HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-1-28, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST Post Publisllling House Authorbred as second ideas mail, ?oat onto. v.p.sU peat, Ottawa Wednesday, January 28th, 1953 1.06 $2.00 per year $2.50 U. 3.1 -CAPITOL LISTOWEL THEATRE Thursday -.Friday January -29 -30 "WHAT PRICE GLORY" Ms James Cagney, Dan Dailey, Corinne Calvert in the laugh smash hit of them all. Saturday Only Jan. 31 "HIGH LONESOME" with Jahn Barrymore J,i., - Chill Wills - Lois Butler. M yate ry-Suspense-Action In the Texas Cattle Gauntry. February 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 MONDAY - FRIDAY Inclusive "THE SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO" Adult Entertainment All •star cast Including Gregory Peck - Susan Hayward - Ave Gardner. He searched for his lost soul - In the bitter sweet of Parsian nights - on the fighting fronts of Spain -through Africa's green jungles teeming, with rhino. and Leopard. And now he stood before the -great mountain of Kilimanjaro, at the edge "Nagja Ngai", House of God, and he dared not enter - for his life as his loves had•been a sin. , - GRIPPING - COMPELLING - DRAMATIC - DO NOT MISS IT NOTE: This Is a Road Show Attraction and the following prices will avail, Adults - 75c Inc. tax - Studtnts 12 • 16, 50c Inc. tax - Children under 12. 350 tax Inc. tax. NO FOTO NiTE or Attendance Card for this Showing. THE UNITED CHURCH - The Simplicity of the Gospel was ,the sermon subject in the United Cburch on Sunday, Jan. 25451). -- :based on II Cor. 5:19. "God was in Chri>slt, recondling the world un.o Himself, not imputing their tres- paxsses unito them." The Simplicity of 4he Gospel is just this. When. w • really dleshre and decide' to be a friend of God as we know Him 1n Jeans, thenwe are reconciled fe, God and obtain forgiveness of sins. Only those who nae really friends of God are redeemed. The choir sang the ,atOel n, "He Keeps Me Singing'' by L. B. Bridgers: CR AN! 470.f .P BRUSSELS MAILMAN ON JOB NEARLY 25 YEARS 1 Duncan McKinnon, who enters his '25th year las a rural maul carrier his month, estimates that, he has covered nearly 160.400 mules during his- rounds on R. `11 3 Brussels. -A lite long resfdlen Of this area. Mr. Mcltinmton recalls that he used horses in the early days of his carrer in 19:28. He is neSillslted along a. his 22 -mile route this winter b1' Norman Pfeifer. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Perrle attend- ed the Outarlo Farm Equipment Dealers Associattion. Cnnventton In Toronto last week, R. W. Whitfield and,llisurlce Gam - tenon were in Goderich last week eeawiltg on the jury. Mns, Clara Omstead returned home following Several weeks spent in SL Thonnals. garmiwirgivonrain THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1P4 CANADA SUMS. Chunk Brussel. Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Worship United Church OF CANADA I191n11t.r, RIM. Andrew Lane goanlns WorehiP - i1 o'elook "Forgiveness" Clair& Sehool 12 o'oleek. Corse, Worship God He is worth' of yolur worship, A. hes ity Rbiome to a61. -11r--_. __._-...�.r Ckarchof Englani Parfitt if Swwsla Rev. A. Minima Mlle. M. A. 411a Sundial, Alter 4PiphtltW Feb, 1st. 1958 K Miffs tOhw+w. Snosels- 11 a, in, Holy Com.nnurvien Sunday. Scheel. IN. David. thwWs Igitiftra 2,80 P, m. Evening Prayer Sunday SchooL et. 0191krg.h Char*, Wallis 7.80 p, nf, Wetting Prayer TENTATIVE DATES J FOR HURON FAIRS (.LI,NTON -- Tesntauive Fall Ftiir 'an'd iS..hool Fair dates for Huron 'County be arranged at n co-ordinat- ing conference Held here Monday, •are .bo he .: " Sept. 16-Belgr'ave Sept. 19 -McKillop Sept. 22-Dunganon Sept, 22.23 -Blyth 'Sept. 23.24 -•Exeter Sept. 34-25-Seaforth Sept,28-29-.Zu rich Sept. 29.20-LucknoW 'Sept. 30 • Oct. 1 -Bayfield Oct. 1.2 -Brussels Oct, 2.3-Howick BLYTH MAN HAS • ( NARROW ESCAPE W. \\r rson. I3b'tdl, eatable drover. missed ' deeilt by a' narrow Margie when bit crar win, 141 by a train at the C. N. It, crossing in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon et 2A0. Mr. Wahsonr ,stated that when 646 applde3 bis brlealeee miter sighting the ale preaching train nils car Skidded, on the icy road surface, into the sido of the train locomotive, The oar wes dragged in the ditch but re• n3inted upright. Mn. Waittson e, - coped alns:eethed but the car was extensively damaged. LIONS CLUB TO BUY HOSPITAL BED Bntrssels Lions Olub met en Mon- day night for the regular dinner meet Ing in•the basemenit of library. with president Selwyn Baker in in Charge. Tt was deeided .tin buy a tnotph10I bed will be available to any one need• ing oft in case 'of illness in the ltome. Dr. Thomas I48e'Lady of the Harmon Cheney Health Unit gam a talk on Rays and nleans of protect- ing hteattih. Women of the 17nit',e 1 Cisurch served dinner, YOUR FIELD CROP SERVICE PLAN SALESMEN Can supply you with any kind o Grata, Corn and Hay and Postero Seeds, These seeds are all registered and treaded ready to sow. Tf yon need any help in planning Your needs in Seeds or Fertilizers do not hesiflolte to eentact your Crop Ser- vice dealer. Have yon Clower Seeds or Grain from Reg. Sued for sale? We will buy or place it for you. Soli samples will beanallayzed free. A,k fee prices on Seeds. Setmlre is frog Phone 56r9 Gen Wesenbnrss RE' ENT Seafortli, Ont. 'REV. A. LANE PRESIDES 'AT UNITED CHURCH MEETING The annual Meeting of Brussel,: United Church was held in the school room of bite eJ,n'oh last Wed• nesday night when reports o8 a very succ'ssful year's work were re received. Rev. A. Lane wale chair- man ,far the eventing and 'gamine I•Paoher the recording secretary. Daring the year three marriages were solemnized, there were ten baptisms and 12 deaths. Slateem new members joined 'the elnuroh. The :report .o? the Sunday 'School and. the Young People's Thelon were presented by Laurie Cousins. This year the young people plan to hold en evening servlice every strand Sunday night with older membeee of the congre ga4aon atseisltieg ends sopponnurg the plan. Mrs. Andrew Lague, in re- porting for the junior congrega- tion, said to they had an a.vertage attendance of 55 at their sessions. NOW PLAYING- ' Jan. 29 - 80 - 31 Technicolor "STEEL TOWN" Tills to ruggen and roaring action filmed amid the Nation's fiery fur. nacee. See the Iron men fashion the nation's stoat. The choir report was presented by Mrs. Edwin Martin and ae a response Agnes Lane played a Piano sola Miss Margaret Robinson present ed the renal of the Women's Mis- sionlaaw Society with a reaponse by Mrs. Dean Davison who sang a solo. The Mission Bandreport was given by Agnes Lane; the Friend. ship Circle 'by Mrs. Adrian Mc- Taggart, followed by a rt.ad'ng by Mrs. -William Miller. Mies Carrie McCracken gave the, report of the \Yontan'e Assoehdtion with a re- sponse in the torten of a duet by Mrs. Norman Hoover and Mrs. Roy Cousins. The missionary and tn.ain•tenance report by Mrs. Delwin Martin sheaved dIsat the missionary allooaltdani had been oversubscribed and a gift of over $50 given to the church eatension fund, , Feb. 2 • 3 - 4 4 Technicolor "ASCOT FACE" Gordon MacRae Eddie Bracken It's delightful enttdtalnm4ent, iQ's gay as yooung love In spring. The story of elan happY cadets and pretty gats. It's a musical in Technicolor. Feb. g-6.7 "SALLY AND SAINT ANNE" Ann Blyth Edmund Gwenn