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The Brussels Post, 1952-8-13, Page 7
THE BRUSSELS POST • A.ugutat latah, MOTORISTS? DOJ1T 'PASS ONTARJQ DEPARTMENT QF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister • TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE • TO THE • RO EXHIBITION AUGUST 22 TO SEPTEMBER'S FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going Thursday, August 21 to Saturday, September 6, inclusive. Return limit—September 10 Pell information from ony octane WANTED— Lead and disabiea arm animals Wanted for prompt piek-up. O� Percy Stephenson, Ethel, Pl,c se Brussels 86r12, Collect.' WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP Always a targe mock in Oh•1•ase Granites to Chose from All modern machinery. famous for Cemetery lettering a apealat8q Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prions. R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256 — Wingham, Ott. Standish Speir • IMauve, .yellow and white gladioli ; decorated Westminster Chapel, Bat .urday afternoon When Laura Mary Speir acid Angus Gilbert Standish 1 exchanged marriage vows, The bride • is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Johm G. Speir, Brussels; and the groon} is the son of Mr. and Mrs. t, A. W. Standish, Cookshire, Quebec. The Rev. 7. G. Lethbridge offi- j elated, 7. E; 'Tunstall played the organ, and Mrs. W. B. Parrott sang. Given in marriage by her brother, Kenneth Speir, the bride wore a floor -length gown of white Chantilly lace and nylon net over. satin, fashioned with a. full skirt extending to a circular train, and fitted bodice withlidypoind sleeves ^nd round necklines. Her finger-' tin veil of tulle and Chantilly lass wits gathered to a crown of seed pearls, and she carried a white Rthle topped by an orchid and white stephanotis. She wore a gold ]ncke,t which her grandmother •^nre..on her wedding day: ✓ 'Vise Helen Speir, Toronto, was her sister's maid of honor, attired ie a lilac gown, and Miss Margaret Serer, Brussels, also a sister of the teethe ., was bridesmaid, in yellow. '"ie :atimpless. tloor.length, . faille :-erns were identically styled with lona bodice, full. skirts and capes Orf witching nylon sheen. Their he"ddreeses were braided bandeaux snit beat .carried baskets of yellow end mauve mums. ',visas Diane Speir, Sinicoe, was newer girl. wearing a pale green faille- floor -length gown with full skirt and ruffled nylon yoke• Her headdress and flowers were similes to Those of the other attendants. Donald Standish, Cooksbire, P. Q., breaker of the 'groom, was best man, and the ushers were W. B, Porrntt. London. and George Joni, Cihathasn. 1 reception followed et the 'Knotty Pine inn, the bride's moth- er receiving in a 'navy faille dress with lace inserts and white acese- ertes, .and corsage of white roses. '^he •groom',motiher assisted, wear - in : a navy lace dress, navy acces- s•rries and coreroge of pink roses.' For n, wedding trip ib Northern Ontario and , Qntthen, the bride I :rm chose a white gabardine suit, with tutees aoeessories and .orchid cor- sage. On .their t oturn, the couple will reside' in Leedom ' The 'bride is a 'gradaste of . the Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital School of Nursing, .and the . groom is a graduate, in •science, of McDonald College. r;E:)PLL i E KNOW Mrs, Robe. Galbraith of R. R. 1 Atwood is visiting her daughter Mrs, Archer Grewer,. Brussels. Mr. and Mrs: 13. Wallace, Toronto have been guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Whitbard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bryans, Ham- ilton spend the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Pd. 