HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-8-27, Page 8d'aVededa4 reozateed ®® TEA BAGS A'allZga;" 'om,"lerna4,46, HRONICLES cr6L, GantxdoLissn P Ctrs:eke Here we are—back to normal again after daughter's wedding; back .00 ,ordinary everyday farm worriesswondering whether to cut twelve act4e of alfalfa for hay or leave it for seed. (Had of the rain to fill up our •cistern—after having cleaned it out—but hoping it won't rain any more for a while -because our neighbors still have grain in the stook waiting to he threshed. This:is' the first year we havin't had any crop at all and it seems so strange not to be worrying about threshing or combining. rte plough- ing for wheat. One might think , chore le nothing lea to do around litre, That is not so. Wherever there Are cows and young cattle there 1. also work—especially after a heavy rain when every cow must be al - 411,3,0 given a bath before she is dean e•iough to be milked. Partner is al - in a -bad kunniur at milking It's Easy Sewing! 111 • R4r 897 time if there has been much rain overnight. First he has had to trail through the wet pasture fields to fetch the mob home—on wet days they are always at the far end of the farm. Then Partner's mood is reflected in the behaviour of the cows. They get contrary, run in and out of the barnyard instead of into the stable, and with every step get a little more plastered with mud. At last they are tied up in their stalls—in what had previously been a clean stable but which, in- side of half an hour, is anything but. Then I come on the scene and Partner says, ""13 some of these people who buy milk could see the work and worry we often have in keeping it clean there viouldn't be so much grumbling about Lite price." "Well," some people may ask, "if you are dissatisfied, why go on farming" Well, why do we? It is a question we often ask ourselves— because we are tempted to wonder sometimes! Perhaps the chief reason, as with a good many other fano foik, is becaese farming supplies a funda- mental need in our nature. • The farmer is ihdependent—independent to a greater extent' than a man in any other. .calling. How much a man likes farming depends to a I, w much he values his independence. The farms er is bis own hoss,'Ile is a success or a failure accordigg to Itis own skin. ability and ingenuity—that is, est:cot in a depression period, -which acts like a quagmire suckiug him down however bard he snuggles to save himself. 1:u: fantler doesn't Lave a) pouch a time-clock—although be generally • wort,: longer hours than those who la. He makeil his own time and ar- ranges his Work according to the weather or the demands of the iieason. He doesn't have to pay un- ion dues or go on strike because . someone higher up demands it. i, There are very few restrictions in 3 regard to his work. Ile can row i what he likes—and as much or as little as he likes. There is just one hitch—he has little to say in what i he shall be paid for his produce, although he must conform to gov- ernment requirements in regard to the quality of whatever lie has to I sell. 1 And yet, ironical as it may seem, 1 it is often the farmer's own satis- , faction in his work that causes 103 - understanding. For instance. a far. i mer may say during a spell of I inclement weather, "About all I get done these days is the chores." It sounds as if "chores" don't amount to anything How many people, other than farmers, realise that chores take up about six hours of the farmer's day? What he does ..-- - I before and after chores is ;2-20 1 As if chores were not work! 40 i It k a misrepresentation that has t come down to us front the day when 4'14. 441,14 l "chores" were done 1 y the women great extent upon o 435 Health Notions 'That Are Wrong Medical research is doing much 'to explode certain fallacies about health to which people have clung fur generations. Here are a few of them: That It Is a good thing for.people to indulge in vigorous physical ex- ercise after theage of 40, if,r).tether alley -feel tired or not. Only a foot indulgel. in violent and -vigorous exereise afar he Is 40 unless he Itis . been doing that sort of thing since malt, and bios therefore kept himself constantly fit. ' Few doctors can recall instances in which too little physical exercise has had disastrous results, but many eau recall instances,in which tragic consequences have followed over- exertion in middle life. That d person- can get appendici- tis by swallowing the ieeds of or- anges, grapes .or apples. Many persous who - eat grapes swallow the seeds, and nearly'every- °lie swallows other fruit seeds at .some tinie or other, yet ,apperidi- citis not sd common as these • factS Would ` seem to indicate. The truth is that the surgeon so rarely finds a seed in the appendix that when he does becomes a cause rif widespread. continent. It has never been proved III such a reit, case that the seed was re- sponsiblp for the inflammation. Appendicitis is really caused by the organ becoming •infected with pus- fa.rTnhtiantS mgaenryinspeople don't sleep a wink throughout the night. if ycin secretly believe you are one or these, the chances are that you are mistaken. You probably doze off, wake later thinking you haven't slept, and then doze off again. Tests have shown again and again that'insomniacs sleep more than they think.' That too much sugar will give aospue9dpialibe,t,eisi have diabetes are re- stristed in the use of. sugar. But it InaOes no difference to those who have not, and certainis. does not cause diabetes. 333 -ou come from agamily that has had diabetes, it would be wise • to restrict sngar and starches only in order to keep from becoming ov.erweight, You can live on vitamin tablets. • o A .. • • •In ami children of tlte fatnits.—when YOU HAVE X DATE with Most there might be no more than tour A beauty you'll love to sew, rt or tire rows to milk an,/ a dozen ehic• with perfect fit an/ simple or so of mongrel bens to feed. This help left Dad free to "work" Vitamin tablets should he taken smonly when there is a proved defi- ciency of the particular vitamin - The body cannot assimilate more than so much, and a well-balanced diet will give all the vitamins one needs and can take. Nobody can make up for drastic dieting by filling up with vitamin tablets. One should not drink water with meals. The truth is that most people would benefit from taking a moder- ate amount of fluid at the stone time as solid food. Liquida, especially water, tend to stimulate the secretion of the gas- tric juices which help to digest food, lines, Even the buttoned tuffs are The word "chores" is a colloquial oasy, they're circular, to .give that 3 expression indicating 'odd jobs," 4i3ftly rippled look. :smart as i Its meaning in that sense is as out - shown in check -arid -solid solos or 1 1,141.1kt a4 a stump fence. What a rimose a gay print. t farmer does at the barn night and Pattern R4897: Mk-' St7.CS 12, - nutruing is "work" witlt a capital 34, I6, IB, 20; 40. Size 16 takes 4..v...._ x and often is the means by yards 3S -inch; -1-fi yard A Ontratit.. Whirlt he makes most of his income. 'nti pattern easy tis II..,e, SIM- . i I he speaks of this work as cholas he belittles his occupation and should not blame his city cousin if he gets the idea that there is !into work connected with the far- mer's daily chores. When a person underrate' his work or his calling too often it is aecepted at his own valuation. ' pie to sew, is tested for itt. 053s sornplete illustrated in .1 rurtions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35c) in coins (stamp s eannot be acceptedi Inc this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to Box 1. 323 Eight. senth St., New Toronto, Ortt. Hannan Radar-1311nd aerial Observer Alvin Svehla, center, paints out a "sighting" -lo his fellow aircraft spotters in Everett, Wash. Svehla, who . uses his unusually acute ears for eyes, has been Ow -carded the wings of the Ground Observer Corps and a letter of commendation from the U. S. Air Force. 11 Transfer Designs in 3 colors Bones Of Columbus—Next month the Dominican Republic will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the discovery of this leaden casket containing the remains of Christopher Columbus. It wos found beneath the Cathedral of Santo Domingo on Sept.1 0, 1877. Elaborate ceremonies will be led by President .Rafael Trujillo, whose government is urging the completion of a half -mile -long lighthouse memorial to the great navigator pledged by the 21 American republics. NE I-HIRST void, .,* a....6A "Dear Anne Hirst: 1 need advice desperately A year ago I mar- ried a divorced man with a son (who lives with us) and t w o daughters, who stayed with their mother. I have two chil- dren by a form- er marriage. We are ex- tremely happy, except for one "His ex-wife has remar Tie d. slow she sends the girls to us for long periods. She calls my husband every day while they are here— and claims site is going to have a breakdown unless she