HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1953-1-7, Page 1THE
Pod Publishing House
Authorized as seared elate rail, Poet Ott6
Depeutnient, Ottawa
Wednesday, Jonuary 7th, 1953
$2.O0 per year - $2,50 ILL5 ;m.
ant iaillia'/Aid
.meal Imports 'were Doe enied at
• . tneetinig oY 'i1th52iv41Ie Pceslby+bert&8
Ledi'erf Aid 'Seselety, held at the
IMome n if ;;Mrs. J, '0, Seeker on Mon -
dad night, ''iff, tlrtoa.sueor's report
Mita, r. '0, 'Long showed a success-
ful • year 1lnamdjia37,y, the e,oefeity
teeing ralse,l more 'than $700 during
the'year. A grant of $350 was voted
$0 .the Board et managers of the
therob, rand a donation was made to
the Sunday School. Mrs. It. A. Ben.
elett's report Of .the SunNh ne Fund
disclosed tbat 36 boxes of 'fruit had
teen sent to sick members of the
cangrsgation dureng the year,
Suggestions for original ways of
raising money for tike eo'oloty'e
work resulted In a decision to hove
noestery 'auction at the next
tneeting. M the close of the bust•
sees, a solo was sung by Miss Mary
Lou MnWarlaae, and a piano seiec-
Von given by ltfiss Barbara Allen.
l.5rs. W. H. Fulton canthrthuted two
New Year's readdnee. Assteiting the
Eo less to serve a'iunch wane Miss
Ella Kerr, Mrs. Geores Eh'ans, and
Mee H. B. Allen.
tre Saaramnent of The Lord's
supper way ebserlved im The united
Chuav4r on Sunday, ,Tam 4th, The
Wluister spoke about the meaning
and sign4fiance of the sacramental
rite as prnatised by Protestant
people. The quartet "The Saviour
for Me" by M. Rnnyen wag sung
by the Misses Miller and naming -
way. The anthem was, "Take Semis
With Teta" by Miles and Judson.
The next meetinik or the Heron
rodlike Cornell will be held in the
Council Chambers, Court House,
Gnderich,' . commencing Tuesday.
Oattat ?.0th, 1953 at 2 P. m.
,Ali accounts, notices of deputatloas
Ind other business requiring the
e'ettelt ceit of Council eboubd bt in
The the County Clerk not
later than January 17th. 1/953
`� .,.. runty Clerk,
Gtrderich _ ,ren
will be presented by the
Y. P. U. of Cavan Church
Winthrop at
Walton Community Hall
TUESDAY, JAN. 13th at 8 p. m.
Under auspices of the Boundary
and 17th groups. '
Admission 50c and 25c
YslvPis Chunk
Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton
10 a. m. Sunday School
11 a. m, Morning Worship.
United Church
Minister, Rev. *filler Lan.
Morning Worship — U o'oleck
"Single Minded"
v Martel$oh,o1 12 o'clock.
II.Psalm 113;1 "O give thanks
ltsrlto the I.,ord; for I3e is
Churchof England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. A. Heenan EIIIs, M. A.
1st :Sunday ,After Epiphany
Jan. tlth, 195e
M dshn's Ghersee 11111111118111-.
11 a m. Worning Prayer
Sunday School,
St David's t.rhursh. Heertr�tl
2.30 p.m. Evening Prayer
Sunday School.
IR. Georgela Chereh, Wa1Me1
7.30 Evening Brayer
A very Pleasant evening was
spent ion Ireidey, Ides, 26th. when
Me. and Mrs, J. "Harwey Brans eh,
tertaltned .on sthe occasion of their
40t1h wedding- anniverearyy,
After a 'Sousa' time had been en-
joyed 'by all, the esteemed eoeple
'sier'e pr'esenteil with a mibeetoned
table harm 'by Js9hn Bryan and Mrs,
J+as. A. Bryan on behalf of the
tMothers and sisters, nieces and
nephews. They wore also the re- ..
ciPlents of a cheat of silver. . the •
gift of their ,family, in honor of this
happy 'Occasion.
Fallowing the presentation a
delicious lunch was served,
Mr, and Mrs. Bryan ware married
in Brussels, 40 yeaa's ago, at the
home of ,the bride's parents, the
tate Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Mckelvere,
For 18 years !they resided on a farm t
one and one -quaker miles north of
Brussels. otter wittldh they moved
to 'their presenit home on the out -
etches of the village.
