HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-11-5, Page 1THEA POST Post Publishing House Authorized es seeead class mat Post Office LlePartment, Guava Wednesday, November 5th, 1952 $2,00 per year - 92,,M WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT ,The %intern District, High School Cornmeneeanent Exercises will be heed in the Town Hell, Wingharn on ale, waning, November eth, at 8.15. There will be a shoet musical prOgramme. Pnesentatien of certi- ficates. cliploreas, proficiency and added award e and the veledietene address by Miss Barbera, Gaunt, The speaker of the evening is Professor Ralph Cenepbell, Head of the Ecenromics Department at the Ontairie Aertieniture College, Guelph, PrefeeSer Campbell le 13, graduate of klie linleensitry of Toionto, and a • Rhodes Scholar to Oxfare, and the echool t fartunete gm securing so Oft a ,spealeer. , ,Evereetre interested in the Dis- trict High School ts invited to at. tend on 'Pilaw evenleg, Novenribre 7th. at 8.15. There is nn admission charge and no reserved seating NOTICE To Milk Customers In Brussels, There Wili Be No Milk Delivery on Tuesday, Nov. 11th. „ BRUSSELS CREAMERY DANCE In Walton Community Hall on Fri- day, Nov. 7th. Music will be supplied . by Wllbee's Orchestra. Admission at Popular Prices. Everybody Wel come. BAZAAR Sponsored by the Anglican Guild and W. A. of Walton in tee Walton Community Hall on Saturday, Nov. 15th. Aprons. fancy work, home baking. fish pond and white 'Gift counter. Supper served Adults 25c Children 50c OVERSEAS CHRISTMAS MAILINGS Thee public is cautioned to mail as early as possible to ensure Christ. rnas delivery. The folloeeng are the deadline dates. Letters to the United Kingdom Nov. 27. Parcels Nov 25, Letters to the European Contin- ent Nov. 25, Parcels Nov. 21. Coffee is prehibited in Gift Par- cels to the forces serving In Ger- many. 71,1111011VOW THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Church Brussels Minlater, Rev. W, H. T. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m. Monolog Worship Remembearice Day Service Baptismal Spechel Music 9arzimae.. United Church OF CANADA Minlater, Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worship — 11 o'clock "Rembrance" Churoh School — 12 o'clock. A Welcome to An. 111•11MINIMPIr • Church of England Perish of Brussels Rev. A. 'Mennen Ellis, M. A. Jahris lincirett, Drelasts- 11 a m. ISLoreing Prayer Sunday Settee' OIL David's Linos*. Hestrpil 2.80 P. n. I'vening Pr61761. Stmelay &heel et Chtergeos Cher" Wailes 7.80 p, m Hole COIMMiniell LADIES' AUXILIARY The regular business meeting of "The Ladles Auxiliary" was held Thursday evening, Mans were made Pow the annual Legion banquet which will be held on Tthesday, Nov, Ilth at 7 P. m. The Remembrance Da,e Ohl1Pell • ,servioe he held se the Anglican Church, All Auxiliary members are ' asked to meet et hhe 'calumet at 10,45, The 1101110[111altbill ,of ,officees for 1953 was held and are as follows: Presidente Com. Vera, Hastings; hst Vice -Pees., Corn. Ida Winebergi .2nd Vice -Pres., Oom Chrietena Mc- DOwell; Searebary, Oom Mere Lowe; Trerealuner, 00M,. Betty Bronson; Standard Bearer, Com, Elleabeth Wintle; Ieleniet, Com, Pear] Lowe,:. Texeoutive Committee Comeacles Duncan, Higgins, M. Retledge, Shaw; Sunshine Cornet - Pe, Com kismet( and C. Oakley: Auditors, Com. Spelt: awl Brower Comrade Mary Lowe then gave a very Interesting report on the Briockville convention of which she was n de/egate. A donation of :50.00 was given to the Temesels Retie Band. THE UNITED CHURCH In keeping with the season of All Soule or All Hallows Day. the ser- mon in the Dieted Miura on Sun- day morning. Nov. 2 was "The Corn mullion of Saints." in the New Test- ament "Saints" is just another nfame for "Followens a Jesus". This fell- owship of believers Is not only of earth but sf heaven, the minister declared. The closing hymn was "Foe all Ithe saints who from, their Inbotiesi resit." The .anthem, "Be Still ely Soul" by Seelline was sunr by the choir, DIED CALLAGHAN, John Leo — At St. Michael's General Hospital. Toronto, on Satairdae, Nov 108, John Leo feilla,ehan. 299 Charles St., 'Belle- ville, beloved husband of Rathleen Wilton, aged 60 year's. Funeral will he held from her Tete reeldence on Tireeday, Nov. 441. to R. C. St. Micheel's Church for solemn requiem mnsc at 5 a. m. Funerte under di:r- ealm' of Corrigan ie O'Brien, Pitmeml Rom( — Berle -erne Treelle Veneer, newspaper. The srldow, Mrs. leolbleen Wilton rallnehnn was the denrehter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sim Wilton, • Temeeele. Ont TENDERS WANTED Tenders Win be received by the underaigned until 8 p. m. Saturday, , November 8th, 1952 for snowplowing in the Village of Brussels for 1952, 58 season. Tenders to be by the I hour. Lowest or any tendert. not nee essatrilv accepted. 