HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-12-3, Page 8-o ' lc V.tea, a�bey '� +` a •'' cwt' a •' offamegoompief Worth Coming to See Our Display of Christrnas Decorations They Offer Many New Suggestions for Christmas Tree and House Decoration. Red and Silver Wreaths, Plastic Snow, Christmas Tree Lights, icicles, Ti Die, nsel, Crepe Paper, Tree Ornaments, Rein. Deers, for Decorative Fire Places, R .Defor ers, New Designs in Wrapp?ng Tags, Seals, Christmas Design Scotch Tape, Skeins, Red and Green Silk Ribbon and many other items, Christmas Greeting Cards New Designs Colorful and with Cheerful 1Viessages in boxes - 35c, 45c, 69c and 98c each. Also Cabinets of Cards *n bulk at 2 for 5c and 5c, 19c and. 15c each. The Store to piace Gift Subscriptions for All Magazines - the Gift .that is kept in mind all the year round. x'. F. . SMITH g Rexall Drug Store teELEPHOYE NO. 42 BRUSSELS 00 111 31 Phone 24 Brussels, Out. 'Lovely Christmas Gifts for your selection Now on Display Bring in your Chrtstnlns Lists and let Its help you seleot your Gifts in the price rangeyou desire. All lingerie, etc., Gift Boxed. Blouses •+ Holeproof Lingerie Handbags, Scarves Handkerchiefs Towels, Linens, etc. Umbrellas Housecoats Coats Spits Initialed Scarves Ties, Sox Sweaters Shirts, Handkerchiefs Fur or Wool Lined Gloves Dresses Skirts For ►M. MILKING HERD Mtz your *P�sa 5.ppIa. lk•rnaIias roo4 PURINA COW CHOW To help build dry eowsuoGcorreduced calving Itroublea and extra milk ahrad' feed Purina Bulky Las and bate half and half! BULKY -LAS and() i_a:9.1, ✓11W Wednesday, DeGeMber 0, 19610 'IJcuIr'7t7t��Pk�1PIl��'Cs) +'kvRelJ''lpk+>✓9A@o't PEARSON'S SHOE STORE p A N D MEN'S WEAR • MEN'S' Heavy Wool Lining Qverboot With Side Buckle $8.96 With Zipper $7.95 All Nylon With Zipper $18.60 BOYS, Heavy Wool Linning Qverbeot $4.95 and $6.95 With Side Biuokte $L96 Two Buckle Overshaq . ..:.................... $2.05 Men's . Rubber Hoots in Dominion, Kaufman, Gooderloh and: Mine? Extrat Heavy Red Safe Knee Boots with insoles $5,96 $3.96 $3.60 • $240 $8.50 Brussels Creamery PHONE 22 BRUSSELS rfr=a-•a•••ti niumem��- a6c-lwsafficea STORK WRITES LUCY'S SCRIPT Lucille Ball, vivacious star at the "t Love Lucy" CBS • TV show, describes some unusual problems "The Station Wagon Coat is a perfect 1 In conatttming and script -writing caused her by her becoming an ex - Gift for Him or h(er" ' Portant mother. Look for ">stey's Having a Baby'. by Lucille Bail, Everything is Guaranteed or Money Refunded along with 30 days TOYS moderately p riced TOYS in this Sutday's (Dec. 7> 'Bette •Of Vohs- Gravure American 'Weekly, Credit If Desired. �s� �q �sy� exclusively with the ,petnoit Sandal /phone 11 • ���� Brussels, /Ont. � AV Times. 1rvRS asiVpliV k' Extrs Heavy Red S61es or Slack Soles Boy's Black Soles, sizes 1-5 Children's Rubber 'Boots Ladles Rubber (Boots BAUER SKATES for the Whole Family - Meri's Skates with Safety Guard $10,95, $14.50 and $2b,50 Boys'; Skates with Safety Guard $6.95 and $8.95 Ladies Skates, figure Skates White Ladies Skates Pleasure Skates • Misses' Pleasure Skates Children's Skates, sizes 10 • 13 $12.50 010.00 07.50 $6.80 LADIES OVERBCOTS, Heavy Wool Lining Nylon 09.95 to. $11.95 Rubber 04.95 to $8.50 Velvet $3.95 to $5.96 ' Ladles NYLON Stockings 51 Gauge 15 Denier $1.25 and $1.75 1st Grade Large Assortment of Forsyth and Arrow SHIRTS and Sport ShTrte Ties and Pyjamas for Men and Boys MEN'S All Wool and All Nylon Socks for men $1.00, 01.50 and 02.00 Men's Stetson Hats Mens Monarch Knit Sweaters Largi"""Assortment of Ladles House Slippers from $5.00 to $10.95 from $340 to $10.00 01.25 to $4.96 BRUSSELS NOMINATION the open night and that there would • • W. be more people attend. Jas. S. Armstrong, Grey Town- y . malmm.,....