HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-10-8, Page 6THE IiIRLJ5SELS POST CLEARIN(t Ar'("rJoN SALE et Palau Stock and Machinery at Lot 4, Con. 17 ('Trey Twp. One Mile Bus., of Walton on Thursday, Oct. 16th at 1 p. rn. CATTLJO --- 1 Biopic Cow 3 yrs, old, Red (sow 0 yrs. old, 3 Blttolc Cows 3 yrs. old. All Cows due to freshen to Feb. 1 Black Heifer due to fresh, en in Maroh. 4 Yearling Steers, 5 Spring Calves. 8 Plgs about 100 lbs. HORSES •---1 Work Horse. MACHINERY --rubber tired, wagon. 16 ft. rack, 0 'ft Prost and Wood mower, sulky raise, walking plow, sulky rake, riding plow, disc., set harness. snuffler, hay fork and rope, 1935 Chevolet Coach. cream separa- tor, quantity Elm plank, timber and lumber, 2 oak barrels, wheel harrow set sleighs, neck yokes, whippletrees kitchen range, heater. Terms Cash W. J. Bennett, Prop, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. CLEARING ATT CT ION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and House- hold Effects. Thursday. October' 9th, at 12 o'clock sharp. at Lot 9. Con, 13, Towns1a tp of 'Mullett, 1 mile west Of Han•lock School, or 6 miles south- east of Blyth: HORSES 1 mat - (hell team of black mares, 6 and 7 years old, 2800 lbs.; 1 Pe'rcreon gelding 6 yrs. old; 1 driving mare; 1 yearling filly. HEREFORD CAT- TLE •— 16 cows with calves and re - bred; 5 two yr, old heifers, bred; 9 bull calves ranging from 5 to 11 montls old; 6 heifer calves; 3 yr old registered herd sired. This is an exceptionally good herd of Hereford cattle from registered stock, POUL- TRY.— 25 hens. MACHIN maERY — Formal & McCormick -Deering Trac- or in good condition; 2 furrow Mc- Cormick -Deering plow nn rubber; 6 ft. McCormick -Deering- tractor disc; 7 foot M. H. binder. rut 70 acres; M. -H. mower; McCormick - Deering side rake; M. H. hay loader: 13 -disc grain drill; 1 steel roller: M. H. manure spreader, 2 yrs. old; 4 section diamond harrows; culti- vator; horse disc; walking plow; muffler ; turnip drill; farm wagon and box; rubber tired wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; set of farm sleighs with fiat rack; cutting box; fanning mill; crown separator; cutter; hug- gy; 2 iron kettles; bench vise; ex- tension ladder; 6 H. P. electric motor with grain grinder and grain roller; pump lack and motor; 1940 Wiilys Sedan car; forks. shovels, chains, tools and many other arti- eles; — set backhand harness; 1 ®et single harness; 1 set of double driving harness; number horse collars. Full line of Household Ef- fects, house furnishings• including hying room, dlnfag room chrome kitchen set. bed room furniture. Finlay kitchen stove. Beatty Eleot- rie washer; dishes, kitchen utensils and other hornreehold effeetc� Terms Cash, ll-�state of the late REECE FERRIS, Harold ,Tnek'son, Auntion- ser; E P. Chesney, Clerk, E. S. Knotchel Executer: A. W. Sllerv. Solicitor for Estate. At the same place, 3.30 p. m. the farm consisting o2 125 acres, more or less will be offered for sale, sub- ject to reserve bid, — Cement block house, large bank barns, steel drive shed, hydro throughout buildings, drilled well. All seeded at present time. Terms on Farm 10 per cent down balance 30 days. FOR SAL K .�. Cockahmtt.Olivea Treater la rood (oondltOon, also a broader baba 12 x 16 with pine siding and weninsulated. J. Blair McIntosh Phone Listowel 249R AUCTION SALE Of Household Equipment On Main Street, Brussels Above F. R. Smith's Drne Store Wednesday, October 15th, at 1 p.m. cls<drec Beater, coal or wood Welsh huh, - Boiler Vacuum plunger, Quilting frames 1 edrootn china, 2 small tables library Table, 2 Rockers Combination desk and book case T'phalatcred chair, Arm chair 2 large rugs, '3 small rugs 101irrr lamp, Rowing machine Radio, iron, Hot plate Springs and Mattress K1'clren utensils Terms Cash Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer Grace Stewart, Proprietress J'.hn Bryans, Clerk. FOR SALE — 1 cia<•ular heater. also I Acme cook - stove, 0001 er• wood 1 Electric rangette heavy duty 3 p1Iar,-,s and oven 1_._14 R.D. 60 Cycle Motor on plat - and c inch saw, adjustable hie top. .rritn 1' t••=ra,r trailer ball hitch. "1rrdv Malt. ,R New tires and tubes n?4r't of garden tools. Combination china cabinet and cupboard 2 Pine chesterfield suite 9 piece solid oak dining room ektte excellent condition 1 wicker rocking chair 1 hell table 1 rocking chair, 1 reclining chair 1 rongoleulmn rug 9x101,4 Some hardwood flooring and other used lumber for sale. Apply preferably between 4 and R p. m. D. C. Miller. Near C.N.R. Station. Ethei. