HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-10-22, Page 2[RONie i .
�l *^aw2tldli., fl-i~'lnpGe
This is something for the book!
Instead of criticism -- which is
by no means uncommon --' we
have nothing but praise for one
Of ow governmental . depart-
ments -- the Provincial Depart-
ment of Highways. For two years
erosion damage has been done
to one corner of our.'farm —
through flood waters in spring
washing affair soil from the
field and leaving the fence -posts
practically on tap of the ground.
Partner wrote, to the Depart-
ment, explained the situation,
and asked that something be
done this fall to the culvert
crossing the highway in order
to stop further damage. We got
a reply within one week; an in-
spector was out within two
weeks, and repair work was in
progress within four weeks. And
they did a real job, too. Deep-
ened the ditch and built up a
stone wall along the bank of
the creek, and right across the
corner into a neighbour's field—
so he, too, is reaping some bene-
This prompt action leaves us
with a feeling that if one has a
justifiable complaint it does re-
ceive attention. Or it could
mean that this particular section
of the highways is under the di-
rection of an unusually alert
and efficient supervisor.
Eowever, in other ways the
department stili has us guess-
ing. We still don't know wheth-
er the proposed , new highway
,And file
Nobody knows the cause of rhemna-
tisrn but we do know there's one
thing to ease the pain . . . it's
And when you take INSTANTINE
the relief is prolonged because
INss.trrT5Na contains not one, but
three proven medical ingredients.
These three ingredients work together
to bring you not only fast relief but
more prolonged relief.
Take INSTANTfNE for fast headache
relief too . or for the pains of
neuritis or neuralgia and the aches and
pains that often
accompany acold.
aeS In;;antine today
keep' handy
12 -Tablet Tin 250
Le000mfcal 48 -Tablet Bottle 75c
For m,u;Icr and namr-o of ne,suutmre
Who .:!xdls' t"atitl to the a marina troths
of thin t14e-ha1Pt.-harmine remndr.write
iftnn Pharmacia Cora. Ltd.. axon d:ci.
rmndnr, -
ISSUE 43 — 1952
front Windsor to Montreal, will
come through our forme Last
week there were surveyor's
stakes in our front field for a
few hours one morning, followed
by what appeared to be an aerial
survey. At least an aeroplane
was flying back and forth, back'
and forth, changing its course
a little each time. So what?
We would like to know.
One way and another we have
just concluded a busy week.
Sixteen loads of gravel were
spread on the lane and in the
yard — which did not leave us
much change out of a hundred
dollars. Then we heard the
latest cattle market prices and
wondered whether we should
have spent the money. Not hav-
ing any crop, we also had straw
to buy last week -- and a man
here two days drawing in straw
bales for us. While this was go -
Mg on another fellow carne al-
ong with his chain saw to cut
up oak logs that were waiting
for him up in -the bush. In the
middleof all this activity one
of the cows decided it was a
good time to add to the barn-
yard' population. Which she did
—but quickly.
We also had an addition to the
family at the house — in the
form of a little white kitten —
the cutest little thing. Incident-
ally, if life at any time appears
uninteresting I can recommend
a lively kitten to bring you out
of the doldrums. With a kitten
chasing a paper ball from one
roomto. another, running like
mad, or jumping' high into the
air, gloom is dispersed like
smoke in fresh air. Especially
if, as we do, you have to keep
the s peace between the kitten,
'twb dogs and a fully grown cat.
During its first two days here
the kitten used terrible language
-and its claws—whenever the
dogs or Black Joe came any-
where near it. But now it goes
on playing without deigning to
notice them at all. It is also
house-broken so now all I have
to do' is teach it not to be a
thief. And that is not always
easy. Well-fed cats are not sup-
posed, to feel any temptation to
steal, but yet, if that is their
nature, neither good food nor
punishment will stop them if
the hunting instinct is too strong
to be surpressed by domesticity.
However, our new kitten, Mit-
chie White, shows promise!
