HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-10-1, Page 1THE BRUSSELS
Posit Publishing House Authoriued as sward clans mall, PQM Office Department, Ottani, Wednesday, October 1st, 19$2
The ,Arcade Store display a4. the
Crystal Palace, daring the S Saeeis
Hall Fair, was a busy spot fol
hundreds ayadled themseives of the
oppoaitunity bf winntnig :the Greet
Went Garments on which free
tickets were given away. Tlokets
Were handed out on Thursday even,
fag. w?leni many were at the Palace
to view the many Interesting and set.
tractive dlep3ays and to listen to
the OratodLea Contest. as welt as
on Friday. The draw was made on Fri
day afternoon by a peeing lady In
the, crowd and prize winning names
drawn were -
1st Prize - Pair of Men's Overalls
Great West Garment, vauls $6.25,
Dovg, Smith, R. R, 4 Brussels,
2nd Prize - Unlined Smock by
Great WiestGarment, value $5.25,
F. G. Wihdttard, Brussels.
3rd Prize, Pair of. Men's Blue Den. '(
fun jeans by Kitchen Peabody, value
$3.95. Mrs: J. Hislop, R. R. 21
There is a much
talk of a potatoe
shortage .this year, after seeing, andusing the ones brought to the
office of the: Brussels Post by Mr,
Leonard Armstrong :of Brussels, we
wonder why. Bellevt it or not there
were only she potatoes in a -six
quart. basket and it was full, there
wasn't room for another potatoe oft
any size. Those potatoes were huge
but the quality didn't suffer because
of the size they were as good as any
we have ever eaten. Mr. Armstrong
didn't pick those six monster potat•
es out of a lot of small ones, he
has plenty more like them.
• Majestic Women's Institute are
sponsoring the project "Cottons May
Be Smart', for girls between the
ages of 12 and 20 years. Each gird
IS to make a cotton dress for her-
self. If you wish to take this
Please leave your name with Ruth
Hemingway or Phone 25r5,
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until 2 P.'M. Saturday,
October dib, 1952 for snow plowingw
for the 52-53 season in the Tonship
of Grey. Tenders to be by the hour.
tltate type of equipment used.
Lowest or any tender not neceei
arity accepted.
Md3'the M. Cardiff, OIPrk.
emoircir mom
Melville Church
Minster, Rev. W. M. F. Fulton
11 a. m. Morning Worship
10 a. m. Sunday School
United Church
Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane
Morning Worship -- 11 o'cloek
The Sacrlantent of
The Lori's Suter
Church School - 12 o'clock
On this world wide Commun-
ion Sunday let every sem-
mundcant obey themodest of
Jeatt , "Do Ws In remem-
brance of Me,"
Church of England
Parish et it rumple
Rev. A. Non nen Ellis, M. A.
17th Sraday Atter TAWS,• halitus Oleweit. �eslaaall..
11 a, m, Htolty Communion
Sunday Sao,*of / vsve t.AlerM. ,Mkle
1.20 p. m. Deering Pliant
Sunday School
• Ms
rrars Chateli, W
Harvest Raativel
7.20 m. M. *Meath* Narita'
Thursday, .opening day of hoseBatu
Fall Fair, made the Crystal
a veritable :beehive of activity.
I hihitors, end directors were
' busy arranging the many dingl
Pratt and vegetables were there
,a'bamtien;oe, There was baking a
Preserves, special commercial
hibitis ,of forages, crops, bales of h
aiheaves of ensilage corn.
The children's section was la
than ever this year, showing
1 growing interest in 'their fair
the younger generation.
Five institutes, Cranbrook, Biu
Whet vale, Monorieff, el and Brusse
each disidayed a collection
i "something new from something of
with which,ifiey:oompeted for point
solemmuchThe flower display was solen
being much bobber in both (mull
and gtr♦auuti'ty, 'than for some years
The Majestic Women's rnstitu
served lunch to ,the directors
An oratorical contest, sponsored b
the Bdulssels Majestic Women's I
et/tuts, was .fea:turtd at the Crysta
Palace on Thursday night. Ope
to stnarlenibs 0f grade 7 and 8, st
eotuteatantas took pant, The prize
winners', 'in order were, Mario
T-foaaaer, who chase as her subject
" Conlsertvaition in Ontario", Davi
Kennedy, "'Opltontnnities in Ca
ado•" Ronald Lane, "Opportmnitie
in Canada', Betty Alcock, "('on
serration Tn Ontarifo", Peter Hem
hngwlay, "Advantages Of Rural Lite"
Margaret Mlc0uitoheon, "Conservation
Tn Ontario."