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Machinery at Lot 18, Con. 10, Grey Twp, 4 Mlles East of Brussels on ,, Friday, October 17th at 1 P. M. i Horses ,-ooh 1 black mare 10 years old 1 hay mare 10 years old Cattle 1 Ayrshire cow 3 yrs. old, due in March. 1 Durham heifer cow, Brae in Mar. 2 Durham heifers rising, 2 yrs. old 2 Durham Spring Calves Hogs 2 York sows with litter at foot 1 farrow York Sow Machlnery Inhumations] binder, McCormick mower ft. cut, sulky rake, hay loader. M. H. 13 disc fertilizer, drill, land roller, riding plow, set of farm. sleighs (like new), 2 wheel trailer, turnip drill, 2000 lbs. Renfrew scales rubber fired wagon. 16 ft. flat hay rack (new', graved box, fanning mill, 2 chicken rain shelters (new). brooder shove. other poultry equip- ment, hay fork, slings and chains. lTanv other Items. Hay and Grain 8n ton of mixed hay tgood) 000 hu. of mixed grain Terms Cash Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. Harald ,Iarkson. Arctloneer. M WINGHAMEMORIAL .1H0! Always ■ hove stock In owes* n k Granites to Cheu, All modern machinery. famous ter Cemetery lettering a apeaiely Artistic Memorialss, at vary reasonable Crie R. A. SPOT PON Phone 256 — Wingham, OM. BRIDE ATTENDED BY THREg SISTERS. IN OCTOBER BRIDAL The altar In Knox United 01101011 lielgrave WA a i .• i s. i .r ' of ;tannin leave9 an.1 f.oll flemers Saturday afterutY t1 at 3 o'clock for the marriage of Audrey Jean, deuulghter of 91r. and Mrs. Karl Ander- son, H.P. 4 Brussels, to Mr. Wilfred Weymouth Schreiber, tion of Mrs. Carl Schreiber of Port Credit—Rev: Charles Cox officiated, Mr. Roy Mundy, Winglsama, Was organist. ('riven in marriage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a floor- ' loor ' gown was fashioned with a bont- goyn .was fashloned with a bouf- fant ,skirt, fitted bodice. with lace yoke .and tiny Peter Pan collar et Ince and long tapered sleeves end- ing in lily points over the hands, A coronet of organe blossom's held her finger-tip vell and she carried bouquet of red roses. The matron 01 honor. Mrs. Edmund Hardin Cnrlea•iclh, sister of the •bride, chose a floor -length gown of Kelly green taPreto. 'fashioned with strapless shirred bodice with matching bo- lero and fall 'skirt. She wore a ma'chime headdress and her flowers were a botcgnet of brolaze- toneel chryoannhelmcros. The bridesmaid, Mro. 'red II -uniting, Auburn, also a sister of the bride, was in a floor - length gown of runty copper -shade taffeta fashioned in similar sbyle to that worn by the matron of hon- or. She carried a banquet of yel- low ohrysanthemmms. The flower- , girl, Karen Anderson, sister of the bride, wore a frock of yellow tat- , feta with matching headdress, and .a carried • nosegay of yellow and I bronze baby chrysanthemums, The best man was Mr. John Schreiber; and the guests 'were ushered by Mr, 13111 Cunningham and Mr. Jim An- derson, brother of the bride. The bride's mother received the guests at a buffet luncheon held at the home of .the bride's parents. The house was decorated with autumn leaves and flowers. Serving the guests were Misses Isabel Speirs, ,lean McArter, Donna Anderson, loan Black, Amy and Irene Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber left later on a motor trip to Muskoka and other northern centres. The bride traveled in a pale green wool dress, beige camel .hair topcoat, with British tan accessories, A corsage of yellow roses completed her en- semble. Guests were present from Toronto, Port Credit, New Jersey Clarkson, Belgrave. Milton, and Wingham. Storey - McGavin Arttumn flowers 'formed the set- ting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGavin, Walton on Sat- urday, Oct 4th at 2 p. m. for the Wedding of their daughter Franc Elizabeth to Everett James Storey son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Storey, Sealorth. Rev. Meurig Thomas of Walton 'United Church officiated at the double -ring ceremony. Mrs. Alex Dennis, Walton, played the wedding music and also, acoompanidd the soloist, Miss Mary Lou Mc11'arlane, ru Bssels, who sang, "I Walk Beside You". before the ceremony and "0 Perfect Love," during the signing of the register. Given. In marriage by her father ilhe bride was lovely in a. floor -length gown of white net over slipper satin, with fitted bodice of Chantilly 'lace. nylon yoke trimm- ed with seed pearls, and lily point sleeroree. Her finger tip veil fell gracefully from a beaded head Piece. She -carred a bouquet