HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-9-17, Page 9Espetilal
• Charlie Santrell scowled at the
'letter which one of the engineers
had brought hint from Black River,
He was stilt scowling When Slim
'Morgan, gang foreman, entered
the rough board building that serv-
cd as field office for the construc-
tion crew that was penetrating the
forest land with a spur -line rail-
road. Slim was Charlie's best
friend. They had been college
"Why the happy countenance, my,
fran?” He glanced more closely at
his friend's face. "Why, what's
Without looking up or chang-
ing his expression Charlie said:
"Myra's conning tip, Says she
wants to be with me, Arriving this
"What's wrong with that? She
can stay down in Black River, Joe
Purcell's wife is there! So's Tom
Harvey. The three of thetnt can
keep each other company."
Charlie took a long breath. "It
isn't that" He glanced " at his
friend miserably. "Slim, I'm going
to .open up. I've been keeping this
thing to myself too long. I know
I can trust you, Myra isn't coming
up to this rough and tumble engin-
eering camp because she craves my
company. She doesn't trust me.
She's afraid I'ni carrying on an
affair with Tom I3arvey's wife."
"You're cuckoo, You've got Myra
"Then wily is she coming?"
Charlie cried. "Good Lord, what
ie there rap here for her?"
"You, you sap. You're her bus-
rband. '
But Charlie couldn't t conceive of
such a pos tlfility
woman used
to the comforts of civilization would
be fool enough to give them up in
favor of a rough engineering camp
- unless site had some especial
• The especial reason was still
rankling in Charlie's mind when
he met the combination with its
single passenger car that after-
noon at Black River. Myra look-
ing coot' and lovely in a white linen
sports suit, rushed into his arms
with an eagerness that almost dis-
pelled the doubt in his mind. If it
hadn't been for Bess Harvey stand-
ing nearby, whom Myra greeted a
moment later with what, Charlie
decided, was suspicious coolness,
he might have forgotten all about
his grief.
But that night, after a long eve-
ning alone with his wife, he re-
turned to the ramp more convinced
than ever that she teas suspicious
of hint. Her ardor had been faintly
tinged with constraint. Thinking
about it Charlie lay awake until
almost dawn, brooding and nursing
the Wound inflicted by her Zack of
Myra never once mentioned the
real motive behind her coming and
Charlie was too stubborn and dis-
gusted to do so. After a week he
was more than ever convinced, de-
spile Slim Morgan's deprecations,
:that he was correct in his judg-
meat, The thing was wearing him
down -
On Saturday of the second week
Charlie knocked off work and hour
early and set out for Black River,
grimly determined to thrash the
thing out.
It was dark when he reached the
settlement. With one foot on the
porch of the bungalow he had hired
for his wife he stopped dead still.
A man's v,nice had come to him
frons inside. Scarcely aware of
What he was about, Charlie cir-
cled the house and crouched be-
neath a lighted window. He heard
iii 'ra's voice plainly,
"Please go, Bob. Charlie, will be
here any minute rind he mustn't
find you."
"Why not? What's Charlie got
that I haven't? You weren't so wor
tied about him when we were alone
back in New York,' •
Charlie's lips set grimly. He
heard his wife's sigh of exaspera-
"Do be sesisibie, Bob. t merely
went out ' with you while Charlie
was away because I was lonesomc
-lonesome •for Charlie. You're
coesiderrd one of his best friends.
never dreamed you'd interpret my
-nny willingness to attend 'a show
with you in anything but a purely
friendly fashion."
There was a pause. The nnan's
voice said: "By George, I think
you're serious. You do 'love the
luau. What's why you came ftp
41 ere."
"Of course, please go, Bolt."
"0 F," Ile laughed shprtly.
"Guess I've been somewhat the
fool. I made the mistake of think-
ing -well, never mind. That's why
I followed you . , Charlie's a
!Inky egg. By-;enrge, 1 envy hint."
At the end of the fifth round
the boxer staggered to his corner
ina, battered ,condition. "Listen,
13111;"' whispered his second, "I've
is big idea. Next time 's its you
-41 'int back!"