The wonderful story of a miraculous'• ty funny faimily and a noraeous gal. This combines drama comedy. COMING "THE LIGHT TOUCH" Edwin Martin, hreasalrnr of the church presentled a comietette, re - posit of the recetnts and expendi- tures of the lehureh. He emplsasie.ed the geucrous re. posse of '11e people in the purchase and payment of a new Hallman ele:clh•icrul organ innstalird in Anil. MELVILLE YOUNG WOMEN'S GUiLD The Yo^tug Woman's Guild of Mel - vine Presbyterian Church met at. the homa or Mrs. Gerald Gibson. with an ettendamice of 22. Tbe meet- ing was npe,ned with a New Year's poem by Mrs, Calvin Kiraaliter, who conducted the devotional part of the meeting, Responsive rlelading of ,the Beatitudes wan Bellowed by prayer by Mrs. Winnifred Edger, who ,also read a poem. Miss Jesete Litttte presented a New Ytelar's nvee- aae. Mrs, Gerald Gibson 'presided for the business per'!od. A sale of baking and nlierelaaneous articles wla5 planned Por Saturday, Feb. 14, Holiday bells are; to be used again es a means of 'riaising money. 1Sach holiday is to be noted by matting a dame into the Docket of •tete bell. Offirers 'for 1553 are: president, MTs. Gerlald Gibson; , vice presl- denite, Mrs. Calvin Briauter. Mhz:'' Irene Pease; treasurer, Mrs. Wil- liam Martin; secretary, Miss .Tessi • Little: pianrist, Mrs. George Elliott; sunshine commahitee, Mrs. Eldon Wileen, Mrs. Fllemtihey Ptenhres'; flower comanittee, Mrs. Cemeron Adams. Mise ,Tessie Little. Mrs. Ohristenle DI..Tloweld save n reading. Lunelh hostess were Mr.. Winnifred Edgar, Mrs. C. Ttraaster, and Miss ,Teseie Li`thle, New Elders Chosen Three new elders were chosen to join the session. Carl -Heming- way, Norman Hoover, W. G. Leach, and James Fulton was made an :honorary elder. ht speaking of his long experience. Mr. Fulton men- tioned than he had been an active elder for 55 years in the two con, gregl tions to which he belonged. The board ofstewards received three „new jsidn hers. Adrian M- Taggart, Mar Shah; and Ralph 1 Pearson, and JoAnn Mttoheli was made a trustee of church property. At ihne close of the business see. ahem, sea:oral members of the groan) cxpneslsed their thanks to all or• ganinations of bite dleirah, the Sunday School tee thetas, the cane taker. and the minsuister for the Year's work) A lunch wan served by the wont en of the dh bleat. rot - lowing mush the board met to elllelot then' officers and tramseet business of the sew year, NOTICE - The P,'esbyterilaI, Young Women's (wild of Melville Cthurcll will hold n bake amcl candy sat:, iniscellaneous counter and tea to the Library on Pat„ Feb. 14411. SAY RURAL-LLRBAN CO-OPEJIATiON KEY TO BRUSSELS FAIR SUCCESS Th, entreat meeting of the Past Herm Agee e.-ue eat Society was Pre- ceded by a banquet for Aboult y0 Couples an St. John's Anglican Chordl). last Dtnesday night. At tIbe close of 'the metal, served by the wond'n of the church, William J. Turnbull, president- of tele board, presidied for the meaning. Rev. Norman A. 131Iis, ..rester of tlhe dire -tali, Iwelllcamed the group and expressed his pleasure alt beg in_ tinhrodrrced in this pleasant manager to the agricultural popular tion this new (to hies) land, Hie former experlende had been entire- ly urban and he said he is: enjoying the freshness and friendliness of 'this rural rommunttt, Geon,'- Wesenbeeg, the .secretary Irealswnetf'prraentsai the nrinmltles et erre Sant animal meeting and the treasu'rer's anatcmient of the 1956. Fail Fair, disclosing that the so- ciety had a good surplus. in hr.