of red' roses, white rhrvrsanthomums and silvered 1''. l(i'a" Piech C1 rn• a• ui�•.re,• pont +1,n ^•• ..,,- •maid nr hr., nn•rine Prnnr lere•th lavender mourn of pylon not over taffetta with fitted, bodice anti bolero of brocaded satin, 01 and wore a 9101thig head-pleco. Site carried a nosegay of Yellow baby n(66019. Miss Margaret Stevens, Walton was brldesanaid wearing a floor length yellow gown or atYlea net ovor taffahta with fitted bodice and cape Or, hi ceded satin trimmed in tree edging, _ she wore a matching head-pioce and carried a noose -gay of lavender baby moms. The best. man WAS 'lir, Morton KeYes or Sea' forth. ,> ollowing the ceremony e inception was triad at tire home, the bride's another wore an afternoon dress of royal blue crepe and cont s'a'ge of -pink carnations. The groom's I mother wore an afternoon dross of dark blue ems and a corsage of lavender baby mums. Serving' were Merle Storey, Muriel Schede, Joan Ryan and JoanWlroatly assisted by Mrs, Alex Armstrong, Mrs, Norman Schad�e, Mrs, Boss Driscoll and Mrd;, Boyd Driscoll. For her wedd- ing trip td Niagara Palls and the , Wednesciaap^, October 8th, 1984 United States the lands wale it f grey worsted suit with green ee- Cea,SPrieit and a PPrs'agP of red roses, On their return the couple will re- t side on the bridegroom's torr in I McK1110.p, Glue sts were present ) from Detroit, Laaatdng, M1011,, Tor- , onto, Biytttl, Brussels; Sea er% and I 'S'i'aIten, MEETING OF 0, R, M. T, A. The first mooting of the season, of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association, was held last week et Clinton. This took the form of a luncheon at the Connnercial Hotel Grill, with musts teachers Present Bllujssels, Wroxeter, Blyth, Goderich • and Clinton. The speak- er peaker was Mos. Lela Hoover Ward, od Garelph, who spoke %borut her meth- ods of teaching piano playing to he- gkiners and litkle- children. Mre, Ward has published several very Give your home a lasting beauty treatment with Stur- geons High Quality Point. Johnaoa't Part and Electric Store Brussels, Ont. AnPAINi 60R EVERY PURPOSE popular music hooks for children, the last one being a book of well known hymns. Mrs, Ward, Who is a native of Clinton, entertained the teachers with some amusing ex- perteaices of by -gone days, FOR SALE — We qan supply you with your fertilizer requirements for hay and paetnre purlposes. Stan, Alexander, Ethel. 1a Mete hie* act gies ehe You'll find him about 20 years of age ... fully trained and full of the zest for flying ... keen ... alert ... brimful with a sense of accomplishment and responsibility! He probably won't admit to you he feels a pride in doing his duty — in being prepared to defend freedom — but it's obvious he does. - ff you are 17 and not yet 25, Find out today how you can be a PILOT in the II MI _■ -- ■ ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE r L. "I went aircrew because, more than anything else, 1 wanted to fly — and 1 felt I'd gel more flying and experience in the Air Force .. , Jets? , .. yes, they're easier to fly... Sorry, 1 can't describe the feeling to you, but there's just nothing like being up there , .. 35,000 feet , ..•in a world of your own . . , in a jet that's — well — your baby .. -" SEE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT THE ADDRESS IN THE COUPON—OR MAIL THE COUPONI Director of Personnel Manning, R.C.A.F. Headquarters, Ottawa, Please mail me, without obligation, full particulars regarding enrolment requirements and openings now available h; the R.CA,P, NAME (Please Print) (Surname) (Christian Name) STREET ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE EDUCATION (by grade and province) AGE CAF -14W the Ronal L rme WELL-- PERHAPS I'D BETTER SHOW YOU WHAT I MEAN THERE'S WHAT I MEAN, JOE. SEE THE DIFFERENCE.AN IT'S SO EASY 10 MAKE YOUR PEN BRIGHT AND CLEAN, TO MAKE A SIMPLE HOVER TO GIVE HEAT TOTHE LITTER, LOTS OF TROUGH SPACE DIVIDED TO GIVE EACH PIG A CHANCE TO EAT WONDERWEAN AND P' • IDE T, E LITTER WITH EVERY CHANCE TO GROW AND ► �� THRIVE 10. ) I DONT WANT TO PAY TOO MUM ` MONEY FOR IMPROVEMENTS, DOC. 0041&4-" By Roe Dom' SHUCKS, JOE.THE TIME AND LABOR y0U USE �t WILL PAY FOR THEMSELVES, WHY, SAVING THE LIFE OF ONE P16 WOULD PAY FORTHEBE .IIMPROVEMENTSINONE SEASON 'Farms Service Dept.' Aff 1=_ • (r4 FOR ROBUST HEALTH AND FAST, MIND 6ROWTH AT WEANIN6TIME r FEED " t FARM -PROVEN ROE &ftotogot P16 STARTER /*AWN OR Mar FORM w,,,, alit Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON MONCRIEFF 1