HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-11-5, Page 3BR tIV1'M''a.1?LASTf-41 N EIR i 7 4;vll:;h.EamaoEov atNY0nE'; (101.11, bet THE CalVtd S'P OP TS COLUMN The teams battling in Canada's two ;great football conferences, ,the Interpro- vincial h the'east, the Western Interpro- vincial on the prairies, are nearing the end of the long, bard trail,,and the Grey Cup classic played annually in Toronto is ale mot in sight, This is Canada's biggest, most spectacular, one -day sports spree, where amid a riot of color and white 10 -gallon hats, east meets west, perhaps in snow, perhaps in mud, perhaps on a clear, fat greenish field. It is aur greatest sports spectacle, it is also the meeting of two contrasting type of folks, the jovial, breezy wcsternere, the more conservative easterners, All this we admit, the glory and the color of it all, But ryou'll pardon us if we again go on record as stating that we dont be- lieve this great one -day show is a fair break for the customers, either east or west. This is a remark that probably will get us ostracized from better social circles in fair Toronto, a city in which we have, hitherto, been received with warmth and hos- pitality. But even at the risk of suffering the cold shoulders and icy disdain of,rBay, Bloor, College and other centres, we still insist that the football customers, the bumble gents who make - the whole thing possible, aren't getting a fair break, We're thinking of the good sports folk of Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg, who have dug generously and deeply into their jeans when deficits faced their beloved clubs, fans who paid their way in to every game, fans without whose support none of the teams could exist And the same applies to Ottawa, Mon- treal and Hamilton, though in lesser degree, because these cities are within easy reach of Toronto, for those who have plane, bus or train, fare, and can get a ticket. We think this series should be house -and -home games, at least, in the cities of the two champion teams. Perhaps this wouldn't draw so much• money asthe one -day show in Toronto, because none of the other cities have anything approaching the capacity of the huge Toronto Varsity stadium, excepting possibly Montreal, where the games are played in the baseball park, on a bob -tailed field, But, of course, if money is the fundamental consideration, our argument is all wrong. We were figuring, merely from the sport- ing angle for a sort of grand finale in which the customer, instead of being deprived of the finale of the big drama, would get a chance to see the thing he had helped create, like the Stanley Cup, or world's baseball series. These do pretty well financially, at that. Tour comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed br Eimer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 497 Yones St., Toronto. Calvin DISTILLERS LIMITED AMNERSTSURG, ONTARIO SP R A SlXB1TC We were ruddy well sure that t • some day those Russians would go too far—and now .it looks as if they've done it. We didn't mind Joe's boys claiming the in- vention of baseball, hockey and gin rummy and were even pre- pared to hold still if they came out and said that it was some of the lads down on the banks of the Volga who devised the noble sport of crap shooting. But now they're out trying to tell the English how to referee soccer football; and if that hasn't torn it, we don't know what will. • • + The nerve of the blighters Next thing they'll be saying fish - and -chips Is Russian 1 Anyway, here's the tale as told by Arthur Ellis, who was referee in this year's Cup final, and who has had wide international exper- ience including the Olympic final at Helsinki last Summer. * * * Ellis was one of the panel of referees nominated by Federa- tion internationale de Football Association members to assemble before the Olympic Games and attempt to unravel some of the knotty points. The method of snatch control proved to be the most controversial subject and it was eventually decided that a referee should control the match by the method in use in his own country, • . • This meant that the Russians, who had been in a minority on a question of what is known as the Diagonal System, were able to use their own innovation al- luded to as the Linear System. What happens, broadly speaking, is that in one