HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-12-17, Page 1Post Publishing Houle R U. SE S P Authorized as second Masa mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Wednesdays December 17th, 1952 Dot _AMIN spoil your Holiday! Christmas and The New Year again usher in a season of festivity and good fellowship, As in the past it will also be marked by increased dangers more traffic, more hours of darkness, slippery roads, and holiday haste and impatience. I appeal to Ontario citizens to overcome these added hazards by greater care and common sense when walking or driving. Don't let an accident spoil holiday happiness for yourself or for others. MINISTER 1 PROCLAMATION in accordance with the Doltish Tradition and to fall in line with towns surrounding Brussels 1 hereby proclaim Friday, December 26th Boxing Day - A Civic Holiday Asking the citizens to observe it as such. R. B. COUSINS, REEVE. BORN GARBAGE COLLECTION To Mr. and Mrs. Jack McWhirter, on Dec. 11th, al Dr. Myer's Nursing Home, the gift of a daughter, Janice OsdL THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Church Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. nt. Christmas Alusic 7.30 p, m. Annual Candle Light Carol Serylce 7,10 p. m, Organ Recital United Church OF CANADA I Minister, Rev. Andrew Land Morning Worship - 11 o'clock Chriatma.s Aleseage and Music. Church School 11 o'clock. "Cbmistanas awake! sale* the happy morn Whereon the Saviour of the world was boar," Church of England Parish of Braasts Rev. A. 'Nonnsn Ellis, M. A. Sunday before Christmas Dec, S1. 1952, M .Ishn'e 'Ohuevh, Aruessts- 11 a. in. Morning Prayed Sunday School St. David's t,hur•sh. Hsetfwys 2.30 o, m. Holy Communion, Ilt. asorgu's Chsreh, Walton 7.80 1s. m. Holy Cotnanunwion CHRISTMAS SERVICE Chadatmbs 11y (Midnight) Holy Communion 11.30 p. m Cliristimas Day Holy Com.. minion 8,30 p•tn. Faintly sex, vice with holy Communion wt 11 a1. m. _ I! II We wish to express our n.pprerl- i' aticm to the friends and netighrbonro for :their sympathy, help and kind, t new during oni• recent bereavement. The Turnbull Family. t THIS SATURDAY There will be garbave collertion here this Saturday afternoon. A. Higgins. SCHOOL CONCERT Don't forget to attend the Brussels School "Cantata" this Friday Nigat at the Brussels Town Hall. CARD OF THANKS ATr, and" Mrs. Jack McDowell an.l Mr. and, Mrs, Mac McDowell and Mrs. Garside aB of London spent the week -end with :Mrs. Gordon Mc- Dowell. CAPITOL. USTOWEL THEATRE 2 shows nightly 7.30 '- 9.30 p• m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Fri Sat. Dec. 19 - 20 ,Ride with "THE OUTRIDERS" Men who blazed trails through the West's wilderness with a gallant woman at their side. .starring Joel McCrea, Arlene Dahl, Mon. Tues. Wed. Dec. 22 - 23 - 24 "THE PRIDE OF ST. LOUIS" with DAN DAILEY as the great DIZZY DEAN and JOANNE DRU as the gal who caught his Sunday piton. You'll thrill to this heart-warming $icture of one of baseball's greatest pitchers Dizzy Deat.. TUESDAY FOTO•NrrE OFFER $170,00 Monday Attendance Card Nlsht. The Management and Staff of the 'Capitol Theatre, Listowel, Wish aii our many friends a Merry Christ. mat and. a New Year filled with Happiness and Prosperity Watch for our outstanding Christmas and New Year shows. Oliver Turnbull Passed away. in Grey Township. on Saturday. Dec. 13th. 1962. Oliver Turnbull in his 81st year. The sou of Andrew Turnbull and Jane Smitth, who came to the 15th con. of Grey, from Scotian.] in the 1850's. He Was boar on the farm now occupied by his grandson, W. J. Turnbull, and had lived his whole life in the Walton commnnity. Aianried in September 1595, 11e was predeceased by his wife Clara Jane Treland of Morris Town- ship in 1939. ,He is survived by three sons, Wilbur and Andrew of con, 15 Grey Twp„ James of Peterborough, and ono daughter Jean. (Mrs. Donald Buchanan) 'of Grey Twp. Also sur- viv'ng ore eleven grandchildren and nine .great grand -children. Ons sister Filen (Mrs. John Burton) of Berk] n•, California. and two bro. tilers Thomas mill William of Win nipeg. 