this thought to the Gen- tiles. Many of them hearing of God's revelation through Jesus Christ for the first time, accept- ed the message and received blessings and rewards equal to that of good Jews who had been trainedin the religion of Jehovah from infancy. One also sees in the parable the goodness of God in receiving and rewarding a per- son in later life. I recall one who in youth and young manhood. had rejected the claims of Christ. Now on his sick bed he repented and sought- God's mercy. He felt it was like drinking of the glass of life and offering the dregs to God, But God graciously received him. God is like that But let no one, on the basis of the parable, deliberately post- pone his surrender to Christ, Others .in late life have shown -no disposition to heed the call long rejected. "One thief on the cross was saved that none might despair and only one that stone might presume." S"ALESMANSII3P Jima Hack, a top executive to- day for the New York Life In- surance Company, told a Tide reporter how he, sold 41is first five -figure policy years ago. The prospect was a tough,' hard -to - convince sales manager. Hack wangled an interview, and mum- bled, "You don't want any life insurance, do you?" "You're darn right I don't" roared the sales manager, but as Hack started inching toward' the deer, he add- ed, "Come back here, young fellow. It's my job to train salesmen at this plant and I want to tell you you're about the Worst excuse for a salesman that has ever crossed my paths." . Hack sat down meekly and listened to a one-hour .disserta- tion on the art of selling. At the end of it, the manager. had worked himself into such a mag- nanimous mood that he signed an application for a $10,000 policy, He handed it to .back and concluded, "Now remember: my advice. Learn a couple of stand-. ard, organized sales approaches." "Oh, I've done that already," said Back happily, "I've gat a standard approach for every type of prospect. What you just heard is my standard approach for tough sales managers." Getting To Know More, About Hair The horny tissues of the body, :including hair, are among the least -known parts of the anat- omy, No one knows why most men lose their hair and most women do not, why hair usually grays with age and grows in spurts. Hair is not of much interest to the institutions that usually fi- nance research projects. Their efforts concentrate on studies of diseases;•crippling.afflictions, the physiology of vital organs. But hair is of big interest to the Toni Company, specialists in hair cos- metics, and the firm has opened a big, new laboratory to study hair in Chicago. Human hair, according to their researchers, is about as strong as any animal fiber. It has a breaking strength of about 6,061 to 7,000 pounds per square inch, which isabout half the breaking strength of iron. Hairis nearly as elastic as a rubber . band. Dry hair can be stretched 20 per cent without breaking, wet hair even more. It comes back after the stretch is over. The average diameter of the very finest hair Ss about two - oneone thousandths of an inch. Few human hairs are exactly round, most are flattish, some are like tiny ribbons. Hairs, grow out of follicles, which are depressions in the skin. At the base the follicle has a blood vessel and a nerve. The hair grows within the level of the follicle; above this it is non- living. On an average, hair grows about a half inch in a month, but sometimes there are seasonal spurts for unknown reasons. Hair grows faster for younger people than it grows for older ones. The chemical constituency of hair is complex. It is composed of an insoluble protein called keratin. The protein is made up of several hundred broken am- ino acid molecules, hooked to- gether like beads, with parallel bead-like strands hooked to- gether by atoms of sulfur. The chemical composition of the proteins in hair and wool, and the structural arrangement of the molecules of different am- ino acids which make them up, remain puzzling problems for chemists investigating the struc- ture and composition of natural materials. Our Second Greatest Tourist Lure The home and Bird Sanctuary of the late Jack Miner, Kings- ville, Ontario, has now been rated the second greatest tourist attrac- tion in the Dominion`of Canada. Niagara Falls being the greatest and has beenfollowed fo owed by the Quintuplets, thence Jack Miner's, but now since the Quintuplets have become older, Jack Miner's activities has stepped up into sec- ond place. Each year since Jack Miner died tourists have increased doubly over the previous year until this fall (4300) - Four thous- and three hundred autos were there in one day. A Straw vs, Tommy Guns This may be only a straw in the gale that is blOwing up against the education In crime which children are getting from TV, radio, movies, conte books, and comic strips -but it le a straw whose direction is worth noting, Recently the Chicago Daily News witheld from its columns one of its regular comic strips. In the spot where it usually appear- ed the paper ran this explanation in large, bald type: 'Today's