the referee oper- ates in a diagonal track across the field of play with the two linesmen watching on opposite sidelines and in the other the referee confines his activities to a strip along one whole side with the other side directed by linesmen in opposite halves. * . * At the conference the Russians pressed the claims for their sys- tem because the referee has less territory to patrol; he is always able to see his linesmen and their waving of flags for in- fringements; he seldom becomes entangled with the play or struck by the ball' and he can choose the side with the sun at his back and is therefore not likely to be troubled by the sun shining in his eyes, which often occurs with the Diagonal System. • * The sincerity with which the Russians pleaded their argu- ments so convinced Ellis that he decided the Linear System was worthy of a practical test. So on arrival home and after discussion with prominent English League officials he arranged for a match to he played by the town team of his native Halifax, Yorkshire, with himself as referee, a * 5 Ellis now writes in the cur- rent edition of the Football As- sociation Bulletin: "The first dis- advantage which was apparent to me was that in order to decide when the ball went out of play over the touch line I had to keep very close to that line. Con- Cow-cplating. Cow—Miranda, cow, offers her mathematical ser- vices to a surveyor. He is busy checking figures and plans to bring Irrigation Water to 205,000 arid acres south of Red Bluff. As Miranda will be using tome of that water, she is exercising special interest In his instruments and board. "Looks like a funny way to bring water down there by making marks on this here board." she comments. The surveyor is too busy to explain. Footprint—Actress Ave Gardner, reported ejected from the home of her husband, Frank Sinatra, shows up at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood to have her footprint token. Frankie wasn't there. sequently, when play was near the centre field I found myself giving decisions for infringe- ments some 10 yards away. I' tremble to think what would be the 'result of giving a penalty kick when no official was within 40 yards of the incident,!" * • e Another disadvantage, 'Ellis points out, is that players "nat- ter" at each other and in some cases use threats. By being close at hand the referee can, by issu- ing advice or exercising a curb- ing influence upon an exbited player, prevent"'trouble from de- veloping. In the Linear System threats and bad language would pass undetected. a o * Players participating in the match were asked for their opin- ion of the Linear System. They agreed that the referee never obstructed the play, but there was a time lag between the lyinesman flagging and the re- feree whistling for stoppage of play which caused considerable confusion. From the test and an- other conducted in Cambridge- shire by William Ling, the sec- ond British referee on the FIFA panel, the conclusion was that the Linear System had more dis- advantages than advantages. And that it is not in conformity with the principle that the efficient control of the game depends upon the referee accepting full respon- sibility and• unhesitatingly and courageously discharging it. e a M So there you are, Mister • Stalin! Your ruddy refereeing system has had a trial—and a fair trial, mark, you!—and been found sadly wanting. So try that over on your balalaika, Uncle Joe—and after this don't go messing about with the more serious problems of life. In other words, stay in your own blinkin' class! Girls Get Married Younger Than Ever Of every thousand girls mar- ried in England and Wales dur- ing 1950, those aged 20 or less numbered 263, the highest figure in five years. Australian girls, too, are mar- rying young. In one year 927 have married aged 16, 138 aged 15, 24 aged 14, and four brides were only 13. In some countries these Aus- tralian weddings would be ille- gal. Sixteen is the lowest age for a bride in Britain, while in Tonga a girl must wait till she is 18. At the other extreme are Ja- maica and Cyprus, where the law says nothing about marriage age and a girl can wed when she likes, When these colonies do tackle the problem they will face a ticklish task, for opinions dif- fer. ' In India the Child . Marriage Restraint Act of 1930 was bitter- ly