HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-12-10, Page 4111,11'1 THE BRUSSELS POST M . THATYORK TRIP WILL COST YOU 'LESS AT THE KENMORE j 700 Room Hotel I14LL 145 EAST 23rd STREET RATES FROM $2.26 DAILY -SINGLE FROM $4.50 DAILY-DOU.BLE glori- ous Youropportunity York vocationto oataa9sav- ing! Many features to please you at this refined, dignified hotel. FREE swimming pool, good food served at budget cost in both coffee shop and restaurant excellent bar and lounge. Just a few minutes away from United Nations, Times Square, Radio City, Empire State Building, Transportation right at the door. NO PARKING PROBLEMS WEEK ENDS. Money -saving rates. Special rates for groups. fi 5 ttlru.rt..Btiluiii51 pg Vl L:LEL1:31u a•u:I' l;l ;'till,,, DRIVERS TQ PAY Sac MORE FOR L-10ENQE Onitario motorists will haye to pay $2 for drivers' licences tat 1953 in. stead of the present $1.50. Iiigit1100Y Mini4ter Douoett anno111000d on Sa'tnarauy, The increase comes cwt of the dapantment'B decisson ,to double Me current 50 -cent cointtrihnition Paid into the Unsatisfied Judgment rued from each licence fee. causecollections this year i>,at'e not been largo enough to cover the delllaard .for setblen1ents. , P1ie department antici144es an increase in payments out of the . fund ,in. 1953, and since it must be pellf+suppantill'g an in01'051e In ( license fees is the only answers, I 1 This year Hie fund went "broke" paying misaligned j it theoicetk said department It i had to get an advance from the }treasury. The Highway Waffle Act now 1 provides for a $1 collection for dile fund: No fee was collected daring Mr. Daucett said tate increase in payment into the Unsalblefied nd 1s 11000Ssary be- NOTICE K you have Round that your present Book:keeping system is inadequate— or it has been criticised by the Tax Dept. why not discuss the mat- ter with me. During the past nave years,3. have installed upwards of fifty tannin nnie accounting systems among email Btusiuess men, pr tonal men and O'armers. The installation Fee is moderate— the cost of the actual book, very small and the system, once install- ed oan he run by yourself with a Periodic Audit and Annul Statement by me or on a monthly Audit basis Leith an Annual:'aterneat and In- come Tax Return. This ran be ar- ranged according to your capacity tc absorb the cost. •.„ There s no financial obligation on your part to diseucs your pro- blem. The system referred to above meets all requirement of the in. - come Tax Dent. and also the Un- employment Ins. Comm. S. J. PYMM Business and Tax Service 'Office in the Kilpatrick Block LUCKNOW, ONT. In attendance at Office Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Saturday by appointment. Phone - Office 23 W Rea. 28 J. WINGHAhh 1410#1O11AL SHOE Always a tart's stock It CMissM Grantees to Chose fo,m Ail modern machinery. famous tor Cemetery lettering a s/setaRl Artistic Memorials at very reasonable priors. R. A. SPCYLTON Rhone 256 — Wiugham, O. Rheumatic PAIN Good o_ws for those a..,J i, sr for relict from rhrumatir vain. b•tt feel hopeless. Thousands get speedy relcef L•m rbc;:- matte and arthritic starring ry using Don't let deli. vftarlsorne schen and sharp stabbing pais h... a p yr, any ,coyer. Try Temo;letca a today. r,a'. ^ 63, -. St. ... = it ,. - . r-24.4 ETHcL Mrs, Chester Emil was hostess for the December meeting of the W. M. 5. and W. A. of Ethel United Church The devotional part of the meeting were presided over by the vi'ce1 President. Roll call With. 14 mem- bers and 4 visitors, Offering was dedicated by Mrs, Lane. At this l,oint Mrs. Wm.. Bremner was made a life member of the Society. Mrs. Ames .spoke of the valuable service and support Mrs. Bremner had given the society in past years and Mrs. Patterson on bdhaff of the members Presented Mrs. Bremner with a Life :'Oembersltip Certificate and Pin. Mrs. Bremner although taken by .urFris. thanked the ,ninsbers for iio honor placed upon her. Mrs. n •, Po'r- 11 nfrered her home fo" 1 T•un,iarc mewing. 