HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-11-26, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST Hugh MOKay 1 CL Funeral service for the late Hugh Mc:ltay were held on Wednesday Nov. 19't)i. room his late home lot 29. _ cc^u. 10, at ,2 o'elock, from Alone:Hoff United Church at 2.30 a'elook, Seg, • vires were conducted by Rev, 11, Thomas of Walton, Pallbearers were Lesile McKay, Lindsay Moray, Forest McKay, Lundy i,'cKay, Flrank Kirkby and Wm, Moses. Lard to rest In Harvey's Cemetorw. • S'1 Morris Yelleck �T( Thane passed away suddenly on Ilritlaiy morning, November 21st, --`\ Morris Yolleek, for many year a resident nt Brugsgid. Fc i' td U(9U, a4co," The Canadian Bank' of Commerce Bonn in Podkanmen by Breda' to the then Austrian province of Galicia, the 'deceased' was 71 yrelars of age. Ile migrated to Canada when eigh- teen, coming .to Toronto lir/Karel • of 1898, In 1900 he arrived in Wing hang and after several s ya'ars In Seaforth and Blyth he settled in 1 Brurgselg, ASSIFIED ADS. WANTED.,,. Good used typewriter. A. SilaelaIi' Picone Brussels 92x WANTED -- Boarders. apply hi Mrs. L. 7ermyn Phone 90 FOR BALE... 28 Pigs, 9 weeks old. • Lincoln Martin Phone 20r24 FOR SALE'-- 1948 Chevrolet IMrs. Oiiestev Riotous Picone 13rassels 77rt9, --- FOR RENT — One apart.mint in the Terraaoe l Phone 16 1 FOR SALE 1941 Luxury Liner Dodge Sed fluid drive, clean inside and on low mileage. J, O, Long Phone FOR SALE —: Girls matte figure skates like tie size 7. Boy's skates, sizes 8 and Roy's Ski Boobs like new, sure 8, Airs. Leach Phone HOUSE POR SALE — 6 room house, hardwood boors, bathroom and cupboards, on Queen 91,,,Brussels, Ont, Phone 70r6. In 1907 ,hit was married, to Anne Rae Matweia of New Torn who sur- ' elves him as do Live _children, Joseph, Gerltmffie (Mrs, Saanoei Hap. Deport), Ben, Sant and Harold all of Toronto. Three brothers, all former Brussells residents survive as do five gnancllohildren, The deceased retired hi 1947 after a hear' attack *hen his salvage business was purchased L. Waxman ,a'l :lived at 19 Heddttrgton Avenue 1., Toronto. Dnrkag the last few ^^"n be travelled and wintered in in1A"din and New York: For; SALE - - FOR SALE '-, 1988 Dodge 5"passenger oortpe in excellent running condition, Hugh Pearson n Phone 11 FOR SALE — Ladles' Bloyole, praetioally new, also 1 a bunch of pigs read to wean and i some just weaned, l L. Querengeeser Phone 83r14 'WANTE----s--'—^------" _ i Relighle 'man as Denies in Huron `1 County. 13xperienco act necessary. A flue opportunity to step into old 1'uofitable bns1nese where Rawlelgh Products have been sold for yearn IIig p'rotii+s, Products furnished on' credit, Write Rawleighrs ,Dept, ML -K-152.1113, Montree. DIED BROWN. Russell — M his home 19 Lanus St„ on Tuesday, Nov, 25, 1952 are, Geo. E, Ferguson and Elf- . Russell Brown, dear brother an, t zmbeth Brown, Toros+o; Mms, L. F. ( t, I Button (Nettie), Vancouver, be, I loved uncle of Mit. D. W. Npcham i 84 (Jean), Russell B. Ferguson, Mont- real; Mrs. Ross Turcey (Mary), Bluevale. SevoJee Thursday atter i w, noon. 2,30 o'clock. Interment Park 1 9. Lawn cemetery. flhe late Mr, Brown 'will be re- 91 membered by many in this com- munity. He worked, at one time at the Jas. Fox drugstore in 13nts- sels end played football with the Brusselsy team. WANTED — Carble sprayed for lice. Reasonable sates, apply to A ouenttty of dry limb weed, Don. AFDonalrl Phone 56611 139.2 Da.n McKinnon Phone 24r12 WILL SELL ORt EXCHANGE r For sale It pair of size 4 girl's skates i and boots, white, will buy size Bllor 7.girls skates and boots, white. Phone 12Jr6. so• The infantry machine gunners The Canadian Infantry Soldier is a vital part of our expanding defence forces. In Korea he has built a wonderful reputation for his courage and ability. Wherever he goes, the Canadian Soldier has a way of winning friends — of impressing both friend and foe with his outstanding training and soldierly qualities. The Infantry Machine Gunners are an integral part of the Canadian infantry regiments. With their heavy and accurate fire power, the Infantry Machine Gunners have time and again in Korea proved how extremely important they are in attack and defence. Play your part in Canada's most important business today, defence. Yon are eligible if you are: 17 to 40 years of age, (tradesmen to 