HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-10-22, Page 3•r [ Calvert SPORTS C'OLURN 4 &wit 9,90400 • At first glance, you get the idea it would have been a greet thing for ;port in America, a fine thing to cement interne- tional friendshipe, if Emil Zatopek, the champion runner of the Olympic Game, had accepted an invitation from officials of the government of the United State, en- thused by President Truman, to vielt this continent and show the citizens of democracy the unmatched speed and endurance that swept him to three Olympic crowns, Now we're glad Zatopek didn't accept. For, as it turned out, be it a mere tool of the Soviet's ellen& to seize even upon the Olympics at a medium for propagaada, For the Olympic flame that burned so brightly • above Hel- sinki was barely extinguished before Zatopek was in fropt of a microphone making propaganda for the Russiaos—who had used their ruthless technique to eend his feliowicountryman John Masaryk to death through a high window and to convert Mas- • aryles—and Zatopek's—once proud and free Czechoslovakia into a virtual slave state. In commenting on the Games that had so signally honoured hint—Games to foster international co-operation and global sports- manship, Zatoptic asserted: "It is too bad the American interven- tionist generals in Korea would not even stop fighting for the Olympic Games." And when he refused to accept the invitation to visit the United States, he sneeringly stated he wouldn't be a party to "a circus," So we can get along very well, without Zatopek. He has auto- matically barred himself. It is regrettable Soviet Russia should use international sport foe political purposes. It is doubly. shameful that it obtained the help of Emil Zato- pek, native .ofiln.country that once held its head high among the free means .3hat world. And quite as shameful that Zatopek consenteiro ede to such a shameful role. In 1the 5000 -meter, 10,000 -meter and marathon races at the 01 ernes, this 29 -year-old Czech Army officer proved himself ,cloubt one of the most magnificent athletes in history. e • This remarkable man is the P. T. Barum of track and field. He puts on a show that would be the envy of a John Barrymore. He runs with his head hitched over his left shoulder, his face wrapped in agony, his fists clenched, elbows bent in a fighting position. His tongue hangs out of his mouth and he appears to be gaspieg desperately for air. But all this while hie muscular legs are pounding off a steady beat, He staggers and struggles from the waist up, but he is poetry in motion from the lupe down. A great athlete. But a very poor citizen of his own unfortun- ate country, ' Your comments and suggestions far hEI column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yong* St., Toronto. . „ %,atviert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHER3TRURO, ONTARIO SPORT, A StxarrCtc Ever play the game of. Pa- chinko? Well, don't let it worry you, because neither did we. Nevertheless, millions of folks are playing this simpleton's game and losing their shirts—and Id - =ones — at it. For pachinko has grown from a rash into Japan's By Archer Wallace A New Inspirational Book The AUTOGRAPH of GOD "For at least a dozen years, discerning laymen and minis- ters alike might say seriously, 'If Archer Wallace stops pub- lishing his inimitable stories I must become pedestrian againl' . If there are any citizens of civilized communi- ties who have not discovered this Canadian wizard of heartening tales and essays, let all such get this book forthwithr —David A. Mac- Lennan. $2,00 THE RYERSON PRESS PUBLISHERS, TORONTO national craze. What's•more, it threatens td become, according M Ray Falk in The New York Sunday Times, an export item into all the rest of Asia, * * So, in case it ever spreads to Canada, we're going to give you the low-down, so that you'll be able to get in on