HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-2-4, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
_ _ Mre. gharies Workman
,A...toilurtr resident el Bruseclls 1r Tinian Utuitorl March was the
'e edxtyftrst year. wi0ooW of the tufty, Jut;:' file at 12 o'eloak noon
Monzlet , Evans
in a
C �sBetter lJsed
Money -saving CLEARANC
1952 Dodge Sedan
1950 Austin Sedan
1950 Studebaker Sedan
1949 Ford Sedan
1949 Dodge Suburban Station Wagon
1949 Mercury 'Coaclll
1948 Dodge Coach
1948 Ford Club Coupe
1947 Ford Sedan
1947 O1dslmobile Sedan
1947 Plymouth Sedan
1946 Plyrnduth Sedan
1942 Plymouth Club Coupe
1940 Plymouth Sedan
Three Older Models
1/2 -Ton Panels and pick-ups
,,Seise, Delivery.
2 and 3 -Ton Stakes
3 -Ton Dump
1949 Dodge Club Coupe
Tires all new, only gone 300 miles, actual mileage
23,000, a one -owner car.
1947 Mercury Sedan
,Dark Blue, excellent tires, real clean
thru and thru
1950 Ford 1/2 -ton pickup
A bargain for the right person, blue.
low mileage
1948 Plymouth Sedan
Midnight black, rubber is all
• good, extra clean
of be,pettsotl of Margaret Ana Conu•L0, a+ceae of a ,pnetty wstldl:tl; on iia
)ate {'canes Workman Pressed away when Mary L9liohubetb (Betty)
to Ieterein'stan H4aa7tta, January 19, eldest damgliter of the late Mo'. and
a,fter,,,a Short fllnees, Mr's, Bert ,Evade to Donald Lellls
E enmeraeof St 140 enxie, Selgotb ''son, df Airs•
She was
1948 Pontiac Sedan
Dark green, clean as they come, .
▪ tires are like new 11093.{_
Phone 790 Main St. Listowel
buro a.
on Tap"
Trash running water at the
limn of the tap . . with a
... get rid of Kitchen drudgery.
otect the health of your
milt' , , . add to the comforts
of daily living . . . modernize
your home with a DURO
Saves LABOR and TIME
watering stock with a DURO_,
rater PROFITS ... beside t.
your buildings.
Buy the BEST.
Buy a DURO
Phone or visit us today for..
DURO Pumps and EMCO
Plumbing Fixtures • and Fit-
ittings. Write for illustrated,
For Sale by '-'-
. C. & G. Krauter Co.
Brussels. Ont.
(ICM 024
lendoo • Hamilton - Si. Catharines • Toronto • Sudbury • Wtantpeg Thum
a, hHtrg'h MkJ.adiulen of gdmondvlllo
,9,jhnis Anglican Church and peach.
..a..r,. o ver' •R N ser ,y ono,
eay.1 Valtsy nuchereule ugieet of the
gatoont made dharrning flower girls
in' long blurt and pink taffeta ,roger
aid Matching bonnets and 01'1Ying
baskets, of thawsain
Mr. Joe t1MoBletaZile, Seadorth, 00118
in of the Odom adted as groans -
man. •
The ushers were • Mr. 'Victor
AtMin. Brucelfielid, and Mr, Barry
land: RebdkaRl Lodge, Lal 21701, and lata Wm Afaro a , Evans, brether^ of the bride.
A; 7tbnettat service .00nductod by Rev. M, Thomas, pastor of the I peter itue, .ceremony, hhe wedding
Rev. Crus and dote Rebeltt h Lodge I ,church, assisted by the groalit'$ 11 sinker was 'served_ in the baaeMert
was' held from Fergua0M0 funeralbrother ReY. 'Andrew McKenzie of of tore church,
'mine Can '1'uea'dn1, !stinker, performed the ceremortw• bills, George 'Prone, aunt of the.
' Wedneveley the remains . were { pato church was geotnrated with bride rer0einaed• Au gray crepewith
I black ooeesserles ' estated by Mrs.
Mel/eaten, another of the grog,
in navy crepe with black tWcess'or•
brought to the D. A. Rana funeral t ferns and Dowers. The guest pews.
home 'Brussels. Where the service I were marked with bows et ribbon
N11.• ''',`,1 Thursday altel1oon con -'1 and lowers.
doe— ti by Rely. N. Ellin of St. i Alias Jean Campbell, 1 tst0wel, les. Beth more corsage ot.vaiiite
forme Anglican Claret. I Fousin or ,the bride, Played ten feathered carnations.
me leldaat ckaughcof Mr, and -wedding March. Miss :Mona Mach- later the 'ride and gram, let on
Mrs, Alex Opuntia She spent roost ! an, Brussels, sang, Wedding Pray u short trip, the bride wearing a
or her life in Morris Township ex i fr' before the cermony and"I'll wino dress and snatching top coat
rept Sora ,few years silent in Bras.