10. _llwgwa thhtenkwI1r interested In farminn 1110 community wellare. lis founded one "of the first pure-bred herds in he community. and helped in the keinrhim)" and maintenene, of miry wm'thwhile ronimunity pro - Tmlenm�" Wax in Brncsels cem- oter;v. Pan-beo1'01'4 warp neighbours, Jahn Tfitrlr, .• John T -Minn, Leslie Dryer, Win. Ta)mx. Berl Jnrnston T^mss Smith Flower hanrmrs were, W. Z. Turn - hull, Dr salla Turnbull. Charles 'I'ut•ntn,11, Deltoid Lawless, Georgi TTabltirk a=d Jan Van Vliet, MAJESTIC WOMEN'S INST)TUTE BRUSSELS LEGION I The Majostici 'Wlanlen,e i"natihute Met in the Brussels Plhblld •Ilbhtary toll 'Phuraday ,a'fter•noon Dee. 11 with the President, 'Aiut9. R. W. Stephens in the chair. The meeting open -ed by Stinging he Ode followed by repeating the In- aaritu,,te Greed. The minutes; of the Nov. ni e'Jug and Family night were read by the sec, Mrs, S: G, Speir. It was also announced Matt Misses Agnes Lane and Ann Peist1e1 ge given prize money for their Ita1i 4. Hem- stitching .that was shown at the Fair, The roll rat! was answered b1 mem bora contributing donations ;for the shot -in boxes. A cammitteejof Mrs Geo. ,Boma, Mrs. K. Morrie, Mrs, It Gemmell, Mrs. "2. Bryana. kiss M. McFarlane 'a?md Mrs. A. Lane pack the boxes .at the home o2 'Mrs. C. Davis. Happy Birthday was sung to a number having their birthday, in Dec. it was decided to send 35clin for each member to the A. C. 'Rr..W and 025 Is to be paid 'to the 'Ltbran•y Board for the use of the Lionary. him.. S. Wbeellrr reported that seven more boxes had been♦ packed nr,lrttr a tots; of 14 boxes tofbe sen' ^ Korea. f Sr -'.,.al thank -you 1.4terR were . read. c' ; Donations of $16. wore stent to the War Memorial Children's Hospital"), r"" Leaden: and $5. for the,' British Sailors, Mrs. Win. Turnbilll was called forward and presented with 82.00 rot• infant daughter, The motto "May we never 1/e nasty in judgment and always gepherous," was given by Mrs. Roy t;ousins. loins. Walter Herr played;, a few musical nun)bers. Wi H. T. Fulton delighted tube ladles with her Christmas Reading, Mrs. C. Davis gave a splendid dnn,onatra.tion on chocolate, dipping anid ]treated the ladies ;to some of her chocolates. Mrs. Wes. Herr showed ,how to make "Yard Candy". • Sunshine collection was taken and the meeting was closed wita "The Queen.' The hostesses were Mrs. (', Long. Mrs. A. Lane, Mrs Wes, Kerr, Mas: Walter Herr and Mrs. 2, McFarlane. ELECTION OF OFFICER$ The fallowing is the Jiet of officers ej Bloss l9 Branch 212 Canadian Legion for 1903. These officers wore elected at the regular meeting on December 3. Inunedtate Past Prv...:. C. S. 1311iott Presid;eint Kenneth Coleman„ lot : Vice -Pres. G. Workman 2nd Vice•Pres. Russell Hal; Sgt, at Arms P.... Elinor .Young Ser."rias. Ralph Shaw W slime Officer .... C. L Workman Pveritive Committee ..,. 32. Winberg, G. Kreuter, F. Straw Property Trustees Geo. Booker Frank Shaw, Stanley Rutledto) $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. . DAN CE Modern and Old-7"yme Music The Kansas Farmer Dancing from 10 to 1 Everyone Welcome In Brussels Town Hall on Wednesday, Dec. 31st Admission 50c Lunch Counter Sponsored by I. O. O. F. - i In aid of hospital bed BRUSSELS LEGION PIPE BAND I r' ..:�•..,._..._ The fallowing donations were re - The Noll Sisters with the r toedduring The post week. I I H. Sniljyan $L00I F. R. Smith 1.00 i CPo. Galbraith 6.00 The hand members wish- to state • that the money donated, or raised by the sale of tlrleets, is to be use, nl q•rhsse uniforms only. Each ro,o,:li'r t� buying his own. Pipes or (Items and paying for his lessons, .i. CANDLE LIGHT CAROL SERVICE At Melville Church, Brussels on SUNDAY E'VG. at 7.30 Girls Choruses Male Choir Christmas Anthems Recital at 7.10 0. m. • WANTED - • •:f nplication for position of Btu -law •Rufro.r.mPuI Ctfieer and 'Utility Man for .the Villaee of Rrnssels. Anuli• ,an