Wm. J. Turnbull. president of the
Past Huron Agricuitnrai7 Society,
was chairman, Marian HemingwayHemingwayplayed two cornet solo, accompan-
ied by Lena Miller and Stargar
Perrie played severai piano solos,
judges for .the oratorical contest
wenn Rev. M. ,T. FTvdman, Cranbnok:
(leo. Jefferson, Clinton, and D. N.
Rastman, Seaforth.
Before 1,500 fans here on Monday
seels night under the lights, Brussels loot-
Slamball team won,rthe Stevenson. Trophy
Ex by defeating Holstein 2-0. Brussele
kept are now Huron - Football Association
a ye eft inpion. This is the second ttime
to CICO' ave brought honors to the
nd village Nanning their firsttroph9
ex, in 1933.
ay, Keith Anderson opened the hear-
. hag for Brussels after five minutes
lar of play in the Hirst half on a beauti-
ful play at goalb.
by , The game was clinched with five
minutes to platy in the last half
e- when Captain Bill King beat Goalie
Is Hunter Ina close play,
of The best three out of five aeries
went seven games with the first
s. two glamed being scoreless.d, With all date respects to the Brns-
ty Bels team, we have. seen Holstein
play bet=ter brand of football,
to Brussels teem - Jack Lowe, Casey
at McCtatohecn, Ches. Bryan, Wm,
King, Tock Stevenson, ,Tames Bow-
man, Keith Anderson, 2i, Kackweli,
n. 13. Marshall, Gordon Nichol, Wm.
1 Stevenson, Geo. Lave, Hugh Pear
m :
a s,. Oliver Meer.
x I Congratulation boys.
Morris Township Council meeting
will he held on Friday evening,
Oct. •3rd at 8 p. In. instead of �a
Oct. 6th.
Geo. Martin, Clerk,
There will be an Old Time Dance
and Euchre held in Blyth Memorial
Hall on Friday, Oct, 3r8, 1952. Spon-
sored by Branch 420 Canadian Leg-
ion Bali Chub, Euchre will be from
8 to ' 10 p. an. Dancing ,...from
10 to 1. George Smith's Orchestra
will provide the music. Admission
The Grey Township Federation of
Agriculture held a meeting in the
Clerk's offloe Ethei no September
1lth. Plans were made to have e
turkey supper and annual meeting
Cranbrook Community Hall on
Friday, Ont. 17th, Tickets may be
obtained from the Federation direct
Seaford), Ont.
Act. 2 - 2 - 4 Technlcotor
Leen In the Heart of Texas with
Esther Williams as ninon of the Mid-
way. This Is an entertaining
musical comedy.
Oct. 6.78
Doris .Day Ronald Reagan
The story of Grover Cleveland Alex-
ander, one of baseball's greatest
hence and the woman whose faith
and devotion could not be shattered.
It's breathtaking and full of action.
Oct, 9 • 10 • 11 Technicolor
MacDonald Carey Alexis Smith
The beautiful Carlsbad Caverns ytve
the eerie setting for this old west
story. The ex -convict Ind the 'de.
tecttve race to recover the hidden
The program presented by the
Paul Brothers at the Brussels Fall
Fair Concert was well received by
the large .auailen:ce that gathered at
the Arena. This was a return en-
gagement with a new program for
the Paul Brothers for they provided
the eute.rtladnment last year,
Mr. ,Tcs, S. Armstrong was chair.
man and in brief opening re.
marks thanked the people for
the spendid suppint given the
East Huron Agricultural Society this
• Year. Mr. Armstrong was sinhstltut- 4t
ing for 'Mr. Wm. Turnbull who 'hof,
a very exciting day and was not abie
to be i)resent. As well as hebng presi-
dent of -fair board Mr. Turnbull bad C
that day become the father of anal!.er baby daughter.
Dancing to the music of Smith's
orchestra, took place in the Crystal
A record attendance of an estim
abed 3,000 persons attended th
13nas'sels Fall Fair on Friday. 50
school children with their teachers
many in costume, some on: decorated
floats, led by the Brussels. Diens
Boys and Girls Band, under the dela•
ootlon of be dsnnster Robinson"
headed by Ann. May and her trick
'horse. make one of the beet and most
colourful parades in the history of
Fall Fair pasla'des.
