HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-11-12, Page 7taECar}tC1f'i SPORTS COLUMN
0 Hundreds ofe hockey followers cheered
silently when, a few weeks ago, six new
nominees to the mythical Hockey Hall of
Fame included such semi -moderns as "Old
Poison" NeIs Stewart, and free -wheeling
Bill Cook. Six in all were named, and the
other our, while not so well known to
modern followers of the game, revived nostalgic memories among.
older enthusiasts who remember hockey in its formative years. For
the names of "Dickie" Boon, Moose" Gobcen, "Mickey" Mac-
Kay and "Moose" Johnson were aa well known in their day as the.
Richards, Howes, and other stars of today.
It is extraordinary that the gentlement who make these nom-
inations should have overlooked Stewart so long. For it is 12
years since he completed hockey's most productive chore, by scor-
ing 324 goals in 15 seasons of play with three different clubs,
It is 26 years since Stewart scored 34 goals in his first year,
when only 36 games were played, a mark never since achieved
by any rookie, won the Hart trophy his first year, and led his
Montreal Maroon team to the Stanley Cup and the O'Brien Cup,
We claim that no such combination of feats has ever been recorded
before, and possibly never will again.
They called hint Old Poison because this big, seemingly indolent
player who skated with such deceptive laziness was sheer poison
to goalers, and baffling to defense players. For an entire season,
Stewart fooled practically everybody. He skated so casually, in
his easy-going way, into the midst of things, and suddenly, the
puck would be nestling in the opposing nets, and Stewart would
be credited with another goal. And the dead -panned centre would
skate slowly away, still chewing thoughtfully on his gum.
Stewart was a big fellow. Six feet in height, he weighed 200
pounds, was game to a degree, and opposing players who ,year
after year, tried to shoulder him out of scoring range found them-
selves bouncing off his stalwart frame. He had thick, powerful
wrists, was quick as a cat wben the puck hit his stick, and could
whip it away with uncanny accuracy.
Bill Cook was the trigger -man for Rangers Cook -Boucher
Cook line, one of the finest in hockey history. A swinging, long -
striding skater, Cook seemed to be skating in circles, but that
was the typeof play this threesome used so effectively. This for-
ward line slid passes while going full speed, and always there
was someone there to pick up the pass, and throw a deadly accurate
shot. Mostly these apparently pointless passes found their way
to Bill's stick, and then it was every goaler for himself. Cook
played until he was in his 40's. On durability alone, he rated
Your comments and suggestions for thk column will ha welcomed
by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge Sf„ Toronto.
As is usual at this time of the
year, the men who have access
to Grey Cup tickets—or are sus-
pected of having such access—
are beginning to hunt for cyclone
cellars or other hiding places
where they can take refuge till
the storm blows over. Some say
that if there were sufficient ac-
commodation at Varsity Stadium
more than 100,000 would attend
the great December classic — a
statement which we greatly
doubt. Still, the demand for
tickets certainly does exceed the
supply, and there will be the
usual numbers of squawkers and
belly -ethers when the precious
pasteboards are flnnally doled out.
But if the men behind the Grey
Cup thing have their troubles
and .griefs, how wbuld you like
to be the guy in charge of an
arhnd where more than 100,000
nuts annually do turn. out. We
refer, of course, to the California
Rose Bowl affair—and here are
some of'tile'ibings that the man
behind has to put ul' with as re-
ported by Frank Waldman in
The Christian .Science Monitor,
The dogthat, invariably runs
out onto' the playing field during
almost every college football
game of any consequence is a
Minor . nuisance- as far as Bill
Nicholas is concerned. The, in-
quisitive animal, perhaps eager
for a closer view of the line of
scrimmage, causes him not one
fraction the concern that do some
of Bill's two -legged customers.
As general manager bf Los
l LC
Angeles Memorial Coliseum 'and
President of Pasadena's Tourna-
ment of Roses Association, Bill
Nicholas this year will play host
to more of football -going Amer-
ica than any other man in the
country. It is a job of which he
is inordinately fond. It is also
a job beset with problems.
« « *
"Right' now the most grief and
thought is being given to control
of the kids who come to our
games," Bill conceded. "Why
they come is a mystery to me.
