HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-11-19, Page 1RUSSELS Post Publishing House lutheeiied ae eaaelel4 clan Wet Peet Qtttee D lIeritrmettai Otte r+4 DANCE In Brussels Town Hall on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Dancing 10 to 1 Everyone Welcome Dress Optional Sponsored by I. O. O. F. Admission 5Oc Lunch Counter DANCE In Cranbrook Community Hall There will be a Formal Dance TUESDAY, DEC. 40th Keep this date open. _ MELVILLE CHURCH ' .4t Melville Church on " Sunday morning, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton bas- ed hie sermon on the parable of the labourers in the vineyard, pound in 20th chapter of St, Matthew. Gerald . Gibson Bang the solo, "My Task", (Ashford), and the choir rendered a !dwelt anthem, "God be in my Head'f by Watford Davies. MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1' hereby give notice that Nomination of'a Reeve, Four Councillors.. Three School Trustees and One Hydra Commissioner to serve the Village of Brussels during the year 1953. will be held at Brussels Public Library Basement Frum 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 28th, 1952 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following pieces on MONDAY. DECEMBER 8th, 1952 Polls to be opened from 9A.M.to5P.M. Polling Snb'clivisiou No. 1 in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall, D. R. 0. Joseph Wilton: Poll Clerk. Merino ,7ackson. Polling Suberlivielon No. 2 in the basement of the Public Library le, R. 0.. R. J. Bowman. Poll Clerk Ben. Whittard. G. R. Campbell, Returning. Officer. SPECIAL BUS TRIP - TO - TORONTO - ON - SATURDAY, NOV. 22 at 8 A. M. from Pearson's Shoe Store To see the Royal Winter Fair and the N. H. L. Hockey Game between Montreal Canadlens and Toronto RETURN TRIP $4.00 Ralph Pearson, Bus Operator Phone 48xr4 or 11 Brussels Make Reservation Please., remormoviagemo THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Chunolt Brussels Minister, Rev. W. H. T. Fulton 10 a m, Sunday School 11 a. m. Morning Wors'hdp Special Y. P. 8, Service United Church OF CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Moaning Worship - 11 o'clock Christ's Motive for Giving Church School - 12 o'clock. Come and Warship IMMIMPIV Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. A. Noonan Ellis, M. A. Sunday before Advent November 23aid, 1$52, es. Miter cfnewn. 11 S-- 11 a. ni. Morning Prayer Sunday School St. David's t.11urnM. Ns1Mr,m 2.20 li. In, Evening Prayer Sunday 8obool St. Georges Chink, Welton 7.30 p. m, Evening Peewee MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that Nomination of a Reeve. Deputy Reeve. Three Councillors and Three School Trust. Fes to serve the Township of Grey during the year 1953. will be held at TOWNSHIP HALL. ETHEL From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. - MONDAY. NOVEMBER 24th. 1952 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY. DECEMBER 8th, 1952 Polling Sub -division No. 1 at School amuse S. S. No. 4. Policing Bub-diivisioln, No. "al School House S. S No. 1. Polling Stab-ddviston ' No. 3 School House S. S. No, 2. Polling Sub -division No. 3A Coma/lunette, Hali. Walton. Polling Sub-dtvislon No. 4 Community Hall, Monorief1. Polling Sub -division No. 5 To mshile Office. Ethel. Palldmg Siulb-rivisian No, 9 School House S. S. No. 5, Polline Sub-sivi.eion No. 7 Commnndty Hall. Crembroolr. Polls to be onened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Edythe M. Cerdiff. Returning Offiree at st- at at at at MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that Nomination of a Reeve, Four Councillors and Two Scheel Trustees to serve the Township of Morris during the year 1953. will be held at MORRIS TOWNSHIP HALL From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 