I Walls Resides You,", daring signing with black accessories,
els. Seaforth and Leamington. -•f the register. On •bhedr return they wall reside
Surviving are four sous anis two ' n ne 13rusl;sls,
daughters. Harry, Lloyd and Gor- The bride giver in marriage by
don of Brussels, Mre. E. Duinphy Mi E
her uncle Mr. Georg:. of Brus-
(Ruth) :Firs. A. 'Mason (Margaret) 1 114s, was gowned in Ivory nylon
and Kenneth of Leamington. I net and lace over satin, Made with
I fitted bodies amd flail tiered shirt of
CAtarle.s of Los. Three Los. ane two sisters, ! nylon net over satin with lanae Hanel
Angels. Call., Ales I down front. High neckline was
I finished with peter pan collar of
of Moose Jaw, Sask., William of
Windsor. Mrs. Albert Baker (Janet) i lave trimmed with. gleed pearls and
'of Seafortb, Mrs. Michael Kelly t fang lame sleeves were toted and
(Dials) of Brucedield. came to points over the hands, Her
Pallbearers were Harry Allen
Wan al cArter. ; Dan. 1 aeravish veil v ba sof ethk Frannlr. fntlw aaugllt•.
to a ,satin headreisis and fell in a
Alvin, Rutledge and Joe Thuell•
The beautiful floral tributes, were I long train. She married a tib atlrt
-expressed the sympathy and re• of yellow mums tied with Satin
streamers and wore a gold locket.
• epect of many friends Were carried The bride was attended by
1y:Kennet4l Coleman, Gordon Kraut -
her alstelr Mrs. Thomals Bernard
er. Francis Duncan(Jaeik Lowe. j n" matron of 'honour gowned in ice
Sl llkiam Henderson said Mervin Pine. ' blue` taffeta. ' Miss Mart:. Gunn, of
Interment took plane in Brussels , Kitchens friend of the .bride and
Cemetery. .
Airs• Urban Dneharme, Zurich,
• I sister of the groom as b,'tdesmatds
1 were gowned in mauve and gtleen
Mrs. James Kn'gnt I tslftetta.,, All'talret attendants wore
After some years of failing health I rtnieshone necklaces. and matching
there 'passed -away. on Sunday morn- bead -dresses. Of Alowsrs, end c'arrled
ing .Tanualry 1&th; 1353, at her Home 1 old Aasttiidnkd' nose -gays. Little San
in Gov toiwualhin Ohristene. Mc- 1 dna Coghiin, 'cousin of the bride
Neil,` wife, of the late James, Knight .l
"The fate Mrs. I11nSgiit was born on
lot 1'1, con. 14, Grey Township on 1
rube first of Marsh 1887. She was 1
'tihe. gait surviving' m,eanber of the I
family of the Lauahlin McNeil and
Sarah Lamont, On July 10th, 1895 I
slue 10015 nunittd in marrilage to '
Jamles Knight. For five years they
lived in Petrolta where Mr. Knight
was eauagaed in harness and le>atit• 1
er busineslst They then moved to !'
lot 31. con. 12. where she resided
until her death. She leaves to ! '
mourn her loss 'even sons and 3.1
daughter. Russel, Gordon, Alfred.
Walter, and Gordon of Gre''. Elmer
of Winfield, Alta•, ISeater of
Wrn:nether and Elenor (Mrs. Carl
TSemnngwaY) of Grey and twenty
A private Service was was can-'
ducted by her minister Dev, William !
I•lyndmnan at her late :aaidence at 11
n rloeg, Jan. 2011. A large number '
of bletnds and mietghbours ga4,hered !
tl6 p'ay their last respects at the, ser
vice which was held at 3 o'clock at '
Oran3.tnook Presbyterian CAtn5rcl1 of •
which 9ht deceased w its„a lite -Lang
member. Djtming tine service, Mr.
Graeme McDonald sang "The City ,
Four Square.”
The pall -bearers were neighbours,
Malcolm McIntosh, Blair McIntosh,
4eerge Menzies. Eimer Locking,
John Sohnock and. Rnbtrt Camr-
be11. The 'floral tributes were ear•
led by the grandchildren. inter.
remit 'Oslo made to Oranhrock
Beyond the. gate our loved ane
rind hatppiness _and -'tit
And them is comfort In t'he ihonght
TOueit a lovinic God knows het*(.