the inside right from the start. * * Pachinko is the poor man's copy of the pinball machine. It has lured men from mah jong tables, kept them away from the Mack and ponies, supplanted the lunch hour, lowered student book purchases and marks and made housewives neglect their babies. It has led to suicides and petty crime. It has become a vital soc- ial issue discussed by Japanese psychologists, doctors, teachers, tax collectors. Tt is a subject of Diet debate. And still it grows. * Pachinko machines stand up- right to save space in crowded Japan. A lever kicks a steel ball, a quarter of an inch in diameter, around the board. Ti the ball falls Into one of the nine 'winning cubicles the player gains ten new balls, An array of nails protects each cavity to make the game more difecult. The operation is entirely manual — no electronic devices, no blazing lights. And the Japanese have yet to learn the Canadian technique of Jnflu. ening the course of the ball by swaying from aide to side In the local pinball addicee crouch * The japan IVIoreipoly Cerpera- Non, the sole makers and distri- butors of japeneee cigarettes, es- timates that there are 28,458 pa- chink° Pallet's. with 927,999 m o ce a- chinin the untry, or one ma- chine for every ninety citizene. Tokyo • leads • the A nation with 7,903 pachinko i„ xeetabliehMente and 201,971 machinee, followed by Osaka, with over ,3,000 par - lore. And the game le only now inundating the rural regions. There are some 300 machine manufadturers. The machine sells; for $20. A day does not pass that a ca- baret, candy store • or sundry goods shop does not close to re- open as a pachinko parlor. In downtown Tokyd tavern keepers have surrendered to the pastime and converted Here welt -heeled company directors may be seen flipping the lever from specially reserved seats while being fan- ned by pretty girls. In Osalca, a cabaret dropped its hostesses in favour of 1,000 games, * 5 * Tokyo has 100 special pachin- ko balls for' children only. The children play for sweets, pen- cils and notebooks. Adults gen- erally turn their extra balls in for cigarettes, soap or 'canned - fruits, A ball costs half a cent, Tile Monopoly Corporation fig- ures that 113 per cent of its cig- arette output is now being sold through the pachinko housee' * The police favor the game. It occupies the citizenry, prevents them from getting into trouble elsewhere. Tokyo police,who make a fuss over closmg meri- can imported roulette wheels, dice tables and one -arm bandits as unlawful gambling 'denims, permit pachinko because "it is not gambling as it onlypays off five to one et best.", • * • • Pachinko has made other soci- ological news. In 'Aomori prefec- ture physiciah installid a 'pin- • ball machine in his office for his patients to- entertain themselves while waiting. The Ka.nsei Steamr shiji Company furnished its ship lounges with pachinko. • * Doctors report cases of sprain- ed thumbs resulting from an over -indulgence. This affliction has become known as pachinko- tie. * * Two teen-age boys, after sell- ing their personal belongings to play pachinko, sold their blood to "gamble." The authprities,took them into custody, too weak to talk. * * * A 26 -year-old wife was granted a divorce from her tailor hus- band en the grounds that he,lost their savings to pachinko. A hus- band in Osaka gained a divorce because the wife had turned into a pachinkomaniac. * * 5 A clerk committed suicide be- cause of the game. Police found him dead, his hands tightly clutching tiny steel balls. Which is all we know, up to • * now, about paohinko; end it cer- tainly sounds like an ideal game —for suckers. Wonder what' the chances would be of"getting the exclusive rights for, gay, To- ronto? It ought_ to do right well, there! • Travel at 'Thrift:Season' Rates The merriest Christmas ever awaits you in Britain this year. Travel Cunard to,your Iced ones ...rejoice again among wairdy-remeinbered scenes...hi the company of those dear to you. ONE WAY 11 rellitkrd'iA'11,!11111 :3;1•10..ki TOURIST CLASS FROM''' 11119'4.'":%,-ItVi FIRST CLASS FROM 192 - ,,.. , . k,t,‘A'n'a ",a4 lAllA Getting there With Cunard is half4.theefue., Toern ', happy holiday begins tli morment you go,aboard ' your ship -Enjoy days,o pleasare ajifl contentment ... unrivalled ceisine . ,.