HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-2-4, Page 5T13E BRUSSELSPOST Wednesday!. Mot 4111, 196 , THA NEW YORK :RIP WILL CO:T You LU$ AT DIN KENMORR FBO Mew 11 1.51 HALL • Illi VAST ilal< TR T RATU FROM IIM DAILY41ND11 FROM UN DAILY-00WLI Yew .ppertenity to enjoy • Owl- ets New Yeti vesellee et • taw. MI May fatw.s le N.aw Yee Attwimmr.Re.dIa, Mui I .d honk. unlit It budget •wt M MN wife* they and resistant excellent.. exc..nt bar aed tong., Jit a hw senates away free United Nations, Tim% Squire. Rad!. City, Empire Slate Building. • Transportation right at the Oar. .111 NO PARKING; PROBLEMS WEEK INDS. Moneysaving rates, Special rates for groups, FOR SALE — Seft maple and tam tops, at lot 3, cons 14- Grey. Jas. S'teveneon Phone 60t4 FOR SALE — 1. colony house and brood stove 10' a 10'. Clift. Hoegy Phone 48r2? FOR SALE — .,ez • A Fquattity ot Dry -Bard ''Body. Wood and Cedar, also a good supply of Blue and Black AAtnt'a cite Coal, Alberta and Briquettes. Brussels Opal Yard Phone 88x2 J. B. Brewer CRANBRQOI • ed ?tke mating with hyun 809, tole I whom Mow iserve eerand the Walton;; 1 lowed With prayer by Mary lfu;ether. profesaioar who eervra: were, theta, On Tuesday, J i. 37th, at 3.$0 0, m .''h roll Ma Nils answered with a 1 Her efforts aia^'e fiOnt i'bubed greatly 1 the a.mu.al meeting of Knox Cthurchw.ert Year's nterse. The =mutes of to all that' the Regteterel Nurse • .Cranlnmoak, was held is the church, • tine 1at9t meeting where reaad and I AaYsooi'atbon 'of' .Ontario has ecteelie I ROY. Wan, Hyndman was chairman • a6ipn(4ca?ed. The b333ar wits dts-'4 .isltghed and her parsing is a, sad end Mee Forrest wee' Seerstariy for „ted and it was moved bir Team , blow not only Aad this orgerniza4lm,. the metetine. The treeeurer'e retort Dunn t1iilt ibhe bazaar be a Ladies' I but 'to tiee piooplei of Of 3arlo, Tltere showed a surplus of $295,00 and the Ald protect this was seconded by i will never be e bther lust like herd Budget alloeation was over ubsrib• E. McNair Other itenee of business d it seems fitting to utOso thle ed by $30.00. were dison`ssed and a letber ot 1 'a,ppreniatinu with a. tribute from e I thanks read Due to tie fleet that l group of Restate*,3eth ou behalf ot ?pie Rinalivlal import of the various Ile are often, referred as the Even- I the Community Nursing Registries organizations Ahowed all oisiigatlona ling Auxiliary. ;ft was moved tot of the Proving*. meet and a balance on hand, Mate change our name to the Cranbnook "To the 27 Registries 'of the Pro. age re.epliointed on the Board For a - everx ng Auxiliary. Mrs. Hyndman vines of Onitire), i the loss of our a teras of three years were Stuart oecntioned the starting at a omission ProrIncial Adviser is beyond our eleerait; `Wilfred Strickler and Band in elm may future. It wag mere w0L'23, Miss Baker was Our Malcolm Engel. When the Beard , decided to help sihare in cosines. 1 •friend and come,Ilor We have ce blanagere met at theecloseof the :The dolleotjoen was taken after, i been enoournged, adtised and die meeting. M. J. Engel was' elected ; iv! Bch Linda Dunn read a poen), f cxlri[ned !r oilr work. over the gas iterfr•chairman for 1963, , "what ile o.. girl". The scripture ; rr:ler=. W? hop !c carry on the Mrs. .Stuart McNair, and Myra. reeding Isiah chapter 33 was read in: ; nork, Which we know was dear Brent seve al.days fast week wien univou. Mdiss Format gave a splen. fn mer heart and, by so doing pay the Rev. W. A. end Mrs. Wilhelm, Vat• did topic. "The Highway" folios/wed ; omit; iribnh• we feel worthy of the etta. Mrs Williams narrowly fry entdlghier reading "Cenned Corn" life and work of 1liada;ine Baker.' e �ca�prd serious injury on Jan. 23, Mrs. E.. McNair bhaniced the guest SI"=. Siadalene Raker wri7 be re when she was bit by a oar. She speaker. Mary Buettner altered her 1 membered by many is sh,e spent her ' sustained outs and bruisles, but iei 11 -once for the Feb meeting. Hymn improving. 