0. R. Campbell, Meek REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING-- Nov 6 - 7 - 8 Technicolor "SKI FiT S AHOY" Esther Wililarlis Barry Sullivan A musical comedp and one of the gayest of the year. The story of the gals who became sailors and the boys they left at home. Nov. 10 - 11 - '12 Technicolor "THE BIG TREE" Kirk Douglas Patrice Wymore A stirring drama of the conflict of man against nature In the rough and ready era. The Californa redwoods afford the setting for this outdoor picture. First show starts at 7 P. M. Nov. 13 - 14 - 15 Techilcolor "THE CIMARRON KID" Audle MIrphy Beverly Tyler He ted the last (Inert') outlaw raid whIch took place at Coffeyville, 'Oklahoma. This Is a Western In which the Kid checks his blazing guns Inc a woman's love. COMING "THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL" efieeeete" SPECIAL APPEAL FOR LIONS CLUR CHiLDBEePS BABY CLOTHES AND TOYS HALLOWE'EN PARTY The clothing drive in aid of Korea and Greece, samtiored by the Women's Institute wars well received and this fleet shiPutene has been sent, As $the need 10 great, the drive will be ope0 untie the end a Nov, A -special aPpea3 ha8 been sent to ans for baby clothes and toy auiteable for /children in hospitels, Please leave any centributioas at the home of Mrs, Stanley Wheeler. BRUSSELS COUNCIL Ootober 281h, 1953 The regular meeting of Brussels Municipal Counoill was held on the above date, Counoillor Bennett was absent, The Peinates of the meetings of Sept. 29 and Oat:4, 1952 were read and minutes adapted as read on mot ion of A. MoTaggart, seconded by C. L. Workman. The following accounts were or- dered paid on motion of J. 11, Stretton, seconded by C. L. Work - Man, A. Rutledge. fox bounty $ 6.00 T. Campeell, fox bounty 2.00 G. E. Radford, gravel 68.00 D. N. McDonald, lumber, cement and tile 70.18 County of Huron, indigent hoseitalizabion 36.00 Peet Pub. House, ads, and weigh scale tickets 1.1.06 Criehers and Gallaher, work at dump ground 120.00 Elliott Motor Sales, 'Fire Deist. 5.70 Ileuesele Coal Yard. thel town hell and office 141.40 L. Armstrong, drains 20.50 Ti, Henry, drains 20.50 W. E. Willis, supplies 2.41 A. Ooklev, streets and drains 7.20 W. 14 Bell, ealary 135.00 G. R. Ca,mchell, salary 55.00 it was moved by A. MrTazeert seennded by 1. H. Strutter that the the Clerk advertise for tenders for Ties. Bv-leaw sterrne ent?t-s ril Nomination meeting end also date of Municipal Election, Nomination meting to be 'held on November 20 and reeetien if necessary lo held Tleeenther Flth, 1852. The Reece was authorized to Proclaim November 11, 1952 as A Public Holiday tn the Village. Business of ths meetlngbelng conrluded . Council adjourned on motion of C. L. 1VorIrman, seconded by .T. 77 Stretton. mow -plowing for the Village during 1952-53 semen — Carried, 08 was moved by A. Meese:met seconslel by C. L. WerkmItee that Ry -Taw No. 8. 1952 as reag s firs', and second time be read elli:Afti ime. — Carried. 58 was- moved by 7. W. Stretton, seconded hy A. Mere -mart, that By - Lew No. 8. 1952 as reed a third time he peesed, — (beefed. NOTICE Weird gheetts and goblins, clowns, • claeleng pipettes. ivilicisoine folks Mom Mother Goose Lane and many $aner °aortal loboaaara gathered at the Bnutssels Town Hall on Fri- day night to paletioipato in the Hallowe'en party given the children ef the community by the LIMB Club.. Costume judging and con. test -4 amused the youngsters. Treats were pasised out to all present, Lion ,Fas. Armstrong, was chair - reale ,alesieted by Lions C. Long Wm. Martin and Harvey Johnston. Prize winners Were — Hallowe'en costume — David Al. eook, Freddie Davis, Lynn Gibson, Comic Costumes—Joan Davidson. imeson, Mere Beth Jewell. Nursery Costumes, Edith Davis, Bobby Coleman. 