HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-10-29, Page 61 AD s®s ©MOM TgIE "Dear Anne Hirst: Until the last few years, my husband never drank. Now he does so regularly. He doesn't get really drunk, just takes enough to make hint hateful, and hard to get along with, it seems to change h i s personality en- tire' y. n•tire'y. He knows I've al- ways hated drinking a n d all it stands for. It is tear- ing us apart, and if it cont'nues it will end our marriage, 'Last winter I left him for four months. He begged me to some home, promised every- thing. I gave in. Within a few weeks, it was the same story. "It is almost driving me crazy, I don't want to be around him. I can't stand his breath; when be kisses me, I could scream. I go for days without speaking to him, and Ican't help it. I can't pretend. He wonders what is wrong; he will not see it is just his drinking that is ruin- ing my life and his. "Ile says that I can't leave him, that I'll always come back —and if I do go, he will kill me. NOTHING LEFT "I know he can quit drinking if he wants to. lie stopped smok- ing when his doctor told him to. "I don't nag, Anne Hirst. I never start a fuss , . , I used to enjoy going out with him, but I don't now, I never know what to expect: It makes him mad. "I was never like this before he started drinking. How can 1 snake hint see that I'm about to crack up" Unless I can respect him and love him again, it will be too latae. As he is now, I can't do either. MRS. L. E. H." * I do not wonder you are * frantic. You have lost faith * in your husband — and why * not? After giving you his * word to stop drinking, you * find gt:arts of liquor around * the house. That makes him * furious, of course. He cannot * see that he fooling nobody • but hin.seIf. * Now. he.114-become physi- * tally revolting. Instead of en- * jojring his caresses, they make * you illi (Theychavo the same * effect on many another sensi- tive wife who is too timid to * admit it.) It is as though the man became a changeling — * not the one you loved and de- " sired, but a stranger with * traits you never saw in your * husband. He is captious and * critical, arrogant, even abus- • ive, He ridicules you to his * own advantage, and your spir- * it is so crushed that you are * speechless. * Drinking can do this dread- * ful thing to the gentlest of * men. I have seen it. If he * could only see himself as he * it at such times! For if you * told him, of eours s he would * never believe he was guilty * of all the offenses he commits. * Your husband, however, has * seen its effect on you. That * should be enough to convince * him that he cannot go on * drinking, and expect to find * you there to suffer over and " over again. You have come to * the end — as would any other * gently reared woman, * You say he reads this col- * umn. If he happens to miss * this. one, put the paper where * he will see it. I hope, with * you, that he will wake up to * the crisis his marriage faces. * If he laughs it off, as he has * done before, he will find out * how wrong he is. For this * time, tell him you will not * come back. The evils of drinking are etch- ed deep in the hearts of thous- ands of wives. Finally. the man must decide which he wants most—alcohol, or his wife . , . If this problem faces you, ask Anne Hirst what to do. Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. Sub -Teen Classic it TA iVit 11 It PI .^ And the RELIEF IS LASTING For fast relief from headache get INSTANTINE, For real relief get INSTANTINE. For prolonged relief get INST.;1NrnNEI Yes, more people every day are finding that INSTANTINE is one thing to ease pain fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain you can depend on INSTANTINE to bring you quick comfort. ixdsTANTINE is 'made like a pre• scription of three proven medical ingredients. A single tablet usually brings fast relief. Gat mainline todsy and always keep it handy 124aliieI tin 25¢ Economical 484ablet Bottle 750 ISSUE 44, 195 4605 SIZES 6-14 ‘r KZ' G+fte.$ For your smart little Subs Teen daughter, this smart little dress, There's style aplenty in that wing collar, those jaunty pockets. Add interest aplenty with plaid bow, porkets and bands en sleeves. Sensible for school and play, pretty enough for dress -up! Pattern R4605 in Girls' Sizes { 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Size 10 takes 3 yards 35 -inch; 5a yard contrast. This pattern easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit. Has complete r A 11 ustrat d instruc" 1 I tinne. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS 1 531) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for chis pattern. Print plainly 5121S, NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NVM13i1I1. Send order to Box 1, 123 Fil;ht•.tit :it., Few Toronto, } Ont. Mysterious Shadow On Mona Lisa When a dark shadow appeared recently above the brow of the Mona Lisa, the waist's moat famous painting in Louvre, Par- is, a committee of international art experts met and ;discussed ways of removing it. What caused the shadow remains a Mystery. The Mona Lisa is generally recognized as Leonardo da Vin- al's masterpiece and the most beautiful portrait of a woman ever painted. No picture has ever had a greater 'following". Its haunting, enigmatic charm has inspired countless critical rhapsodies frobi painters and poets. Leonardo spent four years painting the Mona. Lisa. The original was the wife of Zanobl de Giocondo. and the artist was so anxious to record on canvas the strangely fascinating smile of his lovely model that he caused music .to be played while he worked so that she could be en- tertained andthus keep that subtle efpression on her face. Art experts say that the Mona Lisa "has everything." Design, c o l o 11 r, technical accomplish- ment of the highest Order are there—and, above all, character. Walked For Wedding—Three- year-old Adele Poindexter, ill with polio, won her reward for a walking•'recovery and went hand.in-hand down the aisle at the wedding of the former Miss Shirley Ludwig, now Mrs. Neil Benford, physical. therapist. Seen above, Adele is looking at the bride's prayer book with the new - Mrs. 'Benford after the ceremony. She was promised. she could attend if able to walk then. HRONICLIS INGER FATiril fawr 410124244 So lovely for guest linens. Enough motifs for two pillow- cases, two towels and one scarf. Easy stitches; add ready-made eyelet ruffles to the edges. Pretty, colorful guest linen Pattern 838; transfer of six mo- tifs about 31S-12 inches. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 1223 Eighteenth St., New To- ronto, Ont, Such a colorful roundup of handiwork ideas! Send twenty- five cents now for our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Catalog, Choose your patterns froth our gaily illustrated toys, dolls, household and personal acces- sories. A pattern for a handbag is printed right in the book. Perch Sleep On Bottom of Lake With an echo -sounder on a forty -foot Navy le u n c h, a researcher from the University of Wisconsin traced the move- ments of school's of pereh in Lake Mendota in Wisconsin and made the remarkable discovery that the fish spend the night sleeping on the bottom " near the shore. The echo sounder's revelations were confirmed by divers. During the daylight hours the perch move in large schools at depths ranging between twenty- five and thirty-five feet below the surface. As the light wanes at sundown they move toward shore until they reach the bot- tom. Then the school disperses, and each fish quietly sinks to the sand and stays there. This habit of blending into the bottom aroused the scientists' curiosity because the echo -soun- der left it to be inferred that the perch had disappeared. A diver sentbelow at night with a flash- light found thousdnds of perch on the bottom. When they were disturbed by the flashlight they moved just out of the brightest beam,sank and went to sleep P again. At daybreak perch rise and e n r ate into schools.Soon af- ter eg ter sunrise they move back into deeper water. THINK IT OVER Money you have to pay hack always seems like twice as much as you borrowed. Thanksgiving week -end — and what perfect vweather! The only nice holiday week -end we have had this year. It gave many people a chance to drive through the country and see the autumn colouring at its best. Red maples everywhere — but they show to much better advantage where there are also evergreens, and maybe a background of limestone rock. In this district we have them all. Even from here the view is perfect so we don't have to travel the high- ways in search of beauty. Well, while this was definitely a thanksgiving season at Ginger Farm, it wasn't exactly a holi- day week -end. Our family from Toronto was here and we had been told to line up any jobs for which we need help. We did just that. Apples and pears were picked, and then Daughter helped can pears . to take home with her. Art helped Partner put up a fence and with various other jobs. And then we moved the hens. Yes, indeed! I stayed in the pen and caught them while the other three carried them away to new quarters — ,quite ,a , distance. One hen got away and then followed an ar- gument as to who was respon- sible for its escape. Biddy, natu- , rally, didn't stop to listen. She went on her way . rejoicing, hunting for late worms and savoury grubs. Neither did we waste our energy chasing her but left places open where she could shelter for the night. • Of course we had callers while we were busy — I have no idea what they thought of our dishevelled appearance. Catching hens and climbing