Strange Ways of
Paying Debts
Once a month an Alsatian clog
named Duke trots into n hank'ftt
Tulsa, Oklahoma, and barks tot`
the manager,' Then in. a business-
like way Duke signs a cheque for
$20 or so with his paw and trots
smartly home with the cash stowed
in a wallet in his collar.
Like the well-known Dorset -
shire • horse with a bank ac-
count, Duke's bank account
is perfectly legal, As as'secing-eye"
guide dog to Mr. Bob Triplett, a
blind business man, he earns a
salary which his toaster charges
agetnst ineome tax as expenses..-,
His pawed cheques, however, are'
sent to head office as banking
There they Join up with the $20,-
000 cheque scrawled in red chalk
on, is plank which a Californian
made out when he -found himself
without ready cash in a timber
yard, And there's the gruesome
exhibit of a big toe, complete with
a signature, which an ex-husband
angrily made out as a cheque for
alimony and sent to his wife. "It's
cash on the nail 1" she said, and
cashed it I
It's just 70 years since the British
Parliament passed a Bill of Ex-
change Act which effectively
regularized commercial practice
with regard to cheques around the
world. ' When an R.A.F. officer
made out a cheque on a 2d. stamp,
however, it was cashed becadst it
fulfilled all legal requirements.
Financially, cheques have no
limit in size. One of the fattest
personal cheques ever cashed was
the £23,747,841 sent to a New
Jersey business man when the
Argentine Governnnent took. over
his telephone system.. Britain sent
a £73,553,000 cheque to Australia
for her wool clip some years ago.
Received Cheque For One Penny
On London's Underground' rail-•
For egbri s: iltfristitelloont D ruutte: Set
BY EDNA 111003$
modern concept of dining -room furniture is a very`
411. different one from .hal owned by Grandmother, She
wanted solid, heavy furniture that made a good show and
filled the dining room to the very corners. This furniture,'
which' the hire girl kept polished, was used ,This
for 4"good°"1
or company occasions. The rest o (he time, the family ate
in the kitchen,
In these tines of small apartments and houses, dining-
iningroom 'furniture Must be functional: There's just one sol
and it serves both family and company. Frequently, it is
placed'in one end of the living room since there is no dining
room at all.
Therefore, it must blend harmoniously with the living
room furnishings. And modern finishes for .table tops art
legs Have made the hired girl's elbow obsolete.
One innovation is; the use of thin steel tubing in chrome
or ebony for modern tables and chairs, Table tops argil
plastic with wood grain finish and cannot be marred by
stains. •
The new tubing combines strength with a look of deli'
caey and, of course, easy maintenance with comfort. Seats
of the chairs are sponge rubber padded and upholstered ha
two patterns and a wide range of colors.
). <—Dtpette set in ebony coiotamlo is designed for modern heaven
end apartments with dining areas at one end of thing roots ,
way a man in a hurry found him-
.. self without the fare, so he'`wrote
out a cheque for 2d. It was accept-
ed at the booking clerk's discretion.
The Mayor of Southampton once
bought .e ld. platform ticket
and the railway refunded the Id.
by cheque because he was entitled
to free access to Southampton
Station. '
Some' people consider .that mod-
ern cheques are sadly drab and
orthodox. But a new festive cheque
system} has developed in America.
A .hank clerk designed gay cheques
for Christmas, birthdays and other
special occasions and now they.are
being used byb anks-in •thirty-eight
"Let us now praise famous
men" is the first line of one of
Kipling's finest poems - a poem
in which he sings the praise of the
common folks - "men of little
showing." This column, too, is .go-
ing to be in praise of something
common ' and inconspicuous; but
don't go away, I'm not going to
burst into verse, To get 'down to
the point, here are some interest-
ing -facts which may benew to
you, as they were new to me up
to a few minutes ago, regarding
Int the year 1730 a 56 -year-old ex -
Prime Minister of England went
to Hanover, Germany, brought
back a turnip, and set in motion
the greatest revolution itr the his-
tory of farming.' ,
* *
His Statue -was Viscount Towns -
(tend -"Turnip" Townshend to all
farmers ever since -and but for
his foresight the great harvests be-
ing reaped this month in all parts
of the world might not have been
* *
Efad it not been for hint and bd
disciples there would have been no'
great industrial revolutions In Eng-
land and other countries, for it
would have been impossible to feed
the multitude that were beginning
to enter the mills, factories and
* * *
Moreover, the rapid expansion of
the Anglo-Saxon race overseas
would not have taken place, and
the population of other countries
-notably the United States -that
have followed Britain in building .
tip great industries would have
been checked.