3.0401 Johnston. National costumes — Mary Jean eTeBricle. Ruth Ann end Lynda Jane Johnson, Gwendoline Martin. Clown Costume — Plitllp Kirby. Pirate restume — David Kennelly. Melee costeme MeTazenre Cray boy nr 7r1 costume — Roc - belie winebers., Tack and Reny Beet Antique costumes NeineY McWhinter, Ann Multi/T.1, Lowny I Alcork. reeLVILLE CHURCH On Sunday morning Rev. W. H. T. Fulton took his text from the 107)7) ( chapter of St. Matthew, basing his .sermon on verses 43, 44, and 45. He spoke of the empty house, and the danger of it, who, or what I is going to live 111, it? When a man it decides to reform his life, or to met certain eye things out of his life, something good must be put I in their Place. Christ approves of Itbe house of the soul being swept and clean, but It must not re- ! main empty. The choir rendeded the harvest Mrs. Charles Armstrong Mrs. (Marna Henry Arrnstrelle, 88, the former Minim Abbey, died in Bowinanwille Memorial Hospital op Wednesdale, Oct. 29th. She bed lived • 111 Iteq/1115.11,11P and MOOR* 'TEM and recently With her niece, in lectWeastle. Eumeral service was held ou Fri- deY, In the Northoutt and Smith funeral home in Bovaroantrille. /n- tedgment was in Newtonville Cern- *Ow. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Armstrong, Misses Edith and Elva Warwick of Morriw attended the services. Mrs, William Bennett Mrs, William Bennett died at her henna here in the early hours of Tuesday, Oct. 29th, atter being In foiling health for sorne,time. Born In Dudley, England on Tune lith, 1864, she was the the (laughter of the Tato Tele Murdock and Wil- belmine Elliott She came to this, (-entry, well her parents, eighty I two years ago and settled itt Trow- peidge where she livtdunte her marr- iage in 1902. when cher moved with hrr husbaled to lot 31, can. 6, Grey township. TheY'retired In 1926 and 1, went to live in Ethel where her tersbend predecased her in 1945. She came to .Brussels in 1947 and had since resided here. A., of Brussels, and grand-danghter She is survived by one son Rober Mrs, A. Weeks (Marie) of Wallaee- 1 bung. The funeral service was eonclunted by Rev. A. Lame, of the Dieted Church and Rev. W. H. T 'Fulton of Melville Church, at her late !est- eem:T. Princess Street. en Thursday Ont. leth. interment took place in 1 Mount Pleasant cemetery. The many beautiful floral tributes were reeled by H. Trembeth. 54 Oeberne. A. Bennett, T. Campbell, J. Conley ane N Ilairripq Pallbearers were Gen. Dunbar. N Mitt -hell, A. Aleeander. 5 Teeirnee. a:ahem "Ye shall dwell in the land" it Armee. sn,l ‘. 13,stnns.” by Stainer, solo parts being taken by Mary Lou McFarlane and , Graeme MacDonald, ,e Mrs. Stanley Dunbar CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walker wish to thank the neighbours and friends for their thoughtfulness at their fiftieth wedding anniversary Also to those who sent flowers. cads, and assisted in any way. It NVEIS an very much appreciated. CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks to our: &aids I szeneighbours who expreiied their sympathy in so many ways et the time' of our boreamernient. Special thanks to the neighbonre of the 4th and 6th con. of Grey, to Rev. A. Lane, Bev. W. H. T. Fulton, 17r. C. Myers and Mr. B. Walker. Mr. and Mee R. A. Bennett and Marie. Brussels Public School Concert of, Dec. 19. Watch far further notice. —So'"" M. 1.1.1.• THEATRE ILISTOWEL CAPITOL 2 shows nightly, 7.10 — 949 p. ,n. Matinee Saturday t p. Thur. Fri, Sat. Nov. 6 7 - Sing Crosby, Jane Wyman, Ethel Barrymore In "JUST FOR YOU" Bing sings those tuneful, zippy songs you love to hear. It's a grand cloture. Mon.. Tues. e Nov. 10 — 11 "THUNDER ON THE HILL^ starring Claudette Colbert, Ann Blyth, Robert Douglas.. A touchlne story of a woman's faith even In the face of murder. TUESDAY FOTO-141TE OFFER S110.00 Monday Attendance Card Night Wed., Thur. Nov 12 - Piper Laurie, Rock Hudson, Charles Cobourn "HAS ANYBODY SEEN MY GAL" The hepp days — the great songs of the roaring twenties. e CARD OF THANKS We would like to extend our heart felt :Menke to all our neighbonra and friend8 for their many acts of and expreesione of sera- pe:thy •at the time of our bereave- ment, we would also like to thank those who sent flowers. Tour kindly ithoughtfulnees will live long in our e eesest le. Stamley Dueiline and famfly. Nancy The Morris Township Federation are holding a Turkey Supper on Thursday, Nov 20th at tit Forester's Hall. Beeman. 