HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-9-17, Page 7"Though travelling alone..: Mics S. N., home from Europe, writes to thank her bank for the way the accountant helped her with money arrangements: "Mr. W. expended considerable effort to arm me with details of various European currencies and methods of procedure, enabling me, though travelling alone, to avoid much of the delay and embarrassment encountered by many experienced travellers whom I met along the way. All of which contributed in no small degree to my comfort and enjoyment." The bank can smooth the way for people travelling on business or pleasure at home or abroad. Providing Letters of Credit, Travellers Cheques and other assistance is just one small part of the day-by-day service rendered by any branch of any chartered bank. This advertisement, based ea an actual letter, 10 presented here by THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Mee, C. Edward Collis Passed away euddenty et Victoria Hospital, London, following an ac- cident Caroline Goreetitz widow of the tate E. Edward Collis In her 79th year. Born in Grey township, May 18th, 1883. She was a daughter of the late John Gereelttz and Wile- mina Pressing. Hher hubeaud Pre* deceased her a little over two years ago. Funeral was held from her late residence Henfryn, Sept. 8th at 2 p. m„ conducted by Rev, Nor- man bilis of Brussels. interment In Elma Centre cemetery., Pallbear- ers allbearors were John Schnook, Alex Hall, Norman Hanna. Layton Murr, Percy Ward and Clifford Rowland, Flower bearers were Leslie Kerr, David Kerr, James Kerr, Howard You3g, She leaves to mourn her loss twb .. Mildred t-bantitfon of Palm- ',cton; 31rs. Melvin Carnochan 114111e) of Grey towshlp and one son Inhner of Grey Twp., also one grand <on William Collis and two brothers John Gorseltiz and Henry Gorselttz 1 ell of Grey township, - GREY A large number of friends and neighbours gathered in the school et S. S. No. 4 Grey to honour Mr. and Mrs, A. E, Lewis of Kitchener, who were recently married. An ad-' dress was read by Miss Wllma John- ston, and the young couple were presented wilth a shower of beauti- ful gifts. Siemon's creaheetaw from Mitchell provided music for daneine, USED CARS 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1946 Chev. Coupe 1937 Pontiac Coach Many Older Models USED TRUCKS 1946 Ford 3 ton Stake 1951 Chev. Sedan Delivery, with air ccndition Riverside Motors M Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gq(s and oils Phone 56 . Brussels, Ont. THE BRUSSELS PosT 1 Grey Twp. Council. Croy 'Downhill) C luauail meeting woe Held on September atli, Moved bly Clifford R. Dunbar see* onded by Wm, D, Bishop that the minutes be adoptee' as mad. Canelee Moved by Hugh Smith seconded by Clitterd R. Dunbar that .the re. pmts on the Greig Drain be adoptedi — Carried Moved lay Huh Smith seconded, by Clifford R. Dunbar that bho By' Tele on the Bolton Drain he finally' passed. — Candela, hI•oved by Howard P. McNaught seconded by Wm. D. Bishop that the Road Sl ulperintenidenit he and 1s hereby anis horizted to fll,l out and rorw,amd to the Dept, of Highways the eelbttiorr Per Inlberlm paymtenit of lite Sgaitutouy Gnant on Road Ex- penditures In .the Township of Grey hem. January 1St to Augluet 31st, J952, — Carried, Moved by Wm, E, Bishop sec- onded by Hugh Smith that Council instruct the road Supt. •to finish. ronderide by Welter MoFar1anle's Also on con. in front of Jiim Me. serrate. — Carried, Moved In* Hug Smith seconded b-• Howard F, McNatught' that the Cleric be inIStructed to nldtity our Setdcleer on thte Maitland and Boyle Drain to have a. dectel n Prom the Mnntcirraa Bogard on the appeal. -- Cenied Moved by Howland F. McNaught seconded by Wm, E. Bishop that we instruct the Cierlc to call for tend• ers for snowplowing for the 195253 seasionStating types of equipment used. Tenders to he !n the hands of ,the Clerk by 2 o'clock Oet. 4th, 1952. — Carried Moved by Wm. E. Bishop sec- onded by Howard F. McNaught that Council ingenue the Road Supt. to set in touch with A. Coombs to get material and putt top on Grant bridge. — Carried. Moved. lry Hug1i Smith seconded 1, • (1lifford R. Dunbar that the r;erk he instructed to prepare a by-law malting all taxes due and neyable by Dec. 14th. — Carried, Moved by Howard F. MrNaeght seconded by Wm. E. Bishop that the rim.]: he instructed to prepare a by-law under Slubesec. la to levy a penalty'of 21 on ineraid taxes on first day of default until the 1st of January when the v_ of 1% per month will be charged until paid. — Carried Moved by Oliffard R. Dunbar eec- entled by Tl!Ogh Smith that Council irsernet the Treasurer to pay