__ ship, representative of the Wingham Area High School Board spoke 00 finances, and R, J. Cowman, sec - Continued from Page One Our Suggestions fc'r I rotary also spoke. w ` i Divn W. R. Little, hydro commissioner, ChristmasGivingthat ev'elythirg was in good Shape. Convenston and tires trimming were all paid for, The rate would go up but there is enough surplus to ab5oi b it for 2 yeana at least. Jack McDonald ,;poke briefly. It is to be regretted that a keener Interest •15 municipal affairs is not, shown by a larger attendance at If you want a watch, that has Beauty, Style, Quality, and 's priced right for you, and will give complete satisfaction, we have just that particular watch you want In Bulova, Mido, Elco, Fontaine, and various other makes of supreme Quality, and uSuperb styling. Watches you would be proud to own, or give dearest friends. Buy at home -- at your Brussels Jeweller, the man, who knows and services watches the year round. FOR HIM - and fitted oases, Billfolds, Pens and Pencil sets, Utility Cuff links, Fancy nomination meeting. Criticism I Lighters, SignetneeRi , etc, Lodge Rings, slid dissatisfaction is voiced during ; Stone and Rings, etc, etc. the year blit people tail •t8 corns to the meeting where these things , FOR HER should be discussed. Magnificent Diamonds of Bridal Wreath, t these Or -Cal Diamonds, priced to suit you.An examination of di onds will convince you of their excellent quality and am Beauty., China c and 6 po. sets. FlatwareFancy Tea Sets and Cups andgSaucers, Fancy Jewellery pe. Fancy Evening Bags. Boxes, Musical Powder Boxes, Daytimt and Thousands of Gifts, for you choice. Make out your Christmas list Now. Come in and see our selection for yourself, por horne Mus, and we will be glad to send you our Catalogue, and order wi be on. Watch mas Specia sllwhich twill ven lbedisplayed mmediate t Intl our windows for from now until Christmas. W. G. LEACH JEWELLERY STORE "The Store for Beautiful Gifts" PHONE 91 (�BRUSS/E�LS�, ONT. AW,,,We,arq,is 0 McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHELLfJSRICATION, SHELL HOUSEHOLD MOD SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES Paarts. and Accessories. Austin Sales and Service SMaraetsad repairs to alt •nakes at oar) and Anoka PHONE 77r0 BRUSSELS, OWS. Machine Shop Now Open For Business At Geo. Pollard's Residence Lathe Work Acetylene Welding Electric Welding Professional service in each line. Suitable equipment for all agricultural and indust- rial repairs. Two men at your service at all times. We sell and service the McCulloch, 1. E. L. a lsston Chain Saws. Dealer for Dairi-Cool Milk Coolers GEO. E. POLLARD Brussels, Ont. Pillion 56r13 NOTICE TO CREDiTROS Ail outstanding accounts owing 'o the estate of the late Mary Whitfield deceased wife of the late Geo. Whitfield, who died on April 30111, 1951. must be settled by Dec. 15th, 1952. to VANCOUVER Dally from TORONTO via MINAKI • WINNIPEG SASKATOON • EDMONTON JASPER Standard and tourist sleeping cars, bed- rooms, compartments, buffet lounge, dining car, modern coaches. GOOD FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKING FOR BETTER CAKES SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT W. L. Baeker & Son BUTCHER SH01" Phone 6 l9roosols me at �:tsre iwowmcoiztowommomemgmaiAtmemeit Ladies Dressing Gowns of Satin, ....Plain Cuffs at $4.95 Flowered Bengaline in sizes 12 to 44 Men's White Shirts, by Forsyth with French Cuffs or Men's White Broadcloth Shirts, Sanforised Shrunk with with Windsor Collars or Plain at $3.75 Men's and Boys Flannelette Pyjamas at $2.98 up • Men's All -Wool Dressing Gowns, Tailored by Bonnington $15.95 Men's and Boys Tony Day Pullovers and Cardigans In a large variety of shades In Cable Stitch and Plain Men's Adam Hats In large assortment of colors and styles Large assortment of Men's and Boys Boxed Ties $1.50 to $2.00 Men's, Boys, Dress Gloves, Lined and Unlined and Mitts $1.98 up Men's Station Wagon and Parkas also Gabardine Strollers and Utility Coats in large range of colors Men's and Boys Ski Caps In, Gabardines and Wool Men's and Boys Socks 10004 Wool or Nylon, large assortment of colors Men's and Boya Sport Shirts In Gabardine, Nylon and Corduroy at $3.95 up Large assortment of Menfs and Boys Flanhelette Sport Shirts Ladles Snuggiedown Pyjamas, Gowns and Bed Jaskets Ladles Slips of Nylon, Crepe and Organdy Trim Nylon Hosiery, Full Fashioned at .98c up Women's and Children's Angora Gloves, Wool Gloves and Mitts Panties at 69c up. Ladles Handbags at $3.25 up Nylon, Crepe and Wool Jersey Blouses $2.98 up Misses' and Women's Skirts Large assortment of Hankies Ladles, Men's and Children Bedroom Slippers, all sizes 98c up Large range of Women's, Misses and Children's Sweaters, all sizes!, shades and colors. flitalteRtgAtRIlltAttallitMACONCAMINeaftiti THEARCADE STORES Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Filial Blyth, Ont. 6.. Brussels, Oat . 5 Mil ,( AIMA Naini Alitali r J+0011 O +Ill -'1 I !i