HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-9-17, Page 1THE BRUSSELS Post Publishing House Authorized as second class midi, Post 0Giee DePertinent, Otte Wednesday, September 17th, 1952 +$2.00 per year , $2.50 U. 9 : t Come to the Brussels Fall Taira on. Sept.' 25th "- 26th and Enjoy the Exhibits' and Sports `ForAl POST • MAJESTIC WOMEN'S INSTITUTE I HURON JUVENILES The Brussels Majestic Waneen's Insttbu*e -met in the Library on 7)hirra lay v6ternioon. The moetig opened with the "Ode" followed by the Matey Stewart Collect, The roll call was swiswered by 35 mem- bexis, most of whom introoduced their guests The ]secretary read a letter in re- gard to the leictension Service Course, "The Woridshap," to be held in the Llhrlary Brom Nov. 24 to Dec. 5. All ladles are welcome to attend. The Triennial meeting of the 'Associalted Comeau Women of the 4Vomld will he held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto from Aug. 12 to 23 in 1953. Delegates 'will be attending from all Parts of the world. Each branch Institute 1n Canada will asked to help finance the meeting. Misses Ruth Hemingway and Lena Miller will he the leader; for the Homemaking Club program "Cottons May Be Smart." They vi111 be assisted by Mns. C. Davis, Mrs. C. Hemingway and Mns. W. Bell. The delegate - for the Gueplb Area Convention to be held in Kitchener on Ont. 7 and 3 will be Mrs. Jahn• Speir. A letter of edta.nks from Mrs. R. Cochrane for gifts received while deck was then read. A letter was read from Mine 3. ,Curtis of Blue - rade Insttitatte asking Brussels In- st4tlute to publicize a lecture by Edp'a Jacques that they are having on Sept. 15th at 8.30 P. m. Mins. Wm. Miller, citizenship end education convener took over the I meeting, Community singing was there enjoyed ;by all. She then in- troduced ,the guest speaker, Mrs. Wm. McCann, Bast Heron Dlstrlot President wbo gave an Interesting talk. Mrs. A. Lane gave an in- spiring paper on the motto, "Let us be done with fault finding and leave ort .self-seeking." A pleasing solo, Charmaine by Miss Pelta Van Vieit, Rev, Norman Bills, 'of St. John's Anglican Church Gave an -Interesting and informative oomparisbns' of life 1n England, his nomeland and, life in Canada. Mrs. Hrovat, native of Yugoslavia demonstrated the making of lace. She 'had many pieces of her beauti- ful work on display. Mrs. Hrovat will take orders for this work. The Notional Anthem was slang. Lunch was served by Mrs, C. Davis, Mts. R. Davidson, Mrs, A. Engel, Mrs. G. levans, Mee W, kraus, Mars. R. Gemmell, and Mrs. Homingwa>. WIN AGAIN Plowing under extraordinary h 'oon7Libions, the Huron Juveniles tivon their se,cana game with Chat. SPORT SHORTS By Oliver Riley ' eat On Monday night the fourth game i ' of ]the Huron Fotthall finals was play at Victoria Bath, Brusaels, be - 1 ween Bruseeic and Holstein. The first two .games ended to a scoreless rte. Frgames the third game • 0 ht Hals'teln;. Brussels won this gamva4 4 - 2 ettter an exciting but ' hard eough;t game. The game was cleanly playedand the Pans had lots to cheer about, Holstein' drew the first score as Pinder scored from a long shot from right wing, The ball hoitnced ,cif goalie Lowe's hand into the net. Brussels started to press to- wards the last of the first half and rewatrrted with a goal when King their centre -forward scored on a pass from Riley, Play ranged from i both ends back and forward till the emcl of the first half. hem, to make it two straight. Score 5 - 2. Chatham leas a ,nice, playing team, and Made a lot of break awiays, bat i the superior experience of the 1 local boys slowed them down. The results .of •these games show the ad- vantage of dbarting the hoys early to ploy football. The Huron League is be congratulated in , sponsoring this league, tend .In having such able leaders, The Chatham League is tieing the same for 'their boys, I and it is paying orf, Both teams show calretup Watlitng, !hy 'their good peeling plays. The star for Chatham was 'their goalie, whe showed good' judgement„in cleaning. as the local boys ib•ere red hot on the goal. Geo. Love scored two and 1 Rote Williams the hat trick