apple trees doesn't improve one's appearance. However, they only stopped long enough to say hullo and goodbye, atter leaving some perennial roots which had been promised for this fall. These friends had an old lady with them — mother and grandmother. too. They were taking her for a drive and then out for Thanksgiving dinner, away front her apartment where she lives alone. This old lady has five children and about fif- teen grandchldren. She visits among them during the summer and comes back to her apart- ment for the winter. She is loved and considered and yet, says she is often lonely. I looked at her, and my thoughts went "back once again to a home I visited .last week where I saw many old people — our newly opened home for the aged.. It is a marvellous place, absolutely modern in every detail. Fur- nishings artistic and comfort- WiTH THE HELP OF TOBACCO ELIMINATOR 5's tree booklet and names at nelahbmu, Who_gladlyta:LIty le the trussing renal', nt this nnn•haba tnrmina remedy. wrr+. 'tins Pharmacal cora, Ltd.. Tics a;1 London. Ont. able; beds restful; rooms airy and light; meals, good and the superintendent and his staff eine clout, kind and considerate. Many of these aged residents seemed well content. But there were others whom T could not forget. They seemed like people without hope . just' waiting. Many of them had been trans- ferred to this, new home from a house of refuge where some of them had spent many years. And I wondered , , . had they any friends — any family? Had they been placed in the home and forgotten? Did they have visitors who were interested in them personally? What was the story behind their expression- less. faces — what were their feelings? In the men's, lounge there `were about a dozen men. Some smoking, others just sitting. There were papers and maga- zines but none, of them was read- ing. They were net even talking, In the women's .quarters sense were reading, writing letters, or doing, fancy work. A few were just sitting"with that same hopeless expression, not even curious as to who the unknown person might be when I walked in. Many of them were in the same age group as the old lady who came here yesterday. Yet she is seldom; idle, reads a lot and takes an active interest in church work. Wherein lies the differenece? I may be wrong but it seems to me our aged citizens may be housed in the most modern and comfortable homes that can be built yet they will never be happy. unless there is someone who cares; someone belonging to them whb can make them feel` they are still necessary - -itill able .to contribute in some way to the happiness. of others, even by living, or, if they can, by knitting or making little things. Grandpa, with time on his hands, can often make won- derful toys, just by whittling. And grandma should be en- couraged to knit, or sew, even if she makes' nothing more than pot -holders. A. home for the aged may be the very best place for grand- pa and grandma to receive proper care but they still need • folks" and a sense of -belong- ing. No home can take the place of filial love and respect. And surely that is not too much to expect. Marching Snails About one hundred years ago a species of large snails broke loose from its native Africa and went on the rampage. Since then it has ranged all over the tropics, destroying, breeding, spreading, and causing countless millions of pounds' worth of damage, In Africa the giant snail popu- lation had been kept in check by the natives, tvho prized them as food and wore the bright shells as ornaments. Then a British traveller, W. 33. •Benson; took some snails to India and let them loose near Calcutta. The Indians did not take to them as a delicacy, and they be- gan to •spread. By 1900 they had reached Ceylon, Malaya, Borneo, Sumatra, and Java. To give an idea of how pro- lificthese creatures are, a pair of them were taken to Hawaii by a woman who had holidayed in Formosa. In a few yers they were 'completely out of control. Every single shall is an egg producer. One scientist estimat- ed that a single snail,- in five years, could give rise to eleven thousand million others, weigh- ing up to s potted each. The snails travel in batches, and are not fussy about what they eat. They strip the country bare of practically all vegeta- tion as they pass over it. So far, the, travels of the giant snail have inclined to the east. From Africa - it has already worsted its way round the Pa- cific, and hat made a few abor- tive attempts to establish itself in the United States. Once it has reached that far one more step would bring a plague of giant snails to Europe, WHY YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE SODA • 15 you suffer froth sold Indigestion, gas, heartburn, "dentists say baking soda can add to your upset, destroy vitamins, cause alknlu,is, acid rebound.. After meet Q had lndigeotio, and ges polar and I practically lived on baking w ale, says Peter Goorg*.Lothbrldgo, Alta. 