HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-11-5, Page 6L.
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Rugs Made Of Rushes
Last For Centuries
The rush rugs and carpets
which the women o Nerfolir and
Suffolk are making by the old
traditional methods are till ir
demand because of one outstand-
ing thing—if treated properly
so that the top surface is pre
served to become A 'patina or
high polish, those rugs and car-
pels will last literally hundreds
of years. The age of an Ancient
one reposing in the Ball of the
Itinholciere Company in London
has been estimated at' between
300 to 800 years.
Generations ago M the eastern
counties careful countrymen
would gather rushes from the
rivers and make rush mats and
frail baskets. They would make
them for a few pence, and buy-
ers found that the rushes out-
lasted any other household floor
The old craft nearly died out,
and might have become legen-
dary had not a new firm a rush
Weavers been started at Deben-
ham. There carpets and rugs, log
baskets, table mats, and shop-
ping baskets are being hand-
made; but in a brisk and busi-
ness -like fashion. A skilled girl
may expect to plait from 30 to
40 yards in a day and make a
complete carpet of, say, 12 feet
iquare, including plaiting, sew-
ing and braiding, within a week.
And that carpet will be no
"make -do" piece, but handwork
Tailored Step-in
Pill -7
sr A..
Taw nun
moil_ illiii
_i.e.- tele
1111101-* fella'
VINW-, lit
lint 4.,
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Diel- lin
elle eat
•••ksela''' ikH.. 4tut.^''"
4519 ....r.11-- •ic2-220
44.014, ....474ats
Always ready, iewaye right
when you want e &..s that's
comfortable and flattering. You
need at least one of these mart,
sample step-in dressea, ! Crisp col-
lar, square pateh-pocketa, contrast
piping give a smart tailored lock.
Pattern 4519: leliases' Size 12,
14, 16, 18. 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38,
40, 42. Size 1G takes 411 yards 35 -
Inch; ie yard contreet.
This pattern biti1y 1L. 118P, sim-
ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has
complete illustrotee instructicns,
(35e) in coins (stamper cannot be
accepted) for this pattere. Print
plainly SIZE, NAME, AD)RESS,
Send order to Box 1. 123 Eigh-
teenth St, New Teromo, Ont.
Coats for the Youn
This fitted ever ' in Dkusie-
tallecked tweed esostique
gold. has dell waist. It's Dentersed
with triple rows og buttons and
etitelaed pocket sip* of Bold
velvet matched to the collar mut
bonnets Back interest Is gained
through a half -belt rand pietas.
FABRIds with &mimeo interest, new synthetic fleeces, velveteee.ender
Plashnbanded in fur and sparkling with rbiloesteneei these are
higblights of8 new colleCtion of coats for girt of all ages from toe -
MOS to mid -teens.
Designed for BarnburY by Pierre Tialrimin Mese neer mete empha-
size the casual In silhouette and fabrics. Tbereet a rough, tweed)"
look to many 'of the fabrics used, tots of homespun -effect weaves and
many heavy piles, Tweeds -nubby, brushed, checked and Donegaisee
often get velvet trim by way of contrast.
Shags, poodles, chinchillas, And ,tdeep-Pile tepees with qtaftee
Unities tell a texture story, ' For the first timer a blanket fleece, bas '
been Used for cbildren's coats. The other halt of the new fleece SIM(
lies in the use of zephyr flee to melte a coat that's completely lined
in orlon. Mettler can toss it into the tple .wash and rinse it, than
hang it up on a hanger cheeping wet, 'he • fleece regains its fluffy
•teXture and emerges lochieg like new,
The line of these coat* take to two silhouettes: the 'loose, slimmed -
down mat, and the fitted coat. The full pyrtaine of last year is gone
and in its Place, there'e the narrower cot. than gives an illusion of
funnels, Generally, fullness is concentrated at the back or sides.
There are many sunburat gores, yoke details, flat pleat butte, rolled
goree, 4031 waists and Empire skirts. Sleeves may be tapered, crushed
or adjustable, many of these with de,eps turn -back cuffs,
ron, pews stress the muted heather tones and the rich, strong
shades. lerewns range from beige to squeal), to spice, to, chocolate.