the account of G. G. Reid, amounting to be ,tun of $8517.47, being final sunt owing 011 Maitland River Sur- rey. — Carried Moved by Hugh Smith seconded by H -Warn F. MrNane'tut that a. Park Beard he appointed to consist of the following — Ed, Richards, Cl. Bateman. Lawson Ward, Glen Bray, to ri Bowes and Inc Pearson. — Carried Moved by Howard F. McNeught s omelet -1 by Wnt. E, Bishop that authority be hereby given to destroy any dogs found running at large in the Township, due to the recant heavy loss of sheep. — Carried. Moved by Clifford R. Dunbar sec• ended by Wm, D. Bishop that all appoved accounts be paid. — carried. Moved by Wm. E. Bishop sec- onded by Clifford R. Dunbar that we 0cijonrn to meet again Sept. 8th at 8 o'clock. ' — Carried. The following accounts were paid: Judge T. M. Costello, Fees Bolton Dr. Appeal , $14.90 The Httron Expositor, Acct. 3,50 The Listowel Banner Acot, 6.16 N, S. Bag Baan, Tile Quipp Dr, 231.95 Henry Garselitz. On Survey Machan Dr, 4.00 David Savage on MccNau•ght Dr. 19.60 David Savage, Close Dr, 14.80 Dave Hall, McNnaght Dr, 18,40 Date Hall, Close De 18.20 Clarence Ward, Buttery Dr. 26.00 Tom Wand, Buttery Dr. 12.00 Roy Vogen, Haul fill Close Dr, 29,75 Ch:eele; Stevenson, Sheep 44,00 Eldon Wilson, Sheep Killed and Injured 870.70 Wm. Baker, Cemetery e 7,50 ,Tomes Pearson, Ethel Garbarge 18.00 Melvin Parnochan, Ditching Buttery Dr. 117.00 Melvin Clarnochan, Ditching Inglis Dr. 75.00 Clifford A. Rowland, Trtrk the Close Dr, 2.50 C. P. Rowland, Comm. w it y September 17111, 1952 Cdoee Dr, 1)!ow!a4. Lr, McNaught, Quipp Dr, O. M. i aiddWw, Survey. G. G. Reid, Bal, .Acne, Maitland Rives and Boyle Deign C. E. Rowland, Mileage Fox Bountec Relief Roads �yitue M. Cardiff, 4.00 Oelean, 10,00 Dr. 6,00 251.7,47 5.04 24.00 26.00 7582.58 #11,197,1" i Clerk, CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SAL -,- 70 Sussex pullets 534, months old. APPY to Cecil 8atynard Plum39r11 R, R. 2 Bluevale I on f FOR SALE — 25 Reek and Red pullets, 5 monitts old, laying. Fred Selling Phone 10J13. FOR SALE Coleman Oil Burner, large in new oanditien. Wdddls Store *Brussels. size, FOR SALE — '50 Rock. Hemp, Pullets, being 50%. Rae Hueaton Phone 2.8e9 FOR SALE -- White Rack pullets, ready to lay Donald Bluohanan, Walton Phone 37a5 Brussels, CUSTOM SEWING— Any person wishing sewing and dress -making please call 13r13. HONEY FOR SALE — Light Amber Honey in your own container 15c lb, Wallace Rose Seaforth, Ont. LOST — A ladies gold wrist watch in Walton between Mark's garage and Doug. Ennis Store (Reward)" Mrs. Jack Stevenson Phone 43r14, FOR SALE — 1 Coleman oil :heater, in good con- dition, Nelson Cardiff Pohne 39xr3 FOR SALE — 100 Sussex Red year old hens. 50 Sussex Rod Pullets apply to Willison Thornton, Bluevale Phone Brussels 44r9, ^ —� FOR SALE Potatoes, also 1 — 600 x 16 tire and tube. 2 — 600 x 16 reliners. W. J. Procter Phone 134-13 Brtussels, Ont, HONEY FOR SALE — Get your honey supply now Clover, Golden or Light Amber. All fresh front the extractor est regular prices, Lloyd Wheeler Phone 21r3 HOUSE FOR SALE — Convfortable House, corner of Thomas .and Alexander. Priced Right. 1 Mrs. Bessie Mitchdll Phone 97 FOR SALE — Anyone wishing good' gravel at reasonable prices; lane gravel and sand. Will take orders farcement blocks. -Mitchell Elliott Phone 13r18 FOR SALE — Hardbody Wood, Limb and Cedar for kindling, Slabs hard and soft. Blocks for furnace. James Stevenson Phone 60r4 W ANTED— Dead and disabled rarm animals wanted for prompt pick-up. Via39 Tarry Stephenson, Ethel, Pi.eie Brussels 53r12, Collect. FOR SALE — Modern Red Brick Hoaee on west side of Victoria Parlc, New modern bathroom, hot end cold water, Town water $3500.00. Hugh Pearson, Braseele Phone 11 TENDERS WANTED Tenders, for caretaker for Walton 1united Ohluatoh. Appliloarbione to elate salary and to start Oct. 1St. All applienitions to be in by Seim. 00311. Bert Johnston, Sec. of Board Stewards, Brtssels R, R, 2. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Have Septic Tanks pumped the Sanitary Way, Schools and Public Buildings elven prompt attention. Reasonable Rates. Train Govan riione Mtiverton 75r4 slow`fdown for ChiId'ren ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE The September meeting of the Friendship Circle was held in the 'United Church parlour. on Wednes- day evening, Sept. 3rd, After the singing of our ,theme hymen "Blest be the tie that binds". The sec. re- port and treas. report and Sueshine report were read. Mrs. Wm, Evans vdlunteerelrl to be responsible for packing and sending the bale of used clothing to Korea or if postal restrictions did not permit to send 'it where it wale