"Mitchie White" is so named be-
cause we had a previous Mitchie
for thirteen years — which read-
ers- of this column .may remem-
ber. That one was "1ltitchie
Daughter and son-in-law were
here on Sunday and they
brought me boxes and boxes of
odd lengths of drapery material
beautiful patterns. The pieces
can be put to all kinds of uses
—quilts, spreads, bags and rugs.
I can hardly bear to leave the
stuff alone—it will be such fun
trying to figure out what I can
do with it. But, alas, twenty
yards of pyjama cloth are wait-
ing to be made up. I must needs
curb my enthusiasm and do that
which is urgent. I wonder why
pyjamas always fall to pieces
just as chilly weather approach-
es' Every other tyqne a gar-
ment can be mended but when
pyjamas fall apart there seems
nothing left good enough to
However, with Bob away
there is less patching to do. And
is he having a good time!
Taking in the scenery before
starting work *again . . Banff,
Lake Louise. Jasper Park. One
place he saw black bears on 'the
prowl — until they touched an
electric fence. And then. wrote
Bob, "you should have seen
those bears run:" He was 5000
f5et un a nnuntain — he didn't
say which one — only that the
scenery was beyond description.
Isn't it strange, with so many
places to go. many peonle live.
out their lives in colourless, un-
interesting surroundings?
Confronted with the task of
paraphrasing the sentence, "He
was clad in a suit of mail," a
small boy wrote: "He wore a
postman's uniform."
Mix and sift 3 times, 134 c. once -sifted
pastry flour (oflig c. once -sifted hard -
wheat flour), 2 taps. Magic Baking Pow-
der, 3 tsp. baking soda, A tap. salt, ;(
tap. ground cinnamon,. V tsp. ground
ginger, j•(, tsp. grated nutmeg. Crean X; c.
butter or margarine And blend` in j , e,
lightly -packed brown sugar; gradually
beat in 1 well -beaten egg and 14 a. molas-
ses. Combine X c. buttermilk and 3z tsp.
vanilla. Add dry ingredients to creamed
,1)4xtPt 'alternately with liquids ,and:.
spread batter in greased $u angel cake
pan. Bilko in rather slow oven, 025°,
about 50 mina. Serve with,hard ,salige
which has been flavored with grated
orange rind. -.yield: 6 servings
Work of Art
«.- 1°0;w4 cou#1,4s04,
Zack to' 'the coliipiaiiif of - a -
disgruntled yoking bridegroon't
where dreams, of Married life
have taken a jet-aetiotl• dime.
Married four
comes, home
daily to a dis-
drdered, dust -
covered apart-
, and; to
rrdmnei's: t.bet
n �`ivie ser-: til ilt-
ifiarts, 1i' i s
Sn ')he 'xho)i `til
start h}s•fitht"4lcett� frl r,f t
" w:aS'so in •-love .Z guess I
just expected myJ ,flancge to
know„ e, yelythiilg,it,, ha. 4ipit, ..•,
"What ' she knin,vs about foor*i
and cooking y u"boned put iii' a
thimble.'= `niff'that sli'''d lkrioW -
how tlinuse one. It hante;llal hash
4`'decent cop,, of !coffee wince; I
married,, ,,!She„ eg}i't -fry, an . egg.
without Abu ing it. „The tpast
is cold" and brittle, and the imcon
underdedel''A t'for'dinners 'ours
come out -of ?cans. -Frozen fb'ods? '
She hasn't.. heard of them -
"I never knew, that a,.w,onan
left be'd's uifmade` till night, and
didn't air and `dust the rooms'
e''ery day . . My wife can't
remember,, to leave my suits at
the tailor's, and .her, own .clothes.
are all over the place. Espe-
eiaily since my stretch in the
Navy, 'I'l.ike thing's neat and tidy.
If she 'were sick; or if -she work-
ed, I'd.pitch in and help: If I
say anything„ she, similes and
apologizes, and 3 just iyeaken.
But some time Triigoing to ask
her what' she' does all day:
"icer pdbp1d gaije ` -rhe " the `
works. Her father investigated'
my two sources . of income (I
have bonds), and my prospects,
and made sure of my reputation
and chatlacter.'151er'nidth l• look
ed up my family; and 'was satis-
fied they were decent Maybe I
should have clone a little re-
search myself. But I was too
much in love, and still am, I'm
wondering how many other fel-
lows go through this? Of course
I've never asked any."
