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The Brussels Post, 1952-11-26, Page 8
MORMACSIMIIMUMAttRiViSeAreStgAIIN Lovely Fragraant Cosmetics Gifts by Yardley of England Gifts for Ladies sand Men Lip Sticks — Keyed to Fashion, matching colours, beauty preparations, complexion cream, cleansing cream, cold cream; face powder and rouge, lavender, bath salts, bath powder, lavender soap and talcum April Violets Talcum Soap and Per- fume, toilet waters, Lotus Lotion Cologne, wooden shaving bowls, shaving lotion and Men's Talcum, Combination packages, A Gift by Yardley, makes a delightful sur- prise. For the Biggest Value Going in Christmas Cards — See Our Big Value Assortment of Fifty Cards in Box 98c. Looking for the Newer and more exclusive Christmas Cards? Then see our display — You will be pleased with them. ® It. SMITH Rexall Drug Store No. — BRUT. um. McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE IHELLUBRICATION, SHELL HOUSEHOLD AND SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES Parts and Aocessorlea Austin Sales and Service ©uarantsad repairs to all hakes of ears and tavola PHONE 77r6 BRUSSELS, ON7. DON'T LOSE OUT BY SHOPPING LATE MISS AMERICA "E" 17 jewels expansion bracelet $4575 COMPLETE SELECTION NOW! PRESIDENT 21 jewels expansion band $5950 WILL HQLD ANY ULM/AUNTIL CHRISTMAS CANADIAN GIRL 17 jewels $5950 EASY CREDIT Leach's Jewellery Store The Store .for Beautiful Gifts W _.... _ Brussels, Ont. Phone 24 -- Brussels, Olt. • Station Wagon Coats for Men DuVal Top Quality Surcoat $21.95 Fur Collar $25.95 DeLuxe $34.95 LADIES Beautifully Furred Sturdy Station Wagon Coats plain or pleated backs, various colours Station Wagon Coats tor Children $9.98 up. Jackets of All Types. CRANBROOK On Thursday evening in the Com- munity Centre the ladies of Knox Presbyterian Church held a gale of baiting, bandy and sewing ibex Mrs. Dunn, president of the Young Women,. Auti,lliary presided for the first- pant which., consisted of singing two yeses of Psalm 108, "L'nito the hills,', selections on the Plano by Miss Margaret Perrle, and the guest speaker, Dev. W. M. HMI. man. Sandw.iohes, cookies and coffee were served and a silver co1- leobton taloen. sir. ,and Mrs. George Raymond, Windsor, and Mr. Albent Foenster. I?Sonkton, were Sunday visitors with 1 i1r. and Mrs. Allan Cameron. Miss Mina Baker visited in Galt `the past week. Elyth Village All acclaimed : Reeve, William H. Morrjht. Council : Fred How - eon. oweon.. Cecil Wheeler, George Rad- ford, • Le,wis Whitfield. Board of Education: Mrs. J. B. McDougall, Mrs. Franklin Baintnn; Donald T1 owes, P. D. C., Stewart Johnston; aMy.y -tea, MELVILLE YOUNG WOMEN'S GUILD The November meeting of the Young Women's Guild was held at held at the home of Miss Irene Pease with ,twenty-two members in attend• ante. The meeting opened with .the singing of hymn 409, followed by repeating the Lord's Prayer, Isabel Gibson then read two humorous poems. The Scripture was taken . Per tho MILKING HERD MU our pain with ar adniC• Sappls • make a rail millmnaking, PURINA COW CHOW IFOR DRY COWS To help ilulld lay eows.4'.`or '.doted calving ltroubles and extra milk ahead, feed Purina Bulky -Las and bits —half and hall! 'BULKY -LAS and 0 TSS' Brussels Creamery from Mark 1, varves 1 - 22. Elizabeth Cardiff then read a poem on Re- membrance, followed by a short pnaYer. Isabel Bibsou gave the topic which was based on "The Word". Hymn 663 was then sung followed by the repeating of the M9'zpa1h Benediotion. Isobel Adams and Margaret Sween- ey were appointed to act as a nominating committee. It was decided that, the teaand bake sale to take Place Nov. 29 he -4 canceled and held early in, Jan- uary. Sassie Martin and Thelma Cardiff moved the. meeting adjorn, A lovely lunch was served by Isabel Gibson, Elizabeth Cardiff and the hostess Irene Pease. WATERLOO LOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" - We are holding Promotive Educational meetings as follows: TUESDAY, DEC. 2nd. 8:15 p. m. PALMERSTON TOWN HALL Dr. C, A. V. Barker of the 0. V. C. will be the special speaker, He Will show moving pictures and slides in regards to artificial insemination and abnormalities in females which cause breeding troubles. Dr, Hawkins, the President, Manager of the Breeding Unit and the Agricultural Representative will be present They will briefly discuss how the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association operates and answer any questions. Consideration will be given to represestati,n on the board of directors of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association. George Geer, Roy G. Snyder, Manager. Agricultural Representative Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association