Both Mr, send Mrs. Bryan are em
enjoying Tod 'health amd are native
workers in the It Tobm's Anglican
They hare two `sons, Dr. ,Russet
W.. of Sea3orbb and Lorne R, of
Rrmetae1s, three daughters, Mrs'. F.
W. Fiedler (Phyllis), Mrs. ,T, 14
Steelton (Marguerite). of Brussels,
and Mrs. ,Toho Howard '(Myna), ut
Lletowel, They 'aleo have 14 vane.
eer. and Mrs. John S. Howard. who
Wended the gathering. were also
re'eeealine their loth wedding an-
eive,•aary en the same date..
FOR 1953
Ashfield^IO!aner Graham.
Myth—W. H. Morrttt,
l3reis,els—R B. Cousins.
Clinton—J, W. Nedlger.
Clinton (dep.)--.Mel Oriole
Colborne—E. Stanley Snyder.
Exe;ter—+R. E. Pooley.
F,xeber (1efte) Welliam McKenzie.
Godrrlctb—John H. Graham.
Goderfich (dep.)-7oseph A:ti:aire.
Goderice Twp.—Edward Grigg.
Grey—Clifford Rowland.
Grey --Clifford Royland.
Grey (dap•)' --Hugh Smith.
Hay—Earl Campbell,,o.
Henson—A, W. Kerslake.
Howick—Harry Gowdy,-
Hnllefit W. X. Dale.
Morris — Harvey Johnston.'
Merrillop—Dam. Beuernmann. •
•Seaforth-iSorman Scoins.
Stanley—Alvin McBride. •
Steephen—Jath Morrissey,
Stephen • (dep.)—Wellington Hate,
Tu+eleensmith—Alfred . Moffat.
Turetherry"--:John Fischer.
'Osborne—Vern. Plncombe.
Wewanosh, Fast—Orval T:ayior.
Wawanosh West—Harold Gaunt.
Wdngham R, E. McKinney.
Wingham Mere—Toe 'Kerr,
2 shows nightly 7.30 — 9.S0 p. nn.
Matinee Saturday 2 p. m.
Bryan, c Mo.:Gregor t
215 ole Dotted C1tur lin Hulic+lt
Tcaw4Jship, decorated vLUh 'sltwada+rds
elf W3idiee mums,. red easmtablons' and
oanUI labra, .preedded the ' 'petting
for 'the marriage of listen Lauutine
MadGregal' and Sbu'amt Frauds
llryans on Saturday. January ?rd„
The bride is the daughter of Mrs,
l'rarik WaeGregor, Londesboro and
the late Mr, Frank MacGe-egor. The
groom is the son of Mr, and Ma's.
Edward Bryons, Blyth.
The marriage .was solemnized by
the •R'ev, W. Gaudier. Mrs, John
Bryans, Blyth, presided at the organ
and accompanied. the soloist, Mrs,
James McNleen, St Onit3rerin4s.
Gordon MeoGregor gave his sister
in manmiage. $be wore e floor -length
gown of white silk velvet 11111111
slate. The fitted bodice featured in-
vented heart neriine with stand
up collar and rtaperieg sleeves. Her
doable, finger tip veil of Nylon net
was held by a braided headdress of
whets velvet. She carried a. white
Bible With red carnations,
',fats 'G.m'don MacGregor, Londes-
baro, matron of honovn', and the
bridesmaids, Miss Edythe Beacon,
Londesboro and Miss Margaret
Leach. Toronto, those identical
floor -length gaw,ne of ruby red silk
velvet width braided velvet head-
dress and mnittents, fashioned on
limes similar to that of bbe bride.
Thew carried bouquets of white
Miss. TTlntla Beyens, niece of the
groom, was flower girl wean• ese s
Toros lengths gown oe moss green
taffeta with circulars• skint trimmed
it i'th horded piping. She carried a
nose gay of white and red carnations,
Hervey Bryans, London, was his
brother's grornnsnian. and the ushers
were .Tnhn Bevans, Bivite and James
MoNiven. St. Catharines.
rhe bride',; mother reoeived et her
home. wear'ng a gown of navy crepe.
end lace with gray accessories and
a corsage of carnations.