28th, 1952 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY. DECEMBER 8th, 1952 Bolling Seledivi:sion No. 1 et School S. S. No. 1: D. R. 0. Richmond Miller: P. C., Jack Nesbitt. Polling Sob -division No 2 at School House S. S. No. 9; D. R. 0., Cl- ence Marten: P. C.. Frank Bell. - Polling Suh•divdeion No. 3 at school House S. S. No. 5: D. R. O„ Geo. Mollie; P. C., Hurry Goll, Polldng Sub•div'Isdon: No. 4 at Morris Township Hall: D. TL 0., Ernest Smith; P. C.. Clarence Yuen. Polling Sutb-division No. 5 at„Sohool House S. S. No. 7: D, R. 0., James Oaaemore: P. C.. Ross Smite. Polling Stub -division No. 6 e;t School House S. S. No, 10; D. R. O.; James Johnston; P. C,,, Ross Turvey, Polls to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Geori:e Martin. Returnine Officer REGENT THF. ATRE I. The Agetunn Tivankeeffeiring of the i Auxiliary of Tete Women+s Mismton• any Society was observed on Sunday, Nov, 16th, The semen theme was "The Clburoh's idissdop and Prayer." The oatt9cem, "Since Jesus 00100 Into My Heart," by Gabriel, wGus sung by the .choir, THE UNITED CHURCH WORK SHOP IN HOME CRAFTS Mlle Women% Institute Branch and Home Ecomomees Service of the. Ont. Dept, of Agriculture are sport coring a Work 'Shop in home Orafts in Brussels, Library basement front Nov. 24 to Dec. 5 inclusive. Classes In various cruets will 'be soheduled according to the ''hereat o'f the individual. Choice will in- clude leather craft, weaving, text file printing and needlepoint. tj Miss Florence Wright well be .the inetteuebor and requested that all interested be on hand the first after- 1 noon Nov, 24 at 2 p. m, So your time and material can be arranged for, 'Phis work shop .includes the ! neighbouring 7nsttitues in the dls• I trier. CARD OF THANKS Sincere thanks is here given to all those who helped in any way in, thue success of the opening of the new if'R;ivenstide Mentors". The kindness of tbose mho sent Mowers for the occasion - Lions Club, Can- adian Bank of Commerce, H. Thomas, Hen. Forbes, Herb. Strett- ou, C. & G. *Kreuter, n, N. Ma Donald, D. A. Rant and 0. Gillis and all others who extended con. gratelations in advertising, or any form, was appreciated, George E. MCCuteheon, ST. JORM'S GUILD The November meeting of the Women's Guid of St. John's Church .. was held at -etre home of ibIrs. H. Aryans on 'xhnrsday, November 13, with a good : ttendanoe, The meeting opened with the hymn, "Fling out the Banner", followed by a divot• donbl period led by Rev. Ellis, who gave us an inspiring talk onthe three steps to the Christion faith, namely. Baptism, 'Confirmation and tare Holy Communion. A short business period followed. The minu- tes of last meeting were read by the secretary Mrs, Wm. Fischer. Monthly dues were colleoted, The next meeting to be on the 1st Tues., Dec. 2nd, instead of the 2nd Tues- day. Miss Maude Rtya,ns invited the larches to Luer home for the next meeting. Mr. Ellis closed the meet- ing with. prayer. A Woman o4 the Bible quiz . and other contests were enjoyed. A datntey lunch was ser. red by tine hostess assisted by Mrs, Wm. Rester. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded :Hers. Bryans for her generous hospitality, NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS Pegelow's Shoe and Harness Re- pair Shim will be elostd on Monday, Nov. 24th. Anyone wanting to leave yoelt or get anything may do so by calling at The Brussels Poet. J. C. Pegelow, CAPITOL ILISTOWEL (THEATRE 2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p, m, Seaforth, Ont. Matinee Saturday2 P. m. NOW PLAYINO• - Nov. 20 - 21 • 22 Technicolor "THE WILD NORTH" Stewart Grainger Cyd Cnarlase The R. C. M. P. goes after their' man and get him. Filled with excite- ment and a gripping Insight Into the problems of