Winter blues look pretty; winey reds and plums appear in the poodles
and nubby tweeds. Linings are colorful as well as functional, with
many corduroys, plaids, quilted fabrics and striped taffetas M use.
er4. Set
Thia,alaric, ;green, red and,white
elide cheek ecoat to in an all -
wool Kingseourt cheek. It has
an elasticlied shlrred back a
claret velvet pull-through tweet -
type tie end velvet tab peekst,
trim. It's worn Imre witb mete' •
lag leggings,
such as any housewife may be
proud to display- in her home.
Weeks of Work
But first the rushes must be
eut and gathered. This entails
weeks ot work in the fresh-
water rivers and dykes of Nor-
folk and Suffolk, eeaching for
clumps of "boulder" or "seg",
wading out into the river mud
in thigh boots to cut the rushes
below water; bundle and store
them in some barn near by.
Norfolk rushes grow the best
by the Broads, and may be seen
!darkling some eight to ten feet
out of the water. The Broaden -Len
cut as near to the roots as pos-
sible in order to reap the "butt
end," which provides the strong-
est section of the rush. Some-
times they use sickles or poles
8 feet long. Each rush bed is cut
on alternate years. If left for a
longer period the rushes tend to
become stiff and brittle.
.After cutting, the rushes are
washed free of weeds and mud,
spread on the, ground to rough
dry, and then bunched together
in stooks to weather, care being
taken to see than they are shaded
from the sun, which may cause
their natural gree-nish colour to
At the end of ten days of a
fortnight the rushes are sorted
and graded and stored in a barn.
Before ever they can be worked
they must first be immersed in
water and pressed so as to ren-
der them pliable.
Rush rugs and carpets have
always been considered especial-
ly suitable for rough wood or
stone floors, for the rush is so
thick and pliable that it seems
to flow over the floe". surface.
Rush is also hygienic, for it holds
no dust. What dirt does not lie
on the =face falls through to
the floor beneath for the vacuum
cleaner to pick up.
01am Andrews
• A r.ew idea in cake making
is that of using jelly powders in
order to produce a delicately
tinted cake and frosting, with
fresh fruity flavor to match the
coloring. Every woman I know
who has tried the idea is de-
lighted with it, and I'm euro
you will be Mo.
• * •
For those who have trouble
with 7 -minute frostings, there is
new hope in the jelly powder
toppiree For the jelly powder
helps create a glaces,y smooth
frosting that resists hardening.
And hew encouraging to find a
recipe that eliminates the guess-
work involved in coloring a cake
bane: or icing! With several
jelly powders from which to
eh000e, the hostess will be able
to 1168 her favorite color scheme,
e a •
2?s, cups cifted flour
3 tspe. baking powder
le tsp. salt
Ile tsp. baking soda
IS cup shortening
(up sugar
package jelly ponder (any
3 eggs. unbeaten
Score yourscl. 10 ports for each corrcet answer in the first six
I. Where were so-eai. Irish potatoes f ast growe?
-South America -.Australia -South Africa
2. Hong Kong belongs to which of the following countries?
-France -China -Russia -Great Britain
2. Columbus, in die, ce. ering America, first landed where?
-Long Island -Cape Cod -San Salvadore
• -San Francisco
4. Three of the following cities were burned in historic conflagra-
tions, one was not. Can you find it?
-London -Chicago -Columbue -Rome
6. Which of the following planets has rings of space dust and rock
revolving around it?
-Mars --Jupiter -Saturn -Venus
6. Manhattan Island was bought from the Indians for approximately
what amount in today's currency?
-$99.99 -$1,000,000-$24.00
7. Match the following rivers with their r-ses$Ple2e,t5i0ve countries. Score
yourself 10 points for each correct choice.
(A) France -.Amazon
(B) Austria -Po
((2) Italy -Danube
(D) Brazil -Loire
Total your points. A score of 0-20 is poor; 30-60, average; 70-80,
superior; 90-100, very superior.
••ixozeuxw (a)
sow (3) 'aentte3 (es) %now (-t)--s, eaweee-o ruartme-g wnquint
'esopenieg utie--2 'Mellen( Inaeo-e etopoutw tlattoSeet
Milk: With butter, margarine,
lard use 1 cup. With
shortening use 1 cup
Pins 2 tablespoons,
Sift flour once, measure, add
baking powder, salt, soda, sift 3
times. Cream shortening, add
sugar and jelly powder gradu-
ally; cream until fluffy. Aad
eggs, one at a time; beat well
after each. Add Donn alternate-
ly with milk, in small amounts;
beat smooth after each addition.