668 wan sung.' The meeting closed Mrs. Wm. McInnes. Brussels, with with the Mizpalt Benediction." A her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Fischer,dainty 'lunch was served by the Mr. Lynn. Evans, who hats' been hr'rgtess aeetsted by Grace Evans and ! ouite i11 with pneumonia dining the R McNair, pari week, is improving .....at the the'ime of writing. A tribute to the memory of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mohan, Con- ' late Miss Madailene Baker which Bei ogle, and piss 111arte Wagner, I appeared in is eBulletin of d Lit with Miss December. polished d by the Reel- appeared Sun ay v s are j stered" Nurera' Association of Ont - E. M. Steles. ario: f: The January meeting of the Cram- 1 brook Young Women's was held at "Maidalene Mary Baker died e. home of Mrs, Earl Dunn, Tuesday Port Stanley on ,the morning o• evening, San '20th, at 8.30 with 13 t a -nn, 29, 19.52, at the. cottage of her present, friend Miss Glen Ware. whose Lon - open. , don home bhe shared formany years. Becoming seriously 111 in Mach, Mies Baker bad spent eioln;e weeks in St. Michael's Hospital, members end 2 'visitors 'Phe president Mrs. Strickler • r Serve Canada... and yourself .. Service In the Canadian Army is not merely,a job, it i1 a worthwhile. career In which the young man fits hisiself for a succelsful future, and, plays a "sari 'in the vital work of keeping. Canada scanty .and safe. rot :the young man interested in a trade, the Royal Canadian Signals. has much to offer, . a; outstanding trades tt•iaing ... special trade: pity and promotion -- and, of course, the Cana - diets Army's outstanding pension plan, free medielal and dental care, 30 days annual 'leave with pay, service at home and overseas. In the • Yet etre eligibli if yon are 17 to 4$ yews • of age out able to tweet Army test re- • gsirerwents. Appiicawts sbosid brii.g birth. • CetsiHtates or other proof 0/ age wbels •-* tvporkiftg for interview. • • • • • Signals you will be workjngwith the most up- • to -date communication equipment and methods • that science can devise. Your experience and o training will be available to you wherever you • go in the Artily, or in civilian life. • For fell information apply right away or write t0' No. 13 P.nonnei D.po1, Wallis Nouse, Rideau & Charlotte Sb„ Ottawa, ON. Flu. 0 Per.onnal Depot, Areairy Park, Bagel St., KIn..F.n, OeM Canadian Army Recruiting' Malian, 90 Richmond s1. W., Toronto, Ont. ' # No. 7 Personnel Depot, W.leel.y Barracks, OOford ! Elizabeth 5t.., London, O.1. . Army Rseruttina Centre, 230 Main St. W., North Bay, Orf. •Arany Recruiting Centre, JaaNr. SI.G ArmouiY, 200 Jamas St. North, Hamilton, Ont. a»ew.o 41014e CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE /TOW, Toronto, and., then she went home to London,_ ,She had regained a measure et ltealibh and looked for - wand. to resuming her worin in Opt' r • ober. ;Fuss Baker was born at Crartbroak and is survived by two sisters, Evolve Mrs. Bert Bows field of Fort Kent Alberta, and Marie, nava- Sister SL Anthony supervisor of the children's ward in St. Joseph's Hgspitel. London, Having entered the St. Joseph's Sohrool of Nursing est Londoe In 1P19, Miss Baker was graduated he 1922. We incite from 0 tribute re- oeired from Seater M, Patricia en behalf of St, .Toseph'e Hospital, 'School and Alumnae. "The nursing profession hens suffered do irrepar- able loss in the passing of Madelene Baker. a Ieader -ot leaden, The profession has bean robbed of the service$ Of One posseceine a con- truchive mind and a dynami1 per- sonality, of one Ivi ore guidance and beladersbip . have done much to strengthen the rank" of the Nursing protession. She poseesaed en un- usual ability to attack complicated .problems and reduce dbem to simple issues. In St, Joseph's School of Nursing, Stat superior ability was early necogmized. Throughout her I three Years Preparation for nursing 1 elle was ever a powerful example to her fallow — students" Mists, Baker t wee a member of the London Nurses' Regestey and for seteerte years was chairman of the Board. Early in her profeessional life she took an actino theme's* est le the Registered