'Rev Norman Raw- son of leenellton is the guest speaker. Tickets oen be seonred from tbe executive members of the Federat- ton. HOUSE FOR SALE — ror meek sale house end let in l3russels formerly owned by Thome.: W, Mitchell estate, write box 61 ar Phone 38 Listowel, Ont. FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Fhm. R., R. O. Carol E. Homuth IL 0. Mrs. It VIolo Homuth R. 0. Optometrcab Monte 118 HartWoosh, 061. There passed away in Grey town - snip on Monday, Ont. 27. Sara Elizabeth Dunbar in her 66th year after a lingering illness. Born on concession 1, Grey Twp., 1887, she was daughtor of the late John Mc. Lenuan and Rebecca Earl. On Oct. 26, 1929. she was married to E. Stanley Dunbar who aurvives, ease two daughters (Betty) Mrs, 0- L. Gibson, Pordwieh, (Ruth) Mrs. 7, H. Rkeoch, Goderich and 3 grand- sons; three sisters (Hannah) Mrs. :fames Wright, Ethel, (Sophie) Mrs. Den Hollenbeck, Stratford, and. Tana Rippen; three brothers William, of 'Molesworth; Bob of Bluerale; Andrew of con. 2 (kw; one as- te,' Mrs. Will McBride, and one' brother. Dave pre -deceased her. She was a member a 'Knox Yres- byterian Church, Ethel and an active member of the Ladies:" Aid and W. M. S. until her health Funeral services were eautucted from her late residence con. 7. lot 19 on Wednesday, Oct. 29 at 2.30 p. m. by Rev. W. M. Hymemam, pas- tel. of Tenox March, Ethel. with interment In Mount Pleasant Cem- etery, rebel. Pnllbenrers write six neighbours, Lesley nee!, Earl Bowes. Melvin Hamilton", Wm. Dane, QIIPSt DM,S.On (ieo, Mitchinson. •The &einittful floral beeliutee were ca,rriee by six nephewe. Ross rein- neghnrtn, 15081 Chinnheeham, Stewart Metennale Scent McLennee, Keith lentetmen and Joe. McBride. Tertenes attended from (inledonia, Stirlatfotte, tonene, tilatowel, God- erich, Rrussels. TlInewile. Gorrie and Mitchell end Fordwich. OUIET HALLOWE'EN ...'Plits yea."' was the quieteet oeseeern Brest:As bee mortenced for some time. The only settees &Iso- nzo brought to our attention was et the sehnnl where or member 01 windows evens broken. The 'renal ARRA pranks of window sotepieg neo- growing movieahles ebont were in evidence. The face that police officers, and others !severe in for the occasion, were en the lee meet the early morning bourn probably kept damage to a 11114(11111n. GRAND OPENING. of the NEW RIVERSIDE MOTORS Brussels, Ont. DANCE In the Supertest Station on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th Good Orchestra Lunch Counter Free Admission and Lucky Door Prize November 11th Church Service There will be a Church Service in the St. John's Anglican Church on Tuesdayi., Nov. 1 1 th at 11 a. m. All ex -servicemen are pleased asked to be at the Legion Rooms by 10.30 a. in. After the service in Church there will be a Memorial Service at the Cenotaph. The Public is cordially invited. Signed: Legion Executive. Don't Forget to Buy a Poppy. Wawa men= ow, PROCLAMATION In accordance with other municipalities., Tuesday, November 1 lth, is declared co public holiday in Brussels and ask the people of this community to observe it _-- such, 1; E; Win $150. s FJn Cos te R. B. Cousins, Reeve. Commencing Nov. 1, 1952 to Dec. 24, 1952 Each Buyer of a Car Purchased from Brus.54: Motors, at a value over $300.00, • sFr:', are' entitled to the Draw to take place on the Eve of Dec. 24th, 1952. WM7. 1952 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Coach 2-1952 Chev. Styline Sedan 1951 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Sedan Power glide $1995,00. c 2-1951 Chev. Styline Sedan at $1850.011. 1951 Chev. Styline Coach $1850.00. e• 2-1951 Chev. DeLuxe Styline Sedans, 1950 Chev. DeLuxe Fleetline Sedan fully equipped. 1940 Chev. Five Passenger Coupe fully equipped $1495.00. 1949 Plymouth Special DeLuxe Sedan $1395.00. 1949 Meteor Sedan, Completely Recon- ditioned $1295.00. 1940 Plymouth Coach TRUCKS - 1948 Chev. g Ton Pick-up and many older models to choose from 1.mei.aame.e..••••••/•.••••1 Brusssis Motors Huron County's Forrnost Used Car Dealer 13russels, Ont. Phone 73,c. 1