Machine Shop Now Open For Business At Geo. Pollard's Residence Lathe Work Acetylene Welding Electric Welding Professional service in each line. Suitable equipment for all agricultural ;and indust- rial repairs. Two men at your service at all times. We sell and service the McCulloch, 1. E. L. and Dlsston,,Chain Saws. Dealer for Dairi-Cool Milk Coolers GEO. E. POLLARD Phone 56r13 Brussels, Ont, Wedneaday, November 2013, 1852 PEARSON'S ; SHOE STORE Full line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's LightRubbers and Snow ,Soots Trade Your.. Old- Skates For New :'iberal Allowance phone 11 Brussels, Ont, PHONE 22 BRUSSELS rerszamosar ETH EL ' v, The fourth meeting or the FJthel Young People's Society was held in the church basement on Novem- ber 17 at 8 p. in, with Bob Gunning , ham in the chair, The meetingopened with the singing of a hymn. The Scripture reading was read by June Gathers and taken from .St, Matthenve, chapter 5 verses 1 - 20. The Lord's Prayer was then repeated. The minutes of last meeting were read 1 and approved, 1 Pt was decided to use "Oar Heritage and Our Faith" in which 1 to find topics for tabule meetings. A committee of Sour Bab Gunning. I ham, Isobel lckmier, Mary Richards, and Douglas Dunbar were appointed to 'arrange plans for a Candle Light Service to be held on Sunday, Dec- ember 21. -George Tunney's group Was ap- 4poinited to hake the meeting for next month. This was followed hY the topic given ,by Ross Eeksniei•, He spoke on "The Burning Bush.,' Themeeting closed with singing of the Hymn "Faith of Our Fathers' and the Benediotion. The sixth meeting of the `"Ethel Few an] Sews" was held at the home of our leader on Friday, Nov. 21st, at 4 p. m. Seven members were present. The president was in .the chair, calling the meeting to order, and opening the roll call. answered by a special feature in my Record Book. Grace Lamont read the min- utes of the previous meeting. The business followed. The girls agreed to have a Chrlatmes party on. Fri- day, Der. 19th. Committees were chosen, to bring lunch and arrange for entertainment. Jean Fraser and Marilyn Bowes, oake; Donna Alex- ander and Jane Cathers, cookies; Anne Pesten, Grace Lamont, sand- wiches. Mrs. Richards and Jean Rock were to provide refreshments The contents of our Record Books were reviewed for the benefit of the members who were absent from the meetings. The asst. leaxlet• read in• formaation on the first fitting. The roll call for, the next meet- ing was to be answered by giving reasons for choosing the- color of my material. The home .assignments were to l.ning record books u.p to date. Have our dresses ready for fitting as much as possible. The members worked en aheir dresses. and then returned home, Wr and Mrs. Arthur Rock visited with lir. 'and Mrs. 0. 'Rock. Kin sardine daring the Week -end. KITCHEN SINKS — White .porcelain ..enamel dated .i sinks — or in faeotuattng colors — 16 x 20 single flat rim and 21 x 14 double sinks with ledge. Daae. board sinks for kitchen, cabinets with chromed crumb cup strainers i chromed swing spout faucets. Wrfla for cataiogus or visit our modern ehOWrOOIn S. V. Johnson Plumbing Sunnitea Gtmeetavilie, Ontario. PHONE STONE'S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS — HORSES WM. STONE SONS LTD. PH.)NE COLLECT DRAWLS n NEW CARS 52 Chevrolet 4 door sedan 52 Oldsmobile Sedan NEW TRUCKC 52 Chev. 1/2 ton pick up USED CARS 50 Chev. Sedan, air conditioning heater 40 Dodge Coach USED TRUCKS 51 Chev. Sedan, delivery 50 Chev. %2 ton pick-up. RIVERSIDE MOTORS ren • Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Supertest Gas and Oil Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. ( New Fall and.. Winter Goods , NOW ON DISPLAY Men's Penrnans 95 shirts and drawers $4.95 a garment. Men's (Penmans) 71 merino shirts and drawers $2.50 a garment Men's (Penrnans) 27 fleece lined shirts and drawers $2.25 a garment Boys (Penmans 71 combination, sizes 24 to 32 — $2.98 a suit. Men's (Penmans) fleece lined combined** $3.95 a, suit. -.r Men's (Stanfields) all wool red label shirts and drawers $4.75 a garment ' Men's (Stanfields) all wool blue label shirts and drawers $5.25 a garment — Boys (Mason Knit) combination $1.89 a suit. Meo's red sole 16" rubber boots (made in England) sizes 6 to 11 $4.95 a pair Men's all wool work sox - special 4 pair for $3.00 Our stock is now complete of men's, women's, boys and children's station wagon coats, parkas, satin bomadier jack- ets and gabardine top coats with zip -in quilted linings at very reasonable prices. Come in and see our full display of fall and winter goods at no obligation to buy. • THE ARCADE STORES ssrw Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Fadi* Blyth, Ont. Brussels, OM