HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-1-28, Page 5TOE BRVSSELS POST WedaleadaY, Jetineaiy1611$ ute OLD TYPE SPINNING ".0DLE' DOMINION Once standard equipment in a cotton mill, the old spin- ning "mule" has long since gone by the board. Dominion Textile's manufacturing equipment is now among the most modern in the world. Machinery bought by our 7,239 shareholders (94.7 of them Canadians) help us to turn out top quality goods and provide jobs for the 12,500 Canadians working in our plants. But equipment improvements, such as replacing the mule, aren't everything. We have our troubles trying to compete with the products of other countries which pay lower wages. In Japan and India, for instance, wages run about 15 cents an hour, while we pay well over s dollar an hour. TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED Misufac$arers of r•, d Prodacis r, i serve Canada Today, Canada must be constantly on the alert to meat any threats to our national security. Trained, armed strength is the safe way to guard our freedom. and Yourself With the Canadian Army Active Force growing rapidly, there is a great need for young men who can qualify as junior leaders. Ability and initiative find quick recognition and promotion in the Army. There are outstanding career opportunities for young men in the Active Force... valuable training, excellent pay and retirement plans, outstanding snedical and dental care, travel, advet/ure and new friends. in the Infantry The Infantry is the backbone of the Canadian Army. Its soldiers, all highly trained "technicians, are the most important men in our Army. There are many specialized jobs in modern Infancy for young men with an eye for adventure. Service with one of Canada's world-famous Infantry Regiments offers plenty of scope and challenge, Apply Right Away to: No. 13 Personnel Depot, Walli..House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No, 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Pork, Begot St., Kingdon, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiting Station, Aorrw.o 90111chmond 5t. W., Toronto, Ont. TO ENLIST YOU MUST BE... 17 to 40 years of age and able to meet Army test requirements, Applicants should bring birth certificates or other proof of age where reporting for interview. No, 7 Personnel D pop Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elisabeth 56., London, Ont. Army"Recruiting Centre, 230 Main 51, W., North Boy, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre,. James Street Armoury, 200 James 51, North, Nonllion, Ont. Join»e CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE AIowf SX,Pte" , t MELVILLE Y. P. 8, On Monday night the Y. P, $, of Me MTiile ohms* mat at 484p.r, 91sT. 'Wim, 9't4tou 'acted tars bresideith The Meeting was (Veiled by sinpiyg' hymn 763 ft 110 led by the scripture ieadons from 4t'iatltew Cah;aptai r 4 wlai& was mead by Stew. F'u ton, cud alien he led us im prayer. The president stalked emit the budget fund of the young people. HYtn'n 494 was then sung ,fdlkowed by the see' s'ebary'e report .by Jean Smith, S. Bleck took tiha oolleotlon. The meeting w+es closed' by repeating the Benlediction. John McArter There passed away in Morris Township on Sunday, January ISM, 1903, Mr. John McArter .in his 8?'nd year. , Funeral services were held from lois Ialte •re,sidenoe lot 14, con. 5, Morals Township on. Tuesday. Jan. 20tH at 2.30 IP, nt. The lalte Mr. MkAnfier was a resi- dent of the SIA° line all his life except for 4 years in the Canadian CRm'adian Weist. He suffered a Stroke 'over three and one half years ago. which lett him ,hedtwst all that time. Mr. and iters. M..Arter oelebrated their golden wedding about tour yeere ego. He was quarried !n 1899 to Mise Tean Mtiter of the same line.? Besides his wile be Leaves two sans. Tuan and Miller; a. daughter Lillian parsed away twenntrseven I Years ago. also three gremtl.etil'dren. 1tbs.The funeral 9ertrtee wwascon- ducted on• ducted by the Rev. Mr. Cos of United Church, Belgrave, 'Pall -bearers were Melssrs. James Michie). Jldseph Holt/lent James Clark, John White. Samuel t71v1n ;• I ton, Mervin P ss. ` Interment was made In, Brussels I Cemetery. 