HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-10-8, Page 1Post Publishing Hou*e HE Authorized as eeoond class mall; ,Poet Mice Department, Otieugia HENRY COMBS FORMER GREY FARMER SUFFERS BLYTH RESIDENT PASSES i SEVERE LEG INJURIES There paaeed away at his into' hams. tire residence of his nephew Menne .Jackson, John EL, Brussels, on eentembeh' 28th, 1952 in his 97tire Year. Born, In G'oderiela township, Jan- ! teary 1856, a son of James and Mary Combs, he Wats the fast loam. bee Of a family of elle'ven, t He mavod '10 Blyth with hie par. enlbs in 1858„ In 18S2 he went to Brendany. Manitobaa working on the main line of the C P. R, wren 1884 when he to up land at Deloraine, Man., and im 1885 wee married to Oandlene McRae, in Brandon, farm - fug there uu ill December,1919. when!, them moved to, Blytph, Ont„ to be, tire, Mrs Combs passed away ;in 1929, se. 8e wase member of 111 Uttiited Ohuroh. Ilia'. Combs was active, until.. a fele months ago, and on July 11th ,eantee Riley, two and 8 haft soil 8011(11 of Beustsels, received seriou leg injuries clueing conn 8 ttln operalt•ions on Friday of East wee While M'r, R1ley wets attempting t citshdge some court than was 08115 in telse harvettttre .the tractor slipped into gear ceasing the discharge menet the hdarvester to strike hilt. on the leg. The limb was broken, a Barlow cut inflicted and a- liga- ment torn. He was owned to t3he house by ,Tames Pennington and Donald Mc- Lean and then rushed to a Brussels doctor, he was later removed to Clinton hospital, He suffered severe shock and 1088 of blood bent his progress is reported es favorable, BRUSSELS DISTRICT WOMAN BEVERLY INJURED IN COLLIS a Mrs, Alxihie Engel Is in se s 1 doaldltilcn in Wtnh8iam li g where :dile was removed' ) y k. I R. W. 4�tej8hens. with chest injur O :received in a car accident wit ht °teetered Saturday on the coil road 2148 miles South of Brussels Mr, and Mrs, Engel were rotnrni home from Brussels at 11 p. m. 91 ' ttefiery when 41hey were involved in two -car Galilean at the-itutereeot of 1(110 county road and the 14th ean of Grey townnhip. Robert Gloueher of Nesbit was said fie. be the civil'of the second oar, Mrs: Engel, Whose condition show Improvement alt 11155 tone, is slut ering from several broken ribs an lung injury: Mr. FJnge1 was shake up be the accident but. escaped se ince injoy. Both ears *weretenstreiy damaged. n Pray. Con. John Pturklnn of Go erioh investigated, S L Wednesday-, October 8th, 1952 BRUSSELS TO'HAVE. iON TAG DAY FOR BLIND pimps The Beuissels Ltone Club will pita], 'apmusar a Tag IAay dor tate Blind on Dr. Saturday, Oot. 1Sth Wie who have lee .our •eyesig1t'1'arely give thought to leh what 91 must mean to live in dark- nty nests, Consider' what , 9i'oillki Immo en ill you loslrtt your si'. Thinly ng about it Mom now utede Oct. 189h at. and thene we know, yeti will gibe. and. give. generously, tb ;help Hoose ion n"10 must, live without eigjlt. UNITED CHURCH World Wide. Commotion Sunday nate observed in The United Church fell, was in bed until middle of on Sunday, Oct. 5 at mooning wor Avgust, ahem 'Fell again Sept 101h ship. Prior to tee celebration of the 'which Proved fatal. He was an ardent ball fan and I, fo =tome few games in the community ' e park, adjacent be this home, until e tilts aummer, H Fie is survived by one daughterr H ( Vesta, who cared for him through : D ' the years, four sons, 'Williant John . G Ira and Orval all of 1)eioraine, Man. A funeral service was held at the Ne D. A. Rann funeral home, Alfred SL, Tuesday, Sept. 30th at 2 p. tn, rimer a t'eeeption service r new communicants was held The re/lowing were received into uill oammmnin on in the Church of Christ. Danulyn Homingway, Marion enrol why, John Hoover,M.urnay 1 cover, Agnes Lane, Douglas Leach, 1 oughts Meehan„ Joyce Miller, erald Miller, Jean TTOArfer', Mar- garet : t'eCuteheou, Mrs, E. W. wton, Jan- Ran,. Peter Shaw, nee Spivey and Keith Turnbull, The choir number Was "Up Cal- rv's ITill" by C. Miles and C. olernanm. The duet part was taken Betty- anal Laurie Cousins, • AST HURON AGRICULTURAL OCIETY MEETING The meeting 01 41e Vast %eon thriculturai Society w8hl be held in ussets Library on Friday, 'Oct. 10, 8 p• m. Instead of 2 1h, In: as ted in the prize list. Conducted by his pastor Rev. A. re. Ione I)% Pall -bearers were Andrew Combs, I, h5 a Edward Bryans, Clarence Martin, = F Prank Bell, Stanley Wheeler and ; 8 Willktun lellacott, The many floral tributes were ! A carried by Roy and Wilford Mc- Br • Donams ld, Jaek Brye, Leslie Naftel, ' alt Wallace Bell, and Arthur McCall. Friends were present from Port Huron, Atich„ Sarna, Brigden, Stmt. ford, Walkerton, Wingbam and Blyth. Burial was made in the family pilot BJy'th cemetery. COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS The ` Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll will be held at the ° Brussels Ptublic Library on Friday, 100(011 r 24th at 3 p. m. Any person desiring to appeal their assessment ;,desiring should do so before that date in ei` ',Writing to the Clerk. G. R. Oampbeil, Clerk. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Church Brussels Minster, Rev. W. M. F. Fulton 11 a. m. Morning Worship 10 a. m. Sunday School Special Thankegiving Music on Sunday Anniversary Services Sunday, 001. 19th, United Church OF CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lana Moaning Worship -11 o'otoek Mr. H, Hopper will conduct the worship. ,Obntrch School - 12 o'clock "Enter into His Courts wlith Thanksgiving." 11.111111•110.S: halt-asat Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. A. Norman Ellis, M. A. 18th Sunday Atter '1St inity ri S. John's Ohwrtt. if iseis - 11 am, Morning Prayer Sunday School •t. Devlin*titwrM. Hiafr>flil 2.80 p.m. Beeping Prayer Seaga' SL Geer .'s Chmh� Walla 7:10 pen, Holy Comtnuadon; CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to thank all those who .sent 110 •cards and letters, I r appreeieted it very mnob. Marie Turnbull em • . NEIGHBORS OF INJURED, MAN n DO HIS FALL FARM WORK , f ; Roy McFarlane, of the 7th con. of n Geey Township, wan so Beverly melted botween tractor i and plow 1881 week bleat it became. necessary. ex- on Satur'd'ay ,CO anhprntate t hisright leg. Mr. M0Farliame bail been in Wimeham hospiltai sine& Tuesday, Sept. 80011, .ftyliotvine the a.ncident lvhfry11 00080ed at his fawn home, d. MELVILLE CHURL The quarterly C0111111111101 Servie Was help at Melville Church on Sun ntornine. The text of Rev, W. M T. Fu1'ton's. sermon was, "My God 11y God, why least thou forsaken me?". In His hour on the cross, this was the only time that Seat ad• dressed God in this wag. On other 000asiom Jesus called him Father. On the crass, God's presence did' not seems en real to Christ. However' Jesus did not lose ,lets fault, as He said "Mr God, My God" - and in his final Words, "Fe her into the hand T commend my spirit." On the cross God was in Christ, reconcil. ice-tlhe world tint° Himself. The choir rensiertd tthe anthems, "The Lard' le my Shepherd" to .the tune of "Onihnond", Maier Leu McFarlane sl'nging the descant, also 'b Sevionr of the World" by Grose. LEGION LADIES' AUXILIARY Saturday aftennoon• farmers of the • eerne entity showed. -the real spirit of e neighborliness when 15 tractors ex- * rived at his farm and in 3 hotnra completed his 35 acres r,ga11 plow- ing. His potatoe crop wir alset he ha/tweeted for him In the same com- mamtty manner. CARD OF THANK Sty sincere thanks is given to all those who remembered me win cards and treats and visited me easing mg illness, Mrs. Wm. .T. Bernard CARD OF THANKS Vesta Combs and Menne Jackson, wish to express their gratitude and thanks to the many friends and neighbors, who so