HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-1-14, Page 1Juvenile Hockey Game
-Brussels Vs. Harriston
At Brus•els Arena on
Mondalr,'•`JasiMi ty 19th
.8.15 p, m,-
Adrniasii±n'' 35e and 10c
Colne out arid''support your team.
Post Publishing House
leutborized as seooald olaas axil, Post OUlc. Degas minae, Ottawa
Wednesday, January 14th, 19$3
Friday — Saturday
January 16 — 17
with Macdonald Carey
Alexis Smith
The story .01 the. great
Wells Fargo Gold, Robbery.
Adult Entertainment
February 2 — 6
JANUARY 19 - 24
MATINEE WED. — SAT. 2 p. m.
The Film That Made Movie History
starring John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Barry
Fitzgerald and the Irish Abbey Players.
All the Romance, Beauty and Charm 'of Ireland
has been captured by Technicolor. Here -is a
picture we unreservedly recommend to everyone.
It is a family picture, one you and yours
cannot afford to miss.
Endorsed by Clergy, Press, Service Clubs, '
Women's Groups and School Boards as tht Picture
of the Year,
NOTE : FOTO,NITE and MONDAY Attendance
Card will be discontinued for the showing of this
picture only.
Melville Chunk
Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton
10 a. m. Sunday School
11 a. m. Morning Worship
United Church
INlnlater, Rev. Andrew Lane
Morning Woaabip — 11 o'clock
"Enough For Today".
Ch wch School 12 o'clock.
Anvwu+al Meeting, Wed„
Soo,. 21, l8 .P. m.
A heasjty welcome to ell.
Parish ef Ii uses
Rev. A. N rmo did% Id. A.
2nd .Sunday Alter Epiphany
Jan, iSbb, 1963
de. JS W'te CaaRWI. MuMsIa-
8:30 a.m. Holy ConenMeioa
11 a. m. Worning P,na1!ei'
Sunday School,
et. bavld'e t.Nnrrdr. Heefya
2;30 Holy Conrmrltttn
eanldsy School.
N. •aen•'s Chen*, wi1M
710 livening Brutilser
The next meetink or the
Couatyy Connell will be held In the
Council Cliambees, Court Hover,
t3odeerich, commencing Tuesday,
Jammary 20th, 1353 at 2 P. m.
A11 accounts, notices of deputations
sail other business ' requiring the
atttemltion of Counoil ,should bt to
the hands of the County Clerk not
lwter than January 17th. 1953
A. 11. Erskine,
County Clerk,
Goderlch Ont,
Seafortb, Ont.
Jan, 15 • 16 - 17 Technlcotor
Piper Laurie Charles Coburn
Thla comedy proves that money
isn't everything. It's sparkling with
fus froilc and romance,
Jan. 19 • 24 Technicolor
One Full Week
John Wayne Maurren O'Hafa
First Show 7 p.m. Second Show 9,39
Matinee Sat. 2 p. nt.
This. is a comedy filmed In tre
Emerald Isle In magnificent Tech.
nloolor,,. It will touch the heart. of
everyone' aft you follow the life of
John Wayne and Barry Fitzgerald..,
1hle the pleura you've been 'Whit-
ing for.
Joseph Stanley Wilton
The death e'L Joseph \Viigon+ foldout
ed a heart etteeltat!his home llnn'e
en Monday aneebdmg, He„watt bosh•
Nm ,13ru:sbels, tlhle,'etdest 'son of the
tate Mr. and ' SSW; Simnel ,WilA,Qn,,
Acrd ,atetended peadhe and 9s5gh siopoul
Theme: For tome yelaits, !be ;yvozced is
a bank, latter'r•eturn4ns bo Bos s eft,
Ito Nesbit 314b tattlher in Rade bardentre•
bueiwees. In 16127 he urian married
tic Miss Pelae•i Taylor of V.'fnna, who'
Survivels: He s3so'lealete 04o daugth•
'telrns, Mae. Hartley (Matey) Pteoher,
Brussels; - aids Jean, London; and
two sisters, Mas, Le,o (Kathleen)
Oa.11iagthan, Brfltovelle; and Mrs. Al.
feed (Maagaerite) Biede's. Toronto.
A •funeral service Was conducted ou
Wednesday afternoon; at the tamil,f
home by 3 ev W. H. T. Fulton a'
1Met,wi�ilc leresb*erien C9yuhloh. In-
terment were made hi Bnusselt
Mrs, Frank 'Little
elms. Frank Little, 64, of the 4th
non of Morris., died suddenly, Jan.
