HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-10-22, Page 471, rtNGHA DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD' offer the following classes In 'night school (provided the r,-„uired number enrol) 1. SAW. ENGLISH FOR NEW CANADIANS (no fee required) 2. SHOP ^- -; a01h'CRkING, PLASTIC andMETALWORK 3, sewime 4. PUEL.IO .SPEAKING 5, comms ;CiAL WORK (TYPING and BCCKKEEPiNG) 6. HOBBYORAFTS ••- LEATHESGRAFT) FEE —• $5.00 ENROLMENT AND PAYMENT OF FEE Wednesday evening at 7,30, November 5th, 1952 Applicants are requested to notify W. S. Hall, Principal or to telephone the Wingham District High School (Winghare 128), between 9.00 a. m. and 4.50 p. m- ..prevtoua to the date enrolment if at all possible...The number in each class Is limited,.. and applications will be accepted in the order in which those interested apply. Classea will begin at 8.00 p. m. Wednesday, Nev. 5, n following registration. Yo II make more hey with a 0C EW 1953 AIGBELS AVAILABLE NOW ! sdA I N LY X3'31. HERE'S WHY... Complete with 14” blade and chain, F.O.B. Vancouver, B.C. 1 McCulloch is the dependable saw—you can cut all day" at top speed without overworking your McCulloch. McCulloch is the fast cutting saw—special 3 h.p, n engine saws at full power in any position—assures top production under the toughest,conditlons. McCulloch is the light weight saw--welghing only 25 lbs, complete with 18" blade and chain, a McCulloch Is easy to work with all day. 6 models to choose from -14", 18", 24", 30", �r 36", blades—i8" bow saw. Act now, see and test the top value, top performance 1953 McCulloch Chain Saw at your dealers' today or contact Exclusive Canadian Agents 440 West 1M Ave, 861 Landsdowne St., 525 1st Ave,, Vancouver 10, B.C. ` Peterborough, Oflt, Quebec City, Que. i 3. T E .BROSS!~' S PAST kaiNa p1ALI 980 The Yotttk, People's negotiation ser- • lice will b,-• held its l8tltol United Church SOW Friday, Oct, 241h at 5 p. Ili. The guest speaker is Clare Mellower. During the worship service in the , hulled Church on Sunday, Opt. 19, the Sacrament at Baptism was ad- ministered •to Joan, Marie Bronner, Muriel Fay ,Fackiin and Linda 1 ou Raynard, .' • infant daughters of Mr, and Airs, Robert Bremner, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Jaeklin and Air. and Wiry. Ceell Raynard. sir• Sohn Carnachan and Mr. MAI Mrs. A Rock and Sona Loyd, Mel - 41n and John motored to Niagara Falls over the weekend and re- newed old acquaintance with frtands at (halt. Jean Rock .is •confined indoors with ple ray. ii'thel Presbyterian Young People nod their second trusting en Opt. 25th at 8 p. to. The meeting open- ed with singing of Rymn 590. The Scripture reading was taken troth Psalms 5 verses 1 • 12, and road by June Cathers, The Lord's Prayer was then repeated. l3uaalnesa was discussed after which ,Dougllas Dun- bar nave a very inspiring eiweeh 00 "Failte" The meeting then closed by the playing of games and lunch. LEMERY DISTRIBUTMLTD. GEO. E. POLLARD R. R. 2 Brussels, Ont. t.tr.t.GRA A successful turkey dinner was served in the .:\grave Community Centre, Wednesday evening. .pprox imately 800 people sat down at once to enjoy a bounteous dinner. Atter the meal Bob Carhert. Wing - ham. was. the master or ceremonies and led to oomammnity singing with Mrs. Murray McDowell nit the piano Numbers on the programme" in- cluded solos by Mrs. Emmerson Rogers of Westfield and ('lark Satinet -cm: numbers by a quartet front the f,oeddrh Collegiate ornt.nh dances by Logs :Masora; 710- +• sat-ot1.r. h" rnbn Rennie an - f“ "'TV n-',.,.'n• mad +.r %Tice "^^ar+write Pa rvra+ of Te-/c+u4 by Clifford Mnlae' srl4.assat ;eo.-a a4.ran b9 Tdarcoo TnheRtnn an.' Wla.4nr (�o.