HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-10-8, Page 3TNECaLvedd SPORTS COLUMN eowt 709440i. It was more annoying than funny at the time, bpt, . looking back now, we find a TUobei?taift degree of hilarity marked the end 'sit Of the Olympic Games. /ISM • Abd of all things, the laughs were pro- vided by the sombre Russians. When they •were edged out on total points by United States athletes, on the standard scoring system, they proluptly. invented their own, and proved that they were the Whitten. It was so childish, so obvl9usly in.the naive Russian mould of propaganda, that, at this distance, it's good for a chuckle. And it's psi{ notion thatthe international importance of the Olympics, as proving that any one country is physically better than another is just plain silly. Ideally; the Games are 'competitions among individuals; not between countries. Some countries have these individual stars at various times, some haven't, For popular consumption a newspaper scoreboard is kept. But triumph doesn't necessarily represent a national superiority over the countries 1 which didn't do so well.: This being so, we're ;glad the United States won the mythical ,, title. For the difference between a , Runsiap and an American over-all peinta'victory id that the Soviet' propaganda' machine would have made this a tremendous apring„board forboasting the decadence ,of the "imperialistic" ,countrie , ,as epfppared with the virility of'Staliri's empire. Am€riga will merely boast its undeniably. great -athletes -and attach no blobulsr' political significance to the outcome. Superiority in running, or jumping, or throwing weights proves nothing as indicating one nation is more virile, stronger than another. If it did, then Czecho-Slovakia would outrank all others, for they sent to the Games the greatest athlete of, Zatopek, the man who scored the umbelieveable trip% suspect that Russia went into the Gaines to prove what thelps3n ganda machines would label national superiority, and they ;a did it. We suspedt,.too, that the Soviet master -mind woui have allowed a Muscovite team to enter unless they wet sidered loaded; lest the cause of collectivism be set back b feats on athletic fields. That's the reason there developed that, childish stratagem, a re -arrangement of the scoring values, to convince the folks at home that Russia really won, but was robbed by the money -barons of Wall street. Let's forget any national significance or racial superiority that points -victory in the games might be taken to prove. Our own Canada didn't get many points in the Olympics, but we happen to think, even so, that Canada is a very swell country in which we prefer to live in preference to all others, even if we never score another Olympic triumph. Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert Nouse, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTEURO, ONTARIO SFORTy w: .t. .t. b/ A Slxa1TC 1 lc A mere fourteen years ago the world's record run for the game of Snooker was 138 points—and as it stuck there for more than a decade, snooker devotees figured that it' might never go higher. That per- fection—a break of 147 — would ever be reached was almost unthink- able; for a 147 snooker break is comparable to a golfer putting to- gether a round of 18 holes -in -one. * * * Yet in all probability, before the present snooker season is over one or more of the top professionals will have made the grade. It might be Joe Davis of England, or his brother Fred. It might be the Canadian George Chenier; or it might be the veteran New Zeal- ander, Mark McConachy. As a matter of fact the latter once ac - tastily did ring up a 147 score—but, alas, when his record came up for ratification, it was found that the pockets of the table on which he played were slightly over the stan- dard width, so it didn't go down in the books. . • * * * Here, for the benefit of those who didn't misspend sufficient of their youth to' understand such things, a little explanation might be timely. Actually the game should be called Snooker's Pool, it having been in- vented by a certain Colonel Snoo- ker while serving in India. For many years the game was 'con- sidered to be just a sort of disrepu- table cousin of billiards. and it - `wasn't even allowed to be played in high class billiard rooms. But, following the end of World War One, snooker came on with such a rush that, in England now, three - ball billiards is about as rare three -headed elephant. * *" * To explain 'what is meant by the 147 break, it is necessary first of all to explain about the game of snooker. It starts with 22 balls on the table. There are 15 red, six various other colors, and one white which is always the cue ball. A red pocketed scores one point and the