45), physically, fit and ready to serve anywhere. Apply fo fhe nearest Recruiting Depot:- No.13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau &Charlotte Sb., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Begot Street, Kingston, Ont, 'Canadian Army Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. No, 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Maln Street West, North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, James St. Armoury, 200 James St. N., Hamilton,` int, Araew-o volek CANAOII'L N ARMY �C IIIE FORCEF NOTICE — Order your Christmas Turkey and avoid the last minute rush. As the batauct will be sold oat of town, Jack Wheeler Phone 12Jr13 WANTED Applications will be received for the position of organist and cb,oir leader of Bhtevale United Church. duties to commence on Tan, let, 1953. Herbert W, Garnias. 11. R. 4 Wingham, Ont WANTED — Mother's helper, small family, two children. Pleasant room in cheer- ful friendly home. Good salary, Apply by Ie'tter to Mrs. Ben 'Pollack, 90 Collegoview Avenue, Forest Hill Village, , Toronto, 12. Ont. FOR SALE — Tupperware Plastics announce new drapes, new tablecloths, and Tupper seal oats/stem etc. Phone 56r9 and arrange for s, demonstrat- ion or Ball on Saturday and see for yourself for gift Suggestion, and for your own use, Geo. Wesenbarg. FOR SALE -- Crain grinder, electric separator electric milping machine, 5 elect- ric brooders, 'electric water pail heater, water pails and butter milk Jars Mor chicks, ramga shelters, large electric clothes ironer. Fred Sinclair, R. R, 2 Walton Seatorbh, Phone 843r14, SEWAGE DISPOSAL Have Septic Tanks PlasPed tris Sanitary Way. Schools and ,Pnblic Buildings given prompt attention. Reasonable Rates. Irwin Coxon Phone Milverton 75x4 FOR SALE -- 100 acre Farm,, hydro, good house, barn, driveshed, henhouse good bash, priced at 86,000,00. 100 aore 'farm, good house, 3 barns, II Priced at 86000.00. 100 acre Bare on County Road, house large barn, silo hydro In the 1w1tse priced at 86000,00, 75 acre farm, good house with all modern conveniences, pressure eytem, water softener, steel driving shed, large barn, priced at 89000,00, 100 arra farm, close to highway, good red brick house, hydro, steel $rive sited, large barn, priced to sell at 88,700,00, Number of good Fences in the Village et Brustlels. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker. Phone 84 Brussels, Out, MORRIS FEDERATION HOLDS ANNUAL TURKEY BANQUET The Morris Township Federation of Agriculture held the annual tur- key banquet and annual meeting, Tiaudsday evening in the/Foresters Hall, Belgrave. Rev, 0. D. Cox said grace. Atter the dinner, provided by the Guild of Trinity Anglioan Church, here, Dick Procter, the president introduced George Hetherington, past president, who introduced the guests et head table. Clark John son led in a sing -song, accompanied by Mrs, Murray McDowell, The president reviewed the year's activities. The Huron County Fed- eration president, Robert MoKer cher, was present and spoke brief- ly en' •bhe situation regarding dairy Products, grain and beef, anri also stressed the importance of haying a women director en the county exectnblve. County Warden Harvey Johnston spoke briefly, followed bi a solo by Clark Johnsen, accompan- ied by Mrs. Murray McDowell. Expects State Socialism Mr. Cox introduced the guests speaker, Rev, Norman Rawson, ITsntilton, who gave a talk on what he had seen and heard while on a trip through Europe. He said that the world is changing, and that he ,thinks that state socialism is due .to come here in the future. From his observations, he thinks England ran not solve ber problems apart from conitinental Europe and the '9 West He said that there •a.re no longer the poor shuns in England that there used to be, and that food Is quits plentiful bet the people haven't the money to buy it with. He also spent some time in Spain, which he desclbed as a poverty- trieben country, and also one of the cheapest counties to travel in. Ile told of going .to a bull -fight while there, He declared that he would rasher have a "poor democ- racy" emonracy" titan the "best dictatorship," Nelson Higgins moved a vote of tha.nps to Mr. Rawson, Clark John- sen contributed another solo accost. panied ors Mrs. McDowelI. Mr. McKercher took charge for the election of officers for the corn- ing year, who are: president, Dick Procter; viee.prestdent, Jim Mair; school section directors, S. S. 1, Mr, and Mrs, -Louis Phelan; S, S. 3, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Yai11 S. 8. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Watson, 5.3, 5, Ma'. and Mre. H. wllkinron S. S. 6, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sawyer; S. 8. 7, Mr, and Mrs. Herman Nethery; 9. S. 8, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Thom as; 8. 9, 9, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnston: S. 8. 19, Mr, and Mrs. Fleming Johnston; 11.8.8. 3, Mr. and Mrs. B. Craig: U. S. S. 4, Mr. and Wins. G. Flatter; U. S. S. 8, Russell I)endcrson T1.8.4 11, Mr. and Mrs. G. Blake 119.9. 12Mr, and Mrs, M. Richmond' T .$.S, 17, Mr. and Altr, i,, ilolt: hog producers' linea tors, hihert flacon and Robert ro,titros; croon; produc'i' ' directors, Pernik: innmidge and Carl Tohn- stnn; nnyltry prndu' is' directors, Ti. lt'nllr',h: rofn9ry director, T1i111 Procter; woman director to ecmnty, me:, T11rk Prnrfir: anflitnr. Georg -1 111'nrlin, Wednesday, Novamber 36th, 1063 .a grand NEW waif to MERRY CH l p ISTMAS For those you love, make this Christmas an event they'll never forget! Canadian National offers an attractive Gift Certificate covering Train Travel anywhere , .. to any rail destina- tion , , , for any amount you wish .. , on sale at all Canadian National ticket offices. Easy to buy, easy to use. A gift that's sure to please, CANADIAN NATIONAL THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL TEN PROVINCES WANTED Dead and disabled rarm =baton -wanted tor prompt Plek-ug. oas Percy Stephenson, IDthei, Plasma Breeseln 85r12, Collect, WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP, Always a rarer; mock In Choletec Granites to Chose tram All modern machinery, famous for Cemetery lettering a alseelast$ Artistic Memorials et very reasonable prices. R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256 — Wingham, Ont. j Separators and W iter& Docs, Plows, Mariam Spreaders, Lime and Fertilizer Sowers., Spring -tooth lisnrrws be wheel tractors and enwy% Plows, Disci, Spreader, Mowery Hay lsadsre, Smalley Forage Blowers meld 1t1OOR We also ave repairs Ice Gliunir Cocihoshatt Tras .,noraanewrt Dealers for 'etnrer Implements MORltrrl• & WRIGHT tltytth O$. BUSINESS_ CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURQEOA WHIlasta , Phone 4, _ bels, Oat. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Gra;dunte University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 46 Brunels.Ont. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eves Examined, C:1asses fitted, Phone 791 Seaford' Main Shoot. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12,30, Sat...9 a.m. to 9 Walker iFuneral Home ^_ Day or Night Calls Telephone t,.. No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral Saone Licensed Funeral Director and Ernhalraaa' Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service Dales' Flowers Exchtsiyely ID. A. Rami & Co. Licensed Funeral Directorand EmVIbalmerPHONE 36 or S6 _ a. USSELS, 0114T. R. S. Hetherington, K. C WINGHANI and BRUSSELS . ,,; AT Tseday.ffi and S,a.,...,to J.._ _ owns eery alikr., Phase 20x Successor to E. D. Rd Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance C,. Canada Health and Accident qtr, Casualty General Insurance Ca, Phone 43x J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, Speclaiizing In Eye Examin n0an the F)ttia of Glow Office in Liezxwel Clinic EW AN/ Herat 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.na. daily; (Acari W, -'--,ds , Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:01I M ed& Other• evenings by appointment Phone f:4, Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL ICIIVD3 Automobile and Fire Inssranes Accident and Shaman Agent for Great West Life Inseranee Oen Rona Office 96 Drum* O. G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick SL, WINGHAM At Kincardine OfEce Every T Phone Wingham 770 l91 5, I� R, ete Evenings by ,tppointtnent. Lewis Rowland • C1te vrrk. to It R. 3 Watt,vn. (Licensed For For Huron Caunty) "&TISFACT/OjN GUARANTY PRIG REASOWAllia 'ar Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Peer' onssi for 8tfasm ation etc. write or nhoree Oram, 4lto e he !tanked after £fnntedistely m