•r-t.Pf. M. P. Tho Mag,a4aert, ninvu7 nrnvin,an •ti,. � ,. ,. xrhn o^a-aa.tin F P <..t , . . 4,...,•, PLEA RINGAUCTION SAL Qt Fprm Stook and grain At Lot 1, Con, 7, Onley Twp, 11/4 Mlles North of Brussels on 7 DAYS A WEEK Friday, October 24th at 1 P..10, DAYS lrtf EK I Ocws 1 rid sew milking in calf, 5 yam's old 1 roan oow Milking, due April 7, 5 Years Old. ' 1 rad •cow milking, in calf, 8 years j• old 1 red cow milking in calf, 4 years i old 1 roan cow 'to freshen soon, 4 years old ' red and white cow, milking. not in calf, 1 years old } 1 red and white heifer to freshen soon 1 roan heifer, fresh 4 weeks 1 steer, 2 year old 5 year heifers • 11 Spring calves ' 1 calf 4 weeks old 1 Mli, 15 months old Pigs 1.1 chunks plgs R chunks pigs 1 sow wLHh 11 pigs, Mouth old 1 sow de, Nov. 24 Grain 800 bu. mixed grain 700 bu. oats John Whtte Word has been received here of the er Idea death in Detroit of John Whitt husband,,, f the -former Doro- thy MacEwen, yl.angest daughter of Vie lake Alexander MacEwen. and Agnes Spence MacEwen, Beside his wife he is survived by one son John, four years of age. Mrs. R. 13. McKinnon Is a cousin or Mrs• White. 12 Noon (Monday 10 SaWrday) FARM PAGE with ROY JEWELL "Chador of Fano Services for CFPL" FOR SALE lUV .acre Farm, nydru. good irons*, barn, driveshed, henhouse, good oust, Priced at 36,000.00. 100 acre farm, good house, 3 barns, priced at $6000.00. 100 acre farm on County Road, house large barn, silo hydro in the house priced at$6000.00. 75 acre farm, gond lionise with all modern conveniences, presanre -sv tem. water softener, steel driving shed. large barn, priced at $9000.00. inn arse farm, close to highway, rood red brick house, hydro, steel drive shed. large barn. priced to sell at 14.700.00. 'Number of rood houses in the Millage of Brussels. S. C. Lone Real Float. Broker. Phone 94 larnssels. Ont PEOPLE - WE KNOW * We art glad to report that lylr. J. C. 13aelser, who has been quite ill, is improving. :Y * * Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 11111 rind daughter of Detroit spent Thanks- giving with Dan McKinnon of the 10th con. of Grey. s a !I Mr. George Baeker, who was in. - hired in a Car &cement is in Sea, forth hospital suffering from a broken lee and 'fractured hack.-. * * * D00,11/1 HAVING TROUBi-E WITH PICKING Ca CANNIBALISM iN MY NEWLY HOUSED BiRDS. WELL, BILL, THE FAULT MAY BE IN YOURFEEDIN6 OF ALL PELLETS INSTEAD OF REGULAR ViTA-LAY EG6 MASH, SUPPLEMENTED BY PELLETS. WHY, DOC, I FED YOUR PELLETS ON RANGE AND THEY WD A WONDERFUL SOB OFGROWIN6 TH16 FLOCK. Terms Cash Roy McFarlane, Prop.• Harold Jackson, Auctioneer D. M. MaeTavIsh, Clerk Weillee$ay, Oetub ''an IUMBER SEAL positively toms all knotty and resinautl woods/ assures a lasting paint lob- ,Iohnsor's Frani. anti F1Aririr Stern Brussels. Clsit, WALTON The regular meuting of the W.M. S. was held in the basement of the church. The meeting opened by the reading of 737 in unison. The ntitw• ' tes of the last meeting were read and the treas. report was given. 13 members visited the sick since the last meeting. It was moved by Mrs. Turnbull and seconded by Mrs. Watson that Mtn Tmwi5 and Mrs. Holman be delegates in the Lon- deaboro Fresdyterfa . It was moved by Mrs. Cotutte and seconded Iry m -s Mr, and Mrs. Geo, E. Herron, Bel- Kirtri.y aha- w: 4' .•;,•�+ _• '<•v+'le an.1 Airs. D. M, Harris, Win- I 0u1 Thous -often -se mar+:•+i n • nipec, were visitors in loam on Fri- 21 1' was atnvod by line M•'•, tr. day. , . 