✓ * *
For over thirty years Towns-
hend had been ,a prominent politi-
cal figure in England. He helped
negotiate the Act of Union between
,England and:Scotland, drew up im-
and the various Continental powers,
was Prime Minister, and helped to
establish the House of Hanover
on the throne of England.
* * *
Yet. all his substantial political
achievements are forgotten to -day
because of the great things he did
during the last eight years of his
life when he had abandoned poli-
tics for ever.
* *
There had been Townshends at
Rainham, in Norfolk, for centuries
at the time Charles,' second Vis-
' count Townshend was born in
1674, and to -day the family still
lives at Rainham Hall.
< * *
Norfolk bore no resemblance to
the fair, richly -cultivated country
we know to -day. Most of it was
given over to sheep walks and rab-
bit warrens, ]tin the lands of Towns-
hend's neighbour, Coke of Holk-
hant, the soil was so unproductive
that it was believed two rabbits
would quarrel over a single blade
of grass.
* * *
\Vhen he retired fro\n public
life Townshend inspected the for-
lorn acres and though of the ricin
farmlands he had seen itt Hanover
during his travels as a politician.
The secret of their productiveness,
he had been told, was because the
turnip was the farriers' principal
* * *
Townshend decided to make
some' experiments with turnips on
his own land. The English method
of tilling, he reasoned, was waste-
ful simply because nobody had ever
challenged the hoary old manorial
system introduced at the Norman
Colt quest.
Score 10 points for each correct answer in the first six questions.
1. The collar -hone is the common name for the:
-Clavicle --lumbar toll -unit -trachea -esophagus
2. A flautist is an:
-iconoclast musician -sportsman --gourmet
3. The hottest place in the United States is in:
-Florida -Mississippi -California ' -Arizona
4. "Winnie the Pooh" is a character invented by:
-,Chaucer.-Keats -Milne
5. Hey -fever sufferers arc attacked by pollen from:
-corn flowers • -ragweed' -clover-stintfolk vre
6. In the Bible, Reltoboam was the son of a;
-king --shepherd -beggar -:carpenter
7, Listed below at left are four stars of the world of sports and opposite
them the sports in which they have achieved fame, Matelt them,
scaring 10 points for each correct answer.
(A) Dick Button -football
(13) Maureen outtolly-7nasehall
(C) Ferris Fain -ice skating.
10) Dick Raznnaicr tennis
Total your, points. A score of 0.20 is poor; 30.60, average; 70.811,
superior; 90-100, very nth+erior. Answers elsewhere on this page.
This decreed that of all laud un-
der cultivation one-third must re-
main fallow -every year to pre-
vent it becoming exhausted.
* * *
In Townshentl's system none of
theland was allowed to lie fallow.
It was divided into four fields, in
which roots and grasses for cattle
.and sheep were •alteretately grown
with cereals. By this rotation of
crops -now known ' universally as
the "Norfolk: Rotation"- he land
;which sped to lie empty was en-
riched with nitrogen.
In ,addition, the manure which
lied }leen allowed to remain -on the
rough wastelands- where the cattle
grazed was .more profitably em-
ployed in increasing the fertility
'of tine' cultivated' soil.
In less than a decade the remark
able gesults achieved by Towns
Itend's system convinced. farmers
'that this was the very basis of good
Farmers alt over the. world be-
gan to psehis maxim: "First, roots
(turnips or other root crops); sec-
ond, barley; third, clover or grass;
fourth, wheat"
* *
What his innovation has meant
to this and other countries in hard
cash and increased food supply
coold never be computed.: It•.made
possible the raising; of cattle and
sheep which have made England
pre-eminent as .the source of the
world's finest livestock, and has
brought prosperity to farmers
throughout the Commonwealth and
the New Word.
