HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1952-8-27, Page 4THE .BRUSSELS POST USED CARS 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1946 Chev. Coupe 1937 Pontiac Coach Many Older Models USED TRUCKS 1946 Ford 3 ton Stake 1951 Chev;'Sedan Delivery, with air condition auamavaasamasaiLlanfialiffialion Riverside Motors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont, R. S. Hetherington, K. C. W11NCHAM and BRUSSELS AT 181RUSSEL Tuesday and Saturday all day — Met o every day. nese lighs Stttceeeser to Ir. D. Bei I NEW RIDIislG GETS t EL,SGTION OFFiC'ER Eimer Famish, of Gerrie, has been appointed returning of:Pieer for the wewly f77: WaUiU L0l Itltron riding, 3xr.Fwill have jurlsdi ' tion over the tOwnellips of titin°, West Luther, Peel, Nichol, Arthur, West Garafraxa,' Maryboru, Row. irk, Turnberry, towns at Wingham. Fergus, Moualt Foroot, Paimeraton, I-Iarrist.on and tits vlttage of Ar- thur, Drth$OA and Olttford; East,, Luther ,and Zest Garafrava, { will be returned to Dufferin riding and Erin returned to South Well- ' inglon, It will be Mr. Farrieh'.s ditty ' bo aPpolnt enumerators and I 1). It, 0.'s for nearly 1D0 poling { divisions whenever a Federal elect - ii ion is called. WHAT'S GOING ON IN HOLYWOODI IRead John Gunther's "What's GRIM on In Hollywood". see the American Weekly Motion Picture Awards. Meet future screen stars. I See preview of Hoilymood'e newest movies. Read recipes tor five i favourite Hollywood dishes, See this Sunday's (Aug, &1) Moviie Issue et NEW Color Gravure American CRANL.ROOI Thee Atigatst Meeting of the Oran - Montt W. I. woe held Tuesday at 8.30 In the ("immunity Centre with 43 members and visitor present. The meeting opened with the Opening Ode and tlw Instllwte Creed follow- ed by the Lo1•d's Prayer.. The ;vest - dent Mrs. Lloyd Michel inthe chair, Minutes of the last meeting were road by the seeretatry, The roll call awe answered with 'Say, 'Sing -os' Prey. Several item of business were dlsrnssed and our Tweedsmuir Book nrdeeerl, The 1110eting was then ti'wned over ,'to Mrs. Maurice Cam- eron convenor of Historical Be' sequels end Current Events. A splendid Motto : "Take the world as you find it but don't leave it tbat way" was given by MTS. L. Gordon. Several items for the. Tweedsmuir Book were read by Mrs. M. M!ae- Donrald. A very lovely solo was ren- dered by Miss Mary Lou McFarlane. woe followed by Clumrents Events read lay, Lena Noble, Mrs, S. Cann. pbell, Mrs. C. Onsettad, Mrs, Ruesel TC1dglnt and Mrs. Ross Knight. The high.li ht of the (terming was a talk by Miss Kate McNabb on her trin to Europe last summer. This Weekly, exclusively with Detroit rias thoroughly endoyed by all. _The Sunday Times. m' eilne elocad with the Nxtfonal We, day, Amsurst 2('th, 184$ A theta. 1411101 WAS %treed in the basement, the hostesses were Idra. L. Gordon, Mrs, S. Campbell, Mrs. A. McTaggart and Mrs. 14, Lake. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .11-' 3,.su1'stf is having elarme against the estate of WILLIAM SIlO111'ON late of the Township of (bey in the C. u;;.itty' of Huron, -tanner, who died on. the 2811,1 deny of June, 1052 at the Town of Clinton, are hereby noti- tied to send` • to the undersigned on .0D about the 18111 day of Septemb- er, 1052,, ' fall particulars of their elgtlu in 1t'rltdng, Immediately atier the 13131 drie :of September, 1052. lila tweets of ,the estate will be die titled bltea .eto having regard only to titled tlereto having regand only to claims Ot whin]) the IOxeoutor shell then have, notice. . ltiesers. Crawford & Hetherington Barristers d a tension. Ontario fOR SALE — Modern Red Brick Howse on west side of Victoria Park. New modern bathroom, hot and cold Water, Town water 33500.00. Hugh Pearson, Brussels Phone 11 WANTED -- Stack oe Wheat Straw. Bill Wheeler Phone 12J24 Illustrated -- Styloiino Do Luxe 2 -Door Sedan 'Lowest -Priced in Its