colors are valued yellow 2, green 3, brown 4, blue 5, pink 6 and black 7. The reds once they are down stay there but the colors are returned to the table until the last red has been put away. Then, the colors are played in order of v a 1 u e. TJs u s it is possible, by potting a maximum - registering black every time after putting down a red and then taking all the col- ors in turn, to score 147. There is another way by which 147 can be exceeded but it is regarded as too freakish to consider seriously. What has to happen is that a player has to be snookered unfairly and claim a free ball before any single one of the reds had been put down. In this way a 155 break is possible. * * * Snookering is the negative side of the game and consists of exe- cuting, or persuading your oppon- ent to execute, what are termed "foul" shots. These are too numer- ous to be enumerated here but the main ones are usually perpetrated by hitting a ball other than the one you should; missing tale objective altogether; or permitting the cue ball to enter a pocket. You can best persuade your opponent to do any onet or two of them by inter- posing a ball' between the cue ball and the ball les is required to hit. If you do this you are said to have "laid a snooker." ti 5 * Joe Davis, already mentioned, t 1, Me?—I'm Famous?- -' Paui;'i; pet mongoose who�`` belong3". fo Anthony Sheridan,., 11, of Elstrbe, England, can't quite belibve•Ite's,famous, end Anthony is a little in awe of his pet from Calcutta, India, Paul is the father. of 'the first mongoose to be born In captivity in England, and survive. "Titch," Paul's Mate, refused to come out and be photographed. Previous efforts to breed the little snake -killing anintals In captivity hove fallad:' Sola Themselves to Help Their Church The auctioneer cried, "Sold!" and the school superintendent's secre- tory became a'scruh"woman for a day, A church eider was' bought an a coal shoveler. ,A .sohoolteacher found himself sold jo .his *pother;,, in-law as a ditch digger. - These were only a few "of"a steady stream of Fisk, 85issattri, residents " who mounted the auction block and'' had their services knocked downto',' the highest, b'lider.. 'let it was all,. in fun and for a gppd cause—to help pay forthe$6p00arepair job to the First Presbyterian Church. • For years the church had been struggling 'through balre'salei, be, zaars, .rummage,Isolias and'suppecs,n to help, inset expenses, Everyone,,, was pretty. .weary of .these ofd'' stand-bys, besides,, they brougR4 t in little' money; ElderI3'ialdt Jbliy dlecid&'`lt wt time fora change, The old method,y * just couldn't raise enough to meet, the costs of the church -remodeling. There must be something else tie' church could 'sell that the towns' people would want" There must .bei something new that would arouse their interest, "We've sold just about every product we can get donated except one," he told his wife. Helen. "We've sold people's cakes, pies, covered dishes, attic castoffs and what have you. But'' we haven't yet sold their services. People who can work, who can do anything. We'll sell their skill and' their muscle to the highest bidders," Mrs. Jolly liked the idea—and so did the other elders of the church. It was cold and damp the day of the auction, but practically every- one in the town of 520 souls was on hand to buy or sell. Mostly they did both. The school superintendent's sec- retary brought $8 as a scrub woman. Elder Jolly's services as a coal' hauler and a shoveler were valued at $13. The school teacher was worth $7 to his mother-in-law. A young baby-sitter brought $4.50, as did a barber who offered six hair- cuts. Someone decided the services of a hunting -and -fishing guide were worth $13,, but a painter brought only$8. man A and his tractor went for$12 an wthe he use ofa grain stn g combine brought in $35. Paper hangers; dressmakers, handy men, carpenters, cotton pickers, cooks, bakers, electricians found their way to the auction block; flexing their muscles to prove they were able il:.. •II Series -Serious -Thomas Fleming is a New York baseball fan who was determined to keep posted on what happened to the three New York teams in the final days of the -pennant races. Via two radios and television set, Fleming saw and heard simultaneously the Giants, Dodgers and Yankees, in and out of New York City. A huge scoreboard recorded results as they came it. to satisfy the highest bidder. Two professional auctioneers did their stuff without pay. , Just to make sure that no opt., portunity was missed to collet every possible cent, a community' store was set, up and brought ,fit $37. The sale, of Christmas cardsi netted anotheC $50. One church member went around measuring thea• waists of everyone she