HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-12-3, Page 5DIAL 980 CEPi 7 DAYS A WEEK. 12:30 Noon (Monday to Friday) (1205 Saturday) SHELL NEWS with PAT MURRAY First with the News In Western Ontario NOTinE 11: you here round tbat pour lxresen Booli-peeping syutoln 1a inedetivate-- er it has been criticised by the Tax Dept, rvlty not discuss the Mat- ter w0th ane. During the past nine years, have illetalled rl:werds of fifeY deers accounting systems among emelt Reeiness men. proLoesiotiai ,nen and farmers. 'rhe installation I ee le moderate— the cost of the actual book, very email anal the system, once hastttll- rri vein be run by yourself wife• a, periodic Audit and Annul Statement by. pie or on a monthly Audit basis, with an Amami eitaternent and 1a• come 'Asx Return, This can be ar- ranged acooeding to your capacity to abso'rb the cost. There is no financial obligation on your part to diaeues your pro- IIII blem. The system retested to above meets all requirement of the In. come Tax Dept. and also the Un- employment Ins, Comm.' S. J. PYMM Business and Tax Service `Office In the Kilpatrick Block LUCKNOW, ONT. In attendance at Offloe Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, Saturday by appointment. Phone - Office 28 W, Res. 28 J. THE BRUSSELS P.OST Mrs. eehn Simmons t ; Them passed areey eu Tee.ed night, Nov, 250a, I8eerlet Or ford, beloved wife of the late J. W. Seamans in her 82nd 'year. S was born is lerumel8. a dutugh of the late Samuel Crawford a Ann Glenn, being ono of a Mm of ten, All exeelst, two, Mrs, Ola Smith, Morrie township and W Crawford, Vancouver Have pr •deceased her. In 1890 she r married to Johe W. Simmons, 'veno e(ar, [narking their home in 13eu , stele until eleven months ago w'iiei he deed, a victim of coal gas poi ening. penin the same effects she spent( three weeps in Clinton Hospi- tal after which she made her Home with her nephew and neice, Mr. an Mast Thomas Miller of Morrijo sh Towip. They bad two elsueh'.ere, Clara and Hazel who died In their youth, The funeral eervioe was itrom•the home of Thomas Miller on Friday. Nev. 28th, being conducted by Rer, A. Lane and Rev, N. Ellis, Inttr- nient was in 'Srussele Cemetery. Pallbearers Ware '5 nephews, Jos Smith Coroilne Smith, Betty Rut. homes' Miller, Arthur Rattan and Alvin Crawford. Floverbearers were, Clama. Ann mile, Caroline Sanitr, Betty Rut• n and David Rueten. • Hltor'a1 tributes were beautitu1 and om, Braeeels neiglhbors; Mr, 'and • Stuart and Miss Mae Skelton, oronho; Mr. end Mats. Jack Moon- , 1141r. and Mrs. Harry Mooney, r. and Mrs. Herbert Town, Win - Peg; Mrs. °haries Simmons and mailer, Wroxeter; Mr. and -Mrs, m Robertson, Mr, and Mrs. Phil Waught, Winnipeg; Miss Maud ten, London; Mise Edna Hillis d Mire. Russell Luanley, St. Thoma; rs. Clara Snaith and family Morris Township. • 4 The Canadian Bank of Commerce 0 1342 • For those you love, make this Christmas an event they'll never forget' Canadian National offers an attractive Gift Certificate covering Train Travel anywhere , to any rail destina- tion . , , for any amount you wish . , , on sale at all Canadian National ticket offices. Easy to buy, easy to use, A gift that's sure to please, CANADIA RATI4 'NAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING' ALL TEN PROVINCES eY 4, ha FOR SALE -- he 1 bookend be la end a entail ter ahet0t of drawees, Sb nd Ir, A. aser Phone 17119 01 ra II FOR SALE — tn, I $200 will buy re goad need Chet. e- I nape, with good Uree, apply al 1 W I Robt. McTadzean, Box '18 Seafortia, x- Phone 290 Seaforth, s• CLASSIFIED ADS. 1 FOR SALE -- s' New "Rooket" coal and wood !range, with reserpolr, used about 3 weeks, 8 fi S to fr T ey • l M, rel Ba Ji Gd en M MELVILLE LADIES' AID Melville Ladies" Afd Society held the .last meeting of tbe year oe Monday night, at the 'home of Mrs, H. A. Keys, with a good attendance, Mrs, Jas. S. Armstrong was lin charge of the "meeting. Following the usual opening and the reports. Mee. Robert Bennett gave the report 01 the Sunshine committee, and