opposed in some quarters on religious grounds. So was a re- cent proposal in Singapore to raise the marriage age from 14 to 16. • Twelve was, Until recently,, thought old enough for marriage in Northern Ireland, and, still is in Fiji and Rhodesia, Tribal custom accounts for early marriages in many primi- tive communities, Yet even h0 the U.S.A., though some States bar marriage for women under 18, or 21 if parents object, other States still allow girls of 12to become brides. Teich Teen.Ager& SeifAe'sponsibility Veise'i3artenttt will See tb 9t that their adolescent sons and laugh - tar's grow into the independence and responsibilities of adult lite gradually, suggests Dr. John Stobo Priehar'd, in his Memo"to Afother's.ly the Current issue of Health. Magazine. He .goes on to cite the handling of money by teen -tigers as a- example, "The"'Youngster 'should have all allowance - of some Sort throughout the a 'hole adolcseont period," wrilps Dr. Pritalard'in the Health 'League of Canada periodicai. "To begin With this dilotvanbe should'Covet'; only a small• part of his needs. .., t- !'A. ick-yearrold can be expected to. budget -fpr Ids , own movies, ice -Bream, ,streetcar fares, etc., but cannot be enpected to pay for his ow clothes and educe- , tional duce-,tional expellees. HI 'should be given a definite . amount at re- giijar inteavais.nhich, it is ex- plained, must r ver these speci- fied items. If he finds himself with money left over he may • spend, it as he likes, but he should be iaaucouraped to save some of it for an emergency." Dr. Prichard recommends that the things a boy or girl is ex- pected topay for, and conse- euently tire amount of the allow- ance, slittuld be gradually in- creased until toward the end of the adolescence he is responsible for virtually all expenses. "Furthermore," adds the writ- er, "as he becomes more and more responsible the interval be- tween the payments should be in- creased' until the young person tan be expected tolive on a six- month or yearly basis:" :• A summer .job away from home is also a good idea a' this stage. 1t Comes Out There?—Doubling two-year-old Parisian Patrick Comink wonders about the big blast he hears from the tuba. Part of the 123 -piece Army band, the horn was played in a concert given in Paris, Little Pat was part of the audience. Was, that is, till overcome by curiosity about the horn and the big noise. Novel Methods For Collecting Debts A London shopkeeper, worried by an accumulation *of debts from customers who had appar- ently ceased buying, hit on a novel method of collecting his money. He sent out bilis to each of them for exactly double the amount they owed. People who had paid no attention to the cor- rect bills wrote, teleuhoned, or walked into the shop to demand explanations This gave the shopkeeper a take" and at the same time to chance to apologize for his "mis- remind the irate customers that it was time they pard something on account. . A Florist who was troubled with the same difficulty solved his problem with a more gentle approach. With every bill to his debtors he enclosed a large bunch of roses. Moat of the customers felt so guilty about accepting the flow- ers that they eased their con- sciences by paying the overdue bills, The artist Whistler was a not- oriously bad payer of debts, On one 'occasion he wrote a flippant reply to the treasurer of his Lon- don club when the latter remind- ed him that his subscription was overdue. The treasure* retorted: "Dear Mr. ` Whistler,--Tt is not a Nocturne in Purple, or. a Sym- phony in Blue and Grey that we are after, but an Arangement in Gold and Silver." The account was promptly settled, CLASSIFIED R,TISING 04105 ouro1e INSIST en ohlcke wl)h 0.0.3'. eroding heart of them, Ttve4d10 Clttelte with tote a1 R.O.P. breeolus hack of them pail 1n many. mare et the enure Price or We than chicks with flute or Ile breeding hack of them. why can aro 40 it? Our largo Velum0 to the anmver. It Is not too goon to boort your *Melte one turkey poulta fop 10011. weeltiy hatelte0. Older pullets. Catalogue, Tw000LIc Ct115CIt HATCHERIES LTD. Fermin Ontario. WANTED Disowns, (Crean Truck Drivers, Feed Dialer's, Implement Denim*, Nursery Salesmen or *there to take orders ter day 014-ebieko and turkey points for one • 01 'Canada''* larltoot Canadian Apr t'rovhl ]latrheries. Liberal rommitudou Pall. For full detalla write BOX NUM- 1)19It 05, 111.1.8111,. St., New 'Toronto. IIYEINO an) CLEANING 145 VE NM anything beetle dyeing or clean- itng* Write to tie for Information. We ire gime to Avower your euestlona. Pe- aarltnenl I:. Parker', pre 'Werke Limited. 