A. TI, hoes, Mount Forest, pros!• the of e Ontario Agricultural Soc-
iety, officially opened the fair,
Others flaking part in the brief open-
ing ceremonies were Reeve Harvey
Johnston of Morris; Warden of HuronCounty; A. T. McLean, Seaforth,
M. P. for Hunoar,Perth; John .1Tanna,
W inpbana, M. P, P. for Huron -Bruce,
Bob Catrbert, Wingham, was the
capable master of ceremonies for
the days activities.
Miss Ann May, Hyde Park, with
.her educated palomino, proved a
great &tight to the children.
nr^Thrae events on the Running card,
son, Jim Pe'ri0, WM, Dennis,
21,31 Cut Her),- Wm. Reed, R,
Procter, MtnPerrie, Jae. Bryane.
1 Bus, of Field Chopped Hay -
0 G. Knight, Ara Knight, J, Wheeler,
0 R, Procter,
1 sheaf of 10 stalks Ensilage Corn,
G. Knight, W, 'Turnbull & Sou, J.
Vane Vliet, J. Wheeler,
Clinton Oats Field Crap Com-
" petition-.- G. Knight, Jim. Knight,
Andrew Turnbull, Jan. Van Vliet,
Wm. Turnbull.
Most Complete Garden Collection,
Mrs, Treat Smit i.
A. GreWar's Lemon Pie ST/eclat-
:Ors. Wm. Dennis,
Blue Ribbon Special --Mils. Stuart
McCall, Mrs, Richard Procter.
Magic Baking Powder Special -
:tins. Angus Brown, Mrs. F. Thomp-
son, Kippen.
Domestic Special (Pie) Mrs, R.
Procter, Mrs. Jas. Bryans, Mrs. Rasa
Stephenson. (Dake) Mrs; S. Mc-
Call, Mrs. A. Brown, MTS., R. Steph-
The Robt. Simpson Special - Mrs.
W. ITempiell,
Monarch Knit Special for child's I
sweeter or pullover. - Mrs. W.
A empiel1.
Competition sponsored by Majestic
W. T. Special display of 8 articles,
$400 in prize money drew 15
harness horses Good showing of
cattle, an excellent display of 16
baby beef calves by the Brussels 4-H
Roby Beef Calf Mai and the abund-
ance of fine ra laibits provided en-
tertainment for the large crowd. The
school parade judging, decorated
bicyles, foot races and Moyle races
drew nanny young participants
anus interested spectators. The decor
steel floats and costues of cop- 1
peting school were very good, i
School Floats
-S.S. No. 10 Morris, 2-S.S, No, 7
Grey, 3-S.S. No. 4 Grey.
School Parade
1st S. S. No. 11 Grey. 2nd 17,S,S.
No. 12 Grey, 3rd S.S. No. 4 Morris.
.h S.S. No, 10 Grey. 5th SS. No. 6
There were 23 entries,
HOWARD - Tri Iovtng memory of
our dear wife and mother Mrs.
hildren's Races
Bays 6 to 8, Ronald Williamson,
fuurany Bray, Nell Turnbull. Girls
to 8, Josn Hamilton, Geraldine Afe-
aggart, Isobel Gill. Boys 9 to 11,
J'rry Achilles, Harmon Broalh:agen,
David Remedy Girls 9 to 11, Brenda
'Breckenridge. Margaret Locking,
Tenn Zwaan. Boys 12 to 14, Don. Me -
Farrar, Iien. Alcock, Harvel* Smith,
Girls 12 to 14, Joan Wilson, Helen
'tlsan, Ethel Bishop. Boys' bioycle
nme, David Kennedy, Ken. Alcock.
MIT' hi
John Howard who passed away
two years ago, Sept, 29, 1959,
Tf I had all the, world to give
I'd give it.. yes, and more, T
To hear her votlle and see her amide W
And greet her. at my door.
But all I oan do, dear Motrer,
Ts go and tend your Horse Races
And leave behind tokens' of love ; Green Class
ce, Booty Alcor*,
livn, beth Feick, Joan Wilson, Betty :
rands. Decorated bicycles. Elaine
nod, Robin Fulton, Jack 'Beggs,
velyn Chisholm.