Field! Chevrolet The Leader, is the lowest -priced car in Its field. les Canada's most beautiful low-priced care and Canada's most wonderful motor car valve) A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE y Chevrolet the Leader lues yo all these fine car features ! Yes, Chevrolet brings you lowest prices on model after model ... as well as these extra features for your extra pleasure, comfort and safety. Take a look at the wonderful new Chevrolets for '521 Examine their radiant new Royal -Tone Styling and ultra -luxurious Bodies by Fisher, available in a wide choice of solid -tone and two- tone color combinations—most wonderful array of colors in theii field. These cars bring you everything from thrilling new Centreposse Power to fleet, spirited, thoroughly dependable Valve-srt,Head engine performance; and from a new smoother, softer ride to extra -large Jumbo - Drum Brakes. Realize, too, that with all their finer quality the new Chevrolets are the lowest -priced line in their field, in addition to being exceedingly economical to operate and maintain. Come in . , . see and drive the new Chevrolet for '52 . .. and ler us show you how easily you can own one) 4s CENTREPOISE POWER Engine vibration and power impulses are "screened out" — isolated from driver and pas- sengers. Engine rides flexibly suspended between new high - side mounting. . centred, poised, cushioned in rubber, POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION It's an oil -smooth, oil -cooled automatic transmission. It's simpler with fewer parts to wear or require adjustment, it's smoother because all does it all without complicated intermedi- ate gears. Optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. EXTRA EXTRA LARGE BRAKES Chevrolet" Jumbo -Drum brakes atth their Pig 1 -inch brake dram-- apply Ell..: lever- age for more s+rppi g power, Stops are -conn ter safe. with less driver effort. Bonded lir lag last up to twice as long. POWERFUL VALVE -IN -HEAD ENGINE Teamed with Powerglide* is the powerful valve -in -head engine — an outstanding performer by any measure! This Powerglide engine's liydraulio-Hushed valve lifters are another impor- tant Chevrolet exclusive, *(Powerglide automatic trans- mission available on De Luxe models at extra cost.) GORGEOUS NEW COLORS Choose from a wide choice of rich new colors and two-tone color combinations . , the most :sonderful in Chevrolet's field Drstinetise new. De Luxe iniemrs. are color-matrfaed to the exterior body colors for new color harmony inside and out. BODY BY FISHER Fisher Body sets the standard in the automobile industry, - for styling, for craftsmanship, for comfort and convenience! And Fisher Unisteel construc- tion guards you „with the solid strength of steel welded to steel - above you, beneath you, all around you. CAST IRON' ALLOY PISTONS Pistons are formed from the same material as the cylinder block — expand and contract at the same rate. This helps maintain a precise fit at all en- gine temperatures — reduces piston wear and nil consump- tion! EXTRA WIDE TREAD Chevrolet measures a full 58% inches between centres of rear wheels --r providing a broader base to give you more stability on the road, less sway on the curves UNITIZED KNEE -ACTION RIDE Chevrolet's famous Knee - Action ride is now even softer smoother. New shock absorber action smothers bumps and jolts more quickly and effectively than ever, MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! Riv rs EXTRA -EASY CENTREPOINT STEERING Control i, centred between the front .wheels instead of behind the left front wheel. Ibis ad. lanced steering geometry makes Chevrolet surprisingly easy to steer, manoeuvre and park. 4 -WAY ENGINE LUBRICATION Chevrolet's exclusive engine lu- bricating system supplies exact, ly the right kind and amount of lubrication to each moving part, It helps Chevrolet's proved valve-in-bcad engine servo you better and longer for less) GM "SHADE -LITE" GLASS Reduces Glare, Heat, Fatigue Chevrolet offers "Shade -hits" glass with exclusive, shaded windshield -tinting for your extra protection. "Shade -Lite" and heat, 'round el n youdlriive more safely andp3comfortably. (Opth:mai et extra eon). 