I think this young man's ex-
perience is extreme. Most girls.
know that a pretty face and en-
ngaging ways don't feed or re-
lax a man. Being in love,they
equip themselves with at least
some knowledge of homemaking. .
As time passes, by some God-
given sense of responsibility,
they usually achieve a satisfac-
tory goal.
* your wife, , as gently as you
* can, how. dissatisfied you are,.
* To give' Tier a practical start,
Own one of the great master-
pieces of all time! It is ."The
Last Supper" by Leonardo Da'
Vine i, in easy embroidery.
Makes -a lovely panel, a. cherish-
ed heirloom,
Embroid'e'r 'this n'ibst beloved
of alt paintings •Pattern 794;
transfer 14z10'inches..,,....
in coins (stamps cannot be- ac-
cepted) for this Pattern to Box
1, 123 Eighteenth 5f., New Tor-
onto, Ont. Print plainly PAT.
Such a colorful roundup of,
handiwork ideas! Send twenty-
five cents now for dur Laura'
Wheeler Needlecraft • Catalog.
Choose your patterns from -our -
gaily illustrated toys.., d oL1 s,
household and personal acces-
ccessories. A pattern 'fel. a handbag'
is printed right in the book.
Q.:Bow eau I mend a kitchen
knife or fork that has come loose
inthe handle?
A. Pill the opening in the
handle with powdered resin.
Then heat.the.handle end -of the
knifeor. fork and force itinto
the handle opening. Tie•a string
around it and allow it to remain
until dry. '
Q. }low can I clean 'soiled spots
on wall paper? •
A. Try using starch for clean-
ing soiled wall paper. Sprinkle
it liberally on a damp cloth, and
apply to the paper, using a cir-
cular motion. If the spots are
particularly bad go over them
several times.
Q. Haw can I remove a. mark
left on -wood by hot water?
A. A little crude oil often
proves effective in removing the
mark ieft on the surface of var-
nished wood by steam or hot
Q. Bow can 1 make use of
lemon seeds?
A.They can be planted and
treated as house .plants. They
make pretty shrubs and the
leaves may be used for flavor-
ing. Tie a few leaves ire a cloth
and put into the apple sauce for
a few minutes. It gives a,deh-
cious flavor. -
Q. How can I destroy plant
A. To destroy insects and also
to fertilize the plant, soak one
tablespoonful of smoking tobac-
co in one quart of, water over
night. Pour this solution on the
soil about once every thirty
da:. s.
(2. Now can 1 brighten a dark
A. If the bedroom is idit ted
on the dark ,side of the house
furnish it with yellow draperies
and decorations and see how it
brightens the room. -
Q. Bow can I remove gloss
from woolens?
A. Wiring a piece cif cheese-
cloth out of water containing a
few drops of ammonia and
sponge the fabric "thoroughly
with long, "Straight sweeps of the
arm. Press. under :a damp. cloth.
Q. How can . I. disguise . the
taste of castor oil?
A. 'first put a small a»irltint
of 'orange 'juice into the" glass,
then the oil; add' mere orange
juice,. and .•finish..by.stirring in ,p
pinch of soda. Drink while it Is
Q. Row can 3 "ve Me 'baby a
shampoo simply'ang''efticlently?
A. Place a pled 'di' SW drain -
board of the sink and lay the
baby on this, with.•the top of
his bead just over the edge of
the sink. Paid -a towel under his
neck - to make ,him more corn-
fatal/ie. His hair can then be
very easily washed and the
slight tilt of the diainboard will
help to prevent any soap from.
getting into his eyes or earn.
