HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-9-17, Page 6THt BRUSSF,LS POST COME TO BRI1SSEL FILL d Official Opening Speech by Mr. H. A. Ross of Mt. Forest, Sec. of Ont. Agri. Societies You will see the Best display ever held in Brussels PalaceStarting on Thursday evening, Sept. 25th. 9 The showing of Exhibits under the lights. torical Cortese by our you' ` pe pie. i7d r1 11 1 ■ �u t e . •.,, {�I S- 26th at 1 P. M. the Biggest an , nst OolorfLi' ehOOl Para a in these parts Led by Brusseki Lions Boys and Girls Sand ,�' • a y an , her train., MSL s r :. ��L t WM head the Parade through Main Street to the Fail Grounds. Harness Racing, 3 Classes ® Tractor odeo Rides for ChIden 'implement Display, Minature Zco, Flowers, Ladies rk Vegetables, Gr 9 an. Commercial F - > tures Livestck and Pets. Children's Races. Fun or All 4 B ys and Girls Swine in t Calf Clubs Achievement Day lu the Brussels Arena at Night. A real good show consist of IYlagic,Acrobactic, Artistic, Musical and Scotch Songs. V� riet "''' ce ther to 00d wH • eon m Crystal alac Visit with your friends and snake our f air a success. Weduceday, September 17th, 1,050 Give your home n lasting beauty treatment with Stur- geon* High Quality Paint. Johnson's Paint and Electric Store Brussels. Ont, A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE WAL fOPN The September meeting of. the W, A, of Walloon United Church met In the 'basement with a good at. The President Mrs, Turnbull opened the meeting with �. a Bible reading, followed by prayer. The miznultes of the lash meeting read and approved. The treasures se- 1 Pont was then read, showing a 1 balance. of 573.26 on hand. Several items of bneinees were taken up and motions passed. The main one was the fowl scupper I which is to be held Friday, October 24,th. The meeting closed with Gr.EARING DUCTION SALE Of Household Effects At the home of Jas. McFadaean Turnberry St., South, Brussels IS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER f2M11 CommencingLibiaryble at i O'clock 8hsrp' 1 Piece .Walnut Living Room Tba10g 1 Tama0 1 So11 Oak Secretary . 1 R.C,A. Victor Radio oembinartloat 6 oChrs 6 DiRoningking RoomaiOhair, 6 Kitchen Chaise '1 2 Oak Extension Tables 1 Oak Side Board 1 "Beaoh" Coal and Wood Range prayer. 1 Hlecbric Rangette 1 Tea , Grd PE.nAr.F TXJF KNOW ow Leather Covered Couch Milos Laura Manning of Kitchener ( 1 — 3 WagonPiece flednoomibbaSuite . Is ivalidayirug v41111 herr parents Ma.'Dressers — Cheat of Drawer, and Mrs. H. Manning, > Springs and Mattresses * ! * 1 Wardrobe 1 White Sewing Machine Ma. and • Mrs. L. D. Thompson at' 1 1 Easy Waiting Machine bended the dedication and, opening { 1 Hoover Vacuum Cleaner of the new organ at St, Thomas , China Cutlery Church, Seatorth, on Monday even- I Kitchen Utensils Ing. Quentin Maclean, C.B.C. or ganist, played a brilliant program. { Work Bench- and Cerpenter The church* was fill* *� Lawned to capacity. { Gard" Tools; Ladders and enMowor 1 iNSW Tire 4.50x21 MT. and Mrs. Ray bear of Clin-1 1 Buggy, 1 Cutler bon wen' recent visitors with Mr. Numerous other articles. and Sirs. H. Manuring• TERMS CASH * * * I Jas. McFadzean, Prop. Mrs. M. A. Forsyth and MTs. Geo. I Taekson were recent visitors with 1 Mr. and: Mr's. A. Stuart and other f rtends at Long Branch and. took in the Exhibition. * Mr. and Mrs. Bill McTCay of Gar- eldton. Ont., visited' at Mr. Herb. I Manning. Sirs, McKay to a daugh- ter of the late Mr. Nelson Gerry. , * * * f!ameron and Mrs. Staroban. and , son Don. of London paid a visit lost Sunday at the home J. T. Strachan it