human survival. - "MY SIG 'CONVICTS" Nov. 24-25.26 John Beal Gilbert Roland First show starts at 7 p. hi. He became part of the'reform move ment and probed the minds of hun• dregs of convicts. Conine the safe cracker,' does a bank Job by re. Deese Nov. 27 • 28 • 29 Technicolor "BUGLES IN THE AFTERNOON" Ray Mllland Helena Carter Redskins on the war -path bring act. Ion excitement and suspense. Gen. George Custer leads the atack on SlouSi, COMING "THIEF AF DAMASCUS" • Fri. Sat. Nova 21.22 Out of flaming hell comes the never before filmed spectacle of the smoke jumpers 8.... Richard WIldmark, Constance Smith, Jeffrey Hunter In "RED SKIES OF MONTANA" ,Down • down • down from the skies they plunge into a flaming inferno- You'Il thrill as never before. Mon, Tues. Nov. 24 - 25 "DOWN AMONG THE SHELTERING BALMS" The screen's big South Pacific feast of Muslc-Malde and Men starring Wltllam Lundlgan, MOzl Gaynor, Gloria De Haven. TUESDAY FOTO-NPI'E 'OFFER $150.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. • Wedn. Thurs. Noy. 26, 27 Tris Is one man's amazing story - the story of a fellow Fate couldn't push around. He made a heart thhllling comeback from a ehatn gang to fame, fortune and freedom. James Stewart as "CARBINE WILLIAMS', ,with Jean Hagen, Wendell Corey., VVednehday, ' November 19th, 1952 ETHEL JUVENILE TEAM FETED Ethel Juyenlle Seer Team, wine ter et the Belleeeds Motors Trophy, emblem of Huron County Football League, were guestte of honor at e bantlueit held 1n the Township Hall, Ethel. A committee of some of the • mothers of the players, with dopa• j time from the Women's Institute, l end the merchants of the village, provided the fine' supper. The c'helemairr of the evening was 1 Cliff Rowland. Reeve of Grey town,. 1 eh4p, and the guest speaker, Mr.1 Elston Cardiff, M. P., who amused the gathering with tales of the early i cloys of Huron Football. Quest Dob• . son spoke on behalf of the referees, who like himself donated -their see ' vices, Mr. W. C. Stevtnson Meted i staades of early W. F. A. days 1 Stevey played his fleet game about. I sleety year; ago. The three hovel wbo have Bern captain of the team i spoke a few words. They were ; Marvin Godden, Gerald Richards; and Donald Bateman. l2weod Milne who .scored the winning goal spoke bidefly. Greets were presented to the team. I At rthet close of the program El- 1 wood Milne called Ed. Richards t 'tanager end coach of the team for i six Years, forward and reiad an vele! drest of appreciabimnfor his work 1 with the bays in the oommundty.I and Douglas Dunbar presented him I with e hill fold and key ease, from I the boys. Mr. Henry Bernard di Forest, whir guitar, sang severe' 1 solos, during the evening, SANTA CLAUS iS COMING TO TOWN Santa Claus w 41 make lite an- nual Lions' false iilered visit to theme's op. Saturday, Deo. 13th. FRIENDSHIP CI•RCL.E A. very Pleesent and profitable tine wars spent at the 'United Church on Wedagedby enren*rvg, Nov, 54111, when tlue larches of the Friend ship Clyde held their No'amber meeting, Meq. Tlsernpson of Wing• ham who 'ears ,be'en serving on the mission 'feed in Trinidad nigh home on eueleugh out present' was a guest speaker. On invitation of the Clrole a gtood!ly number of liadies from our own ohtit' li and neighbouring eeteeenes were present. A short buntness meeting of the Circle was held prior le the assembly meeting. The moll call, "Suggestions for im proving our next year's meetings", vvas answeeed .by the members. 