*Xcelleilt tabreational fat- Iltles ... gracious living ";int it best—at loW 'Thri Season' rates this Christmas, Fat thit liappi, s holiday ever, travel Cunard to Britain. 3 TIM IF:.SECA°S41101;NMSIAMILTINGS PERSONALLY CONDUCTED BY EXPERIENCED MEMBERS OP OUR STAFF R•MS• 7"SAMARIA" ov. 29 -Fro :-.------- ..., trk il,id,zeuungton 7 tcondzo,-t- s 7. 1".fct: d.S in IiallIax t n unor I I014 I. 80°ItP"I „1:11.6.23-f44.8 ,4111'11; I:g; Se;i11-111i7088. 0.:dotin H.: 411:111'" .. ) See your local Agent,—rier eine can serve you bete Cotner Bay & Weifinattai Ste., Toronto, Ont. Teaching. Children While They Sleep A normal hurnart being &POO'S about one-thira of hie life asleeP. For practical purpeees this IS wasted time, since it contains net conscious thmight and no actione. 'Yet scientists have found that a part of the brain shin alert While the rest of the body sleeps When the blankets elip on * cold night we pull them back without knoWing. A housewife will sleep peacefully through the, noise of traffic outside, but she wakes instantly at the cry Of her , • *AG For a 104' time doctors have known about this "warning area", of the' biain. Bately they have been arguing that Since it la alert to danger, it might also be alert to new ideas. Thus a machine has been de- veloped to implant thoughts into the wakeful area of the brain. Wheri it was tested a record re- peated a Meaningless list of words to a group of sleeping students. Over and over again it spoke fifteen three -letter words: boy, egg, say; run, sir, not, leg. • On awakening they were able to Mariecirieevtliiliet almost twen- ty per cent faster than normal. The neXt eXperiment went farther by tryineetiggestion, For this test ,tyventy boys were select- ed who all had the habit of biting their fingernails. While the her slept -the record repeated one sentence: "My fin- gernails taste terribly bitter. My fingernails .taste, terribly bitter . . " These' words were re- peated six hundred times every night „ . Five weeks after the experi- ment started one boy stopPed biting his nails. A fortnight later two more had given up. Another week added five to the list. Eight out of the twenty had been broken of a deep-rooted habit. • One psychiatrist tried the sleep -teaching machine on a problem child, who quarrelled so much witleihis classmates that he had tVlie 'Withdrawn fOrn scWool. The psychiatrist drew up points he wished' to impress the child and made a recording of them. Under influence of these stfg- gestions, repeated night after rant, the boy began to straighten out Evenutally he accepted the ideas expressed, and began to adopt them as his own. Thus the idea leaves the ex- perimental stage and enters the practical. Aldcus Huxley, in his book "Brave New World," predicted that the children of 600 years hence would learn lessons while they slept. It looks as though we may not have to wait so long. Button, Button — Birmingham has been capital of the button industry for half a century, but during the past few years Cyprus has been offer- ing serious competition. Last year Cyprus sold 1,300,000 gross of buttons, worth approxi- mately $480,000. There are two button factories in Cyprus, and their raw mater- ials range from skimmed milk which provides casein, to sea- shells, which yield pearl buttons. Experts say there are hundreds of thousands of different button designs, and some craftsmen do nothing else but think up new ideas for fresh shapes and colors. The so-called "ivory" buttons