gets him back / "lie says he wants no part of her. Ile wishes sl e would quit sending the girls here; it causes friction, and ruins the discipline of the other children. (Hers evidently run wild at home.) I feel that for their own good they shouldn't be shunted bark and forth and I've offered to keep them permanently. My liusband supports them of sing— C011rae. "Don't you think she should ltebp the girls. at home (where tny bus - band can visit them), or wait until he requests them to come here? It seems to me she is using them as a wedge to force us apart. "Each time we plan an outing, or a trip, it seems the children arrive. It makes me irritable, and t I'm afraid it will lead 10 larger I things. "MY husband is the sweetest and kindest tnan anyone ever met, and 1 lose hint dearly. lie says he clever really had a wife or a home until he married nte. (She was flagrantly unfaithful.) Ile says nothing csn break us up—but I'm afraid. It is the little things that finally become too 'murk A WORRIED WIFE" 55010110*5 he will say he did to". * and thank you for it. • YN713118' gide must realize that When they date aot,roy, they confer * a favor, liold to that idea, and 4 remember that he will take you * at your own valuation. -187hen divorce separates children from a parent, it is bard on alV• concerned. Anne Hirstie under, standing can be helpful. Write her • at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Clint, Pawnshop For Rich Folks Only The world's most remarkable Pawnshop had been openea in the fashionable Champs:Elysees quart- er of Paris. Run by the Paris Ivitin. ieipal Council, it is "for titled and wealthy people who would find a visit to the usual pawnshop em- barrassing." So only mink coats, works of art and fine jewellery, and other objects if more than Ordinary value" are acCepted. Outside the pawnshop has a sober look; inside it is furnished with magnificent Oriental works, chandeliers worth fortunes, tapes- tries and gilded mirrors. Clients wanting to "pop" something are received in private rooms by tact- ful, "sympathetic and polished" ex- perts wearing' smart morning suits. • "Do you get on with your ser- geant.inajort" asked the chaplain. "011, yes, sir," replied the pri- vate. "We pray for him every night." -"And liMie iota strayers laen answered?" "not yet, sir."' SPLITTI N ' *see the girls only • in their * mother's home, or in his house * upon, invitation. He can spend * as Much time with them aa he * likes, taking thein places, and * influencing their development as * best Ile can. I do feel sorry for * those little gists, as I ani sure * you do. * Talk it over together — but * quiet tbosit fears. , "KISS AND TELL" "Dear Anne Hirst: I am so angry and hunt I am 15, and I went driving with a new boy friend that I though t was nice. Ile parked the car and started pet- ting I didn't enjor it, and said so. After almost a battle, ,fikaily I persuaded him 16 bring me home. 'Now Ole has told it all around town --.and makes it sound like I'm . not a good girl! I am so mortified I'm ashamed to go out. "I told my mother, and she said to forget it. She trusts me, and I wouldn't lie to her. But it is awful, knowing people are laugh- ing at me. Of course I'll never date hint again. Is theresanything I can do? DISGUSTED" * if this young rascat told two or • three friends about the, incident, * they will soon forget it. The fact * that be mentioned it at all shows * him up for, what he is; they will * discount any embroideries he ap- * plied to the. truth. When you * resisted it hurt his vanity, and * this is his cheap way Of paying * you back. * When yoti meet a new boy, it * is wise to spend your' first few * dates at home, where you and * your family can look him over. * Personally, I feel you are too * young to -go riding alone with any * boy. * It is quite all right to kiss a * nice boy goodnight — lightly — * but certainly not on the lira date. * Doeit get the false idea you have * to "pay" for his dates; if he ex- * pects it, he isn't as well bred as * you thought. Say you've enjoyed * the evening; if be *knows his * Your hu ;.ands first wife is * brazen in her determination to * get him back. Loathe as I am to * suspect chicanery, it seems ob- \ * vions that she is trying to lure * him' through the two girls, and * tier plea nf ill lealth, * I wish, though, you would * calm .your fears. Trust him. * Your husband is not deceived. * Ile wants none of her. You have * given him the only married hap- * piness