HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-11-26, Page 1THE BRUSSELS
Authorized as
second olass mall, rest Ottiee Depatameu't, Ottawa Wednesday, November 26th, 1952
Post Publishing House
$2.00 per year - $2.50 I.
In Brussels Town Hall on
Music by Wilbee's Orchestra
Dancing 10 to 1
Everyone Welcome Dress Optional
Sponsored by I. O. O. F.
Admission 50c Lunch Counter
In Cranbrook Community Hall
There will be a Formal Dance
TUESDAY, DEC. 3,,0th
Keep this date open.
All those interested in playing
Juvmille Hockey.please contaot Hugh
Feaason as soon as possible.
Thank You.
will be held In the
MONDAY, DEC. 22nd at 8 p. m.
Admission 25c
Children of the Sunday School FREE
' Santa Claus will make his an-
nual Lions' sponsored visit to
Brussels an Saturday, Dec. 13th.
1 hereby give notice that Nomination
of a Reeve, Four Councillors. Three
School Trustees and One Hydro
Commissioner to serve the Village
of Brussels during the year 1953.
will be held at
Brussels Public Library Basement
From 7 P. M, to 8 P. M.
If demanded a Poll will be opened
at the following places on
Palls to be opened from
9A.M.to5 P. M.
Polling Sub -division No. 1 in the
Counoil Chamber in the Town Hall,
D. R. 0. Joseph Wilton, Poll Clerk,
Menne Jackson.
Polling Sub-dtv'ieIon No. 2 in the
basement of the Public Library
D, R. 0.. R. J. Bowman." Poll Clerk i
IIE'n. Wblttard.
G. R. Campbell, Returning Officer,
Melville Church
Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton
10 a, m. Sunday School
11 a, m. Morning Worship
United Church
Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane
Moaning Worship — 11 o'clock
Jesus, the Judge
Church SObool — 12 o'clock,
Sunday lavenjng, Dec, 144h
Chrletmae Cool Service
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rim. A. Norman Ellis, M. A.
Advent Sunder,
Nov. 30th, 1952
K Jehn'e Owen. arusule-
11 a, m, Morning Psag'er
Sunday School
aF. Mavl/'s Unify Haalr>III
2,30 g. m. Evoning Prayer
Sunday School
Bt, Georg&Pe Chink, Walton
7.80 p. m. Holy Communion 111,1161.01111MIMIMMIE
On Wednesday evening, No;etnber
13, alrma 60 friends and neighbours
gathered et the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Bewley for a surprise
panty on the occasion of their 25th
wedding anniversary,a
During the I
evening Progressive euchre was
enjoyed. After a bnief sing song ,t
there was a sheet programme con-
slsting of plane selections and read.
The Majestlo Women's Institute
Brussels held their fancily night to
the Town Hall on Friday evening,
Nov, 21st, with a goad attendance.
Everyone eat down to a bounteous
pot luck sulpper.
Phis was followed by a. abort meet.
Ing which opened by singing the
!agitate Ode Members were re
minded to take 'donations for the
boxes fee` the shirt -Ins to the Decem-
ber ;meeting. Mao, Stephens an-
nounced that the "Work Shop"
oounse would eminence on Monday,
Nov. 24th, in the Library,
This whs followed by a short pro-
griamme ' - Miss Isabel Speir, Pres -
Went of the Junior Institute gave an
interesting report of her trip to
1Veetern Canada end Talked Stakes,
which sinhal h 1 taken last summer
Plane solo, Marion Hoover; Reading
Biane solo, Marion. Hoover; Reading
Mits. Harald Spelt-; Duet, Mario
and Barbara Turnbull, The two win
items of the Public speaking conte
ei , Reeve -- •Clifford Rowland (AGO),
John ,MoNaltb
Deputy -Reeve — Hugh B, Smith
Oouneiilars-4,)iif0ond Dunbar (Ace!)
Win. E. Bishop (Awl.)Kenneth Morelia-las
Halyard MONauglut (Aocl,)
Scih,00l Trustees Walter Mc-
Farlane (Accl.)
John Conley (Are1.)
Watson Drown (Acol,)-
Lloyd Wheeler,
The Grey •townrlittp nomination
meeting was held on Monday alter -
noon in the7krwnshrp Hall, Ethel.
John Pearson was appointed chair-
man for the meeting.
Seereliary-Treasurer', and mem-
bers of High School Boards called
to 9rllattarin. Carl Hemingway ask-
ed to speak Met. He explathed why.
n there was a separate financial state-
. merit for *,lie schools this year, He
st also gave an outline of the receipts
at I3russe'Ls Fair, then delivered their
epeer:tes, Marion Hemingway and
Ronald Lane.