kindly helped in any way alt ,bite time of their recent bereavement, in death of Father and Uncle. Special -thanks to Mrs. Rose, Mrs. McArthur, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Miller for treats and vista. .t'ng h•im, Tt was much appreciated. BORN TURNBULL - At Scott's Memorial Hospital, Seatertth on Friday Sept, 26, to Bill and Marie Turnbull a daughter Shirle0- I9abe1, REGEN • THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. . NOW PLAVING- 0ct. 9 - 10 - 11 Technicolor 'THE CAVE OF THE OUTLAWS" MacDonald Carey Alezle Smith The beautiful Carlsbad Caverns Ave the eerie setting for this old west story. The ex-convlat and the de. tective race to recover the hidden treasure. Oot. 13 - 14 - 16 Technicolor "DAVID AND BATHSHEBA', 'Gregory Peck Susan Hayward •\ First show starts at 7 p. m. A Blblcai Drama of the world's most forbidden love, story. It 1s filmed In a breath takingly beauti- ful setting, Matinee More, Oct. 13,at,2 P. M. Oct. 1'8.17.18 "INDIAN UPRISINGn Geoege Montgor*t ery Audrey Long This Is tense action recalling eerie, Indian history the fan In fury of the great Apache Nation. COMING - "BELLE of NEW YORK" The Ladies Auxiliary held the egiultar business meeting on Octob- er 2nd, A Burlu-e party is being planned for Oct. 191,11. Learyone is welcome. The ladies are catering to a banquet for the Legion on Nov. 11Mt. A don- ation wilt be given to the Legion Band. ('Com, Elliott won the mystery prize. The next meeting Dot. 30th will be nomination of officers. A good turn out its requested. A letter of thanlas was read from the Orphanage Torra in appreciation of a box of clothing sent recently BENEFIT DANCE FOR RAY KERNAGHAN In Ethel Township Hall on FRIDAY, 'OCTOBER 24th Music by Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra Admission 50c Ethel Juvenile Football Club CAPITOL THEATRE LISTOWEL 2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.90 p. tit. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Oct. 9 10 - 11 Humphrey Bogart Katharine Hepburn in • "THE AFRICAN QUEEN" Actually filmed In tht Splendore and Dangers of the Belgian Congo. MareeT at the spectacle of an entire native village ravaged 5y 0sarfng flames - Gasp at the battles be? tween men and a devouring army of Insects - Thrill to the wild Journey down the river. Midnight show Sunday 12,06 also Monday (Thanksglving) Tuesday and Wednesday October 1,3 • 14 - 11 "ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN" A picture you can't forget. See It with someone you love, the answer Is In the picture. We personally recommend thla film to everyone old end ycullg. TUESDAY FOTO-NITE 1st OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $110.00 Monday Attendance Card NW*. Thur. Fri. Sat. Oct. 16 • 17 - 18 They're Coming, those two mad- caps of comedy Dean Martin and Jerry Lewle In "JUMPING JACKS" MORRIS TWP. COUNCIL Morris Township Council meeting, Oct. 3rd, 1952, The Council met in the Township Ball on the above date in the even- ing with all members present. Moved by Chas. Coultas, seconded by Bailie Parrott that we accept the tender of Geo. Radford to clean the McCaughey portion -of the Blytia Creek Drain art 92.00 per rod 'end contractor cut his own road way. - Carried. Moved by Wm: Elston, seconded by Chas. Coultas that Geo. Radford • be paid for 263 rods on'the Peacock Drain. - Carried. Moved by Chas, by Bailie Parrott grants be paid: Brussels Fair $50 Fair 920.08, - Moved by Sam Coultes, seconded POST FORMER' BRUSSELS 'RESIDENT DIES Toronto, Ooh 6 - Thomae F, Nanton. 