episode of the Judge Parker strip has been dropped by the Daily News because it depicts a threatened murder. The syndi- cate which handles this strip has promised that in the future this type of violence will be avoided." This occurred toward the end of a week in which the same paper had been giving Page One space to a series of articles cam- paigning against what is called "TV crime 'lessons." which chil- dren are absorbing from TV pro- grams scheduled especially for them. It happened in the same week during which a 14 -year-old boy, in a blaze of publicity, was brought back to Chicago from California as a suspect in a terror wave of knife slashings of young women of Chicago's South Side. During that week Jack Mabley, TV columnist for the News, re- ported that a group of Chicago area parents who monitored TV programs for children from Christmas Eve to New Year's Eve counted a total of 295 violent crimes on TV, including 93 murders. "Children of four to ten,". he reported, "watching an average of 12 hours a week, see every con- ceivable method of killing by gunfire, strangulation, stabbing, poisoning, drowning, suffocating, and beating." In witholding from its Own columns a comic Strip depicting a threatened murder. The Daily News has set an example of self - policing which might well be adopted by all agencies -includ- ing TV -which seek to inform, educate, or entertain the public. Could not expansion of such self -policing actually help to fore-, stall crime waves, which obvious- ly gain impetus from sensational publicizing of the specific means by which a crime has been Or could be committed? So long as crime occurs and citizens must be alerted to com- bat it, responsible news agencies must report it. But it is necessary only to report crime, not to wal- low in it -and certainly not to glorify it as "entertainment" either for children or adults - From The Christian Science Mon- itor. Bus Ran Over His Feet - Didn't Hurt/ Row would you like a but to run over your foot? Well. that's what happened to Mr. Mr. George Denton, chairman Of the British Standards Testi- tutiolt Committee on Safety Footwear the other day. And he didn't flinch! Ile was wearing a.new safety shoe. Standing near Drury Lanea,� London, he deliberately piaeee his ,foot under one 01 the wheels of a London Transport double- decker bus, The shoe's interior 2 oz. steel!, toe -cap easily withstood the weight of the bus and Mr. Den - ton's foot was unharmed, It is estimated officially that, if safety boots and shoes were, more generally used fn industry, there would be an appreciable reduction in the number of fee - tory and other accidents, MOST BABIES ARE ittA.TE N The human race is twice act likelyto be late as early ix snaking its first arrival. A. doctor kept records of 1,284 consecutive births at a large hospital. Only thirty-two arrived on the ex- pected date; 425 were born be.. fore time, 827 were born after it. So punctuality is rare and odds on lateness are nearly twos to one. 'I can't quite place your name - but your fez is familiar!" (Upside down to prevent peeking) Brink's Robbery Remains Biggest Crime Mystery - Three years after its commission the spectacular Brink's robbery remains unsolved' and has left a pretty cold trail. The mystery began the night' of Jan. 17, 1950,.when the Boston office of Brink's, Inc., a nation-wide armored car service, was robbed of $1,219,000. Guards on duty in the vault said six or seven • men, dressed identically in Navy peacoats and wearing identical Hallowe'en masks, held them up, bound them, and in 20 minutes, made off with the money. There was a passkey missing, but at Boston policeman demonstrated that the locks could easily be picked with a common nail file. The bandits opened five doors without attracting guards, Obviously well planned, and pos- sibly an inside job, the Brink's robbery has so far frustrated thousands of police and the FBI, which must now drop the case because the three-year statute of limitations ends federal juris- diction. Pictures trace highlights of the case. MERCIAL ;BANDITS t. ;:;ENTERED` `;;HERE_ S,};a....;..�::ca::•:ft�+Rk�.1s.,+,;;,<.:c:::;.•;r;.{a:;::•'�ev�d:;ti``•;�b�'SlX �:`;i;:�:;ki:�3;$::E::<ti:Si�';i:��i:�zk:;i::::fi:yf. K ..�........,:.`.:t�� �`>x:?;:•:`.'� .al' � :t.. S..a::f.:d::•ssx.,;; �1;.;'.�s::i.;`s�s"•..:ir;.:`an>;a::k� .. .:.: -. Apparently familiar with their surroundings, the bandits made a beeline for the mbney room, unlocking doors with a pass key and slipping through mysteriously vacant guard posts. Police Captain John Ahern picked five locks with a nail file, Nightclub operator Carlton O'- Brien was stein May 17, 1952, three days after being named as "a principal" In the robbery, Chief suspect Joseph (Specs) O'Keefe refused to answer Bos- ton Federal Grand Jury4 quer• tions; has a long police record, Mrs, Mary Hopley; O'Keefets sister, was suspected of conceal. trig some of the loot in her home near Boston. Also refuses to talk, ;u6 J. Edgar Hoover's FBI has worked for indictments, but must now quit because of the three-year statute of limitations.