Continued on Back Page
Sunday, Sept. 28th, was Rally Day
in the United Church. The theme
of the service was, "Let us now
Prepare to build,'' The quartette, ,
"Only The Child -Like" by
Thompkins and Ackley was slung
by MissesLcnn anti Joyce Miller and
Ruth and Marion Hemingway. The
choir rendered the anthem, "Jesus
Is The Toy ,of Living," by Ackley.
The high light of the service was
the presentation of rewards for per -
feet attendance during the past Sun-
day School year. The following re-
deived rerognitton for perfect at-
tendance -
1"t Year Pins
in gRay.
Pass Hem
Ruth McTaggart, Carman Machan,
Katherine McTaggart. Roger Todd,
Maxine Meehan. Tarda Todd, Joan
Meehan. Douglas MeehanBarry
Machan, 2nd Year Wreath -
Sylri" TTnover, Morris Hemingway,
Fred Stra•enson, Agnes Lana, rd Days and date Title
Year. 1st Bar - Wayne Davison. Thur. - Frt.
Rliznheth Stevenson, Jane Timm.
Oct. 2 - 3 "Retreat Hell" Frank Lovejoy, Edward Carlson
T+?vre Thomas. .Toan Thomas. 4th !sat. - Mon.
Veer. 2^-' -
$2.00 per year - $2ra0� 9.5'"x,,,
"Thank You"
We say "Thank Your' to you who helped to make our Fall Fair
a success,
"Thank You" to The Lions Boys and Girls Band.
"Thank You" to all the teachers and pupils taking part.
"Thank You" to all advertisers and donators of money and time.
"Thank You" to each and every Director, Associate Director"
and voluntary helper, by every one putting a shoulder to the wheel
is what made this year's The Best Fall Fair ever held in Brussels.
"Thank Ysu" to the Majestic Women's Institute in everything
you helped. By the way that Union Jack flying over our Palace was
paid for by the Majestic W. I.
"Thank Your' to all others not mentioned above for material•
loaned or given and your time and effort to help get ready and clean,
up after this most successful Fail FaIr,
Let us start naw to plan for a bigger and better Far In 1961
With your help it can be done. "Thanks again."
Wm, Turnbull, President. Geo. Wesenburg, Seoretagy.
St. John's Anglican Church
Tuesday, October 21st
Supper from 5.30 to 8 P. M.
Admission $1.25 and 75c
In Cranbrook Community Hall
Friday, October 3rd
Music by Ken, Wilbee's Orchestra
Sponsored by the Hall Board
Admission 50c Booth in Hall
Everyone Welcome
In Ethel United Church on
Sunday, October 12th
at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Guest Speaker
Rev. D. W. Williams, Goderich.
Special Music by the Choir
Two Shows Nightly - Rain or Shins
nmela Porter, Oct. 4 - 6 "Best of The Bad Man"
David Aemingavap, 3far'on Hoover.
Mornay Davison. Arnold Davison. Tues..7 Oct..7 Wed.
Joyce Miller, Marton AgmIngwaa' - 8
Drm. Armuingway, ifnrrav Hoover Thurs, - Frl.
.Lohn Hoover, Sheila Porter. Ruth
"San Francisco Story"
Oct. 9 - 10 "Walk Softly Stranger"
grave, TTemingwaer. _ _ _
Robt. Ryan, Robt. Preston
Joel McCrea,
Yvonne de Carie
To the best Mother God ever made.
T like to think when late is done,
Wherever :heaven my be
That she'll be standing at the door '
77p there to welcome me.
Etter remembered by husband and
girl Katie Mildred,
2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 p. m.
Matinee Saturday 2 p, m.
Wed. Thurs. Fri, Oct. 1 - 2 • 8
Hold everything - they're coming
- the Oats who became sailor
The gayest musical of the year with
a "star studded east including Esther
Williams, Joan Evans, Vivian Elaine,
Lucky Lee Grattan, H. Gowdy 1 1
Rusty Wood Zr., J. Broome, .... 2 2
Sandy Boy, Neil Mh"Adam ..,, 3 3
Pearl Lee, Geo. Deegan ,......, ,4 4
Indy C. Gra:ttan, 0. Wittig .,.. 6 6
Marsha, Todd, Nels Gad.ire .... 6 6
2,25 Class
Mtge Berry Vara, F. M. Samis 1 1
Josephine Patch, B. Litt .,. 2 2
Louie Lee, J. Burns.3 3
Grattan Chips, 0, Caldwell .... 4 4
2.17 Crass
Peter Lee Brown, R. Kirkby 1 1
Teddy B. Woollen, G. McNeil 2 3
Barbara Ann Gratta:n, T. Yearly 3 2
( harTie G. J. faampbefl 4 4
Miss Callte Grattan, Geo. Feagan 6 6
Prize Winners
Tractor Driving Contest - lack
Knight, Jim Knight, Harold Knight,
Laurie Biack, Don. Mole, Dungannon,
Barry'Sultivan and Billy Eckestine. ) Flaton's Trophy for Baby Beef
Saturday Only October 4th Gordon Knight.