he has knows', and he is * not going to risk losing it. * Undoubtedly he is fond of his * daughters; but he sees how thbir * untimely visits disrupt t h e * household, Does Ile think it wise * to take them permanently, as * you are willing to do? Or is he * afraid they will continue to cause * dissension nod give their mother * one more reason to intrude? * If he is, he should arrange to 14/ Captivating tolor - really blue bluebirds with pink breasts, lovely ph& and blue flowers with fresh green leaves. Iron these motifs on your bed liens, scarfs, tea towels, apron, curtains and en- joy their springlike cheer. Done in a jiffy. Washable. No embroi- dery, Pattern 790 contains lG three - color motifs — from 2140 to 41r/sx 11. inches. Send TWENTy-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be ex., cepted) for tins pattern to BOX 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ontario. • Such a colorful roundup of handi- work ideas! Send twenty-five cents now for our Laura Wheeler Needle- craft Catalogue, Choose Your Pat- terns from our gaily illustrated toys, dolls, household and personal ac- cessories. A pattern for a hand- bag it printed right itt the book, LOGY, LISTLESS, OUT OF LOVE WITH LIFE? Ingrown Toenails Nall roc relieves nein inatrtnny and removes ingrown portion at unit 10 a 'kW oullouttOna 51.55. WART FIX qintruntoed rornedyNo acid. Bata for MtitiMn 130. CORN FIX RomOVON coma and calluses la 50 mln. Ales Guaranteed AMOCO ?Go. At your irugglat or sent postpaid by — F. THOMPSON 7 ORCHARD CRESCENT TORONTO 55, ONTARIO OS AO) 411 IFFY. And the ISSUE 35,— 1952 RELIEF IS LASTING For fast 'relief from headache get INSTANTINE. For real relief get IniSTANTINZ. For prolonged rditr get INSTANTINEI Yes, more people every day aro finding that TNSTANTINE is one thing to ease pain fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains -8f colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain you can depend on Istyrealwing to bring you quick comfort. INSTANTINE is made like a prea- cription of three proven medical ingredients. A single tablet uspallyhrings fest relief. Gel ladylike. today end always Itisp It handy rittantine 12 -Tablet Tin 24 Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle 75c Skin Eruptions Barr Is a clean, stainless, Psnstrating onager ao on not brines setedy react from lOc Robin end discomfort. Not ems docs MOONS'S EMERALD 00. ' ' Memote tepid and Healthy 1,01105 10 open sons and wounds but bolls and simple ulcers *0005» lettered. In Min affectioas the Rollins of Eczema la quickly stopped. Plroplco—skin =Vie03 dr uf and scale off la a vay for data. The towns true of Anther's Itch. Salt Rheum, Regina Too n05gcct and other InflaniMt0Ory Min disordout You mut obtain MOONS'S EMERALD OIL, itt the suicidal bottle 05 5011 modern thug atom Eillistaction or money back. . 11/ Then woke up your liver bile jump out of bed ruin' to go Life not worth livlog'? It may bo tba livorl It'a a facti If your fiver bila is notflowing freely your food muy-not digest . . . goo moots up your M & . . . onteyou feel con. ntipated and all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's when you need mild, cantle. Cottons Little Liver Visa. You see Carters help stimulate' your liver bile *151 11000 !Mid It to pouring out at a rata of lip to two pinta o day into your digestive tract. TWA should fin you right up, make yon ftral 1.4 1,0,111 cloys nro ham again. 0* doo't May sunk, get Carton Little Laver PHIL Ahvaya have them on band. 0051 36e from any drugaisL ROLL YOUR OWN • BETTER CIGARETTES • W1TN 01 CIGARETTE roam It's the world'r largest Annual Exhibition, and this year it's going to be the biggest, most thrilling ever! Come one come all to your C.N.E. See displays and exhibits al Canada's agricultural wealth , the richness and colour 51111 Automotive Show. Thrill to the colossal Grandstand Show "Canadian"- with singingslar Tony Martin the mighty Marathon Swiss.. the screaming jet righters..You'll marvel 01 110 hundred% 51 wonderful exhibits, the glamorous Fashion Shows Don't mist "Canada's Year" at theWorld'S largest Exhibition! Bringthelamily for a day Wild tun, thrills, and eadlement. FASHIONS • SPORTS • EXHIBITS • THRILLS • MUSIC • FIREWORKS • LAUCIIIIR PRIZES • EXCITEMENT •• SCIENCE • AGRICULTURE • FUN GALORE 1 A nothoo,rosioeis tt0000 5 Flughet 50550 Mom* ORANOSTAHO TICKETS AVAILABLE 57 105. TICAT OTFICE 0310345E STREET, TORONTO OR CONTACT YOUR 1.010). TICKET AGENT DIAN N 1110NAL EXIMIMON