HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-9-9, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST day, pteg i 0 2 10 IN THE KITCHEN heath running water at the turn of the tap with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM .. get rid of Kitchen drudgery. IN THE BATHROOM Protect the health of your family • • . add to the comforts of daily living . , modernize your home with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM, IN THE BARN Saves LABOR and TIME watering stock with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM , greater PROFITS ... besides, you have FIRE PROTECTION for your buildings. Buy the BEST... Buy a DURO Phone or visit ''us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures and Fit- tings. Write for illustrated folder. For Sale by C. & G. Krauter Co. Brussels. Ont. ECOP 324 EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London • Hamilton • St. Catharines • Toronto Sudbury • Winnipeg • Vancouver From the "BLUE BOOK" of Famous Trains You'll appreciate andunder- stand the beauty of Canada better when you see it from Canadian National's famous Continental Limited. Every day between Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver this famous train speeds across the continent. On k you'll travel in style in colorful, up-to-the-minute equipment—inviting bedrooms, standard and tourist sleeping cars, lounge cats and the latest air-conditioned coaches. Take the "Continental" scenic route across Canada... daily service East and West between Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. For reservations and information regarding your business and (Measure travel needs, see, write or phone your local Canadian National Passenger Agesi* CwNADI,� E'4q tam T I L THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVING ALL T PROVINCES :.,,sa,a, esw mumm.,aty turavnee rnu +am i LADIka AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary to the Oita. adiana Legion 'held their regular seting Sept. 4th, with 22 laidiee present. It was decided that an• invitation be saint to the Exeter. Auxiliary to entertain them Sept, 1861' at alar reenter soical evening,. Colnnade Mlaaly Lowe was nominated ns delegate to gd to the Convention in Brookville in, Oclbobercl Coin. nerot1 y kroyde, Zone Commander of Strat'toM .aelsisted at the 'fleeting and gave a Short interesting talk In the Auxtlearies wonting together land lapin.+; the Legion, Several boxes fel• the sick were sent out, The a fee .y prize was won by Com, Alary Lowe. At 'the close of 4he, meeting lunch was served and Com: Hoyle was presented with a gift. WEDDING Guest - Storey A quiet and pretty wedding was solemnized at the manse, Walton, • last Thursday afternoon at 2.00 o'clock, when Rev, M. Thomas unit- ed in marriage Mavis Marie, daugh- ter of Mr, Jelin Henry Storey, Wal- ton, and Mr, Arthur Windsor Guest, Kincardine, soli at Mr, Thomas Robert Gamest, Kincardine The Miele was gowned in white satin; and her long embroidered veil was ld in phase by a flowered head- s. Shr carried red roses and white elrrrsnnthetrmms. Miss Mar- re7ret Marie Dale, Clinton, as the bride's nttend'ant, wore yellow net over 'taffeta. •with matching head- dress and carried an arm 'bou- quet of orchid r. h,r'ysanthemume. Mr. Arnold Gerald Storey, Crom- aaltY, was best Man. Following a reception at Walton, Mr, and ;are. Guest left on a motor trip north, the bride travelling In a 1)VY%%l1 gaberdine suit, with match - in cceesSoris and a cordage of red roans. On their return they will -wake their home in Brecefield, Riley'- McCutcheon Before an arch of evergreen en- twined with flowers, centred- with a white wedding bell and banked with baskets of gladioli, on the lawn of her home, Audrey Dooreen Me- Cetcheon, dlaughter of Mr. and IMrs. Charles McOutcheon, R. R. 1. Bluevaie. became the bride of James Myer Riley. son of 'Mr. and Mrs. ,Tohn J. Riley. of Brussels. The wed- ding which took place on Wednes- day. Aug- 27th. was conducted by Rev. Boggs. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely In a gown of white. Chantilly Lace with a skirt of. nylon net avec taffeta, and feat ming a Pitted, strapless, bodice with • snatching lace jacket and lily point sleeves with the high pointed collar end tiny buttons to tete waist. Her fin;entip veil of embroidered net fell gracefully from a halo of seed pearls and silver beads. She carried a cascade bouquet of sweet heart roses and gladioii and wore the groom's gift of three strands of orarls. Far something old the bride wore her grandmother's engage- ment ring topped with her grand- father's gold riff links set in rubies. The maid-ofhonour, Miss Shirley Mc1•Tichael, wore a yellow gown of embossed net over taffeta, featuring a strapless bodice with net jacket and matching headdress. She carried n bouquet of mauve gladioli. Miss Helen Louise Peacock, bridesmaid, rhos" given embossed organza over taffeta with nylon yoke caught with seed pearls and matching headdress. She crawled a bnugitet of peach glad - loll. Little Darlene Brothers, tate flower girl wee pretty in pink nylon ever taftlete. featuring a long full 'kIet and headdress of Bowers, and carried a noasen•y of matehin:a flowers. lira. Herold Hamilton was the solo - tet accompanied by Airs. Tyle Rr4o- titers. Best man was ,Tohn Kerr and filen 3Te1Tichael was an ishan•. :4t the reception held in the base - mane of Wroxeter ilnited Cnslrch, the bride's Prather received in navy sheer over aonordian pleated taffeta with navy acrses"nrinr and 007141¢e of pink rose's. She was assisted by 1:115 grooms mother th navy with nava• orresaot'ie5 and pink corsage. For travelling, the bride were a reel snit whit e'rprn hot and green aervsientalee end \VDTP mink tars with n reUrlarr Tif Better time roses. They bent nn a Nem -Idler ti -h In Northern tln+.erii And Pre LOW rnsidittg to BTNstgeta. jwykuwar !Q i! P,1611RT'1#Eft$ We ask all ,a4wertisers • to • efe operate with the Past so that we slay give you more deficiment.serviee. Will you please Intake an' honest effort to have ail advertising dopy In this *Moe not later than 6 p,m. 011 A1londisy, With a reducedstaff it Is net passible for ;uia to have the paper out ou time unless you 00 - operate with ire. CUSTOM SEWING Thaia7c You. I Any Person wishing sewing and i dress -making Please ea11 eerie. CILASS.0 '1EEJ ADS, FOR SALE 10 Westerit"'S'tooket' Calces. Alex Pearson Phone 55r19 l FOR SALE — Cloud dalniaine Pears Ma's, Ii, Man niug Phone G7xr4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS t HONEY FOR SALE — Alt peai'seas Paving (grime against Light Amber Honey In your own the eatats of WILLIAM SInMON container 15c Lb. :ate of the Township of Grey in the Wallace Ross Seaforth, Ont. Country of Huron, farmer. who died on the 28th day of June, 1952 at the Town of Clinton, are hereby nett- fled to send to the undersigned on or .about the X13 th day of Septemb- er, 1952, full particulars of their claim in writing. Immediately after the lBtb day of September, 1952. 1 the assets of the estate will be tis• titled thereto having regard only to titled tiereto having regabd only to 1 claims of which the Exeoutor shall then have notice. Messrs. Crawfofd & Hetherington Barristers & c. Brussels Ontario CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects At the home of Jas. McFadzean Turnberry St., South, Brussels on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th Commencing at 1 O'clock Sharp 5 Piece Mralnut Living Room Suite 1 Library Table 1 Solid Oak Secretary 1 R.C.A. Victor Radio combination 6 Rocking Chairs 6 Dining Room Chairs 6 Kitchen Chairs 2 Oak Extension Tables 1 Oak Side Board 1 "Beach" Coal and Wood Range 1 Electric ltangette 1 Tea Wagon, Gibbard 1 Leather Covered Couch 1 — 3 Piece Bedroom Suite Dressers — Chest. of Drawers Beds, Springs and Mattresses 1 Wardrobe 1 White Sewing Machine 1 Easy Washing Machine 1 Hoover Vacuum Cleaner China.— Cutlery Kitchen 'Mallets Work Bench and Carpenter Toole fiarden'Toals. ladders and .Lawn Mowor 1 New Tire 4,50 x 21 1 Buggy, 1 Cutter Numerous other articlee. TERMS CASH Jas. McFadzean, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. •- •+ - r , s> >r Are-Nsyr Mr. and firs, Percy Burnham spent part of their honeymoon at the home of leer uncle Ernset Courchesne and Airs. Courchesne last week. While hero ifh were present at the baptism of Donna Marie Courchesne 10 St. Tohn's Church, Wednesday on yhich ocrasion they became her Godparents. During the visit Mr, and Mrs, Courohesne attended a dance at Walkerton in company with their guests who left. Thursday for Niagara kraits, AN AMERICAN VIEWS OUR EXPANSION The great Canadian boons has Platte Canada a powerful, Prosper - ons, attractive, self-confident country that ranks si1th among in- dustrial producers of the world. This is an abenservation made by an A.metdoan Journalist in an article appearing in the September 13111 issue of. The Toronto Star Weekly. The melted gtvesh is analysis of the tremendous expntlsion and its over- alls effects on Canada. Ile desoriiles the change in peyctiology of Clam ndlans brought about by the phen- ontinal growth of the country, FOR SALE — White brick nouee, 4, plena batt., acre of land in Village of Brie. Bels, Priced to sett 100 acre farm, hydro, good built Inge, 50 cores of Spring crops, neTee tailing. spring, 8 acres 01 burl. Priced to sell at 86,800.00. 