7te 6$4, ,%te air PRICED SO LOW Each afternoon and eveninf, the carnival sptritiof the 1952 /Western Fair reaches i(s peak, with the breathtaking spectacle of the Grandstand Show, featuring eight thrilling and diversified acts, In addition, the evening performance includes trlledasslingical revue! Grandstand Follies, a plat/ m PRICES; $ #90 .'$1.25 • $1.50 t evuur Mall Orders Accepted VA'sna A110115 TO WW1." a�ssooinN imaroN. eta atplaCtOn JACK KOCHMP 'S HELL DRIVERS • World Champions in Actiohl• Monday 6 Tuesday Aftentoons Only) ,OS q,{ HORST SHOW tm r+^. •w ties, 1. tM o.t.,M .$4s 5.* mi50 ,d.y,rY ThlaffArone DOAl TICKETS r«saw ,., . t. s.. s,. rwwu ..sod • woe 000.06 Irietrt S[DM 'T. 8\T0 13 - LONDON, ONT. M_anallar BUY ADVANCE SALE TICKETS FROM : R. A. BENNETT'S GROCERY, BRUSSELS MAIL ORDERS NOW FDR WESTERN FAIR GRANDSTAND SEATS Practically every out -of -Lown vizi tor to the great Western Fair, Lan- don September 8 to 13, will wish to see either the afternoon or even. ing grandstand performance. To obtain the best seats, Prospective Patrons should write to Western Fair, London, immediately, enclosing money order or Cheque Payable tit par, and self-addressed envelope. Be sure and specify date and whether afternoon or evening per- formance. Prices are $1.00. 31.25,, and 31.50, Jack Hoohman and his thrilllinp and daring "hell drivers" will feature the afternoon grandstand performance Monday and Tuesday 1 aftgrnoons only, September 3 and 9. The grea.t Futurity Harness Races will be the special afternoon attractions for the balance of the week. Evening performances of nine top notch acts will feature the great AllStar Girl Revue of the George. A. Remit] Productions, New York. Mail your orders now for the hest grandstand seats, Mao remember, pleas. that only holders of advance sal, admission tickets are eligible to participate in the draw for 37.903 in prizes In- rludine three motor Cara, FALL FAIR DATES, 1952 Acton Sept. 19, 20 Arthur Sept 28, 24 At Oct,. 2, 3 Ayton .. Sept. 26, 27 Brussels Sept. 26, 26 Caledon Sept. 20, 27 Chatsworth Oct. 2, 8 Chesley Sept, 6, 6 Clifford Sept, 16, 17 Drayton Sept. 20+22 Dundalk Sept, 10, 11 Durham Sent, 0, 10 191mlra Aug. 29 - Sept. 1 Oct. 11 & 13 Fengue - Sept, 19, 20 Vordwtc'h Galt FOR BALE — 1,:."-. .."..._ , ;tece batty '/s acre of laud in Village of Brag. cele, Priced to sell. 100 acre farm, hydro, good build. Ings, 50 acres of Spring crop', neva tailing spring..8 acres of btu Priced to sell at 36,800.00. 501t "were, farm. Ooze to Villager red brick home. 'sun Porch, steel drive shed. large barn, 18 acres Spring crop, rest In hay and vase, Priced to sell. Farms nit sizes. and also mass hooses and realness. J..C, Long, Real Estate ilroker, Brussels, Ont. FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homnth R. 0. Mrs. H. Violo Hornuth R. tO. Optometrists Phone 118 Hai'riston, Ont. TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE e "EXHIBITION' AUGUST 22 TO SEPTEMBER tf l)et' 3, 4 FARE AND ONE-HALF Sept, 3,8-20 Sept. 3, 4 FOR THE Sept. 17, 18 Sept, 24, 25 Grand Valley 'Stan over Fl.arriston Holstein Tdstowel Lrnndon (Western Tanrknow M1lrlmav' MIlv,rton 'Mount Forme Nenctadl "ow TTnmhttrp ROUND TRIP Sept, 15, 20 Oood going Thursday, August Vl Send. 22, 23 ` Fair) swot. 8.13 to Saturday, September 6, inch)** Sept, 28, 24 Return Emit --September 10 Sept 15, 10 Sept. 19, 20 R,ItI. 1 §- & 1fi Sept. 19, 20 Rr'Pi. 12. 13 Sept. C, k Rept, 29, 80 Sent. 17, 13 Sept. 131, 1e fleet. 00, Oat. t Nor, I, Pafelry rus. Tjnlms rtnn E Untario rt,rt Elinin R,nfnrt� B s �J t Teeecame' Welketttn Full information (reef any agsttg,