'Bryan& Miss, Date Smith, Hamilton, • is spending a -couple of weeks with Mr, end Mrs. Ed. Bryams. Mr. and Mrs. Haroicl Whtttard, St. Catharines were recent visitors with lids parents Mr. and Mrs, B. Whlbtard. 1tir. and Mrs. John. Thompson of Toronto are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. F. Mitchell, the ladies are sisters. - Rev, Maurice Oldham and Mrs. 011dham ofCamdenFast were .visit- ing Mr: and Mrs, Louts D. Thomp- son this week. Mrs. Tenet and daughter ticleen, Stratford. have been visitors with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Thomas, ' Mrs. .7. W. Elliott of Toronto has been visiting for the pest month with her slater Mrs, Louis D. Thompson, 9Tr, and Mrs. .7. T. Harvey, Tor onto, with Sudith and John, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs.. • W. S. Scott, W. S. and Mrs. Scott spent a few days with their :sons Graeme and Franlc et Welland and Wallaceburg respeotively. Mrs. M. Wineherg• and clanghter Rochelle were called home from New York. where they mere holiday - tee, because of the sudden 55110405 eteose of 1Tr, Wineberg, • ars err, rftpv Ficr•hr+^ wen le 1n Clinton. Hospital where he under- went an appendeetomy. on. Monday of this week, is. recovering favour ably. Mr. and Mrs, S A. McGinnis, Diane and Jan, "CeTheerd, Ant.: and i Mr, and MM. Prams Scott of Wallace' bung, were holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W. S. 5oott, . Mr. and Mn's. Alex Mg-rheli Strat- ford were visiting • Mr. :and Mrs. Walter Hugge s for the week -end and also •seetug her .,puler from • Carrie who is visiting Mt, Huggans. Me and Mrs. Gerald Morgan of Moorefield and Mrs, Vera Long and slaughters Joyce .and Bernice of Fleaherton were recent visitors with Mr. And Mrs. Herb Manning, nbsn with George, Manning. CL4ASSIF'1ED ADS. WANTED — Staek of Wheat Straw, Bill Wbeeler Phone 12J24 FOR SALE — 2 Durham Cows to freshen, Aug, 201h, 6 and 7 yeaiis old, goon milkers. Torrence Dundas, Walton Phone 90r6 FOR SALE Hardbody Wood, -Limb and Cedar for kindling Janice Steveneen Phone' 60r4 FOR SALE - T Rural 'mailbox, in excellent con- dition;: apply' to Mrs.. McInnis Phone 65r$ F'OR SALE -- Simmer thick Buyers.' Bargains 10 Bray pullets, mixed, or cpekerels —rout, olsolce-3 sleeks - $19.90; 4 weeks . $24,90. Shipper's choice of variety. Dayolds • to order. Late September'- October chicks. Order now. Agent, Wm.cGlen Bray, Ethel. FOR SALE — 600 s 16 implement biros, 3 fur now 'Tractor Plow on rubber, 1 rubber tired wagon, gon, Litter canters, water bowls, Cattle and Hog Min- erals sod Spraying material, . will also euypply sprayer. Seed Wheat and Fertilizers, apply to,. Geo. Wesenhurg Phone '56r9 HONEY FOR SALE — Clover Honey in your own con tainers 20c a ib. Wallace Ross AVaries Seatorth. Ont. Phone 135T CUSTOM WORK Get iyour harvest oultivet- ing done the fast economical way hath one-way discing or plowing. Mel, Jermyn Phone 53r12 Brussels FOR SALE— White ALE—White brick house, ; 4 piece bath, '/z acre of land in. Village of Brus- sels. Priced sto sell. 100 acre farm, hydro, good bull& Inge, 50 acres of Spring crops, never failing spring, 8 acres of bush. Priced to sell at $6.800.00. 100. acres • farm, close to 'Village; red brick home, sun Porch, steel drive shed, large barn, 18 acres Spring crop, rest in hay and grass, Priced to son. • Farms all sizes, and also Village hooses and business; 7. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, T3ruese3s, Ont. • DEAD NOCK E1EAD AND CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY FOR SANITARY. DISPOSAL. Telephone Colles: BRUSSELS 85R12 ELMIRA 564 , I GORDON YOUNG LIMITED jacm.z - The Ca@a ©f Ohs Ole G Dict . MELVII.LE CAURCH' Rev. Andrew Lane occanled• Ike pupil of Melville Cilurelt on Sunday lase. Messes. hill Icing and GGraame elecl)onald rendered two 'duets, "Teach Me To Pray" and "The Olid !tugged' Cross." Mr, L. D. Thompson presided at the organ. • CR.N21ZOOK Services will he held ea usual in Knox Presbyterian, Church on Sun- day; Ang. 17 with' Sunday School at 10 a,m. and l'hurch service at 11 a. m, Mrs, J. H. Cameron, London, have been spending a ecuple of weeks with Mrs. 7t. K: McDonald and Miss A, J. Forrest: Miss Sandra Michel underwent a .t0nsileetomy in Listowel Hospital on Thunsday. Misses Linda Dunn and Marton Michel are spending a week at Girls' Clamp at Kintail. Mr. Winston Mciachern and daughter Jetnde, Hamilton, visited with his uncle and aunt Mr, and Nee, Peter Baker. 6 VILLAGE.OF BRUSSELS •By -Law No. 6, 1952 By -Law No. 6, 1952 of the Village Brussels, •County of Huron, Ontario; Being a By -Law to 'control Vehicle Traffic In certain sections of the Village of Brussels, County of Huron, Province of Ontario. Whereas the Mnietpel Council of the Village of Brussels, County of Huron. Province of Ontario, con- sider itneccessary and expedient that certain regulations governing vehicle, control traffic in the said Village of Brussels be brought into force:. - Therefore ,the Municipal Council of the Village of Brussels., County of lemon. Province. of Ontario enacts .as follows: 1. No motor car, truck, traotor, hetes drawn vehicle. nor any Other passenger or draught vehicle clr'll he allowed to make what is known RS all TURN at any point on "r,;rnben'y Street in the Village of Brussels. For the purpose of this Tib; Law, "T! TTTRN" shall mesh to turn a vehicle within a roadway so to »reseed in the opposite direct- ion. 2. Six NO Ts TPRNS traffic signs shall he 'Purchased end erected le naneentent ]ncatinns at the fol- lowing intersections in the Vil- lagee: 2 signs re the intersection of Mill and Turnherry Streets. ' 2 signs at the intersection of Thomas and King Streets with Turnberry Streets. 2 signs at the intersection of Flora and Market Streets with Turnberry Street, 3. Any person violating any of the provisfens of this By -Law shall be subject to a penalty of Ten Dollars Mr the first offence and not more than Twenty five dollars for every subsequent offence, exclusive of eosts, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under the* Ontario Summary Conviction Act. 4. This By-law shall take effect after the final passing there- of, and sisal] remain in force at the pleasure of the Municipal Council. Read a first and second time this 14th day of May, 1952. R. B. Cousins, Reeve. G. R. Campbell, Clerk. Read a third time and passed this 14018 day of May, 1052. R. 13, Cousins. Reeve, G. R. Campbell, Clerk. Approved this 3rd day of July, 1952 pnreenant to the provisions of the .Htehway Traffic Aot. Geo. Ti. Doucett, Minister of Highways USED CARS 1948 •Pontiac Coach, with Radio 1947 Pontiac Coach 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1946 Chev. Coupe 1940 Dodge Sedan 1940 Chev. Coach 1937 Pontiac Coach 1937 Chev. Coach Many Older Models USED TRUCKS 1946 Ford 3 ton Stake 1951 Chev. Sedan Delivery, with air ccndition Riversi:e 4;tors Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas and oils Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. WETERN FAIR TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE HERE General "advance sale" admission tickets to the Weeders Fair, Lon- don, September 8 to 13, are now on sale in Brussels and in every com- munity In Western Ontario, These tickets are sold in strips of three for one dollars, Ouly holders of these