Bake in two round 9" layer pans,
lined on bottoms with paper.
Use moderate oven (375°F.):
eabout 25 minutes.
1 pkg, (3Iel tbisps.) jelly
powder (any flavor)
le tup very not water
rues sugar ,
Dash of salt
2 egg whites, unbeaten
Dissolve jelly powder in very
hot water in top of double boiler.
Add sugar, salt, and egg whites;
beat about 1 minute, or until
thoroughly mixed. Then place
over rapidly- boiling water and
beat constantly with rotary egg
beater 1 or at high speed of elec.-
trie teeter) 7 minutes., or until
!meting will stand up in peaks.
Transfer frosting at once te a
bowl and beat about 1 minute,
or until think enough to :spread.
• • •
Strawberry Rainbow Cake -
For the Bride: Place on silver
tray. Border tray with fresh
pink rosebuds. Or when in sea -
eon. place freah whole strawber-
ries. on eake.
Rasberry Rainbow Cake -
Cover with eraw, td?
Cherry Rainbow Cake -Melte
maraschino cherry flewere witb
green Oren f,•tprr,p.
Orange Rainbow Calte - Ar-
range thinly eliced orange rind
or orange gem:wets on top.
Lemon Rainbow Cake -Sprin-
kle with chopped nuts or chop-
ped lemon peel.
Lime Rainbow Cake Border
with grated semi -sweet choco-
Pineapple Rainbow Cake -
Cover sides with pale tinted
shredded coconut
Bake halter in paper baking
cups placed in muffin pans, at
375"F. about 20 minutes. When'
cooled, swirl the cupcakes in the
Rahn:env Cake frostings above.
If •desIrcce, sprinkle with tinted
encenut, chopped tuts, grated
semi -tweet eliocolate or decorate
with •oerschino cherriee
i4Ow's Your
.Foqr out of five people are
using toothbrushes that are prac-
tically useless if not downright
harmful, according to a cross
comity survey of toothbrush
habits in the United States.
Canadian dentists believe the
situation here is about the sense.
While in this modern age "most
people consider a toothbrush in-
dispensable, too many are using
ones that are overdue for re-
Such toothbrushes give their
owners exercise but little else
when they dutifully brush their
teeth. The survey revealed that
only 19 per cent of the thous-
ands of brushes examined were
in satisfactory condition. Tlae
rest had bent, broken or matted
bristles, were discolored from
long use of were so heavily pack-
ed with paste they were judged
unwise to use.
Brushes in this condition bee-
n& do an. effective job. of keep-
ing the mouth and teeth slean
and preventing decay, the den-
tists who conducted the survey
maintain. In view of their esti-
mate that 98 per cent of the
population have decaying teeth,
they believe the majority of peo-
pie just aren't cleaning their
teeth properly.
Toothbrushes today are so
easy to obtain and so improved
in recent years, they feel there
is no excuse for the neglect. Be-
fore t h e chemists •developed
plastics, handles of toothbrushes
had to be made from bamboo or
bone and for many years the
bristles were made from the
hair of hogs found in the cold
regions of Siberia and China.
Today colorful and durable
plastic handles with nylon bris-
tles in three textures of soft,
medium and hard are cheap and
pleritiful. In addition they last
longer and do a more effective
job in protecting teeth and gums.
The dentists say this is no excuse
for keeping them around long
enough to be able to regard them
as old friends,
A Family Remedy For
Coughs - The Pleasant
Tasting Pinex Way
When anyone in your family is
distressed by winter coughs, use
this, favorite old Canadian recipe
Easy to prepare, yet gives you
four times as much for your money.
(et a 2ti ounce bottle of fast -
from your favorite drug counter.
Pour this into a 16 ounce bottle
and fill up with simple sugar syrup.
Thane all there is to do ...no cook-
ing ntedefl, yet you will have an
ample supply of effective cough re-
lief /or the whole family, so plea-
sant -testing that children like it.
For convenience, PINEX is now
also available in ready -to -take
PREPARED form. Either way,
PINEX must help you, or your
money hack. Get a bottle today.
be ready for winter coughs ahead.