A wildcat of a woman sworn 4to Champion Bull in Beet Close - J,
vengeance, hunting the man she Weber, Mt/limey,
must kill .
etarrtng Jack Buetet, Male Powers,
5111 Williams.
Mon. Tues. Wed. Oct. 6 - 7 • 8
That Singln' - Swingle' - Giorloue
Feelinr Muskat
Star studded cast including Ilene
Kelly, Donald O'Connor, Debbie
Reynold* -- 12 longs hits - btautl-
tut girls -peppy thence*.
1st OMR $200.00
2nd OFiFER $11000 '
Monday Attendance Gard NW.
Champion Female in Beef Class -
Thos. Tadd, Luokitow. Judge for
Reef Class, Percy Webb.
5 gel of Shell 100x motor oil to
Champion herd, donated by J. C.
McNeil goes to liars, Todd,
Eaton's Special Bacon hogs were
sold by Lynn Hoy, $26.10 for A grade
25.70 - Ill to the farmer.
Silver Plate donated by W. G.
Leask Jeweller, for the Champion
Bus, of Oats, any variety, G. Knight,
Special Cotnenerelal Feature, ]lay
and Forage Orop, Bale first cut her--
Roea Stephenson*, Norman, et4epplen•
Joseph Cotton, Valli;
The annual Sunday School Rally
' Day seutv'ce wa0 held at Melville
Church on Sunday marring. Oerti-
Nettles and diplomas and pins for
! attendance and rnlenit,,' Ware pre-
sented to the sahOlars by Superin-
tendent D. M, Ma,cPsvtsh and Sec.
retary Jas. S. Armstrong.
Rev, W. Ti. T. Fulton preached a
rqulltable sermon to the chlidlnen,
taking as his theme the church belts,
and their message calling us to wor-
ship. As the school ben calls us
to classes, so the nhureb bells should
call us to worship services, Mr.
Fulton spoke of the quaint but mean-
ingful inde.riptlons written on belle
in omen. tunes. A girls' chorus con-
tributed two special numbers and
the choir rendered the anthem
"Holly Art 'Brion" by Handel, Mary
Lon McFarlane and 1311:1 Ring taking
the solo Perixs,
Mr. and Mrs, Oarl flowing, R. R. 2
%wale, wish to. announce the at
rival of a: daughter on Sept. 20th,
at Dr. Myer's nursing home Thaw
els, Nancy Mauve,
13,41GER - At the Dr. Myers nnrsing
home on. Sept. 22, 1S52, to Mr, and
Mre, Wuhan Baiter, a dame*
Neeia . Merle
The Canadian Government Offers
One Hundred Dollars
To Any 'One Who Completes The Department of Transport
Approved Training Course.
Contact Us For Full Particuars
As there is much contusion with regard to the responsibility
and cane of unused cemeteries, the following information baa beer
forwarded to ,all municipalities in the County and Is here preoeeted
for the benefit of ,the public,
"Toe Cemeteries Aot (R. 5, 0. 1950, c, 46) specifically re-
quires : --
1. A11 parcels of land used for cemetery purposes ntmat ba
retained es such unless all bodies or remains have been remoaed,
and ,the nocesdary authority obtained.
2. The management ,and ear* of these cemeteries resin With
original owners. If no otlher ownership can be established this realms -
regents to the muntctpallitsy in which the Bald cemeteries *ir*
8, Dare includes :
Control Of weeds. keeping fences to **-
elude* M1SOI le, end mratntaantng Clue cemetery in 2004 oder all*
The pnblta to asked to support ite local masnidtipaltty 1n the
Planer care of unfused cemeteries. 1
R. 111, Botha. liedioal Officer ori IiKss O
%}O* Cone br ITeaSih Ote011,.
W. R. Dorton, Weed trmfpeeter,.
Cons * of Mew
13satNt at Dated* elide Pel dingo of October, 10111,