101 Vence Ft Toronto. ..., Pott SALE GARAGES --Portable, prrfabrlealed. met - Proof. 012n. 5100. Sheds. Range Shelter Roar 002 Semen,,) Jlmldmg. Show. bridge, Quebec ALUMINUM —New, Corrugated, 28" x 0'. Beat Canadian Price,— Delivered:-- $1.10 } 110 Sono re, }3,l140g Mater/al, Lae fluinden, Quebec, PLUMBING AND HEATING CATALOGUE FREE Tie iso -e catalogue le off the prem. Write for your copy or visit the net* ware- house and _see for yourselfthe model bathroom displays In white end coloured fixtures. In standard size bathrooms with Vied or pointed walla, jut the way roc want o bathroom in your own home. We have sinks and sink cabinet unite, lavalm y bastes and toilets. pressure syn. tents and 510,1,1, water heaters. range bolters, nips and 'fittings m copper, gal. vnnlxee end rest iron septle ono ell tanks, refrigerators and electric ranges, a complete line of furunres. air condi- tioning -units and bot we for heeling gyp. tome with convertor rads. We deliver to your nearest 'railway stohfnn. sou pay no freight S. V. .1111V'(8QN PLUMBING SUPPLIES Strretaville, .Ontario SIIEEP BORDER Leicester Ram Lambs for dale. Thirty -ave head. Sired by Cralgenfe0eb Emigrant frmn.I. .7 S Snrr,sh, Moffat. Out Man's Life Changed Because Of Whisper People who paid sixpences and climbed the 260 steps to the famous Whispering Gallery in St. Paul's Cathedral dome the other clay hada surprise. They heard no' whispering—only a ' high- pitched wailing. The dome's acoustics were amplifying the sound of a drill which was being used during the installation of a new heating system in the crypt far below. Visitors to the gallery, which is 198 ft. in diameter, can nor- mally hear the guide's whisper travel round the entire dome, the sound being an echo reflected again and again from the smooth walls. With his ear close to the wall, a listener can plainly hear all that is said in the lowest tones by a person on the opposite side of the gallery. One clay a poor shoemaker whispered to the little woman by his side that he could not marry her because he hadn't enough money to buy leather. She wept quietly as Ise told her. Somebody on the other side . of the huge .gallery overheard what the shoemaker said and took action. He followed the man and then secretly arranged with a wholesaler for him to receive a large amount of leather at once. The shoemaker pros- pered, married the adman, and learned the name of his bene- factor, It was Mr. Gladstone, the Prime Minister, When Gladstone died the shoe- maker sent a wreath to the funeral — red roses in gratitude to the man who had overheard his whisper and made such sym- pathetic response. A London bookie has begun taking bets at 11 to 10 odds against the selected sex of any expected child. SAVE MONEY 1 TRAVEL 1111 rrta 1 ECONOMICAL, REPUTABLE HOTELS Fri i 3 rein for 1i.t of any TIll tI1I0,11 C' 1ITI n STATES — CANADA IIl1. LISTS — 51.04, JIOTbi 0)1:"Nes (Tia\ $0.15118'10 34(1'12 STREET ('emfw,p oLrlloobg et -0)b. Street San room aero. Calif, Unsightly Pipes —Skin Eruptions Here it a dean, stainless, penetrating anti- septic othat dries right in end. brings you fast, ffrrtfvea relief. Not only does Ti(110NE'S EMERALD OIL help promote rapid and healthy healing in open sores and stouads but boils and simple ulcers are also relieved. In skin affections the itching of Eczema is quickly stopped. This n true of Salt Rheum, Skin Rashes, Cracked Itching Toand Peet and many other skin d o dere. Pimplco•-*kin eruptions -dry up and Rade off in . feu' days. Moone's Emerald Oil is sold rattalactitm or 810,110 hark hr 01) rood drug ,it0,e, BACr , flyE May beWarning Backache is often caused by lazy kidney attion, When kidneys get out of order, excess acids aitd wastes remain in the systema. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. boll's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now, st 'SEll'ONlC" keepo 0eptlo tunk*, cede mein and outdoor toilets fuontluning nor - natty 81050 odours, Sold at all hardware and 0100019 Stored. Four treatment Packet 80e. Mall order paoket 10 treatments. One year'0 009919' $8.80 postage paid. neeinformation. Wrlto w, D. Donaldson, - 87 Oakcrest Ave„ Torent0, Ont, FOR SALE 'IN THE SUNNY OKANAGAN VALLEY. Locher and hitcher 13001,4000, Coffee Shop and Bowling Aller; Auto Coots -- Hotels, Fruit Orchards, For ruff lnlgrmatlou 00,0001 S. B. Hartle, 11001 Estate. Oliver.. DC. LIVID STOCK SHIPPERS—I4 you have something to Sell, the .phaco fa ogee It 1n where the most buyers congregate. Isn't 'that n. teat? EvorY day themes emu) to Toronto market to secure their live stook requirements. Stook brought • to To,'onte market da 912ered to 411. boyars andtb01' bid aalost"each other' for Its pooseesion, Our f011y-lralnop salesmen van take ad. vantage of this competition to mum full market value for you. Consign your live :stock ebinment0 to ,hoer*Y R. 3dgCurdy Limited, Ontario • Stock Teeth), Toronto, for the highest net return0. nenerORDS: 12 young cows with 12 beautiful mites, well merited. Seven 10 months old heifer's and bulla. Nap, Bernier, Box 200, Montmegny. Quebec. 10 GERMAN Shepherd Puppies, 0 Collie Puppies. P0ner8,-tnclu488, 0 weeks old, Reasonable. Ed, Y,r5Watt, ro, Wyebrldge, Ontario. 7,. - NEW 10/30 Codfere.(:ahot Model 04 Winchester CarhtIpna- Ross 080.00 each. Money refunded it.* of satiefled. Canada's ?fall Order House, ' 1D(a L18505 Street, Ottawa. Ontario, Innen up your resletance to colds and other ailment.. "Stall of Life" a new food supplement to relieve vitamin and mineral deficiencies, 90 meals for 30.05. Order from 0. H. Ha113,,, Trading Poet, Paris, Importer, Distributor, Sale. Agents invited, SAVE MONEY ON HOME REPAIRS and Im7•rurement.. no it yourself, popular mechanics Mn Flit -It Book tells you how. 38.88 Postpaid, *'rite for free descriptive folder to Publishers Institute, 000 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg. 110TA1.0Y gives car ring and valve job while driving. Guaranteed 200,000 miles. Price 050. Ernest's Sales Co., Formosa, Ontario. 7.11709(0KA, Six roomed house. Town. water, lights. Full Mae basement. rummy, 1 acre on nett/ genian 11 High- -e'er. Ideal motel or cabin site, Mrs, George Lawrence, Bracobrldge, Ont. HAPPY HEATtT PERFUME 060 The perfume that exprennoa your true 50,00000111 with an unforgotable frag- rance. 610 per bottle. .Refund guaranteed. Money order C.O.D. I. Hoye„1330 St, Antoine West, Montreal 3, PULLETS, Range Roared, Healthy, ready to 104, Hampabire x Bock, Sussex 0 Hampahlre. Hampshire x Seam, New Hompehlre, 6 to 61 Menthe old, All hatch - e4 and raised on own farm. Reasonable prime. Thompson's Poultry Farm & Hatchery. Georgetown, Ontario. THE MIRACLE Cross of the Lord, 31.00. Send name and address for mere nnr- 110ular0 and latest list of goods. Model Mall Order Co., General Delivers', Sand- wich West P.O.. Windsor, Ont, B10GEST Stock of Now and Rebuilt Band Instrumento I Write "Your Wants.” we will be glad to quote lowest Priers. HUGH ZENTZ, Elkhart, Indiana, 1T,•HALL retreading of L -bolts. in0truc- done $1.00, George Stade, 10:0 Finny - 6001, Victoria, B.C. Ca F..014 910Nr0N HALOE—For amazing r,l,ef. Your Druggist evils CRESS. MEDICAL People ore talking about the good re- sults from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. MUNRO'S DRUG SJORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid ASTHMA WHY auger 11 there is eametning that 101)1 help you? 114041040 of thousands of sets pare been sold on a money back guar. once. So enay to use. After Your eYmp- coma have . been Alegnoeed as Asthma. you 0150 ft to yourself to try Asrbmanefrin. Ask your Dregglot. No Pills No Drugs TRE PERFECT SLIMMING D1ET SHEET go used by leading Landon Hospital. and Medical Specialists, sent on receipt 01 Postal Order One Dollar to: Diets Dept.. MEDICAL & DRUGGISTS 4CPPl.IES, 12 Tavidtnek Placa London, W C 1 0330 T T.S -A30 WHY YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE SODA e If you suffer from acid indigestion, gag, heartburn, scientists say batting mode can add to your upset, destroy vitamins, cause alkalosis, acid rebound. After mettle I had indigestion end gait' Paine,. and I practically lived on baking cal*," says Peter George; Lethbridge, Alta, Then T started tokidg Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical :Discovery and tate pains went away and I could eat and enjoy my meals again. I gained 30 pounds