B.A., B.D.
1 Kings 4:7.0-26; 1.1:4-8
Memory Selection: A man's life
consisteth not in the -abundance of
the things which he possesseth.
Luke 12:15
The kingdom of Israel reached its
zenith in material prosperity during
the reign of Soloman. It was in-
deed magnificent WWhen, the visit-
ing Queen of Sheba had seen Solo-
mon's wisdom, the temple, his ser-
vants, etc., "there was no more
spirit in her." She exclaimed, "The
half was not told me: thy wisdom
and prosperity exceedeth the fame
which I heard." But the latter part
of Solomon's life was tragic. He
took to himself 700 wives and 300
concubines. Many of these were
foreigners and he tolerated their
idolatry. Then his wives turned
away his heart after their gods. Het
himself became an idolater.
The dazzling splendor of Solo-
mon's empire and its effect upon his
character is a drama of the perils of
prosperity, both to nations and to
individuals. hfany men, like Solo-
olomon, have sought satisfaction in the
gaining of things or in sensuous
pleasures. Others have sought
knowledge for its own sake. Such
finally conclude as Solomon that
"All is vanity and vexation of
spirit." Wise is he who prays, "Give
me neither poverty nor riches:. feed
me etitlt food convenient for toe:
eiat e Andrews
First, today, a really hearty pork
dish. Then, after that, a few new -
1 hope --ways ofd using tomatoes.
1. Pound Ground Ham
1'Pound Ground Pork
• 2 Eggs
1 Cup Cracker Crumbs
34 Teaspoon Salt
% Teaspoon Pepper
-Cup Water
2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
134 Tablespoons Peanut Butter
I/ Teaspoons Worcestershire
Combine the ham, pork, eggs,
cracker crumbs, salt and pepper,
mixing thoroughly, Shape into 16
balls and place in a flat baking dish.
Combine the remainingin redients
stirring until the sugar is 'dissolved
and the peanut butter is well dis-'
tributed. Pour sauce over the meat
balls and bake uncovered in a mod-
erate oven (375° F.) about an
hour, or until meet is done and
most of the sauce is absorbed.
Baste occasionally with the sauce.
These are especially good made
early and reheated just before serv-
ing. Makes 8 servings.
* se
* * _,
Tomatoes may be cooked in a
great variety of ways, They may
he stewed, fried, broiled, escal-
loped, baked, curried, stuffed, made
into sauces and soups, or combined
with other foods.
"Ha,tre you any other than regu
tar or superservice? I like to try
them alt."
lest I be full, and deny thee, and
say, 'Who is the Lord?' or lest I be
poor, and steal, and take the name
of my God in vain." Prov. 30:8, 9:
Tine rich are exposed to subtle
temptations, No wonder Jesus said,
"It is easier to go through the eye
of a needle, than for a richratan to
enter into the kingdom of God."
When asked by the astonished
disciples, "Wino then can be saved?"
He replied, "With men it is im-
possible, but not with God: for
with Ged all things are possible."
On Solomon's death the kingdom
was divided .The maintaining of the
magnificent splendor Lad put an
unbearable burden upon the people
and Rehoboant, Solon -hail's son, was
a pcor strategist in dealing with the
Canada's development is higher
than ever before. We are a great
nation in wealth. But whet about
our morals? The report on Alcohol-
ism, gambling, divorces, etc., is not
so good. \Ve teed to turn 7iack to
The simplest method .of pre-
paring them is, perhaps, stewing.
You may like onions or celery.
added to them and you can use
green tomatoes if you wish.,
6 medium tomatoes, rips or green
1 tablespoon minced orlon (If
1 teaspoon salt
inch of pepper
/ teaspoon sugar for ripe; 1
tablespoon for green
1 tablespoon fat
cup soft bread crumbs'
Quarter' tomatoes, peeling the
ripe ones, and add onion. Cover and
cook until tender (10-20 minutes
for ripe ones 20-35 minutes
green ones) Add all other ia-
Igredients except bread crumbs.
3uat before secs ung sprinkle crumbs
over tomatoes.