for I three for the Herons, and Pat How - j and scored the two Chatham goals. Tho Hurons, bath the Junior end Juvenile,- hope to meet 'Toronto, in the near future, 'Nie only thing I t'rkiroa in near. games Is local stmp- I port. While the crowd for this e'rie ratan. flair, the brand of foot - 1,11 put up by •tlhese boys deserves e roll house. TIT10tONS - Goal, Flynn; Defence, D. laurnibar, G. G111•; Half, R. Wat- tles, D. Bateman, M. Bolton; For- ward, G. Love, D. Hackweli, R. Davidson. E. Milne, J. Baynard, D. Keyes, R. Williams, P. William- son. CHArirHAh1 - Goal, .J. Palttison. Defence, A, Gare, J, Matthews', Halt, J. Layt. D. McIntyre, 13. Pct vett: Forward, 13. Lane, ,T. Hodgson, P. Howard, R. -Wood, H. Bishop, 41. Syrle, B. Somers, R. Shepley. ReFei-ees - Guest Dobson and Ten. Betties. MELVILLE CHURCH On Sunday morning Rev. W. H. T. Fulton piewched from the text, "Who is like unto .thee, 0 people, saved by the Lard." He stated that Christianity is the happiest, holiest. and most hopeful religion in the world, Hoilness Is a term which has gone into dfstarer today. The word "Holy" simply mean "whole- some. Mr. Fulton staled that bore- dom, worry, and being self-centred, axe °three ,great eneanies of lite. We respect elderly Christian people be- eauuse of their faith and hope. Graeme MacDonald was soloist, and sung the sacred song, "Tn green pastures" by Sanderisoa. Slogan for ,September - "Everybody back to Church" THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Melville Church Brussels Minster, Rev. W. M. F. Fulton 11 a. m. Morning Worship 10 a, m. Sunday School United Church OF CANADA Minister, Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Worship -11 o'clock "A Living Christ for " Living Men" Church School -12 o'clock Livening Worship - 7.80 p,us, Union Serece in, interest of The Bible Sooe'ty. Come And Worship Iminnimr- - -,a- Church of Lnglxnd Parish of Brussels Rev. A. Norman Ellis, M. A. 14th Sunday After Trinity M. Janes Chariot, Mooch- 11 a- in, Morning Prayer Bender School It. David's Climb,. Honfrri . 2.80 p. m. Holy Comhnunlon St. George% *Chew*, Walesa j 9.80 a: in. M'ae+n1ng Prlier TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the underslignied used' 2 P. M. Saturday, October 4th, 1952 for snow plowing for' the 5.2.53 season in the Township of Grey. Tenders to be by the hour, State type .of equipment used. Lowest or any tender not necess• anily accepted, Eldetbbe M. Cardiff, Clerk. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING - Sept. 18 - 19 - 20 Technicolor "B,END OF THE RIVER" James Stewart Artnur Kennedy ,It Is a historical novel and a master- piece of entertainment. A King• size western tells the story of the hardy traleblazere and the women they loved. Sept. 22 - 23 - 24 Technicolor "TREASURE OF LOST CANYON" William Powell Julia Adams Done of out of a fortune at the age of ten years the boy takes refuge with William Powell. Thls Is a dram - atter story which touches the hearts of young and old. Sept. 26 - 28 • 27 Technlcoled "SHE'S WORKING HER ' WAY THROUGH COLLEGE" Virginia Msyc Ronald Reagan This is a campus musical comedy which all High School Students will enjoy. Don't miss this true to life picture with its all-star east. COMING - "STORY OF WILL ROGERS" The second nee Just nicely got started when holstein went ahead 2.1 when one 'of their un -named im- ports, scored on a lovely Shot from outside the 18 yard, line. Brussels again dug in and really took com- nuand as they surged ahead with 3 straight goals without a reply. Riley tied the game up when he scores from a scramble infront of the Holhtein net. .About 5 minutes later Anderson put Brusevel,s one up when he scored from another scramble in front of the met This oertainly cult Holsteins off their course and were a badly beaten team. 