are not made from elephants' tusks, but from a "vegetable ivory" obtained from the South American vorozo nut. One type of button used by the R.A.F. during the war had a more important use than as an ornament or fastening, it looked • like an ordinary R.A.F. uniform button, but the top unscrewed (clockwise). Inside was a minia- ture compass. It was used by air- crew men to find their way about when shot down over enemy country. For quite a number of cen- turies the button was an outward sign otprosperity, and was made of precious metals, finely worked and encrusted with jewels. When men walked in fear and lived at the whim of a despotic ruler, and there were no banks or safe deposite, they wore their wealth in the form of their buttons. •WHY, YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE SODA • If you auffer from odd indigestion, pa, heartburn, seientiaM my bolting node can Add to your upoot, destroy viternion, cause Waloule, acid rebound. "After meals 0 had indigeation and pa pains, and 0 practically llvod on baking soda," nay. Peter George,'Lethbridge, Alta. "Then I darted taking Dr. Pierce'* Golden Medical Discovery and the pains went away and I could oat and anjuy my wide again. I gained 30 pounda and felt much hotter:. Thousand. who suffered such distress, due to no organic mums tned Dr. Pierce'. Golden Medical Discovery with *miming termite. Over 80,000,000 bottle* of this great non-alcoholic medicine • with Its wonderful . Walachia tonic imtlon', haat been acid to date. And no wonder. PIGA, taken rogulerly, It prOmotes snore berme] Mahwah nativity, thee helping to digest food better so you won't 'kayo gen, heartburn, *our stomach. Second, with stomach Activity 'reproved, you ten eat Ole food, you like without fear of afterwlistreoe. Try It. Get Elt. Pierce's Lindon Medical Diecoory at sett druggist. UAW three minds - with bur a single thought 36 King Street ;Vest Toronto 1 • Telephone: EMpire 4-4321 Wood, (iundy & Company Limited • ..Clas4fied Advertising.. BARI, OfIllilte BUY quality chicks and turkeys for. 1952. We have them and at reasonable prime. Also available for lininedinte deliverY started chicks 4, 5, 0 7 and 8 weeks old at bargain prime. Also day old chicke, Aim laying' and ready to lay pullet.. Catalogue, TWEII DDLCHICK HATCHERIES LTD. Fergus- Ontario ROO/ES BOOK'S on- Dogs. rota Rabbita Aquaria, Bees, Birds, Pigeone, Poultry, DalrY- Parining, reusi, Gardening, Bantam Eta Catalogue free. Morgan's. Loodon, Canada. DYEING AND CLEANING SAVE yOU anything needs dyeing or clone - Mgr Write to ua for information. We are glad to &newer your questions. De. Dartment H. Parker'. Dye Work. Limited, 791 Yonse St, Toronto. FOR. SALIS PULLETS, several thousand,' Hollywood Strain White Leghorn.. Hamp X Rock, Rock X Leghorn Croases. 4 to 6 menthe old at 91.76 to 92,15 each, now through October. Raleed on green iodine range. Shipped in new crates Bawkine Peed Company Hatcheries, Tillsonburg, On- tario. GARAGES—Portable, Prefabricated, rust- proof, 5120, 5100. Shade, Range Shelter Roofs, 345. Sectional Buildings. Sans,,. bridge. Quebec. ALUMINUM --New, Corrugated, 28" 0 0'. Beat Canadian Price:— Delivered:— 91.40 Sheet, HO Square Building 1111ortolo. Lac Guindon. Quebec. OILS, GREASES, TIRES PAINTS AND VARNISHES. Elmtrio ?dame, Electrical Appliances. Hobbvshors, Machinery Dealers wanted Write: Waren Grenge and Oil Limited, Toronto. PLASTICS, leatheroraft. flgurthes, wood. burning. Jewellery. eta New 1063 Wholesale -Retail Handicraft Catalogue . anti Samples 26c. Kidder Manufacturing, 138 Danforth Ave.. Toronto. APPLE ORCHARD 100 Acro Farm 69 miles from Port Hope. near paved road. Fine solid brick home. modern both and kitchen — outbuildings very good, with complete equipment for spraying, sorting. grading and atorage. 