1Tr. Lane was •hen eall.ld upon to give the Christ- mas message. The title of his ad w'1z, -The I0Papar of tile -ing-' The slate of officer-, • ,l;e n'. 1i. S. wap pre;nnted. T' ..,1'1' nt .... ::Mrs. Geo. Pearson t,. Ciee-Pre,. Mrn. Gee. :Menzies ..,t : s -Pre=..... Mr. . P. S.ephensnn lir Tn., Pearson r; e. -See u.nd Press Sec. Miss Fills Pearsor. t= -•s^^ ... 'Mrs. Elwood MrTaggart r�••,.Ser. :Mrs. 3'. Amen T 1rhn±Prshan .. Mra. Wm. Patterson • Srewardship .... Mrs. Jas. Pearson F-i'ndship Secs. Mrs. Cameron r—?;' 1l1 and Mrs. P. Stephenson • Fel•. MICR. J. Bing re ner:+ncr Sec. Mrs. Cleave! miv4lnnary Mnrn'hly Miss 1I. Hansuld Pianist Mrs. ltov Ball Mrs. Joe Pearson ▪ Pianist W. A. Officers Presidem .,..... Mrs. ('!tester Earl . lir A. R"ynard MiGs 1:;iia Pe'3rso Miss M. Hansuld Mie= nn hand ...... \Ire. (llodden and lire E. 11cTa::art M ve-d by Mrs. E. McTaggart, =Prnnd•,rl by )Ire. Percy S'ephensOn ;.•.H1, •!1e a+e he acreprod as read. r•.l "mied r".11.0.o ..I -,..: i. _-.7a•ir," Meeting closed 13:- .:i^_ira G,.d Save 'the Q'je:.n and .•, c. i...-;.�.di<+_-•:t "y Mr. I.'sne I.nwh 1..e._ e,.-rved. -l«. s.•,c 1.a M,.. 1 . :n r Hrr r,i`aM in T., -,..oto Mt.dr d Crlerengeser a derg:;is, an Victoria Hospital, P •vri�: 33r.33F3ly rp- i..rd .Proms. McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE ,14EL.LUgRICAT10tf, SHELL Y.Ot,B Le4OLO 030' 244LLi. ,W ROL23JM PRODUCTS LNu30LOP TIRES Parts aurad.ak,r.aessertss Austin Sales and Service asnrtar i rr.Pa3rt to el makes of s� arid e 11'1 PHONE 77re the float two years the Mild was lit 01100111100 and since then. 50 mutts has been collected, The 'fund provides for payntob;t of ,acaid'ont clams where victims are unable to colieot from 'the de+ fendants in a'tI'affic accident ease it also pl'olvldes ,Por claims of pay. rent tit flit -and -run accidents Where the guilty Persons a1•0 un• known, Over $3,000.000 has been paid lo unsatisfied Judgments ,0Jihice• 11111 fund's inception, Mr. Dout ett Said, an,d more than $440,000 of this has ' been paid for deaths of pdreonaT in- juries. from htt.and-run accidents, Wedne WALTON TIto December meeting' of the Walton Mission Band was held Sun` day morntng hl the basemenit of the church, Mrs. 30001111 presided and 7dlilaboth 11ScGavin was pianist, The White Gift Service was luold WW1 several of the mentbauts taking part Mite -boxes and Holiday money was ltandexl in, Classes were formed. The meeting was closed 'e'lt94 iato Benedletixm, 'Mrs, Fred Milieu 10 still confined, to her bell anudstill under the doc- tor care? Mrs, peter McDonald is 11102aloss- ing %uate favourably after her recentt, y, December 10111, 1.902 litmus at the !tome of tior daughter Mrs. P. Badley in Morrie Twp. Rev. Mi'. 'Piwi•as who was cont.