73, tat 'neurone()oonsultan1, Mete the Cana15( life Assurstnce 'Company, died Friday. Born in Brues•eits, One, be re. calved 'his 'early erlacation at Listo- wel and Stratford, and later at- tended Queen's Unireiratw, Ring - Ston and Unirensity of Toronto. He started in elite insurance busi- ness In Calgary, and later went to ManagerVancouver, as Manager of the Oen- . Life Asseuranee Company, a 'firm which ha ,served for more than 40 years, In 1925 Ito moved to i'oron- 'to as city braneb manager for thecompany, ele held this position un - '111 his retirement in 1945. but, con - tinted with the firm ata consultant, 26th ANNUAL NORTH HURON PLOWING MATCH HELD AT JAS. MICHIE'S -FARM It wee a young titan':. match on TL•idaer, when the North Huron Plow- man's Aseoeee-ion held its 2611 an- nual pleweng nnatoli. Forty-one con- testants turned furrows in corn - petition, and 4n were less than 40 years of age. There was some Il a.stanlehmen4 when it 1V118 found that tine prize for the eldest p10w. pram had to go to a venerable gray- beard of 45, but the tally ref en - Manes' awes 81inweri •that fee oloscat. contpetation for the boner was seven rears Off the peep, from a. 3feyear-old. Tn tether years men in their seven- ties or eielhtins have taken the "oldest. plowman" title, and in the poet it has been normal for many in their fifties or sixties to he active competitors. Horses almost. but not quite, dis- appeared from the North Huron match. Gorden Wilkinson. whose f arm to near ten site of •the match. -broneht :,lnee hie nen team and plowed with fila h'ree, but he was all alone and with',' competition in the horse .4 awn section. High School Student Champion Champion plowman of the day hvas John McGavin, Seaforth high Rebore Rebostudent. Who plowed in the open eines. In the only other open tractor class, an event for wide. bottomed plows, another teen-ager cantle •p4 the emphasis on erten that was than outstanding aspect of the matelt. Wayne Shackleton, Stretford, topped tee class, while Glen Nixon. a Seafm•th schoelbnf plhrpd third. The match Was plowed on the farm of James Miehie, two mites cmt'hea51 of Be/grave. rave. on the 5th ncession of Morrie township. The rid treed for the ma.ierley of the lowing steins had been in sod for ix years. On the Michie farm, P arra ender crop rotation has pen surveyed and fenced to make six equal Heide, each a little over 6 acres, f/10041110f the convention - 1 10+aere fields, so that it wasoo possible to aon10date most of the aich in a single field. f'icials Jladge of the match Was Elmer rmetrang, St. Panic. Elmer Den- s, Walton, is president of the emoting North Huron Plowman's ssoCliatfon; and Worry Sturdy, uburat, is vise -president, Elston rdlff, M. P., of Brueseie, secretary- paeurer for the mw.tsh, as he hasm en initially for many years. George Martin was chairman of e tractor committee, and Bob1 'War- m heel an easy job 5s aTr- m of the teams committee, ta- ngiblewnstble dor obtaining horses for 70118 who weanted to Plow with that the following Blyth Fair $40.00, .00,- and Belgrave Casted. Alcock, seconded by Wm. Fllaton that the road bills as Presented by the Road S1perin lendent he paid. - Carried. Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded by Wm. Reston that the communicat- ion from Jas. A. Howes, in regard to the Nichol Drain be tabled, - Caroled s Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded by Wm. Tilston that the reading of ee the 'Engineer.Report on the Smith la Train be held on Nov. 3, at 10 5. m. s - Carried. tb Moved by Bailie Parrott. second- ed by Chao. Pouffes that By -Law h No, 6, 1982 setting the nomination 'for Nov. 28 and the eleotf0n: if nee- 1 nee - emery for Dec, 8, be paissed' as . read the first, second and third times. m = Carried 0 Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded Icy Wm. Elston that the meeting adyouena act meet again on Nov. 3 at A 10 a•. m. ?It- Carried, sp The following 'accounts were paid: A. Ad.nce-Times, advertising $111.08 A nxr Gen. Ratlford, Peacock Drain 420.80 Ca L'rnterst Noble, labor 0n• tr Kelly Drain 4,50 he Geo, Radford, balance on th Mena, Bats 880.00 111 Geo. Radford, balance on Gorier Drain 800.00 W ( 1118 S. , Archibald; Gooier Dram 134,00 s Rothe Perron, 'Celle Dgaln 18.00 aulr County animate Tndigenit fees 26.50 h R•Iunielpal World, snppI1es 4.05 to Oases, Harvey .10hmsten, reeve of Morrie enable. and warden of 'Huron, s on heed for tips day to assist the meneg8ment or the match. A tench roomier 1185 operated in a 'tett rim the grounds by the Ret- Rmeve Womenet Tntittrte, Middle Mett9and Coneervalion ra AmMhnrity 60.00 In Geo. Westerberg,Bmtssels in Fahr grant 50.00 Mini. Resthot. 