They're not interestee in the ball
games. They create disturbances,
they climb a'l over, they throw
things. They get restless and run
around and when they do that
they disturb our uther patrons.
We have guards, matrons, and
porters to help control them but
we aren't having "much success.
And unless the situation im-
proves we are going to leave to
put our foot down and just keep
the kids rout"
Nicholas's troubles are not
confined to members of the.
younger generation, There was,
for example, the night immedi-
ately before tickets went on sale
for the 1947 Rose Bowl Game.
It rained that evening In fact,
it poured. Long before daybreak
the thousands who had stood in
line like so many oxen waiting
for the ticket booth. to open
were soaked to the skin.
4 e 4
Californians are resourceful
people. So, in the intervening
time before the dawn carne up
like thunder out of South Pasa-
RPU%$ED Itef AAt elES
• iOrean' talus(-Nc}ws op shows where the U.N. forces recaptured
vital hil1Iio>fer rlrlbie ing up "The Hook' and destroying n full
Chinese regiment In the Korangpo secior..On the eastern front,
Communist probing attacks witire repulsed near the Punchbowl,
and as far east as Kosonp near the coast
What's In It Fer Me?—Candy, two-year-old infant elephant at the
Zoo, checks pockets of trainer Neal Dapolite for her favorite tidbit,
carrots, a liking she shares with Bugs Bunny. Candy is destined
to work for a living, will be trained to carry children on her back
about two years from now. Meanwhile Candy takes it easy, plays
around the zoo enclosures and picks Dapolite's pockets regularly
for the well -loved vegetables.
dena cross the way, they built
fires. They lid it to provide
warmth and shelter. The only
trouble was that for firewood
they used several Coliseum'
benches that were the property
of the Park epartment. If it is
any consolation to the City pur-
chasing agent, they burned beau-
« * *
It is too bad you cannot read
Bill Nicholas's mail, at least some
of it. Recently he received a letter
from a professor at one of the
local universities. Bill's corres-
pondent had a complaint, one
which he felt was a legitimate
one. Seemed his daughter had sat
adjacent to the student rooting
section at a Coliseum football
game where a rooter had spilled,
slopped, poured, dripped, and
otherwise cascaded portions of
the beverage he was endeavoring
to drink upon the person of said
professor's descendant. Obliging-
ly, the professor had included in
his letter a notation of a $2.50
cleaning bill. Would the Coliseum
please remit cash for same?
* e «
"We didn't, of course," Nicho-
las laughed. "We're not liable
for claims like that, .lthough we
do carry public liability insur-
ance up to $2,000,000."
* « *
Like every theatre and rail-
road terminal, every airport and
large, municipal building, the
Coliseum bps a thriving lost and
found department. Not surpris-
ingly, the biggest commodity, and
the greatest turnover is in child-
"They are always getting lost,"
Nicholas moaned.
Lest the man be accused of
anti -juvenile tendencies, let it
be pointed out that the general
manager has two children of his
own, a boy and a girl. They are
polite and well-mannered. After
what their father has to put up
with at his Coliseu, they iiad
better be!
Priceless Carpet
Kissed To Shreads
When ex -King Farouk bowed
to the dictates of General Ne-
guib, he relinquished something
more than his royal titles of
King of Egypt and Sovereign of
Nubia, of Kordofan and of Dur -
far. He also boasted the claim.
of former rulers of Egypt to be
a "Protector of the Holy Places
of Islam." '
In the past the great Mosierre
princes of the East asserted their''
rights to the guardianship of
Mohammed's birthplace by the
annual despatch of a splendid
caravan to accompany the stream
of pilgrims to . Mecca. In the
centre of the cavalcade ambled
a gorgeously caparisoned riding
camel, But no one rode. on its
back. The empty litter symbol-
ized the spiritualpresence of its
powerful, owner..
Of 'these niahnlal caravans,
none was riehel or more impres-
sive •than 'that.. of the King 'of
Egypt, For, gtiarded by thou-
sands of 's0lt tt s, the camel
train regularly` carried an enor-
mous black' . silk carpet, em
.blazoned I•witli gold -embroidered
tettts from ;. tee • leoran. Gift of
Farouk, this outslsed carpet, callD
ed the kiswa;, was destined to
.cover the Shaba, or holy of
holies in Mecca.