1 Ms's. Jane Stimore Jane Miss, Bell beloved widow of the late Henry Stinnorelised aiway sutdenly at the Thorne of her daughter Mrs. Earl Maoblan, West Monition, in her 74th year, A daughter of the laite Mr. and Mrs. James Bell. She was born on the farm now •awned by Mr. Irvine ,bock. Mc- Killop. Surviving are two cons, Nerve/ and Mein. Moliillop; lt'lyistle (Mrs. Earl Machan), West Monk - ton; paleen (Mrs, Kenneth Mc- Altirlamle)', [Gkey townleRitdr;. three grandchildren; also two broUh.ers Salomon, Toronto; rdmlund, Mt+• obeli; MargRrelt. and Mabel. Tori onto. The deceased .Was a devout mem- ger of they Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Daty Saints'. The funeral was held from the home of her son Nerve] i,n McT{hilop on Monday afternoon, with elder Prank Gray officiating. Mrs. Herb, Travis sang. "Near to the Heart of God." The paldbenities's were, 'Myra r Dentist Leon sit Mecham, Jamon Williamson, Lorne Dennttr. Shanley Mu'rTan'° and William) Roe. The flower hearers were. Vernta? and GlenCorlett, Borne and Beryl McFarlane. Tntlerrnimft was. to Brusatls cem- etery. '• y PEOPLE WE KNOW I * r . Aoa • Maly of Hamilton Spent the weekend with his brotil'ar James Mair and Qhbrlte Aniersow, * * * R. MacDonald and P. Sandy of Toronto were guests, at the home of Graham Clampbell last Week. * • * Dr, W. A. Spence, who recently suffered a severe heart attack. 1, sti1l orlltieJally dill but Isshowing favourable improvement. • • • Mr, D. S. McLean of Port Arthur was the guest at ,the lw.mt of Wm, and James Moses during the pant week, • * Wm. J, Turnbull and Geo. Wes- enberg attended a meethg of Huron County Flail Pair pieeidents and searettarits held in Clinton on Mon• day to ,arilange for hall Fair dates. ' Johnston - Storey The marriage of Marie E.l155 bath Stoney to Harry Franklin Johnston was solemnized at titers manse in Winthrop on Saturday, with Rev. H. E. Livingsiton officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mre. Thomas Storey, Walton; and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnston, B. R. 1 Dub- lin. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a. floor - length gown of white nylon net over lcedblnte satin with llace in -cents in the bodice. Her fingertip veil Was held by a matching head- dress. and her Mowers were rad. Taxes. Miss Mary MrlJalichlinL as bridedmaM, waste a floor-Iiength gown of yellow nylon Marquisette with matching headdress and mit. tens. She carried a nosegay o1 crchdd chrysanthemums. The bride - creosols brotihdr, ToWin Johnston, was best man. A reception was held alt Fairview ATM, Sea5oaibh, where the brides mother received, dress- ed do rosewood .crepe with black aceeesoillss and a corsage of yel- low roses. The mother of the bride- groom assisted, wearing a dress o8 brown lade and a corsage of Yellow roses. Far going away. the bride wore a. milt at plaid wool: with Whack arcessortes end wool topcoat. Following a wedding trip to Windsor an.d through the United Stades. Mr. and Mins. Johnston will liv9e 'an the brldgegroom's Hamm. R R. 1 Dublin. THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE — A United States Senator puts it this way. The appeal for temper- ance emperamore should continually be made upon the: high basis of the good of Etre individual, the presarmation of the hamle, the halppinea.. of the family, the advancement of corn- munttty lite, the devellopment of high moral fibre and spiritm'ti strength of all the people, young nviddle•aMp'ed and did. 'Tire Senator nrigluthalve added --the safety of the highway, the efficiency of the work- er ,and the staminaa ct ahe Mfltlrite, AN these are desirable ends. The use of alcohol Is a giselalt threat to everyonee of them.. This patrsagraph does unreal for readsbanee to the encroachment of alaabOI. — Advt. 0.4114461"" NEW YORK TM' WILL OW YOU LMS • • • • • a • • • • AT VMS KENMORE j» las- "mad HALL 118 Mit NW gall RANI PROM *11 PA1 /IfslI 81/ MOM 14.0 MILY-111011111 tlw "e8raan.rp w tstsi v • O ens Nos Vat amass at•sop hoe Meq titles r yes bed d 11h omtbts1sse�d. d USA «t.