'Tied S -started taking Dr. P5orce'e Golden Medical Clacoeary and tbo peine wont away and I could eat snit enjoymymeals again. 1 galled 80 pounds and It mush' better," Thousand. who suffered such distress, due Lo no argent" cannon,' triad 'Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with amazingzin g roeulta. Over 86,tltlp tl00 battles of Ulla groat non•aleeholia medicine, with iia wonderful stomachic toalo dation have been cold to date. And no wonder, i trot, taken regularly, It promotes more normal stomach nativity, 'hue helping to digest food batt(eor so you won't have gar, heartburn, soul stomach, Second, wIth stomach activity Improved, you so oat this footle you .1450 Without fear of aftor•dletroro, Try It. Got Or. Plarce'e Geldno Marilee! Dleouvery at your druggist, today' glift41 FUTURE S. 'Trorn Wood, Gundy & Company Limited 36 ((i tag Street West Toronto 1 Telephone: gltfpira 4-4.325 Modern Etiquette Q. Is it considered proper to use bread for sopping up the gravy in one's dinner plate? A. Yes,. if -done in the' right way—by putting a small piece of bread down on the gravy, and then eating it with the fork as though it were any other help- ing on your plate. Q. How should gifts and flowers received during an I11- ness be acknowledged?. A. If the patient is too ill to acknowledge the gifts prompt- ly, notes of thanks should be written as soon as possible af- ter recovery. Q. SVhen the wedding is to be a double -ring ceremony, does the bridegroom buy his own ring as well as that of his bride? A. No; the bride buys his ring. Q. 1f a man is forced by cir- cumstances to send a woman who he has been escorting home in a taxi, is he supposed to pay the taxi fare? A. He most certainly is! He should inquire of the driver the approximate amount the fare will lie, and then pay him, add- ing enough for a tip. Q. What kind of flowers should a bride wear if sire is married in a traveling costume and pre- fers not to carry an arm bou- quet? A. She may wear a corsage :.of orchids, gardenias, or any 'other flower that suits her fancy. Q. Is a person obliged to give the reason for deplaning an in- vitation? ` A. While not exactly obli- gated, it still is the gracious thing to offer some reason. Otherwise, it may be inferred that yqu do not care to prolong the friendship. Q. Is it obligatory that re- freshments of some idnd be fur- nished after a wedding rehear- sal? A. While not obligatory, it is customary and a very nice thing to do. +The refreshments are usually served after the rehear- sal at the home of the bride — or the bridegroom invites the little party of attendants to some eating place. Q. If a person asks you how old you are, or what your salary is, or some such personal ques- tion„ what should you do? A. You are perfectly privi- leged to reply, "There, are some questions that I prefer not to answer." It is only a very rude, ill-bred tactless person who ask such questions. w i th(o ride r((1":. IINNA ON OOHS Measure ititolairt`e lit'1;»l c lukewarm tvatjt'.2 Nis granu lad'r" th unci; sui{ar as tedissolvccsugai, Si0rinkl4 tli envelopes Fleischinann's Vast Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand' 10 min., THEN stir well. Scald 1 a milk and stir int 510, c. granulated sucar,114 tsps" salt,6 tbs. shortening; cool to lukewarm. Add to yeast mix- ture and stir in 2 well -beater eggs. Stir in 3 c" ante -sifted bread flour; beat until smooth. Work in 3 c. more once -sifted bread dour. -Knd until 050,15 and elaslfel place ineagrcavttt bowl; brush top with melted butter or shortening. Cover and set in wart, place, free front draught, Let .riseuntil doubled in bulk. while `dough IS rising, combine 11/a 0. brown sugar (lightly pressed down), 3 tape. ground cinnamon, 5 c. washed and dried Seedless raisins. Punch down dough aid divide into 2 equal pot, tions; form into smooth balls, 11011 each piece into an oblong IA" thiel: and 16" long; loosen dough. Brush with molted 'butter or mergarine. Sprinkle with raisin mixture. Begin- ning at a long edge,toll up each piece loosely, like a Jelly roll. Cut into 1" slices. Placa lust touching each other, a cut.aide up, in greased 7" round layer•cake pans for other *hal. low pans), Grease tory.. Cover and let rise until doubted in bulk. flake in moderate oven, 350', 20.25 minutes, Sena hot, or .reheated. _ 41 No sore taking chances with perishable yeast cakes that have lost their leavcaing poweel New , I lamaa schn' s Fast DRY Yeast keeps full trength and active right till dee mo ent you use at. Needs NO refrig ration—keeps safely ii t i , our cup iboard, Ttv marvellousILmarvellouslons " rnsuits in Anis ,cart baking, °robe a months ,reo,a/y./