Mrs. Wildfong of Moorefield then
delighted the audience, with her
totures of their recent trip t
Alaska, 'United States She als
)lowed a few seenos of the St
Jawmence River and Quebec,
William -Turnbull, President of
he East Huron Agricultural Society
thtanked the Institute for their co-
°pane'tion et the Fa,r. The awards
from the -fair were then presented,
Mr. W. G. Leach presented a boautti.
ful silver plate to Gordon Knight,
Who won the top honours in the
alts olass. Mrs. Hempel of Wrox-
er was presented with a silver
cam and sugar sot from Robt
Munson Co., by ,Tames Mair for
king the most points in the ladles
otian at the Fair, J1aanes Mair also
eeented a silver dish 'to Leslie
night, donated by the T. Eaton Co.
Toronto. Mr. Pumnbnll announced
at th? results of the 4-7-1 Club
aurid be made known ata later dada,
most enjoyable evening was clas-
sy -Rh singing "God Save The
sen °
gagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Smith of
tivel, announce the engagement of
their daughter Alice Rebecca to
Lloyd David Keifer .son of Mr. and
Mas, Telford Keffer, The marriage
to take place early in December,
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bewley were
called on fora number. Mr, Ed.
Buena read the addresls and Mr,
Fralser presented the happy couple °
wjth a beautiful pair of -Woollen
blankets, Mr, Bewoy {ranked cr
their many friends with a suitable S
reply, A delicious lunch was to
served, 5e
- — g�..� .�jr...,. K
A baptism ry
1 service was held in A
Knox United Charah here on Sun- ed
day, with Rev, C. D. Cox in charge Qu
Babies baptized were ; Brenda
Lcuise, daughter of Mr, and Mre, En
Ben Huskinson; Richard Ross, son
of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Anderson' ,
Bmrce James, son of Mr, and Mra E
James Mason. of
o ur aaaeo it n+as a plenelire to serve
o 1 on the Board and thanked his sup-
and expenditures.
Wassail Brown, thanaaw res mov-
er and seconder. Repairs were nnade
at No, 12 and No, 4 schools. He said
they had a good class of teachers.
Personals Mrs. Annie Rae.
Wroxeter, With Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Wightman -and family; Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Blake and daughter
Lynne, London, with Mr, and Mrs
George Johnston; Mr. and Mrs,
Herb Lennox and son Tom, List°•
wel, width Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
W. Hanna; Mr, and Mats, Ceclt
Milnes, Niagara Falls, N. Y., and
Mr- and Mra, Harold Cantelon;
OWen Sound, with Mr. and May,
Hatay Mcaufee,
Seaforth, Ont,
Nov..2Y - 28 - 29 Technicolor-
Ray Mlliand Helena Carter
Redskins on the war -path bring act-
ion excitement and suspense. Gen.
George Custer leads the atack on
Sioux, v u.
Dec. 1-2.3
Paul Henreid John Sutton
See All Baba's cave swallow armlet;
the wonder of Aladdin and the
strength of Slnbad. Don't miss the
dramatic story of the Arabaian
Dec. 4.5.6
Walttr'Pidgeon Margaret Leighton
Prevailed upon by Sootland Yard.
Drummon" emerges from retirement
an helys'aolve a large scale robbery,
it's mystery and drama combined
in a great story.
All children undtr sixteen must be
accoinpanied by an adult.
The family of the late Hugh Mc-
Kay wish to thank their friends and
neighbours for the kindness extend-
ed to ahem during thele recent ber-
eavement far the the beautiful tri-
butes and earls of oyinpathy. Special
lel thanks to Rev. Mr. Thomas, tJ
those Who acted as pallbearers and
flower hearers and to those who
loaned cans.
2 shows nightly 7.30 — 940 P. 111.
Matinee Saturday 2 p. m.
Fri. Sat. Nov. 28 - 29
Blazing guns of the Lawmakers free
the Arizona territory in the exciting
story of
with Sterling Hayden — Arleen
Whalen. ...,
Mon. Tues. Wed, Dee, 1 - 2 - 3
It's the laugh hit of the year
Clifton Webb — Ginger Rogers In
Everything happens when Clifton
Webb a Proffessor turns out to be
one and only DREAMBOAT ex movie
idol. All over the land bobby soxers
scream and women swoon. '
You'll swoon with laughter.
- 'OFFER $160,00
Monday Attendance Card Mght.
'Thur, Fri, Sat. ,,., Dec. 4 - 5 - 6
America's favourite family Is back—
in their hilarious growning up story.