'But the carpet seen wore Out.
, At the. end of their pilgrimage,
fanatical crowds swarm round
the Kaaba, all trying to kiss the
sacred shrine. As each tattered,
covering was replaced, It was
cut up and distributed among
the Faithful.
Dispatched from Cairo with
gun salutes, bands playing and
flags waving, Farouk's carpet
gifts to Mecca have set him back
something like $150,000 a time.
But if Egypt's gilt -bearing
caravan of MeccetaoiGSuBzaoin
caravan appears no more the holy
city of Mecca is unlikely to suf-
fer. For, to the coffers of King
Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia, the
swarming pilgrims still bring
millions of dollars annually.
With the money thus received
and the revenues from his oil
wells, Ibn Saud is modernizing
Mecca. Houses and fiats are
springing up in the city! Elec-
tric fans have been installed
around the great mosque to cool
devotees,. and the building is
floodlighted at night.
There are no movies in Saudi
Arabia, and fun fairs and
amusement parks are strictly
taboo. But there is no ban on
football. Every Friday the stadi-
um outside the holy city is pack-
ed with white -robed fans cheer-
ing on thehome team.
Mouthful Maureen Connolly,
Pacific Southwest Tennis Tourna-
ment star, is not taking a big
bite from her, tennis;ball. Actual-,
ly, she is, foliowfhg through on `.
a return shot and the ball is on
its way back to her opponent,
Doris Hart. Camera'- coincidence
creates the choking illusion.
They Met Death
ln'Parade Order
It is just one 'Hundred years
since the'Birlcenlreadl a troop-
; ship on her way to South Africa
' heavily laden with troops, struck
a submerged +rock. There was
no panic. One or two boats, fill-
ed with the women and childref,
were pushed off to ;safety. The
ship broke in two, and one half
began to sink. ' There were no
boats for the soldiers, who were
drawn -up in ranks on• the. deck.
Thus they stood, firm and dis-
ciplined as if they were on the
barrack square, while,the water
rose ever' higher' about them,
Soon the Birkenhead settled be -
'teeth the Waves and the greater
number of those gallallt men
perished. The, melnouy e#, their
perfect discl.pline ` `dial heroism
will last for ever as a model of
the British soldier at his }Meat
and greatest.
Will Trade Pearls
For Barbed -Wire
If you have a stock of barb
ed wire and would like a pit
of pearls instead, the Venezuela
Ambassador in London, Sen
Pon '. Carlos Rosa -Rodriguez, f
ready to do a deal,
The Ambassador has just be
advertising the "sale" of 1148,
000 worth of pearls owned b
the Venezuelan Governmen
They want to get rid of ti
pearls, but they do not want t
sell them - for money.
In ibis oil -boom South Ameri
can republic they have all th
money they want, So they ar
back to the oldest type off busi
Back to Barter
In place of, pearls they'll tak
barbed-wire or aluminum sheet
ing or iron fence posts—or atmos
anything a solidly useful cath
than common cash.
The Venezuelans do not quit
reverse the phrase of "puttin
pearls before swine"; they ar
putting cattle before pearls. Th
needed wire and posts will go t
fence their multi-million acre
of cattle ranches.
I have been told the pearls ar
genuine oyster pearls, gathered
from the rich pearl fishing bed
off the island off Margarita o
the •Venezuelan coast. There is
however, one snag if you fore-
see a swap. The pearls are not
of the first class that usually de-
corate wealthy feminine throats.
We should label them "export
rejects," for most of them are
every shape but spherical.
You could use them for
brooches and general jewellery.
Few ladies would turn up a nose
at their appeal. And, on a cash
basis, they are valued at 600 or
so a carat.
Compare this with top price
pearls which today fetch around,
$450 a carat.
around £115 a carat.
But perhaps the strangest story
in this barter business is in the
reason for the sudden glut of
low-priced parts. Until recently
they readily found a market —
in India.