encountered, fining them a penny for each inch-, The idea was worth $30. : ' The day's total receipts amount -is ed to $778.38, far, far more than atyft previous event bad brought into the church coffers, c e s, "It proved' a fine way to raise money for the church," Brad Jolly says. "We had a lot of fun and our'' members as well as the towns-: people who helped out were drawn, closer together," From "The Country Gentleman." Radar Eye On Speeders—Parkway police in Winchester County try out a new radar camera in clocking speeding autos. When a car exceeding the speed 'limit enters the radar beam, an electric switch is tripped and the camera takes a picture of the speeding car on 16 -mm. movie film. A case is being prepared to test the device's legality in court cases. held the world title for 20 years, raising the record point by point till it reached 138. There it remain- ed until, in 1949, good old Joe struck another digit with 141. • * * * The following year the game be- came international among the lead- ing professionals and in February of that year George Chenier, of Winnipeg, set the ivory -rolling crowd agog with a new world 'mark bg 144. But the Canuck's reign wasn't to last long. Within a month, playing against Chenier, Joe Davis rolled them for 146— just one point short of perfection. And there, unless somebody upset sit within the past ,week or so, the =record still stands. H H'earirtgith(elp 0 An abnormal 1%owtlt' of„spongy \bode 4n the ear causes one common type of deafness. Sound Waves can't ';get past the batbrier: A' delicate 'fenestration operation has been de- -%fited to cut a wigdbw in the bone so the sound' cad travel .through, Now a study .of 88 patients, S or more years Itfter the operation, shows a high rate of success, Near- ly -two thirds were pleased with the. improved hearing. Although all had required heading aids prior to sur- gery) 56 per cent now had satisfac. tory hearing without an aid. :«a CG Nose Troubles If you suffer from nasal difficul- ties — obstructed passages, infec- tions, allergies and even numerous colds—thyroid deficiency may be the cause. And thyroid extract may help. Recently one 'investigator studied 130 patients with just such troubles. Half also complained of Headaches. Careful tests showed that all 130 had thyroid deficiency although few had the usual signs of severe deficiency, such as marked loss of strength. Proper dosage with thyroid extract produced strik- ing improvement in a high percen- tage of the patients. Nose troubles and headaches varisited. Stomach -Ache Cured by Sweet Music A woman wrote to the news- papers recently to say that when she practised her violin a large spider would come out and listen near her door. When she stopped playing, it returned to its lair. In point of fact, lizards can be attracted by whistling, and snakes, mice and other creatures are fas- cinated by music. Whether they enjoy it, or can distinguish Mozart from Beethoven,is anothermatter. t r r. Experiments p eats have proved the ef- fectiveness of music in getting more *work out of horses and donkeys, and more milk out of cows. A French'veterirnary surgeon achieved miraculous cures by 'playing sdoth- ing music to horses and donkeys to cure gripes and. colic. Reseach ttas proved that music af- fects the nervous and respiratory systems of animals—as it does hu- mans; also circulation, secretion of saliva, stomach juices and bile. One old studs -mare at Epsom went right off her. feet until, quite• by accident, she heard a gramaphone record played near her box. After that, the same record was played at every mealtime and she champed her oats contentedly. Stopping Hiccups Old Wives' remedies' are effective in stopping- simple hiccups. But cases lasting several days or weeks may require nerve operations. Two Boston physicians recently report- ed to the American Medical Asso- ciation that blowing,:or pressing on the eyebaiis will' stop simple hic- cups. These devices are counterir- ritants — they produce irritations that stop the nerve impulses which cause the hiccuping. Simple hic- cups often conte from an overfull stomach; urine retention or irri- tating foods, tobacco or alcohol. Hiccups may become dangerous when they persist and cause vom- iting, malnutrition and exhaustion. In such cases,' medical' attention is needed and the' hiccups may be stopped by injections to block the nerve impulses or by crushing or cutting the nerves. DANGER!! PROTECT AND SANITIZE SEPTIC TANKS AND CESSPOOLS THE MOD- ERN WAY: NO DIGGING, NO PUMP- ING. PRIYYS CONDITIONED RIGHT. SEPTI KLEEN 37 LOWTHER AVE„ TORONTO, ONT. Phone M1, 3169 RELIEF FOR COLDS Check the discomfort of a cold—fast! Inhale Minard's Liniment. You'll breathe easier, feel better. Just try it—you'll see. INAR