t^ 1,e in hands o'0 the Clerk on or before Dec. 27, 19.52. r,. P. C^mmbell, Clerk. NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW , Take notice that a By -Law for raising $100.000.00 mailer tSe pro• visions of The Tile Drainage Act, will be taken into consideration by le Council of the Corporation of W. G. LEACH the Township of Gree* at the Town. JEWELLERY STORE Our Suggestions for Christmas Giving If you want a watch, that has Beauty, Style, Quality, and s priced right for you, and will' give complete satisfaction, we have Just that particular watch you want in Bulovs, Mido, Elco, Fontaine, and various other makes of supreme Quality, and Superb styling. Watches you would be proud to own, or give to your dearest friends. Buy at home - at your Brussels Jeweller, the man, who knows and services watches the year round. FOR HIM - Pens and Pencil sets, Utility and fitted cases, Billfolds, Lighters, Cigarette Cases, Lodge Rings, Cuff links, Fancy Stone and Signet Rings, etc, etc. FOR HER - Magniflcent Diamonds of Bridal Wreath, Bridal Bell and Or -Cal Diamonds, priced to suit you. An examination of these diamonds will convince you of their excellent quality and Beauty. Holloware, Flatware In Plate and Sterling, China in 96pc-, and 6b pe, sets. Fancy Tea Seto and Cups and Saucers, Fancy Jewellery Boxes, Musical Powder Boxes, Daytimt and Evening Baps. Thousands of Gifts, for you choice. Make out your Christmas list Now. Come in and see our selection for yourself, or phone us, and we will he glad to send you our Catalogue, and phone or Mali order will be given immediate attention. Watch for our Christmas, Specials which will be displayed in our windows from now until Christmas. ship Office on the 7th day of Feb "The Store for Beautiful Gifts" 1953, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon. BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 91 Edythe M. Cardiff, Clerk MO i, A MM T, Holiday Formal Dance In Cranjrook Community Hall TUESDAY, DEC. -30th Music , by Wilbee's Orchestra Dancing 10 to 1 Lunch will be served. Sponsored by Cranbrook Community Board M$1.00 per person Everybody Welcome t . UPPER CANADA BIBLE SOCIETY SHOWS GAIN The Brussels branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society collected the sunk of $310.ein their annual collect- ion in this' area this years•. This is a tgratotying increase over last ytu's giving. The ()dicers of the local society thank the colleotors who did the work and all those will contributed. CHRISTMAS CONCERT At S. S. No. 3 Morris FRIDAY, DEC, 19th at 8 p, m. Admission 25c CHRISTMAS CONCERT At S. 8. No. 7 Grey In Community Centre Cranbrook on FRIDAY EVE., bEC. 19th Everbody Welcome Admission 25c' CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT wlfl be held In the BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH MONDAY, DEC, 22nd at 8 p. m, Admission Vic Children of the SUnd tl School FRES W. J. PERRIE Brussels, Ontario Commencing Nov. 1, 1952 to Dec. 24, 1952 Each Buyer of a Car Purchased from Brussels Motors, at a value over $300.00, are entitled to the Draw to take place oi, the Eve of Dec. 24th, 1952. 1952 Pontiac Styline Sedan 1952 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Coach 1951 DeLuxe Fleetlinc Sedan 2-1951 Chev. Styline Sedan at $1850. 1951 Chev. Styline Coach $1850.00. 2-1951 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Sedans 1951 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan 1950 Chev. DeLuxe Fleetline Sedan fully equipped. 1949 Chev. Five Passenger Coupe fully equipped $1495.00, 1949 Plymouth Special DeLuxe Sedan $1395.00. 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1947 Pontiac Coach 1940 Plymouth Coach TRUCKS - 1953 ItUCKS.--1953 Dodge 1/2 ton Pick-up, selling below list price. 1948 International Y2 ton Pick-up 1948 Chev, 74 Ton Pick-up and 1946 Mercury 1/2 ton Panel. many older models to choose from Brussels Motors Huron County's Formost Used Car Deal Brussels, Ont. Phone Tax