Farmers Aikendon cumuli rout near-
est Harness Shop about Stow Harness
Supplies. We sell our goods only
through your local Stoat Leather -
goods dealer. The goods are right
sad so.ore our prices, We manufack•
turo in our foito'reist Harness Horse
Collars, Sweat Poas, Horse Blankets
and" Leather Travelling Goods, Insist
an Staco Brand Tracle-Morked Goods
and You gel sollsfaction Mode only by
42 Mansion St E. Toronto
Write for Catalogue -
Cecil Osborne, Jr., writes about
a six-year-old girl who bearded
a bank president in his den, and
demanded a contribution to a
fund her school was raising to
send poor children to camp. The
banker laid a dollar bill and a
nickel on the desk and suggest-
ed, "Take your pick," The Little
girl picked up the nickel and
said, "Marna tells me I should
always take the smallest piece."
Then she". picked up the dollar
too, ands added with grin, "but
I wouldnt want to losa tbe nickel,
so I'll take this piece of paper
to wrap it up in."
Airships—Are They
Deipg A Comeback?
Last summer the ,first British
Airship to be built for twenty
years made its =Wee flight,
Most people loots on these ekare
veseels as 'put -dated expensive
to build, slow, clurnsY, and dan-
gerous to Ay; but last year's ex-
periments probetly showed the
shape of things to come, for seed -
ern experts in air travel are
thinking about their return
There is no denying that they
bold certain advantages over
Aeroplanes. They can wan to a
more , definite time -table. Tbey
' do not need lengthy runways ar
costly blind e heading! syeteme.
They can stand still initheir own
element, And as a result there is
rig cause for eltam when the en -
lanes stop,
• The old airships Sneed two
dangers-efire and "back -break-
ing" -which combined to make
thein ,perilous iform of trans. -
pert; ,, Now :both thews problems
heee laeert overotome, and air-
ships of th'e' futuee will be just
as safe as ocean "leers.
• Flees were generally caused by
hyeirogen, the highly inflam-
mable gas which was used as a
liftingegent. At the time there
was no eultable gas which could
be used as a substitute, but now
helium, which is non -inflam-
mable, has been produced in suf-
ficient quantities to replace the
Speed and Space
The danger of back - breaking
has been eliminated by building
on a huge bow - shaped girder,
with great width in the centre
and tapered ends.
Other factors which help to
make the present-day airship a
practicable proposition are im-
proved wireIets, radar equip-
ment whieh will eliminate the
peril of fog, and a Wider YIWIN
tot fabrics and metal olloye 10
Melia with.
• Whet sort of airships can we
expect in the future? PIMA, are
already in hand for giant silty-
veaaels which. will contain pair -
vete cabin% dining - roomti and
smolting-rooms. They will com-
bine speed with comfort and
space. In the fleld of commene,
it is maintained by many exports
that they can well outstrip ikero-
planes in the economicel trims -
port ol merchandise.
To give an idea of their 'met
capacity as load carriers, it was
recently c,deraceasteated In The
United States thee en airship 850
feet long Amid eibuee from seven
to nine beavye nernbing planes,
llille loaded.
11.00Y,, )11..i4TLE 1
00tx0f LOVE
Then wake pp your rk iirerle
jump au nst bed min' be go
Life sot worth Ilvioal g row be hbo Overl
lea a foot! if your Ityarkbilo in sot 110Wintf
freely your food may riot digest ,goo
bloats up yoor stomach , .. you feactOn.
stipaiwil and all the fun and sparkle go out
oklife. That's hon you need mild, gentle
:Carteraj..ittla Liver Pills. You ma (Mama
help stimulate your liver bib. till Dino agate
it L. pouring out at orate of 01. to two pinto a
day into your digestive tract. Tido should
, el you right up rnake.you feel that happ,y
days aro here again. Bo don't stay, kmolii fin*
Carters Little Liver Pills. Always nava than
On hand, Only 55e from any druggint,
Protect rem' 141085 nod Wes from
Kee asp !PWIEVES. We have eMa*
end Woe of Safe. or Cabinet. far MI
purpose. Visit as or write for DOM
enc„ 50 Dent W.
• • 1411 Pr9bC.St. B., Tomtit*
established 1865
Oat 'WS Salt ,
eIdle It' liT'Fani
• kr
Ala," k'k
WHOLE witirEa NO
; ere-ea:twee s
nee 7esi
as 4
VRESTONC“ AND "EVG1114DY'sot ra•rckrktp.kkco irt1,7.4•11A11/(t.'Of NATIONAL 1.4811551 LIMITCD.