read notice of thanks f .rem several re- cipients of boxes. Three mothers who bad received e gift of flowers on Armistice Day each sent messages of appreciation. Homes were offered ice 5 month; meetings in the new year. Mrs. H. Allen offered to plan program for three meetings, Plana were made to serve lunch to the members of the their at the close of the Candle - .light, service in the cbnroh on Sun. day, Dec. 21. Three members of- fered to convene .this event. Mrs. C. Davis presented a new slate at officers as prepared by the nominating committee : President .... Mrs. Jas. S Armstrong 1st Vice -Pres, :,.. Mas. 0, Matheson 2nd Vice -Pres, .... Mrs, D. Hu'ether Sec. Mrs. Wes. Kerr Asst. Seo. Mrs, W. Little Treas. Mrs. 0, Long Asst. Treas. Mrs. H. B. Allen Sunshine tionMre R A, Bennett Pianist Mrs. W. C. Kerr A decision was made to provide 'home-made candy for the Sunday Schoolis Chmistmas party on Monday, Dec. 15th. Mrs. Keys received a vote of thanks from the president and tbe meeeting closed with the benediot- ion. Mrs, C. McDowell coatrlbuted a very fitting reading entitled, A New• Slate of Officers," Lunch was served with Mrs. W H. T. Fulton, Mrs, W; 0. Kerr and Mins. C. Davis assisting the hostess, • ►a i r),nr r Trll r_ ern try 'we epic salary to state that Mrs,. Frank Mitchell is confined to bed with a hoat•t attack, Mr, Wm. Parr, Winnipeg, was a week -end yleitor was his mother Mals. Pan' and else Miss Carrie , klingston, he also enjoyed the Grey otip game at Toronto. ANEW HOUSE EVERY HALF HOUR Veity few of us can visualize a city of 70,000 popnlahon being,,comfort• ably tensed within a three year Per- iod. Vet today's erchlteots and me ,pincers are .li',comnldahtng this In Pennaylvanta, Through amazing neeenthly-11ne methods, an entire tiler Levit;fown, is rising'from roun- hrysltle ialmaet overnight. Tn the eine Weelriy of Derenshor 8 the story is told of Welkin] Levitt, the 'Henry Ford of howling. His eansttelption 4trhhnde supply good, ressonahly pr(netl house toiler than anybody Mee,, Over Nth them. Phone 11Jr8, Annie Buteman, Ethel WANTED — 1 Tain Rog, 7 or S months, ser- viceable age. Iluglt Rinn F'OR BALE 3S0 Hewed. Rock x Red early T lets, ;laying good, also 2 bunches or a n Put• Pigs, chunks, c Phone 15r5 Joe Holmes i 11 Phone 33.11.3 THE UNITED CHURCH "Jesus on Judge" wee the theme of the sermon in the Tluited Choral!, on Nov, 30, the trust Sunday in Ad runt; Jesus !s &avioL1 and Judge Thesis Gwo offices Always go tee gather In IH'im. If we do not accept .Him es Savioue res must receive Him as Judge, The Bibllgal basis al the sermon was John 3:19, "And :this is the conceeannati to that light 1s came bits the world, and men loved darkeners rather than light, because their deeds were evil. The anthem, "I Am Praying by Olutf and Sankey was sung by the choir, H MELVILLEOHURCC On Siwnday, morning at Melville Ohueoli Rev. W. H. T. Fulton spoke on the church Budget. In the New Testament the giving of the mem- bers, is spolren of as the "ldberal- lty' of the saints." Mr. Fulton spoke f the work of Knox College In oronto, and the Presbyterian allege in Montreal, the church's caries for girls, and work of the Porefgn Mission fields, sal of width need .om' support. A member to I membercanhals 91 shortly to be made, r, FOR SALE -, 1 new sleigh, never been used for quick sale to find out vitat ane the greahes 'Wednesday, I)ecentber 8, 1953 ,wn.,•rrrrw•,.••rn ,.,.,-,,,. NEW CARS 52 Chevrolet 4 door sedan 52 Oldsmobile Sedan NEW TRUCKi 52 Chev. %g ton pick up USED CARS 50 Cheer. Sedan, air conditioning heater 40 Dodge Coach USED TRUCKS 51 Chev. Sedan, delivery 50 Chev. 1/2 ton pick-up. RIVERSIDE MOTORS Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, Out, Glen HuetherPhone 75r17 needs of the church. The choir WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH rendered the anthem, ••O 'Taste and SCHOOL STUDENTS WIN FOR SALE •- 1938 Dodge 5 passenger coupe in excellent running condition. Hugh Pearson Phone 11 WANTED •— Rawleigh btrsixese now open In Mean County. Trade well este lisped. Excellent opportunity. Fu .time. Write at mica. Rawleigh' Dept. ML -17152-189 Montreal See" by Goss. leery Dennis was . CARTER SCHOLARSHIP grtest .soloist and Fang, "The Beamtf- fie Garden of Prayer." ST. JOHN'S W. A. The W. A. of St John's met in the basement of the church on Tues. b- day, Nov. 25th. The meeting was Il presided over by Mrs. A. Morrow and a BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE — 6 room house in good condition with hydro, telephone. 