* ed to lrlx home because of 411neee progressed favorably and was ablie 19 conduct his services as usual on Sunday, h�t Biles Doris Stevens has take/1 a position at the Waltou Post OP1Ygt with Barrie Marshall, dtwring the Christmas rudit. Shirley Timmer, Yountaest daught• es' of William and Mrs. Thatner, with was stricken with polio eeYera weeks ago and who is a patient In Victoria Hospital, London, is report. ed to be on the mend and will be Int home soon._ r'•• sr?ti gi;, nr>, zFui w{e^:3�ry lir s 5%F>%.f dd.w"'€>`%e X5:3" +1 the long, low and lively -10 of) GE '3 k ! � . U'' as in style and beauty, you'll find that the '53 Dodge is new and finer in many ways. It has that long, wide, low look that draws admir- ing glances. Graceful, sweeping fenders and the broader, lower rear deck lend a touch of continental styling. There's a new type of one-piece curved windshield and an at- tractive new wrap-around rear window which give you better vision. You'll like the smart, new instrument panel with its central glove compartment for easy access. The beautiful new interiors and rich new colours add a further note of elegance to the most beauti- ful Dodge cars ever produced in the low - price field. Etustrakd—Dodge Regent 9 -door sedan includes certain extra equipment ifmtr: Check with your local Dodge dealer for information on standard equipment When you take the wheel of this stylish, more compact Dodge, you'll quickly discover that, in performance, too, Dodge is new and finer. You'll find thatthis new Dodge handles with astonishing lightness and ease—clings surely to curves—parks without effort. On the highway, you'll experience finer per- formance and easier acceleration at higher speeds—result of the new higher gear ratio. And with Overdrive (available at extra cost) your highway driving becomes evert smoother and more economical. Arrange now to get behind the wheel and put the new Dodge through its paces. When you drive a new Dodge, you'll find a 3 -way smoother ride ... steadier ... more level ... softer. You'll agree it's the most comfortable ride you've ever experienced in any car at a comparable price. — It's a steadier ride because of a wider frame, a lower centre of gravity, and the new positioning of the wider rear springs. It's a more level ride, the result of synchronized springing and scientific weight distribution. It's a softer ride because of "Orifiow" shock absorbers and wider, softer springs. Be among the first to experience this thrilling new ride. Phone your Dodge -DeSoto dealer for a demonstration. DODGE MAYFAIR • DODGE REGENT • DODGE CRUSADER • DODGE SAVOY • DODGE SUBURBAN MADE IN CANADA BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED Elliott Motors Sales Brussels, Ont. oirkot Cec(e ll DON'T PUT AAL THE. BLAME ON ME FOR POOR HATCHES, BOSS. YOU KNOW THAT FLOCKS LAYI NG EGGS FOR HATCHING NEED A SPECIAL FEED. WHE-E-W i AM 1 GLAD TO SEE YOU,DOC. YOU'VE SAVED MY NECK. PLEASE TELLTHE BOSS ABOUT YOUR 6OL6EN E66 PREEDERSWASN WORRIED ABOUT LOW HATCHES, EH, SILL? IT ISN'T ALWAYS THE ROOSTER'S FAULT. A FERTILIZED EGG MUSTCONTAIN STORED UP VITAMINS, EXTRA ANIMAL PROTEIN AND THE LATEST GROWTH FACTORS TO HATCH A BIG HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GROWING. LOOK AT THIS FERTILE Ebb, BILL. 17 IS MADE UP OF THE SHELL -ALBUMEN AND YOLK. SCIENCE PROVES THAT THE HEN CONVERTS THE EXTRA VITAMINS, PROTEIN AND GROWTH FACTORS INTO THE W6 BEFORE 5HE SEALS IT IN THE SHELL. IN 21 DAY THE STORED UP FOOD MUST GROW A BIG HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GOING FOR NEARLY IO DAYS AFTER HATCHING. TNATS'A BIG tIOB AND IT NEEDS A SPECIAL MASH. 'y Roe Farms Service Dept e COME AND SET IT, EARLS I ROE GOLDEN EG6 FOR GOLDEN EGGS._1 THERE'S SURE SENSE IN WHAT YOU SAY, DOG. ROE GOLDEN E66 MASH PUTS EXTRA MONEY IN MY POCKET -AND IT'S ONLY A FEW CENTS EXTRA FORTH'S SPECIALLY MADE BREEDERS' M AENOF STRNGCHATCHES THAT LIVE -� NA, ;;,ani/ mom' D4TSi` Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON MONCRIEFF