Nnreee' Association et Ontario. Ever ready to support or initiate action that she .,bettm+ed would impheve the quality of nursing serrice or the conditions under Width it was given. Miss Baker took e erominent part is the ;effort to bring nbcnt the eight bony day for nurses in private prac- tice. In 1941 Madalene Baker was eppointed Registry Adviser and was. a manned member of the com- mittee. A plan for a demonstration course for pnactioal nurses wail de• veloped and the first course Was given in T,ondich under Mtge teaeter's t!'uidatioe and the arensorabdl, of the R. N. A. 0. In addition to her Ontario activtetis thea, Baker found time 1010 aerve cin e committee of bee Camedinm Nurses! AssooleIttonl le 1249 the Association of Nnt+ses of Prince 'Edwerd Telenet Dequeeter M•iels .Bnkera help in meting into operation the riacently eneeted, lh irBete Act, ' The reemet was eranted and lopes Raker kpent scree menthe with bhe P. R. 7. `reuses tater Medi', her 18 benrefdry member nt tlanlr adaoCiat. UM In,''appreclation et leer e.ftorte T -icer eksctytete.s will ne,ree with the 7,omdon Phoerieliee wits wail. "abed 1•re lived fie imlcil in fitter venire lee menu Werei11 4 An. in toweinieetiee Thee misfire -01' Vinci it..22'l1oi,> Raker l220'ars n trent ewe },n RnnW. erne Nnrees' of Ontario. bhe• txuhile early life in Cranbrook, attendine public school there. She was the eldest daughter of the late, Georg? ori 11Tnry Rrk: r enc ..e mice of aur, rater Raker. Cranbrook, and Mrs. JC1e1h Ryan, Brussels- WA;T..rnN Suss Marlene Jobnstouwho is, a violent In the Sick Children's Hoe- pital, Toronto. is progressing quite Yaa%rab1y following an operation, Miss M. Savauge, Setafortli. with Rev, end Mrs. W. Phonies. Johan Robblson, 1201h concession. McKillop, has 'bean ill with a` heart I condition, Mise Doris JohS0ton. Blyth with Miss Mary Dennis; The January mieeting of the Wal - tees, W. bi. S, grdup Wile held on Thursday evening, Jan ,'22nd, at the hone of Mrs, Robt. Kirkby with 24 ladies in attendance; The presi- dent, Mrs. Ronald Bennett opened the- meeting . by; reading a poem entitled, "The New Start" after which the hymn. "0 ?faser Left Me Walk With T,heet` was S sung. A. prayer by Mrt Bennett was follow td with th+e„„se0Epture reading by Mks. Wesley Heeler -ell, from Neb. 1,1 10-14. 'Thee secretary.' Mrs. Fern Patterson read eOreoort of the pre- rieus meeting. at wbich the follow- ing officers had been' elected for 1053. — President ..... Mrs. Ronald Bennett Vice -Pres..,-, ,Mrs. Lawrence Marks Secretary Mrs. Fern PaJterrot Treasurer Mrs, . Frank Kirkby Press Reporter Mrs. D. Ennis Pianist Mrs. Herb. Travis Quilt Com..... Mrs. Peter McDonald and Mies Annie Gordon Tlentest Leader .... Mrs. T. Dundee and Mas. Alien McCall lin, Frank Kirkby read the trees, report and stated we hsd an increase of 3151.00 during 1952. During the business sessioon it was decided ,to hold a bazaar within the next few months. I:t was also agreed that a "Sunshine Fund” be stetted so that gifts may be sent to the sick and ekut-ins of the group. Letters of apprecta'tion and thanks for gifts reeenv'ed Christmas from the nick were read. Layettes, which had been sent out by the Reed Cross from Seaforth were given out for sawing and were to be returned ir the near 'suture. The topic, ''4touglits for GM New Year” was given by Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Mr's, Teetcrence Marks, the past president, read a suitable poem, wbich site had composed following her resignation as president.. Ime hymn 'Happy The Home" was folto*ed weal the Miapah Benediciilon', Following a Umber of contests Iuneb; was set" ved by the hostess and the follow ing lunob cominittee: ilii'. Wesley AOCkwell, Mrs. Tealwretec8 lliar'ks Mrs, Mlles Jobnsbon and Mrns. Her- bert Kirkby: FOR SALE'--. Some of these long winter etre• nings would be well spent In look lug sup your seeding needs for the spring. such an flay, Pasture re Grata. Seeds. P ar*Y ordering pays off wen In most oases. Par !ewe, - ser, Seeds,,or; IDquipment See Geo. Wesenbnrg Phonle Ure WiNGHAM NfFtitOkf/11. '51M11, Always s time „sloe k ho CP el.eare tlrsnttes to .CNe.