5th, at her home. She had been to
her usual heeadth, and had prepared
the noon nasi,
When Mr, Little returned to too
house she was lying on the coueh
in the kitoluon, Unaeble+ to ,rouse her,
he called a neiegbnor, and the De,
who pronounced ever dead of a heart
Faannerrly Maisie Etsell, . She wan
born in Walkerton, the .daughter of
William and Marty Ann ELse1L
Thirty year angio dile was nnerried to
Frank L'ttltle. A highly esteemed
resident, elle will be sadly misled
by her many friends and neighbors.
Surveying besides her husband
i are one brother Hugh o8 Toronto,
1 and three sinters, Jessie, (Mrs, A.
.Io111)gton) of Toronto, Loa, (Mrs.
J. Johnston) of Walkerton, and.
Emina (Mrs See -mime of Southamp-
ton. One brother, and sister pre-
decased her a number of years ago.
The Funeral was cmrdiedbed from
tine late residence, by Rev. Norman
Ellis of St. John's Angldcam. Grueroh.
The following neighbors anted as
r'fllheaa•exrs. Messrs. Clarence Tuttle
Erne. Pletoh, Tient Ynill, 'Tony Lang- +
ridge, Donnie leangridee and Robert •
Telea nAnil ews acted s,s fl ower -
hearers, Meeers. Chris. Johnston.
Bob Joh,neton, Bob McBride, Glen
,Fames. Cleeke Thvnua. neve Blun-
dell, Hugh .Tolins,ton, Andv Johnston,
and Jack Jrimston.
interment took 'place in R•rassc+ls
The Week of Prayer was observed
by a mass meeting of the Anglican,
Unttted, and presbyterial -1 cong;-
egeltioms in Meevilta Presbyterian
Cleurch on Thursday night, under
the disadvantage 105 very atom/
weaitheer. Rey. W. FL T. Fulton, wee
assisted in the servioe key Rev. An-
drew Lanae and Rev. A. Norman
Ellis. Lewis D• "Phom1>son was to
Chinese of a massed chair, which
inclrudeed a boys' choir from she
.avgddc n Church. and dive regular
choirs of the throe churches.
lztdan. Prescott sang a solo; end
the m+eei's choir eanig a number
Mr. Ellis, rentor of St. John's An-
glican Church was the preacher
for the service, end he made an
earnestt. Plea for Christians to pro-
vide ehennani,te+ with the fe.11owshin
and society -of the church hi at-
trtKltir+e, and sincrn•e form in order
to deprive Con ennisan of any at-
tmadtions 55 otfets. This was Mr
E1.1ts introduction to a joint con.
grego+tion tit Brussels, As he has
Atp5ioatLons 151111 be accepted by
the undersigned floe' tete position of
Assessor for the Vtlla+ge of Brussels
for elle year 1953. Duties to eont+
menree immedialtely. Please state
salary expected. APPltoattons to bo
in the hands of ;the Village Clerk, on_
it before January 17, 5953.
G. R. Campbell, Clerk.
Villsge of Bnissels.
Mr. and litre. Stewart Lowe eaten
to ;55Ofoktnde the birth of at:'daugytter,
Penfnf Marie et Dr. Mycr's Niters-
ing Hoole, Jan, Stn, 1959.
At tete regular meeting Bnuesels,
ll+aaujli 211.6 et ,the Causidiae .Legion
+the otfto'ers for 1053 fume htsltailed.
DelnetlY Zonae KGlommandek.-.i,)rouglpe
'Ntortsdyks ;gained 1)' Comrade
Dale 'vias• in Charge a ,ttite lnelth55at,
xOtheir guelstel vretft present
1rem Hewieh and Blyt3t br ame0ues,
Zone Coxameaikler Genese i ees
.addressed the ooln0aaes. 111he regal.
ar meeting wato conducted by Pres!.
lent 'elect Me, Coleman.
+Repents +from various committees
were redetved and Plana discussed
for Molding a series of d'aneee.during
the winter, dates - to be announced
Foilawrng bhe, meeting lunch yvas
sleeved and a 'social halulr enjoyed
by all present.
Chntistians +sue neon and women
namtialky ,t,ramsfoemed, and being
transfoalncd, through t their contact
w ith a Man, named Jesue who lived
`Was enecified and rose againand
w oo is now Slee Spiritual companion
of their ttres, Such men and wo•
omen weeded together mita a, gen
wine fellowship is thee Church of
Jesus Christi, To Ills se31awshalt of
love .Iesus has given the ,task, ;and
'the onneritlrnity, to leaven the world
and bnt111 the Kingdom of God -
-n etir la soettby Is the salt of 'the
earth to use the Mas'ter's phi se
the salt .ba•,. lost its• savour where-
with will the earth be salted.” How
weed are we fulfilling cum• function?