and. felt ,pucb butter." Thousands whet 80110,ed snob dietross, due to no organic causes, tried Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with amazing results. Over 56,000,050 bottles of this great non-alcoholic medicine, with Its wonderful atomachio tonin action, have been sold to date. And no wonder. First, taken regularly, it proniete0 more Donner ntomoch aetivity,. Ono helping M digest food better 0o you won't have gas, heartburn, sour stomach. Second, with stomach activity improved, you can oat the foods you like - without fear of after -distress. Discovery t. Get Dr. Pierro'o Golden Medias! at your druggist 10,d0Y1 tl DENt ANnr 050510004 CtE A HAIRDRESSER 00IN CANADA'S 0r0400NG SLI554tQD, Great OPPDrt0ltlty Learn Hairdressing Ploadant dlgnlfl010 profession. 000 ',Valles, rhehaanda 04 eue05sefpl ktarvol graduatos Anldrlo0',, Greatest 8501810 Illustrated Catalggoe 1's') Write, el' Call at51VEL H5IR0RE00ING 5011000* 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto 44 :flans 1.40., 11Iamlltoa 15 Rideau at„ Otlawe END 100111AREA$S5NG 0051„00130&&, At lent a toiled, proven flair 1'0810rer. gummy promotes noir growth In an Mem of bul4nes,, reg'a1Y3)500 of me or condition. Sold on full mone9 01,511 guarantee, For particulars writot 17010 Winner Theta' Herbal Products,72 Wept Ave, 5550., ,1lamllten. Ont, 11X'1115 MONEY IN. TOUR SPARE time. tOka now And renewal aohncrinuoaa to leoding seagazlneo, highest commiealon, free *09911es. Write Publishers Institute, sap Shorbrook, wm101505 woMEN — von caw EASILY EARN EXTRA orate Y, Twenty Telephone caul--Twonty Dollars. Write for full' l3nrnaolarat P,0. Box 111, London. Ont. MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY No experience peed00, At, our local denier for 0000 made -50 ni00eur* clothes. It's easy, we send complete milling outfit. Rush letter or po0tenrd telling 00o0t Yourself, age, etc. Troy Tailors, Dent, X, 8080 St. Lawrence, l pntreal, P. Q. YOUR future on llallwny, trained as Station Totem apher Insures he0Url411. Train w3113 Self Teaching Mnrhlno nt home. Alma teach ARC Shorthand by malt. Free folder. Canaan Systeme, Toronto. imam Literature t New DI*covert' 7 Your Aura la your Future. Aro YOU seeking the whole troth? 5000,00 Press.. 2010 W. 8rd. Street, Loa Angeles 0, Calif, PATE NTB AN OFFER to every inventor—Llai of in- ventions' and full Information gent trey, The Ramsay Co„ Reglnterod Petal Alina- oey9. 278 Bank Street, Ottawa. FETHERSTONIIA UGH & - Company Po- tent Solicitors, Estnbllehed 1800. 0)60 Bay Street, Toronto Ranklet of informa- :100 on request. PERSONAL QU1T SMOKING—the. easy way, Ube Tobacco Eliminator, a ectentltic treat - mane eulohly eliminates the erasing for tobacco, ride the system of nicotine. C. W. King Pharmacal Ltd. (Alberta). P.O. Bax 673, London, Ontario. RUGS NEW ruga made from your old rage and woollens. write for catalogue and price list. DOminlen Rug Weavlug Com5 07. 1477 Dundee Street West. Toronto, Ont. 8ALE3TIAN WANTED Three salesmen needed immediately by a largo Canadian Arm expanding to ail the biggest demand for our product* tor MAY Year0. Only ,nen thinking In terms of $100.00 weekly need a9P19'. Instructions given right in the Sold. Experience Rot Ree00- ary. Reply giving phone number to Sox No. 91, 153 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. Ontario, EAT A ' T G STN FALSE 'FEET!! It yon have trouble whet plaice that ellp,tock endemism sore gums —try Brlmme Plastl-Liner, Ono application makes plates et wooly without powder at 90170, beoauee Drtmma P1a0t1•r4nor hardens per- ma0eaty to your plate. It ruii/tee and:rata loose on old rubberIn a yno powder or ' plates you get good sultGut do. s 01X months to 0 year or longer. YOU CAN 051' ANYTHING! Simply lay soft strip et Plaott-Noor on troublesome Upper or lower. Bite and la molds P011001ty. foss fo 00e, taetaleoo, odorteee,. Larmleee to you and your plates. Iteree ab1, as dfnetod. Plata *loaner included. Money beet if not completely Mtleeed. If not available at your drug store, send 11.50 for rcllncr for- 1 plate. WILDROOT LTD., FORT ERIE, ONT. Dept. 7w ISSUE 45 1952 'When rheumatic pain gets you clown, here's the quick way to get relief. ,,/ Rub in soothing Nlinard's Liniment. Xs it good? Just i� Jl 1 try it, you'll sec! RHEUMATIC PA fa. "1CtNG OF PAIN" Rbt kl ■Vd IL. M En tl!`if. [il