It's fun from start to finish whir
Jeanne Crain, Mryha Loy, Jeffrey
Hunter and Edward Arnold,
John Conley expressed gratitud
to Mr. Pearson for being Chairma
for . set°eral years. He entaye
rvorkliug ori the Board ons
lits mover end seconder and wish-
ed everyone the compliments of the
Kenneth Mcllarlatte said the Aud
tiler's report •Itµud been explained to
him, He mentioned the Warble
Fly spraying and hiring of swayman, Asiced why Road Supt. was
still selling 'tile and dement.
Ciifferd Rowland replied to quest-
ions asked about Rttver Scheme,
Machan. Drain. Quips, Drain anti
Raton Drain,
Geo. McDonald had listened to dis-
cuesion and had a few things to go
over. He meatiane'd that during the
camp.algn lest year there were
stories about Hall at Molesworth and
the roars atCrawlnrook being hard
s'urfaeed. Thought it n bad year to
• put penalty on taxes. Thanked them
' fortho priviledge of speaking.
Special music and speakers feat
used the observance of "SfeClenitc
Fa'nday" in Melville Church on Su
day teaming, when mmnbers of the
1 Young People's Society, •, assittsd
by Gordon Firth of Hamilton' anal
Bill Warden of Niagara Falls,
studenbn alt Waterloo College, con-
; d.ueted the advice. Rev. William
%i T. Fulton tnihroduced the
speakers a:nd explained- that the
1 local Y. P. S. had undertaken to
Sponsored by Branch 218 Canadian Legion
Brussels Town Miall on
FRIDAY, NOV. 28th at 8.30 p. m.
15 Games for $1.00
Door Prize Cash Specials 25c Card
Our Suggestions for
Christmas Giving
1f y„u want a watch,, that has Beauty, Style, Quality, and
is priced right for you, and will give complete satisfaction, we
have just that particular watch you want in Bulova, Mido, Eke,Fontaine, and various other makes of supreme Quality, and Superb
styling, Watches you would be proud to own, or give to your
dearest friends. Buy at home r- at your Brussels Jeweller, the
man, who knows and services watches the year round.
Pens and Pencil sets, Utility and fitted cases, Billfolds,
Lighters, Cigarette Cases, Lodge Rings, Cuff links, Fancy
Stone and Signet Rings, etc, etc.
S.1171 FOR HER —
Magnificent Diamonds of Bridal Wreath, Bridal Sell and >-
Or -Cal Diamonds, priced to suit you. An examination of these
diamonds witi convince you of their excellent quality and
Hailoware, Flatware in Plate and Sterling, China in 9dpc., and
66 pc, sets. Fancy Tea Sets and Cups and Saucers, Fancy Jewellery
Boxes, Musical Powder Boxes, Daytimt and Evening Bags.
Thousands of Gifts, for you choice. Make out your Christmas list
Now: Came in and see our -selection for yourself, or phone us,
'and we will be glad to send you our Catalogue, and phone or Mail
order will be given immediate attention. Watch for our Christmas
Specials watch will be displayed in our windows from now until
e 1 raise :this congregation's share 01
n 1 the Bursary Fund for the 'f1manicdm1
d assistance of young ,tlhoologicel
students. The visiting students
each pr•eeehed a sermon,
Bill Adams, president of the 'Y. -
,i P. S. and Edata. Mae MoIntee were
•i ir. charge of the scripture rea.dinr;
his mover and seconder and intend
ed to sign up. He said the sate
lyayens have given the Trustees
co-operation also the High Sohoo
Board is givin,
good serlvice
Thought the repairs to No, 12 and
No 4 sohaois will be appreciated.
He called attention to the tact the
Trustees salaries we*, shown in
the Financial Statement this year.
72 elected he would do his hest to
Walter McFarlane was not pres-
ent when his name was called.
Lloyd Wheeler had only been an
the Board for four or five months
and was not prepared to make a
James Armstrong, representing
Grey in, Wingham District High
Shctooi. New school in Wdnglvam
not in Immediate Mame. He men
tinned that Grey Courdl had re-
queated an ttemizd statement.
Howard McNaught explained the
request. T -Te also spoke about the
bus route , and the hiring of bus
Andrew Brenner, repneseting
Listowel High School. Two groats
were recevied on Deb. debt this year
malting the -rate lower. Thanked bhe
Gray Twp. Council 'for staking him
representative. He stated the bus
conitatacts wane the cltes,pest of
expenses. A ban was belt for
Agrioultuaal puaipasfes,
Council called to platform
Clifford Rowland thanked his
mover and seconder, also council,
clerk and all nwnicipal officials.
He. went over the Auditor's State-
ment and onsivered cueetions on it.
Andttons riecomntend Lncrease in tax
rate, ala mill was added this year.