< president's remarks, Air. W. .I. Turnbull expressed his pleasure at Mane presence of the womree at a Fain' hoard meeting and attributed . .the tine soecess of last year's Fah' to their outstanding help, alldo the ,support of the merebsnit:e of the 1 town. He felt that some more ride- gwalte way of showing the work o1' the boys and girls is necessary, mentioned elle improvements made to thio Onystal Plailace. and express 1 ed seaibisfa•.e.tion that the junior Huh work had been so smcceseful, CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to ail trose who remembered nue cards, treats and those who vsllited me during my stisy in Wln,glriaim Hospital. Allister Bird CARD OF THANKS We wish tr thank all our friends for the many giftls, Garde and the best wishes eXteneled to us. Your thoughtfulness was, very much appreciated. Emerson and Phyllis Mtbobell, Edwin Martin and Adrian Me- Taggart eTaggart were reappointed auditors. i in presenting his report. Mr. Mart- in added a recommendation that the tneasmer he supplied with :n new book that would faciilitale record-keeping. Dates for this year's Fahr were chosen as Thursday and Friday,' Oat. 1and 2, if that works. in with other neighboring fairs. Foye' retiring directors, John Bryans, T. L. McDonald„ James 'run•nbn11, and Douglas Hemingway, were replaced by Harvey Johnston - Hugh Pearson. Clement St•effler, and Glen Hnelther. The direotors mei at the close et the meeting and oe,ain chose Wm. J. Turnbull as president. and James Moir and Wilfred Shortneed as vice-pniesi- dents. Plans to send three delegates to dere annual meeting of Flair boards in Toronto on Fab, 5 and 6 were made, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turnbull, Mrs. Earl Cudanore, and Lloyd Wheeler beiing chosen as delegates. Gerald Montgomery, agricultural representative for Huron comsyty spoke 10 tine gathtiring and atttrlbu• ted the success of last yea'r's Fah Fair to genial co-epeotalllion of a town and two townships, Calf ani Progressive Euchre and Dance In Cranbrook Community Hall - Friday, January 30th To the music of Smiths Orchestra Euchre commences at 8.30 p. m. Booth in the Hall Admission at Popular Prices vlsommomemmimfalle PUBLIC MEETING Of Concern to All Citizens and Business Mer of BrusselS and Vicinity CARD OF THANKSrswine clubs were euccess1ttl, but • My sincere thannks to nil 'those who it wets fee; that the swine echibiIs remembered me with envie, treats s:hruld orcnTrl' a place In the centre I and :those who visited me during my of the Fair grounds. An inereaar ialtives, friends and neighbours for Ito tine prize money for Livestock tine kindness .and se :Petdty sbowe was suggested, them during tlueir recent end an .speaking of the 4-1-1 C1ub pro- ben+ealvemeat ; Por th;o many floral ; gram, Mr. MontLgomgerF said Lha, tributes, n essa,ges and Oats; also '368 boys and ghee had belonged in special thanks to bearers land those - the county, and 247 had finish'ea Who kindly loaned cars or aaststed their projects receiving valuable in aan0' whey. attaining in procledume of a. public) meeting, pnbiic speaking, and self - CARD OF THANKS assnts'snee. Thee fine w & of dub We wish to thamk our, many i leaders wins mentioned, and refer• friendly, neighbonmo and relaitives encs was, also made t: o W. J, Tun for ,words ta+e'1ts• lint flowers, amd ali bull's recognition: at achievement who visdlted Mr. Mi.Aruer fregnentls' night; of seven years of sere -lee 1 during hie long illness to bed, al6'O as gill) leader. Mr, Mnn agemety trees, carols end flowers et Christ• sltotwed atemnher of (taloned slide+I nuns time, be spoke eaten at the 1 tat' eluh work, tine nmmieraus To Hear Mr. L. A. Buckley Field Representative of the Canadian Chamber mercer - Thursday Evening, February 5th At 8 O'clock of Com. In the Brussels Public