4 nominating conunlietee of Mrs. A. Cardiff, Mrs, L. Wheeler and Mics L. Mitehefl way appoinrted to malre up a slate of offierrs for next year Mars, P. McCurtcheon and Mee.. G. Steveneon were appointed 'fro hake charge of the Junior Congregnticn for the mmrth of November. '7t was derided to send oun' layette to the Clhtideen's Shelter at Goilertelt. The members were rerfiinded to brine their holiday Cha3stmes hells to the: December• meeting. After a.esemleeleg with the rest of the ladies in the Sunday School room the theme hymn, "Blest be the Tie that Binds" was sung, followed by prayer by Mr's. A. Lance, The Soripture passage was ,read by Mrs. L. Wheeler. Joyce Miller favoured the ladies with a Peano solo, "Whispering Hope." Following the e.inging of hynnn 259, Mrs Thompson was asked to address the ladies on her work in Trinidad. Mrs, Thompson expressed her pleasure at peeing so many eaddes from the other churches, especially the Pres- byterians as she -eorktd with the Presbyterians in Trinidad. She claimed that Cher were 2 classes of peotrle, the Neg1ees and the West Tnliar,s living in 'Trinidad, but be - meet, of the feet that they refused to have anytMnr; In common with erh o,n•er. Trey nod to choose tbeir line or woes with one or the other. They enose•the Indians. Their mor- als were very lave- but considerable progress was being made Go convert then to the C'hviettian way of living, She :aid the Sunday Selmel pap - ems and pretty greeting cauls were very acceptable to help tthefr work there, as they couldn't afford to buy them and the ohildren. enjoyed then re.^y touch. At tlhe close •uf her address :the president Mrs. C. Bryan5 thanked her on behalf of the Circle and the guests for bar interesting and inspiring address and presented her with a small gift as a souvenir of her even- ing in Brussels, Mrs. D. Davison then favoured with a solo accompanied by Mrs, E. Mar- tin Which was much appreciated by all. The meeting closed by singing hymn 199 and repeating the bene- diction. A social half hour was then spent over a cup of tea, sandwiches and cookies served by the committee in charge. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Robert Davidson wish to announce the engagement of their d,au.gleter Gladys Viols to George F. Lott son of M'is. Olrarlotte and the late Mr. le. Lott of New Liskeard The marriage will take place in New Liskeard on Nov. 29th. MORRIS TOWNSHIP SCHOOL B'OARD All members of Morris T. S. A. Board were present at the regular Novembe2 meeting in the Township Hall, Minutes of the October meet- ing were read and adopted on rnotion of 11. 'Tronas end R. Watson, Alms. Speir and Miss Whitfield re- prssenling Morris teachers, present- ed a .negnest :bhatt. the Board sub- sOribe to the Huron County Library. Motion T. Dundas and R. WartSOH, that the seererte:ry write reaardirfg the planing ,ot hooks in Morris Snbools. Motion of Geo. Miahie and T. Dundas auth stied Ithft. tbllaw- .img payntele s at bite bilis - J. M. Dont $20.69; ,7, W. Winston • 990.64: Advanc'eTimes $10.23: Mrs, 13, Plunkett 32,19; Mra, D. Tlnlli4nan 96.26; Blyth Standard 010,92; reneger Tyros 3150.98; Mac- Millan Co. $5.16; Brussels Herd - ware 34.80, Tt wets derided that all members of the ,TInird shcnld attend the Township Sehool Aaron: Boards Con- venie n in r;•..'nit en Nev. 1Ile er ete„ of el, Theenec nod G. Miele to that the stecmetery prepare n. rieeeriel report and have it Tweet -me en r ,. eeeeenfetton i51 •tl1a Tnwns'rip Nrminmdion nay. hUOtinm of R. Watson and T. Dungy rins ,h'nt the. mecting adiomm. R, 8. Sleety, secretary, •4: $2.00 per year A $2.50 O BRUSSELS SEWING CLuB Third Meeting The third meottng of the Deese -eel Cotton Chitin was held at the home of Mrs. W. Bell on Nov, 1st, The I meeting opened with the singing of 0 Canada, The 'roll Call, "A line in nlothes that suits ore." The "eeretary read, the minutes of the last meeting. Our leader then show- ed us how to nee a treeing wheel. t. We had a lesson on correct posture. On bow to stand and sit correctly. They then showed us haw to lay the k♦ Pattern on our material. The meet- ing closed with the singing of, "Gal .. Sate The Queen", Joan. Macha.n'� and Lois Bone then eeryed the girls with delicious candy, Fourth Meeting The foutlr meeting of Brussels Colton Cluties was held in the Lib• ratty on Nov. S. The meeting opened with 0 Canada. 