He dddn^.t think we should try to
have a surplus. He gave credit to
the School Board for bolag'very
John McNabb mentioned he had
been present at Nominations for a
long time, He apoke about the
Counily Rate, River Scheme, Mach-
an Drain and Subsidy on Roads,
also. the Bolton Drain,
and prayer. A men's choir sang an
anthem, with solo part by Miss
Mary Lon McFarllan,e,
,Tames S. Armettiong presided for
the pres'ntatios of enld St. An-
drew's pins to eight nhtdents of
the Sunday School who had com
plated seven years of Perfert at-
tendance: Mary Agnes Higgins,
Sheller Alderson, Joan and Helen
` dWilean, Katherine Riddick, Rib.
Ma,rttzt, Prank Wil'or, and Jim
1 "Christ's Motive For Giving," was
'the steimron theatre in the 'United
1 Church on Snmd,'{y, Nov. 23. The
Biblical basic of the sermon was
!Matthew 6:14-21, "Lay not up for
ydulreelves• Areal -sneers on realroh
I where meta and dust doth consume
and where thieves break through ans
steal; But lay un for yourselves
treasurers in heaven where neithtor
moth nor rust doth ocnsnime and
'where 4th Ives do not break through
!nor steal," For where Yana treasure
.there will yaur heart be also"
( .Giving to the work of t'he King.
dem, Christ says, is the one perman-
ent investment that anyone can
make. The New • Testament stories
at The Rior Man and Lazarus. The
Rich Yonne Ruler; The Rich Farmer
and The lTndmet Steward, were ng>d
;as illustrations rf this trete.
A,ttentton was drawn to the fact
that one half of • Christ's parables
are concerned with the .right re-
Lation'ship of matoria] things to the •
spiritual life and that one tenth of
the Gospel of Matthew has to do
with She meaning of true riches. The
anthem was. ",Terns is always
there" by Li/tenise.
Turnberry Township
Reeve — John V. Fischer, (w:ecl,)
Commit Herb .Foxton, A. D. Smith,
Hugh Smith thanked his mover
and seconder. He evaid there Was
a n/4 million in Treasttry for Court {
House at Godorlelt, Ile disculssea l
the Bolton Drain and Roads, alto
the Tamm. bank debt
Wm. 12. Bishop thought things
,lrad gone along very well, Last
some sribsldy on roads which made
it necetatsa' to tn!orease Township ,
Rate. He wished everyone the
compliments of the season,
Clifford Dunbar thanked his mov
er and seconder for the honor a' .
gain, Has iearned a ' groat deal
deal this year. Mill rate raised on I
speculation. .
Hesitant McNa•uglit mentioned the
Mot 'it was primeticnily a new
Coatnoil. The road work was order- ,
ed by entire Council. A mistake
en the Meehan Drain, but cost ac-
cented by rateptiyers. He thanked
W. 3. Willits, Harry Tinint, Jentes
Elliott, (arra.)
School Area Txneiees, Bert Hol. 1
nresa. Eldon Kirton, Edwalyd Pow- 1
ell. (acct.)
I would like to thank all those 1
who sent me cards, letters and
treats and visited me while I was
a patient in Wimghani Hospital also
special thanks to Dr, .R. W. -Stephens
and ail the natrning etta.ff of Winuham
Hospital. Their 'kindness shalt ai.
ways he remembered,
Gilbert Speir
Mr, and Mrs. Jahn F. Howard,
Listowel; are happy to announce the
arrival of their son, Warren James,
at Dr. 112,yer'a Nursing Home, Brus-
seta, on Wednesday, Ndv 196, a
heather for Bryan.
"The Store for Beautiful Gifts"
pn FpF,.,,e
Win $150
Commencing Nov. 1, 1952 to Dec. 24,1 952
Each Buyer of a -Car Purchased from
Brussels Motors, at a value over $300.00,
are entitled to the Draw to take place on
the Eve of Dec. 24th, 1952.
1952 Pontiac Styline Sedan
1952 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Coach
1951 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Sedan Power -
glide $1995.00.
1951 DeLuxe Fleetline Sedan
2-1951 Chev. Styline Sedan at $1850.00.
1951 Chev. Styline Coach $1850.00.
2-1951 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Sedans
1950 Chev. DeLuxe Fleetline Sedan
fully equipped.
1949 Chev. Five Passenger Coupe
fully equipped $1495.00,
1949 Plymouth Special DeLuxe
Sedan $1395.00.
1949 Meteor Sedan, Completely Recon-
ditioned $1295.00.
1940 Plymouth Coach
1938 Ford Coach
1948 Chev. g Ton Pick-up and
1946 Mercury 1/2 ton Panel.
many older models to choose from
Brussels Motors
Huron County's Ferniest Used Car Deal*
Brussels, Ont. Phone 73x