'On to- wards elle end of the game Riley made a beautiful corner kick and King headed it in tee net to 'make the final score 4 - 2 for Brussels. The fifth game will he played in T6oletein on Iariday night and tJleey came batik bene on Monday Night. The series is all even at one win each so both teams' will be out to wig] the next onie. • UNITED CHURCH The Mission of the Master, was the sermon .theme in the United Church on Sumdlay nbrninig, Sept. 14th. It I was biased Luke 19:10, "For the Son of Man carne to ,seek and to save thatt which was 'lost" The choir sang the ;anthem, "The Lord Gan Depend On Me'' by Yale and Hall. The .trio "Drifting" by Hew- itt ewitt and Ackley was rendered by Misses Joan and Joyce Thomas and , Jean Jewell. Brussels Vs. Clifford Thursday Night Brcrssels junior girls will play Clifford in Clifford tiles Thursday night weather ,permttltin.g and will battle them again in Victoria park, Brussels on Saturday night of this week. These teams are new tied with 0 gaanes each., CAPITOL LISTOWELTHEATRE 2 shows nightly 7.30 - 9.30 P. m. Matinee Saturday 2 p. m. Friday, Saturday Sept. 19 - 20 "WAIT 'TIL THE SUN SHINES NELLIE" The unforgettable story of two won- derful people. Ben who staked his future on the town he loved - and Nellie, hle beautiful bride, who couldn't waft for her dreams to come true. Mon. Tues. Wed. Sept. 22 - 23 24 "CARRIE" (adult entertainment) starring Laurence Oliver and Jennifer Jones Dld Carrie do wrong loving the way she did? The whispers were every- where but their love stopped .,at nothing, 'TUESDAY FOTO-N1TE Id OFFER $200.00 2nd -OFFER $200.00 3rd OFFER $80.00 Monday Attendance Card Night, Thur. Fri. Sat.. Sept. 25 • 28 - 27 Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly with Thomas Mitchell In "HIGH NOON" The story of a man who was too proud to run, There is nothing trader the sun like the high adven- ture of HIGH NOON. ellelleitarrenree 'LAST SUMMER CON05RT GIVEN BY BAND rhe last outdoor summer band concert for this ,season was g'iyen by the Brusedla bions Chub Boys and Girls 19and, alt VIotonia Park on Sun- day evening ander the baton of bandmp:dter A, 0, Robinson, The programme we,s necessarily cut somewhat short by the threat of rain, The crowd thoroughly en, joyed the members that Were pre- sented, They 'included several new ones thee bad not befane been heard by those attending the concerts. e Two .numbers were dedicated to two meanhels of the band, Miss Irma Walt and Ril eset (Rusty) Meileth, whose Marriage takes place -this week. Mies , Waht and Mr. MrBeth were asked by Mr. Robinson to con- duct 'the second 'number, BRUSSELS FALL FAIR NOTES - - Game and enjoy a very colorful afternoon and evening at the Brus- sels Fall Fair on Sept, 2611, See the Ann May dhows, Harness Rac- ing, Midway, Inuplements and new gagets, - Miniature Zoo, School Par- ade, Brussels Lions Boys and Girls Band. We have new added apec- tals a silver plate donated by Mr.' W. (4. TJeaclt for the best or cham- pion oath 'exhibited at the Fair. Beadaherw and Co. Clobhing are do- nating a, ;shirt end an overall. Shirt as 1st prize for whine eggs. Over- all special for most points won in ]toed crop. Try for these other mewls Baton's, Simpson's, Bank nr Commerce and others mentionied In the Prize T.1st. The 4-H Boys and Girls Swine and Calf Cimb will hold their Achievement Daly. Come in time to 'bear the official opening speech by Mr. H. A. Ross of Meant Forest. slecretmry of Agricultural Societies of Ontario. Geo. Wesenburg, Secretary. DUTCH BULBS Last year for the first time we offered packaged Dutcb Bulbs. Since then we have tested and proved the flowering results of these bulbs, and withgtlt question we are con- vinced they are tine finest quality ever offered for package sales. We have also compared prices with large Dept. Stores am our price is as iow and In some oases Iower. Come In and Ree our display. GREWAR'S GROCETERIA PHONE 5 BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. Albert L. Cole Albert L, Cole. 