The groom's robber assisted in
rosewood crepe and Lace with gray
accessories and corsage of carnal -
10119. Mrs. Robert Fairservi'ce, Mrs.
Li111e Webster. Mrs. Clayton Dixon,
Mrs. Graydon Neil. Mrs, Ash Rich
mond. Mrs. Lloyd McEwing. Miss
Doris Colbeck and Miss Helen Lear
assisted at the luncheon.
For a motor trip to the Southern
States, the bride chose a gray suit
with henter's green het and black
a e cessories.
The couple will reside in Mitchell.
Guests were present from Brussels,
T31Sth,' Seatorbr, Toronto, St. Cade
an'ines, Clinton, flrayten, Retrott,
red London.
• Mr. and Mrs. Thornes Storey, WV_
ruounee the engagement of their
daughter, Make Elizabeth to Haz'ry'
Franklin Johnston, son df Mr, and
Mas. Frank J•ahneton, Dublin, Ont-
Marnlage to take place In January.
Fri. Sat. Jan. 9 - 10
See the mightlest Indian uprising
In history — thrills unparalleled —
t the ..infamous ..wagon ;,massacre —
action, — Starring Edmond O'Brien
Clean Jagger and Polly Bergen.
Mon. Tues. Jan, 12 15
Imagine the fun When' 'PETER
LAWFORD" the play play boy meets
"JANET LEIGH" an attorney -at.
law, Who tries to put him on a
budget. It!s hilarious comedy when
he moves Into her spare room to
save expenses. Don't miss "JUST
THIS ONCE" the hit of the year.
OFFER $200.00
Monday Attendance Card Night,
Wed. Thugs. Jan. 14 ' 15
2 BIG H1T8 2
Ralph Meeker and Leslie Caron in
Clark Gable and Uoretta Young )n
Note; Glory Alley 7.30 — 10.10
Key to the clty 8.45.
Seaforth, Ont.
Wed. Jars, 7 leos•dwice, at 'Belntot•e
Eel. Han. 9 Ethel at Delerave
'Sat. Han, 10 Fondwiet at liasristen
Mon, Ten, 12, Mel at BeJmore
Vieell, .trail, 14 Belgrave at Fordwice •
There. lean. 15 Hairiston at Ethel
7rl..7an.'16 Delmore 4 Forxlwicla
Mon. Jan, 19 Ethel at 33arriston
'Wed. ;jam. 2.1 BeIgreee; at Delmore
Thur, Jan; 22 Fonewleh alt FNndi
Fri. Jan, 23 Tiarriston ad Belgrave
Non. Jan. 20 Delmore .at Beigrave
'Wed, Jan. 28 ITarristian alt Far'dwi:ar
'Thruan, Jan 29 Belgraye at Ethel
Fri. Jan. 30 Bellmore at:Harriston
Man. Feb. 2 Fordwioh at Belgrave
Mon, len, 2 IIarniebon at Reimers
-Weis. Feb. 4 Belmbre at Ethel
Fri. Feb, 6 Ethel at Fordwiah
Sat. Feb, 7 Belgrave ai Harriston
Dant Heron Agrlcutural Society
ora 'having their annual meeting In
the foamy of a banquet to be held
In the basement of St. John's
Anglican °hoorah on San. 20th, See
anmonrcemet est week. In the mean-
time tickets will be available on
Saturday, Get your ticket's early.
Atter suffering a defeat sin Well-
esley the Brussels juveniles. rallied
to hmounce them 16 - 6 In the ftrct
hockey game at the Brussels
Arena an Monday night. Brussels. 1
have been handicapped by not
having ire to practice o n, while
the Wellesley team have. had the
advantage of tee use at auittiicial ice
The home team won a lead in tine
firsit period and increased it Steadily
with no sanious threat from the visit.
ars. Go bo it boys we are ieheering
for you.
I It is tune ee renew your ltbnari
membership far 1953, There is a
spendid colleotton of new books, for
both adults and children and it is
hoped every family will take advan•
tape of them du;ring ellhe winter
months. Never will you get so muoh
for so little. Try to make ewers
.child a member too.
Jan. 8 - 9 - 10
Spencer Tracy Diana Uynn
See Spencer Tracy at hls best In
this hes-tviarming portrayal of
people agalntt O'Hara.. It ,will hold 1
the Interest of everyone.
Jan, 12 - 13 - 14 Technicolor'
The mailing list of this paper has
bten revised to date. Will subscrib-
ers look alt their label and notify
as if it in not oorrecct, Our thmnks
Le given to those who have paid
'their elilbsortption, your promptness
9e appreot!ated. We ask d+hosewho
heve neglected ' to Pay their sub.