100 acres farm, close to Village, red brick home, sun porch, nese drive shed, large barn, 18 earee Spring crop, rest in hay and grata., Priced to sell. Farms all sizes, and also Village htntaes •and Mistimes. 3. 0, Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — 125 Sussex -Bed Buli'etis, 3% month old, laying, .R,oe ertain, Atwood. Ruby Bone Phone 31r18 FOR SALE — Potatoes, also 1 -- 600 x 16 tire and tube. 2 — 600 x 16 nelkners. W. J. Procter Phone 13-J-13 Brussels, Ont, FOR SALE -- Two year old Holstein Heifer. due in Feb, Wm. Collin's, Service Station, 1 mile West of Seaforth. HOUSE FOR SALE — Comnfortable House, corner of Thomas and Alexander. Priced Right. Mrs. Bessie Miteheel Phone 97 FOR SALE — 175 White Leghorn Hens, 1 year old. Stanley Fischer, R.A. 3 Brussels Phone 75-r-12, FOR SALE — Anyone wishing good gravel at reasonable prices; lane grovel and sand. Will take orders for cement blocks. Mitchell Elliott Phone 13r13 FOR SALE — Hardbody Wood, Limb and Cedar for kindling, Slabs hard and soft. Blocks tar furnace. Sames Stevenson Phone 60r4 WANTED— Dead and disabled term anis r I wanted for prompt pick-up, al Percy Stephenson, .Ethel, Phone! Brussels 85r12, Collect. - FOR SALE — Modern Red Brick Haase on west side of Victoria Park. New modern bathroom, hot and cold water, Town water 83500.00. Hugb Pearson, Brussels Phone 11 LOST — From Lot 14, Con, 13. Grey town- ship, Yearling white flee Steer, a- bout 650 lbs., with spots on face, lost about middle of Armlet. Finder Please notify Clear Startler or Phone 75i'1l. Owner will pay all expenses, SEWAGE DISPOSAL Have Septic ,Tanks pumped the Sanitary Way. Sohools and Public Buildings given prompt attention. Reasonable Rates. Irvin Coxon Phone Milverton 7824 FOR SALE — 1 Rubber Tired Wagon 1 — 3 furrow Plow 1 Disc Harem Plow points to fit Ford, Fergtteon, Fleury, Oliver, Otaco. Wiard or any other well known make. Cast and ilscta•lloy. Order yonra today. 1 have the Big Sticky Fie Traps for sale too. Seed Wheat, Fertilizer and Minerals. Spraying Outfit and Material. Phone 56r9 Geo. Wesenbure WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Always a targe sleek Ie Chaleesx Granites to Chose flare All modern machinery. famous for Cemetery lettering a spaslalty Artletic Memorials et very reasonable pelage. R• A. SPOTTON Phone 256 — Wmgham, One. DEAD STOCK DEAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITAR DISPOSAL. Telephone Collect BRUSSELS 85R12 ELMIRA 564 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED WOO LOM Positively seals all knotty and Wince*woods, assures a lasting paint lob, f. , Johnson's Paint and Electric Store Brussels. Ont. A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers,, LVI, 1)., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEOlb wliliens St, Knee 4. Mrasa.eU DR. R. W. STEPHEINIS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Tone 45 Brussels. Get, r r JOHN E, LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses fittest. Phone 791 Seaforth — Main HOURS: 9- 6, Wed. 9-12.30. Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, . • , I.iSTOWEL, ONT. Specializkng in Eye Examination and the Fitting orf Officein Lis'lowel Clinic Buil Hoerr: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday pas. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 ba >Ps Other evenings by appoi>chnent Phone 634. ). A. Ranan & Co. FUNERAL AND s4MBULANCr SE.RYkl' ;el Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer ' '1( • PHONE 317 or 6 5 _ e• BRU53EL 1, ONT'.. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident end Sec/meet Agent for Great West Life insurance Co. Pions Office 96 — Brease$a, Ont. Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x Brnaasats G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tteeselay. Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by Appointment. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Telephone 65 No Extra Charge for, Use of Funeral Horne Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Twenty-four Hour Ambulance Service Dales' Towers Exchraiyely t.PWiS Rowland Oe ratite to PL R. 3 Weiibran. (Licensed For Iron Count' rAA7'i2FACTJON GU — PRICES ASI rear Engrisgernents Phone 31 "The Brussels Pee" std ibsry fee inforaratien etc.., write or phone Lane. Res rheas offi be perioral after sly 49rigawil ROGERSBROS s� ' 2ii1ift `Slimtr(:I. w�t\� 446174,0140 TOMORROW 2 yrs farvk. '447` Gr,Naw Ave.�.J , Stagnant end Insenfipul in every weep • . IgesNon'wants, Iiegesal ul dealings ..1Masae ,waits the year Perk ientrAnten ssferalivae tete. see aestainelandianti&sptay avow Seteace voce hoer lawasaaa try a msmARANCE EttasALLY .vruns n590 LOVE'' Abe eATION ISO' ON trermi