'Phe Toll call was answered with. "Each girl sitting amici 'standing tcoa'rectly." Minutes of the last meeting were read. A vote was 'taken on the design for the cover of our books. It was derided to have 11 in the form of a backward "Z". The leaders showed us to haw- Lo a sda,vlining en the Foams of one• dress, They also show- ed how to make a bound button -hole, 'lhe ineetina closed with singing "God Save The Queen's, Marisa Mctndee talon served dslloinee rend~ at the cense of the meeting, BORN PEARSON - To Mr..11nd ells. Geo. Pearenn at Dr. Myer's nursing , home on Thursday, Oct, 90th, a i stn, 11on,ald Richard. i PEOPLE WE KNOW * • • Mira. Gordon McDowell and Misys Florence MoNaugbton are visitors in Toronto. * * * Mes, Gllazier, Stratford is a elettor in town this week at the home of her sister Mrs. Joan Henderson, • • * Mr, and Mrs, Wm, McDowell and slaughters Joan and Ann of Toronto, spent tete wee', -end with Mrs. G McDowell. • • e Wmtl Inas been reeeivned team Regina of the paseing sway of Mr'4, John E. Beveridge on Nov. 1st, the decearsed wale the former Alice Re - hew, Cardiff, a damghter of the late Totem and Rebecca Cardiff, Stitt eon. of C,u'ey and sons In her 85th year, card is survived by one eon Eric or the Dept. of Agricultural. Regina. Mee. L. Ross, Saskn,toon, T4nthleen, ttiarli:ar in the city, and Alice, baak- leecpr, and 'also five grrandsan Nelem Cardiff, Rnnsiselle, is a broth. et, and a sdriter MRIs: Harry Bantltff, C1dnlan, Mrs. Beveridge was a lite long 'amber of the Anglican filutnnch, Serial hook place . fn the family plot QtiApmrtle BAZAAR A The W. A. of Belgrave United Church wilt hold a Bazaar in the church basement oxo Nov. 26. There will be aprons, fancy work, home baking and other articles. 'Afternoon tea will be served. Melville Presbyterian Church YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd T'he Morning Service will be conducted by members of the Y. P. a, Addresses will be given by Students from Waterloo College, There will be Special Music. Theyre Sack Again in Person KIDD and ADA BAKER AND THE PINE RIDGE MOUNTAIN BOYS PRESENTS AN ALL-STAR WESTERN STAGE SHOW - and DANCE Show starts at 8,30 sharp. Dancing at 10 o'clock In Brussels Town Hall on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th' Admission: Adults 75; Children 35. TURKEY BINGO Sponsored by Branch 218 Canadian Legion Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, NOV. 28th at 8.30 p. m. 15 Games for $1.00 Door Prize Cash Specials 25c Card in S15o. In ash Commencing Nov. 1, 1952 to Dec. 24, 1952 Each Buyer of a Car Purchased from Brussels Motors, at a value over $300.000 are entitled to the Draw to take place on, the 'the Eve of Dec. 24th, 1952. 1952 Pontiac Styline Sedan 1952 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Coach 1951 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Sedan glide $1995.00. 1951 DeLuxe Fleetline Sedan 2-1951 Chev. Styline Sedan at $1850.04L 1951 Chev. Styline Coach $1850.00. 2-1951 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Sedans 1950 Chev. DeLuxe Fleetline Sedan fully equipped. 1949 Chev. Five Passenger Coupe fully equipped $1495.00. 1949 Plymouth Special DeLuxe Sedan $1395.00. Power 1949 Meteor Sedan, Completely Recon- ditioned $1295.00. I940 Plymouth Coach 1938 Ford Coach TRUCKS - 1948 Chev. 34 Ton Pick-up and 1946 Mercury 1/2 ton Panel. many older models to choose fro t:�• Brussels Motor. Huron County's Formost Used Car Det it• Brussels, Ont. Phone 73x lc