20 acre. Bearing Orchard, 40 acres work. able, balance Pasture and benh. Write for full particular& Other Parma Businesse. & Flamm Meted LONG BROS, Port Hope Walton Phone 3206 PLUMBING AND HEATING CATALOGUE FREE The 1932 catniome le oft the preps. Write for your copy or visit the new ware - hew and Iwo for youraelf the modal bathroom dimMys in white and coloured atter.. 10 standard size bathroom° with tiled or painted walla, Just the way you want a bathroom M your own home. We have sinks and sink cabinet units, lavatory baelne and tolleta, pregame sym tems and electric water heater,, range bollera pipe and fittings in comer, gal- vanised and mat Iron, aroittc and oil tanks, refrigerators, and electric ranges, a complete line of furnacea, air condi. Honing units and hot water heating invi- ter. with convector rads. We deliver to sour nearest railway station, you pay no freight. 8. 0. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES StreetsvIlle, Ontario OXPOED - DOWN, GOVERNMENT graded Rams of all ages. Also good breeding ewes and ewe Iambs, Maurice Tokenma. s, Walkerton. CM CAIIINE,T SHOP Central Location, Lot -- Building, New EOM:Meat. Going Con- cern. Bargain—Casb 57,000.00. S. 73. Mirth, Real Estate, Oliver. 35 8' miner noanint Leicester Dam Luning for sale. Thirty -live head. Sired by Crnigenteoch 'emigrant Ump.)...7. S. Norrish, irtoftat, Ont. For Quick Cough Relief Mix This Syrup In Your Home Thousands of Canadian house- wives have turned to this well- known recipe for relieving coughs due to colds. It's easy to prepare, and gives you four times as fliiicli for your money. Your usual drug counter can supply you With a 2% ounce bottle of PINEX CONCENTRATE. Pour this Into a 16 Mince bottle and fill up with granulated sugar syrup, or honey or maple syrup. To make the sugar syrup, simply mix 2 cups of sugar with one cup of water. ... O cooking needed, and it takes but a minute, Now you'll have an ample supply of fast acting, effective cough syrup for the whole family, so pleasant tasting the, children will like it. PINEX— a concentrated blend of proven ingredients—must help or your money refunded. Get a bottle today! PINEX FOR COUGHS—EASY— ECONOMICAL ISSUE 43 — 1952 "SEPTONic" keeps aeptio Lanka aces poole and outdoor toilets functioning nor- mally Stope odour. Sold at all Hardware 'and Grocery Stores. Four treatment packet 890, Mall order packet 10 treatments. One Year's supply 23.08 postage bald. FYee information. Write W. D. Donaldeon, 87 Oakerest Ave., Toronto, Ont. CRESS CALLOUS SALVE— Now vet relief. Your Druggist CRESS: - FOR SALE IN THE SUNNY OKANAGAN VALLEY, Locker and Butcher Famine., Coffee Shop and Bowling Allen Autd Comte — Hotels, Fruit Orchards. For full information write: S. 13. Hirtle, 'Real EOM, Oliver. B.C. NEW 80/30 calibre Model 94 Winchester carbine rifles 289.00 each. Mono re- funded ir not eattsfied. CANADA'S MAIL ORDER HOUSE, P.O. Box 852, OTTAWA, Ont. MINDREADING. Mysterious yet almple trick. Send dollar to Andrew Snyder, Mayo, Box G9c, New York -9, N.Y. FORTUNE Telling Cards, Illuetrated, oltreading, complete with directions for telling fortunes. Only 01.00 postpaid. ADM SPeolalty Services Bureau,315 Oak- wood, Toronto. 15, Ontario. LIVE STOCK SHIPPERS—If you have something to eoll, the place to offer it la wbere Ere meet buyers congregate, Isn't that a tact? Every day buyers come to Toronto market to secure their live stock requirements. Stook brought to Toronto market is offered to all timer. and they bid against each other for Its Possemion. Our fully -trained aaleemen can take nd- Vantage of this competition to secure gun market value for you, ConeIgn yew. Ileo stock Olomenta to McCurdy & McCurdy Limited. Ontario Stock Yards, TorOnto, tor the highest net returns. HEREFORDS: 12 young town with 12 beautiful calves, well marked. Seven 15 months old betters and bulla Nap Bernier, Box 206, Montmagny, Quebec, MEDICAL Have you heard about Dixon's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? it gives good results. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin Ottawa 51.25 Express Prepaid keZXUA, for effort's% results it 10 now rerognized that eczema should he treat- ed both internally and externally. Com- bination treatment -96 complete, Free catalogue covering our modern remedies, IMPERIAL INDUSTRIES. Box 901, Winnipeg, Manitoba. ' ASTHMA WHY auger it thero la something that will help you7 Hundreds et thousands of sets nave been sold on a money back gum, Intea So easy to uee. After oar lump. cool, hove been diagnosed as Azahnla. yOU two It to yourself to try Aethmanetrin. Ask Your Druggist No Pilla No Doge TIIE PERFECT SLDIRITNG DIET SHEET As used by leading. London Hospital. oil Medical Speciallets. gent On receipt of Poetal Order One Donor to: Clete Dept.. IIIEDICAL 8 DRUGGISTS SUPPLIES. 42 Variou-It Place, tondo, W.0.1 5338 T T.S.-A80 NURSES TWO num0 wonted for United Church 61I0s1on Hospital on West Coast. inter - eating work. Good salary and other benefits. information. Dr. .70100 Whiting. Exeter, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES POO ALEN AND wostaa BE A HAIRDRESSER • WIN CANADA'S LEADING 8(3)1001. Great Opportunity ,Learn Hairdreeeing Pleaeant dignified profession, good wage. 'thousand, of successful Marvel graduates America'. Greatest Syatein Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING sonocnai 558 Bloor St. W., Toronto *trochee: 41 King St., Hatallum 72 Rideau St, Ottawa END EMBARRASSING BALDNESS. .At last a tested, proven hair restorer. Quickly promote0 hair growth in all caaes of beldame, regardlese of ado or condition. Sold on full nioney baek gUaraneee. For particulars write: trlbutor Thalia Herbal Product., 72 'Neat Ave. South, Hamilton, Ont. OVER 1000 TESTED Money -Making Thin. ManF good HOME Proiects, Postpaid 52.02. Satisfaction guaranteed, You can't . lose. W. THARP, Box 5284, Omaha. Nebraska. MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITY No experience needed. As our local dealer for lino made to measure clothe.. It'e easy, we eend 'complete selling- outfit. limn letter or poetcard telling about Youroelt. ago, etc, Troy Tailors, Dot, X, 3900 $t. Lawrence, Montreal, P.Q. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor—List of In- ventions and full information 0001 free. Phe Rammy Co., Regiotered Patent Atha, goys. 271 Bank Street. Ottatva. FETHERSTONIIA UGH & Company Pa- tent Solicitors. Eetabilehed 1800, 500 Bay Street, Toronto Booklet of Inform. Ion on request RUGS NEW rum made from your old rage and woollens, Write for OurellOglio and price Ilgt. Dar/anion, Rug Weaving COMPIWIY, 2977 Dundee &rod West, Toronto, Ont, WANTED WANTED — used office safe, roll top desk and adding machine Apply1,01010 Keyes, Glamis. Ontario. WANTED Farmera, Cream Truck Driv- ers. Feed Dealers, Implement Dealers, Nursery Saleamen or °there to take order% for day 43141 chicks and turkey poulte for one of Canada's largest Canadian Ap- =Med 11Atelterlott. Liberal conunlasion natl. For"Tull details write PDX NUM- HEIL 55, 123 -18th, St, New Toronto. wmti GAME FARMERS I If you raise Xvild game and are interested in shipping the meat dressed and frozen Into the States for more profit, write W„ Ft, Cooper, Box 722, Big Lake. Teens ,and Itst what you have to eell. YOU CM DEPEND ON remove exelme nide WE When kidneys fail to .001,0, wtreatee, f.ibei.ekg: disturbed nest ones follow. Dodd's 1O0O:kicillsylis.3..ttimu 1 . fneerr 'laic Idt'OrtY-,loop • 4, GdbeiteDr,:iwondo.r.Dk od.betd.1,:ter.y. 1.?:;:ia-::;"*.zo.:*Aliflii!,:%': drug store. You MU SORE THROAT? Don't suffer from common sore throat, when you can do some- thing about it. Rub in soothing MI nerd's Liniment — get a supply, today! Get quick relief—today! .511 AHD s "KII,LG OF PAIN° EN 1101 E NT 01. ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH , 7-sexataxw` 4 CIGARETTE TOBACCO 03 4 4 4