Menden to de so bit' their earliest
Conus nience.
First show starts at 7 P. m. I
Stewart Granger Janet Leigh
Dashing Stewart Granger makes love
to fiery Eleaner Parker and demure
Janet Leigh It Is a thrilling, ram -
antic story filmed in a Paris back-
Jan. 15 - 16 - 17 Technicolor ,
Piper -Laurie Charles, Coburn
This comedy proves that money
isn't everything. It's sparkling with
fus frolic and romance.
(One Fult Week)
All children tinder sixteen must be
accompanied by an adult.
Apilioatlop.e will be ndceanted by
'this. undersigned 'for the pasitton of
Assessor far the Village of Brussels.
for the year 1953, Deities to com-
menoe Immediately. Please state 1
salary expected. Applications' to be.`
in the halide at the Village Clerk, on
it before January 17, 1953.
G. R. Campbell, Clerk.
Village of Bresdels.
Applications for the position of
Utility Man and. Bylaw Enforce-
ment Officer for the Village of
,Brussels. A,pplioabions will please
slaite salary expeoted, and are to
be sent sent to the Clek before San-
nary 17, 1952,
G. 11. Oann:pbeli, Cierk.
'Villege of Brussels.
T wish to express my einem
thanks to my many friends and
relatives for tre acts of klndnese
flowers, oards, boxes of fruit, tele•
phone calls, end visits during my
stay in the hospital. - Special thanks
to all Nurses and Doctors also the
etntf let. the Winch=i Hospital.
members, of SL John's Lodge A. 8'
te A. M,. Brussels Linne (Sint and
Western Saar T..0.0,F.
Ti. ,A. R.mme
The afore of G. Alen Williams
rptometriet, PadHliok Street in Wing•
ham will be closed San. 12, 12 end 14,
I,au. A, Ferelney, Ontario rears-
seut titve of the Canadian. Cemen-
ter Gt'Oomateree called In Bvssself
on Monday la<+t' to dileellse the
advisability, and poesIbalitly of form-
ing a bowl 'Chamber of Gonane e.
Mr. liutckiey seated that lite turret-
urru4ion of the 700 menlbei' Boards of
Trade .and Chambers of Commerce
across the country is to make tine
community a better place im. whice
to live, It is not a service club
brit the two must go hand in hand.
A 'Chamber of Commerce Is a sound
tug boars] tsar the Gond of the cnni
enmity, The ,speaker told bin listen-
ers that some of fits purposes are.
Malting :your cmnmun•ity more at-
trectllve, grass, 'flower beds, paint.
tee etc.; to impror'e reiattonshta
between town anld counlry, fostering
a better understanding of one an
other problems. They may promote
co-operative sadec days in bring
customers that are gong to auteidc
The industrial field is the mos'.
competitive one. A community can
sell itself do am, indnstry. Indent.
rialblses go to the .Chamber of- Cam
armee 'for the particulars tflsey want,
A Chamber of Commerce can •try
to bring the yarctous merchants to
agreemsnl as to ctosing 'hours, boll -
days, etc.
He asked then not to expeot
acles from a Chamber of Cammeret
I't takes time, :effort and patien,'a
for results,
Mr. Buckley tbld the men that 1
speaker was available, .also help te i
salve problems that arise from time
to time.
A public meeting With the ohi:,et of
farming s local Chamber of rope
merce, v,ldl be held In titre Polriie
Library nn Thursday even+in.e, Feb
rulary Mb at S o'clock, Mr. Buclaiey
will be present to address the meet.
Mg, Mirth.er notice will be given,
On Menefee evening of thce week.
a number of friends gathered at the
home of Mrs. Prank McCntoheon.
•tu 'honor Miss Marie Storey on her
coming marriage.
eche bride elect was taken com-
pletely by empties- when she enter-
ed the room whin was decorated in
Pink and wl•ite streamers.
During the reading of the address
by Mary Lou McFarlane; Joan Ste.
Marie and Madalon Ryan presented
her with. a basket • of lovely and
Useful gifts! -
After displaying nee gdith, Maria
expressed her sincere thanks to
everyone for ,their thoughtfulness.