'Lew 3 piece bath, and town water, with ee sore land, small barn and fruit trees, situated .in Brussels, an Turobenty Street.,. mac be sold immediateley, apply to Kenneth Beggs, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — Tupperware Plastics announce new drapes, new tablecloths, and Tupper seal oanistera. eto. Phone 56r9 and arrange far r,. demonstrat- ion or call on Saturday and see for yourself for gift suggestion, and for your own use., Geo, Wesenburg. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Have Septic Tanks pumped tale sanitary Way. schools and Public Buildings given prompt attention. Reasonable Rates, Irwin Coxon Phune Milverton 75r4 FOR SALE 100 acro Farm, hydro. good house, barn, driveshed, henhouse, good buah, priced at 86,000.00. 100 acre farm, good house, 8 baiae, priced at $6000.00. 100 acre farm on County Road, house large barn, silo hydro in the hoose priced at $6000.00. 75 acre farm, good house with all modern conveniences, pressure sytem, water softener, eleel driving shed, large barn, priced at $9000.00, 100 arre farm, close to Mghway, good red brick house, hydro, steel drive shed, Large barn, priced to sell at $8,700.00. Number of good houses Village of Brussel., J. C. Long, Real Hstate Broker. Phone 84 Brneeele, Ont, in the BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Do you gasp, wheeze and fight for breath, so you can't get proper sleep? Tem{iiletun's RAZ -MAH capsuihs helpp you to breathe easily, relieved ofwheezing and gasping. They loosen tight -packed phlegm iu bronchial tubes, so it comes away easily. Sleep and work in comfort, take RAZ - MAN today. 65c, $1.35 at druggists, a•55 PHONE STONE'S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS—HORSES WM. STONE SONS LTD. P 4 3NE COLLECT. INPZRSOLL !1 SR Jest1LORINUtItindaNIIIMMINIMMIIIVOSIM T8 opened with The hymn. "0 Lond of heaven and earth and sea" follow- ed by Scripture reading from the 13tb ohapt. of Romans. Rev. Ellis led the prayer period, the members ' Mayer and The Lord's Prayer in unison A short business period and electiom of :officers for 1953. Mrs. A Morrow, president; Mrs. G. Davie, secretary. A oh'apter from the sandy book vias read by Mrs, Morrow and two missionary stories from the Anok, The Glory of the Tmpossible," were read by Mrs, Davis. The meet- ing closed with prayer. Tea was ser ved by a committee. CRANBROOK Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allen. Cameron were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin, Margaret and David, Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie, London. Airs. Clam. Omstead has returned home from several weeks spent in St. Thomas, Mr, and Mrs. Lynn ..vans were entertained, :along with a number of relatives and friends, at a dinner at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Evans, 14th con., on Thurs- day evening, Nov. 27th, it being the occasion of their 'fortieth wedd- ing anniversary. Mr. ,and Mrs. Bob Raymond were gnestbs of honour at a party held In Cranbrook Community Hall, on Friday, of last week. Music was supplied by Walbee's Orchestra Lor danehig. During the evening, 3 purse of money was presented to the young couple. Glen Huether read the address and. Moo McIntosh made the presentation. Bob, on behalf of his wife, 'the former Doreen Menzies and himself, and ex- pressed their apareciation to their friends, for their kindness, The fifth meeting of the Oran brook Cotton Styieltis was held in the Community Centre on Nova 17th. The meeting opened with the