The above was the gist +of the ser -
MOO in the United Church. on Sun
day, Zan. 1Y.
The an;trem for the dray was,
"Jesus its Ami the World to Me,' 1'v
W. Ts Thomeeson,
Jlmmte RMcArter wishes to thank
all those who sent him dstera+ts dairing
his illness also those who reanenher-
ed him at Christmas it was an
much aeppreciated.
T wish to clunk my friends' and
neighbors for ,their visits; treats and
wards during my illness and also the
Majestic Tnetitmte for their Christ-
mas box. They were very much ap•
Mrs. Jas. Knight.
I wiser to Shank all those who sent
1110 cards and treats and +also t)hanke
to +ell who visited me evthile. I }was a
patient in Cltnon Hospital. Thanke
also to Dir. Oakes, Lr, y:ates and Dr
Myers and to the nurses of the
Jack Pipe.
My elneeere thanles is h,eree eXPt•es,s-
ed bo all those who remenebe•ed me
with 6Lowers, treats, cards, letters
and mdselt during my second stay in
the hospital. Special tivanles to the
Ladles Auxiliary, Legion and Ro•
M. Winoberg,
l7ast Huron Agriptbtrual Sofeiety
are having their anauual Meeting In
the form of a banquet to be held
in the basement of St. John's
Anglican Church on Jan, 20th, st
i n. 111. Tickets can be secured from
the members or aosocieate members
order your dirket early as the
supply is lierulted.
Applications for She position of
Utility Man and Ry1aw Enforce.
meat Officer for the Village et
13ntssels. APp1105(1iont twill please
etalte salary expected, and are to
be sent sent to the Clek before Jan-
tenv 17, 1952.
G. R. f:aartpbell, Claris,
Viilege of Brus,seis,
If yeti bane forgotten to snake
your dcnadtoo (Inward the 1Ohnlat•
Ines Seal Fund there es chill time
before the ealtltl9LQn. ehrefon,
1',,re Post has beeat notified be
•C7C.N.X., Wineham,'tbraet izystrunalle•
al soloiees +from itpue,13rulstdels Mont
SoPe and Glees ;Board, loaded!' the
direction, of A. C, RoMlsSon, bend-
meesttu, w111 be heard ewer that
station •this Sunday afternoon. at
3,15 Those :to bw+ beard o»i this
,pro,green •will be in= elad. Reason
Mae5eth, June and Audrey Hackwell,
Merle Dlliott and Robert Manned',
Mites Doris Jwhmtsteen and Lana
Hemlewood were hexad on a pre-
vious broadcast,
Lion Harvey Johnston, Huron
Couetihy Warden, grave on interesting
and informative talk at the regul-
ar• supper meeting of the local Lion,
deb on Monday night. The address
included Huron Coenitty Conven.+t3ons
land County Affairs, the Warden had
attteaded. Lien Gordon Knight thank-
ed the speaker.
Lion Robkrt Walker, melnorted t9tat
the proceeds of Christmas 'T. B
;eats amounted to $310 60. The tune
is spiel open and eon niiibuitions will
he necepted.
Lion W. Todd spoke of the Lions
emekey club ana the members agreed
with T:eirm W. Martin's suggestion
that a midget hooker team h'
entered in iht. W. 0. A. A.
David Kennedy ecsotn1anred at
the. piano by Lion L, P. Thompson.
conteibutted two saxophone solo&.
summer 150!1 served by the ladle.:
of Melville Chterele
The January meeting of the
Pneshyterian W. Rl. S, was held in
tete primary eocen on Friday, Jan
9113, with a good abtrmdanot. Rev.
RIr, Fubidie. opened the meeting be
stinging Psalm 108 followed by the
Scripture needing and prayer. In ad-
dressing the new officers ,he offered
some 'very timely advice. He com-
mended the W. M. S. on its very
splendid work in the past but felt
with 31ew field opening that murb
greeter work could be done with the
co-operation of all. And he hoped
t'ha;t it nigh' be !Possible, to have
all the lsdlre of the een3reeation
become members of the. W. M. c.