1317th Fair grant 40.02 Rt:ewert Procter Belgrave Fair grant 20,00 Wm, Fester, Pearoek drain 13,00 Rnmev C!. .7chneiton, Reeve, Geo, Cl. M'ert$na (deck, W1 L 'rON Walton Dulled Chneth will hold n turitey gentler on friday, October 24411. W4tteh ter further partieuere. Horse Class (Gordon Wilkinson, leruseels; 0117 entrant. Tractor Classes Boys and g4r15 under 19 years of ems. 10 -inch 9trmwtat Douglas Reyes. Seetorth; Mae Bolton, Dub. lin; •Tkan'ald Ferris, Brussels, Pitmen omelet reeidente. nm4 lee§ ContlninM 01 Rork Pepe $2.00 per year - $2.50 V. S.11, WINGHAM DISTRICT HIGH SOHQOL HOLDING CAMPAIGN Students of the Wintgltam District High School ws14 begin their Mega - zine •Susci'tp(ion Week wethin tlra next Erne days, This aotivity is 8d0nsat'ed by the Sihhdents Council and Literary Society, This plan, presented by Maclean - /linter Pubiis]titng Co., was begun by 'tbe students haat year about this Bute, It enables the school to 013- dain money for many extra snrrisular activities. Cetizens °If this community sale being offered 4,ie opeorb Sealy to assist aaad temourage +the Mee, 001001 students, and at the 'same time aubs"erme or 198110w [bell. sn.bacription' to Canada's leading magazines, as welt as the best of Atnertcen publi- cations, St. John's Anglican Church TURKEY SUPPER Tuesday, October 21st Supper from 5.30 to 8 P. M. Admission $1.25 and 75c Knox Presbyterian Church Cranbrook Harvest Thanksgiving Service SUN AY, OCTOBER 12th, 1952 at 11 a. m. Preacher _ Rev. W. M. Hyndman, M. A. Thank -Offering in Aid of Church Funds. NOTICE annual sociatl nhe will be held meeting 11 the Agricultural County Board Cream Producers cn Clinton at 8.30 P. M. on Tuesday, October 14811, 1912. Every farmer that produces cream for sale Is a member of this organization and Is invited to attend the annual meeting and hear the speakers explain the work being clone by the organization on your behalf. Knox Presbyterian Church Ethel Harvest Thanksgiving Service SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12th, 1952 at 2.45 p. m. Preacher - Rev. W. M. Hyndman, M. A. Thank -Offering in Aid of Chureh Funds. NOTICE The Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion are holding a Euchre Party in the Auxiliary Rooms on Piled. evening, Oct. 15th at 8.30 p. m. Everyone Welcome Admission 50c DANCE In Brussels Tow Hall on Tuesday, October 14th Dancing to Geo. Smith and his Orchestra from 10 to I Sponsored by L. O. L. 774 Admission 50c Booth in Hall ANNIVERSARY SERVICES In Ethel United Church on Sunday, October 12th at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Guest Speaker Rev. D. W. Williams, Goderich. Special Music by the Choir LLASHMAR DRIVE - IN THEATRE LISTOWEL Two Shows Nightly,' First Show starts at 7.30 p.m. Rain or Clear Days and date Title Thurs. • Frl. Oct. 9 • 10 "Walk Softly Stranger' Joseph Cottoe, Valli Bat. - Mon. Vera Ellen, Cesar Oct- 11 - 13 "'Happy Go Lovely" Romero, David Niven Tues. • Wed. - Thur. ,•Oct. 14 • 15 - 16 "Sealed Cargo" Danha Andrews, Claude Rath Fri. - Sat. "Tarzan's Peril Lex Barker,. Tlm Holt S wam Oct. 17 • 18 Border Treasure*' YOU TO CAN LEARN TO FLY The Canadian Government Offers One Hundred Dollars To Any One Who Completes The Department of Tramper, - Approved Training Course. Contact Us For Full Particuare SKY HARBOUR AIR SERVICES PHONE 1180 CODERICH, ONT.