dinging of, "The More We Get Together", followed 'by the minutes. Eleven girls answered the reel call by seat- ing a finials that I ane stsin'g for my these. Our leaders ',old us about facings, bfa,s binding and the fleet fitting. This wee followed by is demonstration en how to out end apply laoings, Each girl basted up the top of her dress and had It ori, For 'homework we ate to have the darts and 9uclrs stitched up perman. eptly. Tire meeting closed with the singing af, "God Save The Queen." A delicious hunch was ser- ved afterwards by the ltesbesses, WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOT' Always a Cargo steak IN Chalone* Granites to Chose forme All modern maohinsry. famous for Cemetery .lettorinp a slteot ffel Artistic Memorials et very reasonable prloe. R• A. SPOTFON Phone 256 — Wingbam, Oat. Congnatulaltians , are extended' to Miss Barbara Gaunt, daughter of 111r. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt of IBagt Wawanosh, and to Mies Louise Bowman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maas. John Bowman of Morris town ship. Mise Babara Gaunt was award• ed the First Carter Scholarship for Huron County, and Miss Louisa Bowman the Second Carter Schol- arship. Tire Carter Scholarships are awned - ed annually to the students obtaining the highestaggregate marks on ten Grande XIII papers. Miss Barbara Gaunt Is attending the 'University of Western Oaterie, London, and Miss Louise Bowman the Stratford Normal School. These students have upheld the eicellent scholastic record of their school WANTED tor prompt pick -an. Dead and dleepled arm Ill PPercyd Stephenson, Stb.1, ragas Brussels 85r12, Collect. Separator* seri cetera. + D c doers, Maung . Spreaders. Lime and Fertiliser Sween, 5peiag-tooth Aseow 1 boor wheel tractors and crawhas, 1 Plows, Discs, Spreading, t Newer*, Hay Loads% Smalley Forage Blower, Nadi ihsa We apo ars reps fat' { tribes' Coc shalt Tr implement Dealers ter Carver implements MORRITT & WRIGHT :myth, vee BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L., NI. C. C. J�t►'ifbns PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Phone 4. Brussels, one. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate UUniversity of Toronto Telephone PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Brussels. Ont. JOHN E, LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Eransined. Classes fitted, Phone 791 Seaforth Mai Street. • HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to ! p,sr, Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Telephone 65 No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral lime Licensed Funeral Director and Embalming Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service Dales' Flowers EICIII, yely T3. A. Dann & Co. FUNERALAdo BULANc SERVIt' Licensed Funeral Director and Fanbal ser PHONE 36 or 65 — — BRLISSELB.®illi. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and B ,- AT mons ). �and 20:Saturday all day —• t open ovary Soccessor to IL D. la Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Cs. Canada Health and Accident es. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x Brum* J. A. Monagahan, R..0, Optometrist LTSTOWEL, ONT. Specialising in Eye Examination and the Fittiing of 011utp Office in Lisewe! Clinic Boring Halm 9:00 a.ns. to 6:00 p.m, damyi Cloeed Wairagr p. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 701 911111. Other evenings by appointment Phone IOW Chas. 1'. Davidson rte` INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS ,A:atontctblle and Fire Insurance • ^l Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insmtance Co. Plion. Office 96 Briw b, O. C. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGNAiK At Kntcardlne Office Every Tilesiar. Phone Wingbam 770 & 5, ithicarlibmt1, _iEvenings by Appointment Lewis Rowland Or 8 Walton. °as suite. TISFACETON GUARANTEED PRICES RF.A9ONAHLII Ent agements Phone 3t "The Brnsseis Post" Par inf'otsnaths etc., write or phone Lew. Pow ,m be looked after hrtmcld.atcly