. A delicious lunch wae +then served
try .the hostteSs,
T wtsb to (take this opporbundty to
thank a11 my 8r1emdts and neighbours
for theta thoughdlfttiness to nee while
in the lrostpttal,
Wilma Hemingway,
I would like to thank everyone for
the cards and gifts sent, to me since
I have comae to the Victoria Tio pitai
here in London. Especitally the Re.
bekalr Lodge, Anxillary and Institute
tor their lovely boxes and flowers.
Mrs. Dorothy Pegelow.
1 would like to thank all my
friends and neighbours for cards,
treats flowers and treats while t
utas ox patient in Listowel Memorial +
Hospital and also since I came home.
it was very much. appreciattd and 1
will never he forgotten.
Mrs, Glen Bray. l
The Lnicas family wish to ex;pa•ess
their sincere thanks 1o their many I
'friends and neighbours for their 1
lcinciness and ealpres.sions of Wm.!
pithy in their recent hearenvement
in the sudden passing of a wonder-
fu1 another. A .special thanks to
Rev. A. Lane for his consoling
Juvenile Hockey Game
Brussels Vs. Milverton
At Brussels Arena on
Monday, Jan. 12th at 8.15 p, nx.
Admission 35c and 10c
Come out and support your team,.
Will be held in the Brussels Arena on.
Spcnsored by United Church Sunday School
Admission 35c and 25c
Lunch After at the Church
Will the cersons who borrowed our heavy Jack also our stapler
and long wooden truck rack clamp, please return same at once.
We have a complete stock of all requirements for built en cup-
boards as welt as tale boards for bath -rooms, floors underlay etc.
We are forced to ask for payment ,.f all accounts owing to us
as of Dec. 31, 1952. Terms on all future business 30' days net.,,
Brussels, Ont.
Phone 77_.
Sensational January
Clearance Sate
To Express our Sincere Thanks, to our many Customers ands'
Friends who have helped us to enjoy continued success . through -
the years.
We are offering this Sensational Clearance Sale,
Quality and low prices go hand in hand to maker this the
greatest price event in Huron 'County. Come and bring your
friends. Sale starts Saturday, Jan, 10th.
15%, 25%
the Store.
and 50 % Off on all -Goods in
Sale Starts Saturday, January 10th
Opening Specials for Opening Day
Saturday 9 to 12 o'clock noon.
25 pr. Kingcot Flannelette Blankets (Seconds) 80 x 90 reg. $7.90•
futruio ZP))8 t, Special $5.915
Indian Blankets Special $2.50•
100 yards Flannelette Shirting Special S5c per yank
500 yards Print reg. 59e yard Special 450 yea1d
Full Fashioned Nylon of $1.50 line (Subs) Speolal 7i1a
15 Per Cent OFF
15% ON ALL Men's and Boys Work Clothes in the store.: inciudyagi
Men's, Boys and Children's Overalls. Men's and Boys Lined ' aids
Unlined Jeans. Men's Lined and Unlined Smock, Men's sued.
Boys. Work Shirts.
50 Per Cent OFF
50% OFF on the following Goods, Every Women's and Wise*.
Better Dress in the store andd all of last year's season's Summer,
Dresses, Also ail of last season's Women's Shortie Coats. ..aan
175 yds. of 54 inch All Wool Coating Material, „also Cidoular Wool
Jersey. 25 brass Lengths In Crepes, Jerseys, Nylons, Taffeta •
Gabardine. Women's and Children's All Wool and Gabardine Ski •
25 Per Cent OFF
25% OFF on the following items Men's, Wome'ns and Boys' Su(ts.
Men's and Womtn's Winter Coats. Men's and Women's Station.
Wagon Coats, Children's Snow Sults, Women's and Misses 'Cfepd
and. Nylon Blouses. Women's and Misses Skirts. Ali wool and
part. wool Blankets and the balance of our entre stook which la too
numerous to mention.
There will be absolutely No exchanges, no refunds, no chargee and
no alterations, during this sale only All Sales Final.
20 Congoleum Rugs — 5 x 9 --- $4.95; 9 x 9 — $6,95; 7%a x 61
$5.95 9 x 101,4 — $7.95; 9 x 12 — $S,95; 9 13ye — $9.95;.
9 x 15—$10.95 -
hTNN - . In Winghatn General Hos- it
peal, on Set u•day, December 27in Blyth, Ont. Brussels, Out,
1952, to Mr. end Mrs, Harry Rinn
R. R. 1, Belgrave, a sen,
Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family