* * *
In the South it is considered that
the best fried tomatoes are those
picked green when a faint blush of
pink is on >i Thez Am,,kut
tele too tart. Never peel tli'em or
ripe ones you fry, either, as the
skin helps hold them together). Cut
medium slices and dip in corn meal
and fry in bacon grease until they '
are crisp and brown and done
through. If they break up a little
it doesn't matter -you may use
your spoon if you like, to get all
the crisp goodness.
Use bacon grease remaining in
skillet and all the little crisp corn
meal morsels that have fallen off
the tomato slices and make a
creanf gravy to use for a sauce.
Salt them a little, of course.
Ripe tomatoes are also delicious
fried this way. There is a dip -them -
in -flour school for fried tomatoes,
too -but many southerners 'believe
its members just haven't tasted to-
matoes fried in bacon grease and
corn meal 1
Perhaps you would like a Hearty
ane dish meal using ripe tomato*
Here is a casserole that tnaime ctrl
entire meal.-
* * *
B slices of red, ripe tomatoes (o0
4 ounces elbow macaroni
1/ cups milk
1/ cups soft bread crumbs
/ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon 'Worcestershire Sane°
1r/, tablespoons prepared mustard,
1 cup cubed Canadian cheese
1/ cups cpbed cocked harn
/ cup buttered bread crumbs
Cook, rinse and drain macaroni.
Combine milk, soft bread rrutnbefs
salt, Worcestershire sauce, mustard
and cheese in saucepan, Heat slowly;
until ingredients are well blended.
and creamy.' Fold in ham and mac-
aroni, Pour half of this mixture
into greased 2 -quart casserole. Place
on this layer of tomato slices. Add N
remaining mixture; top with anothee
layer of tomato slices. Cover with.
buttered thread crumbs. Bake at
375° for 35 minutes. Serves 4.
* *
A' good luncheon dish that is a
meat substitute is tomatoes com-
bined with hard -cooked eggs.
154 tablespoons shortening
34 cup chopped green peppers
2 tablespoons chopped onion
1/ tablespoons ,flour
1 teaspoon salt •
1/ cups stewed or raw tomatoes
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1/ cups soft bread crumbs
5 bard -cooked eggs, sliced
Melt shortening and add peppers
and onions and saute until tender.
Add flour, salt and tomatoes. Melt
butter in another pin and saute
bread crumbs until brown. Arrange
alternate layers of sliced eggs, but-
tered crumbs and tomato in a
greased 1 -quart casserole, using
crumbs to top. Bake at 350° F. tot. .
30 minutes. Six servings.
* * *
Baked stuffed tomatoes are al-
ways good, and there are many
types of stuffing that you
like. Bread crumbs, hard -cooked
eggs and cottage cheese may 7.0c
used; spaghetti, mushrooms and
ground meat with a little Cana-
dian cheese take anotherr stuffing.
Rice or mashed potatoes may be
seasoned and combinedwith ehopp•
ed liver or any of the popular sea -
foods for other stuffings. Here are
stuffed tomatoes made with cora
chips which your family will like.
1 mgtem oniop, minced
1Pe tablespoons fat sre,weessrla'
1 t`e ttph58n salt 'Wide,,.., 16 1
1 pound ground beef
1 can tomato puree (1034 ounces)
1 cup crushed corn chips, meas-
ured after crushing
8 whole red ripe tomatoes
Saute onion in fat; add beef and
salt and stir well. Cover and cook
10 minutes. Add tomato puree and
took until beef is tender. Combine
with corn chips. Remove tops and
centers from tomatoes. Sprinkle
cavity with salt, fill with meat mix-
ture. Place in oiled baking dish and
bake 20-30 minutes at 350' F. Shells
should be tender.
1 - Clavicle. 2 -Musician. 3-
California. 4 -Milne. 5 -Ragweed.
6 -King. 7-(A) ice skating; (B)
tennis; (C) baseball; (D) Football.
Red Clunker-Captured by United Nations forces in Korea, this
Russian-made truck bogs down in a mud hole. When put into,
service the Red clunker broke down under the strain of heavy
duty. It just couldn't take the punishment that our trucks are built
to endure. -
enrA HOOK SOME6ord
HiM oar/