There they were fashioned in-
to jewellery—and made into
All through the Fax East there
is still a strong belief that medi-
cines and elixirs and charms
made of pearls, either whole or
crushed, lead to long life. An-
cient Eastern literature provides
plenty off stories of gods and
men protected from dangers by
pearls and pearl -shell.
The gems have long been re-
garded as life -givers. They were
believed to drop from the mouths
of dragons. Pearls were placed
in dead men's mouths to ensure
certain resurrection.
We have a remnant of this
once world-wide belief, for it is
often said that pearls sicken and
grow dull when their wearer is
in bad health.
Whether you believe this or
not, it is true that gems that
have lost their lustre are often
brought back to full beauty by
modern sea -water treatment.
So we might, at least, credit
them with more "life" than other
precious stones.
As it is likely that the Indians
will draw their pearls for phy-
sics from home fisheries around
Ceylon, the Venezuelans await
new customers
Down to the Sea
Before you roll up at the Em-
bassy to try to swap a skein of
wire for one or two pearls,` I
should tell you that the gems are
made up into 20 -lot parcels, each
one of which has a starting
bargaining price off £7,400. Or
down-to-earth barter material to
that value.
There is one other way to get
pearls without barter or sea -div-
ing. That is by searching some
of the rivers of the British Isles.
Less than a hundred years ago
Scotland's annual yield topped
:£12,000. 'Small fortunes may be
dredged from the depths of
streams tri North Wales, Cum-
beeland and the Highlands,
where undoubted gems are .pro-
duced by the pearl mussel,
A barber arrived at the shop
very late, and his boss asked for
an explanation. "I was shaving
myself," said the barber, "and
before I realized it I talked my-
self into a haircut and sham-
Then wake up your liver bile ..
jump out of bed twin' to go,
Life not worth living? It may be the llvori'-
It'd n fact) If your liver bile fe not flowing
freely your food luny not digest . , . gee
',bloats up your ntomo 1i ... you feel eon.
Attbntel and d11 the fun and sparkle go out
of life. That'd when von need mild, gentle
Gaeta. Little Livor pine, You bee Cnrtttrn
help stimulate yo00 liven We till once ngaln
• thin redwing otttat l0at00fn,l to two pinta
trey into your digestive trait. This Would
0x you right up, Make Inc feel that happy
days aro lgiero, smut. Sn don't tiny Sunk got
Certors Little Liver Pills, Alwnyn have Mom
Oil band. Only She from any druggist.
..Classified Advertising..
. .. _. atrE's'N WAN 141/ _.._
08,09 rum; 51.00
Por selling only 80 of our beeutlful multl-
TMiler tlneel rellgloes mottoes at .40 each,
hee 'sell like hot castes. Write today, wo
Will treat you Mnplo Leaf G,'eoting Cards,
1405 Bishop, Montreal 25, Dent, M,
YOU'LL be amazed at the low prlcee of
Tweddlo ehloke. 10 many Caned You colt
purchase TWeddle ehleite with Iota of
R.O.P. breeding back of them at the
tame prices ae ordinary chinits. Our large
velumo enables tie to.do this, Book your
order now Inc. 71103 chirps nidi turkeys,'
Prices gualwnteed ognlnet a raise on.
decline. Droller chlalte. Hatches every
weep 1n the rear, Order pulleto, Cata105ne.
Fergus - Ontario"—
ntario '
HAVE you anything need* dyeing or Hemp
Ing? Write to us for Information, We
aro glad to answer your queetlone. De.
oartment H. Parker's Dye .Works Llmlted.
01 Yong,' St. Toronto.
Pelt SA I.E
GARAGES—Portable, prefabricated, runt -
1717000, $120, 5160, Shade, Range Shelter
Roots, 345. Sei'tmnel Building. Mum,
bridge: Quebec
ALU61IN(1M-Now, Corrugated, 28" s 6'.
Bost Canadian Priem— Delivered:— 81.40
Sheet. SIO Fanu, Building Material,
Lao Qufndon. Quebec.
The. 1055 catalogue Is off the prese. Write
for your cony or visit the new ware-
house and nee for yourself the model
bathroom' 510010y0 In white and coloured
fixtures, In standard size bathrooms with
Wed or painted walls, lust the way you
want a bathroom In your own home.