DI '7KINGGF PAIN” LINIMENT LASSIFIED ADVERTISING OAlill OEM) PAX pfdsine started etIeke, three, four, ova, elx, ,oven and eight weeks* old Or Immediate delivery, non -sexed, ponets, Cockerel** et rook bottom prises, Also ready t0 1ay and laying' pullets et re- duced prices, Catalogue. TwaEDLN CHICic f1A'r01il011IE6 LTD. ,H'ERGUB ONTARIO DYEING .AND CLEANING HAVE you anything need. dyeing 0,' cIoon 1507 Write to as for Information, We ire glad to answer your questions, 110- aartment 17.'Pa01,0, 8 :Dye Werke Limited,, , 051 Tose Bt, 'reronto, FOM* SALE Cause CORN SALVE—',Forsura relief. Tour Drw;-glat sells CRESS. " PULLETS, several,. thousand Hollywood Strain White T,aehertu,, Hann) X Rook. Rock X Leghorn. Crones. 4 to 5 menthe old at 51.75 to 5315 snob, mow through. October, Rained on green Ittd)no range. Shipped In new grippe, Hawkins Feed Company Lieteherlee, Tlllsonburg, On- tario, GARAGES—Portable,' pr'etabrloated, rust- proof. 5120, 1130, shade, Range Shelter Roofs, 546. Sectional Buildings. Shaw. bridge, Quebec. ALUTANUOI—New, Corrugated, 28" x 6'; Deet Canadian Price:— Delivered:— 61.40 Sheet, 510 Square. Building Materials, Lac (Minden, Quebec. PEED HILL, Sacrifice at 14,100, Emit Terms, Meet sell before rush season due to 111 health, Write Zook Robinson, 930 Nelson, Wallacebnrg, Ontario. OILS, GREASES, TIRES PAINTS AND VARNISBES, Electric Retort:, Electrical Appliancematiobbyeleop machinery Dealer. wanted. Write* Ware" Grease and 011 Limited. Toronto. PLASTICS, leatheroratt, figurines. wood - burning, Jewellery, etc, NOw 1853 Wholesale -Retail Handicraft Catalogue and Samples 25c, Kidder Manufacturing, 138 Danforth Ave,. Toronto. APPLE ORCHARD 100 Acre Farm 0I mile. from Port Hope, near paved road. Fine solid brick home, modern bath and kitchen — outbuildings very good, with complete Kul:meat for spraying. .erring. grading- and •plorage. 30 acre. Bearing Orchard, 40 mina work- able. balance, pasture and bush. Write for full partloularol Other Fame. Businesses & Homes Listed. LONG EROS. Port Hopo Realtors Plume 5509 PLUMBING AND HEATING CATALOGUE FREE The 19622 cytalogge is off the ares.. Write for your Corp' or Walt the new ware- , bouso and gee for yourself the model bathroom ,Replaya In whiteand coloured fixtures. In standard size bathrooms with tiled or painted walls, Just the wear you want a. bathroom in your own home. We have stoke and sink cabinet units, lavatcn' "baeln0 and toilets. pressure eye- teme and electric water heaters, range hollers, pine and fittings h1 calMer, gal- vanized and cast Iron, septic and oil tanks, refrigerators and electric ranges, a complete line of furnaces, air condi- Boning unite and hot water heating ey9- tem§700r Bare convector nide. We deliver to Your nearest` rnilw•ay station, srou paY no 8. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING surrLrEs Streeteville. bntarrti B.C. HOTEL 7ARGAI0J TOTAL ACREAGE—nineteen, Areommo- datlon. for 100 to '126 mimes, All bultd- lege in good, clean condition. Overlooking lake; booting. flatting. swimming. Tennis courts and golf course nearby.. Es :- trema cold, no hot sleepless nights. "Thi* Is an Estate Settlement," Full price only 544,600.00, all cash. Term price 840,600.00' with 529.500.00 down. Fur- ther information on request, S. B. Mirth, Real Estate. Oliver, B.C. OXFORD' - DOWN, GOVERNMENT graded Rams of all twee. Also good breeding ewes and ewe lambs. Maurice Talton, P..35. 5, Walkerton. Ont. MOTALGT elves' Motors. Valve and Ring lob while drifting. Money back guarantee for 200,090, -Tailor. Free Information, write: Ernesto Sales Co„ Formosa, Ont, OIEDICAL IT'S IMPORTANT0 Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid ASTHMA IVRY suffer It there is eometmng that will hold you? Hnndreda or thousands of aero Dive been *Old on a money back guar• antes, So easy to use. Atter 1012r sYmp- totne have been diagnosed as Asthma, you me 1t to yourself to try As: hmonefria, 4elt your Druggist, No Pilin No Drugs THE PERFECT S1.I61171N0 DIET SHEET As used b7 lending London Floseitala and Medical Specialists, sent on rotelet of Postal Order Ono Dollar to: Diets Dept., MEDICAL & DRUGGISTS SUPPLIES. (2 TovIotorh Placa, London, W.C.r, 0335 T.T.S.-AEG NURSES TWO nurses wanted 10r United Church Maiden Hospital on West Coast. Inter- esting pork.. Good salary and other benefits. Information, Dr, John 1l'hiting, Exeter, Ontario. CAN Y Here's tt bur0aln— 60,000 Yards of extra wide 68;50 Inch all wool material at lower than store prises; And our now way 1ots you, sea and, feel .material before You buy. Tau mall as 26e for samples end wo w111 rotund your 21a on drat , order. Write, Dux 172, Renfrew, Ontario. If Vivre TI `$ E ALL TE Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe bothered by backocbos. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's rho time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, Work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue ha with the red band et all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 02 or9GR3UNIT6108 Felt MEN AND WO1ll"N BE A HAIRDRESSER 101N CANADA'S LPIADSNG 805900L Great Opportunity Learn Iialydres0ing Pleasant '71gniaad prnt0091on, sono w805e, rboueanda of aueneaatul Marvel gradoatee America's Greatest System Illustrated Cutnlogue %"req Write or ,Call . 0ARVEL anzavamsszs0 800100L8 458 13I00, 8t, W. Toronto Dranebesl 94 Meg 8t,: Halnut002 72 Rides* St.. Ottawa 1751 independent, Manage 0W0 ntogoelne aubaarlptlon busloses snare limo, LIt. ' stratum free, E111ott•o, 262 0ain0ber0. Toronto, "SHARE. The profits,. Bocoma Member of Rlohardkon Enterprises, Details 51.00, We pay Dividends twice a year, Sox 4324, ,Station "A", Dallas 9, :COMM END EMBARRASSING BALDNESS. At loot a tested, proven hair remor0,'. Quickly promotes hair growth In all Guam of baldnced, regardless of ago or eendltton. 8014on full money back guarantee, For 'particulars write* Dls- trlbutor Thalia Herbal Product..,72 West Ave. South, Hamilton. Ont, OVER 1000 TESTED Money -Making Tips, Many 0004 17000E Projects, Postpaid 02.00. Satisfaction guaranteed, Ton can't Mae, W, TITARP, Box 628-C, Omhha, Nebraska. 1'A7'ENT8 AN OFFER to every Inventor—Llai of 10• fsnnone end full information sent free, • Phe Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Ahot, rows. 273 Bnn1, Street, Ottawa PETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Pa- tent Boitcltoro, Established 18911 960 Bay Street, Toronto Booklet at Infnrma- don on recital RUGS NEN rugs made from .your oltl ruse and woollens. Write for catalogue and price lint. Dominion Rug Weaving Comnany, 2477 Dundee Street West. Toronto. Ont. PET 8TOCIt RAISE Hamsters. Make extra money.. Pair E3, .Trio 94, Aristocrat Ham-. stery, 269 Chalmers, Winnlueg, 20000to55. WANTED WANTED — need grace gate, roll top dealt and adding machine. Apply Irving Keyes, Glamt0. Ontario,. LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT OF LOVE. WITH LIFE? Then wake up your liver bile um out of bed rarin' to go jump Life not worth hvmg7 It maybe the liver! It's a tact) If your liver kilo is not Sowing freely your fopd rimy not. iiimat . , bloats up your stomach ... you feel con- stipated and all,the fun sad pa ookld go out of life. That's' when 'you n gentle Carters LitUa,Liver kills. You see Carters help stimulate your liver bile till once again Itis pouring out ata retail, up to two pintas day into your digestive tract. This ohould fix you right up, realm you fool that happy days are here again. So don't stay sunk gat Carters Little Laver Pills. Always Isave'them on hand. Only 35c from any druggieb SAFES Protect soar BOOKS mad 0A511 from FARE and THIEVES. We have a sire and tree of Safe. or Cabinet. fdr no] purpose. Visit us or write for price. eat., to Det.' W. J.6CJ:TiAY��] R,.LI M iTE® TORONTO SAFE"weRKS' 145 Front St. -'10:, -Toronto Established 18115... WHY YOU 'SHOULD NOT TAKE SODA e If you euffet from acid indigestion, -gas, heartburn, acieotiate eo7 bakin0 oodaoa, add to your upset, destroy vitamtino, cause alkaloaie, acid rebound. "After male I had Indigestion and t0ao pain- a, and I practically 11Ved on baling soda," says Peter George,)Lothbridgo, Alta "Then I started taking 'Dr. Pioroo's Golden Medical Discovery and the pains went away and I could eat and enjoy my meals lignin. gained 30 pounds and .felt much better." Thousands who suffered ouch distress. due to no organic causes, tried Dr. Pierc'e's Golden Medical Discovery with amazing results. Over 311,000,000 bottles of this great mon-alcoholic medicine, with its wonderful atomaehic tonic action,' have bean sold' to date. And no wonder. Fleet,. tokonregolarly, It promotes more flannel stomach activity, thus .helping -to digest food :butter so you won't have gas, heartburn, sour stomach. Second, with ,stomach *thvlty improved; you can eat the foods you like without fear of R'iYter-distress. Try it Get Dr. Piome's-Golden- Medicd i `kfilecovery et your draggle!, todayl HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention—Consult your near- est Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. Wo soil our goods only through your local Stoco Loather - goods dealer. The goods are right and so aro our prices. We manufac- ture in our factories, Harness Hors. Collars, Sweat Pods, Horse Blankets and Loather Travelling Goods.. Insist on Stato .Brand Trade -Marked Goods and you get satisfaction Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO, LTD. 42 Wellington SI E., Toronto — Write for. Catalogue — 18SUR 41 — 1952