•l 5M'desa• hod •t sod b R.f► •dl•e shop sail r ilas s1 .. sosdssl bar owl t•es8•. Jud • Iew missies sway Moa Usif. Nstl.ss. Times Sq•sta, R • d 1 • pfy. lmp ir• St•t• Ittndiap Tressportatioa tight at the icer, NO PARKINS; PROBLEMS WEEK INDS. Moneysaving rates. Special rates for groups. NEW CARS 1952 Oldsmobile Sedan NEW TRUCK° 52 Chev. I/2 ton pick up USED CARS 1951 Chev, Sedan Powerglide 1948 Chev. Coach 1946 Hudson Sedan USED TRUCKS 51 Chev. Sedan, delivery 50 Chev. %2 ton pick-up. 49 Chev. 211 ton RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, Onto CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE — Po4atoes Leslie Switzer Phone 8842 FOR SALE — . 1 colony house and ;brooder stove 10' x 10', Cliff. Hoeg' Phone 48021 FOR SALE — One Pure bred Short Horn Bull, 9 anontdie old, Roan in soler. Ear: Anderson Phone 16r4 WANTeo — Man wanted for Rawleagh buslnese. Sell to 1500 families, Good profits for lmbtians, Write today. Raswleiglt's Dept. A -192-S, Monibr!eaL FOR SALE — Soft maple and elm tops, at lot 3, con. 14. Grey. Jas. Stevenson Phone 69r4 NOTICE — We are taking contracts for 109810 ing Barley for delivery to Wingll= elevator. John Bnmsteald & Son Winglhasm, Unit, NOTICE — Get your wood or hogs out fast and; economical, prices reasonable. Mel. Jermyn Phone 50o12 Brussels WANTED — An aged gentleman or married couple to share a 5 roam house with Path and hot waster. 'Apply. to Dave' McKenzie Queensbury Street, Brussels. FOR SALE — 5 °Teem Cottage, tull basement, cistern, two piece. bath. Inlsulated. Built-in Cupboards. Hard and soft water. No phone oalls, plitsa5 apply to Leo Gaynor. Mills St. Brussels. FOR SALE — A quaLtity of Dry Hard Body Wood and Cedar, also a good supply at Bine and Blank Autism - cite Coal, Alberta and Briquettes. Brussels Coal Yard Phone 851E2 J. B. Brewer If you have forgotten to MOP your donation toward lbs Mem etas Seal Fund there 1s sttsl ION before the campaign oust. FOR SALE — W hat markets do you want? Elggta, broilers? Bray has chicks Head/ now, to start you off towards good prices in summer -fall. Widlo variety; Ask ns for pariticul,ars — Wm. Glen, Bray, Ethel. NOTICE — Surge Milkers are safer for yese oows. They do milk faster and ima easier nssued. For tarter Infers*, *, Alen 0000aot Lovell M001I1Ie. Wingham, Phone 593W. ATTENTION FARMERS — DEADSTOCK removed from reed farm promptly for sanitary Mooed Telephone Collect: Brussels ATsd! or Elmira 664, GORDON YOUNG LIMITED WANTED Dead and disabled rare aasagr wanted for prompt Metas. OS Percy Stephenson. Mimi, Mies Brussels 85r12, Collect TENDERS WANTED — Tenders will be received until Web. 9, 1952 for the 9a4l.�owdng amends of 14 inch hard body wood to be eke. livered tb schools al Gley Trap., not later than Aug. 1st, 1993, Tenders inlay be for ail or any part. S. S, No. 1 — 12 cords. S. S. No. 9 — 15 cords S. S, No. 5 — 118 cords S. S. No. 0 — 18 cords "11 S. S. No, 7 — 10 oards S. S. No. 8 — 10 cords S. S. No. 11 — 19 cords. J. Carl Hemingway, Sea.-Treaa- FOR SALE — 100 acre Farm, hydro. good bows, barn, driveshed, bubSga5. good bush, priced at $5,000.08. 100 acre farm, good hoax.. 4 haat priced at $6000.O0. 100 acre term on Monty Rood. !loss large bairn, silo hydro In do bogs prloed at 36000.00. 76 acre farm, good balls W111 r modern convabtea*IS. )Kir sytem, water solbase, steal MM. shed, large barb priom& at MBM.M, 100 erre tarns, clogs M 11+71111yi good red brick bosh„ igko MS drive Eked. large harm, 11/1011 at .55,700.00. Number of good beam 111 as Village of Bram& J, C. reg, Baal >•dalo Dsabu: Phone 54 ei•Oosl,, Oat. Machine Shop Now Open For Business 1n'Brussels Lathe Work Acetylene WoMlag Electric Welding Professional service in each line. Suitabl. equipment for all agricultural and indust. rial repairs. Two men at your service at all times. We sell and service the McCulloch, L E. L. and Disston Chain Saw's!. Dealer for Dairi-Cool Milk Coolers GEO. E. POLLARD Phone 5603 Brussels, Ont.