We have sinks and sink cabinet units,
lavatory burden and toilet., premiere ey0•
toms and electric water heater., range
boilers, pipe and fittings in cooper, gal-
vanized and eastiron, septic and on
tanks, refrigerate. and electric range.,
complete line of furnaces, air condi.
(toning units and hot water heating eye•
teme with convector rade. We deliver to
Your nearest ralinoY atattnn, 1,0e pay en
Street.v111e, Ontario
something to sell, the place to otter it
to where the most hovers congregate. Isn't
that a feet? Every day buyer. come to
Toronto market to secure their live stock
requirement.. Stock brought to Toronto
market 10 offered to all buyers and they
bid against each other for Its po.9e001nn.
Our fully -trained salesmen can take ad-
vantage of this competition to secure full
market value for volt. Consign your live
.tock shipments to McCurdy & MoCurdy
Limited. Ontario Stack Yards, Toronto,
for the highest net returns.
HEREFORDS:. 12 young cow. with 72
beautiful calves, well marked. Seven
16 months old heifers and bulls. Nan,
8ernler, Box 206, Montmaeny, Quebec.
10 GERMAN Shepherd Puppies, 9 Collie
Pupplee, Panora Included. 6 weeks old.
Rea0onabie, Ed McWattero, Wyebridgo,
NEW 30/10 Calibre 7 -shot Model 04
Winchester Carbine Rifles 088.00 each.
Money refunded If not satisfied. Caoada'e
Mall Order House, 196 Llsgnr Street,
Ottawa, Ontario,
BUILD up your resistance to colds and
other anmente. "Staff - of Lite" a new
food supplement to relieve vitamin and
mineral deficiencies. 00 meals for 66.06.
Order from 0. 13. Harris, Trading Pont,
Paris. Importer, Dlatributer, Sales Agents
MOTALOY glve0car ring amus Sob
while driving, Guarante,'40,000
miles. Price 516, Ernest's Sales Co..
Formosa, Ontario.
The nonfat= that expresae0 your true
personality with an nnforfietable frag-
rance. 410 per bottle. Refund guaranteed..
Money order C.O.D. I. Mayo, 1830 St.
Antoine West, Montreal 3,
PULLETS. Range Reared. Healthy, ready
to lay. Hampshire x Rock, Sussex x
Hampshire, Hmnahlre x Sussex, New
Hampebire, 6 to 61 Months old. Alt hatch-
ed and raised on own form. Reasonable
prices, Thompson'. Poultry Farm &
Hatchery, Georgetown, Ontario,
BIGGEST Stock of New and Rebuilt Band
Instruments 1 Write 'Tour Wants," we
will be glad to quote tweet Priors.
HUGIi 2ENTZ, Elkhart, Indiana, U.S. A.
cense CORN SALVE—Fpr sure relief.
Your Druggist eels CRESS.
It's proven—every sufferer of Rheumatic
Pains or Neuritis should fry Dixon's
135 Elgin Ottawa
$1,25 Express Prepaid
WHY supe( If there 1e something that will
help you? Hundreds of thousands of mets
lave been mold on m money back guar.
tutee. an easy to use. After your 01,100'
toms have been diagnosed as Asthma, 500
1we it to yournelt to try Amthmnnefrtn,
keit your Druggist.
lnetent relief 10007 Dore cracked kande.
"Special Afedlrated Hand Cream," Few
ourite of doctors: housewives. outdoor
men, Large lar 31. Manes• Melt guarantee.
7aurnrd Drugs, 2612 Bathurst, Toronto..
SKIN. Ec00ma, Psoriasis. Rash, Ring-
worm, Pimples, Blackheads and other .
sltln eruptions nulekly relieved or money
refunded tvitb. E115'n Eczema Ointment
No. 6. A prescription of a. femme skin
epeelnttst 01.60, 62.60, Get It from your
drug0000 or order from Ellk's. Medicine
Co. Dept, WL, Seeltatoon, Sash.
Ante nen 105I101'.