The annual congregational meet -
lug of UnNion United Chualdh was
]Held on Friday evening, Jan. 23rd.
Rev, Trsoenlals olened the .meeting
with, "0 Canada". and prayer. A
very -satisfactory finanelal year was
shown els the following treSsur-
ere'e.reports Were read; The ohnren
by Mac Mclattdsh•; it{e4419, itisrs, thy
sem-..13rres Bremner; the W, A. b,a
Mrs. R. W. Whitfield, and the Sun-
drty Sohool by Olarenet. Ward. In-
telAa5erslead with the reports were
these viaaitety numbers,: a duet by
Ruth McDonald and Marion Slifen,
a 055011 ,organ selection by Selwyn
Prater, ta, reliana duet by Laois and
ShisrlonI - OYlhlittttaelld solos . by Seek
Cox. Ed. Marrow.. and Lois Whit.
f?,eid a reading, by Waom@ Ward,
-nnd a sfihic.song led .by Mrs. Leslie
During' the business period lit was
'deciiaed' that Elston Spejran, Ever
eft Tgbitileon wad Glen ,,athwell re.
Wednesday. Tlebrliary Ota, 1093'
Waterloo Cattle -Breeding Association
"Where Better Bulls Arc Used"
The co-operative nature and growth of -this enterprise hu
made It posalbie to reduce the life Imemblrship fee In this
Organization from $25.0% to $5,00 .and to Ini'ease, the number
et services from from , three to four if necessary to obtain
ponoeptlon, without extra charge.
Rates Now Are ,: 1
Life membership 15.00
16.00 per sow for members
58.00 per cow for non members
$2.00 per service for fifth or !over service.
We have free veterinary service for herds with breeding
You will be pleased with the high quality of the bulls In use.
(All Breeds Included)
,,..We have nothing to sell except artificial breeding service' at
Its best.
Artificial Breeding is as .Sure as
Natural Breeding
Help yourself sty the service of this farmer owned and col.'
trolled Organization by phoning
Clinton 242 or Listowel 567w
during the following hours : Y
7.30 to 10.00 a. m. . - Week days
7.30 to 9.30 a. m. Sundays and Holidays
Cows noticed In heat later than this will be more likely to
conceive If Inseminated the next day.
The cost of this service is less than the normal cost of
feeding a bull to say nothing of thegrbouaIngr.:dabar and risk
-mein on 111151 trustee board for life.
$dwlard Mornow Percy Ward and
Mac McIntosh .were elected to the
board of stewards Por a .three year
term. Mrs. Harold Keys and Mrs.
Everett -Robinson Were re•aeyeoted as
auditors, Nord Mac Molritos@t 'as'
es o,-treas, A ,resalwtaon was paetsed
that Union continue to ge a euirply 1
ro11oowrng, the adjottr:tme11t
1unC1f Teas aerred .by the ladlto .
charge. .
Sept. 16—Belgrave
Sept: 19—McKillop
Sept. 22-Dunganon
Sept. 22.23—Blyth
Sept. 28=24—, Exeter
Sept. 34-25-Seaforth
Sept. 29-30—Lucknow
Sept. 80 • Oct. 1—Bayfteid xR
Oct. 1.2—Brussels
Oct. 2.3—Howick
a a:
Rave Septic Tanks pumped tie
San tar? Was.
Schools and Pebiie Matiummo
given prompt attolmen.
.Reasonable Rates.
tcvvin Coxon Phone Milverton 7114
,C'ement block hoose, bywhss,L
town water 4 -Dies• bath, berm
will hold 200 hens- 11001 Bt, 'Arse
Rarvey Stephenson nous Sas
At the first twinge of rheumatic Pain --
take Templeton's T R C e, Over a mil-
lion T R -C s. used every month, for
speedy relief from pain used by thew.
Madan, arthritis, neuralgia, lumbngcand
sciatica, Why suffer needlessly? Keep
Ttft•C'e en d,Only 65c, 31x•35 anat drrug coup eruse them s.ont1042.
of achia
ged standard
nient and quality
5000 - 000AR0
. r000 1150er
• Through -20 yortritio Ford"ontenki•
Non hos built mini V•i's then efl *iv
manufacturer atnblned.
• Mon sod more m1nufoeturers Q•
Multi to V.11 biker.
• Moro leen 13,000,000 Ford•b,Yt V.!!
blgbl s hew been owner -proved.
• The Fuses( ars built Mt North Amorlos
IN Y.3 powyed, benoso then k no*
boo AIM
' MLRCORY T10881
Whl'fakC less
than the hest?
products offer you