■ tt't.. All inederi5 manAln.re. famous for riometrra fete a eeeate R) Artiste, a emeelala et ve.v aesisonebte offer}.. R. A. SPOTTON - Phone 256 4 Wh.gjiatinm Oet NEW CARS 1952 Oldsmobile Seder NEW TRUCK' 52 Chev. Y/2 ton pick up USED CARS 1951 Chev. Sedan Powwerglide. 1948 Chev. Coach 1946 Hudson Sedan USED TRUCKS 51 Chev. Sedan, delivery 50 Chev, %a ton pick-up. 49 Chev. 2%Z ton RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas .and Orel Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE — Potatoes Leslie Switzer ATTENTION FARMERS — DEADSTOCK removed from yali farm promptly for sanitary disponi Telephone Collect: Brussels fan Phone 88r2 or Elmira, 564. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED FOR SALE — 1 - 9 piece dining room suite. Goad as new. Apply at the Post, FOR SALE — 1 Buckeye oil brooder stave 11: good working order. Earl Mille Phone 41r16 FOR SALE — 2ebrgan•y - March chicks mature for ,the good summer - fall maakets', egg or broiler, Bray Hatchery has obieks you want for any marrket. eek us for particulars, Agent — Wm. 0. Bray, Ethel, NOTICE Surge Milkers are sater for Your cows. They do milk faster and are easier named. Por furter tnbWs'- att4on contact Lovell Meath% Wingham, Phone 593W. NOTICE — We a e taking ocmtrautts for Matt ing Barley for delivery to Winghdmu elevator. John Bnmsteed & Son Wingham, Ont. WANTED Deed ane dimmed MT= asieOii -Ranted for prompt pick -til. ilei Percy Stephenson, IDtbel, Pewee •. a Bras'iefs"'8liri2, Calumet. NOTICE — Get your wood or logs cut fast and economical, prices reasonable. Mel. Jermyn Phone 65112 Brussels • WANTa0 — Man for steady tree el among Core summers in Huron County. -Perman- ent connection with large manu- facturer. Only sellable hustler con- sidered. Write Rawleiph's Dept 13-152-131, _lilantseiaL WANTED — An aged gentleman or morbid couple to share a 5 room home with path and hot water. Apply to Dave McKenzie Queensbury Street, Brassele. FOR SALE — 5 room Cottage, in71 basement, eisteia, two piece bath, Insulated. Built-in Oupboard& nerd and soft water. No phone oaks, phase apply to Leo Gaynor. Mills Bt. Brussels. TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be received until Feb. 9. 1953 for the following amounts of 14 Inch hard body wood to be der livered to schools of Grey .Twp„ not later than Aug. let, 1963. Tender* may be for all 03' any pant, S. 5, No. 1 — 12 cords. S. S. No. 3 — 15 cords S. S. No. 6 — 18 cords S. S. No. 6 — 18 cords S. S. No. 7 — 10 cords S. S. No. 8 — 10 cords S. S. No. 11 — 12 cords, J. Carl Hemingway, See-Treas. FOR SALE -- 100 acre Farm, hydro. good boltt+s, barn? driveshed, b•Sba se, gMd bush, priced at ;COMM. 100 acre farm, good louse, 8 Malik priced at 86000.00. 100 acre farm on County Road. Imam large bats, allo hydro in the Min priced at 16000.00. 76 acre farm, good hems, with at modern convenience, leesO•e• sytem, water softener, steal wring shed, huge barn, priced at ttteN,ia, 100 arre tarm, dos* to highway, good red brick house, hydro. steel drive shed, large barn, priced to sail at 88,700.00. Number of good bonsai in DK Village of Brussels. J. C. Long, Real Bstate Broker. Phone 84 Brnesebs, Oet CHRISTINE JORGENSEN'S OWN STORY STARTS FEB. 16 Read the dramatic story of the woa- an who was once a man! ROad "The Snowy of My Life", in wbich Christ- Ine Jorgensen tells — in her own: words — of her remarkable trans- formation. Christine Jargenteatl's owe life story — with a/minstrel pbotogrslpbs — starts in rebiiltary 45 issue . of the American Welekly, egolusively with Detroit Sunday Times, Lachine Shop Now Open For B In`'Brusseis Lathe Work:.' Acetylene Wel ing Electric Welding Professional service in each line. Suitable equipment for all agricultural and indust- rial repairs. Two men at your service at. all times. We sell and >kervice the McCulloch, I. E. L. and Dhsston Chain Saws. Dealer for .Dairi•Cool M11k Coolers GEO. E. POLLARD Phone ger12 Brussels, Ont.