meet their cousin Mrs. Charles Trying who left for her home at Wajdena„ Sask.. folllowing brief 1 visit with her daughter at Toronto en rotute. * * * Dr. and Mrs. Alex Gillies of Wel-, Murton. New Zealand were guests ' last week of thele niece Mrs. Charl- es Bryan?. They are on a round the world trip and while in England, Dr. Gillies was decorated with the Jewel of Service by Mother Queen Eliza - 1 both for his work in Othapedic Sur- gery in New Zealand. They were also presented to Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. As the delegates , from New Zealand they attended the Tn'ternatirmal Red Cross Con. reniton In Toronto. Dr, Galles is , presently lecturing at the John Hon- k -Iles TTosprbal in Boston. atter which he will go to the Mayr, Clinic in Rochester where he interned after recetving his degree In Ijdinburgh. Scotland, FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Phm. S.,, R. O. • Carol E. Homuth R. 0. • Mrs. H. Violo Homnuth R. O.... Optometrists Phone 118 Herrla+roe, Ont, Toole Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. P! UEVALE The Blaevale Women's Institut* met at the home of Mrs.. E. Nichol with Mrs. Carl Johnston in charge of the meeting. Mrs. M. Baillie wan appointed delegate to the area cen- rention to be Yield at Kitchener. Mrs. Wolter Smillie was named al- ternate. Mrs. Joseph Horton was named local leader for the sewing coarse to be given in Winch= with Mrs, J. H. Smith as assistant. Plana were made tor showing handiwork of members at the Brussels Fail Fair. Sept, 28th. It was decided that the institute make its objective stun for the building fund of the new Blnerale Public Library. Mrs. J. J. Elliott 1155.4 tate motto "Life without friends is ltke a gar- den without flowers" to show how friends enrich and brighten one's lives just as flowers glorify the landscape. Mrs. Stewart McLen- nan .described the making of stain- ed glass windows. mentioning the various operations resulting in the beauty or the finished artlrle. Mrs. Prank Abmmner gave an. tnter:ening current events talk. Refreshments were served on thea flnwor.hnrdened lawn by the hostess "nd Mr.. Rnvnsrd Elliott, Mrs. J. T and Miss Dorothy Green- aWaY Personals: Mr, and Mrs. Eldred Nichol, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rob. erston, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Purvey attended the Western Fair in Lon- don lastaweek, - Th® Can of tug Lod. Filc WHAT'S THE JOTTERI WITH MY BIRDS, WC - THEY'RE ALLTHIN• AND STARVED LOOKING. HARRY, YOU GUESSED RIGHT, FIRST TIME. THEY ARE STARVED, BECAUSE THEY DON'T KNOW WHERETO 1=•IND THE F ED AND WATER.• WHAT DO YOU MEAN, DOC ? LooK,THERE'S VITA -LAY IN THE HOPPERS-THERt'S WATER MIRE AUTOMATIG _FOUNTAIN. ii THAT MA,Y BE// HARRY, BUT THESE BIRDS ARE LOST INTNIS PEN. ON THE RANGE THEIR FEED AND WATER WERE ON THE GROUND, vFJ ANDPULLWTSIT HA H NEWLY O, EYOU HAVENOTO MATCHSEDl�p THE RANGE BITS, 1 ► W T SHOULD i DO THEN, DOC Roe Farms Service Dept PUT EXTRA WATER PANS ON THE FLOOR, HARRY, AND LOW FEED HOPPERS AROUND PEN AND SCATTER OYSTER SHED. AND GRiT ON THE MASH TOO. UNTIL THEY ARE ACCUSTOMED TO THEIR PEN. WHEN PULLETS ARE PUT INTO LAYING PENS, HARRY, REMEMBER TO tib t S ri � •; 1 / • PUT EXTRA WATE'RPANS ON FLOOR LEVEL. 2, LOWER FEED HOPPERSTOFLOOR LEPEL FOR FIRST FEW weal 1 ' 3 SIMPLY 441011A1 YatIR FLOCK CAN' M/SSir' A FEEDROE Y/T.4•[ 7. no SUPPLYME100490g6� , seine, s OFGREEN Rb4NGE. 1 YOUR B/RQs GO ``,•. AVR ROE EGG MASMt EGG MASH t aaes�,w IN MASH OR PELLET FORM Last Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON MONCRIEFP