Library The Object : to obtain the general feeling regarding establish- ing a Chamber of Commerce In Brussels, Wu remarks will be interesting and informative. Sensational January Clearince Sale ENDS fills SATURDAY To Express our Sincere Thanks, to on many Customers and Friends whu have helped us to enjoy continued success through the years. We are offering this Sensational Clearance Sale. + Quality and low prices go hand in hand to make this the greatest price event In Huron County. Come and bring your friends. khndnues5 to Stint trona friends neighbors and relett'lone, everything Wee very much aleareelet- rt'lte McArter Family. BORN 1 MARKS - To Mr. and Mrs. Welling. ton Marks, at Dr. alma; nursing Nano on Solidity, Tnn. 1144, a daughter. ,T11lI,11 Gail, a sister for Murray. NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDER 0Y•LAW 'Take notice that a By -Law for ' raising $100,000,00 under the Pro visions of The Tile Drainage Aet. will be taken into eonetdeaatlbm by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Grey at the `Down, akin Cake on the 7th day of Feb 1953, at the beer of 3 e'deek in the efternoon. Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk, BORN MTTCT11L1, - Ai Tia' Myer's nursing home on ,Pan. 14. 1940, to Mr, ant Mrs. Entersrrn Mitchell, 1t. R. :t Themacle. a sen, 'William Gorden, 15% , 25% and 50% Off on all Goods in the Store. Wilfred Shorh'e,Sd expressed the 1 thanks of the directors to the spealker ; nand Jnhnee S. Armstrong thanked Eve worsen of the dnva+ch for the bamluet' and the artists who hal peeseiited the program The nosiness awns inttrsemS+d with i nu ciesl numbers rnnolsti•ng of 5. 5Nrby Mtse itf'ary Lnu M,l'alllaau, 1 1 ami a Jaiinphone solo by Tlavid' ITix'annedy twoo 0IOantted by Mise lambert) Allen end a sale by Mae Pieta Veer WI et seenmltrnON by Mi s T3llzaheth Cett:stnsu, i � old a field I TI ha derided to 1' ever eonmartlllon, and is was Ere' r to elm directors to rhooee the 111 TITIely, 25 pr. Kingcot Flannelette Blankets (Seconds) 80 x 90 reg. $7.91 100 yards Flannelette Shirting Special 50c per yard 500 yards Print reg. 59c yard Special 35c per yard Full Fashioned Nylons of $1.50 line (Subs) .. Special 79e All 690 Prints 490 per yard Forsyth Shirts reg. $4,95 Special $3.95 Men's All Wool Work Sox 3%2 Ib. reg. 89c 4 pre. for OL00 ALL LEATHER ANP RUBBER FOOTWEAR 25% OFF 15 Per Cent OFF 15% ON ALL Men's and Boys Work Clothes in the store. Including Men's, Boys and Children's Overalls. Men's and Bays Lined and Unlined Jeans. Men's Lined and Unlined Smock, Men's and Boys Work Shirts. 50 Per Cent OFF 60% OFF on the following Goods, Every Women's and Misses Better Dress in the store andd all of last year's season's Summer Dresses. Also all of last season's Women's Shortie Coate. 176 yds- of 54 inch All Wool Coating Material„.also Cidcular Wool Jersey. 25 Dregs Lengths in Crepes, Jerseys, Nylons, Teff te. Gabardine. Women's and Children's All Wool and Gabardine IId Pants. 25 Per Cent OFF 25% OFF on the following Items Men's, Wome'ne and Boys' Sudle. Men's and Womtn's Winter Coats. Men's and Women's SWISS Wagon Coats. Children's Snow Sults, Women's and Misses Crops and Nylon Blouses. Women's and MIsses Skirts. Alt wool and part wool Blankets and the balance of our entre stook which 1. tea numerous to mention. There MU be absolutely No exchanges, tae refunds, n6 charges soil no 'alterations, during this sale only All Sale. Mei. 20 Congoleum Rugs - E x 9 -- $4.95; 9 x 9 -- $9,95; 13. It $5.95 9 x l0%2 - 37.95; 9 x 12 - 1$.95; 9 1$ •-. 911.91; 9X16-110.95. THE ARCADE STT Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Fob Blyth, Ont. Brussels, OMS. t' t' '1 1