''* inVdstigate courses offered by
* your local Young Women's
* Christian Assoeiatiiip,:. In most
of their larger branches, they
*' offer .homemaking courses,
* (some afarwives), and if they
* don't include cooking, they
* might be encouraged to add
*'such a fiourse. Your gas and
* electrjc company MAY provide
* free cooking classes too. Other.
gl''oups, .jta le ,similar, projects.,
• •,Let 3h3ic wife &loose the one
• she prefers"; 'and 'promise her
* that as 'khe'Ifrogressess, you'll
* help her experiment at 'home,
* Be peltient, (aniii.,praisg her' of-
* •4AWhyl' of tape a few Satur-
* days '613, 'acid • clean +lie place
* together!? It'tould" }ie •fun and
}''*'you wolf!, make -ar;garne- at it;'
t ' T you,
she• will learn more
*:*'qway; thuickly in andwith h• weri11i{tglyanother, this
ior .
* It is really bdttageatis that
* a girr is F,alioi'ed,' to marry
* without knowing how to keep
* a husband not only contented,
* but proud of her homemaking
• talents, If she were properly
• trained at home in her early
* teen years, it couldn't happen,
* Watch this column, I'll have
* a p1eee on that subject soon.
* *
What have YOU to offer the
man you'll marry?4, It isn't too
early to question — and act.
Anne Hirst•llas ideas that have
proved useful, Write her at Box
I, 123 Eighteenth Sia New Tbr-
onto, Qat
Tlie reg ionai,adirecten.1 of,. the
American, 1ttpteor. Speiety, . et•
Geneva, 14, , Y., decently an-
pounced that "the organization
will pay a dollar a"p3und for
meteorites brought .tot it. And;
in addition, there! Ny1�1} i be, a •iivQ ` I
dollar bonus , f9r Trkp, a , fouP,.4};
in New Yolk. §tate soil. So ,far,
only .seven 'riid+edrit'§ !lobe be i1"
turned in. Altogether,,. firer* stray
ciety''says there *are probably
thousends:;,of .them 1yr}ng .bent,;
either on flit .grou;lid or right ,
under it. '
1..endon'd Scotland 'Yard had
their emergency telephone num,
ber changed from 998 to 222, s4
so the public could save time is
then wake uP,Pett User ilia I • . .
• Ow?'out oyfpbp,j conn" to M
9 ?F4! `It Yau5iln�gi7� E t e 11,00
D'.441. }•our. Bidet! 41. ci q�N! ... gqa
pbuIpWdnporriQmf 4 .YamOu e fOO
Carton Littidvorle. Yau
tar at5lmnyulgaaetp0iivoftfObat' upaggal.d'day qu,d>aat o ratPhs bbl
Os gats right up, ,n ke y u reel that imppy
due's are hcra,4'5,ttt5ttlyd'dodb'E dtByl i,unk�[?Ret
"C ten :Only 8d `Frama•a i dru lti.E `t'.�
Cava mar .Zip real chaty nto get wed. r:*
els arit-gdod drd Ordtc andrgtR 1i o,.,},natbatt o
-orp10oNE'S M5I LDw
lasts m
•. Ilays bF ttse-.Irii-¢IL—it'h,SldrW cenirttcd.:
The itching of Eczema—Solt Rheum—Rashes
—craekcd toes add feet and many other skin
„Smithies — 0 quickly .tapped. Pimples — sktA
eruption, dry up and smile Off tip ycry fow,
.Moonc't Emerald 0,1 is a clean, {row' `I
Penetrating Antiseptic 00 that dries right 1• .
smainlen; You must be satrafred or Money bade
i. ¶11' ' 14.'1°,t i11il ....
19-1,erf r1
r,,, lit! .., 't ,,,
Goethe, (79-183L)
-Hous •oP
...for a whole<wfnlet' pf safe driv-
ing. Put "Prestone'r -Anti-Freeze in
your car before the first frost...
forget it til! spring!
.from free,
Toss thrassfl
e,.ttps, rust, corrosion...
noway or; foptping,
i3rah'dgiveAritasor-Freme ezpieete is
I to .
110E5061Bala 9Y
, .,
tt'g ranteed "Pr'estone" An•
Fr I- ' pp you see this .can
s be rrt S itrade-Mork "Prestpne"
i r,.:u. iaranfee 'tag.