Greet OPpertunitY Lenin
Pleasant dlgnitied profession good wngel ,,
rhoussnds',,ot nucebeeful MOree1 endue tea
A thorlen's Greatest 6,0atein
o Illustrated Coning%) Free •
Write nr Call
(MARVEL nman0Ess)cOfo Si'H('th.P
210 Moor St w:,,irnrrote.
44 Ring Ste.
72 !Olean St., 'Ottawa
EXTRA �M.QN101;' Twenty T idt1Tione
rills --Twenty PMlats. Write Inc tun
particnlore: P.O. pox 669. Lo ,t1, o. Ont,
10.01 a tested, 000040 hair restorer.
Qutekl5' promotes flair growth In all
tutees of baldness, regardless of age., or
oondil0n,' Sold on full money. .back
guarantee, Icor particulars wrttel Dis-
tributor Thalia Herbal Products, 79 meet
Ave. 500th. Hamilton, Qin,
Na experience needed, As our local dealer
for fine made to measure- Mathes, 1t'a
easy, We send complete Rolling <MGli.
Resit letter ' er poete015 talisnp abbot
loereel1L age, etc. Troy Tailors, Dapt.
X, 3500 St, Lawrence, Montreal, .P.0. •
YOUR future on Railway, trained ae
Station Telegrapher insures S00prtty.
Trait with 0011 Tcachtng Machine at
home. Also teach A130 Shorthand by mall.
Pose udder. Canaan Systems, Toronto,
shim Literature 1 New Dlecovery I Your
Aare le your Futuro. Are you seeking
Me whole trutk7 Superet Preen,2610 W.
8rd,' Street, Loa Angeles 6, C0111.
AN OFFER to every Inventor --List of 1n.
ventio0, and full information tient tree.
rho Ramsay Co„ Reglotered Patent Attar -
days, 273 Bunk Street. Ottawa,
tent Solicitors. Eetobllshed 1890. 060
Bay Street, Tornntn nnnklet of 1010rma.
don nn request
QUIT SMOKING — the may tvay, Una
Tobacco Eliminator, a scientific. treat- '
moat; quickly ellminotcs the craving for
tobacco, ride the system of nicotine. C.
W. King pharmacal Ltd. (Alberta), P.O.
Box 678. London, Ontario.
NEW ruga made from your old ruga and
woollen.. Write for catalogue and price
Ilei, Dominion Rug Weaving Company,
2477 Dundee Street West, Tornntn, Ont.
Come to the
.ricu/ ura/'
NOV. 14-22
8 Big Days
Champion horses, livestock
and poultr ...prize-winning
grain and seeds ... dairy
products, fruit and vegetable
exhibits and scores of other
attractions, featuring
* Junior Farmer Activities
* Spectacular Horse Show
afternoons and evenings
* R.C.M.P. Musical Ride
See your local agent about
reduced rail fares
C. S. MtkEE, eenomtManager
• :TORONTO :•`
LUMBAGO (Lame Back)
When your back is stiff and very painful
and it's an effort for you to stoop or bend;
take the remedy that has brought swift;
safe relief to thousands—Templeton',
T -R -C's. Don't suffer from the nagging
misery of Lumbago a day longer than you
have to. Get T -R -C's today. 65c, 61.35
at drug counters. 1-840
• If you suffer from acid Indigestion, go.,
h.srtbutn, ectentists gay halting node can add
our upset, destroy vitamins, cause
"tt[tc;a'I'aels, acid rebound.
'- '•Mtor meole I had Indigestion end gas
pains, sad I practically lived on baking
code," gave Peter George, Lethbridge, Alta.
Then I started taking Dr. Pierce's Golden
MAMA Discovery and the peltas went away
md3i could oat and enjoy my meals ogafn. I
gained' 30 pounds and Colt much better,"
Thousands who suffered ouch distress, due
0 W bo orgenie muses, tried Dr. Pletco's
�Mickel Medical Discovery with amazing
results, Over 30.000,000 bottles of thin great
non-eletatnaohjoolle toniosaction, have :been osoldrCto
date; Ahd no wonder. Flint, taken regularly,
it promotes mere normal etomooh activity,
"true horning to digest food better so you
won't have gee, heartburn, tour stomach.
Second, with stomach :Activity Improved, you
cn t thtrtoods you like without fear of
w -tetroee,,
•0`ry 0E. Gat Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical
'U{iaovary et: your druggist!. today?