'Slugerinitendeat of Power eor dire province of Saskat- chewan passed away suddenly on Wed„ Sept, 10th, while on a<business trip to St. Catharines. "He was born in Morris t;ownelhdp, hal 1888, the eon of tete late Mr. and Mn.sAlbert T, Cole, (Isabella Hood). He tint became connected with the Teeawlater eleetrical plant under Mr. Walter Rase amid later with the Rainy River plant under Mr. Walter Green. Ile then became associated with Power of New York, latter becoming chief engineer of the plant in Regina and superinten- dent of the plant in Sa,aleatehewan. In 1246 he became aIu erintendent of .power for the province of Sask- ateleewan at Regina, which posittlon he held at the time or his death. He is survived by his wife the former Ray Price of Oshawa, one sop Athert of Kitchener, three sisters .Trsoie (Mns. W. Brandon, Frobish- er. Sask.) ,Teen (Mrs. ,Tames �firhie, Brrtesels). Miss Mary 13. Lon- don. threw brothers, R. D. Cole, 7loTonto, Geo. W. Cole, Landon. e a'+1 Charles W. Cole. Term -Ion. The Inneral wuus heM from the II i ere, of Mms.'Jmmes Michie. Brass- Brie, ronducted ilv the Rev. C. A.. rev at Belgnave TTnited Chur,slt to Birth Tinton Cemetery. PP pallbearers were busineac. es- socl"ites of the a,eo.lsPd, p1. E. rrsi^rfr'ruer. Minister of Public Mirka, Saskatchewan. W, B. .Taeleenn, Regina. .T, S. E.: Me- 171±suer. Grit, Mr. Turner, Toronto, S Neilgan. St. Catharines, W Clark, Montreal. Friends and relatives were Pre - Rent tram Regina. Montreal, St, 1'athattninea. Talent°. Welland. London. Galt, Princeton, Tneersoil and Clinton. The W. M. S. of Brussels United I Church met in the school room of the church on Tltles)day evening, Sept. 2th, with members of the Friendship Circle as guests. Lane, president, was le charge, The worship servdce;;a opened with a hymn and the .Scripture lesson by Mrs. A. Armstrong. The Sec. and Treas. reports were received and , adopted. A letter• of appreciation I Nes read, from Mrs. A. C. Ba.eker i. expessing thanks, to the Society for a 1 life membership certificate which had been presented to her. Mrs. te Dsvleon sang a very enloya.hle solo. entitled, "What Does the World Need Most?" Mrs. Mills, of Wal - ten, a. formerChasiatan Stewardship secretary of Huron Preisbyterlal was guest speaker and gave a very ht.rptring address., on Stewardship. Mrs, S. Wheeler expressed the ap- preetatten of the ladies for Mrs, Mills address. Foltowdng the doz- ing exercises, refreeh.menis..were served end a. social hone enjoved. oft PO CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to those who smut and an sending me oarde and to those wbo carried flowers at the funeral of my dear twin brother Bert who passed away so suddenly aim to Mr. Bann iartd Bill for the manner In which it was: conducted, Jean Michie. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Ed- ward Coilts wish to express their eine re thanks to 'Mends and neigh- batire for anis of ktndess and erre pmtby shown them and the beautiful floral teribnt.es following thelf recent sial bereavement and lord Of a dear mother. A very tepectal thanks to Mrs. Daniel Macron Mrs. Daniel Machan passed away an Tuesday, Sept. 9, at the Ruston' Nursing Home, Mitchell in her 85th year, following one week serious Illness She had been unable •to get a.bgst the past two years, hav- ing ,suftered a second broken hip. The former Sarah Dougherty, daughter of the late John Dougherty and Rebecca Golbrmlth, was born in Grey township, lot 29, con. 12, and was truly a pioneer of the didtrlot. She was of strong Christian charact- er, always lntereeted In her church and commiuunity, having taught in Sum/clay School her entire active lite and was a Ole member of she Women's Missionary Society. She is survived by one son Stan- ley, Listowel, a brother Thomas of Goderich, and sister Mary Cleaver of 'Ethel, 12 g;nandohiclren and 18 great grand choicer, a denghler Mary, Mrs. Porter Dennis passed awlaiy 19 years ago, her bnehand died in 11147. The body resited at the Loolcart Funeral Home, Mitchell, t111 Thurs- day, when a public funeral service was'held In Union United Church, Condnobed by 'Rev. M. Thomas as- sisted by 'Rev. A. Lame of Bntseels. Rfrs. ,Pack Cox sang, "The Garden Of Prayer". with Mrs. Leslie TJake preeiding ad the omen. Hymns. The Lord's My Shepherd, and Jeuti Lover of .Idy Soni were au.ng, Beaut- tfni tributes showed the esteem in which decoased wise held. Pallbearers were, Hartwell Spelr- en, Leste McDonald, James Mecham, Percy Ward, Thomas Ward, and Austin Wheeler, Interment eves made to Brussels cement's. A large nbumber of relnittvea and friends attended the