advance sale tickets are eT- igible for over $7,000 worth of prizes These prizes inelude three motor cars, teleyision set, electric ret; frigenator, washing machine and two bicycles. There is a "honing 00111/011" on every strlli of itiekete. This coupon I Is NOT good for _admission, but it does entitle purchaser to partici- ; pate in a special draw for TWO oars bonus coupon, with your name and address on the back of it, must reach Wesitern. Fair, London, below 9.30 P. M. September 8 to be Includ- ed in the draw the opening night of •the Fair, The draw for the other prizes will be made Saturday night. September 13, Western Fair, "where town and enuntry meet", is the bine ribbon event of the fall season ' and is • "most" for all Western Ontario, Bey your tickets now, Send that bonus coupon immediately, in that way, you are sure of 'yogi. chance to win not only one but two cars Septein ber 8. Remember these advance tickets will not be on sale the week of the Fair when admission price will be 5/ Monday night, September 8, This cents at the gate. Prizes valued at over $7,500.00 Only ADVANCE SALE TICKET HOLDERS are eligible for prizes including • 1952 Dodge • 1952 Meteor • 1952 Pontiac • Philco Television Set • Connor Washing Machine • international Harvester Refrigeraf • 2 Bicycles Special Opening Night Award Two 1952 Cars Special nen-admission coupon ttached must n •IIS Western Farr Association by 9,30 p.m, Sept. 8, f!•� to 69 eligible for opening night draw. TO 13 W LONDON, .:`„i• W. D. JACKSON, Manager oe Farms $grviC2 Dept. 00G,I'M HAVING TROUBLE WITH PIC CANNNG IR, - BALISM IBALDOC! IN MY NEWLY `HOUSED BIRDS. WELL,'BILL, THE FAULT MAY BE IN YOUR FEEDING OP ALL PELLETS INSTEAD OF REGULAR VITA -LAY E66 MASH, SUPPLEMENTED ,,, BY PELLETS. WHY, DOC, I FED YOUR PELLETS ON RANGE AND THEY DID A WONDERFUL dos OF GROWING THIS FLOCK. YES, I KNOW THAT, BILL, BUT YOUR BIRDS WERE ON OPEN RANGE H - EN, AND HAD OTS OF GRASS AND BUGS TO KEEP THEM. BUSY. YOU SEE BiLL- VITA -LAY PELLETS ARE DANDY TO KEEP KEEP PRODUCTION UP LATER IN THE SEASON. BUT NOW WHEN PULLETS ARE FEEDINGTHOUGHT STCOMIN6 INTO PRODUCTION SUPPLIES THEIR NeeDSTOO FAST EACH DAY. THEY HAVE TOO MUCH IDLE TIME -THEYGET INTO MISCHIEF AND START PICKING ONE ANOTHER. Ave' i�7TA twinsh/�l'`e S4t4 ,4ATt, 3. b �C,'t - N�C�'p l� R l�[�4 "_ �/,t/ Y666 THE _ _- r' kaa ;°f//- \ •'Y iii i Ny \�: '�/. : �+ E ,a�'ia i�� ( 1 I NEVER F THAT, NOWTHA1I I KNOW THE SURE Ti1IN§BILL. ROE PELLETS ARE JUST THE TRICK FOR GETTING GREATER MASH CONSUMPTION WHEN IT IS NEEDED— tureze THE °No, REASON FOR �z 7'HArPv tz$ ---- S 4 i i .` e, + j' i rv'i it 1� 7. �O� o `R s� ,,, ,7/�� �•s 'r"j � � rte * w . ` w .. •*' I ��'' „ S' r- 1rdG % � `=1s k y ;. �t ., 'y :”; ,���"• ' �.. . :�h " FEEDING ,� '-- .�_ PELLETS, ''''' \' N. , jUllt _` 1� '` i � ` �� �., tip `• �' mat ~' fRit"" ►�°» vim' G a 1111 li .��I�j,�, .� I I �� (f.� fans .. \� yw 1 p.� ..-. RA 's \- 4�.. °s %�+�"«_ :=--t ,• . q '�a, i1 l�h roe vnttls 4 T ��: !'L ,;,. , i CAN SEE THEIR REAL VALUE TO ME, �` fl _ ! �1e t i, '`1 1 437.14; Ip J� .:,QBtla%%%%011\�la 'p�*'.�y t %r, p y/� j� i � V ��i' ��1'k i 11 III �( 4 •` �e�g�'� lisp„aeng g,,. tdi'6 a/ J nS rIIfUN6 CP,' .r. �, ill„ f a1 1 , r /� _ _. last Flacon Produce BRUSSE45 .ftQHN LAMOt�IT ETHE1 I: HARRISC2N MONCRIEFF Y' tf •;=-+---.•i J "�'�''_..v- r,a ""fah w7 ` t `�� r �, �'� /`' � •.��, tJi `'7.%'JrAt� i� ,ar+�a r:, ”. � `.'�>' t ae t; �, du _ . '" i 1..,,•t,,,,, ,ti•,+,. )) S. E�'.'., I ,!..--,,,,,..:11.0V� 1 l tl, 1�r. 7 ill. t..i;,, rte. L l e . MASH ,•►. I ��I :err .re+ III 41� , wy. I,..�. y, ,ro � / \ I„I.I, �9'' . \, ¢ = ,' •`1�. tic.+ — 0 _ .._--� „�` � .�t �;�;u. • io ,k to