needed, Mrs. Chas. Bryans end Mrs. D. A. Rann of- fered -their services in taking charge of the Jr. congregation for the month of Sept. The roll call which was "Grace at the Table" was answered by a goodly number of members and several visitors. The Scripture was read by Mrs. A. Mc- Taggart and a prayer offered by Mrs. C. Hemingway. A reading was einem by MTs. D. A. Rann and a very helpful topic on "Friendship" was .sive by Mrs. Lane. It was decided to buy material end ntilce a layette as nor fall project. After the sing- ing of hmyn No. 602 the meeting was closed by all repeating the henediction. Mrs. Rann conducted a very puzzllne contest and lunch was sereec1 by the committee in charge. FOR SALE, — 1 Rubber Tired Wagon 1 — 3 furrow Plow ,Disc Harrow. Plow points to fit Ford, Ferguson, Fleury, Oliver, Otaco, Wiard or any other well known make. Cast and Dutiballoy, Order yours to -day, 1 bays the Big Sticky Fly Traps for sale too, Seed Wheat, Fertilizer and Minerals. Spraying Outfit and Material. Phone 56r9 Geo. Wesenbnrg FOR BALE — White brick mouse, 4 piece bath. Mr acre of land in Village of Brue- sets. Priced to sell. 100 acre farm, hydro, good bun Inge, 50 acres of Spring crops, never falling spring, 8 acres of bna9i Prieed to sell at $6,800,00. 100 acres farm, close to Village, red brick home, sun Porch, steep drive shed, large barn, 18 acres Spring crop, rest In hay and groes, Priced to sen. Farms all sizes, and, also Village houses and 'business. J. C. Long, Real 'Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Always a targe stock In bhottr dl Granites to Chose from Ail modern machinery. famous for Cemetery lettering a nisadatlpr Artistic Memorials at very reasonable pleas. R• A. SPOTTON Phone 256 - Wingham, Oat DEAD STOCK DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVE PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY DISPOSAL, Telephone Collet: BRUSSELS 85R12 ELMIRA 564 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Ausissananannessamossansoneasseane BELGRAVE Personals: . Rose Procter and Charles Procter, Burlington, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Erecter; Bill Sochreiber, Port Credit, with Mr. and Mrs. Dani Anderson; Morley Bell has returned to De. trait atter spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Smith; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Coultes in Carsonvllie, Mich.; Mr, and Mrs, Ted Nanking, Auburn, Mr, and Mrs. Ed. H,arb1in, Goderich, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson; Miss Lorraine Hanna and Miss Donna Anderson at :the Western Fair; Mr. and Mrs, Art Edwards„ Fred Lowry, and Mrs. Margaret Lowry, Derides, with MTs. John McGill; Mi. and Mrs. George Tohnston and Douglas with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston and family, Woodstock. RAILWAY '. TIME TABLE CHANGES 4 /ffeetiv% SUNDAY SEPT. 28th, 1952 PCU ipformaflon imm ageab SJ $SS CAR'S C. A. Myatrs8, M D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURG.EOt. W]Ubaam 3t, Phone 4. idemoseic. t."1-1 DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University cti Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Talsollsone 4.E Eriaecels, Oct J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, LISTOWEI., ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting or moose. Office in Lboewel Clinic Building Hoar: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. dalY i Closed Weskassiser Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 te Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. 10. A.Hann &Co. FUNERAL AND Alt9BUiANCF SERV[ E [licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 � ,.. - 131C"ISrONT. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fre Insurance Accident and Sclateas Agent for GreBat West life Insurance Ca, Pitons Office 98 .- _ Be sets, Out R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHA/d and BRUSSELS AT BRUSSELS '[noisy and Saturday I day — Offict open, every , Mote Liar Successor to E. D. int Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co, Casualty General Insurance Co, Rhone 43xBrassele G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingham 770 & 5, ICincardissa 21. Evenings by appointment Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Telephone 65 No Extra Charge for Use of Funeral Hoene Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service Dales° Flowers Excluslyely Lewis Rowland Or write to R. ft. 3 Wallow (Licensed For Huron Comity) 'ATiSFACTiON GUARAArrfl D PRICES REASOPIAILA Per Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Poet" and they For Worts m etc.. write or Acme Lew. Ros,Mwll will he tacked after lmmediatelY