Flis New- - Tear's, message was very
inspiring and be urged that it being
the occasion et' the 70th anrnwersat•y
of the (hurries W. M. S. tlh+a4 c,ach
member elimed put forth their meet
sincere efforts to melee a most suc-
oesful year. Mrs. Rev. Fulton, pres-
ident, and her new officers pre-
sided for the nese of the neeeeine.
Hymen 532 was sifng, followed iry the
ininutee. A full report of the year:
work was reed by the Past treasur-
en•. Several new members were ad-
ded eta the roll Call. The President.
than passed out packages of Miss:
Smeary boxes, .hoping to reach ea't'r1
home. •Thrrehv .sltimulating o gre,,•t+.
er naiseionat'y Indereet anton.e at;
the ladies of the congreeafio,n. H•ytrr
554 was emu; and "Mrs. Fulton lecl fs
Prover. The Miznah ben:edictinr
bronchi ,;tae meeting to a since
Mr. Frank Little wishes to thank
.his friends and neighbors for 11
carets end florae tributes sent him
during his reoentt sad bereavement,
Special thanks 50 Rev. Ter, Ellis, •hlro
pall -bearers, flower -bearers, and to
ell who leindly loaned their cars ter
aesiatted in easy wee,.
Franck Little,
The January tweeting of the
Women's Association of Walton
United Church met on Tuesday after -
moll at 2 p. m. with the President
Mrs, Titrnhull presiderg, The
meeting opened wtth leymtn 571. A
Collect by Mary Stewart followed by
the Lord's Prayer. Tlio minutes+ of
fhb Bask meeting were reed and alt -
moved. The trea:surer'.s report was
then giro), by Ma's. Holman with a.
balateee ef 3740.+23 on hand. Sevlertnl
ttemg of bnatneee were dealt. with,
It was decided to have e, pot luck
supper for the annual meeting in tihe
near future. '11)05 metering cleated
with the Mlaaph ileeedttijon',
$2.00 per year - $2.50 U. /14
h Melville Presbyterian Church
January 18th
Guest Speaker
St. John's Anglican Church
Will be held in the Brussels Arena on
Tuesday, January 27th
Lunch After at the Church
Admission 35c and 25c
Proceeds in aid of St. John's Scout
Group and Youth Club.
SensaiionaJ January
learance Sale
To Express our Sincere Thanks, to our many Customers and
Friends who have helped us to enjoy continued success through
the years.
We are offering this Sensational Clearance Sale.
Quality and low prices go hand in hand to makes this the -
greatest price event In Huron County. Come and bring your
15 %, 25 % and 50 % Off on all Goods in
the Store.
25 pr. Kingcot Flannelette Blankets (Seconds) 80 x 90 reg. 37.99
100 yards Flannelette Shirting Special 50c per yard
500 yards Print reg. 59c yard Special 35c per yard
Full Fashioned Nylons of 51.50 line (Subs) Special 790
All 69c Prints 49c per yard
Forsyth Shirts reg. $4.95 Special $3.96 -
Men's All Weal Work Sox 314 Ib. reg. 89c 4 pry. for $3.00
15 Per Cent OFF
15% ON ALL Men's and Boys Work Clothes in the store. Including
Men's, Boys and Children's Overalls. Men's and Boys Lined and
Unlined Jeans. Men's Lined and Unlined Smock, Men's and
Boys Work Shirts.
50 Per Cent OFF
50% OFF on the following Goods, Every Women's and Misses
Better Dress in the store andd all of last year's season's Summar
Dresses. Also all of last season's Women's Shortie Coats. >"`
175 yds. of 54 inch All Wool Coating Material, „also Cidoular Wool
Jersey. 25 Dress Lengths in Crepes, Jerseys, Nylons, Taffeta,
Gabardine. Women's and Children's All Wool and Gabardine Ski
Pants. ,. I ,it.
25 Per Cent OFF
25% OFF on the following items Man's, Wome'ns and Boys' Su4ts,
Men's and Womtn's Winter Coats. Men's and Women's Statlon
Wagon Coats: Children's Snow Sults, Women's and Misses Crepe
and Nylon Blouses. Women's and Misses Skirts. All wool and
part wool Blankets and the balance of our 'eniee stook which Is too
numerous to mention.
There will be absolutely No exchanges, no refunds, no charges And
no alterations, during this sale only All Sales Final.
20 Congoleum Rugs — 6 x 9 '-- 34.95; 9 x 9— 36.95; 71/2 x 9
$5.96 9 x lOye — 37.96; 9 x 12 — 38.95; 9 181/2 -- 19.05j
9x 16-310.95.
Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Fatally
Blyth, Ont. -- Brussels' Oat.