1 anti sernndei br 41rs +ta•«- * * * wt havr lunch. Mrs. M1rrl.,.s pre Sun•lvv visitors at the home of , sided for the worship period. FLynm 'Wm. Moses were J. C. and Mrs, i 21. wa. Brine flr;nwacraad- Rees. Ivetta and Jack or London ahs ire in +trivon of f.orfrs:.inn of air. 31r. and Mrs. Rees of Alsta Craig. Siwe rou'tts '•can •ta COTire Urs :x * * Mr. John ilvfudge, who suffered a severe stroke while in Brussels 5 -+'-order night was still unconscious nn 'r,r srlay night and*in critical COn- dition. k * * Mrs, A. Armstrong and Mr. D. McKinnon and MT, and Mrs. A. McKinnon of Bluevale. also Air. and Mrs. Spence McKinnon of George - .f, -w, visited with Air. and Mrs. C. Me -Kim -inn in Toronto nr Sunday. IVMONCI UEFF The October meeting of the Mon• I crieft women's Institute was held 1 et the home of Mrs. Blyton Ferg with 26 members present. l:t was tiocided that Ube group iwnnld • remember Ivan Meehan. 1,10700 TIrnr•y. olid Grace Bartja x'11' r9'4 at rhrlatmas or at some 1 other gime. Members also voted i '': buy erns for the hall. A Hallow -•, n inasnuara5" /armee will he hold l Mr-. 'Harry TAIdiatrtCal gay's a :.: 4tr+ anal Mrs. I{etttu>th M,T,ean , ,.,nnrnan1ad on the Matto. 1,1rn. Rot+• 1 or•` Crinis read a story and Mrs e>v Menu spoke nn the.. topic. • ,r••, :• v ..:ne . ie ' to sho111.0 remain 11, farm." YES,,,NOW THAT, BILL, BUT YOUR BIRDS WERE 011 OPEN RANGE THEN, AND HAD LOTS OF GRASS AND (3U65TO KEEP THEM BUSY. from Romans la tl rho topic utas li,.c. M, -M.. • _ . • n Sun t+.� TTvtnn +4 5..s sung arts lhr c,.r ins olnsan .vith the Benediction. M'.DST SUCCESSFUL SWIMMING COACH r"o Gluts• Ryder, coach of champion. like Cliff Irusns!den. his most im• portant project is teaching handi- capped children .to swim. An article in The Star Weekly tails of October 25 tells 'the 'master inetruoter:•'e story: the incident that prompted him to start -Wieling thousands to swim, and why be believes Canada can produce the Mvorld'a the swimmers. FOR SALE — 1 Hardbody Wood, Limb and Cedar for kindling, Siaba hard and tsott. i Blocks for turttar/C. 'IMPS Stevenson tntorue 60r4 '?OUSE FOR SALE •. For curet( sate haus, i+nr' 101 ^-5+ Tirnsael4 formerly earned by,' hetnas W. Mi'ch'•11 estate. write box 61 or Phone 39 T.istOWel, Ont. "My son has chosen banking" "'hen a hank Juanxner retired last year, he wrote his General Manager to tell why he t .ts proud los son also had chosen a banking career: -`t.11 shall always recall my banking days with pleasure and 1 cannot think of • any other occupation that gives one a greater opportfil:itti to meet people and form lasting friendships. 1 have been privileged to serve the bank in three provinces ... That my son has chosen banking is also a great satisfaction to me. He is most anxious to make good dh. his own account" Any young man on the lookout for an interesting and worthwhile career— for opportunities to grow and get ahead—should take a look at banking. Have a talk with the bank manager in your neighborhood branch. It may well prove an important turning point in your life. This advertisement, based au an actual leCter, is presented bene byr. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY By Roe Farms Service Dept. YOU SEE, BI LL- VITA -LAY PELLETS ARE DANDY TO KEEP 266 PRODUCTION UP LATER N THE SEASON. BUT FEEDING ALL PELLETS NOW WHEN PULLETS AREJUSTCOM INB INTO PRODUCTIOW SUPPLIES THEIR. NEEDS TOO FAST EACH DAY. THEY HAVE T0.0 MUCH IDLE TIME -TH.EYGET INT0 NiISCHtEFAND 5TARI PICKING ONE ANOTHER.' t .NEVER THOUGHTOF THAT, Doc I NOW THAT 1 KNOW THE REASON FOR FEEDING PELLETS, I CAN SEE THEIR REAL VALUE To NE SURE THING, Bill.. ROE PELLETS ARE JUSTTHE TRICK FOR B2T11146 GREATER MASH CONSUMPTION WHEN iT iB NEEDEtt -- R THYPt'/nt qAl FOR THAT IMPdS . ROE VITA -LAY 666 *MN /11,4,41171/E merogS 1)4k\ S° PRaAivpY FLOCKS -Jsii Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL P. HARRISON MC)NCItIEFF