service. from Dundalk, Ethel, Listowel, Toronto, Milton. Welton, Godeeich, Rruesels end eurromdtng ewer. tnflTif`F. The United Church fowl supper will be held an Oot. 29611. Watolt for further particulars. RE: BRUSSELS FALL FAIL Anyone with, Baleen Bogs to show an Fair Dray, - Anyone wishing to secure apace in the 'Palace for Flair Doy,- Ayoue entering the Commerical Feature of Baled and Cut Hey or Ensilage Corn,- -1 Anyone wishing eo secure s ?'gime List or Iicketts or intorttilat,OA, shrtaid get ire contact with Ail Committee In charge or ittol *OM tarry, Geo. Wesenburg, be8ore 0E4' 20th. Come to the Fair Sept. Oa - and 16th.. TURKEY SUPPER. Union United Church, Grey Twp. on MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th Supper from 6 to 8"o'clock Advance Sale of Tickets Only Admission $1.25 and 65c • ANNIVERSARY SERVICES In Knox Presbyterian Church, Ethel on Sunday, September 28th at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. rn. - The Rev. W. A. Williams will be the guest speaker. Special Music by the Choir LLASHMAR DRIVE - IN THEATRE LISTOWEL Two Shows Nightly - Rain or Shine Days and date Thur. - FrL Sept. 18 - 19 "Three Husbands" Eve Arden, Howard de Slime Sat. - Mon. Sept. 20 - 22 "Santa Fe" (Color) Randolph Scott, Janis Carter Tues. - Wed. Sept. 23 - 24 "Captive City" John Forsythe, Joan Candwn Thurs. - Fri. Kirk Dougltset Sept. 25 - 26 "The Big Trees (Color) Patricia Wymore Sat - Mon. Sept. 27 - 29 "The Lion and The Horse" (Color) Steve Cochrane Title Stan CARD OF THANKS We latah 10 thank everyone who helped make our Golden Wedding Anauiverief.ry such a happy event, chose who sent dowers, cards turd gabs, all who helped in any way. Mr. and Mrs, !hold Cnettrtord, Bru eels. YOUNG OR OLD, DON'T MISS IT ! SEAFORTH FALL FAIR Two Big Days of Fun and Interest Thursday and Friday, Sept. 18 - 19 • THURSDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 18 Merchants' Exhibits, Fruit and Vegetable Display Public, High School Exhibits, Ladles, Work Old Time Fiddlers' Contest $50,00 In Prizes Junior Farmers' Variety Show FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th Harness Races, Running Races, Pony Races, Livestock Pamela Clowns, Parade Bands, Baby Show, Square Dancing Conk Ontario Hereford Association Regional Show DANCING - Friday Night, In Community Centre Deolardlty Orchestra Prealdent, Russell Borten Sec.-Treas., F. J. .snow 410 PROTECTS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY (ONLY $5.00 FOR AN INDIVIDUAL) The two year Polio "SEVEN" Policy Insures the husband, One MR all unmarried dependant children up to 21 years of age (ktslvdll3s children born during the policy term commencing Be heal' fault time of birth) -It pays up to $7,500.00 per person to provide ewdlu treatment as described below for the following diseases contlisolas up to five years from the date of Illness P O L 1 0 TETANUS SMALLPDX LEUKAEMIA DIPHTHERIA ENCEPHALITIS MENINGITIS (Any Type) PAYS UP TO $7,500.00 Me - PROVIDES TREATMENT PER PERSON UP TO 5 YEARac Policy Covers for. 2 Years - Effective 7 Days following Acoeplionfin 1. PAYS FOR MEDICAL CARE - The service of legally qualify physicians, oeateopaths or physlatherapiels ' 2. PAYS FOR HOSPITAL CARE - Hospital board and rss miscellaneous hospital supplies, drugs; medicines and NSW - of necessary braces, crutches, or wheel chairs, Including occupational therapy; 8. PAYS FOR IRON LUNG RENTAL - Rental of Iron lung OF other similar mechanical equipment; 4. PAYS FOR NURSING CARE - The services of Iloelllaatll graduate nurses not members of your family; 5. PAYS FOR TRANSPORTATION - Tranaportatlon 8f Ma patient once by aircraft or railroad from the plena nidi.\ the disease first manifests Itself, either to or from a 11napNgl to provide special treatment; 6. PAY FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES - Transportation of the patient once either to or from ouch hospital; 7. PAYS FOR FUNERAL EXPENSES -To an amount or mass In the event of death resulting from ouch dloeaM. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS 8F* - ^""'r"i"ce. -'744"-"lawSelwyn Baker PHONE 104.10' ,Ili. R. t entree 6u